T'he Cmnadian Steaun, Eowmnvmfe, Sept. 18, 1987 MI Erths Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Cars for Sale Work Wcmted Real Estate for Sale Re Etaefr]aeReal Estate for Sale Real Esttefo LUW1IY- Lyn and KarnBCYCLE. 623-3782. 37-1* INSULATION, blowing meth- '59 VAUXHALL station wag- FOR rent-Case 430 tractor,d Ne $17,500 FULL price for 1%_ -10 ACRES southo rn. yLEA' (nee ,Muuigan) proudly an. Tsta hne23l74oti, with rock wool. Work- on, excellent condition. Tele- U-drive, 1.50 per hr. 987-4754. Brandyar Nebicwunaowlk trout treams. Poe9352 é brthe rr a for an8 lb. _____ 37-1 manx;hip guaranteed. F r e e phone_623-5950. 37-1*:______ 37-.4* TRI6rom ih fer6pm e1iaeHryL ae 1963 FORD with 352 moto< MEAT ut, wrapped and froz--LEne,6roaihbtromafr6pm.34Rcdr Chrisitbgher John, at Oshawa PIANO, t2pright style, $100. Phone Newtonville 786-2256. dual range automatic, 31,000 en. Cali C. E. Miller 983-5988, en Summerville Dr. lot 75' x 200' with creek; 5eetîal etdbikbn 2 7 6 Geziml-Hospita,- Septh talkhone 62ba60e.e7t1 ou .15 yearld tbien ero Gee~l-Hopial~Set.8tÎÏhoe 2-67-7- 8t original miles; front end dam- Orono. 33-tf IN ORONO minutes from Oshawa City galow. Phono 82-68372 37-1 HAY and straw for sale. Tele-' USED washer parts, niotors, aged, excellent buy for body BABY-sitting or light house- Three - bedroom apartments, Iiniits. Down payment $6,900, Sfl~~A-Pirphand7Rose30are3- Beatty, Thor and Crosey man. Phone 983-5689. 37-1 keeping after school and wee-kthnswm oeteIudy nthly paymont $83. Phone ATTRACTIVEto bero sberobnglwwt very happy to announce the ONE ak office dsk and swiv- appliances, nationally advr- TRUCKS - 1964 Chev. 1/2 -ton, ends. Phono 623-7470. ý37-1* room, electric heatng, separ- Orono 983-5485. 37.1 house, full baseenaimo-Ws i birtl2gterduheVl elchair. 623-3098. 37-1 tised lile of furniture. Paddy's Serial 4C1504616432; 1 9 5 8RLILEwmnilbay ate Zeter. Large lot. $6,000 nly n ,20. Lw don nc ,ri - onhept rd ATET er.Telophone Market, Hampton, 263-2241. IteratinalnveonLiincecELsL won No. 2 garageAls 2,3, lotro 6Le UnBu105.n aAaking Ne 3g+6B 1954 Intenational sit pre-scharol age childronon. l 2P,4bdom e sBu e ihnye New2s3-529r5.a ri oln e wle oth. Toks. 23-010DREANITJITHr hoo 23525 rd, emra opia.AW.T o,623-2267. 37-1 34-tf3Internat4Ionlternatienl1cie mte o.6351.home. now under construction Pr ho 37.1*nÀIR E qunHot babd oa TYPEWRITERS - $49. No ton wi'th winch, Lic. 17795B.37 off Taunton Rd., cloe hose t rooirslcto r3- orEltr1. Ïaw. Phno 6- 200 7- ey down, $2 weoely. Add- Used Honda, model CT21 Ht wy3.f u eeto r 'i ine7-lghway 3l d ct on37- C oa e G or e TU#ÉNM - John and Ma nt eieors, Cash Registers, Newv, $239.00. T. Cowan Equipmený CUSTOM combining, baling, we a rom you front ge, plrgs ayèUeRnasSevcTae.Ltd., 134 King St. E., Bo- bunching. mowing and side- J.O H NK ... on fully servlced, N.R.A. ELOkthn r orofr annôûûfce the a r r iv a of od. CalClif! Pethick, 623-2131. B ill Ha~mil ton, Raglan, m- ______Phone_63-5689.________ CONSTRUCTIONr 2P3aprk i os tba t Poi*2.zs 2ro bikhoew aihiacy8ls.2zsa-37-tf 1-985-7160 (North of Oshawa. 63971 8438. 30-tfCO SR TINPoe6 _____________ ___8____ __2_ _______a_____ ___ Beach Ave istç r or Gillian, on Septem- TWO girl's wnter coats, size 33tf RE..UPHOLSTERING - Satis-. 983-5709 BDI SONow avl ber7th 197, t Trono 1, god ondtin. 23-832 PIK yur wn oru toa-For Rent faction guaranteeti at Whyte ber : I-hBros.7,Phonoo623-5251,or 37-1ondition.St.3S.832.owmanvllîe and cornrateda6-3o-1 homotyireplace-,Blota94and132.oOpee Weitén Hospital. 37-1 37-1 toes, peppers, Spanish onions, TWO roo s, eatt5 Phon 623-5252.rvll g, el l TWO oil space heaters, gooti cucumbers andi boets. Bring 623-7167. 37-1* 20-f oLow ownPayrent gar r rage ollns$1dlt tfes î crihcoming condition. Phone 983-5589. containers. W. Eymann, ½ 1bd - ---- MOUNTJOY Backhoe Service Balance on convenlont N.H.A: Askng i o$n pit u- Lbet tee jSJ 3Mr7-1 _____ mile oast of Roy Nichols Gar- TObe__ aatens Foundations - Septic tanks Tîst and 2nd iterst --ATR orsaeani olveec.age, Courtice, go north, first Phone_623-5044. 37-2 dug andi backfilled. Ivan IsD.aBEERS goocelcatin efcnan onwtr slgo WATER or sae and elive ed. co ner. -5-tf EWCAS I,-È,-iýExcellentom-investmentlacinocwi86-427.bedroomS bungalowion Mi. and Min. Thomas C w- 24-Hour service. Cal 623-5756. 1 corner.- 35-- tfN WC S L , th- -ro r o nto , Bac so k 16-f M R T A G SPhone 623-2263, B w a vle ed apartinents wt o aae $ 6 0 o o n p y e an, Béwmlanville, announce 2-fH MEFEZR apartment. Phono 623-7694. ___________-AVAILABLE e-, owmanville theifrthdaughterarriageAnofFRIGIDAIRE, aiso chester- - Qos eBy elan rag ellnsae theifr nthcomhng arriage ofiedcar.VV 2334.O NERS ROOM for rient, bright, dean Have us sharpen them. Saws, for Personal Serviec. .ae ie f rooni ousbez-ony$100wth$,O o MemP. lhk eWlat, Oshaan ____of__ 37-1 F111 up wlth Grain-ted Yoang and comfortable, in good home. scissors, knives, etc. F. Crowe, woll lantiscapti lot. Caîl u Mis ac twrt saw.--Phone 987-4228. 37-l! 102 Elgin St., Bowmanville. LICENSED BROKE Mit rriage to take place orn BOY'S anti girl's bicycles, STEER BEEF Now. EnJoySTRat4KngSreWst__________ 37-3* Phone 728-9191 REAL ESTATE AND way, double garagrc omRnya' pca atu rdeLy, October 14, 1967, in both 26". Phono Bowmanville Beet at lt. best ail smmer. (heatet) - (formerly Camna- A. B A-- - 37-tf __________ fiy qip oi hckn ban $100 o n oNtiC3bE St. Jôeph's Roman Catholic 623-5427. 37-1* HNDA.7e b tonFowr hp) Apy 9 omavlî -38LbetyN wthcntac or4,0 Churèh, Bowmanville. 37-1* IAPPROXIMATELY 5 acres of MNS 73Kb ing orSt. . pl39 ?lumbîng& n.e-tîng Libbrot- rom home on½ acre lo grain for sale. Phono Hamp- FRONTS - 49e lb. Kingt._W.________ T.T& H atingHe1p ate62- 64r. Al hi fr Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spires, ton 263-2628. 37-1 SIDES - Oe lb. APARTMENT availablefo35NlnSt wmvieMAwthca s teu $32,000.Ate Solin , ~wih to nnoun e th 19-FOOT cabin cri -r, 60C t, W rapped and Fast Frozen 5 s es n t o m nilî MAN w ith cPhone sa t2cu8-6852.EN BPicton area: 14 ace f , w rd W g t - 6 -52 fo rtli d f tin g m a rria g e o f t_ _ __ru i e r,_0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b rn ,g37 1e , lo dau$hter Sharon Nancy, to h.p.Gale outboard,. $750. Tele- to suit yoar famlly. Auk u aratýe entrance, five rooms. 3_____1t crwo.Poe 72885. oo6 fae1ba35gaagcmos workabefriesSarenTtk-2-45 Richard John Howcroft, son of phone 263-2997. 37-1 about our Payment Plan. Phon 6235708. 37-1 ERNIE PERFECT SHORT order cooks for Voya- $9,000. Ternis.8ro oslagvr o MIr.,àfid Mrs. William F. How- -STRAW, 25c bale, in fieldi; 135 BOVVMANVILLE RE bedroom , almntwistn PLUMBING & HEATING geur Restaurant, Wavenley Rd.NECSL RA-eaOny$300wt Is o ak paceonSaura rePhon n o_62-507.xes*. .îLI OV and fritige, $90 per montîu; Phono 623-3540 Apy npesn. AHigehwaNo. 35, building Hmtoloa:t cr o Octobea7teo967,at 230p.. 15HNDMAE uselbx-62-334 3-f 0.Bo 19 CUR2CZ oasusstp,90tx20' cos t choî Ak-wihfrntgeontw oais RALO inEda tedCurh S-o siabefr plesoag." 2.M3L-btrombos.78 Ontaro St., Bowmanvllle housekeeper, aftemnoons only, ing only $1.350.Asigpce$80 Trn. __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __fn di n SttsmnLP . BoCh ___ _ __ ay 23 6 17 7- RESTON ROAD - 5 acres ! M T A fU ina.' 371 Phono 263-2204. fr appe 37-1ge.Write Ativertiser 842, e/o The __1-f t , Moda-63 rough3F-aidasENoRAL m _____,_3-1_Pone _63-2 04. _ 7 -__P h on_6 2 -5 5 78- C an di n ta eA N KBPR INxK gte ch or - ar ua o 3 yoars olti, toublý ate fuld ng w asle L rg Mr. andi Mrs. Maurice Prout, ANNEX heater, white porce- 190, Bowmanville. 37-1 SFRALY teacher for Carage, small shedi. Aski ret bilig$ot2nie,2t020.g t.W _________________wright Central Public School. $13,000ing $2,20trnis Bowmaville arepleasd telainbnew chomeswodTrenchingstokApplSaltoHRMrs.droP.nwRooesilen00 withly gooti.P.termri. ~noütnce the forthcoming 623-355 9 after 4. 37-1 90 YEAR-old hiens. Telepho-ne 2 bathmooms. Caîl 623-3950, lkso,'Ot371TW LT-LieyS..aesRrsna onig f their daughter COOKING apples for sale, 623-2342. 37-1* DeWith Real Estate Ltd., 14, SEPTIC TANK BNcstcon.r71 thWN5' LO nT aLe. ry s e s Reoren ttie -E eni xcu ve l M~4ar ilyn Grace, to Mn. Paul $.5bse,2efv on -- Frank St., Bowmanville. 37-1 INSTALLATION OKmnowme (wo- to soul. Raymond Newhall, son of the bg hel,62359. 7-LEHR et,51/fivo pound menKS mon rwmtes laste Mr. anti Mrs. Elwood ~e6359.~lEG hon1 pe ts,3- 2644. 37- ISMALL brick building on Sul- R.R. 6, BOWMANVILLE mop n preneV),yaitures-es. eBade 233 Newal, Troto Th wd-STUDEBAKER Service, new o---. Phono_263-2644. ' b e for stor- A2-721 tunpewsVoeur 987-4231.rdly -63350nrheni lvlbn N* wal Trtok plae t 3p.m.anti useti parts. Graham's THREEHrfodcows withlag rkso r albs-3- en .Cvy 2323 onF.I ciÉwl aepaea3 ..avsPheonie wrsopo6sa2b3i-5tuanN09s1. 8 437Ke.A Cvrl 8-23 OIf .ein ao wt tefllwn Saturclay, October 7th, 1967, Garage, 416-263-2233. 4 3-tf cale.P o o62 - 0 1 7 1 ness. $50 monthly. W. Frank FOR Globe ianiî Mail carrier' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 37-1 REAL ESTATE I M ED ico tl i bah pu 2- ec Iu St. -Paul's Uniteti Church, BALED banley straw in the 10 YORKSHIRE pigs, eight Real E 623-3393.. ___30-atrA Ksrie at nume, pes .R a 4 Frn t o m n if aho m pcos lvn Bowmanvillo. 37-1* fieldi. J. C. Holmes, Phono e ek t.Apply Stanley Mîi-ai FrtHoe 88nk25 orf.Frank Re l siafe Phone 0335 ro6wthZrpac, dnn Newcastle 987-4518 after 6:30 son, Phono 263-88. 3-IAATET, heateti, moti- ECVTN vuitPr oe8522 r BI___ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _e, 66 Brown St Port H p .L M T DB W A V L Deaths p..___ 71 QUANTITY of Holstein andti ern, reasonable ent, imm2di- IlLOADING - TRENCHING 37-2_______ ADAM-AtMemnialHos NIE-piece walnut dining-1 eefr eifers, freshening'ate possession, 2 bedroomS,' Sand, Gravel, Top Soul and WOMEN -for waitress work, REALTOR with 5 noometi buglwOumotit4-ecbah i. lÂembaySepAt erneri on e- -room suite, 3-piece sette anti open. Newtonville 786-'lkitchen, living oom anti bath- Fheateti 3-pc. bath. Land fa c- home is oneshawaand o!tricthe niceit iibat vitg, Bowmnitle 7 ut, onsnge ette.Tee-251.30-tf oom. Apply Apartme nt No. 2 F1 eiee ot annsaalbefrMme saaat istrictigwa Sarue Jaksn tiais 12 pon 63-588 3- 0STCE ser, otî ,16DvsinStB£mn -Hour WATER SERVICE women who are neat anti de- -- - nesnl ete. 3 1 iiio tBwmn 'Real Estate Boantid ng201AREHigaytonndip'ie bso. Sa»e ako dm,12Hrfr n osen vrg 623-5756 - BOWMANVILLE ask for the manager. 35-tf ngS.W, om li 20 ACES, pne saaCALA NE i*Sre . omnilBUIGo eln untr nean 800 lbs., $185. Phono MODERN apartmnent, 8 r____ - 623-3393 Ra oy3bdo rc hu4and o! the late Jane or appliances, cal Elmer, 263-2544. 37-1 anti bath on grounti floor two NEW HO ES ANDOP ORUNITY for local ros-N A O H W : 19 c D nU nm ond, on o ! the late H am pton: business 263-2294 mie- s f B o m n ille o e t ( v r 2 ) i t r s e n 5 c e , P n , S r a a m - u Johjn'anti Lizzie Adams, resitience 263-2695. 33-tf ONE regîsteneti quarter-honsel miles ast o Bowmnvi eon G y income of $150 to $200 Nean Tymone, sconic prop- Oshawa milk coracfcn ecsl.Fi aeet Tono.Rstn a heMr-mrei fa t rgstrd828, c/o The Canadian States- and TORGINOL FLOORING or more. Write Rawleigh, oty with barn. Ideal for 3 roatis. Price anitrsoPoty fexa.Akm ris 4F»ieral Chapel, Bowman- FROM the growon te you, high quanter..horse stai.ion, also man P.O. Box 190, Bowmanl- Jh Dept. 1-140-125, 4005 Richelieu splitting into 10 acre pancels. be arrangeti. Cai:MsMc$1,0 $300ovn ,ville, fer serviceon Friclay at 'quality fruit anti vegetables. registemeti quartier colt. Best vile_6- oh e long St., St. Henry, Montreal. 37-1 $14,500 - Terms. Robbie 623-7159. $,0 onwl u h %Nray) Cemtery, Toronto. 35, South of Oono. 32-tf ATEIO FRMS TWO bedroom apartment-at MTREwma ehelp ae 10ArStcFrmON:10A (MITH-Co- oAaTtpewIiten, of- 63 Lambs Lane, available 623-2662 for two children, 5 anti 9. Gooti beef farm, vory pro a going concern. Ctl nimnhy prmnsrne f71SITHC sze;21"tesi, ofni- r~TDT U mmtitl.Auispeemt. REETMTLive in,,pnivate room in gooti ductuv ayîamrit oti achinery includei osfr$76notl.Tgi ~~HAD -At emoi sigs, on-1nd HIFER lice suplie. Phnomsho-mutes, got salr.Pono S1 l varge ban Carn, George.VanD lê;A It DAt.Bo mile, o citpin. ,48". wite, gooticn-DAIRY COWS ad BIER roadloom, heateti, ailserv- 31-tf hm.Lgthuskeigbidings, bank bamn, concretebrpodAsng$00.afntcls nemn.Coe ta.Bwanilondto.Phono 623-2711. 37-1 Cloue and Fresh OGeorge723-3211623-57932or. ml tfr 1.eaaod gtrday, Soptember Oth,- Top Prices - No TestlngGereHna,6-59o, REUPHOLSTER Ohw 2331 r729 new aluminum suiingshonDAI63.43. n dtaRB Id 1961, Gwen Hooper, in lber TWO 45-gallon stove ou CaîlJohn Rice, 623-2601 o OUcHE T RFE D3 -O-1 DieRseFARM: 100 acres. put your money te workI 40tl year, beloveti wife of dums 'wth taps anti stands; ARNOT R. WOTTEN & SONS 623-2542. - tfO C AR CLASS "A" mchanis, .60 ed garagge, gooti water supply. Machiney. Over $1,0 ot- Ael is ln cniin Newcastle, dean mother of ace anti pipes. 623-3430.-__ 35-4 heat anti hydro supplieti, self- 623-5252tiaeinPrHo.Fui300 -Tms ings. Anxious toed.dwInpc i û _____ __andLyn, ._ear 3- iFO SL Eer-ATRD containoti, bathmoom, kitchen company benefits. Apply te au ss 1Helen (Mrs. Norman ' I O AEEvr AUDYwith appliances, central loca- HTBRS Service Manager Bihl DrewHob am15AR ý ý/e Cambray.. Service was SWIVEL Rockers, assorteti ereford Steers and Heiers, tion, immediate possession; TET,,-~ at Bian Kane Pontiac-Buick, 10 acres anti farnm buildings, buildings. Modem r ooit wnLk: oyctae- ~he In the ýM ri Funeral colons. Special, $49.95 at also Holstein Heiters, 11/2 yrs: unfurnishe, $90 monthly, will UPH LSTERY ort H pe._3_214_iles_____Ohawa.______hom._Stram.dE Cahael,2 on Mon Mullen Crest Hardware, old, Hereford Stock Calves, I fumnish, $120 monthly. Phone 2t OA MNRQIE 2-family older brick home, Pniceti to soîl. bah usetrdby ~~ Ltd., 36 King St. F, Bowman-aoHosen efeCle. 623-2473. 37-tf EROHW BoWavleCmtr.r 371 GEORGE___ 2.2tf LOCAL MAsn EQ1RE 0I sihad rc an3', EROHW 2 nct asl vile. 7-1FOR Ineeti a representative for I10 ihaluminuni siding, frmwith bouseaniam.icLk! GIRL'S royal bu coat set Phone 778-2213 Havelock groNTi fLlo 4-room aatBrick &St one vvork m firm in ti arca. Thisf steelI stancbions. OutstandingRad or squb-diisini 0Tolt o meit a ROtaliE-At Memorial Hospital' anti cothing, size 5; thmee pair We Deliver 3 6-tf met, eavy wiing, private F8000irep o te rgt rc e ucdt 4000 wt Bfa anville, on MondaY, tap shoes, ike new. Tele- -__ m_-ent'ance anti bah, tile Se*brlt,-16,.LcypoeMs Hrl amnd nr.n bttldpenson. Full or Part-timo. Age terms. OSHAWA: Lovey3b- POETISND» a o e, 7 CeteStreet, 623-5228. 3am m nti R oom and noard 1 throughout Avi be Oc.st. CALL 21 to 70. Can you make short -* * *rck bu g %ge. 74 yoeams, wîfe of the 3r O M at or. Tece r C nda ttesman, c/. oh X FAN D STONE MASONS auto trips? We hope you will 100 Acres, 1 Mile Bowmanvijîe less condition. Ex(eln ra O E U T lat.OtCharles Rowe, dear moth- e "office w orker. Phono 623-7379. *.j0ý o._5't so nt t ih u Solii brick 9-ooni home, B ane.in o nniet 6 4%OR G G S A AN E er k Freda (Mrs. Orer Van C,.u tvated _ _______ __B wmnville. 3l PHONE ORONO 983-5606 a long time. Contact Nowl excellent barn 30' x 110,' moitae o nnhypy a),Rbent Finnigan, John FEr 'aneWEhve a li m itetinumber or 983-5626 Onvus JSmtuketpond ot J. S ithnLk on d, terrific so. Asking ens Fi an Margret Mr FIELD SOD -'W' _ ________________of Ëunits available on a mon th- ___________18-tf Phon 263-2330. 3 $3007.ÏACELOwuhlag Ro nt Palethorpe). Resting Excellent Quallty, Low Prices PARTY wishes to mient 5-moom- ly mental basis from October stogsra.N t e-Morris Funeral Chapel, Delivered or pick up at fildedcd bouse, unfumnisheti. Cali 'tii June. Facilities include BARNES & BYAM Wanted toBuy 200 Acres, Kendali his stogtna.omh!Bo---6-24 Bo'*naville. Service in the 62-45 7l-noradotoo wm ig P U BN E TN 9-room home, barn, 3,5 acres eti te sdIIGrgo Ch el- on Thursday at 2 Pone 725-9674 62-45p71 noos n athorswimns LMINe ETN PRESSURE system. Phono wooded landi. Ideal recrea-NW p9 . nemntBwa- P ools, auna bath, erise SALES & SERVICE 623-5542. 3 4tion proporty. Only $25,0001NWASTLE: Lovl ei o a r 24 vl eeey3712-fman Moor n'rn, Bwmanvle. BV poultry, olti feathe.r full prîce. roorn, olectrically heei hm.I SILO Fîlling Equipment - Playens wishing to play in Phone 623-3373. 36-tf OlBrerSriei.M Flatt, RR 1, *en 24'i cre, Necatl' "' atrom Junior_____s HoerviceagtecksonM.7r .R Be-Tobtros.Lgel. S H -A t M emorial Hos- Alhis-Chaimers forage hanves- Junior M-n's H ckey Le gue, ANcres Ne castie Prcedteto sel]. Ca : G og , t. R i. pit, Bowmanville, on Wed- ton wth corn anti grass heati contact Stan Stephens or Sicu Auction Sales SETIC TANKS ANar.ho e7r 3. 1- . 8-room home, ail convoni- VanDyk 623-7437. a nes y, September 13th, 1967, also pick-up; International Wortien at 725-9177 before PHONEmedapscaetc. oncs. Mra.e-1fr300Laig ens.itFroom- ORONO: Lovelyne3be- .fOtr MMargut-Lakeà agoti 64 years, forage blower with pipe, 3September 7th. ___37-1* Bring y o u r throw-away lHN o ahpie. uryM-fr300laighn.Fot1oo rc uglwwt i e- 1 th làt J. nderon Cse wgonswith lywod aricle to he Bwmanille HAMPTON 263-2288 Knight, M. Murrays Coins, ago on 401 Highway. Only ombikun Smfnb, Newcastle, dean mother racks; one Booms unloatier & A.M. will meet wîth' de Auction Barn, Nelson Street -ON' tbow t o24b______ s-ra$7in0ackyar. Akin 0 acqueline (Mrs. Grant with one horse power motor. Ncwtonvîlle Unitedi Church South in the Olti Canning Fa- AN R0 ONTtQ I 5ou!7e u -$1,90.CalnG Cooero atiJonrJo)..et-Havc MGilEnnskilnCogrgaio o Sndyooe-dor. DugGoer Jmaboout - us aou aythngtht' o"I- 1790. al: eogeVa ing, r andJonarmful orHavey a houseful.nCogreatononSudTh ep j Kendal HilCottage Dyk 623-7437. ingt at the Morris Funeral 263-2185. 37-1 tomber 17th, 1967 at 10 auc., 23-097. C36-228 ainters Tlsa ecsî v-- 4 yeans olti, 2 bedrooms,0.. Ch~el~ Bowanvill723fr0son.-3fo-2heaAnnuaaDivinecSevtce. ' neeti NORTH OFCOBOR 5 ion ic lut ment St. Ge, orsCeme- fTVTtAIl eulcomvieServicea. L.ecrtos-n 8 -4624. 2 -f ed sun porch. Beautiful roometi, 7 year aid bnao'Towhetdsm-e ben.Saturday at 2 o'clock. S Ail ia vsitors wloe 71n ecrtr ns97 -: posren2acelatai nt-oiareo.Fuaei-tchibikhm.inew I nv a . aut- _ _ _ _ _ __m e-n tK L 7 E l i t . - BoSnt .eI l u i L s o s c peeo rogt re' sx e - t l e t . A s i g $ 1 , 0 . e n i . c s t e d e i l n e t e n o te __ 3-Iso eog A ron IESOC ALS-hne63-07IUIAR-! lnt aut$600 nenscal:Wes indrosmoe To6ro oe TV____ Tenm1 DEADIME FOR CLASSIFIE . mu f e 'on [ues- Bo1 D Dee; Ali-l e.for both fresh and processing m arkets. hReE T Y Rti th dy o ete br o n -S t, omaPtlo Te- Bwlth.,souffler, 395.&PoeBR Y 19 67 da September 19, 1067, fronihi t Nea tlo , Otanior, dean h. $990 E3,00N HA mtgae nia a!hoe 8: 0 p. . o t e o ca i nP lo w s N i hts * 623-3177 E. R. Lovekin, O ntario St., ow m anv lle galow on %k acre l o aem6 a o of er Twenty-ifth W edding itr aI nl 3tro , fu a k tp i Box 9, Semi - detacheti duplex. uner pressure. Sto Wi nd sig o l 850 wt x __ versary. 37.1Inhternational -Ferguao 3-tr-TOP mrktprices piLander Hardware P0W5 $3,00 ro,3pitbth aeà ahpyeti eesr.and ELECTRIC Solicitor for the' ta settle ostate. Asking $15»0~> Daviduon, Bethany S02 eln ens odbs i furow, o-n t tese 8 ,j Administratrix. 37-3 -$5,000 down. 4 BEDROOM brick una *4W CM AIL A M E PUBermm tna te TOUR AUTO N WW o k W S ted 4-pce. bath. Natu a t n e8iu r e-lra ar you 10'Wrte x-Intrnaionl -pont uchDie CCmlier slocatetru kig.sppPrie-rvenlotst alnc2-3u3,i29751oorrihalcedNiclur-c 7lurng Winter Wether Totyle 9bungalow atw$2,500 ithmt t eevOnai'BOWMANVILLE Atter 9 p.m.: rangeti.ba»1godrar.IivlW j d &ina orB frey u s l oBitYu ari o o U O B D pat Yeo - . - 623-3077 Atter Heurs Please miclste cho. JAES-CS" . rapls otc s ALTNU Ken Heekin 8 23-5055 Don Meantjoy 63-64Maefnli.*8-.1 T.CWNF£ SBT.8 Weton Baniater -Wasley -89N fJ Mtat.04 KGardea XIII 797-22153iemre V.aDyk-62-31ClMra- Pt"COLBRIGHT ORCHARDS L- W. Lflut HoardMLI.e r-St. 8 eor tH adFrd roo - M aod Cout i. 2-24 11- ahno0-3184 P ra949rMI'o ~Coiborne, Ont. Pone 67411 p..,nd,,ldw q 87-t a Uw Fir-i'fiîcw qmm