Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1967, p. 7

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19r. and Mm. IT. Dorland - EETEM 0 candimaSae anEomvf. !2416 Cn1 MondaYevening June Wedding in Haydon United Church ESYdon Unted hr, S)ocial Cr Jersonad Mr. and Mn.F.s. Werry irettily decoratedwt bas- bh wer vsitrsatMr.an Ms. tes f yeilow and whiteI" rn i Phon 6233303Lawrence Staples, Bethany. 'mnums-, white carnations andFa m iEa Phn 2 -3 3Mr. and Mm. Joe McGI, gladioli, wa» theattn foer g Shaun, Dean and thedd, iagJun S96,a Covieare spendingT this tercn 3e1, f&oH 0n and Mrn. A. L. Hooey, Lake until th.y are able to, = nu% . anBert.r'lmdage of My ea aSt. North, recently en- move Into their newly purca- J eU agtro r joyed a motor trip to Sh ased home In Peterborough at Many relatives froni thile I BrrmHy ra82 Maple Crescent. Doald iea attended the MeGIIIpic and the late Mn. Bertrim, and 6 t n i e s r Mr. and Mn.. Wayne Stev- E11,Iirof the Pteborughru on Saturday at Peterbor- Mr. Kenneth John Urwin, son Mis, Willowdale, were recent Utllties Commission. ough. of Mn. and Mms.John Urwin, Mr. and Mrs.Kn .Gildn ae Buaday visitons wlth Mns. N. Mr.AletMvnad ~ M. and Mn.. Percy Van Markhanm, Ont. R.&. 3, Bowmavle eety M. n r.Gil , Wooley WeiinMorStret.lier t Mavinndeft Camp, Miss Aileen Van Camp, v D Northey offlciae eebra the ir OhWd h WolyWelntnSre. daughter, Ms a avn etBlackstock, were callers at anRtev. D oemsilebrdngatner îcao aycn M r. and M s. John E. Jam es la t Fr day for a three-w eek M r. and M n. F. W . W erry'.p ay d y Mi s L n e R a . a he i g e d at U c o m b r nd f i n , Mid daugand theuweddlngomusil way idinggAnnuversahyyatlayfamby Miss eynnfloend. frohernng h. Montreal, were weekend visit- will IWt relatives and friendi, Mr. and Mn.. Charlie Lang-Thbrdwo asgvnO M.ad ors with Mr. and Mrs. John M. spendlng a week and a haif at mald and fanilly, Solina, wene nmriheb en brother, Grills, a grionc h fOtro JLufes, Bob and c. A igoNrhme a n d, nia alesat R.111 s.M r erag bge etin o a On rria, hdriec couple Tlga~ John and David Masters of whene Mr. Mavin was born. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGiU . f l.- Mn.GehorgeBrrnlwone o norrivupeaisaeo cc lhe COgwood spet the week-Theycarnation whjotea tilk-orand bosyearendwasherBsocntcaration ahiteselk ElizabetharP wme p end wlth their grandparents, day tri p through Scotland and picnlc on Sunday at Cobourg. .ve taffeta wt fitted bd corsage roefad 1frPanopnaMmbug Mrn. E. Varcoe,Church Street, a fcw diays ini Wales as well. Misses Linda and Brenda Ice, scoped neckline adln groom bouonn ae aMd Mn. and M. A. Masters,1 After an interval Of over 25 Bnock, Bowxnanville, are hall- 'ongthchape trAin, ull-e givent omthena haUn. VraTnaiTecu Lambert Street. years, Mn. and Mrs. John Prit- daying with Brian and Dale at he l trainethiert A eliias ufetluchwee arle a Derek Lobb, Allan Frank, ty of St. Catharines paid a M eGIILi.roeshe U fo m i c shouldears, As ejoe b i l. T e ur n J n 2 97 y t llobbie Brough, Ronnie and surprise visit on Saturday to Our communlty was shock- rosesbel rfor-te Fenho l- vn bl was centned ihbiesucl i aeRp Bobby Stnike will return to Mr. and Mns. E. A. Jones, Car- cd and gricved aven the sud- aoluind et-i was nchita a a b leau edwnn ýa their homes this Saturday al-ile Ave. Mr. and Mn.. Pritty den and untimely death of lsin vandw caught thre-tlerencnd d - ter a two-week halida t wene enroute ta a vacation at Mn. Walter Rickard and Uicstn n organza rose head.-terhoymo atNg4 Camp Tawlngo, Huntsville. Bancroft. Mr. Pritty'i parents deepest sympathy of evcryone pmens e cned aflasaePronitestaec brdwa an Mn.Gilh Mis Elleen Hughes, wha Is and famnily reslded on thc pro- Is extended to Mr. and Mrs. mn. Mvrre acd Uie tts perty where the Hendry apart- Garnet Riekard and farnily in bouquet 0f 'whlte shasta dais- wearing a palepn,'cv-tocldeIeeadO. affiliating for thnce manths at ments are situatcd on King their great lois. les and yeflow sweetheart less brocade des wt a etcW Uic Hospital far Sick Children, St. East. OnAscaeSpnne-.mthnU ebnM. Toronto, spent the weekend Ogrnec-quartererinengtroesr e e <rendre *1Ith er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Sunkon of dent Mr. E. Wright, was in..............sste o cotwhie Marry Hughes, Liberty St. N. Rivers, Manitoba, visited Mns..charge of the apenhig and thonorid, andUi nima ld f sean o e Thyaers-br AnadLre Mr. and Mrs. Harry Locke, Surkon'î sisten and brother- closing worship period at the wenr andthe sis of hegat rse17TatoRdWe, Cathy, Janet and Laurie, and mn-law, Mr. and Mns. J. W. S.s. sessions as Supt. Allen bre, Mthiss idi erofthim, Oshaw 7 a i Mr. and Mrn. Bud Moses, Jan- Robinson, tawn. Mns. Robin- J. Wenry and bis wife Diane, briad te, gnoMissB ister , s aa ice anjd Kathy, have returned son recently attended the fun- two daughters and son are anite grooswin. temron aynMcinssm from a week's vacation at enal of her sister, Miss Helen holidayig for a few weeks "a' r *0' w. Tde bdeB Bayview Lodge, Port Stanton, Hnabchak, at Nonquay, Sask., in western Canada. Befare o$'.. f honor worc a sleeveless, ville High Schoi I m Ont. at wblch ture Mn.. Robinson the benediction a peniod cffl ow-lnftac ovritfeanngte ya ln~Bxa~H I Mrs. May Benson, Saska- was reunited with two brotb- silent prayen was abserved .. .. Ui noflaemaos er fe tate Goodya taon, Sask., was guest of her crs whom she hadn't seen for strengtb and courage for ýM ItengtlideivesSrng tiredle . Arpto, bgom teidd k awat, Mn.. N. Woodley, Wl- ace 1943. the beneaed paens .id '.--cep iingSbois igton Street. Mn.. Woodlley Mr. and Mrs. James Gra- brothers of Mr. Walter Bick- gow c"ns îtyîed ih ebow Markhamn PublctdHg tO " " r and Mn.. Benson visited rela- hami, Garfield, Gardon and ard of Newcastle and bodiceeaf lacepae rtf- ols tives at Goderich, Garnie and Gregory, Valleyfield, Qu e.,Mn. and Mn..O. C. Ashton o' .. fa.AIl oe ofacing ree u-f-angessatnd h wet nua b Willowdale. wene visitons hast week with and Lois visited Mn.. E. C ea At r mthn gen Ot-ftw M iss Kim u M asters, Parkw ay M s. Graham 's nother. M n.. A shton at Uic hom e f M . nethy a dplccelc was handld on Set.h Crescent, retuned home last W. J. MacDonald, Liberty St: and Mrs. G. Beech, Bowman- shonges u e mten dec ieaa Mrhm udy uh S a nu ffl day after an enjoyable two- N. Mr. Graham i returned to ville. rse g gdreen e a ud e oiThbo nde, Tont o P teb n Pa . Th r w re 5 ad i '%tek visit witjx her tnce, Valleyfield on Sunday, M rs. M n. snd M ns..Ernest W alker - . . .vqe ts ng T e c a h hsabo -re p r ti, e ana e e y n r n b r eb sut and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Grahami and boys remaining and girls, Tlllsonburg, wene daisies. A community so nwssdM.Ni Donald Masters, John and Da. for a futher few days. Thje Monday avernnght guests cf M.W coadwnbs eda h oe0 Ata breh vid, Collingwood. family also visited relatives Mr. and M n,. Russell Griffu, Mn s .u d e us es wee Mn hise se h was assstd ainng < ld flottdhpenht SideyBaeidnBey- a Mydn sd onf enoue o Epoonhohda..B ... .t. ohnBetnnibrthr c te yoMs.J.Pate udM.s. . piîtscfJv.yoe.Spi4 ixIam, England, is viiting On Saturday, July 15th, a Mn. sud Mn.. B. Wanna-. . bride, and Mn. Ralph Urwin, Trewin. Mns.Loy Harwccmped betwe h brotben-in-law, Mn. Roi- surprise party was held at the maken, Seagrave, were Thuns- brother of Uic groom. Bowmanville, va.hsesfrsoesb uhadHrl and Bate and othen relatives, home of Mn. sud Mn.. Ivison day evenhig dinner guests cf Mr. and Mns. Kenneth John Urwinp shown cutting the wedding cake r A reception was held nt a miscellaneous hwr uis.JonsdDu bri This le the first tume Mr. Bate Munday, Seugog St., to celc- Mr. and Mn,. A. Sharp. the above photo, chose Satunday afternoon, June 17, 1967, at 3 o'clock for their Hampton Community Centre, an office showevayie h.Thywn njydb bas had the pleasure of meet- brate the 25thb wedding anni- Rev. M. R. snd Mn.. Sani- wedding in Haydon United Church. Formenly Miss Mary Jea etnim, The b atrui s mtercreie dness hMissBowsuvi be ing is sisten-in-law. versary cf George and Greta derson, Toronto, Dr. H. and 'rd steduhe o n.Mlîl etiu . . ,Enn Beiîe , dtheiaturceuoisece hie acces- lore bide wsrseedwt- .Mn. sudfri. G. VanLonden Brown. The happy couple were Mrs. Sanderson and fam, -laid teMr.an te g roo s. helv sone cf rMn.. 1a nMsonisson ndth iles sudcre cwpik accft c cryd wsta.AIcthn1i u Sr. and Mn. and Mn.. G. Van. iuvîted for dinuer snd laten Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. late Mr Bertrim, adtegomi h o fM.adMs onUnwin, h romnacragyf ik if f rs Londen Jr. snd family recent- iu the evcning friendusud ne- Kent and famlly, St. Thomas, Markham, Ont. Photo by Ieland Studio sweeîhesrt roses and white and pantry shoerwsed Iy spent a couple of day, at latives gathered tb join In the Mn. and Mn,. Harold Henrcahirain byhe gnooVss msie yMsteDncftegomFr ,£puco Expo. Thein homnewsrd route celebralion. They were pre- Belleville, were visitons dr nd l onhiuOt nlo moîe wgb w erores ale. iTheofe taftGod was via Ottawa where Ihey sented with 25 silven dollars ing week at Mn. A. Sharp's.  u e a m e nd frInrehnthe naro m reWhof la pale h fies visited the Parliament Build. by a niece, Joane Mattbews, Mn. and Mn.. E. Wright and An oe E gg em n ndfrtrvlig te 'rie green rse of lce aven tf- year presented Ui1 rd lt I@g ings. on behaîf of the gnoup present. Betty speut halidas witb Mn. re a Sismbode ftwte cesre nda hoecni Mn. and Mn.. Arnold Da- The happy evening concluded aud Mrs. F. Spny and family, ivOrY knit suit with mnatcbing corsage cf ned roses sud mabchlng sani-va.IBMco niant have left for Iheir home when a deliclous lunch was Rochester, also vIsited other aCesre adcrae-fwiecantos inFond flnspnig eved, lnchuding a beautifully frieude.. ht antos. workers cf Uct romhee weeks at bbce home cf their dcrtdck. nbcpe- Mn. and Mn.r. E. Wright, edntrpothMaime oey S daughter, Mns. Raymond Wa- us Wednesday Mn.. Brown Lawreuce sud Betty wene '..-dc ikrss edn n eUcMrtm iny ' ken, Elgin Street. Mn. Dana was <taet cf houer aI a sur. Sunday visitons witb Mn. and Damntreaied u eladprise luncheon party held by r Phoida, wherc ha h empîoy.bthe staff of tbc local Eston'sM. iiMulr saa ed. office at Mns. H. Pickard's cot- DarYl Muller, O s h a w a, cd. Lge. At the gala party Mrs Brent sud Brad Clemens, Visitons aven bhc weekendI Brown was pneseuted with Hampton, were wibh thein wlth Mn. and Mrs. Harold lavely salad bowl snd servers grsudpanents, the E. Wrights. ... Lake wene Mn. Lake's sister and a Centennial Rose cup and bnotber-in-law, Mr.an and saucer.Run e Cin Mn. and Mrs. Matt Brady and u de C a and Mr. Jlm Brown, Lynd- ISALE L~r Rben Bow, Tnoto t.~~EMHoJd '32nd Receut callers cf Mrs. Gid- Sacramerat cf communion dus Joncs wene Mn. and Mrs. will be hcld at cbunch nextAn u ' in;- Joe Harpeli, Berkeley, Calif., Sunday. This wilh be the lastAn ua * 0 ~ t. who were enroule home from -church service until Septeni- Expo; Mn. sud Mns. Rsy Berry, ber as Rev. D. Norîhey will On July l9th, 1967, about '~" Dan and Johnny sud Mns. be on holidays for Uicenianth 70 people gsbhered at Onono John Berny cf Orono; Mn. sud af August. Park to enjoy tbc annual Mn.. Melville Joncs of New- Sincere sympathy le extend- Rundîs Plcnic. About 6.30 ail The engagement is announced cf Sandra Louise tonville. cd to Mn. sud Mn,. Garnet sal down to a bountlft sup- CrawîeY, daughter of Mrs. Frank Mylnea Cnawley, Mns. Donald Venton, Scott Riekard* sud famlly In Uic Per. When we hsdt este and Mary, aler a four-day sudden passhig cf their son euough the. chlclren were cen" cf Sarnia, and the laIe M r. Crawley te Lanry Eanl _ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___Eff e c t iv e__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ visit in OwenSon with Mns. Walter. A number fronigs cused to play sud Uic adults Therupsen, son of Mn. and r.E l Thouipson cf Venton's mother, brother sud cMmninly accompsuied by dlscussed Uic business. Bowmanville. The bride-eîect is a graduate cf the friends, spent Thursday and Junior Fanmers who atcnded The report of hast year's University cf Western Ontario and cf the Ontario Fniday with Mr. sud Mns. Syd- Ii n ta p to pay their res- picnic wae rend sud Uic shate College cf Educalion in Tonante. Mr. Thompson is a niey Veiton befone gain toa ~pects an Sunday evening. of officers for 1968 was pre- gradua teocfdenenaAlMoton cottage at Chemoug La¶àe on Mn. sud Mns. Bob Gray, iented as follaws: PresidentgautofGnrlM os Institute, Flint, Michigan. e d & S o l e sA b ro V 5 H f pa Saturday morning. Cleveland, Ohio, werc Satur- Dave Cordlngîy; Vice presi The manniage will take place August 19 at 4:00 p.m. ( z)pu REtiltb <-uests during bbc weekend day visitori with Mn. sud Mn.. dent, Bert Martin; Secretary, in Saint Gergeys A glican Church in Sania. (701D~ with Mr. and Mn.. Howard Farewell Blackburn. Shirley Pickell; Treasuner, HMQ Piekard iucludcd Mn.. sud Mns. Mn1. and Mrs. Bob Coilacott Glenn Pickeil; Sports Coni- Dick Pickard, Canal, Bob sud snd Jean, Mn. Jini Collacot tîce, Bob Muir, Murray 17o.tb cem ___vo5 H id e sn Barbara, Willow da 1le, Mn. wene Sunday visitons wlithMn.Oiborne. Next yearls pleicl7ez.tue ' iam and Mrs. Bian Watts, Long sud Mn.. Frank Hopkins, will be held an the third 07 Vau fo SiCSg. Mnanch, Miss Margaret Pick.. Oakville. PaWe nsdayr iu JulY t Onono 89 auefr8c -g W&Kingston, sud Miss Bey- Mn. snd Mn,. E. Foley, Park. 0 6 9f;rf~,IIl CEIUlit18 erley O'Byrne of Peterbor- Town, Mrs. H. FlyMae Th sprscmlîe en * ouagh.. Grave, wene Friday dinner teck over, with ganies faorle ---Jv- nabra. .2en k'ugsley, denlas. Brniune ý-2 at Vincent Mas- Je1r. i LI11U)I~.ILI'f H. . Wllind, M s. Cobourg, were bosts na n, nI.,bert maray cfe Park, asat Tucaday. Wlnl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L e n i c h r ,n s d B M n. lo v e y d in n e r p a t y f o r M?4n .ro n . B ad y o f t fra c o u n î e d b b c o uin y P Mn. and Mn.. Don Wearn Bruce Williams sud David, sud Mn.. Rye Gibson, in hoanon sud hMrs. W. Eversn> secondoa walk by John : INR IG HT GUAR and fa uily, Dundas, w re M ns.. Gloria Rear, an sd of M ns..Gibson's birthday. Nortobbc fîrst fiOetframes lu PS S R Y D O O A T1 1 vistos I . L War's Karen, &Il cf Alderwood sud Mn. sud Mn.. Nanman Davis Notn aka Ot ister sud'Vcrn Grubin's îwo- 3 6 5 oz. - 1ug . 39 M n. sd M n. Nelson Williams, sd fmily, Orono, spet a h.bse, wsil e REHOBOTH Mr. snd Mn.. E. Clark, Part Penny, 'aîtended bbc Tueday cvcnlug with their They wane floon-length ow snge ChrtinRch n.u d 1 î1Oý IMeela alr kdaîe Gibson esfh 91 Supeau.e soi Chritia R.f-.d Bowmanville were SIundaY Wyvillc fsulne-no eld parents, Mn. sud Mrs. Ry et esi nlhe Realtons broke loaie for Z miedsg ihmatcbing, ee iu bbc îixth ou Steve L *eueStct Iston, Oshawa, vlsited Mn. sud tives sat dawn bo a lovely Long al omntse adrd wthvingsucsveigesbGY Bu Stet Mn.. Lorne Lamnb. dinner. Afterwards was Uic plcnlc will be hcld at Hay- Their bouquets were of i M'ksasd Lanry Piper, fol-TiE.. Mn. and Mrs. Roy McGill, cleclion cf aficens for next don schaol Suuday aflernoan, laoisu wbtsdapicdb'a ofTheo ubPearon. G ~ UK Mr. sud Mrs. Keli McG Iycars "Big day." Sanie <suies July 30Ui, sbaring aI 3 p.rn. cot carnations,. ar fTmPaso. FRle o syFyrSifrr lev.,a. VaMIeM, Bian sud Dale, Mn. sud Mnsd baseball wcnMIaed ad Brlug your dishes sud lunch. Mn. John G. Fludlaten, Lou-rank's added bwo in thbbc j - Suos.- J. Kinsman sud girls attend-i hl ghligbt cfet e y was Mary sud Wendy Cornislh don, Ont., was beit man sudireuth, witbaut the benefit T 1,04 9. Su. HA.. RD.. ULTI. d Uic McGiU plcnic on Sat- Uic judgiug cf a fashion par- spent a few days at thc homeuschgwn M.Jopbahiontgonawl * 7f25* g 7 * Wuhl ~urday et Peterborough. ade of "Olde Tyme"l costumes of Mn. sud Mns.. Fritz yrj. Starkoski, Oshawasd 4thnee-bae errer by. short- Woràp Sevieu Miss Velma Dickey, Bow- worn by several ladies sud tahn, Hampton. Themai L Roff %f aLondon' P Grubin and Leo Kelly'. manville, speut a few days gentlemen prescrit. Sarnieof Mrn. George Armour, Hanîp- Ont. - ntscrfie with ber gnsndpanents M. the ladies loelred very elegant ton, was s Sunday guce cf Following bbeccrem n rmsa bc bssf11.REC ITIN«MLD R M D~ 7:30pFi& snd Mns. M. Stainton. Mr. and wli their plumed bats, blgh Mr. sud Mrs. Sidney Cornieli. reception was heM I 1hsu ne run inl, as Charlie v Mms. Ewyu Dleke had Sun- collsned blousessu long, long Mn. sud Mrs. F. O. Smith, home of Uic bride', listeir sud artsud Fred Cowle colle- 4:1 ~ SERSy ~ day superwltb g. sud Mmnskirtsalaie embroldercd sud Bownivm, wenc Stands brotbcr-in-law, Mn. sud Mn. cingles, but Charlie Kilie-U M. Stalluton. beaded capes sud calf high cvcnlug visitons cf Mn. F. . Jos. Starkoski, RR. 1, 0mb- nick came on te put ott t U * ~ ~ HMiu Ruby Virtue, Miss lacd boots. Nt to be outdone Smith sd Grace. aw. The bride'. mother re- fine aun relief. f i M E weed U ofMrn.sd <usappneare l ?apug and attcnded Uic Vaneyk fanL lhighhtd by a deep Pink cels gafe e u waled% L McG md nM.s1%.s=over.pipeMmtopne og tell- plentc at Uic home cf Mn. sud rose corsage. Sewsass-etocan thevctory, withM £~e S.dai NSe.. Masters, uen Cindy d o tsPsud Ls ncy hcol- ÎMn.Jsud Vsueyk, Tyrone. cd inra rcelving by thefem D ingt fk SISa *DU G SBng la 9:1s5rts. aeryTns. Murphy, iatL%, Frau ue M et et . IL u s e a.g iquite fauc rw.u Il gjnd Treven vlslted M.w owore a brown dresa coin- kcdeu aler. A-$4 9 MMs Lre Rele ms u 1.dène s . nd lo loesd tam- pleniented by a corsage ci lurus was tbc top-bitter for KING ST.W. Y#LU« mob, re-téi rzs o te l erBuclchoru whcre Uicl salmon Pink roses. S, 88 kUwau4 part tbm costumes were 1Rowe £m shuai& n ap ,uhw.hcus olcigidul 17 , ý 7- t,,ý - - - , --

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