Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1967, p. 8

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T'he. nadian Sttemnm, Eawmanlfle, 3Ju1y 26, 190 SPORTopucs By Frank Mehun 423.7234 BEST lm< THE WORLD If you ever want to sce top-notch golf, you certainly ha9ve to admit that we live ln an Ideal area, with probably ~-. the bbîggest event of the season, practically next door. Yesafr - the world's greatest galfers will face ane of North America's finest tournament courses in the Carling over Labor Day weekend. The narrow tree-lined fairways,î together with the meandering Humber Rievr - an awesome' ilght an four of the final six Carling hales - demanda the tmost ln accuracy, bath off the tee and ta the green. A, delicate putting touch Io requircd an the highly cantaured I greens. This marks the Carling World Golf Champianship'sý fourth year and Canada', hundredth. Ta salute aur Centen- niai the tournament was brought here ta teke place fram September lst ta 4th. Incidentaliy, we have been informed that the aim af the Carling Warid ta bring ail que hfied golfera from aroundý the world, makes it the aniy apen championship of anyý individual champianship in the worid. Site af the 1967 champianships, the TorontaBoaerd ofi' Trade Cauntry Club, with its magnificent clubhouse lei unique. Only three years aid, the fairways and greens of the 36-hale layaut have reached the meturity required for championship play. The Carling World will be played an 18 af the finest hales selected fram bath courses. Par ls 71 over 7,024 yards. We're happy ta point out that the course le Ideal fo spectators. The rolling terrain provides many excellent view- ing areas where action on twa greens and twa tees cen be éasily observed. Each prime viewing area will also feature ît huge scoreboard, easily read at 150 yards yet! Aiso there *111 be caniplete refreshment fecilities. As we mentioned, the world's greatest players will be, present,. Including Roberto De Vincenzo from Argentine, Peter Thompsan af Australia, South Africa's Gary Player, Neil Cales ai Englend, Christy O 'Connor from Ireland, Arn- old Palmer, Jack Nicklaus and BiUly Casper, three ai the; best fromn south af the barder and Cenada's own' George ZXnudson. Tis ls the third year the Carling World has been held in North A.merica. Lest yeer's took place ln England. One Jtem the. golfers won't have to cantend with this time autý la the taugh scrub and roughs ai Englend. Of the tourt courses played an thus fer, the Board ai Trade is longer than the three American courses and shorter by a niere 13 yards then England's Royal Birkdale. Par 71, however, le twao less then Birkdele. SIt is quite easy ta reech the Board af Trade club, ai- P Uàq.ugh parking, will undoubtedly pose a problem. Wood- bildgeis located an highway 7, sn you would just teke 401, lurn nforth on 400 and west an '7 ta Woodbridge. Merkers These young campers Ïk Woodbridge will clearly indicete the route ta the course. Parents' Night programT Practice rounds wlll be held fromn Mondey, August 28th at the Recreation Departrr ta Thursdey the 31st, at e charge ai two bucka each for at Thistie Valley Park.T becctatora. The first and second rounds cast $5.00, while for right, Lawrence Grozel]E ,1hg final two days, Sundey and Manday, the charge is six Garry Perfect, best-liked dollars.1 week, Myles Chittick, ." LIf you are a real golf fan, a pass for the entire eight Wdaysis being affered for $20.0 and if yau would like ta iclude club bouse privileges for the duration oi the evest, A . M e I cnadd $1000 ta the abave cast. - To order tickets write ta the Carling World Golf l 4h .lnhp Board 'of Trade Building, Il Adeleide St. W., ~osx407, Toronto 1. Cheques should be made payable ta Crcka -*h 'l'16 Carling World Golf Chempionship. t t t t t Lest Saturday, Frank's Var. iety crew assisted by soME b1V VÀCAiIONElls Shoemen and e top hurl Nowtha flc wathr hs fnely wrme up wereer froni Pickering li WaynE NV httewahrhs lal amduwr Connelly, spent the day cair olg ta keep aur lingers crossed ln hopes that it continues peting in a 14-teem softbal tht wey - et least. for this week, because you see we are tournament et Zephyr Sporti _ýn vacation. Day. Yesalr, the aid scribe is right now et Sauble Beach, The tournament includeè such teams as Gale Lumber ý"tanly anc of the nicest resart arees ln the province, Oshawa, three teams frair Where we intend ta get in a lot ai swinining - ai course Toronto, and meny others ifthe wethernian ca-operetes. Bowmanville drew Tarantc Whlle wc are away "Timn" Cax, the herd working stetis- Van & Stoage for their f irst ~cia, wll e witi upthe ensTow Sotbal L auegme which was the fuft tiin il ewiig u h e' onSfbl egu game ai the day. ùïames for us, while Harry Oyler, aur soccer eorrespondent, Heving won the toss far d>ilcaver the Derlington Soccer League action ndJm the home game the Variety ,tlarke aur relieble reporter, will continue bis fine coverege crew took ta the field and éfthe Junior Town Leegue softball schedule. Wayne Connelly quickly re- tired the opposition wit] Tt t t t tha OO1oâETHING NEW Of Oadded lnterest in this week's issue is a golf columun ,Written bY Mlex Shields, anc ai the best teaching pros ii Zie business. Alex, pro-manager et the Bawmenviile Go] rlub wi.ll lie turning aut the articles on topical golf newý "d tipa an a iairly regular basis. j- t + j. t 'VIG SOFTBALL ATTRACTION SManager Bruce Colwell has bis Slaght & Cook B.A àçlles tean ' 'aofthe Durham Ladies League ail set for e bi1 .xhibition contest tamarrow (Thursday)-. The B.A. Bellei play thec Junior Men's Town League AlI-Stars, 6:45 p.m., al the eemarial Park. IMEWCASTLE CIVIC HOLIDAY CELEBRATION Bowmanville sport fans looking for a change afi pe urne slip down ta Newcastle an Civic Holiday, whcn the Centennial Conimittee le presenting same fine entertainment. At 1:30 p.în. the Newcastle Tykes play Orono-in what 0iould be an interesting geme. At 3:00 pn. Kendal Inter- *kedlates play.Little Britain in a regular league game. Ai f:30 Eobby Or- will be the star attraction et the annuel pbarade and following the parade Jed Wilson's Scugog Clean- *s niet a Durham AIl Star group. ýt FPoilowing these events Uic big Cernivel will take place l*hich will round ut the day. Bgowman ville Golf &Curling Club (Under New Management) GREEN FEES 1.50W.k ekOys $2.50 Weekend, Sterting Timn Avoulable - (Me Walting for 2nd Nin) Club Prof essional: Aux SWiuws PI'IOE 623«2670 4*sQtAM APIN¶ Ars at Recreatic sreceived awards during the rhursday evening, July l3th 1 nent's Boys' Day Camp held1 rhey are, front row, ici t ta le for 3rd Class Archery,i d camper during the firsti best-liked cauzper, second Soffballej Big LeagL r- field in the lest game, witht t ne Dick Stata an bend as relief il l- pitcher. c ne With such an impriv r n- sbowing qomeone shouhd bue . eiM J. Hobbs hA. Zeh GirJ th Abappy graup ai girls fromIT M. J. Hobbs Schooi left 01 r Zephyr $10 nicher Saturday ti tYafter winning the champion- tt id ship geme 16 ta 12. la e-Pet Clarke from Zion wes trmesrîke-outs. Brian Braci- --- -y iu iuuli a Uoýzatrai ust ta a good ley Frnks lad ffbaterjob at pitching, fieiding and' Zephyr teamn 8-1 with Jerr laid downk'a wellaeoffbnt ,clouting a home rua. A gaodIDentiner oding a bomer end as afeon irs. Dve oud job wac donc by thefo Hobbs' anlyru.1 Snowden followed with the ohre uisi aiswt1A incere thank ^ ta al paniu caeedGodWinc le Mary Jane Nemisz catching,' ents for their assistance with [fm aut tGaenre Waelae pdDbie Raut on frst, Anita; transportation. is Connelly, betting dlean- up, blasted a bard ground bal (7» past short ta load the bases. " Whos p ex? hyth Jii D ecreation 9e views iar League's betting king Bab McManus who lined ance t This has been R very bu-y diamadS and keeping the Lthe shartstop, scoring Bradley Spring and Summer for the variaus play arcas in town ln 9on a cantroversial play et the, Department ai Recreation, good chape. plate. Jerry Fells' single scr-wîth the levelling ai Lord El-, Just priar ta the opening e d Snowden and Conne]lyr gin Park, flood lights, fencing!ai Kiwanis Park the Depart- tt giving the hametown boys 'a and picnic sheiter benýmn placed a wooden fence 3-0 lead with the Toronto erected et Memorial Park hals around the swimming area, teem finally managing the kept Mr. T. A. Fanning, D ir-, plUs cieening out the swim- other two outs. ector ai Recreation, and Mr.,jmi'ng section ai the crcek. Wayne Cannelly pitchedi Joe Kcnnctt, Park Mainten-, h eateto era onehitbel avr he iv in- ce Supervisar, on the mave!~ h cateta era o ngs ith llorthe anly hit bing ai time.itnhas received excellent ingswiththe nly it eingat al ties-opcratian fram the Public eahome run ta the apposing Mr. T. A. Fanning was in, hoal Board, Warks Depart- Lpitcher. Wayne ciaimed il high praise ai the Park Main-' ent, Town ai Bowmenville, strike-outs wîth Gard Wallace tenance work donc by Mr. Jac nd the Kiwanis Club. end Bab MeManus on first Kennett in dragging the bel] making the other two put fnie -nie Playgrounds auts. .eigh McMann, J ack VendE On Wednesday aiternoon, I This vito advaeed Bow night. Recreation Director JulY l9th, the Department ai mniltathe next raoun eclenap Recreation annuel B i c y c 1 e against Halland L e ni d inri ___excllentcamp Rodeo was beld et St. Jas- which was played under th i eph's Schooi. The skill tests D lîghts. Wayne pitched unde ily consisted ai balance; diminish- alittie strain aiter the fou n1 F ra i k s R ng cearance; change ai bel- hour layoff, making the res nts[ ance; single obstacle; stop of the team work. He wa er f street; and traffic procedure. atill ~ ~ ~ n abetatnw ou-tsc g~ inI There were approximately 60 ter but the Holiand Lendin nd, participants as well as many te ctid fichte Vrunsta In e n faithe mast exci1ý spectators. The top four rid- in he hir whch he arety n. gaeeofaithe seasan, Ko crs in order ai points wcrc crew were nat able ta match, Men's Wear and Walter Frl1Tom Conahan, Robert Mi!- despite two welks and two . Real Estate battled ta e ford, Frank Cook and David bits. ier tie in Men's Town Softl Green. Ail riders wha acbiev- On an overail laak the boys 8aY League action, Thursday ni cd 100 points or more receiv- fram the Junior League didh et et Vincent Masscy Park. cd Crucader Cycle Club but- not looakeut of place. No anc lot Nelson Yeo pitchcd the f tons and cards. struck out every turne up and three trames for Frank's, ne errors were cammitted. ýey lowing four second ini-i Jamboree Ray Wallace, Brien BradleY, he runs, while giving up th The Department ai Recrea- Dave Snawden, Wayne Con- 3. bits, seven walks and fannition Country and Western nelly, Bob McManus and Jer- ey a pair. Yen then teok over Jamboree beld et the Domîn- ry Fallasbared the hita with ni catching dut ies with. Chi ion Store parking lot on Wed- Bruce Adams and Jerry Bar- Kilpatrick coming an in re nesday evening, July l9tb, ker acqulring their shere aifaand firlng-an impressive O attracted e crowd ai 1000. walks. nd bitter aven the lest seven Once egain, Mr. Tom Sey- Coach Harvey Webster bad ér. ninga. Kilpatrick claimed I mour oi Radio Station CHUC, Bruce Adamsg doing the. catch- et strike-Outs and walkcd Cobourg, was an band as iùgchores for Wayne Con-+ d batters. 'Master oi Ceremonies ta In- nely and hie did a commend- 0ta Bb Foster wenit the 4troduce Slim Bedour and bis ablei job. Bob MeManus held 09 tance on the bill for KeCountry and Western Four, down first base, Daim Snow- bringing bis record ta1 Ivan Wannemaker, Joan Har- den on secoind. Jerry Fells an crs wins, a tic and anc las per, Dareen Black, The Me- short, Jerry Barker on third,Lnd lhe was tapped for 13 safe Hefiey Trioafrm Meple wli Ray Wallace playingur- gave uP an intentional Gae and newcomers ta the AI there ints he second gaine and passin the eihth and e show, Mike Kerkton and Jae JIr Coleplnh-ittngan' eut two battera. Jig C dfo Uie it ar er Frank's counted thee and Pet. Bothwell. ofain Uicir forute led lipiaort&. nnngon The Jamboree artiste en- chore. wer. shared by or 1l~ by S4qve ~ trandtelrecodwt walac. rie radey im reMrenlmoii and Guyd any ai the present and yes- wah.ue.., i woo Y, ere e ayterandeGuy terday Country and Western R SPORTOPICS' BOT COMPETITION The Kawartha 250 Race for late znodel stock cars, maw be another battlegraund for two af raclng's keenest ij Race rganizers have just received signed entry forma A. J. Foyt and Parneli -Jones and it will mark the time they have met since bitter wards were exchan~,. followinig the 500 mile classic et Indianapolis on May 31. Fayt won bis third Indy 500 but anly aiter Jones went out ai the race wben a $6 bearing feiled on bis cantroversial turbine, car. There were anly 17 laps left et the Urne and. _________________________________________________________Joncs led bandily ail the way. "Cheeters neyer win", Foyt is alleged ta have anarled ~ D y ..rofa the Recreation Caunttry and e t the disappointed Jones after the race. The turbine car )n D.ept. Boys" a C m Western Jamboree, announc- hec since been banned on North Americen trecks, but thie ed that the next show will be bitterness remeins. held et the Flying, Dutchman Ni h w eea~a h ntdSee uoCu Motor Inn parking lot on Nwtetovtrn f h ntdSae uoCu Wednesdey, August 2, start- will battie on Canadien soil, wben they campete for the ing et 8:00 p.m. Berdahl Trophy and $25,000 in prize money. There will be no funny cars, the two gients ai world racing wlll 1igbt it out in identical 1967 Fards, over the twisting 2.5 mile Mosport circuit. fuels Top Sa fer this year, Jones has the edge In stock car o , petition. He won the Riverside Drive 500 in Celifarnia, erlier this year. Foyt, after winning et Indianapolis, co-drove the winning Ford ta victory in the 24 haur race for experimental K en jr 9 -2 sports cars et Le Mens, France. Wxith only an eekr The record book ai USAC competitian is dotted with xnaining in the Men's Tow~.n the names ai bath drivers who over the yeers have domnin. Softbell League, Stephen ated everything from midget cars ta stock cars, ta Indy cars, Fuels defeated Ken's Men's FoytantvofTxs shedheUA Cami- Wear 9-2, last WednesdayIantvaiTxhehedheUA Camo. nigt e Vicen MeseyPar iship four times and his 33 victories in Championship cars j leaving bath clubs tied for 's an ail time record. Foyt currently bolds first place in theileed.. USAC point standing. Kens peed hescring in Jones, whose seven attempts at the famed Indianapolis ~the firt on an error, Don Bagnell's single, a sacrifice. by 500, including a 1963 victory, is not running the Champion.- :. John Fowler and an infield ship circuit this year. He withdrew in pratest when they out, for one run. 1banned his turbine car. Despite this, he stili holds faurth Don McMurter tied it for place in active standing. wben he welked, stole second These two will definitely drew mast ai the attention et and went all the way around the Kewartha 250 et Mosport on Saturday, July 29th, when on e wild throw. A pair of e field ai 24 late model stock cars campete for the Bardahi welks and Jini Moorcraft's trile avetheFues ta mreTrophy end $25,000 n prize money. in the next frame, but Ken's But, it's gaing ta get tight in the corners. The two vet- got ane beck in the third on a erens wiIl face taugh campetitian from the Unser brothers,' base on bails, sacrifice and Nelson and White, lest yeer's USAC Champion and this year's, ~& 4Raye West's single. lae.Ls ersKwrh inrSlTvlaas a i Stephen's expladed for six Ilae.Ls ersKwrh inrSlTvlaas e i runs in their hall ai the third,' eye on the maney, and wes the first to ennounce his entry. cepitalizing on faur free pass- Maria Andretti, ane oi the most exciting mator recing driv-' es, a bunt by Grant Wright crs, bas elso added his nanie ta the list ai top drivers that found hlm cnding up an ilbcoptn.* third aiter e wild throw, and wl ecmeig cingles by Dan McMurter and Bob Williams was particu- -N, lerly effective with men on1 base, as he tosscd a- strang M MR A four hutter, welked three and fannedi a pair ta register the . bywels-si item n IA E N Lar erris, again plagued. they ail scored, was tagged. week, Billy Dilling for sing sang, Ronnie DeMillewith the defeat. Perris strucki BOWMANVILLE best camper, second week; back row, Barry Hooperlout threc and ailowed two bits Tlpoe6352 bs odmnadwrefrtwe;BbySrkbefore Bob Faster taak overlTlpoe6352 bes wodsmn nd orkrfirt wek;Boby triein relief in the third, permit-i lst class archer; Teddy Abbot, best woodsman and ting five saieties and welking **i worker, second week; Danny Strike, best camper, first a pair. weteloeprV L week; absent, John Davey, 2nd class archer. fomrt cîetm r thP U B LIC one bit, with e triple andK A IlN i Bothwell proved very papu-cnl.____ ler in their first apaac GET CASH TODAT FRIDAY, JULY 28th rs Ia k e ln tbe Jamboree and Mr. T. FOR OLD APPLIANCES- AND - A. Fanning received meny throuch Arequests ta bave theni back CLASSIFIEDS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2nd - lagein, STATESMAN 8STO 1OP.M. -- ct o n .,Mr. J, C, Coyle, Producer Pbene 623-3303i -e - - m M M Mwa thinking ai entering a teani In the O.S.A. laap next year. Df course a sponsor would be îceeded. If anyone is interest- xd contact Harvey Webster. ;Girls'Win. Is Tille ruhi on second, Lyn Rawcrs )n short, Shirley Gosick an ,ird, and Janice Brooks, aurie and Jo Preece doing ie fielding chores. Congratu- ations girls, you earned it! The boys' team i eso playcd Ton eau buy "odIll Used Car. only at you"nur ~Pontiac-Duick dealer's.. B, y' IYou're certain of gettiag a "eiy good used ca enume ouly I.exceptionally good used cars are chosen to cary the oo'dstche 2 Y oumay be sure your Goodwil lJsed Car has been inspected and reconditioned. It's ean, ready to go, ail spruced up. M odwiil cars ail carry a written warranty. You can have confidence m i your purchase, and it shows your Goodwiil dealer's faith in the ear he selis yon, 4Go<dwilcars are sold only by your Pontiac-huick dealer. Ne has a staice ini your conmmunity. And a fufly*equipped service orgaizton t. backt up your purchase. 5 ecuso your Goodwill dealer handies best-seling Ponlacs and luicic, you'il always find the widest selection of gou>d used cmrson his G.odwill lot. lad doit forget Goodwil Usd Trucks luiyre the cream of the crobtoo! S". yowu thofized G din-PoeffcW.Uuic-Som-Aocdian-Yuxhal.GMC Tnck d.ah UTROI1UZED GOODWILL - PONTIAC> - BUICK - BEAuMdONT - ACADIAN - VAUXHALL GC TRUCK DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE: aBsoei MOTORS LIMNUZý 1: t. U g i,,, v POJOW/il

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