Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1967, p. 13

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e'.'Goýodyear Tires Used by Three Top Winners in Grand Prixf BLACKSTOCK FAIR a m e N m u ~ ~~an e t T u r n e r , B e d e l w l a ~~x. ~~ ? RESU~LIS Turner, MarilynD!1 al PA RADE W ilkins, T ommy Le. , a me M lo m e Flo t-. c. G rade e arjri e Cindyl Craw ford, Jan et T r er e 1 .. Qeen and Princess), Gr2 e Pa"ca aison- tunias-Janice Crwod C.H.S.<(Classroomn), 3 ONO. Douglas Larmer. Grade 3- ilyn Duff, Jae Macm,*erWêS13e.fei~ Duffal Commercial Float- Cindy McColl, Sandra Johns- Grant McLaughi.Mrglscpenshr atmnh~ DufElectric. Decorated Bi- ton, Gordon Bryans. Wilma -Jamlie Mal olmMr.o OSta uigtemi cycle-Heather Green, Louise Wolters. Malcolm, Janet TreDb eoe i eotfrAga Van Camp. *Clowns - Chris open Clans bic Swain. Coio ae hwd bc a umt i . . . . S m it h , R ie S m ît h , L o is V a n r K g n - P a tti H o s k in , A n n e T u r n e r , B ll S b o( l g , J n c e d t o n C u c l o C a mp , w g t G e n D c r s e se n , J o h n F re y , K im Y e llo w le e s, C e y r g t u s a y e e i g b e f r Vated Auto-John Payne, Osha- Elliott. Grade 1-Marvin Mc. Zinnias-Bill StrigAieAi~trR .Wlh wa; C H.S. Chee cad r ;ar M ahon, ROY Cow lin g, Jean A n aragha n, W n y L e h ot l c s ! wUr S~~ ~ . H e c t o r S h o r t r i dg . B i c y c l H o r t n , C a r o l W a l k e . ae J a n e t T u r n e .f r A g s a s $ , 6 . 5 u urler2Gçaword~:ShelyMcMha r.JckGne. eTHNrusde:.lc~Ck Races, 12-15-Grant McLaugh- 2-No entries. Grade 3 -a i xctdrcvr~ .7lin, Dave Fallis, Blair Martyn: Cheryl Graham, Paul Larmer, fo eea n i EN OGNZTOS Grade 4-Lorrajne Warner, United ChurhWoe tuicstoowaflewl WOMENS ORGni Ated oney Christine Pantschuk, G a r y The first meetin !tefi Teacoyknte-oy. Davidson, H e da Mazzarola.saonorteBhnyUid Wearreiensi daleW.I 8,Shirley W.I. 8, Grade 5 - Kathy Keunmng, Church Womenwa edogutncdd15ha o Blackstck W.1. 7, Nestleton Barbara SwaiMcel a-Tedyngti h udyfmle ih4 eedns WI6,,lckstock U.C.W. 6. inoGe ~an. GcelR. ob colHlwt r.Haodfv cetdo eat~ Handerciefs- Nstîcon ~ Crwfod, arbara Wheeler, White presiding adwlo.csswt ldpnet,1 S Shirley 7, Honeydale 7, Black- Leslie Wright, Ruth adr n h ebr akfo igepros 6ptet S:. stock ..6, U.C.W. 6. Cotton hsondr. sumhme b Cushion-Shirîey 7, U.C.W. 7, Atsme holidays. usn oead1 BlakstckW.I. 6, Nestleton ArMr.ToaJaknadWh reiedOAA 5, Honeydale 5. Apron -Shir- Grd 4-nd Herman, Mrs. George Wadelsae OAS upemnayad ley 9, Honeydale 7, Nestleton Michael VanGestel, Cindy Van in leading the Wosi'eV Epniue wr sf1 7,Baktc .. ... 6G amp, D o u g 1 a a Johnston. ice, based on the lt hpe os ietwlae$,5.Q Doily-U.C.W. 8, Nestleton 8, rade 5-Debra Swain, Janice o! Mark.nuinhoe$2744,up Blackstock W.I. 7, Honeydale Gould, Alice Carnaghan, till Mrs. Addison Sotra lmnayad$8,ecs - ,Shirley 5 Tbl0etr-JClement. Grade 6 - Denice minutes of previou etnadmdcns$1.5 Shiley10,Blackstock W.I. 8, Edgerton. Darlene Malcolm, carda of thanks 1rmM. n i Honeydale 6, U.C.W. 4, Nestie- r Barbara Wheeler, Ken Craw- Mrs. Gordon Woodfrg t plcton o e. ton 2. Spiced Layer Cake- ford. their new baby anifo r.Sxwr cetd n m Blackstock W.I. 9, U.C.W. 6,1 Craitt Mae Webb for reei ac îyetwspoue o Nestieton 6, Shirley 5, Honey- Grade 4-Cindy Van Camp, during illness. dale 5. Black Currant. Jelly- Cakrol Hutndn ad e. Ms icent Jako1aetopras U.C.W. 9, Nestieton 8, Black- man, Douglas Johnston. Grade the f inia1 repot oig BidngIsetrRnl __ stock W.I. 7, Honeydale 8, 5-Rod Campbell, Alice Car-1receipts efrom catengateHthrgt'septfoAu Shirley 5. Tes Biscuits- naghan, Donna Totten, Linda frarm sale0o Mr. andMs alas hwdta 3bidn Blackstock W.I. 9, Shirley 8, Van Geste]. Grade 6-Bar- Porteous alnd forcaentoplitoswressead U.C.W. 7, Honeydale 6, Nestle- bara Wheeler, Rîck Prosser theMcReelis-Nealswdug httettlcs !cn ton 6. Candy-Shirley 9, Sherry Johnston, Ken Craw.: A further bale o sdo tuto a 144o hr Nestleton 9, Blackstock W.I. ford. nw clothing willbpckdws$2.0 eeid fo r~~7, U.C.W. 6, Honeydale 5 nOtbr Mebr eebidn emt n 6 a 'r ~ Totals-l Shirley, 2 Black- p en Coulas akd olev onton t h eciedfr h îv 1un stock W.l., 3 Nestîcton w.î., 4 Graei -Duga Jhntochurch hall'beginingOt 6 n emt su Goodyear- Canada president L. E. Spencer has victor ane Second place finisher Dennis Hukne, also in a Brabhamn Repco, and Blackstock U.C.W., 5 Honey.. Randy P r o s s e r, Lorraine IL wa ad ta pa he Drigth iot, 8bul. ehat wit}î Grand Prix of -Canada winner Jack Brabham and "MiS third place finisher Dan Gurney, driving a GurneyEge ee lodls.. anr ihel Rogan. Grade expenses o! two dlgtst n npcir eemd Player's", Elle Warner, who represented the sponsor of the race.j on Goodyears. Photos below show somne of the Mosport crowd on TEENAGE GIRLS 5-Gail Falis, Kathy Gunter, attend a. schoolfo Untdndoutrchiseins Brabham 's car, a Brabha m Repco, was on Goodyear r c n1ie . V a p c a t n , an is P a e'.Birthday Cake for teenager BGrade m6-Bar bra Swheeler, him L og e et 1-7 uidn I s e t rH t e racig tres a sePil sandandMis Plaeru. 1 er . Gd abrton, Miler.Srp attend flc aîlRSept. et ~' ~'. ~ ~ ~"' '~""~' .t-resmaent Mrs. v. Bailey -Carol ery Centennial Darlene Mgialcolm, Denise Ed- A' u be o! em rs ih t n ma e 9 vet gtoi Secretary Mrs, L. Thopsn Carol WotteJonHotnk Qrrell, Darlene erborough on Sept26 afte thereglar ecrearyBeth Dunsmore. Cotton DressMaclLsiWigtKty Panweemdtahd W adTreasurer's statements, -Janice Crawford, Beth Duns- Keuning. bza n e nNvme SE IL ~~ ' 4 . the reports of aur exhibits at oe arlWten ih-Wriig Ms ila iryito 7 I p e d n , b n r P r r w e i g h t -Sk i r. -c e -" k tok nd Port er Sh rso Slkst- wan Hmatoh- G rade - Susan Bolan, Paul duUC tenew stuiy 00 o e nsa v w j Pairs were given. The Tweeds- -hatsoSacks ithmtch Mountjoy, Debbie Thompson, the faîl terni, "ThePaomaUcadeo!teTrnye murtaatHmtnanu-three kinds - Carol Werry. Suhein Wilson. Grade 8- o! the Bible" whlch switnadHsi aiisetrr oedl and plans for same made. Tarts-Bt Dnmoe Crl san MeCoîl, Janîce Craw- by Dr. John B: Caon.ii aie ihasoc o rw The Central Ontario Are er.mmd reado ford, Janet Churchill, Linda study should enable vraepciebieDnaAhya <A~~~~;7- Y ~~~~~~Conservation announced. Re- bn -1a Werry. Taebedor McLaughlin.tascheBbnojutsthThrdkhm. solutions read. Mrs. Ralph sial o hl-anHr r history, or as a coletog! Tegft eefraylo "~Larmer reported on prospects, o.CrlWte.Atce Gae7DlbeTopo sacred books; butasher-atomsUchusws for 4H Girls' Club. W.I.hapy ord of a living dvlpn eoac ihaylo m made from facecloths-Joan Catherine Wilson,NilMbewe danbrldrpngtearsn- ta stand behind the clubad Horton. Lunch box-Mary Laughlin, P a u I' Mountjoy. rltosi assist where possible. Thanks LuMlom aa ery rd -Jnt'm. Rs argv aksedo a rp n r for aacoCmtaronialryPinadsent ManstChurchill o wrSao J.rardne wa recived. De- John Hamilton, Special for Janet Turner, Grant Me- unrtheiements ofI . odrwsrcie.D-Most points in this class-Joan Laughlini, Suzanne Wilson. oMnvters Toryn!shi rhsp.Tanye inda osg cided ta pommence cuchre Horton. Manrs uiTinshi"TefstoDna'desadCra,.. parties for ecdisecond wcekCrfscucbutintetwspHoknsedhrtb sa' duringwnemotaoOc TEENAGE BOYS Grade 7-John Wolfe, Neil was St. Mary's Agia da h cdo h al tober Sth. Attendance 22. 1 Birdhause-BiII Shortridge. McLaughlin, Marleali Malcolm, Church at Lifford, bu1 ntecvrdwt it ruh Although renovations a r ejArticle made from Drfwood Grant McLaughlin. Grade 8- year 1852. Otherso!Mt-byaut2ges.Atrop flot compîetcîy ishd te -John Larmer. Article made Linda McLaugh lin, Ja n et dist, Anglican and rsyinn irgiywa UnitedCh finishoped, te ofplywood-Lloyd Hayes, Turner, Eleanor Wriht, Stevterian denorinti or fo seviewmanville, JhnProduct mplwd nteyear churi Sudaymarn Rev G.rdie Malcolm. Article made -Debbie Thompson and June were 31 churchesscteetrannetdrnUievn Romrichose das thn. ev P on a lathe-Glenn Malcolm, Taylor, Rick Hawcs and Rick throughout the townipali fomril hossemas"thec 1ee Brian Lee. Article made from Campbell, Marc Slaan and witi good membershp o fo i emn"TeHgr tootipicks or popsicle sticks- Bruce Wilson, Larry Jackson there are only cigitPrtsat Ti nsclbhdacrn Gate." An. open session of Gordie Malcolm, John Larmer. and Dane Adams. Snapsîots churches".ratatLvrcFra' Sunday School was held in the Article made from sheet of -Debbie Thompsan. 7 and 8 Commenting on thclsn C.E. Centre witi a U.NIC. metal-Joîn Larmer, Glenn Natebooks - Bannie Pagter, o! 80 many o!fic aî rdyng adtoep E.F. film shown in place o!- Malcolm. Rope Halter-John Reach Central; Johanna Van- churches, Mrs. CarrsadAten rm eleviewr: teachîng period as the class Mren rooma arc not !inished yet. Larmer, Lloyd Hayes, Bill Kessel, Reach Central; Linda first thougit this laieraM:ads aodAsi __________________________ Shortridge. M o at points in M cL aughlin, C hristine B rent, depressing fact; bt w a nM s o u t n r - . - In 'St. John's Church, Rev. teenage boys-John Larmer. M. J. Hobbs Sr., Hampton. we cansider thatmayoanMr.G.Tuodad R. C. Rose preached from Wînners o! Essay Contest- Wood Collection - Marleai these wcrc missionchrh eMradMr.Cane sermon eancerned the neces- had been secureéd througi "The Love o! Christ".* Surfday Leslie Wright, Heather Dor- Malcolm. Scrap Books, Cur- and again that populto a5Ni'osJmsPllpan ity ta become involved in tic kindncss of Mr. S. Lan- School opened for tic fail rell, Linda McLaughlin. rent Events-Linda McLaugh' decreascd, perhapai sn' sTnni r1n Ms .Wl the real purpose of the caster, Newtanville. ,Shides termn.PULCSHO E LTli. erpBosGnra-blesitoud I churci, a good sermon for thc owned by several niembers Anglican Sunday Schools PULI rSHOO RSUTS in oSrap Boaka GenCraw. bad s eIthns. intheaîsoanEai. bcginning o! a new season. werc shawn on tic acreen by of Part Perry and Blackstock lr tngHeathýernPDarl, Janc Ca.w- ysertîngainticcn- Sna eolwshl Tii. choir sang "Climbing Bernicce and Gwen Best. hl hi ici tCr-Kindergarten-Dianne Lee r, Jutin -ElTalor, i t Colhuni.ty ered arudtccrya udymrig8 lection -bok or w ig t a k a ur aEls c au nr W righth ri h r r 0 m n h t m m es m gt at n were arrangements o! dahlias year anc which had been col- tic weather got very chilîy sn oiAnEetn rd raword, Gordie Malcolm. erthclesa we mustkcparMiewsnchgeorgu -~~~ - ~~Sunday shool in charge O! cvered and stred by the 11P ta Blackstock Pariai Hall Duivetyn, Jean Horton, Ge. r. A rangement o! Wild continue tic faith, tic hsay ofrn wsrcie yJ Superintendent George Tuf- treasurer, Mrs. Beat, wcre for supper. Davidson. Grade 2-Patricia Flowers-Marilyn Duf!, Alice and traditions. Wien arfr-nfrad.MroPyc è~ ford was re-opcned alter a given out ta Uic ncw classes Mrs. W. W. VanCamp, Mr. Debra McLag n rd ces Eleano renaYlo Wrhrsbitth al manth's closure. It was a witî the addition o! a fcw and Mrs. Blake Gunter -andeDavidsn Jonn eWotrCnaan BedaYla-atrsbiticarycuc-iceetws nhaeo, f -Petr Kistnn Tryab-3 es lanrWight. es, it was mostly by emu~tccastui r special centennial celebration new ones. In view of anni- family met Miss Mable Van inson, Marlene Krochenstol, Vegetables ity becs, and tic sweat!thiThryk.Alohrta. of its own. Tic centennial versary Sunday at Marri Camp at tic airport carly Anne Marlow, Debbie Prosser. Early patataca - H a r o 1di brow. Tiey hadilno! ar ecpeet hymn was sung at its begin- o tc tnt, Sndy shal Sndynomirin ahaier-j ningfolowe bytic Lord's wil1 begin at 9:30 a.m. for turned home from lier trip to' AtWihTm WtePu a' olnrtcmnyt hrnTonyela explaied T~8pragrm afldQuecneded tc Mran Mrs. tanfod Van-~ ~ Lrmer, David Larmer. Pump..- aySet 1 o prayer. kins - Deibie Swain, Paul .asy for us today. W e c ce3Colg n P t r explain:dthe progrm and Quen ended his LarmeralDaridndLarmer, Randy anyoupla ntala Wiliemsyou'rplantDtic LborougianandyuLindntlaeaves on welcamed back temmes Sunday sho eso.Cn Camp pnafe days wt Ann Emerton. Grade 1-Siob- MLo.Tmte ai roots firm and deep engitTusafaWtcoo ticmebes.acoacssson Cn- spnt fw itso--ornD gowh.Yo Mrs. Harold Beat explained tenniai cosmos fram tic gar- her sister and family at Pointe han Clancy, Jean Horton, Car-Larmér, Paul Larmer, Carrots allowfo egrw >,how Canada gat its name and den o! Mrs.. Clarence Nichais, au Baril last week. aWakrDan Fctad-Cîcryl Wright, Tom WottenAdd fertizerta noisit.CnrultnsaJn P. -~ - wiy it was called tic Dom n- and an arrangement o! dali- Mrs. P. V. W oodward and Grade 2-Cindy G ieve, Louise Randy M cLeod, Ken Craw ' r e d i g t a ih a r n i o s a a e i i nn !on of Cnada, an reatice nationalVaband, campi tition J I 7 an a ni g ti ne " e l ga r pred by rs . J. G ai P o nt a n ual; M r T G d'-he y nh rew gro Th' e uat recn s hi l hav e d mii n ra ea Frsr, wec ti a pop ite th r an I . te at, He. La mrhWem W ltr, n- J nie elo le s B es- au.,w rt a Kaaîes ! i ds y & Jc n r a ln et e nn .L r e, D vi a m r a u a tc n w o es m vn plyng bsetal snîn L CKT C Walters and Mrs. Ben De- awa, was weeknd gust, Mn. - frere Jacques, ju p in g B A K T C Jong are in Port Perry Hos-ad rsBo PtcAna, -- tRog oseayao vakian Ms.readtc, uraa tirugihooa.pital, and tiat Mrs. Art Dean were Sunday dinner gucats papr dscrbin th wa im EdcaWomn'ws Isthethe passf daway Sunday evening. and Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly, when they firat corne ta tuis ing wiici was hcld. in ti e ly ye i aa-Gelraid Kelly and girls.- country. Patty Paync read a Township Hall Wednesday tending Rycerson. Of course Mn. and Mns. Marwoad Mc- poni containing the wordS nigt. Mrs. I. Munday a! Bow- he was attending Higi Scool ee and. Mrs. .Lwsnvs 0Wloking ta tic future, manville, District President, in Port Perry. X td fina a aln us _______________________________________envlsioning a mighty land, a gave a very intercsting ad- Recent visitons with Mns. day. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Wan- nation under God and by his dress. She 'caommenced her talk Gea. Crawford and Mr. auîd non, Orono, visitcd tic Mc- ,r wisdom led". Piillip NichaIs with a baby and. haw quickly Mns. W. J. Peance wene: Mn. Kees.duning tic week. idslydapeture of Fathers they learn and follawed up ail and Mrs. Gardon Cox and Mn. and Mrs. Ed Harris W ES L E V IL LEo! Confederation and named tirougih ife. Education is *a !amily, Cleveland; Mn. and we e cent guests a! Mn. and S(lntended fan last week) Clarke and Darlene Green go tic prime ministers with a "1drawing out". Sic aise men- Mrs. Hanry De La Matter and Mrs. Alex Flctt, Fenelon Falls. Cool weather signs are to Pont. Hope Hi.gh Sehool. lword or two describing tiemf. tioncd thus .Centennial Year Lloyd, Mn. and Mrs. Allan Mn. and Mrs. Tam Maihaffy sjowing witicth beginnîng Fall meetings have begun Gril Paync told of thc and 70th anniversary a! Wa- Hitciman, Toronto; Mrs. Mary and childnen, Oshawa, callcd ,ithe school yeuxr frost lias in earnest, witl the mcn's tme and occasion o! each men's Institute. Tctiow, Seugog; Mn. and Mn. on several fniends in tic vie- lfbm reported a short distance club executl-ve meetin lat vince and tenitory becom- Mns. Marwood McKee who Fred Crawford, Pont Perry. inity Sunday and were sup- norh o te lkebu evn Mndy nght Agus 28at g a part o! the Dominion. had introduced the speaker, Mr. and Mns. Bob Bnyans per guests o! Mn. and Mns. Iakeshore a low gar- Welcome, te plan activties a ly Nichols described Uic aiso expncssed tic thanks ta spent thc wcckend vlsitlng Bill Mahaffy and boys. - shows black curled for the year; group o! theBiis n uainpviin er. Ri cl w1"Wy Il rnM. and Mrs. Gea. Bryan and Sonry we- neglected to men-« - ticcuembe vnesU.CW. orSepembr mt t e Exo.Mrs. Harold Beat Praud o!Cnada" was wellMn. and Mrs. Scott Eery,l tien Grant and Neil MeLaugh. an long stemmed dahlias Mrs. E. Berrowclough's ast dsplayed a Iovely linen- table-I answened. Mi-s. Charles Smth Courtice, and attended tic lin among the guests at tic Thusdaamrrinngo e loth wlth ail thc coats o! gave tue current avents and Cooper -Mornison weddin.g iIo un cottage, Coe Hill. It's a corona test cage used at Ontario Hydros xtaHg Vlaela ra wilted and lieavy hcads hang »Tursameting ntierot arma paintcd on it as well as Mrs. Roy Taylor gave a fine Countice Unted Churci, Sat-Mr nd Mns. Bet Gibsontin Etobcke to detet corona the partial breko o n ree~ Iadown. temeigfrteM th etennial syn-bois, wich response ta tic mtta.- "Take urday. Gordie. Patti and Ste- spent acul !dy attr f ceCn,~w i g T) fesn thlaesoeaa churci. ois spoke of tic changes In dation o! Wisdom." with Mn. and Miis. Wilfredrp'als. Pl.) a student at Lawrence, ak olglate; k~thrWilzRiae 1 in fmt4 lkshresar-tie church and Sunday school Mrs. L. Tiompson played Brown, Caurtice. iMn. and Mrs. John Mew, Fallowfield Rd.,) a student at Thistletown CollegaentttJs. tug ut on le's great adven- Regular churci service be-I i % known 122 years o! and sang a !ew o! tic 2th A good numben from liera Jane and Robent and Mr. Walters, omnil,(5DvsnSt:aaWe t.pstti B"c and John gan on thc first Sunday o! existence. Century Hymn Tunes. attended Orono Fair Satur.. Smith, Toronto, visited Mr. Bw avî,(5Dvso t, t.eta onavn 1g5bo îi.siangoto Welcomc chool September following tic hou- t Centennial pins wene pre- Dtsing tic business perid day. and Mrs. Austin Beacock and Ail were assistants at Hydro's exhibit In the CNE' etr fPopu~id r one, and Roba dav month. 1ev. Un unroos snted to all pressat; theuei which was preaided over bjr Mr. and Mm. Wl» But- lis. Moffatt Eunday, ig.-OnaC idoPhfo(f2

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