CèDdII!SitirnEoMan,,Me, Aug. 18, 1967 e &7 g P iWe R i 'W Ve fl wtmland, theic ~W TOElFE lngwe vstd wuThemi* Wher We u1 Baes t eis.. 14 Lberty 8t.N., I & 11.Health. SH.ie, wo and Xcls atte E n ro I e Eowmanvment. atd nlinone20 Wm .utes, Another porcf "IluWl ut ude1 onthe acreen we. wTindad, Tobao ad Grenada lb. 3rnu ~ IIIII of a baby, blood WheiO WO via"4 rghl *bftd I Whothe cOUi r ansfusion and a kidey ClC o urntiecseture ,u àÎào i OM Il" k. brend à transplant. As mvera of our works of art and listened to u s ~,~faoowt bout oueo h<~b<~~ native rnusc. On IeavIng the __________ ~ 803.0 tois f Exo. oin wedldnot Mtay for the building 1 wus given à. nut- .~ Etlii5ofII pthe a oetefiaidt dfelda - lmeg pod. plus a enferal assenibly roon ~iPfVlor f sx irl, foinsbocaes Mmtl bu ni~w toi>ped brlfly for and i: stueted four miles west a -m" ~s~Scho0l1 lbwu' Oui next stop was Habitat lunch we ehad french of Betheny, lb the south junc- f17 Prlvllege to journey to 67, a building which wa i,ps and iiP for 85c, or1 tion of 7A and 35 Hlghways. B i »e-Jiue b. made Up of 188 Rmil oot- longhot 6oga Smc. The School Are& Board of 'îýW lafi Ewnvle at montoa nd looked like an ln- As Ibis was Australieda Trustees. nnounce bhe follow- :3 ,,sto 4Ppling lb King- dian ruin. We coul<I really We had planned te visit tht n saf poib1n9 Jh itouladCornallforr.- ookove Exp frm ti: ~vlfonbut the. long lins-upB Cumberland, B.A., former- frulmienti and bbe Use of bbc great hlgh building. Ini the foce us to concentrate onlycf Knstoniave rait duat e rest rooms. We arrived at our Itallan building we saw mod- the umnaller buildings.,W. had of'QeensUleat llb lodglnga,.Canadiana Motel, on crn and old-fashioned ladies' team rubee ss r. h ew i ipl. Teacungra the 5@uth shore of bhc St. waring apparel, Italien Pot- anid Great Britain. We went aeMs ide onMs LBWtDc lUte (aros toyscuptues ndmuscalto Barbados, Algerla and Ida Dolighan, Mis. Jean EzPo)at 2:15 .m. Stopping Instruments. We found tis! Guyana - anl very colorful, LnAruetc.hela Sm liM just "01 enougr. to Icave our pavillon ratier dark whsn e and were ablo to sec tkir LnaFeceMs iem suitesses we rcboarded the entered. vailous crafts and atamps. In Wright Mns. Jesale Fiak, Mts. bu., lrriving tEp n~ A h ti pla avillon Tlisiland we gazed at the Vera garglnson, Mns. Nellile uior tr. 9we ss l awarte hiea, < huge atatue of Buddlia, view- Newman, Ys. Leslie van der ,aOne l th Exogoun s awtain'c roniapaeld chi d monko habits, and bondi- Meer, Mia. Elsie Bail, Mn. ln te - gxp gronds e 0Loraine Smith, Mia. Betty- oai rop 1 ~gilsa ever crosses' Cil ndcr fts. Ann Starkes, Mis. Ernestine Ut Mn ttedses, crows andcrf. Other pavillons we spnt Robinhon and Mis. Margaret pibe Sfop. he f it bîîd We abesaupper et the Africa nome tfnie ln were FranceKuln. PM« Youp Th% fj+ lkI- Place, where the superitisors where wse saw art treasures. ha o t 8lýmeat pie, french fries, televisions endMr.ctoaidi Mis W.. u-St col san d coffee for $1.10. and Germany, where we look'.'Wilam.;M.adMi.O u -Thc girls enjoyed french frics ed don o a iiuge îaboratr izac and son Gregory of and pop. In bhil section they mdswsvrl texil rds London have been guests withn pandchased Mexicanexttle ais pasoeos for $2.4t5reach.wpîeys. Mi. and Mis. Clarence Rowan We ~and Mi. and Mia. Howard 0 enjoed a ride on the* Minirail The Burines. pavillon was Eowan. t and dui*ng bisevening risit- oneheof o u tifvul rifts wofe Mis. Mildied Biistow spent h, weswcoptrs eevsos v ,silver and wood. Pie- w sekeih5r Pete rRogh and famous photos. Proceed- cloua atones were on dlsplay Jonto.j 9 ing te the Canadian Indian and one pendant was piced Jois.TomaakonI.nb Pavillon ws rend how the In. at $4,045.00. Mhi.tbfo hms Jacksn a h dians greeted tie firsb white In the. Ceylon building we Wlb frti.we, iiiG with Mr.and Mis. Ross Hall. mien and saw their snowshoes, saw a miniature tea planta- Mian Mi.RyBtel crats and how they livedtI o- tien andI bright tapestiies. and son Douglas of Belle day. While here, we chatted Tic wood carvings on the Plains, Sask., are vloiting with ec wha naatomsId augh. buildings exrbenor were ma b er mother, Mrs. Ina Palmer. P IsI a ang pwhroeds the bis w oi etuundptrip) ly; d M. and Mis. RJohnsa Youth Building, where we W. spent quite somas Urne Palmer and family, Mr. and he ow em aAOPO aw ex h ibitI t llustrating ln Theme: Man tie Producer. Mis. Lloyd Ransberiy cf Pi OM YO Wrhl «V youtb et home, work and Hers we rode thé escalator Orono. ci mab "packaging" y=u play -. ratier dlsturbing lni and thon saw how energy la Miss Evelyn McKinnon re-re p* ao ta Wtt. >'ou mou spots. The girls enjoyed oev- drawn froin the sun, tels- turned to her home in Mont- lesrnny.~ eral rides, one being bis communication systenis andI real, Que. on Sunday. ti 1? can prvide att Gyrotron. At 9:02 p .m. (we computers. Ms .M rw fPtr daweîee wo miutes ta) a Pausing for suppor, about borough bas purchased the i *OdnvnrcrCl u trned ta dour bodgns. Ail 5 P.m.,wc enJoyed insat former Thompion residence " Col W trnedto ur ldgigs. u pe oiChIes. food for ap. andI ia moving here this week. e *ffoo ordotil wi~o g hlgts weîe out by 10:30 P.Mi., proximately $1.00. Mi. and Mia. Addison Scotta but lt was ater mfidrilght To finis h off oui day we andI their sono George andne when we settied down. returned to La Ronde where Roy attended bis wedding ofbe Next morning w. were =p bhe girls again enjoyed a few their second son Donald Scottth again at 6 o'clock. We lined rides. Lsaving ici. at 6:40 andI the former Donna Holland u up fr brakfst aout7 La.us epot for back at the on Saturday. The weddi1 antImiteuestng . picefor 7 p.m., and took place in teUnite fci hUA T ~to Expo, via bus. Arrivlng ab headed for home, stopping et Church at Newburgh. f Ex owe headed out for bic Napanse for a snack andI ai- Mr. andI Mrs. Douglas Brute T Befi'Telphoneb u i1 d1 n g, rivcd ln Eowmanviîle about andI family of Brantford visit-es ~ J NES ~ D lin4 u; for 1 % hourà bfo:lr :m. nerdtc arnsM. an Men e eneredthefirs Mrs LeoardDriver tIuring r, entering the. building. Once buildingI gave ec girl atePs week. inside though, we reaily en. sheat cf nobepaper (as wc ditI Mn. Laura Spicîs and Mis. 4 OU*EA.L INSIIEANOE joyedthebisWalt Disney film net have pasaporta) and tiey R. Warren, Toronto, were by on Canada. W. feit as thougi were able e hv is uaswih M.at i.i3 p~~Ig t.E. EOD1MIIOwe wsre1 travelling on a atamped as w. vlslted each Walter Neals during the week- ras] Resuae magic carpet as wO wîtciiêd pavilo. n.the ý*21-5413 l. This is one building ev- I did net keep a dinry of Glenn Weathenilt and Laîry tha, eryone should visit, as tic oui tour se have relied on niy Wetherilt are nttending Camp vlc, film la fantastlc 'ad bisernemoîy and guide bock for Quin-Mo-La ths wek. lp. self -the»- Items, 1I ho"e bhey ,are aisc T Taccurabe and have been ln- Basins:: u ir cory fier thing I would like to auggest IIJ JJto people- with childien-bake LtCCOUntC lCy to a thermos of wateî. I fileI Lmine before we left In bie RAT J. DILLING te .morning and we ail ipped Charbeied Accountant beiý from it whle waiting lni lie. 93 Church Street - We delegated twcô girls te 623-3861 wer; N _Ekeep zrefilling it et one of the WM. J. I. COGGINs day, fountains wnile wc waited. Ciartered Accountant drar ~ $, ~Durlng bie afburnoon lt aaved 115 Liberty St. S., Bewmanvillean AdJ'101M W. 11M a lob cf tbue looking for Pos62-62tisi driklg pos.Tiowndr- WILLIAM C. HALL -Jau you LLOpLOleful thing about Expo Is the B.Conim. Tehc fnenlnsscfpepe o Chartered Accountant sessi îe ~meet. Being able to speak 36V2 King St. E., Oshawa wt French I chatted with soins Telephone 725-6539 of bie women -i charge of Young peo ple. One lady bad DUItEOWS, BELBY & CJO. E seven smmii boys, caci holding Ciarteisd Accountants [i You could caU tlils little yarn "Handwritlng on on to bhir own l32 lin Sretins te wall." It seema tuat a aubacriber'. volce was nopé sic heltI. Varieus group>s Ohawa, Onitario Ch beceming very familiar to tic Information Opera- had nome tags fasteîied to 725-6451 - 728-7554 eb C toi. Tiecsaine woman kept calling falrly often, ask. tiieiclothes. Wc conversed William A. D. Selby, C.A. Kood 7- ng for a differsat number aci tims. Sensin a t with' girls frei ParnhamGEd o du r wC A. bt sie was being recognized, bis lady apologizzcad Montrent, Ottawa and Osh- G*Emod1'fl5fl-A gth explalned to bies erator. 1"I'm sonry te ksep camli- awaandreay ad a won. C i o r act eri ing you 20 often, bubt tcy just papered my 10cmn de h ir op c mi and covered up ail my numbcrs." Tic ladi i te u bne.4_____________ muaul-, uu Yourar UUca as WCIIl. lMcre and mais busy mn ad womcn --are findlng lb valuable ta bave their are& codes pinedele tterhea& and business carde. hit me. h se Mmci@Saler ferbul- 110" ascuoca eraséhem quleklby telephene, whon necessMry. fn If &Il Four orr«ePoautenela personal a you don't Use pritod statlonery, lb'. btilil à geai Ides tolet Four friande kaew pour ares ced. aba IhlU Four pion. number. And te know Cempie telqbm n "diresa'of Four distant friands. Of eurs, M ingte arescode le s muai If Fou Ire able ta liai roui own long distance cals and Fou are phoning te a place omiide your own are&. Whére one of our Opermiors muei place thé eaul for F10% glvlnt ber the areà, code helpe ber tea peed reur oeil &long IDe w&y. 0 0 e 0 New here's a unique expérience in telepionin¶ " -Oppis oiditnetelepiione unl whic cobind comuncatonstecbnology wt marine biolog.Y. Parteipants in the conversation der aSee trained peipoise at Marfneiandj of tii. an &.ifcsu Splash" ils counterpart at Marine- lond V lSrida. Tbwo 1poipoîses squeaked, ciure- ed aO Whilud te cone another citer the 2,500 mie ci t0ogloae linosst lz t ebd thern.£ehci#1> pausaih emliton~I o thé other wM bot ÔccaSoal inerr lotUnmtely a porpoÏs a numml, go no MOrehOuRi accuse me df telling a flh »My. v±î's Useteries on t. Mary's is te j epuetery in Manvera Shlpdating back te il serv1Ce waî icharge Arthur Alciten. Pallis' Cemnetery wai lished about 1800. Re Plsrcy conducted the there. Many foin outside attended both services, Meus ofotbmf Bethany man's aoftba continue on top la the Durhaqm League mries, bis win citer .Bailiebo: on Sunday nigit wil score 10-6. Vaughan McII sud Scctt shared thi.mouI Bethany witii Levi Me( celving. Moore antI Iidd IWe ISilieboro batterj. hemers bySmith antI 1 triples by Scott, Finne Ken Blair of mllbrcx bbc lste umpire; Jobu eni Wl bé ,reby' lna ro tie M M JEDmCa EM"Vef iCenatrai sceeJ Work in almoat comple the now Manvers To, Central Sthool, construci the contracter, M. J. CZ ntrction Ltd. f ~ LaiwUl be z» séo~ ea4p*,bp 8a c-MmLasi 1 ô C 1 ýge Schooli Supf. in International n Criminology Hf. M. Hoo!?.", Superlntend- el ince.1952 faparis ont, Pi. Riig Seoo , n- Sechqm London, Roe rolictI 1l the*l7th Interna- Lausanne, VIenna, Brui tional Cours. en Criminoîegy Cepnaen nboug wiich comeznelcesat Montreail dritIerugalmi, Cairoà, Lyan University on 20ti Auguat. antI AbidJan. F o r th c f i s bt ui e , t bila A n - . H o p r l a e o n 8 t nual International Course will Mrg. bantI ilevui n t u b. hieldhI Anierica. twilil utI adwl eunt i focus on tres main themes: duties hIn rid September. (a) Réhabilitation oi juvenle Over 300 delegates fom 38 delinquents antI adut ffen- cuntries are enrolled, antI tIrd (b) d inistration of M . oopen lu sponsored by ustes, (c> Crime pievention. the Ontari o Departinent of fovius courses have been, Reform Institutions. Jehovah's Witnesses Lait Sunday efternoon the man's scientific andI techno- Civjc Auditorium in Oshawa logical advances, he still hins ovsrflowed wibh thousands net solved the basic problem who gatiered te hear thc of how te live peaceably on main discourse of tice'Dis- tic sarti. Tiey feel that a nIplc-Makfng' Bible semnilar lack of the Bible's tfmeless of Jehovah's Wltnesses. Thi moral principles is ta blanc talk brougit te a climax bic andtI at Bibis instruction la largest rdligieus convention mors necessary toay tian at icid in tie Oshawa aiea. any bine in iistory. The. delegates came te hear This was tic iSth in a sen- :imely inforation ddllivered les Of 19 seminars te b. held by Mr. A. W. MacNamaia un- acioss Canada this year. Tic dci thc theme: "'Rescuing a last foui will be in Brock- Great Cîowd\oî Mankln4i Out ville, Ont., Moncton, N.B., of ArmagedtIon." Corner Brook, Nfld., andI an "When w. look ln bis di- allFrench language sseîbly ection of nman, we se evidence at Trois Rivieres, Que. piing up tint man'smnia- management ai thc émiti breatens is ewn existence" PONTYPOOL said MâeNamara, speaking of worltI conditions mince 1914. Ouirnietiopolis fista have a With regard to bis lncieaing new Post Office aiter thc prop- Idustrialization of tie woild ci site can be secured. Ib will ce saud, IlMankind has had te b. tie first gevernment builtI. pay dearly, because pollution lng te be built here. Tic fuîst ýf air, landI ad water hs Paît Office I can remember ls Bacied criticial proportions." tie franc building now own- !acNamaa aise mentioncd cd by Day. Stnong. Tic finit e "population explosion" post Mistress I can ismember oin unprecedented w ari Mis. Tios. Stanton. I mIsa 'hici have ravîged the saiti remember W. H. Heoper, Jack n bis 2Oti century. He said, Crawley Bill H a c k w o o0td, 'The coming war of Arma- Henry éaiter andI mew is re.tdon. means bis climax Of widow Mis. Lebitia Carter. b ie of trouble suci as Tîey hd the box systein (no tveî ina afflicted mankind lecks) prier te rural mail for *fore." But he aIse stated village and country. I ne- Lat, "divine provisions ane member bie Paye number iderway te rescue a gîcat was No. 34. Boxioldens were aowd of eaibi's inuabitanta allowed to wnlt ln tic store ron the coning comflict.1" (including Christmas Day) iese will parnliel tiose wio until mail was sorted. Ac- scaped the flood of Noai's me, antI wfil cons out "1te ncmxii cleansed antI freed h" ' Oni ail disturbers of psace." GCet Cash ...., E tu$i s ni w a s x r s e y Pied Roet$ad E m l'r Old Appliances c f Rehder Avenue, Bow- Ibieugi tnvilleon tbif return fron ST A TEEMA N ie senuinar. M. Roberts said C L A 88SIrF19DS at bie embure program ro- led timnely counsel for local )Plcation, nt nly forifm- r -phone 02-3303 If as pemlng '_ pstr, but se té allâ be delegates ~~ s~ Onu lac a Icongregation. >.. iI five weekly congrega- mn! meetings and houas-te. ose ninimitiy wlll new start reflect tifs counsel te bis mefit of the communîty. lighligitt f the Seminar ?re bie baptlsîn service Fnl- YandtI eé Buble-based amas, one Frldaiy cvenfng dtwe Saturdmy. Theicbap- m service saw people frein wlkl cfAlte ordained as F EN CHC E e le s e emelbtal sisc i asselnbly Tic EG or tCesse feel tat dpic LI1ZÀBETHVILLE BRA thuich services were beltI Canton on S a iha $ Id attendanceUnThe. wih ville Unilted* Ciuîcii Wo- iwcîe rssponslble for tic le. Mrq. Howard Wite ish speaker, Canton chir ev.e --f i in the cozmnunty udedthe tcdecointion îcr. Sat Union Cenieteny, Part e, on Suinday. irs. Elsie Tamnblyn, Mr, Mifs. M. Tamnblyn and 11Y, Lindsay, visited wth antI Mii. C. Beatty recent. st Satundey, n huge crowd ndetI tic sale of articles îe late Violet Wnlters, ai Miuldrew house ln tie vil- se welcomne te oui village neighbouis, Mn. antI Mis. cette antI Guy frein BcwI. u-n -y 9a. t UO 6p.mn. daay L hW ouse lin the villàge, Sna.Clased Saturday andI Sunday lalso Mr. an d Mrs. A. Cham- *oldest Telephone: Office 6235459 berlain iad family from Osaca Town- ao 852. The DI. E. W* SISSON Who have bought the Powell of ' ev. L.D.., D.»*S. place abve Muldrews. Office in his home Mr. and Mrs. Howard Staats, is estab. 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvile w tekend ?w flen t he ln V. Wm. Phone 623-5604 Thickon. Mr. and Mr. service Omfie our : 9 am.in. 80pm. daily Mr.land MIrs. P. Bil=a, pointe Cloed Wedneday - Saturday Cendal, Mr. and Ms. P. Rob. DM. STANLEY GERTZ EMJowaler attnad se 67 liii St E.,Bowanvfleraces north cf Toronto on Satý- Ru teain Office Rouru: urday evening. a North 9 amn. to O p.m. The Ulnited Church Women taking Monday through ThursdaymeonWnsdyvnnga ro ére 9 amn. to 4 pan. Friday ?&*. Rua.a Whte's home. th the Clmsd Saturday and Sunday Plans were made for the ser- Georg Phone 2 3662 vice at Canton Sunday u*hoa Gil e Inlurance wasuuerved. DnWlbe Mr. and MaÈ. DnWibe ere the DONALD A. MBGEGOI and girls, Oshawa were with Lue, Auto, IHèeie M. and Mrs. L. WIudrew on l"WazoéSunday. Other callers this e were S2 King St. W., bow,»vnMe week st Muldrew's were Mi. ay and; Phon 823-5962 and Mia. R. Savory and Mrs.. tY and-------- M A SndthStarIvlleMrMur. : açk H8I.. a~nd r.5and'Doug. a W. hm98-5118 MUn. Gwen Baty, Toronto, fflt the lgwektnd with W=n for VlUit POggO FuOà I .ad Mis. O. Mere. ________________ Lest SuAia another cer Ifllou _____________ra0e ws athu Ganar. SOptomsiry dyyX». rov fStaff ÎHWlA..IZO Mr. and 'Mma David Hall- eted on to4 tibeda Uaw, r . and Mis. s!nshlp 18tlus&, e uveZ È okrare spendlng ted bY Of180e Houri: 1D aPPoIntueuithe weekWaitExpo. Fina Telebhon. 623-3252 Mr. DeKqkiier Sr Brooklin. Petr-Mcý -'res -Thurs..- ftL, t Sunday ;&w r.ln dyto&*Amrn to à P te Wd.aa "uWs.u nIa»e& X M RUMlý O d 4*- l nspan ýw cerding te remortsa<frete tbbcdays w1ti Mr- and lmiR e. editSOr f the 'Eowun; Ruls" iman Webb. wc ars the yolingesb village i Most fariners have been able townslP and even Dr= n had to e gthe&irha ina afier a Vor a Post Offite before us, Now web tsason. lobacco tis Ws have tic so-cMlcd honor have started thoir tobacco of hainthéb firat Pott Office iirvest. erected.byfaderal autiiorlby. Due to no mail on CIVIcco-) ac h nyp ol r w or Wedding bella rang for local ciew).couples and former citizens on We were sony, but dus te Saturday Agat 5. Wsdding Chyle Holiday It was difficult feroi nlyn Fik snd Norman te get any newa ln lasb week'a Lyon was hold I Pontypool Issue. I was unable te repor United Churci, Mr.. md-Mrs. tiat everybody's friendLl Robent Brown attended a Richardson, had tis mis- chuici wedding ln Oshawa fortune te <et lier hand caugit whsa Sharon H a ckw o od i wringer of wasliing ma- youngest daugiter of Mr. sud chine antI bas been in Civic Mis. Bil Hackwood, was bie Hospital siter since antI mak- ciarmlng bride. Ws alo in£, saifacory progss. "«Oe understand tat illy Clarke, LiI" as s la respectfully oldeat son of Mr. and Mia. known te niany, who have sn- Lloyd Clarke cf Baflyduft joyed lier piano piaying (by antI bride were aIse married 1ear) for over 50 years. A few tint day. Congratulations to years ago a record was matIe ail. Of iny f li er tunes. Evsry- u osenigavr oe hopes thus unfoitunate n- u eaenif vr cident wen't interfene wlbh lirfesnt ayweenglooto a acti itte as pia iat.o u i lo cal a l ea in fared . W e Mr. antI Mis. Morris Gillis do know thatthbisPee Wees and fnmily, Aunera, were and Midgets ouffered defeats guesta of Mr. antI Mis. Ralpi necentîy whiîe biceider beain Sharpe for the holiday week- had ticir g ans here witii Mr. Jimimy Webb, son oi Mr. day evening. We do know and Ms nJ. Web Cav-tan rlta aine t oWeneus- MILKyoum BUTl FO@D BUY How much MILK does on. hour's labor buy today .. como i Roois Faik cmberehSports CoiMmte onth Randy md Crof h Raeso wce el I onlt pis fd e or bis luk esyewnnrs. Ah horasabout19chmptlions.î amlesd t e tsenysar w Oreand md le, ai Coombas wcong e197 hamp, in. Foramillsre pnisn fon. vileagevilOavleOh 1948rd o ear g50by 41946*5 MILK (QUARTS) 5n 6 7.1 o ci u ee oe 1956 1966 LEMO DE -qts835 DELIVRED O YOU DOe GLEN RAE DAIRY 'y 1 r - . . . . . . . . . . Ê ao t ThlbUe Valley Park- =viille. The lar-geu crow4 yet, numnberlni 47, m dowu te dinner anc sppt Two contesta were itold wit Don GlU havig the. lowest total ln licence p laie nuniber sud Shirley Auckt winnlng a lucky dmaw. A short meeting waa heltI to elect the 1908 officers as foi. Iowa: President Diveand Col. Isen Maraden; decreiry- Trcs- uer, Jon andI Gwen 1 IF IrS "GLEN RAE#" IrS OWD