Ioronto's Durham Co unty Club Beautiful Replica of United -Church in Icing Sugar ttsaiEOanfIO.lB1? Ehjoys One-Day Tour of District theACKSTOCKar Ca mSever a f r h r te d d M . a d M . Ia c b7 Secretary EL. J. Shier County Club of Toronto Fali, Clarke Township, and Mrs. choir from North etea*yen On Saturday, September Tour - 1967". After a pleas- P oster, Mr. John M. James, sang two aflthems,"epO tdM.adMs n O0th, the Durham outy ant visit at Miss Aked's home, 'Mrs Geo. W. James, Mr. For- Pnaying" and BssdSvnngurgthwek Club of Toronto hâtd theit1 Mr. Bert Ashton expressedý rest Dilling and Mns. Agnes lor". Rev. P. Romeideir- usta MndMs S>fultour ta their native the appreclation of ail theîBurley. ed an impressivesemn nadKlyadgisurg uty This year being our; members to Miss Aked and! At Canton Hall, Mr. Dllling "What do you sadfr"weM.adMs ode ~Untry's birthday* the tnipÎthe ladies who served. !showed local pictures: New- from the text «Il r y elHmitn orwee4 rdqiea centennial flavor. The next stop was at the, castie Centennial -in 1956 and Witnesses." eceso C1 isNny ansOh Aked' home near Tyrone It where an interesting houri 1958. A dorgan recital was wright Central Scholatn-Toa olt n n n la truiy a house of treasures1 was spent; interesting due ta given by Miss Nancy Dickin- ed the TeachersCoeninMsHerWakrnd ur inestled among the hills and! the fact most of the exhibits: son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. for Durham No. 1tahr aFnlnFis trees. Her home was origin- on display were relative toiS. Dickinson. This nine-year- to-Bck Ot.wPilme FneonFaisanlM allY owned by Thos. Mc- lthe early life in Durham. We old artist amazed the audi- o-rc Hotel Niar s Laughlin and built appraxi-, also visited the Pine Ridgeý ence with her gifted adept- Bnlriackstoc .Aicaoniw antbwr ek Jnately 1845. Mr. MeLaugh choal and took in some of: ness and talent. The rapt at- lkso Ag lin Was a carpenter by trade I the activites af their Cen-' tention af everyone indicatedPepejid1 und tht woodwork in the tennial Festival. the appreciatian of Nancy's1 Young Peoples gnoup raPtJ .Fet omnilwr homne, which was beautifullyi A delectable hot dinner was musical skill Luck Supper, Sundyevin.atda eelgges a and canefully restored, is evi- served at Newtonville Unitedi As is the custom of aur Several tram Carijh t n n n.Mr~nGa dence of this fact. Church by Miss B. Mlligan's Club the evening closed with tended the Centenial,~l ihm The hountiful and delicious1ý group af the U.C.W. During !tht singing af Auld. Lang aid of Pont PenryHoptltMnadMn.Jms ase repast, the gift of Miss Aked,' the meal, Dr. O. B. Dickinson,1i Syne with Nancy Dickinson Club Annrene Saturangh.ndCiod, urm wr te the members, was served ý President af the Club, intro- at the organ. This bnought ta eO.N.o M K D by Club 50 with several ai duced the head table andian end a most delightful day ONO club was heda1h s n usor the ladies in centennial cas-i welcomed the distingulshedi in Durham County. Tht home afi Fawlei turne. The tea table wasl guests-Rev. T. J. Snelgrove,! members left for home with t... Thunsday nightOtbr 2hA0tuio(h h ighlighted by a cake suit-! Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carruth- many pleasant memoies and with 27 members andtos a ies ws hl udy ahly inscribed "D u r h a ml ers, Mr. Roy Foster, Reeve of renewed acquaintances. . .. .. .. itors in attendance.Otnw c. thaBactokRc member joined. SpebrrainCnr.M.adMs ~ ,.~, minutes wene nead n p atrLwec ncMre 0 ~~~~ ~~~., ~~~p oved. Treasu e n as e o lr n h i a iy o Proposai to Sel High Schoolt ak ar f h Commencement. Jaae ase l;Jh n eeaLwec To Be Discussed a! Meeting witresanted eforytbe Tht names weredrw foTeFolrwieadam.y Christmas exchange igts atrFalr ieadtm C c. uncil IIc~.j~es tc .4 rran g eWhen Newcastle United Church held its celebra- time the project took she replied that "dit ruined a came as -a r.Hsesadbn n aiy Town Council decided at ils evident need for a langer High Oke. tions earlier this year to mark the Centennial of the week's housework." It was made ta scale, using card- her graup served aj eiiu ubn n aiy necent meeting held in tht Schoal building here, and ad- Couricillar Nicks, secanded laying of the cornerstone, Mns. Francis Jose under- board cutouts for tht various sections of the building, lunch. jOta onget h Council Chamber ta arrange ta vised that tht board has 18.2 by Councillor E. J. Rundie, took ta make a scale model replica af the church, The finished product drew many complimentary 4'H Club sae ihM.adM. nieet with representatives ai acres east o! Liberty Street moved that Darlington Town- uigiigsgradnt hnakdhwmc omns u - lb tht Durham Caunty District North as a site for a composite ship Cauncil be invited taeuin icngsugr ndnet W en skd ow uc co mets High Schoal Board, the De- school ta meet tht require- meet Town Council ta discuss tock Buetringerhedtei oceFweradNaiy partment af Education, and ments ai Secondary Education. matters aising from By-Law cie.Tepc olad f amrso usa the Public School Board for a Tht letter stated that tht 67-30, and that arrangements I eIebrates First Birthday chineast,p0 nce.i any 10th a 4 meiga M. aphMcia. .. n.adM thoraugh discussion ai ail Depatment o! Education wiîî for this meeting be made by r's an Tuesday, OctarernWitred FoeetrinMichigan.eMn. acts et tht proposed sale ai not give approval for a new Clerk-Cantroller Robent L. 1'~"~".crdfr hr etn wt h - id boc annst ested by hand, and like labor Ri a a n Bn ville H i gh School. school at this location until a Byron. This was carrîed.tvyweetiisxpsve cal ner T Il was moved by Cauncillor finm cammnitment on the dis- It was decided that Build- "Tht only machine used by land, Seocado racesctaEg Gienholme Hughes, stconded posai ai tht present Bawman- ing Inspecter R. Hetherington aIl German farmers is tht trac- edrM.adMnsU by Councillor Maurice Prout. ville High Schaol building is1 attend tht annual canference tan, and it is used for many Larme Martynu Acommunication tramn tht made by tht board. 1 of the Association ai Building ch ~ b ok o n heitactors imake Irish Soda BreaAle Ttdth !Mn.Gog usohowotatMn. GtrgecW.rGashameir Durham County District High Tht High School Board's Inspectons in Kingston ta be ~, ,:. wî ycr amrwt i upig n nis rwGaa nae 6yas School Board neceived that lètter cantended that tht pres- held an Octaber l9th, 2than and chldenae ftn vnan epd ta mak devening had stated tht plainly tnt High Schoal building here 1. seen gaing for a drive on tht Welsh Rabbit. Alejydocre tSrtae us could net be used ton Ele- Notification fram the Van nad.these tasty dishes thtwn gHoeBwmviln mentary Education as it i. an Hoaf Construction Company .-..t"ln r en a apeat h aîwn aisTusaOtbr5 97 aid building ,and it proaoedthat tht expected date ai the mlefamdficulies, reardscused,"heBits Ms Gaam hd en T i~~~ E I ~th t g vernment a dia~ ta~ xcesorgranting iSTraditiothrandyfarss industrial or commercial enter- Iis Febnuary 28th, 1968, was ne-Scoladisln asm n iedpnmn uligtsbiist e aehrwoee ihEgad prise. ceived and filed on a motion 4 The. t" eeti. Councillor Hughes said the by Cauncillar Rundît second- er ......-- .-rvlaesdand hsapter m and hIrlond. as ptiet i htn7ni] Choi r argument that tht present ed by F SmithLittle. their plats a! land sa that each edaicoe.7h. :0 i~ t h aeWi Hih choli od's etvli. hereinaio o F mih ia niy have ta wonk in ont !P.m o h omrEiaehAi proudly presents It a niy built in 1928, and tram tht F ire g Poolton was bria ot 4 are tagether orming limited dCraford at tht einnsNrh beld etnieadtoshave beaccepted with regret an a ae Dte omiglmtd rwo m ade ta it in th t last 10 years. m otion by Coun illor N c se u p e t h s i t p f n a v y a d M s e n H r e E g a d n 1 0 h SPECIAL Also right up ta and includ-j and secanded by Councillor t 'wrd". Mntn w rnwc n I 94secm aCnd CENTENNIAL îng this date it ha. been con- jRundie. M.ToesoaisusMohtr ndn.. e rgeHpprnitserarei sidened a good ~~~~~~~~~educationl It w s d c ed a s nd ae u tin system in. G e m any. St. John, N ew B ru ns i k î m î building," he stated. "Atrainst teprsntrpl e aphR Toeyad"The elementary system is like Mn.. Richard VanCapadt29SodStetorve A t r t i s t a t t p s e t n e l t a p h R . T a aîle t r ry. a nM~- ' ~ i r o u r s , b u t H i g h S c h o l s t a ts c h i d r n s p e n t t h t T i a k g v f S . P u ' n t A ih colbidn ol grigafml eieti tarlier. All children tram 10 ing weekend with her aetCuc na ag be much mont ecanomical than Darington Township be fanor-~" "' ta 15 learri English, wisely Mr. and Mn.. Roy Mnowa hatpeitdokana" '%N2( construction ai a new Public warded ta that Twnship's * .'a ting with conversational Hilton, ie pr n curl naia. I, .L~jjsL.X School building. If tht present Counicil. This was maved by .' ~ i... t~ nis.Iittulvniis Ms oenVnap o in e neet ete w ~High School building shouid Councillor Hughes, secanded ? thene la mont freedom. Study onta, spent the weEkdataonhnhmea4 riy, be used for Elementary Edu- by Cauncillor Prout. .~..~ .-t .l o oto h ai N ~r~~iyPub ic Sehool C uncillor Ru diemav:d ~exam inations but ta gain parents, M . and M i~ ~ al f p ii e n y e woulai home.lSunday sheeanddb1rtPredeceaked byrherehuByron i not be n eded that Cl d erko trole By v'knawledge," tht speaker said. fond VanCamp wene me fo nte 0yasl o-"rdto and culture are gutats af Mn. and M:s Ih nydugtr(aa> r E i mnanville," Councillon Hughes1 necessany action negarding ad -~.' maniiest. AIl cities and towns ard VanCamp and faiy. 15M.Gi declared. hb M dM BM aa act r O amoio b Cunilorvice fnom the Consumer.' Gas k""~~ support tatres, opera, bal- Mr. and ns. Bruce on POnu tonded by Coun cillor Com pany's intention ai an in-'t een y p o y o c e t a , o , G r a d P u, a s n m u n b r b s s x s n let Mn Tomsony rid est and MyGayn.Frd TPaw, LodWlima saa hm Aniot e . y ouell terim orden ai rates. This was Mr. Geonue Johnn ai. re Trwi AneOke permission wasiseconded by Councillor Oke, A. H. Strîke moved a vote and Earle, spent tht e kedRbnao!a granted tht Santa Claus Par- and carried. o~ f thanks ta tht speaker, and at Expo.anAietcPrst.Nnm ade Committeetet have this On a motion by Councîllon said that hi. address had given Mn. and Mn.. Wallaci u engadhlrnad1 Rannuai parade on Saturday Rundie, scconded by Reeve '"thclbttbtinentoalegBcrfwewekgatnndhden issu. 10 o'clock, and it was alsa nequest ai tht Planning Board Cal niht T agneed ta have the assistance ta retain the services ai con - rsd n I W t es o n M .a d M s u e ai tht Police and Wonks De- sultants ta carry out a study epesdh.proa'cle nsv avt n pantment made availabie. inicennetion withtht Officai - . IBovmanviile, ChaiBowi Volcetaln Concert: iu~f~ uhesc nd- Plnand a resicteOfcaie y >t n rsne i ihaFia.cnutd Rv , appreciation ta Mn. Tamenson enal relatives in thte ilgudy ctbr7h n a ed by Cauncillor Ken Nicks, Law. It was agreed that thteySmr ROSS METCALF, Tenor mcved th at tht sale ai pappits appaintment ai these consult- . iew dys wihGn.anorg.eamîy ... Bwmnvl by Branch 178 ai tht RoyalatsblettthClkCa-M.Gereawespnavie.nemnt a hth VIV A N SA LE , Ca ad an Legin n N ovem - tro ler. Ed Strong, Bow m anviil , - - Contralto bera3nd dand 4th be approved, dvceaith apovl i N v.His i hospitlthere. wr Msr. îmuMG AUrdvicrd viitdoer roheen.Any alieaen, ilgrnofn and this was carried. tht Canadian Board af Trans- . t.., g-y * t y.' G ta epr PAT GILL, Soprano Councillar James Bourke,potCmisnesfrhtM.W.Ga potBmisoesfrteryant and Mns. Glen Laven-nehm rmport n.MKc-hmlsaa ereBon KEDLSHOLCOR seconded by Reeve SidneyrcntuioofeLbty Daren Colin Knight, celebrated his fist birthday on Sept. 9, 1967. Ht is der are able to be home fo Q~~RWA mavittle LinedthtsCubt Street subway was received the son of Canai and Colin Knight R.R. 2, Newcastle, and the gnandson aof Mn. hospita]. i Mrs. R. Stinsan, BwanTo Gahm Ptebogl OPAW mavile LonetesClu beand filed on a motion by Coun- and Mrs. E.K. Smith, Bawmanville, and Mr. and Mn.. W. A. Knight, Oshawa. Church service at BunketonÉville, spent tht wetkendwt BARBER SHOPPERS given permission ta put up a cillor Nicks, seconded by M k. 14 ..EeyoyWih.mnii munity etresth Lionettesn-Councîllor Hughes. eobePhtrhv l 14 ..Eeyoywei-iMrs. Albert rmt tlag-poentat th Lint,- cui a r p ae M.Pu am eeb ta25h wtre made. There wene study tht basic econamy Oa ithrfrarclurrf-e-idijeLi:ae sevn a th meeting. tht country and tht lite af its estation, commerce or indutny. erals, but added that the N Lnhwas served. people. Ht said that Mr. Tom- You have prabably seen theEupan Cmo Makt5 Mn. and Mn.. R. White enson i. a member ai tht tirm film 'The Sound ai Music,; wîll be ai great benefit ta 4143 IVI45 O N ST EET 1toure the Algoquin aio Tomenson and Saunders, you wîll be able ta picture the Gernmany. The cool industny YSR 1omnvle Whlt In Guelph last week-, ance brokenage firms in Cana- eny in ail Genmany is like that ot ail and also because it is (FORMERLY STEWART'S SEEDS) end Mn. and Mns. H. Quantnil da. and ha. hilîs and valicys 0! mhay tamtht itedo taGes- matoned ta the Algonquin Mn. Tomenson said that tht indescribable beauty, with fine than ta mine it in tht country. Park. group's tour ai Germany was villages and towns."I th arnd 1,0 ONCE A% YEAR W EL» ftLJV , I Mn.. Sam Moore, Patsy and a mémorable expérience fan "'There are few buildings on miners wîîî be out ai wonk *, ~ * st Donna along wih friend Lu- hm, and that he was im- fences in tht country, and by thed o! next year. ItNIVRAYAE cille, spent Monday with mensely impressed with tht there are no signs o! bouses will be a great task for the AL We wiII continue to serve you with'tht best Thickson', Tht two littît progressive deveopnents in and barns. Tht homes a! the German goverament ta realoI JI JI in floral arrangements, eut flowers, etc. . . . girls stayed with' their grand- farmers and tht haras are inicute these people. NV E RA plus a fulll une of quality seeds. parents until Saturday whiie lent turkey dinner was senv- tht villages, and each day they "-«Farins are divided into their mother and her tniend ed. Six pensioners have a go out ta their land with a amaîl aneas. Ia 1949 tbree- O Lcle motoned ta Expo. record of services ai 267 years tratr, or a wagon". fiths were leus than 10 acres WATCH FO NEXT W E ' 2 Phones to Serve You They went home on Sunday. ta lie pensioned In ont yar, M. Tomrenson spake of the and ini 1967 40 ta 60 acres Ia 623-7141 -623-5577 Mn. and Mrs. R. Westheusen, an average of 44 pears eacb. cleanlinesa ai tht villages and about tht average ize ofaiomavlespnthwe-M.Ticon as ne itwn."tabcknianan. ADVERTISEME N end with Thicksons also. these. They each reoeived a iran and steel town but It i. "Geninan tarmens have sev- 'WATCH FOR OPENING SPECIALS Anothen Ganaraska cari leathen hiiifold stamped wlth immacuiateiy cdean. In thé cml probltms. Ont i. that D E U race was heid, real3 thteilst the Lodge No. and Brother- -early mornings the people each tarms s mail plots and FREECU IN NEXT WEEK'S PAPER lhaîf ai last Sunday's race. haad ai Ways and Mainten- camne out and wash not oniy some ai tbemn are la dîtierent MR ESPCA our trophies were presnted.î ance, and a sum af mony. tht outside o! thein houses but aeas. During tht work day iD AW PCASRI O n Flo e r 1and ont for tht ont neceiv- and saucer. A dance conciud- iront ai bis house," be said. ai his farra ta drive Off on*oiahtp icrrc n.Tlko eevdacp abas ahsttsre nafrnrbut ev n a ETC. ETC. ïît1 ng tht highest points. This ed tht eveaing. "Wursburg, a loveiy city différent direction ta t*keGIT end up tht races ton the Mn. and Mrs. K. Tnew arc with striking renaissance cane ai bis ather lands, and c a Sho p fla. at Expo for a tew day.. architecture, was 95 per cent thi. going trom 1lce ta place r'Mn. and Mn.. H. Thickson Mr. Roy Beatty and Mrm. C. destroyed tive days betare thteià timt consuing and un- "WE BUY QUAUITY SEED" attended tht C.N.R. Pension- Beatty, Tarante, have been end a! World Wan Il, now has profitable. 'ersight held at Belleville visiting areund as Mn. Beatty been completeiy rebuilt exact- i 'Narrow roads pnevent the . on Friday aight. An excel-li. on holidays. ly as it waz before as the de- 1 use ai large automated me-