24 .113e Can dian Sta oeia , 3wmanvMfeý uly 28, 19 8?i V o n nnv rayt T I E fI L makoon, wy bro-R IS sM U V auuA-~ ~Lnlrles n Leguonraaa jthe lgft of a chrome and. mil. UT ~ W w ., De Caniva ~ i ver teaSservice with match. Ing b"a. from bis niother. Mr.ThnQI JakSon, and bMia. Norma» Ne&% EM-R IM ai, Mm- ROSS Carr, Beth- anMy, and Mrs. N~orman Wxl- Son, 'Yelverton, who were -ati present with their husbands a in. aml for this happy oc- The wedding of twenty-IC five years ago took place at the home o the bride', par- ents,, Mr. and Mmrs Thomas .acksn, wlth the Rev. A. W. N A Harding Offlciating for the 1%FIILY FAVOURITE COAST TO Çffl cerny which united in marriage Loraine Jackson, owWyRhmlaIeCemsi eeugter, of Mr. and Mrs. f O h Rlnlo t rarn s a o ThmsJackson, and Cari jutt sso svusopotids Mrs. H Smith. Since that oestfel tst nypni time Mr. Yand Mrs. Smith marn$cm@.esks yout foyourwm have 'resided on the more 0on s yuh Rcmj than century old farm of bis Cndïeltm grandparents. -Mr. :mith ila dnt al h trustee on the Manvers Town- 'r sre n ship School Area Board .cd bis wife has taught at the Bethany publie c Shool for the 1 past eleven years. Both are Sactive members i St. Paul's Anglican chpireh and in anyICMLO-4FA community events. IHEL LV Their fàamilY of four child- ren were also present on this-C D011 Canages- from lef t to right, Pauline and 1 hird place- went to- Janet, Jili and Janice Wray. anrversarY occasion, Mrs. lo1 Hooper Carne first, Kelly Gould, second and' Ray Porteous (Carolyn) of Peterboroughi, Alla», Norma C and Grace, ail at home.IN Mna. Thomias Jackson, who had recently celebrated her gift fromi the family. F ru i't C c A happy afternoon was spent with swimming and game, tkingpicuresandIT'S MA IN LY 1 The dinner table was cen- FRESH, ONTAII tred with a three-tjered wed- TN RL N ED-3TO3/LBAV C I.. ~~~ding cake baked by the TENE- ___EN - 3___3_LBA-- àbride'a sister, Mrs. Ross Hall. M 5 u m UM There Werc 39 present. L I l I F K I Mrs. G., Browfn eLOIN PORK Honored, by ( LT E( T T'a Eaton Staff «CEN1ITE CUIJ> Wednesday, July l2th, the ou nrStl girls of the local T. Eaton Co. luCutretl Staff gathered at the home o! Mis. Kay Porter, 84 Ontario SpA E R Bc9 Street, for a picnic dinner. As usual justice was donc toR R BS 5 the many good things to eat. ' Alpine Brand Beef Later, in the aternoon thE girls weîe invited to the home AT E S ~o W Beach. Tis was the surprise ffilrkb, W eCP i n t r i e s - le f t t o r i g h t , ' M a r g a e n u ) M c a l T m i i s e r y p p rP a r t f o r M s . G r e t a B r o w n r pl bOR ý h an'-SPrY-, Sandlra- Davies and KImÏberly Davies (in lKimiberley Davies as a boy, but she's a girl. her 25th wedding annivcrsary l ov Mia. Pickaîd presentcd ber TUSA IH ETR witb a IQvely salad bowl and -W6:0 P.. 900 .M.ONL a Centennial Rose cup and jU :0PM 90 ..OL saucer. A reminiscence of &f the wedding of 25 go rs ag Richmello HamburgPks Mrs. Brown, very much ___ Of taken by surprise, tbanked UN IS ___8's the girls and Mis. Pickar«, for rk R W.2Wk - 9 the gifts. Mis. Pickard seived Tff - tea and wedding cake. F E II F U T a MAPLE GROVE California Grown Thompson This community was shock- ~I ::~~. cd on Friday morning when >PDe e e KM I 2 . u it was learned that Walter J. R P s 3 S. Rickard, the youngest son - - o! Mi. and Mia. Garnet Rir. South African Navel Skard, Shaw's, had passed f f Size f y". '4'. ~away in the new Mount Sinai 8s __ d Hospital, Toronto. Sympath y x*88' f cd to the bereaved rarents, atw bthers, and aiotherOn Dm io's O n Bad «s. ~Save'O o i*n Rev. L. . oevlegv1 sO nBad ~. a ondr!l mssae n-n omn Blue Powdeîed 5-lb. Poly Bag COMP. dataklng as bis subject D T .~... . s.'-' . What sattbou?" Rev. and )Mis. L. M. Somerville, Bow ERG EN 11 manvjlle, her ister Mrs. Fred & Bayside Fancy Red- 73/4-oz. Tin SV 4c jAikerton, Prescott, were Sun- f da dinner «ucats o! Mi. and t S ck y S lm o59C Hr.I. G. Freeman. S ck y a m n 5 tesssneand iDianne of acîman. A H O M IS Los Angeles, Cali!., Mà. .Mis. Fred Wright visited3f 79 CEN EN IA S AR G O W N G CO TE T arilon'Sbcygon Ms. Arhu Mitn, M BtjnIS U 3 or 9 S Staples, and Mis. Mary wlth ber parents, Mi. and Shirliff Sweetened or Unsweetcncd 48-oz. Tini JUDGING AD AWARDSM. and Ms. Douglas Dey- Rd£@'St et o o~ ORANGE- JUICE 3for$1.00 JUDIN AN AARciel, North Bay, Miss Shirley day, July 17th, also with her Kraft Pure Orange, Thice Fruit, Sevrle -9. Jr Dcyell, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. aunt and'uncle and cousins. Lloy Lan, PcerboougbMi. and ift. J. A. L.ovel Lisyd an, Oens, Osh Dexter, Michigan, Mis ai' MARMALADE 5 f or $ 0 and Mis. Marion Rae, Om : ai ten an aubc Ka- Lushius Shurriffa 11 Flavours 3-oz. Pkgu. A Y, A U G. il t h me, have been guests wth thY Plymouth Michigan are Lnh9fr$ FR 1 A Y *ýA ue ,1 h- Mi. and Mis. Walter Neals viaEtingwith the fomfors ais0J MEMORIAL PARK BNO - Peterborough, are spending RdKing St W.an l AXA ER 3fr$ 0 Mi. al ayMs. hoas A W Xthei3ror$10 NOVEL SOOTHS MrndMs. Toa eterceuneillors, Mi. and 8 BINGO 'ngs-Mis. Ted White held a wlener Mi. and Mis. John Cunning- roast at the- home, o! Mi. and 2 l lrbniel RIDES FOR THE KIDOIES - ban have moved here froni Mri Fred Wrightan family, f RI R S M N S-G M S 0 H N EMr.and Mrs, Wgly Reid vering W&Bs Pet ln ae : UW ES E T M 1 FREHMENTS AMES OFCHANCE are upcnding ti week's ho!o varioug kdnds There were daya at the BeffHive Lodge around 40 J=se .PrenidentrTh & neai Bobcsygeon. mi"]Rýut)>Finofpres ided. DItAWMr. an~d Mis Gordon Smith ]Kr. and Mis. L. Coilacutt qm- and -JamlY are holidaying forl attonded the 5Mt weddlng two weeks at a cottage near annlversary. reception for Mr. Lakeview. and Mia. Tthos. .NoraS> et 10 GO IR ME T ON S Mrs. MlOgryk and'au arkham lut Sa turday .r wihber mother, Mia. MU- ers one evening lest week on . . . . . . . M5eeeh -5 for s$1.0 dred Bristow. Mr. and Mm. GeIsburger, So- SPECAL KNETI DRW BlverW.iummrAmauvn lna. K1Eý RWAsurprise faratly gather- Unr. C. GreeMarg Min TESL4 Ing wau held at t> summer Carole Greepham uqet a ieW .. ~ ~ 5uDu SU NM W cotS >th, n Lake Scugog, near mereslster-in..iau' Mis. j. H. i S an S 't______________k_____e____on___ Sunday atter. Greenhana, pr kn gh no-'-ta celebrate their twen. lgan». SE4 VOURS SAVE loc tEA-IM SAVE ).CCtal'c2 )SE OF TE19-oA. HO PORK- SALE' :RAGE or (HOPS J IPresswood's Compass Brand Rindless a-Y 1.am % 1 , Dominion's Own Famous CORNED BEI FRIDAY NIGHT FEATURE 6:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. ONLY Country Club -COFFEE Tin 85c- TUnd VEGEAB NEW - 10-lb. Bag California Grown Sunkist LEMONS VO 5 le Sale HAIR SP 1 15 oz. Size 1 7 oz. Size Attacl REGULAR VALUE Glant Size Tube WILINSON BLADES 6 Firmament Cut Deuign - 9-oz. Size SAVE 60o >RAY$2.9 bced RglrPruce $2.98 - - - SA- E 13o PURCHASE z 12 OZ. TIN Green Giant NIBLET -S ALUMINUM Double CoaNd TUPUN 9' CHICKEN L* **AR-:--,s.- I *AMPLE FIEPARKING Is Guaranteed Té Give 100/0 S&tisf action Clodmg, Satiu'day, July 29, '67, ùr Bowmianvllj, rHE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITI ES. and Fri. Nights 'tii 9p. ~No, CONFIDENCEI Wmk ao en m « Msuu mes 1-1-- ÎF m AW 19-oz. Tins HOME NEEDS