Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1967, p. 2

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2 The Ca&m aj~Staten cOnstruc $2. 7 Mij At Saint Uiphoisterers eeat Shoemen To Tie Series 'ýe by Jlm Viare *'Wh7te's Upholstery de- feated Elils Sboes on Tues- ~.ynlgtt6-5 to til. tb.best '-1svnJr. Meu's FtIas lIhre. games aplece. Tkalling 5-4, Wbyte'sscor- ced twlee ln tbe bottoim o! tb. seventh, on four stralghtt bits. Dennis Sullivan w.. lb. winnlng pitcher, tos.lng a six-bitter, whlle Ted Leveck took tb. loss, witb an elght bitter. Final and deciding game PaIn., Ibis Tbursday nlgbt at Memnorlal Park. Darlington Soccer .. ion Juniors came thraugi on Thursday nighî with a 2-0 win aven Sauina la wind up lie seies and give Zion their fifth win in a row. Don Ban- ragar and Je!! MacLean had sconers and Jo. H-ircock had tic siulouî. Caach Nelson Cambelain and Managecr Norman Frank are jusîlfiabi>' proud a! their wdnning leam. Thie Senior playaffs arenc1now at Uiecrcitical stage. On Wed-j nesday, SaUina beat Zion 2-0 with Don Westlakc scoring bath goals and AI Westlake- having tie shutaul. On Satunda>', Solina ne- peated lie performance b>' winning 2-0, with, Neil Tink and Bob Blackburn shaning a goal apiece. What could be tic final will b. played la- niight ai Zion. ban and f orr 5-Yeor mer Guaranteed anb Investment ai Certif icates Duli NOW EARN a lie men 6/a wo and per annum Rb <One to Five Ycars man br Investing In Gisara»- and tecd Investment Certifi- acco: cates wblch are lhii ,Çxaranteed-as ta Prin- mati *cipal andi Intcnest.. dusi Flexible-ma>' b. used as Simr Cllateral for loans. sub-c RÈedeemable...by Execu- iead lors ini thc event O! Bowi death .wr Authorized-as Truste. Boi * Act Investments. Club CENTRAL ONTARIO faci] TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 8232527 723.5121 9Sto 5-30 Cm op I sxVItE Sot. a tO 4 Lawr Sowmoenvtfle Cm.d Wedflfldays Mrs. ville; Deloitte, Plender, Has; witb wbons are uawi Monteith, Riehi, Wat, Chartered Accoui MXontreal Osbawa Torc Windsor Winnipeg Re Edzuanton Prince Georxe Cordon W. Riebi. C.A., RJ.A. B rOsaawa Oshawa Shopping Ce MacDONAI "Where Friendly mnas, Eowmnfe, Sept. 13, 1967 Champion An Vemnale, G B. Beatt,Ri ondHiMU.P Hereford GradChmin "EdlDeitt s Comak Camperi oe slairer O Gerane=ier ereChadpion tion StaRivsr.Oflserve Chm F Yungster Losi in Bush Ilio n E x p a n sio n nin iere . WReere Champ ion Femle . Wntroom (Huntsville Forester) and leaders conduct a search head. When the rescue par The Champion Boy or, Gir Seven Year aid Andrew by canoe beyond the two-mfle was suilsm isac w 12 Yarsor nde, fr Sow'Turnbull, son of an Oakville arca from Highway 35 ta bet y Isoedtacaw manship, won by Cendy Mal. otagr on Wren Lake near covered by the main party of te heard the boy cali to tI H y a cin th e Qe.Jaetile.Jeses a presdap .several hundred oearchers.ItplaneT"Conedown and g Construction basad iaio t th cunelstaadrtedotuat tonth Constructionary he lftth a $2,700,000 expansion of lu scheduled for campletion in Maie Reserve, F. Stenger, L»- found hm after hie had been that the boy had wandered When found, the boy was Gosodyear - Canada&a fabrlc late fanl when installation of niskillen. Grand Cham;pion ot for a funl day and nlght aPp)roximnately three miles good condition and flotu lan a Sln-Hacnte.que- machlnery and equîpment will Jersey Bull and Reserve Grand Intebuh Th note was from his cottage and would duly disturbed. He had stel ec L. E. Spencer, president begin. It is expected the new Champion Jersey Bull, Wayne Written on birch bark decar- not have been found b>' the during the nlght under a pir adgeneral manager announc- facilities will be operational Kerr, Campbellford. ated with porcupine quiiLs. main party the first day. This tree on the shore of Hor It read, "To everyone at Campi wouJd have meant at least Lake, and had had a drinkc Of the total value of the The added faiities will en- Show the wînner oif the Grand omk hn ou for flnding another night In the bush. lake 'water in the morning. expanson, $527,O00will be the able Goodycar ta continue to Championship in the steer me. I like the canoe ride." Temrigsahstre M.Bow crre teb cost of a building, wlth tic Iead thc rubbcr industry b>' classification was David Gil. Camp Comnak is situated on soofi after six o'clock and was back ta the canoe and the Big Comak Island in Lake completed by ten o'clock. The returned through Dan Laki remainder being spent on increasing production and im- bank, Orono. The Reserve St. Nora near the Forest Ran- searchers were equipped with this explains the boy'§ ef fabrlc-procesalng machinery, proving quality of fabric used Champien in this competition, ger School. Camp Director is walkie-talkies so they were ence ta a "canoe ride". M] cqulpmcnt and services, Spen-ini the manufacture o! tire John olfe, R.R. 3, Burketon. EdDvtfreFece bet eot h ecei-BonadteCmkCm oer s ld. ordSpen er a ded.Jim lunBowm anviil, B w a vlle High School. m ediatel>. W ithin haf an ers were pleased that, am as awns the Grand Champion in The boy was found by Mr. M. hour, it was annaunced b>' the several hundred who vol thevBrstCHoeningComeservé ;David Brown, assistant direc- radio. unteered adprtcpted ii Best Heifer Champion. tor of the camp, and five The boy was made aware the search, they had the gSa Best eife Chamion. other camp caunisellors and o! the search by a plane over- fortune ofifnding the boy. (FROM PAGE ONE) Durham Agricultural Repre- leaders. sentative A. O. Dairymple, Tefrt eottaate M ~re ail talking an the sami Bowmanville, j u d g e d the h is eotthttesto iars hr ilb Saturday, September 30th la designated Parents' GanadH> optto boy was lost was received at seHoyigrster ilo Day. Events wHi start off at 2:00 p.m. with a gigan- Harold Swain, Nestieton, took :0i heatron Twentyrabte hnc aarv tic Centenniai parade in downtown Bowmanville first prizes with his entries camper responded immed-C h a reasonable settiement," hi and wili inelude the. Ontario Regiment Band, o! barle>', second round va-iaealnwthm yohrs* EM Uf dcae. 'Lnh ob"TV nmi rm1.Bw avleriety, EarIy Qats, Rodney from the Forest Ranger School (RMPG N)M.Srk doae h Oats and he aV.lsamalsfwonthethe anb-leand vicinity although it was (RMPG N)quick settiement o! smaJ' Zoo, Majorettes, Antique Car Clubs, local Riding bon for the Best Barley and too late in the day ta expect Miners in France had been grievances. Most such. griev. Clubs, the, Ontario Reginient Tanks and many more Oats. any real success. Search con- warking under these candi- ances cauld be settled mn hali speialfeaure. Ti. arae wli undUp I Pn. ardn Brri an Sastinued until dark. A larger tions for at least 25 or 30 an hour at the source, but il Rpeig eatehoo .wThe adnsectiond of 1h. Onroodonwm a rie andheoMisedpart>' reparted at six o'clock years, and the situation was left ta fester and became mag. Ridg Scool ithan nspetio ofthe ntaio owmavile, on te Mxedthe next morning, under the not much different then in the nified they could resuit ina Reimn ad i. ansfiug 1 unsau..Te Hay Award. Leslie Smith, diîrection of the Ontario Pro- mining districts of Great genenal stnike, he asserted. Schol ad cmmuityexhbit hosedin he dPor ery, wos n the ixRow-vincial Police. Britain, lhe painted aut. Dr. Keith Siemon moveda Schood i lagd e"mmi ty lo ehib ets foused j»to s e he ed Banl e Cass n d he Fa At this time, twenty-five "It was in the coal regins vote o! thanks ta Mr. Strike "Te ted Vilag " w Ii ls be ope f r al t s c. hea C mpeiti n.Comak Campers and Counsel- that the first stirings of union- for his interesting and infor- For more excitement 1h. Canadian Sports William Tamblyn, Orono, in lors wene headed b>' Mr. ism came among the workens mative address. President AI Asscitio wiltret s a arngFirst Cut o! Mixed Hay Comn- Brown, former teacher and that had been most exploited" Witherspoon also expressec Parachutih soito il ra stadrng petition; 2nd, Ken Hendenson, member of the Hamilton Mr. Strike stated. He then his personal appreclation tc sky diving performanc e inithe afternoon. also o! Orono. Gerald Brown, Board of Education. It was spoke af the Fabian Society, the speaker and congratulatec Ti.R.R. 2, Newcastle, took top suggested that six caunsellai s and the help it had given Mr. Stnike on his presenta- TeHonorable Alla» Grossman, Minister of the honons in the 12 Silage Corn unions.___________ tioni. Department of Reform Institutions, under whose Competition, and Don Staples, d TeFba rut Geî telnho ticipate in the parade and inset 1h. Ontario brid Corn Competition. A unionis'%m ta a head. The Fab- ing wene Douglas Heyland, pc O James Cnuickshank, Orono, ~CCI flian wee idegectals Oxford Quebec City, son of Fore Reginent. took the Fall Wheat Sheaf and Cambridg as, and Heyland, a past president of Burnng f te Els. n bth eenigs t 8:0 pm. ronowontheMilk ~ ~ Johers with famil>' endowed the club, R. B. Prosser, Whit- At 7:30 the Centenniai Bonfire will b. lit - The Awand. Carias Tamblyn, Round-Upicomes, who became intenest- b>', and John Kessier, Osh- Burnng f te Ems.On othevein*s a 8:0 Pm. ron, wn te Mlk rodcer 1 d in social wonk. Tic>' were awa. the film "Helicopter Canada" wili b. show». As a Special. eewa taneadhorrified b>' tie conditions in fitting finale a display of fireworks will bring the. In the Sieep Conipetitions, mysterious s ltr ane - o and hlsowLond, Lier- Centenniai Festival to a close. Dorset, Cheviot and South- dent in tie early hoursao! niined ta help. B R E O down Classes, Lloyd Ayre, Saturda>' morning. At 4:55 Mr. Strike said that the Bowmanville, and Boyd Ayre, a.m. Mrs. Julia Jackson, age FMn. and Mrs. G. Lavender * * ~Tynone. The judges were dominated the wînning class- 59, R.R. 1, Newtonville, was Fabians were a leading part and their childnen Debbie, Mrs. C. Reginald'Lavekin and es. Lloyd Ayre was first in dniving south on tie Kendal o! the brains o! tie labor Glenda, Manie>', of Oshawa, '0 it cs ,bath a! Newcastle. lnadEeLmadBy akdfcn ot.Sefl ite f nLaboRama V illa ~~ ~~~Russeil C. Hone>', M.P. for Ayre was first in the Ramn a couple of bumps so stapped Mcoad lmn tle M.adMs hre re (FROM PAGE ONE) Durham Count>', officiated at Siearling and Ram Lamb. hier car went back and found aandald Wlo ement Ate n and M rs.Chave s reent the formai opening at one Lloyd Skinner, Tyrone, came a man hadl been injuned. There -andsHasrol ilsny ene Fas-andwami. aemvd t nks, utilit>' campanies, trade a'clack on Saturda>' aftennoon. finst in Liecesters in tie Ram, was another man standing b>' ansas er e m abr ane tes, iaw a hrn wsh dindustry, tounism and in- The Orono Band was in at- Two Sheans, Ram Shearling the panked car. She notid meens o!Laborcabints, eAhfm e ofga reand was ] ,mation, regional develop- tendance. and Ram Lamb. R. H. Dow, that there were two dents in Wt i xeto !le oadDv>,Bwavle ipîtendsr.AmnlifeledaacR.R. 4, Bowmanville, won In the iood of her car.Wt h xeto fteHwr aeBwavle lis Wranchsipf Mayor n in son S fatu> ttrail th le Oxford and Shropshine Ms ako wn atl-1926 General Stnike tie union occasion being tie celebnaling bbs, etertinds1. tinnoun d a>' ent il w he classification in Ram Shean- pioneJacksreporot e cientmoeent in England has Of hem 151h wedding anni- ýbb, ntetanedth gruppopular Hanse Show. In tic ling, Ewe Sheanling, Ram and summon ieip. When sic been conducted wiîî nespon- vensar>'. Tic>' wene pnesenled lunheo attii Flin. Hase lases eb Shears and Ewes. Lloyd Skn- rîmd alessbilit>' and slalcsmanship, but with a lovely coffee table and tha ten > o nclo ,Bokin, won irs ner, Tyrone, won leRmfudta the inurdaa the econamic gains have not onnaments. Among thèse pres-i rs Bouene. bC iano! lcro ldsaetas Lamb. the second man, and tie park.: been as great as thase inenwneM.ndMsSa ndButni a irCmmisson pacd DonroblyesonLindas, In lie Suffolk and Hamap- ed car had ail disappeared. It North Amenica. Grant, Oshawa; Mn. and Mns.1 nbso!tris commission, asd liefortsoLac inesafo shine Classes Ba>'d A>'ne came has not >'et been ciscovered "The. knock down drive 'em Dean Hodgson, Ajax; Mn. and1 Tbsofn scommik-C n, îgthCe isd pae weams orfirst in tic Ram Shearling and wole.îomnwr not union devclopmenl in lie Mrs. O. Keller, former brides- eToLwBn .HayPrhrnT m-s Lloyd' Ayre was first in Ewe W i>hoo f.Casal United States is a diffenenl maid, of Oshawa; Mn. and Shearlng. L F. yen, oPPoff s invstibl ed T eatoiflu !Mrs. Don Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. uring tie tour of Bow- Vic Cookson, Bowmanvilie; imira.sthne.rugDriyDdDvenynne Ms0R ille, Councillon Botinke Light Percheron Team-îst gating. mirnsteebogtt .Dvy yoe r.R Clek-Cnlrilr BnonDon Tnbblng, Mania; m , m i,~rewas a two'car col- .cnaft guilds fnom Europe ande Dave>', malien o! groom; Mrs. ompanied tic graup in Heavy Belgian Team-î là@*CUI ýb1ry tretNo th eewn xpne ntc .Mxn nd' ain on Lben a ireetNon at with lie bricklayers in Following the presentation cfa ibus and pnovided infor- Keiti Hobden, Bnooklin; Light t niilcretesi n it, uc a evd ion. Land suitable for in-Percheron Team, S. G. Nes- Sn rstAeu . . tTnhndeOo. or'tarpat rs Wa trial sites below tic Base bm onide.n !li w as novd Tiere was a faini>' ordeni>' Bryant is in Pont Penn>' Hos- Swas viewed, also along Heavy Wagon Team-Russ wene William Swilzer, War- development fon some lime, pitl. ipson Avenue, and varlous Uncles, Barrie, wio also came f FROM PAGE ONE) ren, Ohio, and Br'uce Colw'el, ams n114 Meadowview. Tiere was Mn. Sînike said. He aso Mn. Leslie Taylor, accom- divisions. The Hallilngs- lst !ntlie Ligit Wagon Team thc best and safest landfi9 ng mio aaet h w soeo h mrcnFd ane yA .Tiko id d Copan, GodyarandClas. Tp paceoutof 1 aras forfutre mercancars. Constable John Bird was cralion of Labon whici was say' exhibitcd livestock at lie vimanville Foundry sites entnies in lie Four Hanse asîronauts. Sunveyor 4 con- the investigaîing afficer. ruld >' s ue Gompe. nilia Fain ondFnd>'pbing- -e vsited, as wene also lie Hitch was wan b>' Keith ducled lests o! lie luna sou lie. Kendal Road aI lhe Fourti Tic greatusgeadc-igacltad2npizs 'manville Golf and Cunling Hobden, wia was also lie with a small ýballer>' pawened Cneào crdie > pansian of Amenican indusîr>' Ms amndDv> pn andes ale reeaonl ineo!le 'eeeTo>'dge an sethg rsoi- Edith Hale, age 65, RR 1 meant the cnd o! 1 he craft Fida>' in Lindsay. illes. ~for lie Best Hanse Team an lion pholographs of the mon's NewtonviIIe, and anther 'gulsahrxla d.Tieni ev. i fro tic grands. cust bak ta cnl fa ana- niven >' carC ..O, was onganized and be-Oo narm eeedd th e Lirou ndeClasss tssb> NASkt Artscorena«iss. yRo>' John Bker, came powcnful. Tiroughit Orno Fair last week. Engt isi S dd se Classnb'es, ci yNAStic scensmp.Dage ,Baileboro, collideçi. ctr lat oldb lse Mn. and Mns. Sam Grant. Dnny sHard, wsawao nd yl«Ringvie, ufacune'or 4 iDamae aticthewo carsa-tespeaken poinled aut. entie pant cold e ca ,and famil>' enjoyed a 21-day ID ~~Venn Brook, Pefferlaw, was Seplember's mission," lgtCntbeLJ.MheyfocadwsaleI pthisumr li te winner o! tic Western Lt. Tuerk said "wil e an opPnvst e . J aae' .CIO eaeaptn or0 rln n nln F .'Saddle Class. Th. Open Panr- alpha scatning expenlment P, nesiatdnore andrwsuae ta put IbissMm.D.Tar. cle o r (FROM PAGE ONE) ade Hanse Class was won b>' which wiîî analyze th - Two cars callided an No. 2 ens orapressure AF andlot-an.ey Taylor cl on n . 'es, Fln Plan, Manitoba. Mar O'Neill, Belleville. menîs that make up the lunar ihwy t Newcastle on the C.I.O. conipeled and then i te Old Time Costume BesI Pan>' Under Saddlc, surface miatenial." Saturda>' ah one a'clock in lie mergcd. Il bas been an uneasy petit ion, 1867-1900, th. nidden b>' a chld under 12: Tic uprated Allas SLV-3C aflennoon. Tic drivers involv- manniage. Tic îwo grealt lead- P îns wene: lst Mns. Han- nesident o! tie United Coun- will launci lie Centaur upcd were Jean Harrison, -R.R. crs., George Mean>' and Walt- Payer's 200 Ransberry, Orono; 2nd Mns. lies, was won b>' Bruce Gable pen-stage whici will use a 3 Port Hope, age 55, and er Ructher have neyer been nene SerinOnno;3r Tyan. Bst an' 'ea ovr wa burn parking orbit .h Harle>' Durkee, age 39, 12 enîîusiastic about caci other. jFo rms Part of arn Be ei, OBown- 3rdTr.1 ia st Ms.tny abloeCentaur will use a first hum Keewatin Street, Oshawa,.-Mn. Strike also spoke -o! iodnBeh om n 31haness, avn . ian ds le ngne, i spaae no se >'MnXunk.,Ci~sl i h oeo idn etn TcPac' 0,Cnd' cc fr at Wi is St se Sic Ch Po Ch ai Ch ha: lav thE les the Laj 15; Ri, 'nÈ 't, ]rr xty 2y' the get ýir id. in ept rie rse o! my ke; ?r- nr. i2- ng in n be at i ifi ~a .- ti New Multiple Scierosis Chapter .We wauld like ta welcome to tie local family of agencies devotcd to the wel.fare of our fellow human beings th. chapler of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada which is b b.e form- ed in Port Hope. Multiple scîcrosis is one of the niost dreadful chronic ailinents which piague mankind, and s0 far, unfortu- natcly, the cause of thedisease is un- known, so that it lias been i:npossible ta develop a cure or a method of pre- ventbon. Ail over the world research is under way, and researchers are hope- fui that there ,will be a breakthrough soon. MeanwhUe liere are oniy two things the. commnunity can do - pro- vide funds for continuing research and take car as best il can of those who are affljcted. Public education on the diseau. and the need for Mor. research are an imnportantî part of "hi effort. For àome time there imas b..» an interested group in Port Hope, hesded by Mm 0.R&Kely,aend the group haa I10W adiIted U membes'..Forgtioi ?of a chapler is now the next step. ? As lie mare *acute diseases are 5 canquered- onc by -one, th. stress in 3public heýlth activities wiii have ta b. laid in 1he future- more and more on chronie ai/ments, such as multiple sele- rosis, whgch while they do not kili Lpeople off in a week or a fcw ciinlhs, condenin , hem ta years of suffcring and disa4iity, somnetimes total. Surcly il is our >duty ta make every effort ta curee, or 4f iii.impossible, tb contrai tese ail ents, so that thc people who suifer fr m theni can live useful and We commend ta aur readers' at- tention the new chapter of the Mul.. tiple Sclerosis Society, which plans a patient service and educational prog- ram for Durham - County and those areas of Northumberland, inciuding. th. Town of Cobourg, which are flot served by lhe 'Peterboroiigh chapter. Tey deserve aur good will and aur whcilZ bearted spport.1 -Port 9~pe Guid W. WIli Try Thom Alil1 Cali 623-2534 -BONUS BUY DAYS- ALL USED CARS FULY RE-CONDMTONED AND GUAEANTEEy DON'T SION ANY DEAL UNTIL YOU TRY US 1 'WlUm T»-. Locahtlàs eYou Reler" 130WILMAIL 55S OM&WA «ý219 KING ST. E& - 50MKNG ST. W. (opposteb.v. -Shopping cut".) Las Veg~s, Nevada, !'Tôv- 823.52115 ber 12. DURHAM COUNflr &LOVE 'LL (.~i~iPRESCRIPTIONS IAN SPECIA:LS i PROGRESIVECONSERVATIVE ASSOC.'.- We. etNOINA 2TIO Wed., SeTember --à 2Oth, 6 ORONOTOWSPALLKE:R P Hon. George Gommneb. MINISTER 0F HIGHWAYS "BACK YOURPRNTEREST mEverybody Weiconeý *1 I 'I AQUA VELVA1 CORICIDIN "Dry M "'k i 4 4 A 0 ADORN I MARRID I ,-.KOTEX Hair Spray Rll-On Deodorant 12'8 - REeg., Super or Reg. $189. 9 1-z. - Reg. 95C .Slenderline i 1.069 79-C ~eeg. 53c.28c COLGATE100 MISS'CLAIROL Mouth W" 119 air Colourhng ,a.u, TOOth a g. $ YluS f m IýTftREC AL ISCORIENir Dssi4 Liquls - -oz. -.4forl. 9air Pr.ulng R eg. si- esI 3Y§Vcgnta FIOsflMUD Bu I I AGI* or AGIB MZ or MM Reg. 1.2 1.4 9lg. ?-MI5 9 W IL K 1N&0,? Super Staidsm See MWdt 5'. - eg. 75< ~ 59c 1/ 1. $1 16,00000 WORTH F REDIT WE (AN USE IN SEPTEMBER GOOD CREDIT 1 BAD CREDIT 1 NO CREDIT 1 1 m a tu hm )u al el ;U ic in ,e; oi :h f b al M ie 1 s Le iv id ni m m Iintelligent-Ats- Prevent Accidnt ý A tlwoday wrshpdal ont'BlinCbWu in W ith o c a l i u n ip l m t W o s h p h i ) b e t ters will b. held SeptemberP ih&-b 20 and Septemben 21 for dcct.ln- m wll. e4-iU cd and apointe fd ala from Thursda>', Sept".bq~. tie United outies cf Dur- ram topicas are rt h ain and Northumberland. municipal adiisr The purpose o! this semiar, mesxent, account1ii sPonsored b>' the Ontario De- and planning. Tue l&-s partaient o! Munici ai S aflotted for questions .l and attended by lparttcussion o!spi ~1. representatives, is ta establsblemis. a lwo-waYfiow of Information - adundenstanding. Ru s Registration will precede the. sèssion Wednesday after-Rus oney noon, September 201th in tc agilbe helâ atMospontP~pens -Fair Cacean rganîzens are tic Durham M.P. Russell. CaainRacing Driver As- Hone>' official>' opened tho Sacialion who success!uily cn.1151h Pair 'o! tie Durhiam ducled this cauntry's firut For- Central AgnieulluralSoit" Mula One wonid championship in Orona on Saturda>'. race, the Player's Grand Prix Mn. lpnc> congratula~ o! Canada, at Mosport on Aug- fair officiais on tic st.eadyý.' ust 27. growth o! lie fair wiich en.,-Z Bob -anna presdent tilled il ta b. reclassified toÏM Bob a nnsa , re si e t of Class 'B" effective Apnil i,~ driAersaidh. xpeîstop 1967. 'nie new cîassi!ieation*,, iniv e n s o c n t h no u g i au t t i c mn a k e s t i c fa ir 1l g b l o monld t co efor 0 p nz grants froni lie F eral' De.',-- non.' o $35000with le partment !Arcluem Ati ne re cl ing a ini um cluding an annual pennian- of $9,000 and the Piayer's Cup nt improvement grant, a friay en' Cigaret ns o! grant for 4-H activities,as Players Cigaettes.sistance in providing suitable1,5 'nie Can-Ain senies, cnigin- judgcs and payment o! 50%~' ated last fall as a champion. o! lie prize mon.>' where tice) shp series for tie big bore faim adopîs thc Departmentes aý' sports cars, pnavcd highl>' suc- affer o! speciai classifications- cessfui with wanld dams driv- for daim>' catlle, b..! catti., ers fighing for $300,000 in swine and shep. pursc and accesson>' mone.>' Tuis Yean's prize mon.>' will ce in tic neigibomiood o! aA n o n e e t'" hal-million dallars. Purs. e o c m n Mo lo.oai $210,000 itan additianaî 9,0 go- , ~ .. ig ta lhe top 10 drivers aI t' te end a! tic six races. 'nie Sparts Car Club o! Anienica 6vo coordinate thie senies will Canadian Automoabile a parts Clubs, figure liaI an )tien $200,000 will b. forth: iming in accessor>' awards 'm rclated industries In tic tilomotive field. England's John Surtecu, who von bath tie Player's 200 and heý Player's Quebc lasI year, lite de!ending champion. iurtees won aven $72,000 for Lking tirce races and lie nries on total points. 'nhe Can-Am series opened .mnda>' wili lie Road Ame- ica aI Elkiart Lake, Wiscon- 4~ n. Denis Hulme o! New ealand won in a McLaren riev and picked up nine oints counting toward lie 4 hallenge Cup. Second race lite senies wiil b.e the îevron Gnand Prix aI Bridge- amptan, Seplember 17, fo- lee a 216'u ird. b> i lyrs2 npleased. -teannouace 4he ap- e 2rd.pointnient of! Mr. Gordon The second bal! af lie ser- Bçech ta their sales staff. He ýwiil b. ield out West with bas bad man>' years o! experi- Le Monter.>' Grand Prix aI cuce Iu business a"d, ls. we#J guna Seca, Calif.,. Oclober .quallfied te serve yonr Teair li te 'nmes Grand Prix aI estate neqds.. ivrside, Calif., Oclober. 29, cileSardust Grand Prix <W6~SO * m 1 1 a 1

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