Lî&~WJA Cu!tQair . r% a m dt:. AuctionrSalAnction s of Thankls ý(isof T Mi Mmn-M agistrate S Court lorri[llLy The hausehold effects cf We wigh ta extend aur sin- I would like te thank my SMITH- -In loving memoryteganwaqudo. SALES modern and antique furniture, cere thariks ta the cititens of relatives, fricnds, 4eighbours fourda ahrGog .HeiCI in BowmanvilleP.PsatT.Sut dfl dishes, etcwilU be offered for Hampton for the beautiful and organizations for their Smith, who passed away July BIlaeaaBraeLemn Coma& g ale> l ie by Pucblic Auction on Sat- wedding gift. kindness shown me during my 28th, 1956. IuIy 24, 1967. gon, Cobourg, he pleae severely Injured as iel h iae eeaakg g 76 T h g T h: p. u d i n cJ l u d e :29 , g o d r - h e fa6lpcfan ., sao nif o o . he y a e oeri g od in t e e y G. F. B o iy as le D ty K o hita . T w o d oRa , O enee - Horwa, CattIe. wethe residence cf Mms..Gold- 30-1' thanks ta Dr. Ewert, Rev. sight Mgsrt R .BaMagistrate Baxter adjoumConstL.bleahopthTini Vanstoeie WYr mpo , te. 1. A. add itein in Village cf Pontypool. Frampton and nurses on sec- But neyer eut cf mind, presided with Crown Attor- R akradCntbeR w odnm 4b sou, SalesManagers. werhie calledralgodre Te aily f talteMrthe Sid. Teyar heiseyinte eyt.F.welltl. ut 60i er CavendthiSdeyshel 6 frigerators, several bcds, T.V. George Callacott wish to ex- Roland Bate, Sr. hearts Counsel for Legal Aid was Olympia Restaurant about 1l Avenue, and 'Harald oaSaio eb Auction sale of modernan etc. Tersch(nceqs.pes ei deep apeito 30-1' 0f those they leave behind. Miss Gladys Roy. . July 14. The proprictor 388 R Iideout Stree, wre TeDptin aEéea ntue furniture, electrîcal Norsrè Betty Lau Preston, ta nurses, doctors af emoriai Loving and kind in ail his The first hall heur was pointed out the accused and charged July 19 with mar inAnulSa o eb aPpfIances, dishes, glassware, Clr. R. J. Payne, Auctioneer. Hospital, friends and relatives 1 would like te thank, mest ways, taken up with a long list Of said that he did flot want him cd driving. They weei-wf ehedo hrd~ beddlng, linen, etc., the estate h oshl ette for lIdndness shown at the sincerely, the many friends Upright and just in ail hi. adjourninents, same at the on the premises because cf his manded te August 8, uut3datteSmur Of the late Violet B. Walters, Tehueodefcs h time of their bereavement. whe came ta eaul and those days,an request cf the Crown a.nd shouting and swcaring. The A47ea-dma eeteAv.HL *ligSaturday, August 5, at property of Mrs. Gardon Clark 30-1' who sent cards, on the occa- Sincere and truc nhar n some by defense counsel. ofcrsadttthacuetiAl -yejdan-d jyaid By n il neetdl hem lte reuidence, Lot 29, Con. will be sold at the residence, wudlk asien of my 90th biè4hday. The mind, Helen VanDusen, 122 Bess- badl been drinking and kept pleaded flot guilty ta neetpriiain nUceetna 8, Hope Township at Eliza- Lot5, Con. 6, Manvers,1 , I woud ik I sincercly many kindnesses extended ta Beautiful memories hie left boreugh Drive, Toronto, was butting in when Mr. Laskarisasuto 6ya- bethville; sale te commence miles west of Ballyduff, on thank my relatives and friencas me made this a very happy hehind. . fined $10 and costs for spced- was exlig the1sitato-hs csaul f a lail.Weld eb rgseig h promptly t 10 a.m. and wiîî Satumday, August 5, at 1 p.m. for gifts, cards, visits, Locke's celebration. -Levîngly remembÎered and ing on Liberty Street, S. The They charged hlm. erhadteeiech ers hmc t D been sold. Terms cash, pro- tique fumnitume, love seat, and nurses an Surgîcal Floor 30-1 Pearl and George, Bill and Vi, stable L. Ricard. cd Mr. Targon. "He and an- by magistrate andrvesdA.,ctephe62-14 frysl.Pa oatd hstoilet sets, needle peint chairs, for their kind care during my Cyrus apd Gladys and Har- Francis M. Sissons, R.R. 4, other persan came here look- hi. pîca te guilty.HewsTeDmyilsatut20 iprty e.Pantat e n d thîs r dishes ( Lustre and L i a n stay in Mem rial Hospital. A sincere thank yu te our vey. 30-1 * pi de n t guilty t ioa mg u sces lY fr w r . ordered te sec p y arcpm n Tumdy uutS Pethick and Charles Reid auc- Wae, chest of drawers, an- Jack Potts. friends and relatives who join-qE nt tien cf a Township of Dam- Whcn they ran out of money help immediately ani h hr ilb rzsaadd itioneers. 30-2 tique silver coffee pet, silver 30-1 c so u 5hwdiga- Cm igo ylwtete on ar jun g fax and mink collais, persian __un____t ediga: o ig vn ligo b-a prohibiting tete began on foolish and mtte adund unt~ lam caeHudonsca catI ishtethak il heniversary at the Liens Centre, L-ea inc to storing of used cars in an rcckless things. He han al- ust 15.AnalwmDspa The undcrsigned auctioneer new caves troughing, electrie friends who sent me cards and gfor adthe ards, flowr eaatPrkoo, Necale,29.aturyday -agiulu z o h a d , f o e s a d P r , N w c s l , S t r a f h r e a n B u ady s pT e n t 1 0 d y s n t ej a "T h D p a t e t c c r a hous ehobyuldifee ti o the fcNe andserve. tcrms ces . faw era hle Hosi.TnsDraina Group for their fine tronJln2.Ecrbd pChesar rteTnsilngtTeCrwhrectdwl rbeubiuoinrhdeceadmayohe rice.flwrawieI ain s-gitan h MpeGrv __ _____tenAnalSln o~a taeo thfeclte Mr.tKennet- PoyneauctienerscsR .30-1ae ente rHssal and ecos sî,a vnn ogt ewelcame. 30-IL pco o h onsilntyrcr ain akNgtwl ec Werr, Lt 35 Cocesson , Popery teir indess e mare eered. og o etodthe court he visited Mm. 1963. t RECREATION~mc alyPo taeo h aeMs ent anac i. J.erry,01220 t te usesindcmlyR on anerd.Mr ige ]INTRBNSissons' mopety on March 28 "This is a common offense, Werry Lot35,Goncasidn ,otifiedi ktheessownmeronbyd crntPnnuedMO thUERCrINGnandnoIiiedone Thur sdayinuAughentown rit Cflwa stkeown No, 2 H i ng StP ety fI . Ea, Ohaw, Mon- Margare anCap.30-1 THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'clock mail the next day that the makes seriaus trouble for ms ~ U h mga ilfcso ofewasleonNo_2_ih-stgartEatOsawg onatrgre7:00am. wp.m.RE IE wy, Saturday aftemnoon, July day, July 31, 1967, at 5 p.m. 3- Sponsored by the Junior seven oId cars stomed there taurant proprietors. I ould Itefnannastuh u~ 29: glass bookcase, chester- shalp. Marconi Sterco Hi-Fi ____ 3. The family cf the late Mms.. hme fCmec utb ae wyb pi ieti a eg ack toý field and chair, dining reom (like new), Marconi TV.. set Mm.. Rogers and family wish James Gina wish te extend JUBILEE PAVILION 6. None bore current license the Ottawa Valcy where he! Basebaîl News nih atfu ek ~ suite, 2 chet cf drawers, tea (like new), writing desk and te extend th e ir heartfelt their sincere thanks te friends, O SH AW A 8-tf plates and none weme mobile. belongs." Pirates defeated. Dodgr f lse ttePn ig wagon, writing desk, 2 settees chair, radio and record player, thanks and appreciationfo egbran rltis for SUNNYSIDE PARK chnge. W 6 hen A. A .stno The penalty for crcating a aneiinRc-ai 'nd chairs, dresser, bcd and adding machine (McCaskey), acts of kindness, messages cf their acts cf kindness and ER BIGO T Wnhip Solicito r, ued disturbance was five days in orýil nai game 12-11Ia c ol inuttress, piano and bcnch, 2 walnut bedmoom suite with sympathy, beautiful floral tri- floral trihutes. Speciai thanks MONST E£LBN O 'onhpcfit ralfolowingwhic he a Park iast Saturdaem-are icedar chests, TV, mamble top box spring and mattres(like butes received fmomaour rela- t r eeze ussad Thursday Nicmht trate by-lr aw Me ais- nadvîsedSwimming, will be!m- Theit chargefo idresser, quantity cf bedding, ncw). blond bedmoom suite tives, friends and neighbours staff of the chronic ward ~~h eth nwi mediatcly. He was co;nvictcd TesadusfrteP -c h rganadwllb speol bcds, 3 washstands, complete, set cf encychopedias, durn u eetbrae Bowmanviile Memorial Hospi- 7:45 by Mrs. Lama Caver- i aeswer Jm ee sevemal tmunks, picture fram- mantle dlock, radios, large pic- ment in the ho.. of a bclovcd Val, Rev. Milton Sanderson, RED BARN byhMr.Sso t. onhe t heanudchre n teae shropmBesDu.asse Mr. Sis ons tec th st ndm atte r adjourned until A ug- B ird, T erry Sargins on adM . . W g a s a d es, ladder, electric lamps, oul turc 5'-4', lamps, folding table, husband and father. Special Tomante, and McDermott & O SH A WA and expîained that pemhaps he uSt a t which time if he h asLarBshp lumps, old cutter, 1961 Corvair siiverware, florescent light 8', thanks te Reverend Northey, Panabaker Funeral Home. rtre oOtw h a-Gr efcJm Stationwagon, many of these garden ted.s, dishes, electricai and Northcutt & Smith Funer- Clarence and Amy, 6-tf had net eceivcd the etter lir wtumne d o taw e mat-di Garyn, Perfe i iceQari ere anea articles are of antique. Many apphiances, step laddem, plants, al Home. I would also like te Harvey and Mary. Woodview Communlty Centrebse stamhings had built a. Randy Hayes playedwelfrNcas 3 - M N T Rnest in hi. mail box. He thenl Gizelle zego, 67 Victoria th c Dodg rsA pe e tto f Uca u d mention. No eserve, sale at 1 more articles tee numemous te at Memoial Hospital for kind- BrI GjOr ea 1959 t onauss, a 196 net guiLtedinay, ar d The winning pitcherwsteRceto emtc n o'clcck,' ternis cash. Lawrence mention. Temms cash. Auction- nes. during John'. illncss and To the ladies of St. Paul's, ['4ext ML.oflay Chrysier, a 1950 Plymouth. a without a license November Tim Vanstone and the inth Bo avilBrchQ 'Harris ClerK, Cliff Pcthick cer Myles King, 725-3039, stay under their came, te my friends and ncighbours, 7:45 P.M. 1949 Austin, a 1953 Chevrolet 3. 1966. She was represcnted pitcher Jamie Perfect. h aainRdCos qhuctioneer. 30-1 Oshawa. 30-1 30-1 1 would like te say thank you adtoPuet.H adb .MQare fisy Atom Finals foa h loes rut dýs R DB R that one was cevercd wlth a Constable M. Joyat, OPP, h erainDpatetFN ULT adgifts that have been com- O S HA WA tarp which made it look like laid the charge. BaseRaîAtofnal are d OUENSA ing steadily te my home for 6-tf a mound of hay and the ethers Hem husband, Tibor Szego. at Memorial Park lastngh WAKE the past seven wecks. My- oe akweete ol etfdth is iehdt thanks aiset c.adMs Depariment of Recreation mvdbc hr hycudtsiidta i ichdwîth Garfield Clark'. s de . toRev.and rs.net be seen fmcmn the moad. lcarned te drive but neyer feating Pirates 19-4. H. Turner, te Dr. and Mrs: H. Country and Hi. Woshîp ead the sec- obtained a license. He added - 1Ferguson for being 50 thought- to fth ylwaplcbettth fe doesuh n BlyL ahi a itew TFOI - *fui and kind te me over the W sen Jm oe ln wamned Mr. Sissons that Highway 35 and changed ning pitchcm, gig l1 years of my stay in Bowman- esen am o e ino htylwapial ta eotndoesuho Bhe Letaman wtewnL ville. will have fend memer-te aximum penalty for vio- places with hi. wifc at the for-eMt loin ieLc~ ie 1wlhainedmoon. m y Wed, ug.2,197 ation was $300. He gave the Bonfire Restauîant, aoing UI snceetnks Emte n.Myailu. 2,167 eritil August 29th te hem te drive as taas Pon ty-RESU'LTS COUI- (Mrs. Joseph) Louise Taylor. 8:00 p.m. remove thifice.pol hnhetc hewh elCouat a Member et h The__________fod_____the30-_________ CMN When Mr, Sissons asked I again. On this day hast 'WNUIIIII The blgge your fao order - he 3- LIG UCHA heWouId be allowed te store ember he rcmembered his better the reason for shopping ai MOTEL PARKING LOT ithen in a barn he was advised wife changing into the div- vat oad a - or and enjh o O BO N-I îvnga-oy J.C C 1e-Cal the township. did not remember changing L U M a RIC S n A L y u uy. Th t's of d ar ath r, Tho as30-i1 uc en R ym ond, aged 21, back again. H e w as net sure Pfl a 1riCES on ALL yen buy. har be LOa Br arn father, Thomaas ____g - _ lq,.ttawapfaccd .three charges, who was diving, when the MULTIPLE LISTINC SEl IC II rlgh - AL cr prcesare OW iown wh pased way ug.eyu PRICES! We make 'em that way - 1, 1966. TRPTO ileglposssion otl iquor, became involved nlaaseiu keep e that way - throughef Youm presence is ever near us cauing a distubance and accident a mile and a hait Oshawa & Distct 38Dda tL.Wtb fcient low-eost eperatien and pass- Your love remains with us WHEELING was withsdamane.yTe lc Cmoj th os otpital.wieh a oPooWlty183 Anar the savings on te yen. yet; WEST VIRGINIA wIOn th avic e c . Wn.Tamke back and his wife as ______Real, ________Bc You weme the kind of a father JAMBOREEeo . .Tr-knbakad i if a BONELESS ~Your lovcd ones would JMOE FRESH No.1neyer ferget. f * R*U C *K Ever remembered by daugh- CIVIC HOLIDAY WEEKEND---------- 1b LN LKEN L ter Judy and son-în-haw Ron. August 4-6NwMnfcue Cnd - Beu6u STEAKFer Reservations or Other BROWN- Ina1loving memory Information Cali Your Local IDEAL FOR BAR-B-Q of Tom Brown, who passed away August Ist, 1966. TravelAgn 4. , ~This month comes with deep ori regret, p . It brings bmck a day I will BURLEY- krflhIflblU ~neer forget,69AetTRIO Ground ~He feif aslecp wîthout good- BUS LINES LTD. TRI lb bye, Ch c 6cBut the mmemy ef him 723-7171 will neyer die. 7 IDEALFOR BR-B-Q-Sadly missed by wite Betty. ____ 30-1* Personal274D1RESQ UEI BROWN- In loving mmemy AMAZINGLY quick relief forU c o a dear Dad and Grampa, discomtort et mouth sores, 5 5WIFT'S PREM 1966.a a te sres, tender guns, wth SEA LESS-RESILIENT *INTERIOR XT RO We weme net there te say Flctchcr's Sere-Mouth Mcdi- LASSORTEDEA good-bye, cine, $1.00 at Jury & Lovel ASSORTEDPcrhaps it was just as well, Drugs. _30-i K45 We neyer could have said HYG-àENICS-uppU-s..( Rubber 1 7 12-os. good-bye goods) maiied postpaid in m Tin __ D INTa a Dad we leved SO Well. plain sealed envelope witb 4 7C Tin 9 5 -Sadiy missed by daughtem price list. Six samples 25c, FLO RN ___________________cSAE 6 gadcidrnLid, erge et.T28 ov-ub49C. SOE1e4-Z. Joan, son-in-law George and 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order " ELO UNTR NETTO 3____________Tn and Joanne. 30 B*1ox 91. Hamilton. Ont. 1-52 4 VIRTUALL'< UNAFFECTIED BY STILETTO MELO UN ____ 0-'DIAPER rash, heat rash, in- AI IN MAINTENANCE COSTS QUICKLY PAY FOR- sect bites, and other miner .SVNSITLAINM DEVON BRAND IMPORTED BROWN- In loving memory skiai irritations quickly Booth- c I ~~~~~~~~o a dear Dad and Grampa, cd and rehieved with BALM n c i'e D sTmBon h ase wyE itct pca mh A proven semmlessresilient flooring distributed nationally by C cLarg e Bars. iz August 1.t, 1966. thlnnts help prevent and case dealers is completely menalithie providing office, apartmnentIdsra Larg 31/-oz.SizeThinking teday cf you, lents 3 0 - 1 ' Z eer d h s b n i t 6 5 ( o l a g e o os t r i p s , m o t i f s o r i n l a y s c u i t b e c c o r p l i s h e d w l i n u f a e D.3-1 ept 665c. Lic. Narr3-C-67 I by fuctory-tmained mechanics.MORAEISLATNCSSYom GAY LIQUID 1 BRUCE- la.Lie.No.emem67brancAT INTA D E T E R G E N T B R E ADBRUE- Irn Bremmce ofps~Cs n h p SEAMLESS * GERM FREE Without joints or will be plcased te findrgnlDrsu Roe rwnBrce hopase as o heSp tseams, Torginol Duresque harbours neither can be instulled compitiey ih h e- fEE G N red re idadSock.d pi pled F dirt nor germs. Its extremely dense surface ter grades cf vinylsad tulbeo th friz. en -t uc, kn n tc lkdup Pronsptly - will nat support the grawth cf "staph" cost cf terruzo, cerami,ec us 4 C AV c 1aesCBorowed tram God- then Tl MeClet 6-7'i1p d4____3___C__SAVE_____Oc_ Dtydul ledoaou neys ndTY ON returned, M argw ill Fur Farm i ASK FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND ILLUSTRATED LT R T R DINITT MARGAINE - - 4Ib.$1.OO Pouce in thy hert- Pained cneN.11C616-tf U M " M RN4 b.$.0ne more. ______________ prcae oeerb ogte.Wmted to Buy u iaa ~ o ar out Maryan George Heath, gcd- CHILDREN'S outside play-O h w o d P daughter Stephanie and An- bouse. Phone 1323-2697. 30-1E dra 01LR E baby crib la good C U TC dreaonditio0n1. Phone 263-2710. U M ITED SOPPIG CE NTI Y KT SR m30-11U-1411 U 14117 MEMORLS LIVE pcultry, old feath (HO E O iD ALIY)ticks. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1. Beth-_ _ Dlgnlfled ind Distinctive any. Phono 7 r 13 collect '07 KN t -esmfe y afl DNT m o ou!se .- - - FO D MARKET W. IOWMANYILLE 152 SlUieoeSt 8 Ogm» Jwa abotaythngat's ld,"ALLONT.NE NAM TO SWLD ON --- 02 Talisa, Newcastle, vn OMM . £vMag JIana987-4624. 21-Ui Ib'e Cz»dhn Statemnan, BOWUMVMe, ZtMr 28, MI - 12