Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1967, p. 3

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ded d ai s ies, elbow-length Bouquetssofnyelloanvflle .Tu!y 190?1 à%ecent[y Married seeesan a ath ed ariExchange Vows in EuadU nied I..durch "and'chemP h zal.26 teau train. They wore blush adbu crshmar- incue lel~forahnemo siue Trnoad Pink headpieces and carried rtiydcae Bckok cacd oqeso ht ntdChurch for ter n t he awarhLksRepuc oertr A amr ca rn ati n s a n d pink s eet - ra g e o n S a tu rd a y a ft m oo n ,ig io n . F r t a heart roses. Miss Shirley May 6, 1967, at 2:30 o'cldck ,of wore a two-pieesokigShol Westlake, Solina, sister o!isse dau hte o M.aVnd Mtes.1 i lu qre ek ineMis ..1 et bride, was junior bridiesma'ddavteîd r'adMr.matching thee-a egutn r.Br ha ..1 and Miss Christina Hartley, om McKee, Nestieton, and cout, whiteacejieanJatvlMr. avn - SOttawa, cousin o! the bride, M.rn vi Peter F'rew, son blue .orchid corsg. T e r e, RR , Breoflo was the adorable little flower ofanetv ndiie . DnThw, e rideateneaitot r.anR.s.W 2> girl. They were attined In Cant- ono .., ~ full length sheath gowns o! Re. hilip Romenil of- wright Publicecol îc-FrwNnih n n n buhpn ikognaoe ciated and Mrs. Gordon Strong1 stock High Sco n ui r. e evl !Bat tffeta styled *with a higb Thcsolistweie Pir _____________________________ bodice, elbow-length sieeves brt and an attached Watteau h e rierwstw s gie ,~blush pmnk bows. The junior nmrig hr father,l ' 1I bdesmaid caridasad wore afra egh white! U latr bouquet o! white carntos.è w.boie mit Chanillyne n and Pink sweetheart roses. oieemlý wstn ad and the flower girl carried a >. peau de soie skirt. The l iong, 4, ~ ~ :.s. ~ basket o !c rn ons and pinkp in d0f C aou g ir, eln n me ur n er a d seterroe.tilly lace and lace appliques i" nthe pruecutr lll ae h aeId M n. Glen Bla k b urn o! ~ -ado rn ed the lo w er sk irt. A 4-D on 't ou h a ve a y f r a b g n e ? K emp vil e, b oth r of theband o! peau de soie edged .~ >c. ~ -groom, was best man. The -.X ber h oui rl egtravin, ad ushers were Mr. Ronald h~ eld by a pr-eanitia He M .~ Broom e, B ow m anvile, M r. h4 bquet a of i noccl ùj V Don Westlake, Solina, cousih 'bouuets andreoses. ccii of the bride, and Mr. Brian .$'~ ~ iss Msan erosees ar Blackburn, Salem, brother o ougiss as id o! honoSr- the groom. heboridews maid erf MssCLTHS ARrHNT The reoept'ion was held in -' GennaPor thheCmunt alSoia br~ n is acy Fre, Miss1, th omnt al oia lnaMacLeod, PrtPerry, Do J! Yourself dosntapytthrevao!su ... ,. ~- T h e b r i d e 's m o t h e r r e c e i v e da n e tM is s e ,N a n dM i s s aur i e a d s t i s f o m y u g r e t , e d t hm1o, o a the guest weaning jade ~"M Kee, Pontypool, was junior drycleaner for ex rt a en o . shantue n gshea t r s ! l . brides raid. L ittle M iss Sher - ~-sh atng w I t h at, chi g y M K ee Pontypool. R D RO S BL OD DO O ~ ~ ~ " tb ee- uarer engh c at, ac-f ower girl1. The attendants1CLRED ~-' cented by matc ing beadinL o s ~, atthe neckline and on the1 worte empire waisted gowns Wednesday, Ags n -Cn, sleith lace tops, peau de soie ~ * , ~ ~ ,sl e stin h e co tbe re--sk irts an d sh ort b ell sleeves cgiof sh esobeigaacces- sories and a corsage o!yellowadofhno sweetbeart roses. She was maidsin ypink ndhebredeas- assitedin rceling y te wasinpandyow ltebrids assîsteci in receiving by the 11e fower girl in pink, and -4 W i A g S» groom's mother w bo chose ahaft ra becoming aqua lace sheath ~~-'.'. ~ ctedbhre vis drsswth white accessories maid o! honor carrîed yeilow and white carnations,th .. l ow, Oshawa, was toastinaster. -4 carried wht .......................Before leaving for. their Ï Awhiand lu carnations, ..' onrnn t1 and tefoe ilcridF S.A. the bride donned for basket o! white and pink S travelling a navy two-piec c - bab4y r Leusli o l, T ro e suit accented w ith green, . -w w s b s a , a d u b r n white hat and gloves, navy~ were Messrs. Clyde Frew,M i KjlU ..purse and shoes. They are Mr. and Mrs. Robert James Blackburn, who exchanged marriage vows in Newcastle, Wayne Shea, Jan- ~Y' residing at Royale .Apts., 119 Eldad United Church, Solina, on Satura feno ue3 97 t33 tilai oadAdr -.-~ Nonquoin Rd., Oshawa. 1 ar h son, Brantford. Master Todd The bride, who attended ocock, aesown in the above photo as they sign the register following the MKe ..1 uktn o n a apublic scbool and ceremony. The bride is the former Miss Joan Elizbt etae aughter ofwerîng a w ,te jaket and Courtice High school, is a Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Westlake, Solina, and the groom is the son of Mr. and drtrues, was ring bear- above photo, were married on Saturday afternoon, stenographer at General MO- Mrs. Farewell Blackburn, Salem. lAid May 6, 1967, at 2:30 o'clock in Blackstock United tors o! Canada. A specifica- eobePoo The rcpinwshl Church. Formerly Miss Leah LaVon McKee, the bri -detofanine gnee otring th Ctrecept w elatia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKee, Nestie- ~Cia h ro teddStin vs ~îe nrr etrea where the bride's mo- Smooth-topmatess anaath gromatendd eting W a S. P ulS nitd huch the Cartwrin ecatonl ton, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Salem public school and Bow- -U hrrcie nadul Don F e w o !Janet ille.flian ille igh shool.knit, pale pink, two-piece H undreds fc o s Ai S e . Gu rwofJntile avlet atndd rm u- _______________________suit_______________________wsuthih ihttacesoie lahd ro................4 &J derland, Toronto, Chatham, tions and pink rosebuds. The 39Iotletl es Ottawa, Lindsay, Kemptville, groom's mother assisted to 3covers *e D e e t W cd n7s surrounding communties.anaMs- the cThe bride was honored with tlinen, sunt accdssone andt Cmlt ELCBUN- ETLK adlogliypon seve.severai parties prior to ber iepn acsorsad ý-13AK R Eldd Uitd Curc, o-dppIquon ! r-embroidleed smarniage. Mrs. L. Welsh, corsage' o! white and pink Spring Filled atess lina, enhanced witb standards 1Alenconlace enhanced the Saîem, heltha mîscellaneousecarnations. o ! pink carnations and w bite sl îm skirt, the tiny wa îstline shower for Salem community. F lo i gt e rc pi n h hl h y I s............$8 9 mums was the setting for the land the tpo! the sleeves. A Thebndes snir ttedats Rarriage on Saturday, Jurie 3, 1ul rain, ' appliqued w.th Mrs. G. GlaspelI, Miss Marie - lt n r ana W67, at 3:30 o'clock o! Ja matching lace, was attached Flt n r. R. BroomeSt r . 0' bebWetakdagter at the waist by a lange bo%. gave a personal shower at thé ui eutsb uiso M.and Mrs. Francis H. Her headpiece o! silk and lace Mserslsb uîso tlkSolina, and Mr. petals, edged with tiny seed S.Mthlomnile n Grd IIPao-L W b rt James Blackburn, son pea is, was caught to a dou- r . G eorge Ma low, Oshawa,G ad Il T e y - B rbi F ke o m. ........................' c f n M . and M rs. F arw ell hle, bouffant tulle veil. S he gave a linen s ow er at th e W ilson, I Fî ry -s H orsarapillo wso a akbu n, Salem. carried a cascade bouquet of latter's home. The commun!-JaW i tl un r , Honss o, nce teru li s oo hm tt e s s -Rev. Charles Catto was the wbite carnations, pink sweet- ty in wich the brilde resides Jae ureontopJnc Bte qai _jfîciating clergyman. Mrq. heart roses, stephanotis and i eId a ill Mrs .Ashone tcy a W alter Short, Ebenezer, play- lvY.an Mr. M L a, sh a .'ME RA SP T LV l e to $ 9 5 l sh d . and Mrs.McLean, shawataEy, a Hss, TA ed the wedding music and Mrs. R. Broome, Biowman- Veeaotessuoeasp n Se tSaEz$es6ndmr i c o m p a n ie d th e so lo ist, M . v ille , siste r o ! th e b rid e , w a sa u c e r sh o w e r ~i-F o th w e k ! J u y 7- 3o l w a c t s w t m a t s s , ne moan Ailman, Oshawa, who matron o! honon and the Fellow workers o! the For th- -inluiewe fJl 7 olwyct sang before the ceremony "0 bridesmaids wene Mrs. Grant groompnesented himn with a «'disins-. ~omplete ............. ~rfect Love" and afterward, GlaspeIl, Tyrone, cousin ofsnustdc.Al !te .:4*Brb, ae fml ghe Wedding Prayer." the bride, Miss Marie Flett,bid'c-wrrsaGerl Z.l.,. The bride, who ras ivenISolina. They were attired ini Motors presented bier with M ca r o erts. --------5 M n o e e stoa1h r an lf ý. m arriage by he r fa th r full length sheath gow ns o!I tw o sets o ! crystal sa ts andM j r5 i i W lo2s t d y d ~~~~Mmnor operations-----------3 2 HRHS.OHW was: radiant in a fulil ength blush pink silk organza over pep20admtcigbutrCViiiHUorR38pm.diy sheath gown o! lagoda silkl taffeta styled with a high dish, also a Royal Doulton .V: Emergncy rea38tms. d9 fashioned with a fitted bodicelbodice ! Guipure lace edged vegetable server. , k AfM SLIPS -HATS rUE Si op azgaj 1ff,») à, CONTINUE ALL SUMMER SI DIRASTICALLY IREI - WOMEN'S 'LLOYD **ELLIS 5 KING ST. W. B TURNER - STACEY The marriage of Miss Caro- lyn Marigrace Stacey, only daughter o Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manseli Stacey, and '<" Mr. Ronald Bryce. Turner, son of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Har- old A. Turner, al of Bow- manville, was solemnized ini ' St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, at four o'clock on Saturday afternoon, July ,111 1967 For the ceremnony ~ a par ofta1 candielabra stan- dards were used at the aitar, matching the design of can- dies on the printed folders used for the wedding service. Rev. Harold A. Turner, father of the groom, was the officiating clergyman. Mrs. Reta Dudley, Courtice, played '> the wedding music and also accompanjed the sooiîst, Mr. vilet whorang "oheep May Mr. and Mrs. ]Ronald Bryce Turner who exchanged mnarriage vows in St. SalleyGraze"and "he Lorday Paul's United Church, Bowrnanville, on Saturday afternoon, July 8, 1967, at Prayer." . 4 o'clock, are shown in the above photo. The bride is the former Miss Carolyn The bride, who was giveni Marigrace Stacey, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manseil Stacey, and in marriage by bier father, tegom is the son of the Reverend and Mrs. Harold A. Turner, ail of Bow- chose an elegant floor-Ienghtego A-line gown of silk organza manvile PhotobyAstor Studio over peau d'ange. It was en-f hanced by a bolero bodice ofIwith.elbow-length sleeves and manville, brother of the tured nylon dress fashioned imported French Schiff lace rounded neckline. Appliquesigroom, was best man and thelwith long sleeves, an elongat- of Alencon lace roses adorned ushers were Mr. John Stacey, ed bodice and short flared the bodice and bordered the Scarborough, brother of the 1 skirt. She wore white acces- scalloped edges of the sleevesibride and Mr. Glenn Burke, sories and carried a corsage and the bolero, which closed 1Lindsay, cousin of the groom. of deep rose carnations on ber in the back with two smalll1 The reception was heid in white handbag. bows. Her matching detach-1 the church hall which was Prior to the wedding, the Ff O E able chapel-length train hadidecorated with white 'mums,igroom's parents heid a famiy an overlay panel of Schifflillate pink peonies and del phin.. dinner after which the young lace bordered wif h Alenconjiums. A beautifully-decorated,1 couple were presented with lace and was dotted with three-tiered, round. wedding several. gifts and the bride Alencon lace appliques. f cake centred the bride',, table'was given a white wedding Her tiara headdress of seed iflanked byemint green candles book. The tbree bridesmaids pearis and crystals held the incyIl candielabra. lheld a misceilaneous shower shouldcr-length veil of silkit To receive, the bride's mo-Ifor the bride on Graduation 1tleillusion. She carried a 1 her wore a beige sheath ofj Da y, June 3rd at the home 1 ascade bouquet of pink sweet lace over. taffeta with match - of Prof. and Mrs. Allan West heart roses, white stephanois iglc acket, pink bat and in Kingston. The teaching jadtan reniy l ov esla n d a corsage of pink staf of Victoria Park Secon- 1Miss Karen Mosier, Whitby,lsweeter roses wlth touches dary School in Toronto pre- a lasis tudent from of stephaotis. sented the groom with an Queen' Usniversity and a class- Tegrms mother, who outdoor barbecue. Mr. and 0oEoS h g S ' mate of the bride, was maid assisted in receiving, wore a Mrs. Harold Turner entertain- ESo hnor. The bridesmaids shbe ath dress and matching ed the bridai party in their were Miss Anne Walshaw of coat in aqua silk brocade with home at a rehearsal dinner. Toronto, also a Queen's stu-laqu a n hieacso- Both the bride and groom dnand Miss Catherine West ie cmplemented by a cor- are graduates of Bowmanviîîe H ~ EI t:cey, Scarborough, niece o! and stephanotis. The groom's ville Hîgh School. The bride the bride, was junior brides- grandmother, aged 91, Mrs. W. bas completed three years of D U C EDmaid.Theywore identical R. Norris of Perth, was able an honors course in Ciassies floor-length A-line gowns in to be present and wore a gray at Queen's University. The mint green crystal silk organ- ensemble witb a corsage of groom has an honor B.A. from ' IL RE 'S za over taffeta. A narrow pink sweetheart roses and the University of Toronto. He CH L R N S mint-green velvet ribbon en- stephanctis. was assistant.head of the Eng. circled each empire-waist, Several Queen's students,. lish department at Victoria with a smnail looped bow at members o! the Queen's clas- Park Secondary Sehool ini ~centre front, ending in long sics club of which the bride North York and ini September ing headdresses of green org- wedding.. Guests came. fromn the English departinent at o ~~anza tailored bows. Their el- Perth 'Otwa, Montreal, Qué- Loyalist Collegiate Institute v >onga:ed ascade blouquets bc, ornall. ingston, Nap- inKingston. The bride plans IOV MANV E. ere of white and pale yeilow anee, Othawa and Toronto., to contiue at Queen's -Àý w~~hite ahasta Wses. honeymloon motor trip, the Arts.Thcopewl i a M.Norris Turmii 39wr b"domme4 a deep rose tx 189 icoiaS. Kizigton. - '-'t PRIOELESS I BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Wednesday, Aug. 2nd 1967' 1:30 p.m. fo 4:30 p.m. i 6:30p.m. . Lions Centre, Bowmanyil4cl.> FRTRANSPORTATION CALL 6u3901 DAY 0F TM~E CLINI $AVE $ $$ HERE 1 %»u% Sauw CLEARAN CE "r-(W dlh e Continues at ~flcL<S&oppej- MARY CONNORS, Prop. 48 King St. E. Bowmanville DRESSES SLEEPWEAR i h49 P' m 1

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