s ChredWth Impaired- Navigating, U4b14111 Caravan, Arriýves Opening Ceremony MuneCmp At Memorial Park WIII1 Launch Display Tih. Confederation C a r av a n which has been a star attraction at centres throughout the country, will be here in Memorial Park this week on Friday, Saturday and -Sunday and it will be open from il a.m. to il p.m. oach day. There is no admission charge. Councillor lames Bourke is Chair- man of the Caravan Committe. and the other members of this committee are Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason, Coun- cillor Annie Oke, Deputy-Reeve Wes- ley Fice, Councillor Ken Nicks, and. James.A. Bell. (TURN To PAGE- TWO) ffl '27Uirer. .opyNU BR T e large cabin cruiser shown abov e piled up on the rocks on the east side Speaker DM 0 pier at Bow:nanville East Beach at 10-30 o'clock on Saturday evening. q>owner of the craft, .Stephen Grant Carr Harris, 1790 Filion Street, Mont- A Ireal, was arrested by Constable T. H. Davis, and charged with impaired ability Lack of lAc to navigate a boat. He was lodged in the ceils at the Police Station overnight. Myr. Harris appeared in Magistrate's Court here on' Tuesday, and when the case was put over to September 5th, he -wa s remanded on bail to that date. The O.f Lultura cabin cruiser which had been considerably damaged was refloated on Monday with the help of workmen of a trenchin g company, which 15s occupied with a The importance of cultural ýýpTjectin he aea.activities to a community and roje t in the rea.the suggestion that service clubs could do much in their Not ta Be Taken Seriou'Sly promTotion was madedby Rud- ing. Mr, Heydens was the guest speaker at the dinner meeting of the Bowmanvjlle Community Centre. 'Mdlig Sui Od(Va'Mr. Hyes uevsro Music inth PublicScos li Wýed -iln s id ld an ere, was introduced by the Re.K.. Frampton. The guest speaker deplored the lack of cultural activities in By Durham MP Rus s Honeys dstrictand;o h y M - S. n ey ions that service clubs have _,"The remarks -of -Výjslting -whilej.... f ng Canada reflect sil the mote, despicable be- woI* -in thfffield. French President Charles -de the arrogânce he has always cause of the evîdent delight The sponsorship ola -series Gaulle are thoge of' a, med- shown in dealing,with Anglo of the Quebec -Provfrîciàl 'poli- of concerts would bè' a worthi- dling stupid o)ld man and are 'Saxon people and he cited hîs ticians. "The posturing of (TURN TO PAGE 7WO) neot to be taken seriously by'opposition te the United de Gaulle. is designed -to lm- anv onep".Durhamn M P, t. R s .,... .. .....i- un ne Lr-pr +1e-praitelmn mei C. Honey said Tuesdgy,,in peani Common Mgrket and.his nQuebec and is repulsive to Port. Hope et the official insi.sence- that the OUnited Cnadians including a great openipig of the Centennial] Stâtes and' other NATO pu- majority o! -Quebeckers who Carva. jtus remove their forces from want to find their destiny Mr. Honey said de Gaulle'sj French soil. within the framework of Con- ipeeches and his attitude The "whole «affair" is made federation", Mr. Honey said. Spectators et the Kewer- LAWUODI~arnvaItha 250 Race for late model Excelenttoar ivaistock cars et Mosport this Saturday, could be in for a Stage Her Fria y iell turbine car which Par- Stag d Hee F le d y nlliJoncs. reced'et Indien- apolis may make a tour of the track. The Vroom car, now ban- cuits, is on its way to Expo. The Royal Canadjan Legion man Ross Wright and Co- out the entire Indy 500 and Carnival held. by Branch 178 Chairman Bill Mairs were in seemned to have the winner's in Meniorial Park on Friday charge o! the arrangements. fleg In bis grasp when a $6 evening was a trernendous Wallace Couch, Newcastle, bearing failure forced him success. The park was throng- was the lucky winner of the out of the race with 17 laps ed throughout the event with 1967 Oldsmobile four door se- remalnlng. The turbine car huge crowds having a won- dan, Cutlass F-85 with V-8 was the firat ever entered derful tume. Carnival Chair- - TURN TO PAGE TWO> 1in the Indy meet. NewcastleMan Wins Carnival's Big Draw Controversial Turbine Car at StNewasteWas the I ud Draw Chairmgn Keith FeruoN~ right. The draw 1h.LefcÀa"a6 Old=uObile wu zmade by Mark Langley, 23Liberty St. North, âtfmwitb bis ticket numuber 158 bein¶ drawn at sbbwn .ith the wlnning ticket in the single column carmvaj hne Fri* eein. li siown here, Photo,. Ed Majer, also of Newcastle won the $200 fort by »r ~ ~ z&MIcp 1 4 t1m~tew.~~ skt epIores tivities ri Nature Liberal Picnic This comlng Saturday, JuIy 29th, the Durham County Liberal Association wiIl hold their annuel pic- mie et Waitone Park, New- castle, beginnj.ng et 2 pa. There wiIi be races and prizes for youngsters, free pony ride, and swlmming, and a beseball game bet- ween Libereis front Durham and Northumberland.. TRAFFIC Liberty St. South should be quite somiething about six p.m.,or thereabouts on Sat- urday night when the crowds will be coming to 'Memiorial Park for the Confederation Caravan and they'll be mingling with those returning from the Xawartha 250 at Mosport. t t t BIG GENERAL- It would appear that French President Charles De Gaulle's popularity did not reach great heîghts at Ottawa or in many parts of Canada this week, other* than Quebec. He shoved that enormous probosis of his into Cana- dian affairs just a bit too rnuch for us Anglo.. Saxons and had- to be ticked off by the Prime Minister for his intervention. He is going home today and somehow we doubt if at 76 years of age, he'll return to lead Le Grand Revolution. If we are holding Canada together by such thin ties that a couple Qf inflaminatory speeches can push us over the brink, we're in rough shape. Some- how, we think we'Jl survive. t t t t DREADFUL - The insurrection, death and des- truction in Detroit and other U.S. cities must take precedence in our thinking over De Gaulle's remarks. The terrible events that are taking place in our neighboring country are almost too much for us to comprehend. . . and threy don't appear to have a solution in sight either. It would appear that the situation probably will get rnuch worse before it's any better.. Friday ilinreas frmO$7to $4.8 Il a.rn~ ires Uniforms on, Confedesaý itiori Ca rayar One of the rnany interesting displays aboard the;, mrday and --Sunday and! is free ..admission. 'Tbromzge Confederation Caravan that will be in Bowrnanville 'out' its, CentenniatL tour, the Caravafr haà: ottraefflt at the Memorial Park this weekend, is this one, show- hundreds ofthousanÎds-ef visitorS wkîh, have beeii lotid ing the old uniforms of the Nor th West Mounted' 4n their"pr aise, of the; exhi4idts. Incidental ly, thé CaXau. Police that brought order- to, the west, The Caravan 1van's .security iJ i M charge of presêit da? 1LC.MjP. will ho open from l a.m. to 11 p.m, on Friday, Sat-I who -willPbeon hatd iii-their gcÀrlet lrese*1ics, IDENTIFIED - Last week we mentioned a native of Bowmanville, Howard Walter Dale and asked readers to identîfy him if they could. Apparently, about 50 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dale came here from Coiborne and he worked for John Darch on the farm that is now Pine Ridge School. They lived in the white house at the end of the lane, directly opposite the Darch bouse and their son Walter was born there and went to school until they left to the west. Our thanks to the two informants who phoned the infor- mation. F t ' t t BRIGHT - Painters are hard at work trans- forming the Bowmanville Frigid Locker building, directly across from The States.man. The color is being changed from a Iight green to quite a vivid 2-tone which should brighten up the west h f t t t FOOD- If you really would like to have a good feed of- barbecued chicken;, tomorrow, Thursday, is the night at Orono's Park when the Junior Farmers put on their annual outdoor tummy- filling event. Last year, it was at Memorial* Park here and the hundreds who took inthe event, came away.more than satisfied. t t t* t t.. LIGHTS -,The new Iight,' standards. for night games at Mermorial Park have arrived and should be erected today. There are four huge cernent poles over 50 feet high, With three mercury vapor 1,000 candlepower lights with reflectors on each pole. They are part of Bowmanvflle's Centennial project. t t t t. i. t CLOSE - Pro Alex 'Shieldi of Bcwranville Golf Club had a tremendous round on Monday when he shot a 71 and tied for fîrstp lace in a pro-arn tournainent at Aurora Highland. Five pros were tied, but Alex loat out in the playoff to Kenny Girrard the pro at Summit Golf Course. The event was under auspices of the Canadian Professional Gol1f ers ,Asociation. 1l'Icesfo 7t'4.o'f Cosîs for. Fire- Protectio If Served -by O's*hawcî D-epf, The startling mncrease in least 12mIl s ple e tecosts to Darhington Town- toa(sCsmnt<ad j4 H elp Save a- Life Z"'p aepayrcifthe*C2our- buildings). Te present réJ ceive fire protection 'from îings only. At this tîme of year, blood Oshawa is shown ini an ad- for transfusion purposes is in ertsement on page 10 of this A ratepayer who hean a~ short supply because of the issue of the Statesman. sessment of land $500 Md~ unusual demands made on Buildings $3,500 now pays $7 blood banks for accident vic- Sveral resdents asked Dar- for fire prÔtectioîl, bu t mdee tims. lington Twp. Counil recently the proposed Oshawa prcitee<. Next Wednesday, August to set up a fire protection area tion would be required to pqW 2nd, at the Lions Centre, the for the Courtice-Zion district $44.80. This is not a guarat,< Red Cross Society's local to be served by the City of (TURN TO PAGE TWO > branch hopes to have a record Oshawa. This area would con- turnout of donors to replenish sst o! Lots 28 to 35 inclusive depleted supplies. in the north haf of Conces- WIN KIN INVESTMEN'W The blood you give may sions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.. "Cap" Fairey, King St. help save a life. Be a donor It is deduced from the esti- East, was the lucky $50 win.. next Wednesday. Check the mate submitted by Oshawa ner of the Kin Investme;it advertisement on page three that the rate for the request- Draw last night. Ris nurnbew for details. ed fire protection would be at was 151. Winners of Westerni Parade Class' - 7 - -7 7- - These three young Indiana were all *essed -y for Parade preceding theéçsrnival on Fcriéay ng4 byW« 1 t -ta. nghte ayEn U ac~ rq~ t I j 1' 1 - VOLUME 113 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDýRsDÀY. jiuLv 2«-'- 1*«7 cés and 2501 ýKawartha