14 -The Canadian stateaman, Eownville, Sept. 20, 19671 Receaio Rviws Newcastle Ladies Win Lakeshore League Champïonship Pe" Wee 113me"111 i a triple by Bob Preston in the! The Pee Wee basebaîl finals second inning. 1got underway on Tue.dy In the second game of Pee' pt. 5th with the YankesWe atin h Tigers tied deýfeatg the Tigers by a 13 their series with the Yankees ta I1s:Ore. by a 7 to 4 win, on Thursday, Yankcees opened the scoring Sept. 7. The Yankees jumped in the. first inning on a base into afirst inning 2-0 lead,à on bails and a double by Doug then awent ahead 4-0 in the Kramp. They added four big; third. The Tigers scored two ~k; .* runs .In the second en singlesi markers in the fourth to nar- " by Richard Hall, Doug Kramp,1 row the margin, then in the Ken Milner, Doug Bragg and1 fifth they went ahead by a 3- a double by Rolly Simpson. run outburst. Leading 5 to 4î In the third the Yankees add- the added 2 more runs in ed five more runs, this time the sixth to end the scoring. on four walks and fielder's Te thd and deciding game choice, a hit batsman and a of the.Pee Wee basebaîl league triple, by Rolly Simpson. The1 wasapiayeci on Saturday, Sept. Tigers picked up their lIonetha Memorial Park with the taily In the bottom of thelTigers winning the deciding third when Ron Stainton walk-1 game by a 6 to 3 counit. ed then stole second and The Tigers jumped off to third and came home on an an early 3-0 lead in the bot- error by the catcher. tom of the first on a triple by The Yankees scored one Paul Forsey and five walks more run in the fourth on a, after that. The Yankees got walk to Doug Bragg and an 1 tWo back in the second on a error to the centre fielder, walk to Rolly Simpson and which went for the three bas- Paul Sagisnasngebj es. The Yankees Doug Kramp Randy Thiele and a tripleby went the distance allowingIDoug Kramp. The Tigers Members -of the Newcastle ladies softball teaml Cathy Scott, Marg Vandyk; back row, Manager Aif îonlv one run off one bit, six went ahead 4-2 on a walk to walks. He struck out a total Aif Hellam. a sacrifice bunt by who recently won the Durham League Championshipl Gray, Vicky Gray, Ina Brown, June Robinson, Leeý of ;3. Randy Thiele and a single by lare shown above, front row, lcft to right, Joan Kimbal], Anne Hoar, Wendy Partner, Vera Wright, Fran Rick-j For the Tigers Bob Preston IRon Staînton. The Yankees ýJoanne Cameron, Carol Mercer, Helen Nicholson, ard and Coach Joe Lewis. McRobbie Photo took the ioss, giving up 9 runs1 came fightigbcinteffhr___________________ Off 7 bits. He walked 3 and oasinge by Doug Bragg, an! two waîks.j 1968 BUICK struck out 4 in 21A innings. error to the catcher, a sacri-ý We woîuld like bt mention! Reliefer Paul Forsey gaveupfic by Doug Kramp and a thal. Howard Averv also had' 4runs, allowed no bits but'double by Roliy Simpson. The a gond night at the plate in walked 5 and struck out 4 in1 Tigers scored their final runs a losing cause with a double 2 2/Z, înnings. The one bit1 in the sixth on sngles by Ron1 and a triple ini th ree trips to given up by Doug Kramp was Stainton and Paul Forsey and thne plate. j Bantam Girls Snfthall Team one defeated Tearn 1 Two by a 42 fn 4 score, Touch Football Leaguejf Applications for Touch Foot- ball may now hp nbtained at MARINE 11 MOWER years of age as M A RI E M OER if Aug. Ist, 1967. There is no LAWN-BOY AUTHORIZED SALES AND HckyRezistration 1Applications foi' hovs' in(- SERVICE DEALER jkev mav tnow be piCked ui' ai the Recueation Office at 26 Beech Avenue. The senies; thisi Up to 25% Off All New Mowers ýyear are as follows: Tyke, 7 k ~ IncldingLAWI4~BOS Jyears and if yoîî have not at- Incluîng AWN-OYS tained vyour' th birthday.ý Completely new body styling, plus the introduction of two wheelbases and i Atom, 9 years and if you have'1 MOre powerful base engines are a few of the changes announced for the 1968 '~ BIGG ~ TRATON LINON' r fot attained your 101h birth- j Buick Skylark Custom (above). The new exterior 'Sweepline' styling features BRIGS *SRATTN CLNTNI day. Pee Wee. 10 ycars aldl longer hoods, shorter rear decks, redesigned headlight and taillight assemblies, ,VACTORY APPROVED ISALES AND SERVICE if you have not altainrd your h 12th birthday. Bantarn, 12 idden windshield wipers, and front and rear side marker lamps. Interiors are years and if you have nf, aJ r highlighted by padded instrument panels and a new ignition warning buzzer tainieri your 14th birthdlay.1 systern. The 1968 Skylark Custom offers a choice of three cnginc.s: fro,.rn a stand-j Midet 14:varsan ifYO, ad 50 u.in. six-cylinder engine to an optional 350 cu. in. V8. The Skylark M A S E Rhav'e not attaiined your I hCUStom Series comprises a 4-door Hardtop Sedan, a 2-door Convertible, a 4-door MARINE birNDy.JuOniWl6eaS edan, and a 2-door Sprrt Coupe, shown above. TAUNON OADEASTAT IONyour l8th birthdax'. AI] thesel - TAUNON RAD EST A ZIr ages are as of Julie lst ff 1967, ____________________The registration fee is: BowZI u manville residents $200 per j per family of 3 or more tak- e 0 n S p .2 r ALSO SEE ng part in the same program. J jF or the first time ini its on the 23rd wll start at 11:45' Non - residents of Bnwman- dates: Monday, Oct. 2nd, Tues- svn-year history, the Play- a.m. with the lyrsstt ville $4.00 per player .ore a sevese t byOubar Mrne-Peeroouhaximum 0of $1.000 per family ýr1ay, Oct. 3rd, Wednesday Oct, jer's 200, Canada's top sports rl at 3 p.m. Patc n, by 0f 3 orMarimoretetakiuhng p Artii:and Thursday, Oct. 5tb. The'80Ir aceat. b uni oequalifying for the big bore.i Ithe same programme. ! Recreation office will be open1 Group 7 cars wili begin on* 7251901 Jack Hoar& Son 725-1901 Application fou-ms with thic from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.on Bob Hanna, president of the Tbursday, September 21. fee should bc rcturncd to the:i the above dates and on Friday, ognzn aainRcn Rerreation -Office, 26 Bcech Oct. 63th from 8:30 a.m. to 5:09 fDrivers Association, said the il, L Avenue, on the followýing'p.m. onîy. ' frat ofhRe race bias been- -cbanged fromn its standard two 40-lap beats into one con- m m tinuous beat so as to conform with the other five races in the Canadian-Amenican Chal- lenge Cup series. The "200" which was unique til G i h e in North America because o!fn its two starts. this year was switcbed from its familiar ' June date to September 23 in order t0 become part o! the championship senies for Group 7 sports racing cars. Hanna also said that th, Player's 200 would retain aIm standing or grid start instead of the rolling start used in the 1966 Can-Amn senies. The grid star, is much safer for drivers and track side officials. r ATM IÉ TeBantam Gir'Lau Thno le antmGrls' Leagu3 rse anofild.3Ta ee.wre3 present n 3 as J. rap r ---------e--Ga-gnes- 13 J. Drapner132 N. Whtyes- 130 N.WightDobl130e D. haDs o uble--- - ------- 24 K. DaPon--------236 K. Pieri ---- ---- 236 D. TA BrdiOsYS.- 3 youname >our yeflowpgesbak ~>Our town's got everything,. .* fine shops, handy services, helpful people. And the best place ta find them ail is in your Yellow Pages. Take, for instance, ail the things to do with radio and television. Your Yelow Pages can help you buy a new set or repair or service your present one. Whatever you need, your Yeilow Pages can help you firîd it quickiy and easily... whether it be a deluxe model colour television or a simple entenna stanid-off insulator like the one illustrated. Yes, it's good to get in the Yellow pages habit ... everything's here in town. J I Iintown v ~ jHe also said race fans can expert an extravaganza of action since five events have been scheduled, including the 80-Iap feature. The first race SOLINA Tefirst meeting of Eldad C.G.I.T. wilI be held on Tues- day evening, Sept. 26th, in thc church at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Allan Fraser has re- tumned to London for his third ya tUniversity of Western Ontario. Miss Pat Paterson of K:t- chener has been visitîng with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Fraser. Miss Pearl Leach was Sun- day guest with Mr. and Mrs. Art Youngman, Tyrone. Mrs. Jean Keilett and Miqs Pearl Leach enjoyed a motor trip to Lake Erie and called on friends, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Edwads at Listowel, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hock- aday and Jean, Mr. and Mns. Barry Browes motored to Bond Head on Sunday and also called on Miss Eileen Hockaday. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and Nancy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Surphlis, i Brougham, on Sunday. Miss Marjorie Kitchen and Mr. Ken Knox, Woodstock. visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lan g- nuaid visited with Mr. and 'h Bulck that Mrs. John Carey and family, 168nguae. Spe Coîborne; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Slark aspai Bishop and family, Bellevile nspired stylini Mr .and Mrs. Haydon Bullen *ut boldly of l and family, Glenburnie, and Iuxury. The191 Mr .and Mrs. Orville Lun n »sa fuli-uize 8 and fam i 1 Y, Peterborough, quallty and lu% over the weekend. net-so-funl-size Miss Ida Arnot and Mrs. Wlldeat-s.sg< Jessie Chester of Oshawa, and powerfui -i were recent dinner guests the open roadà with Mrs. N. Wotten. the grand tradi Mrs. Edith Leach, Bowman- LIOctrU nak« 1 ville, was a Sunday guest with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Flwoui Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- Wu lake, Gordon, Shirley andi Kevin attended a pot luck supper on Friday evening ai Salemn Church when the Salem communhty honaur ed tb reARO recently married couples, Mr. O and Mrs. Don Welsh, Mr. and Mn. Robt. Blackburn and Mr. j 166 King St. L and Mm.Bruce stamnton. ttalks your ecial-size Ii-new Riviera. mg, and speaks low-prlced 968 LeSabre Buick xury at a *e prie. k and loveIy -speaks of 1 ad t.urlng lit dition. Idnt you roally rahr have a Bulck? Youth .he7, .Bryson 0; Biggs 5, Mutton 1 D-ISroCK - - ----- 1 The B ntarn Boys' Leagu '2. J. Kipatid21 i o ild.There w _ 33 NzhSingle . Kipatick - -------0 _____ tand 3 absnt. D. Bradley 232-261-225 New'ville-Starkville JTrpe 718MPA none Bowling League J. PrBOt. - 5.5Harbor Repairs Marl ne ver ges217 The Junior Boys' League is Dorothy Stark - - 20.5 10Tfled. s;ýo P r o e Ina Brown -.192, Prsio 5, Parker 2: Brunt ,o o tH p Mary Skelding..........186 7 WZilison 0; Brock 5, Preece 2. Dlurhamn M.P. Russell C. Jenny Rypstra - _ ._ . 18l1 ' Hîgh Singlei Honryv announced today that; Doris Tompkins -------- 173 S. Parker 263. G. Edmond-la contract has heen aWarded Bernice Henderson - -170 : 95,D iia 2,j 1f0 Mev[Namara Marine Limited Shý,irley Mvarteli -.---- - 1681 i 1. .Peto 1,D for repairs to the East Break- LeMarie14rB. Preston rrv,203. water in the Port Hope Har- Grace Farrow ----- -- 162' or Thcnta pies Olive Henderson 16-1 High Triplebo . Th ntat pie i i$18.789. Janie Owls 155 B. Preston 595, S. Parkcri Joyce Stacey 1. 583, G. MacDonald .524, G. Mr. Hioney said thal the Margaret Wade ---- 15.9 Edrnondson .513, D. Vivian .500. work xili consist of placing 200 Garnes SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE 1,000 tons of armour stone Teais over an approximately 54ý)' M. Stacey 305, D.* Tormpkin,ý S-l1ock 4. Bradley .1- Lewisý long scction of the East Break- 228, Dorolhy Stark 225-232, S.1.5 Cobb 2; Tucker 4, Etcher 3'wt~ where washouts have Martel]225, J. Rypstra 210- l4romeî 4. Sellers 3; Cain 7.o! urd T~mineac 202. B. Hendierson 209, M.,r Woods 0. work is necc'ssary to ensure Skelding 202, M. Trimn 202. High Triple the sfah î]ityv and effectiveness Garnes Won Boys--R. Etcher 68U fieBrawtr Ruby ------------ ---- 2; Girls-A. Chittick . 4 Opal ------------------.------- 2 : High Triple1 WFIEN a inan ets looo lnd Pearli ---- - -----Boy---W. Ruiter -62g to set a had example, he Onyx_________ i Girls ;--C. Evans 520starts giving gond advice. One Monthly Cheque, Insures Everything Iulecksarn hoe... 4re talkingo your language. i Nlh sintu "" Boys--W, Ruiler ____298 Bo ligGirls-D. Sellers Nfi-h Single Game m Other Hgh e s ar .1 M. Roberts -- - 209 iR- Selleck .21 3!K.Kibre 175 R. Leal - ___ 252 M. Cook " 6K * Cob 226 Hugh oubleGame C. Ayre27 M. ir Doobeentss R.Bromeli --- 236 M. R bers ----- - '114IiW.Lew-Ais -----210-21 ' 4 '. K imberley - 29 iM Haey 208 J. WeJsh - 2'71--------------------21i JITNIOR GIRLS H. Moore .4' The Junior Girls' League is' S. Mitchell - .-----~ 227% 1' now filled.1 B. Wereszczynski . 205 Teains j R. Gond -- - -------- 255-226 LIFE m AUTO m HOME Iuxty Uandsm, Rivker taiks a universal language B my I ? a rd Of IuxurYpPerformance en& bm nwc style. NO matter what siz. - rkcuOr sm rop o r p r ice . ra n g e , th e r e ls a ln w r it B u ick L.S br o ur o, * . d .G 196 Bulck w lhtaiks yeur =19, OIuick »es n fot NIuMfftd; EbtM 2 eSON MOTORS LIMITED Phone l613-396 àMNIL , k DONALD A. MacCREGOR PHONE 623-5962 yd~gh heoe N 52 KING ST. W. AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE: YOUR TRAVELERS AGENT BOWMANVILLE