S eC ndmn e tt usma, owm aneJune ~ l ?SOTP C ALL-STAIRS PA &L WORW The ontaroLcosusoitonanuci i.18 J u n io r " " a ilsu.;m , i a e k ~ w l h w fl o p s h Civic AuditoriumTrsangltJne2t)satn a 87 iglit o'clock. Ailpo]cswl ot h uir""iIr~ players' funti. For several weeks now, a few nw faces ave been i Cte ntnipo jec Mn «ound theheoOrne]il, Golfhaveuslitganlab,-wrne record b for tpeula t'frtualy conflrumed prevalexit rumors tht the course had w Cien a ! » = e n s o l d . Q u i t e s o - t h e c o u r s e a n t i c u r l i n g c l u b b u i l d i n g c.d I I Ed o w e d S a l c i 2 . 0 il A I p l a y e r s o n t h e f i r s t t e a n i , s u d f l i c f a c t t h t U ic, G r e e n G i c l a ihanged ownership, but everytbmng wasn't matie absolutely BA Golf Clu.bwih yes n hef BA Ble ofad ulig Cu h n ig H n s Westlake and Eti Werry notch ave racked Upatozntrgltvtris-aeteij Belles and ic apersonblr yu H mn whoIng the goals. Davidi Nemis Minta Cup maai fricenebrt.erMraal *fra Toronto, by the'narne of Bob MacDonal.H Cl dHapo - niourtice accou teti Gaylord Po wls, w o b s fr d 29 g as li bs li w e ll be f a m ilia r t k s e v e r a l lo c a l p e o p le , a v i n g s p e n t m R Z IY B o w m a n v i lle S a g lt a n d i~. n p e i T r n - .~ h i - t r g a l k e e , w t w g t D v e t l f e e c 4)Pst sunun ers at the L atim er cottage on the w est si te beach, C ook B .A . B elles counte ti six tB y na t n i R a o e i ltM z i osE ls r g i l u t h C o m p a n y o f e x h o c k e y .s S i d S m i t h , B o b M c L e Js h in s i n t h o p e n iig f r a e a n d o c r f c r tw h g c i ia on ta banti Courtice an - , -~~ - - Courtney were th c w in er'a defence andtieft-w n e e e d ro f H si g o n 83stback, in Durhami Ladies' marksîen, thJn ail w ere Bob met is wie. Softball action at the Central rnttihee yr R e atten eci scb o j at T oronto C entral T ech, serve ti ch oo l d uîîm iit ere, T hur a t n n tt n t e l ue; eOtal y s Uo c ic tst tH i . B r N y or f L ng ra h w s a e e game w s reporte ti i J m Bishop wa nm ed s c ac o! t e e o d t m, r» tun, wet tk Queens'sUniversity. Bob was employeti by The isitors opéncdt hUc .Thon, as J u ircLen fieti four ji scormng wli a pair of runs in - goal tofoeti Zio A x t l t a ' S u pl y C o . , e v e n t u a l l y b u y n g i n t o U i c b u s i n e s s , t h e f i r s t o n a w l k , s i g l e s b y t o y v r T r o e D n B a a - m i O i U c t n t t a , t l u m t r u b e eb e t a t n c before entering' thc industrial furniture flel. He is nw 'A. HaWday anti R. Perris, a toryoteTi a paio ar a m e n t h eg s t aflhated witb Royal Metal Co., specializing iu the manufac- double by . Courtie antid--- K z n o te ohr ih Je w rb gt tare of school, hospital and office furniture ant i ndustrial Mag G y 's Ur -bge.,.I- one of Uicheinest Jr. "A" performers iii Canada After that Diane Ormniston scating. retireti il batters in pa row foroHtn W hen Bob s i't pursuing is ig ly success fui business until Anna Belle S t e v ecrn s ~t r i a i h i g ih a o h r e - a i a r career, lie spencli as mnucl i tue as possible on thc fairways siigled iii the fifth anti scoreti "rtefa' ic tiri qut i of Uic exclusive Bayview Golf & Country Club. Ris intcrest pon B. OMis *oubennngth RIreranti o lu golf anti the fact that the new manage-pro Alex Shieldis next seven tiown in ortier, fin- -- heard Uic Bowmanville course ws for sale, resulted t uUlhe rgwith a seven-hitte, INDY CARS T purchase bei g m d. e ie walking two an t strik - Ilu n pis rv r h gAil Ready for IndiaCaRolsc11 AN wllpc te A lex is the gentlem an w th the m ustache, w o othein mnou t ix, n h t o b e a s o c r than rpping us for lving.lousy clubs anti a poor golf anti single in the locals' fist Trp rshyl FrtC net efi off t MospatPr:bntepspnt eern cart among other thinigs, is really a nice guy. Perhapa it is while Nancy Gootiwin antid - The Department of Recrea.. won dtinng qualifyn rasa ue1.BbyUsrat ltthng that aur fir t pro, Ian T urner, w as S cottish, anti o w D elores D avey rappeti triples, i n o B w m v l e w l h d L oy R u a e i that the course Is due for a compîcte change anather golfer aur Ba Sintnrbt a duble. ern Co nce an toionestepsiio f r a t e r n i t yD r i v e r s i nit h r e m a ino nitr it he sr g O niUp o s i t i o nso mwSi cmo u re y taioSoftownviîîe wborg angthe scLin on sungle - e n an a-Mst- f "ag-g crhtan t h B i i s p e n ' 0 4 i s f r s l u a s i V l e r a p - S s a a y gteh e1 a l -i r f e ir h aur e d a b f r e i t e f rnhr wel h U n e s a ti g f r n fron Uiclan ti o! Uic e ather lias jC a nda Uic o cal oinu g, i a l k i t C oka td sti a 'Stoed a rkingL t a . i r p y Sbotlmd, in1952. He wa a prConcert at theinDominionOutheo poleepositiond astUice Counnrr& oesthrnBillytesostirs.Me.or.aF fratrnit. o er the he ifh n tipes byon J s awaly 5te he m clou r et Unteti Sate u to Cuifiii ni di es ae b s r. bies, erneti bahis gfotraflleyea nou d u t- D aueyantiSkiner, acomplte pRadoron HCaisCoanourg no obt ungb c t h ll f a pr o fUicc ga n i in s r .A el scor ig on rho ± ip , ar er o -w m nvli. H oid y b l a n , r o n g fa r p r o o , c h e c l i i i t f i n i e a rs i n n u b l ea a n d igls o e r u n n - C e r e m o f Ni e w ca n t J n yle ,Sr . t hen w d t o h a e a i n i e t i l y i h t h e O a k d al e C l u b . b eeo nh eb a udoa sv eM a s terro atcCa ngr yga d a go utla n ti tte sti gseh e tiuloc ss hnwodat ritaofc cho m m a daon d i th B iis pe ii f~ 4 Hs istcub wa u ovel a ndp.. Su s GaD avey up 1she afe- y W ll be a ayn h e da y e r the ra e fon ton, bElant i, i h l e a in o aadaraidub r f t hcs, w alkd ie ats truckd cîî. . teG o e ast ires.acd. otat o e ud lietas, 152. He ayina prfofor a o n 3 t Wnds, o f os r g Gt o inbeîng a ggtithe - v caiTe o ry e sternck f te aarangmchan d ti n gr cc y e a rs, e r e a a ug l t au g f o r f i e y e a rs a n ti ft h e L u n l n ner a ti e du p be I nWati f r o a îist e a n o r otfs o l i l b e d a g n C n d couple f poin ers he as giv n Daytonwoulwhere tbsinwle sheatedrivtr B Ow hîw ille Ewalt he c.Stra' oto eett ev hi asi beent bickat aUilfe o! i a pbgle o, onagafine jobWinr B..BleTihatilHrpeooewermai e .AId'ner ay. i becong te a e.Ig rT oronto, wherc tli et tb re e en t d u l a tainuGadLnt n tigto fn e st e , Hon Sut .er Thsey et ondin s ai tI p sile f r U A iii the'in aktmewubOAntare too aven s po t hertadleanti s o siges d ac ftof Osa atroTofn Centennyualgd Both A ez an Bob a e ent used a out t e antib Delonesut andaveysocnlosaltalea lhat enst bfore caming there. pile Gof Clb i o a in !te he- g es .5 -3MciaffacMaioe.G a n a s ni u ccid n.j î ny t e tid t e i w e lie las bee pay-o t.Ofgregolf f et or o f0 ya rs, fc us t e Mag G nc w s t e p kLl y aRandy Elford, Wayneoantiupermitothehp werond cars talrun inpthe naintfor feareo datt i bakt hn ewsjstawebate ugigb fthe ose rsd it a trwipleanti T r va W nnkr h 2 rvesreunngfrth ac r: ob Us W ithvtca dst DoreenoBlackiof tit aaUSACandatpeonshipSraceehasubeendpostponet. c o p e osan e s h a i e s e w u t a e c i nisigle. W ih Libe e i l e h e c n lu i n o f a r a j l r o e t s l h a i l r v d teachnthe ane. It lrady sa etet tr.hacDonawuldrepres-en ti-n untr rwamc-edd"hti-hr"frthelidol of BGolowmCrlinviClbc s b iev re t h tth e e i st ap bl ondin a fin e lob ig eTheseephpeop5- ,eiwereai yfror h oftuem aAIllU nsertexCnsil JerryterGrantan sJiemu Rager i Ilhe te sWap lie wuld hae desied. Hoever, progrmme bal gain, lBowWeanvily thantirtEwildcoydn RuthynGardonrBoJoMnconcldofBobrnturtghAieves nepp7-4, ofiie club l t i a e Outania tou rnam nt . nI \rtat V nce t MS H l A dtoi m. S '-4 hg l o e r et b a e en u e a e ou t th e pa Tessib ilitiofes W 1 s sh w e r iIu s n h e c u s e w t l u r f e s o al A e h i l s K n s M n ' e r r u te n t al c u te a n fu t xit or tunu g he Bo îa vitcGof luujta a e n S t day ate or f eruns n uthe T owd n b c, G r o g o , Jn c lct o ne D m n al comn e 18 hole planu. 0f geaoft eint es a of ic ts avei out anti sec soie localtalen An rt i At o la nt . J F ydJ e Le nno B b H r announcenent thatconstrucion on talsecondninekwil Kz-nmp' Funnitue postet b e arn bis fil. thebo ut l t e e n o s, I cl cin i n sco nda s tn al b t i n, a ntid WIUth tla l copltig li saeani hetac Sepi Felsdrppt11t 11EThird- a Vinning. ajeRaI Iy...... - -i. shr geond iim many n, as Thasweekwiilseedheycncluionof aandjla psierylsae thtPwterprvW4 ,eti bitseert thtthe etng nie st iii moayhietigyet ehen'g5ain i ny ,Frh ! o anilE. Gretensonan lfeion lan.ar anounedI C lAIirMns on ajrrsns c rli e i h plan woldhav te lerti ha ve a orme bai gaise, lasot i e Iea four W I&bandRa VI fl k of viloparsmet is alreaty luniray ilt utVnen Massey. eaSpotopcs olun byohentws.nr Bo MaDonld ftToont, rght Thenain wich feu of anti who s shown he e discussng the cousenwîth clbcProfessinal Alex-SeadndKeob Men's Wer erruptet initial cunferncameon single cldee g ofoure ariae s, as ee n aetpro d iti aon firu glsauf liccon tesditC o s foro n od afourwnuans ficfa tlon -de- y Seve Burns T o uftnig Pea~~' omthe m18nboiledpn.ani xenosUide arts adhich e ave eveintuayGratighto bethe Ral Estote 7-4a Vimw e as-Mdnis os ant thidIwI S n neou an h ruîfélgscttefig e W a nnd tase t y cb ndo acd u le o mti obtise ou net bolutcl remd endusClake unclu ltllngmaagbigt intactort toasnigumapires Haroltircksa*h twa-brn an ger hauIg tg evenalo! fic cumrment hlstaacmatae Alter tiJinFuesbdco rphy in.-re' iks In-ad he rn coe.Th"n'hroe-i affap .ark, av p dzn aig t a Petr - The outsiallyfcaheebutheigaie in btheatopattr ctive by onceein Thursdaytantisinggee yyW erey B illpreben dsivn planersonfsactithcefgolferu hwili havem earvanietyt of, uflic thventvey.W bSoertballgaLnaguelkidatir etanfourd oaew alkn anti edR ay pf ainousgparsbeiogt akbo inntheout. Stcapb's mebacwthaedysor-Fls ppeighm ih inr aethog nteth eiinossdfv-int s, f-ot atilic antwo unn Insid , man cha ges wll b made wit show rs b ing i the secon , all unea ned. he d cidin run ncndeaset oflhecirhtM cn'sl oTawnhe M at sirrnnsou'sn'ssecond twdoublee whle J nes c acke I pave , c r e n on t h e u l t i t o ple u t e t i u e d af e yi n , a A o c a m a keBi u t ' 5 - 4 ,i n e ht a s / i n n B o b F o s t e r r a c k etal lu p b i s t m ll y . l u t hn d s iet h s i n g l e s b y T h clti p vl g f flc arin i c, u w ro sh p ad iton ba n n en u sco d ni N-11. W E E se o d on a w lk igeskeun a d sigel'sa nge ta Uic main buildingl anti eens iv alt e mufon ani ic ora- li t i o e o u tanti liarà e g d E ls S o s 1 t w n e , r c n l snld scatt W b te ' f ,Ge r e n ins, ne btsh n w e t a e by second a c r Da L l o d y . H a m i l t n , a s n g l e b ý v a s h e n i t h w i n i n 1 0 u t - o p n t h e nf o u rtH e rw u n ta gaan stt na ll o ue. K e-Ba k e r a ne llra n tilc k .os iPle s ,s onh f o l.r a Th e diin wl a e a p o s o n 0 nelyniftig ryan dWnigt utite. naifrlheowlîngn Ouacnd wh n etwalk.r or edtLouer t o nnnin aonles.rr nt ige tios a, bolethe intni oor an ill ext enior.Alrc tiy flic course 'ss ae. é -l i teVrit lb.Jii ank's e r Biopalacethog Ih e anmîn foi lic fivrstw un ngs as Cn hle ilpauth ric aw bis thBusa ntP i Pickc i a uiron rninous ingprovemeuf Atter flic Fuels bat scoramae.t i ng u n apaetu -gelve th e ssai lold whith i tras. hreallset ta Prd ucer- e' eor ve e c t eic e ap iecesifrie ao untei fo.fli la hgrand s ie o flc bidn wilb ma trctivele.nceiiifli is ddthron ngl esb ia n adley s eg hin - a nti fali-rcve ringlscofept he n te r n ie andf f isB adly a i t sha gave up a dozen osaftes Fira nk s . lnh I i h eH y anti Don Mci urles b însa crElific f bon u gt Jerry game remk aine sie, w unfil f lic H vey t e r, hf o gan e waho ke ti fln c esti haian ca n eltw u le ad wi n s In avde ny mhang hees llcmte, itb sowc es bein lyWiseco nd ilunmeti. lic dccî.Triîng run, Mhnday last fi eth. baIl dhoe ov ce flic h a ast ixl e bcn's ailie wic int flsinle Js criet Baie Instalet, carpIfing on loic faos, coymp eeunshe, sAnwaBlroun t's snge nigif scoeFrk'ns Vantomerry Falî, r ans hotsfeatiesgaverU i us îguson radBak ---- clbng inca atefupporkithen fa dte e rr o fo Jhn Stantou a tetope ti h e s 21 fswvnht i ge r, rycently, igl et orun was, t ebsfer's f fth e cndd osng a les , igle s y u at age. Bac ir Lboty Hamim ooueatsegsivbyplanflicorinliewintinreouf- op n flicTihnngueHesrceteftoagaist ionlases. Xcii BAlterGeor e Joues, J hn Fowlalturflirce ima on a air of BAN ERaPASSAN Tii. ew ad ition~ vlI have a pro shotanti oungu Lyn o t ny ani A x i se-n ungs for flic e -a d ian e ct t o nd wie enrefie l y to i w ndrk et fic fir s w o n ans ant iTerrf l c. san gd uwthe o wln nu 6 3. oinca, w hul isoi uitaonwispioptctis iths s toepsnlaes bsacright, Ha itofliceparietcub. Lfrank', aer Gov r Wallce obliletfibAil.ams'ingfed nnni vee rdW lu fgnlcbig rfdtbafriesthc inof rs oi the gofr and tye. latiietfheirfoher nea hable9- ma gin, eanyerune driewsi gle off piac er ess anti Bnin B atle ai bis, lcluon ug a teme toussian'slebogndtboaneeru. * it. usua- 1 flc oufl, n iDon b Bs w is' op nticneto e c Te d Lf e veck. uIsf h o as uplac e nd fhrydeb i nt or n ak's orho e runaliii Jn s a nti a thew dn i oblesn t i a pi wlll i e t ou e. fm b wi ng ese muy i mp o e e s fiaudwic liket o ut a e v- itter, ha n r e gaveche tma n moyme atefor o By rian rut- a fef i ts efusorFo lrtntheac B nu. I c rn D sa ilt Tis cv nore e es ivh e pan r fi c d f tu re lit co li le uls c me t lt havigeu . Afe t o wak Els, afe her sh k frt ih eao m r a iv ic adscndt iia u wt M k i ase o ouslf*orneI s ra c posslbla nn a ths ina qute a spt --s an te - t i ne sn ls y W ibf uiî a e p letc nr. etild r gv na ks o a f fii A a i, Te e e k, G n u- a nl cn lt fic b ss flcfiso-fel t m fe !111 11uel, wO hve rapèd!ý,icu t auoi o LftirjiatrQ C~ Owle Iad scored. ~ wno nae dro nd -c Grant Wright singled. Stata tossed a seven-hitter by Jim arkethre e n arow.Ini the seventh the winners' to register the win, fanning Chartran's Men's Wear 13-o The winners opened the four runs were ail unearned, three and issuing a pair of Tuesday evcning of last week scorin with four runs ini the land the Fuels missed an op. walks. Abbott gave Up eight in Junior Men's play. T'ri frstephen's got them back1 portunity to register an out, safeties, claimed one strike- Variety crew unloaded a tierce n the third and Kramnp's hitlwhen Alex Wiseman who had Out victim and wallced two 13-hit attack againat the Inept for four more n the seventh. singled, eventuaîly eluded a batters. lases, ho nianaged onIy s ix n t e o e i g fa e b - r n d w e w e e o d m Hoar led the winners with afttes. The winners pou ng njPitcher Bob Abbott walk- third. his three singles, while Cowl- cd on Chartran's starter, Terry cd the f rst twot trs .- "Butch" Cole w as safe o n ng clouted a triple and single Baker, for 10 runs ini the first inelto oling a u ble it Hmd two ,fraines. Jini McKnight slo cing adulean relieved Baker in the thurd staglea tnig lnnlng and was nicked for A andmiSuandng three runs andi six bits ciuring C H A N G E O F (oad &l Sna'sgr bis four innings of relief. Jerry Ke'sMc'sWer.... 31 FaUs' was a standout for KnsMnsWa-731 Fran's a theplat, astheStephen Fuels__ 5 6 10 Jr. League pace-setters fatten.- KapsFriue cd their averages. Fafls had OW .UWUUU W. Frank R. Estate 4 6 8 a ectacular six R.B.I. nlght, single. Harvey Webster shar- i c te lting heroici with ta have purchasd FaIs, sJaing out a triple the business known as Threc games were playeti and two singles. D ve Snow - W d c d y n g t a t h den cbipped in with a pair.of PALMER'S ensa ngh adtre McKnti gh for the n l har B A B E R S H O m ore on Saturday in the D arl- ngton Senior Soccer League, trans Payerto olle tw ' 012with Courtice leadilng the way, trnspae ocletto 35 King Street, E. by picking up thrce out of a biaarveY Webster took over Effective July 4th Possible four points. from Frank's sUrqrKerr Bak- I h elyo an or In tii he i i"'ning ad and invite ail my scbcduled for the previous Saturday, Salem eld Courtice ews re againt nalases. anti Hampton also battlcd to a tetaerain-ce yWca rst y e laeraw. Brian Bradley connect- g~ anonthlt ai businssd for ftic lone Maple Grove bYawild pltcb. -rlul f 8t uecoudwebau. lutii.as tally with Geo. Feyer replylng Mr a secnd bse l thefor Hampton to create the 1-1 P'rnk' sone~ ~ ~dcadlock. In Wcdnesday's erreu as l, a teyother encounter Tyrone cdged ___ eghti ~ M on 2-1 on, gral by John .±ei eig--.,h -oIn Hamflton andiN. Sussac. The dafe t. C artaa'~ dfet w g la ersm n ker was scoreti by pair oi .hutouts wenror. IBRING THIS PECAL /2PRICE PASS for two ta the FR1., JUNE 3Oth 1967 KINSMEN SUPER CAR 1B N GO.0 as b. PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE $81500 RIZzES nldt 39 MM New 1987 AMBASSADOR ledbanor PUe Sm Mb; UW HI-La Gamc eO 00Snl Snowball <51 es.;.$17 Bia owbafl (u0ns) I i $450 MOdl gmoe Su4 aly »id Gam«e (Share thec Wealti) at 7:30 »WI IW*gette bur fie ecomsy putk forvalu Mdmi ae»Meur. bt"Y FMmesMd Va1ablJ.a ai. PARADE ROUTE: Band starts frai» Contrai Public School Grounds at 6 p.m. south on Silver Street ta King Street, cast on King te Ontario StrNet sothest n nanj eMmna Pr o featuring q BOWMANVI LLE LIONS CARI AL SA.,JULY lst EXCJTNG DRAWS FORt 1967 ( VOpSED AN an PRABEthLeVISION y RIDES An Evuslug .L Eustoetalmm.at for tii. Entir. FauulIy! MR regr ga«MM. wwmwmwwmý 1 am 6:3 0 peme -0 LIBERTY sT. BOWMANVILLE - V 4LALdLI66" BINGO