Lr~ the Cmnadiari Statftmnm owmanvmfe, sept. 2o, 1907 PROVýINCE ONYARIO 0F ONTARIO0 NOTICE 0-F REVISION 0 F LISIS (In- Urban Polling -Subdivisions) 0F VOTERS NOTICE 0F SITTINGS ofth Revising Officers in the Ellectoral District of the * Public Notice is hereby given of the revision of the Nos. 1i to 14 for the Tow n of Bowmanville in the Electoral AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that sittings wilI be in the schedule hereinafter set out. Any person qualifiedt whose name has been omitted from or incorrectly entered the times and places hereunder mentioned for the purpose at the said election. Complaints which have been properly enumerator's lists wiIl be heard at these sittings. DURHA Iist of voters for polling subdiviions District of Durham, held by the revising officers ut the times and places set for'th to vote ut the pending election to the Legisiative Assembly and in, the enumerator's list of voters is called upon to attend ut of hoving lus nome enrolled upon the list of voters to be used f iled with reference to names wrongfully entered upon the Lists of voters for this Electoral District wiIl be open for public inspection at the offieoth Returnung Officer located ait Orono between the hours of 9:00 ar. and 11:00 noon and1:0pm and 5:00 p.m., on and after Wednesday, the I7th dlay of'September, 1967. The Lists may also be inspected at the office of the Clerkc of the Municipality betwete hours. 'of 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.0 on and after Wednesday, the 27th dlay of Septembe,197 SCHEDULE Registration and Revising District No., includes Polling Subdivisions Nos. 1 to 14 inclusivein for the- Town of Bowmanville. Sittings wil of 10:00 a.m. and noon, and 2:30 bo be held for, Registration. and Revîsing District No. 1, at the Town Hall, Bowmanville, 12:00 noon, and 2:30, tb 5:00 p.m. Monday 'the 2nd day of October, .19671, and 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 to, 9:00 p.., Tuesday, the 3 rd day of October, 1967. between the houirs 10:00 a.rn. b 12:00 Registration and Revising Off icer Mr.. Hugh Fleming, Clerk ta Revising Off icer, Mr. Robert L. Byron, Town, Hall, Bowmanville Chairman J. C. Court of Election Board, N. Currelly, House, Cobourg Clerk of Election Boa rd, William J. McCaig, Court House, Cobourg COUNTY 11 '.4, I OF