Catle Mixed- with Prize Cakes at Durham Central Fair Last Weekend S TÂRK VILLE wre h olida&y io n ut M r. and Muu rs. E. Buer, Prlday evening, iast week, TontpetUcwkndu (Intended for last week) visitons with Mrs. L. Todd Mroyd pet he lweel's a Mr. Murray Curtis and were Miss Beulah Haiiawelî, r ly aloels ý and friend, Fenelon Falls, Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Miss' M.adMs lwHao Ivisited ut Mr. Orme Falls,' last: Norma Hallawell.J well were guests ut the Allen'. week. Sheeban wedding ut Fairlawn 1Sympathy is extended ta United Chunch, Saturday ar- Saturday evening dinner Mrs. Howard Farrow in tbe ternoon and reception ut guests with Miss Norma Hal- passing ai ber father, Mr. H. Coach 'N Four, Don MilIs. iaw-ell were Mr. and Mrs. Andy Tebbie ai Newcastle, last Gray, Onillia; Mn. Jim Hailo- week. well,Mr. and Mrs. Bnian Cas-, Service at Shiloh, Sunday CAN VOU imagine anyone well and family, Mr. and Mrs. 'afterncon was weIl attended as unbappy as a womàin with le FALL *FERTILIZER * s Ah trE t oRO Bayad tRANieds Auctioneer Jack Reid seils bomemade cake for$1 V I Manvers Twp. Council Ail members of Manvers1 weeds and sand probleme; Council wvere present f or theirj several accounts. Setmber me et ingR withl The following accouants we-e! Reeve Lewis McGiIl presiding.1 ordered paid: Road Voucher The tender of King Seagrave1 No. 9 for road account, frasait and sand spreaderI $3,20811; Federation of Agri- was accepted at a total cost af culture, 1966 levy $544.20, $2,611.35, including Ontario Farmers' Union, 1966 ]evyý SalesTax.$20.00; Norman Argue, for The deposit cheque of Muni-1 sheep dlaimn $25.00; Dept. of i cipal Spraying & Oiling Co.j Healtb for Insulin,$16 Ber- Ltd. in the amount of $2,101.001 nardi Neals for fuel, $30.08; will be returned as the con-j Registrar of Deeds for list of tract has been completed. transfers, $5.50; Township of Ontario Hydro will be re. Hope for welfare charge-back, quested ta instali an addition- $16.58; Municipal World Ltd. ai street light on William St. for stUpplies, $159.42. in the village of Pantypool. Next meeting of Caidncil X Reeve Lewis McGili, Dep. will be held Oct. 3rd at p. uty Reeve Wilson Heaslip, Roy Strong and the Road Supt. Maurice Bradely were Rppainted as a cammmnittee ta try and locate additional land ~ l~' for the road department for Upper photo, shows the three top winners in Marr's Jewellery Trophy, second place Terry Malcalml Some time was spent re- Alil Round 4-J- Showmanshîp in Durham County. and third, Mary Shea. vîwng the entrradwr They are, left ta right, Neil T nk, winner f thel Photos by Ken Wilson1 pragram for e1967. cOther communications re- various Ontario faîrs and fairs ceved and dealt with were border. '.- 1CO. Ld. with request.ta a by- U D IU D h e p a iTracey Glaspell is stili ative Lite , t&lphoône lunes an an bs farn o theTowle roads in Manvers Township; o in Tanonthe aid bis atrDept. of Municipal Affairs, ad- I ( l@bought the 50-acre farin in'vising thateradbs hig 1915. Since then the farm bhas walfo tbsbsdedhi grawn ta 170 acres. The Glas- caming winter under the Hom e of C am pi ns PllsTracey and bis so Winter Works Program; Alex Glen, also work 80 acres fur Carruthers, M.P.P., re bridge ther outin Dalcouso Town-1tth Cocessio; Unitd Cout Taunton - Intevajat oast, sailed for the new, one niovrd west and pion-. ship. tesoNeonhuenitd Con- Bowmanville for bis borne. ýsheep when yau're paying $12 af Manvers and said township Frank Glaspell had a son!narintxs"wudb epsblfoth 1" ~~~and named hlm Wesley. Wes. Tracey Giaspeil explained sinl' anenneonsi r'f Y ley moved to Taunton aroundi that sheep is a secndary pro road hereafter; Magistrate A tten tionFl U mD NIE1885 and rented a farmn east duct on the farrn now, wth jBaxter, enclosing share ofY n dia name Trcey wasbor tofroma 10-hadberd oai l-amount ai $19.55, an account SAVEJ Wh paymoreon jWesey. Trcy a ýr asteins, aaog itbh a yearly ap-i fram the Canadian Pacific Yoiir W a SAVE m1 um qaiy mreonîaey lapelhep b is; pIe and potato crop. Railway regarding a wasbout preimqult ate nte asn o heýAt 72, Tracey still rises ev- of road which daniaged rail- I o aen at the age of 10 in 1905. Sheep ery morning at seven a'clock way tracks; Dept. af Muni-.fyubaen ,i hk ~ave been part ai the Glas-ta work the farm, but is cipal Affairs re balance af felt that you w G/ASJLINE-DIESEL & MOTOR CILS Ipell family for the past 62ýknow]edge of sbeep places hlm Winter Works subsidy in tbe i tOta inars. aasajudge of sheep, amoun aiof$1,640.24: letters onteO ar -~~~~~e FAM TAK NDPMS VIABE bu land lambs. We e' o frm local residents regarding premium assist ibbo m u to and otwolsludges somneone else's sheep., senior club. Mr. and Mn,. months or mor( lue rbo utnadwlin Chicago, Calgary and ati Malcolm served us a deliciaus CALL COLLECT sheep.i the CNE. lunch of cake andi ice cream. 1Tracey has tbe ribbons toi Besides judging, be finds, Senior club members ara- L L O ~ i u rov it Row up n r ws i time ta peformn the detaiid reminded they are al respon- W HIIBY UUO-~~~~~3LiI ~ribbons are naiîed side by side1 job of General SuperintendentjslefrardpaytOan __ B 68 33 1along the ceiling beams the Roya ada int er1 foar oWbat Prein.mron 1 mu laspeUl barn. They decoratelFair. He is aso the past chair-! Neil Tink thanked Mr. and U A O I L the white washed rafters witW;man ai the Canadian Lî-iMr their blues and pinks and pur-!stack Records Association. ' lt. Mtaffrterhs ______Mecl frthi hsi By Premium Ass ples. Te ribbons were wo t racey's grandsans, Wesley, tality. pa i 13, Stewart, 12, and ar We tbank aur leaders, Mr. wih~upyj cry on tbe famnily Btri"n Tamblyn and Mr. Jose, for complete payme Tbi yer, he oyswannb-their assistance during the bons at the CNE for their eoas elasAic- TOW NSHIP 0F CLARKE sheep. The family alsa won the. tural Representatives Mr. Dal- h ff tell iei f o a Grand Champion fleece entryl r3mple. and Mr. Sutherland.VU in te16 wooi show at thei Premium assista NOTI E T REA TYhe2?trend at the Glaspelli 4.H Clubs Hold dominating the sheep ivision! a u flOTICE- TO REA LTIY ýat nunierous fairs for three atxafetk generations. The grandsons5eVeral Mei ngii donations, ec) sheep, and today, offly 75ý The farm ai Martin Reit- Yumyb lg waoly animais graze at the knecht, one mile west af (a) Single: You ar tie Te~te Glaspell Taunton honiesead. Gre ilwasth meeting prernium will eualihe taXsse fmnpa n cho E xr es adrfupl1 ~me~s Fuanc Vgtabe cham4- sto-(b) Couile: You ai wa h fut meeting of the Your OMSIP CanP ntut es orO udrthe provisions of The Municipal and Sehool Tex Credit Assistance I ed member in recognizing I o a otx Act, 1967 to assist elderly persons. A tax credit equivalent to one-haif Hods Sesio sucb potato diseases as verti- ofth municipal and school taxes may be allowed in respect of a real rIciiuwilt. blackleg and earlyfulyth nai property, subject to a maximum of $150.00, if-n blacK to k t. f ewvrietieso poaoesutbthOtr i ghto M. eb ers a s rl m tked « For aur final Dairy Cal Igfrpot. r etneh' ra (a) the owner, and/or the husband or the wife of the 1 Club meeting this year we Latri h vnnJn owner, is 65 yeurs of age or more and occupies the me1ttehm Walker, Club President, took Yumyapy1 rea pr pery a a ers nalresden eMrs. Neil Malcolm, Black-10up the work sheet answers. annual renewal pe relprpry sapesna eidne stock, on Monclay evening,. Reiresbments were served the if you had no taxal (b) application lu imade by the taxpayer during theAust2t.enerantemeigws calendar year ini which the realty taxes, in respect Ai M lr. T. RuteprlanAteadjourn AgiuM rai R.Sterentat .-nd*a t 9- 15. your personalizedi cf which the tex credit is claimed, become due and called the club to order and odrpi tth payable, and organized a class af cows for' So if you have noj judging. After the jydging' ett a o (c) the remaining portion cf the realty taxes, after the was campleted, we gwe aur lany banic, or fiornu dedctoncftis tx reit ha leader, gave us pointers "Premitjr, Assistat on judging dalry cows. Mr., 2-3 0 ThSIeA FOR AR Y CATeenshaebenprvntLae M cattie feeders many dollars. CERESDALE FERYILIZERS Ltd. NEWCASTLE, ONT. P87-471 i 623-7150 ou qualify for OMSIP' .umiAssistance? courage could cost you leu than you think! medical services insurance and because of your incarne you were unable ta afford the premiums, you can stili afford ta, ria Medical Services Insurance Plan-because OMSIP gives stance ta persons who have lived in Ontario for 12 consecutive re, based on the amount of their taxable income. ;istance, OMSIP means either a greatly reduced cost of caverage, n ow instaliments once every three months, or where applicable, «nt of your premnium by the Ontario Gavernment ire eligible for Presnium Assistance: :nce is. based on the amount of your taxable incarne for the year er 31 last. Check your compîeted Incorne Tax return for the past ,able Incarne" (that's the reduced amnount of money an which you king off any exemptions for your wife, dependants, charitable ble an the following basis: re eligible if your taxable incarne was $500 or less. Your OMSlP 1be $7.50 every three months. are eligible if your combined taxable income was $1,000 or less. Premium wilI be $15.00 every three mnonths. ire eligible if your farnily's total taxable incarne was $1-,300 or ISIP premium will be $15.00 every three manths. >remium Assistace: ,r Prernium Assistance when you join OMSIP, or during the *riod. Prerniur Assistance is flot autornatically renewed. Even able incarne, you must still reapply annually when you receive application and renewal form which is mailed ta every contract July renewal date. medical services insurance and because of your incorne you unable ta afford the premiums, then obtain an application frorn OM51 P, 135 St. Clar Avenue, West Toronto 7. A free brochure ance"l is available from OMSIP. MUR DOCTOR'S BILLS..,I FO0,111SCIIEBIILEFES. <f J 0 PLAN for next year, plow down most of next spring's fertilizer titis fali, so that you - plant earlier next spring - lessen thue spring work load Spreaders, materials are more readily available now .4A J protein dollars 1 Fortify your silage with CALREA FOR BEEF CATTLE 987-4711 NEWCASTLE, ONT. 623-7150: NOW wmmm--URRmý