Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1967, p. 17

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n lMemoriam ASMION-In laving memary of a dear son and brother Bruce, who departed this lite suddenly, September l6th, actions kind, tA willlng hand and an, active mind, Anxious to please, loath ta oftend, A lovlng brother and taith- fui son. -Tenderly remembered and' sadly missed by his motheri and tamily. 38-1 -BOUGHEN-In loving me- maory of a laving husband and father Ralph T. Baughen who passed away September 12, 1956. So many things have happened Since yau were called away, Sa many things to share with you Had yau been left ta stay. Fvery day in some smali waY Memories of you stili came Our way. -Remnembered by wife and familles. 38-1 BROWN-In loving niemory of Archie L. Brown wha pass- ed away September 22, 1962. Time dimr ail sorrows But neyer the memaories. -Ever remembered by Lor- raine, daughter Kathleen and son Ray. 38-1* COYL-In loving memory af a dear mather and grandmoth- er, Elizabeth, who passed away September 16, 1954, and a dear father and grandfather, James, who passed away April 6th, 1961. "Yau are not forgotten laved ones Nor wili you ever be, As long as life and memory last We wilI remember thee".i -ý-Sad1y missed by the familY. FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND> MARIERS (Ç%4\1 STAFFORD> r dII R DOS. LTD. 4ut hori ud D#&W Stafford Brothers monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Duadas St. E. -* Whitby Phione Whltbs 668-3552 In Memoriam CRAGO-In loving memory o! a dear mother and grandmnoth- cr Vida May, who passad away Septembar 12, 1964, also a dear tathcr and grandfather, Wm. Eber who passed away Septembar 21, 1951. Always a smila, instead of a frawn, Always a hand when anc was down; Always true, thoughtful and kid Wonderful memories thay left behind. -Always remembered by the family. 38-1* DELUCA-In loving memory of aur son and brother, Garry, who passed away September 24, 1966. Gone dear son, gane forever, How we miss yaur smiling face But you left us ta remember None on earth can take your place. A happy home we once enjayed, How sweet the memnory stili But daath bas left a lonlinesa The world can neyer f11l. -Mom, Dad, Terry and Angie. 38-1* FERGUSON-In loving me- mary af a dear father Wilbert James (Bert) who passed away September 24, 1966. We miss you so much in many ways, Wa miss the things you uscd ta Say; And when aid tumes we do recal It's then we miss You Most of ail. -Ever remembered and sadly missed by daughter Elva and son-in-law Bruce. 38-1* GOULAH-In loving memory o! my cousin, Lea, who pass- edad away September 26, 1966. Leaving fond memories Death can neyer take away. -Gerard Goulah. 38-1 GOULAH-In loving memory of Dad, Lea Goulah, who pass- ed away September 26, 1966. What we would give if we cauld say Hello, Dad, in the sanie aid way; To hear your voice, sec your smile To sit with you and cI awhiie. Sa you who have a father Cherish hlm with care, For you'll neyer know the heartache 'TiI you sec bis vacant chair. -Lovlngly remambered by Doris, son-in-law BIUl and gra~ndson Kenny. 38-1* 1lInMemoria GOULAR-In laving memary of my dear liusband Leo, who passed away Septembar 26, 1966. No morning dawns, no nightl rettrns But that I think of yau, Those left behind are veryý good But none replaces, you. Many a silent tear us shed, When I am ail alone,, The onc I loved sa very much The anc I called my own. -Lovingly remembered byï his wife, Margaret. 38-1 GOULAH-In loving mçemory of Dad, Leo Goulah, who pasa- cd away September 26, 1966. It seems so strange that those we need And those we lave the best Are just the ones God cailed away And taok them home ta rest. But every time I think of Dad I seem ta hear Gad say, Have !aith and trust my .promise You'll meet again some day. -Lovingly remembared by daughter Barnice. 38-1 GOULAH-In loving memary of Dad, Lea Goulah, who pass- cd away Septembar 26, 1966. Please Gad, fargive a sulent tear, A fervent wisb aur Dad was here.. There are others, yes, we know But he was ours, we loved hlm so. Dear God, take a message To aur father in beaven above, Tell hlm how much we miss hlm And give hlm al aur love. -Lovingly remembered by daughter Rita, son-in-law Les, grandchid Stephen. 38-1 GOULAH-In loving memory o! my Dad, Leo, who passed away September 26, 1966. We do not need a speciai day To bring you ta aur mind, For the days we do not think of you' Are very bard ta find. If ail the world were ours to give We'd give it. yes, and more, To sec the face of father dear Came smiling at the door. -Lovingly remembered by daughter Peggy, son-în-law Ron, grandchildren ,Debbîe, Donna, Julie and Joanne. 3- Music Lessons UITAR teacher, experienced, individual lassons; guitars for sale. 623-5060. 38-l* In Memoriamn HAMILTON-In loving me- mary of a dear fathar and grausdfatber, George Hamilton, who passad away Septamber 1 25, 1962. IWe who loved you sadiy miss you As it dawns anather year; In aur ionaly hours of thinking Thaughts of you are ever near. -Sadiy missed by the family. 38-11 HILDERLEY-In laving me- mary o! Elizabeth Hilderley, who passed away Septamber 23, 1961. Gad knew that sha was suffering, That the his were bard ta dllmb, Sa He closed ber weary eyelids And whispered, "Peace ha thine". Away in the beautiful hilis o! God, By the valley a! rest s0 faijr, Some time, sanie day, we know not when We wiil meet aur loved ona, there. -Sadly missed by ber lovinig busband, daughter and bus- band, grandehiidren C a r o 1, Dannis and Donald. 38-1w SELLERS-In laving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Thomas B. Sell- ers who passed away Sept. 20, 1964. A silent thought, a secret tear Keeps his memory ever dear, Tume takes away the edge o! grief, But memory turns baek every leaf. -Always remembered by wife, chiidren and grand- childran. 38-1 WILSON-In loving ;memary of a dear husband and father, David A. Wilson who passed away September 27th, 1966. We little knaw whan we woka that morn The sorrow the day would hring, The cali was sudden, the shock severe To part witb ana we laved so dear. Sametimes its bard ta under- stand Why sanie things have ta be. In His wisdom God has planned Beyond our power ta sea. -Lovingly remcmbered, by bis wi!a Ruth and famuly.. WRIGHT-In loving memnory of a dear husband and father, Albert Wright, who passed away Saptember 22nd, 1965. God saw you gatting weary Sa He did what Ha thought best, He came and stood beside you And said "Came home and rest". -Ever remembered by wife and family. 38-1 RIMAR MEMORIALS flignitiel wniD istinctive Mon*uments - Flat Markers la designs for any need 152 Simca. st. S.. Oshawa 723-1002 - 728-6627 office Evenlnts Reoeption The family of Mr. and Mârs. Bert Gibson will wclcomc friends, neighbors and rela- tives on the occasion oi their parents' 4th Wcdding Anni- versary at their home in Blackstock on Saturday, Sept. 30 tram 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 pa. Congratulations only. 38-1 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Carveth will welcome their relatives and friends ta their Golden Wedding in the Community Hall, Newcastle, from 7 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, September 30th, 1967. Committee: Mrs. . H. Toms, Mrs. F. Butler, Mrs. ~ R. Embley, Mrs. H. Jose, Mrs. G. Stapîcton, Mrs. S. Brere- ton, Mrs. Jno. Nesbitt. Good wishes only. 38-2 Piano Tuning PROFESSIONAL work guar- , anteed. Arthur Collis on, . 623-3900. 36-tf Auction Sales : Auction sale, property of Mrs. Robert Irwin, 198 Church Z St. N., Oshawa, on Saturday, Sept. 23, 1967, at one o'clock. ' Bell piano, refrigeratar (full freezer), electrie stove (Su- preme), St. Lawrence inboard (3 h.p.), (10 m.p.h.); rosewood table, antique; washing ma- chine (electric), Hoover floor polisher, vacuum c 1 e a n e r (Kenmare, like new), radia, record player and records, Ad- miral TV, 21", sewing ma- chine, bedroom suite with van-À ity, cheit of drawers, beds, 2 wicker chairs,' model 'Planes, china cabinet, buffet, table and 6 chairs, chesterfield and two chairs, calIce table, day bed, fur coat, lamps, magazines and books (collectar's items); reclining chair, smoker, trail- .~ er box, guitar. wicker sewing 1Comiriq Events Long Sault Club 50 Turkey Supper, November 4th. 37-2 Euchre Party, Tyrone HiaÏll, every Friday night, starting Sept. 8. Admission, lunch and prizes.________ 36-tf "Portraits fram the Past" at Clarke High School, Monday, September 25, 8 p.m. Admis- sion $1.00. 36-3 Sî7YJohi's Evening Branch Rummage Sale, Parish Hall, October 6th, 9:00 a.m. For pickup call 623-2025. 38-1 A Turkey Supper wîll be served an Friclay, Oct. 27, 5-7 p.m. at the Salvation Army Hall, Division Street. 38-1 Rebekah Lodge Penny Saile, Centennial Hall, Queen St. W., Friday, September 22 at 2 p.m. Tea and home baking. 38-1 Plan ta attend dance, Tyrone Community Hall, Saturday, September 23. Clara Nesbitt Band. Everyone welconie. 38-1 Duriham West W.I. Twee-ds- muir Tea at Hampton Christ- ian Education Room, Tuesday, September 26th, 2-5 p.m. Tea, 50C. ______ 38-1* Let's go îbowliýgSunday atternoons at Liberty Bowl. Special prices 35e per gamne. Bring the family for some en- joyabie recreation. 37-6 Darlington Liberal Associa- tion xiii hoid a meeting at Solina Community Hall on Monday, September 25 at 8:30. Everybodyweicome. 3 8- 1 Haydon Thankoffering serv- ice, Sunday, September 24, at 7:30. Guest speaker, Rev. Ken- neth Deer. Speciai music by the Country Four Quartet. 38-1 Coming ta Bowmanvilie, the Pine Ridge Jamboree, Sun- day, October lst, Town Hall, 8 p.m. Admission $1,25 ad- vance; $1.75 at the daor. Colar Tour to Algonquin Park, also Santa's Village, Sunday, Oct. 1. Go by chart- ered bus. Phone 885-2527 Port Hope, Rowe Travel Agency. 08-21 Maple Grave U.C.W. Turkey Supper wil ha heid on Wed- nesday, September 27th, 1967, in the C.E. Hall. Table sett- ings: 5:15 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. Price-Adults $1.75, children under 12 yrs., 75c. For tickets Phone 623-2158, or 623-3108 37-21 Coming Events Nestleton Presbyterian Church Anniversary Service, Sunday, Sept. 24 at Il ar. and 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker wiil ba Rev. E. Herron of St. Timothy Presbyterian Church, Ajax, former student minister. At evening service Bowman- ville Legion Gîce Club Chair will provide spacial music. 38-1w ROWE TOURS "Washington and Smokey Mountala Tour" Sept. 29 - Oct. 6 8 Days - Eseorted *'Thanksglving Tour to Rochester" Oct. 6 - 9 Travel a ir-conditioned motorcoach For information - Phone or Write ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY Port Hope 885-2527 or 885-2344 1Cominci Events Anyone wishing ta go ta Yorkdale Plaza or downtown Toranto, Monday, Sept. 2.5, picase 'phone by Sept. 23 - Port Hope, Rowe Travel Agency 885-2527. 38-1 MONSTER BINGO- THRURSDAY NIGRT, 8 o'clock Sponsored by thi. Junior Chamber et Commerce JUBELEE PAVILlON OSHAWA 8-tf Coffee Party and Bake Sale, sponsored by Women's Hos- pital Auxiliary, Friday morn- ing, September 29, 10 o'clock ta 12 noon, at Trinity United Church Sunday School. 38-2 Pre-Natal Education Classes. The Faîl Series a! Pre-Natal Classes will start at 2 p.m., Monday, September 25, 1967. For further information talc- phane Northumberland - Dur- ha.n Health Unit, 623-5661. Djurham County Farmers' Union are sponsoring a nmeet- ing at Orono Town Hall, Wed- nesday, September 27th, 8:30 p.m. The three Caunty Pro- vincial Candidates will speak on Agricultural Palicy. Every- ane welcome. 38-1 SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO Thursday Nighn-t 7:45 RED BARN OS HA WA For turther Information eall Mn,. R. Van Oostenbrugge 263-2936 atter 4:30 p.m. COLMER TOURS Thanksgiving Tour Oct. 7th - Oct. 9th Syracuse, New York EXPO TOURS 3-DAY TOUR Oct. l6th, l7th, l8th 2-DAY TOUR Oct. 2lst and 22nd Excellent Accommodations For Information COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE 623-3265 or 623-3093 7%@h CanadIan %ttesman, Bowmanvfll, Sept. 20, 1987~ 1 Cacrds of ihnk Cards of hr Bays and Girls! Sunflower and Bible Clubs are gaing ta start again on Friday, Septem- ber 22. The Place: Rehoboth Chiristian Reformed Church, Scugag Street. WIll beÈin at 7 p.m. AIl those boys and girls from 5 - 14 are welcomne to join us ln singing, Bible staries and craft work. Se youthere! 38-1 Woodview Commîilty Centre MONSTER BINGO Next Monday 7:45 P.M. RED BARN- 0SIlA W A ____ -tf 14ASHfVILLE, TENNESSEE GRAND OLE OPRY SHOW Charter Bus Trip THANKSGIVING WEEKEND October 5 to 9 For Information contact your local Travel Agent or BURLEY BUS LUNES 723-7171 'l' I wish ta thank tic neigh- bars and friends who were so~ kînd ta me during my recent illness; apecial thanks ta Drs. Rundie and McKenzie, and nurses on surgicàI floor. Mrs. Betty Kelly. 38-1 I would like ta thank'every- anc for cards, flowers and gi!ts I received while in Osha- wa Hospital. Special thanks ta Rev. Arscott, Drs. Glazier and Sproull. and nurses of 3A.* Dan Black. 38-1 We would like ta expressi aur sincere thanks ta the communities of Tyrone, Beth- esda and Long Sault for the centennial plate and gift weý received. Margaret and Bruce Stainton. 38-1 * I would like ta say a special thanks toalal my neighbors, friends and relativel for lave- ly cards, gifts and fiowers on the occasion o! my 90th birth- day Many thanks again. Florence Glanville. 38-1* Zella and Jîi Middleton wish ta thank ail relatives, ficnds and neighbors for their kindnass, sympathy, flowers and cards received during their bereavement o! a loy- ing brother, John Gibson. 38-le Sincere thanke ta the nurses and staff of Port Perry Hos- pital, to Dr. Kandel and Dr. Ugray and to ail my friends for cards and treats while I was in the hospital. A special thanks to Cleni for taking the trouble ta bring home my homework. Earle Trewin. 38-1 I wish ta express my sincere thanks ta neighbors, friends and family for gifts, cards and visits during my recent i11- ness. Your thaughtfulness was deeply appreciated. Many thanks ta Dr. Ingle, Dr. D. Milîs, Dr. Hubbard, nurses and staff o! Oshawa and Bow- manville Haspitals. Creighton Davitt. 38-1 I would like to thank rela- tives, friends and neighbors for the lovely flowers, cards and gifts sent me during my stay in Memorial Hospital. Many thanks ta Drs. McKenzie and Ewert and nurses and staff of Third Floor. Your kindness and thoughtfulness was very mueh apprcciated. (Mrs.) Rachel Brough. Be Sure to Attend- Our -« u o o f BITT'ER 1968 ID.EAS àLI[ 1968 i i I I Il PI --E RD< E YE tNG~ 4 IDE E IYI4 El ID (L M THURSDAYm (EVENING FROM 6:.00 P.M.)t SEPTEMBER. 2lst' SEE TH-E EX(CITING N EW 140W ON o1JSPiAY MUSTANG SLTD k~GALAXIE" *T.BIRDS FRIDA1 (AFTERNOON and EVENI ý- 22nd *FAIRLAI *THUNDERBIN kSOOfr*1 *-FORD CUSTO DINETTEbasket, rugs, Quebec heater, MARGARINE fier; many more articles toa ___STATION__________ W AGONS5 SP1it5 numerous ta mention. Terma .L' COOKI S AMM cash. No reserve. Myles King, - COOKIESauctioneer, Phone 725-3039, Oshawa. 38-1 - YOUu'u BE AIIEADINA FO D R M 4Tuition BE N S' 49c GH SCHOOL AT HOME IN SPARE TIE M(O A DF R A E Prepares yau to write ex- amntions to recelve Ontario Diploma. Grades 5-12 - Im- prove your education at your SIIL K STR 94Sinclude boaku and study lMs.Write today for MRE U D A~~M fMOFQAIY rocýhure ta: 60, American O M N IL OSHAW A Ochool, Dept. ]Box 2, Kingston, BEL D MARKET W. BOWMANVILLE Nam __- Age- 219 KING ST. L 520KIG S.W AMreuu__ -___Tel. 37-3 '68 FORDS SET A NEW HIGH, STANDA FOR MAGNIFICENCE IN STYLE -on- REFRESHMENTS. WILL BE SERVI Quieter because they. are stronger Stronger because 'tbey are better buit .Better buit for srnoothness and Safei - r- 1 I would like ta exp Imy thanks ta Doctars 15i Ingle and Anfassi, n :aM Hospital, BownanvI for wonderful care I rece3ae many thanks tatals, friends and neighbofs for flowers, cards and viaitu& am grateful toalal. Mrs. Lyle Brock. 1- We would like ta, extenhl our most sincere appreciaÙkà te ail our relatives, friendàe- and neighbours for their maaiy acts of kindness, cards and floral tributes at the time af the passing of a loving himband and father. Special th4nks ta each and every one ot ,ýyout We would also like ta ihanle Rev. G. K. Ward for his-kindl words. 1I Mrs. Met (Marlon) Wiseman, Alex and Connie. - 38-1* An nouncement 0. L. "Dick" meteaif Bob Johnston, President of Jack Rîcard Ltd., is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. 0. L. "Dick" 14.ptcaif of Bowmanville, ta aur. salea staff. 1 Mr. Metcalf joins ou.r- flm well qualified, havin.g been connected with R. M. HÔ?flngs-s head as Sales Manageraiid for the past 18 years as Mainager for a prominent real estate firm in Toronto. He was barri and educated in Bowmaipille, and invites his many ,friends and clients here ta contact hins if he can be of assistance to them. Register Now for HOME NURSING CLASSES Sponsored b>' Bowmanviiie and District flranch, Canadian Red Cross Society %- 1 -1 .1

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