W~ and, en the contrary, there The Stad atemIn 1 »On 8 parets Mr. and Mr. Ias been smre evidence that e, ( 7 ), Gurafl e, a, 1<(TLaTI utomatibn bas even reduced hrae jSocia/ & 7,,.roai'rSGe'm'iýB n fCommerce L't r t u ni I-, à c,' a> n 1 nd M . W lb r T mthU W ~ R e skill requirements of the sh tge m kng t es ntai w îh e mu c ep If w ' ~ 7 ~ J 1 ( L t B l a c k s t o c k , M n . I F . T o m s , , o p e a î g w o r k f o r c e .t o p t f l l e s ne m a i s r e b b c m e i t e i t h Enruskillen, Mn. and Mns. F. 4 . L* 'hithe case of automation on education a rcai ~ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ w ere Sunday supper gues t ior D s c u s s e s u t o m ai t i o n l cisjcaofen eached is that te maintainin g hr w h o Uî ~ ~ t o h o i % --)Mn.. A. Thompson. ceia employment will con-th economy." ~al acnIu acm 1 Mr. and M is. E. A. Tomp- The rapid -development of tien is a necessity -il we ac snaned rfn m n i bctn e t n w i b o ee- T e C m eca etr lsa pt ih te pie ~ a d n. eo ard SiP- ules for Ontario. Dr. Yong o ! o nd C nhi1Bw an uom t d tch i u s aoe t a plnm r a d b tarpi nip e in m ac O h in ueb e futre, uti htthe r e faur adeaCom es a a fr f q aiy i t e g o s a t e 2EL f ort PeryviltldMre'C inwwa te s ea er. Th y jvilevwee S nd y e enng o uch dicusio o! th ir oo a a d erice t fufîi t d ta ks thaofne rexp!ex ansoneop ri nce i auom lin t th hghen e- ou tris, cit er at omto "% L~ace qbeet. meeting and a lovely trip. Mr. Victor Smi was over - consequences, thc June issue hgher standard of living". less efficiently by uman decades will nt be sustained. creased proctivt, ihe 1Miss Barbara Vanstone, PettY Officer and Mrs. night guest of Mns. Thomp- Of the Commercial Letter, Despite -the tact that the labour, bbc Commercial Let- Ini the long run, automation quality goodslsvaito Beech Ave.. spent the week- Oliver Holdstock and their son on is way ta Expo and publishd by Canadian II-itrnd toward automation bas ter states. may well esult in sme oreU- in productsaiadamne n end in Toronto with er sister,1 daughter Heathe, Dartmouth, n is way back from Expo. peial Bank a! Commerce,lbeen sbong everywhre, un- To bbc extent that there are gading in the occupaional crease in safety seilyi M i s e lnsa n t o e .N o a c o i a a c o lna int" bne .s e z I Nt a t w c T e j e v l o e d c o n t i e , n c u d m n tar ei a e d w i h u b mad aa r s o r i t e e s inaa d r i s Mr ndMs.GoreWbt wt ter aens M.an aY.employmcnb figures in the real pnoblcms of unemploy- composition of the office te- laboratonies an soend- Mrttend e rud eta o e rSt.e Nleth a r nds, Mrs. Pre are or nom bc eeal ! ht carei drasti c ouis incrseoduemp me-nlo ai Programs fo r- wAn imortantectino!a drs. icueprbes 62 -3 0 and girls left Saturday taMrs. Orlad Plummer, Liberty move automation technology ing Canada, do nat record the tien, they are problems o! dis- challenging jobs. aba cprdionmto.f1 enei Wsigon .. Jack Holdstock, Temperance j be called 'science fiction' and ment wicb some people training and for increasn mation bth in factoies and zatio andpr Street. Last Saturday tbey B ~ reveal it for what it really is thougbt would be thec mcvi- labour mobility and flexibili-i fie alkl ab bcpolm !tsigadft5 Dr. Mary L. Northway o! attended the Plummen..'amb.. Ii l S mr In its application ta produc- table result. ty are vital, along with poli- substantial increase in the de- adjusbing bbt otaIsseheU' 1 r.Jae vsitd M. and Mns. Cburch. OshawaIJune 24. 1967edtion.,i e. a continuation in tbc "Indced, some o! -these cies ta ensure a bigh level o! mand for indirect laliaun. In and production nndc ZarontJavisiaed Mr. and Mns. hrh saa ue2 97- eeom.to ai au ot!is hl ql John M. James asat week. More than 100 Jebovab's Wit- 'eelpmnio bsc an- unniswhleîtpld, o-e e" pantîcular, thene is Iikely to tion o! flexibit !afr' Mr. and Mrs. Harrv S. Thene is a special brochure'nesses met at thein Kingdo facturing bools and mcthods." ot_ P& ten tiff-Yave experi- lb is fan !rom clean whethmr be an increased demand, for operation, and obn b tc SmoSt audm TeCommercial L~±r.r- nccd labour shorbages rather automation will inevitably ngineers and bbc other tecb- csity fon la&@-caepndc Mp nr of H . E Cun atai ly, t fo hend E pocap dl ale "Yo Halklyo t o! t atrnoï vîWa'-' ?ty ome.- t haa o r sr.se; e d t ae i by sildt s p ot bo u the weekend visiting Mn. and aged and infirmed planning to afternoon. Planning was andclinica conditionrpl ssucb worke f ore l skinot Oc- bbc machie adtespotin u. thete as icaaspects o! automa- As long as cniin uhwr oc.I a e c h mcie ad contrai- Today, automionpoie TmrancH.ESreet.d ockyatetd Cxo nse1Ior ta kE Jc ova h ., Wîtnse nepoasdtioin, and states that in boday's as these prevail, automation cunred te anytbing like the building industries, ta become awa o!la 'repernc'67"et.Thce rochullre Emay be fo thes-ir otbcoing or - competitive wonld, "auboma- can be viewcd as an exten-. extent that is ofben assumed "There may be seniaus killicial and ecnmccocp D on't forget t e 'phone in the b a n d b rt n te t e ay B le S m a A g s 10 inaes f ourholda viitoC a n a d i a n Re-Habilitation 13 at Oshawa's Cîvic Audi- Or i! you are aut-of-town aven Council, for the Disablcd, 165 torium. the weekend please let us have Blon, St. East, Suite 303, Administrative personnel, this information. Dial 3-3303. Toronto 5, Ont. Our thanks plumbers, electnîciana, typists .Mn. aud Mrs. Lornrzo Trulilte Miss Helen Van Dusen for and carpenters met te plan and Mn. and Mrs. C. Johns, this helpful information. bbc needs o! bbc delegates for town, wene Sunday s upperi St Paul's United Church bhc August 10-13 Bible Semi- gucats o! Miss Nancy Johns chair joined with Christ Me- nan. These needs vanxed from e nd Mns. Helen White, Hamp- * iIAnlia Church bhir ot water battles ta steamn ton. ai oil gcncor O0shawa, on Sunday evcning gencratons, fnom a water cool-1 M.adMrs. Edwand Mason, 01uîga pca srieO er te a walk-in refrigenaton, * Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. K. lmusic. St. Paul's choir sang as anc tradesman commented Marden and family o! Osha-j sevenal numbens and bbc two "ýwe nequine everytbing in- wa, werc Sunday guests o! Mn.j choira combincd in singiug the cluding bhc kitchen siuk". and Mrs. L. C. Mason, Higb 'anbbem 'Turn Back, O Mari" Atreet. Wgt by Gustav Holst. Also par- Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Wgt ticipating was tbc Bowman- Czar, Alberta. and Mns. C.iville Public School choir led P. U. C. ww 'Wight, Honsey Street, wene by Mn. Rudolph Heydcns, who212o.C K C supper guests on Tuesday ev- also directs the Christ Me- cning last week of! r admarial Chunch choir. Mn. Ross M ~eeting Mrs. Harold Hammond and i Metcalf dinected tbc St. Paul*s family, Founth Street. Chunch choir. A meeting of bbc Commis- Mn. Wcs. Davcy, Detroit is MinWshl l b oms ViSiting bis sistens, Mrs.A. sian s office on bbe evening Edger and Mns. W. J. Bagnell HAYD ON o! June13, 1967, -Wi.bCail and la staying at bhc fonmen's mei n rsri .Cr hom e. He w iIl be here t e' e w cat cnm n fa one Chairm an; R. Stevens P e s n r g a c . H ry f r t i celebrate his bithday on.yor .Hbs r omnin ay Jîyîs. with fine cool weathen for aur Upon Motion af I. Hobbs, Mn. an-d Mrs. A. L. Hooey, Services on Sunday. Thereiminutes o! bbc last negulan LibrtySt.Norh, pen a eýýwasa god ttedane a th metin ofMay 9, 1967, werc Expo afternoo evc.nrci-adpe srad. Carried. Monrea. LstSunday Mr un Blackburn, Supeninten- Accounts o! bbc Electnic De- an r.Hovad theln dent a! bbc Sunday Scbool, partmcnb for tbc month o! Puices effective .ad is il HneTorno,!c which was held in bbc$9,9080wce esnd for tl Sevce ecrte it akeset I wsmoe b .Stevens, Sada y JuIy Ist On Thursday evening, June lovely !lowcns. The service 1 secondcd by 1. Hobbs that bbc 22nd, Mn. and Mms.Ennie Blake included: Childnen's c h o i r aecounbs be appnoved as pre- end Patsy, along with thnee of sang I'm Sa Glad"; Rev. sented. Carricd. the Oshawa Starlette twirling Chi uan was gucat speak-, Accaunts of the Water De- teRm, motoned ta Hamiltn 1en, childncn's story, "Tho!atct o b mnha where the girls took part i Perfect Measure", and bis May 1967 amounting te the Centennial Revue '67, di- message ý<Vas "Possible Per- $6,257.71 wcre prcsented fr il t eS E I L rected by Donothy Hurst.Ijfections Make Perfections Commission approval. SPE IA S /2PR V E Scool o! Dancing & Baton. ýPossible"; antem, "Rses Are It was mved by R. Stevens, PRO ON r. es Fo n e ei e t f Bow- Thy Cnown . sc arded by I. H o bbs that the I N ET .m inanville, Mr. end Mns. Michael A wondenful aud vcny largej accounts be appnoved as pre- Vetal, Susan and Tim are cowd gathened an Sundayj sented. II S C ?T O I joinig the York District Pow- ýevenng ta help us celebrate, A letten from R. L. Byron,K L El hu. Sh ve C am GJ4 R i) ByOe Gt k niaI Cruise ta Expo. Approx- with Rev. Dugan as guest benture and Interesb charges Imately 150 hats fnom bbc rspeaker. Rev. David Nortbeyiwas nead. The total charges . Sugg. bat 99e 13 oz Sjze 1e pv ed i0 Lak'ý Simcoe-Tononto aresaran- conducted bbc service. Thev against bbc Water Dcpt. for.a ta arrive at bbc Exp arn came fram fan sud near aud 1967 amounted te $32,960.25 o!f~ S~mii en July 4 thene wenc many faces o! aid wbich $25,794.17 was prepaid R n - cone EMMETRA Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Hard- friends and neighboirs who st in 1966, Ieaviug a balauce ofi10 Oz.- " 17 Ingviitd ora ewd ,o ncetime on other bad lived $7,166.08 ta be paid as de- Aeroso l~. aVlu Owen Souînd witb Mns. Hardn bbc Haydon community. benture anid interest payments ipa, Ing's broher and wif, M.1 Mrs._ Turnrbul and Misa fal due wih bbc final payment l,± en~d Mns. Kelvin Bunnen. Mr iGnace, Bunketon, favorcd wth OÙ November 1, 16"T6t'" Ruinuen neturned with thexu' two duets. Rev. Dugari's ser- charges for 1967 agairiat bbce aud spent last week in Bow- mon was "Cari yau recomn- original scwage treatmcrit mnville. While hene be visit- -niend yaun religion." plant amount ta $12,360.00 and terih cd with anothen sister, Mns. W. Aften bbc service ail were bbc surplus as o! May 31, 1967 ud -Maindonald. invited into bbc churcb for a amount ta $4,146.41.' Awsd-inungChor o. social cup o! coffee on tes sud lb was moved by R. Stevens, Anom bbc M. J. hoia coo1 cookies, sud a pleasant visit seconded by 1. Hobbs, that a fro aptonhed J bRs Mebal! wss sperit in alking o! aId Water Depantment cheque for lamptrorng td y oigh tat imenewîng aId acquain- $7,166.08 and a Sewage De- sbawa Folk Fstivtal. The, tances. Among aur visitons partmcnt cheque for $4,000.0 OreaperFolkm invial. ha I F.Wcstlake Sr. (rice be farwarded ta bbc Clerk- bor rormnlu crinction fIdasAvensy).o! Salins, who nt Cantroller along wibh a letten wh o nroog ino unio au.The 90 years o! age was among advisiug that auy surplus ac------_ cihir wl e acunompand.ed thbbcgucats nevisiting Haydori, cruing !rom bbe Sewage Sys- pinit Douglas Dewell. also M. James A. Werry, 96 temaenIolwl b owad-If VlrI KM N W! PACQUJN iii ofCodCra Fnkyears of age,, attended bbc an- ed as furida become available. ±NOJZi21VI Mr. and Mns. Waltern k niversany service. Sa sonry' Aletten from E. Knapp ne. EM rc ur ed la t ed es ay J ne If an an w s e! o t.questing th at a 2" w at r se v- O zMA 4 oz. Jar. Sugg. li ai 1.0 9 eaeh .... . ... .. 1.8.C 3 oz Sugg. 21st fr m atend ng t e I ter- Con ratlati ns e M irice e i staled t h s pr pery1 8 t 6 e . national Real Estate Federa- Wallace Miller of Tyrone wh * 103 Elgin Street. for thc pur- tien Cougresa beld at Copen.. clehrated ber 89th binbhd-îy pose a! !illing bis tank truck, hagen, Denmank, for one week. on Monday. waa read. 5o.Arsi ugls .9ee . ..... Tbey also visited clients snd, Church service on Sunday After some discussion lb wasP fniends lu Sweden, Norway, at 1:30 »i-m, moved by R. Stevens, second- BY P W E Holland. Belgium sud France Mn. sud Mns. Farewell cd by 1. Hobbs, that bbc Mani- " IQ L LI U D1ozPlsi.Sg it9e for a futher two weks be- 'Blackburn. M. and Ms. Ger- ager dvise M. Krapp that %JO llmte Sg.la9B fore ncurniug home. aid Shackleton, Ruth sud bbc Commission bas..no obiec- Mnxuln. Z d ns o nc aem is Etla to a bc isalai n o -- nai d b b n é Mn u rs abrRamjiiiOi~ ~ectric Campany, AL rrr~~.il T1. REDUCI'NG L « W o n r e a t o n M . n d M r . a l e r R a h ,i $ 2 , 0 0 . 0 ; F e r a t i - P c k r dB R Y L c R E 3 6 T a b l e i , . S u u . l i a i 1 . 9 8 co n re atl n.Tyrone, attended Haydon An- Eec td, $2L38IÇ,io c r4_SE LT 7i ...... 59 P a n i v r s r y S e r v i c e s a n s u d. 20, 3 8 8 . 00r;u i t L t - ~ ~ 1 Z R i1396' àI u!SS C Â .m9î n1. 5 01,5 Genenl t.Pur eeeirc altPEut 1.h9Tel'w r'..........J59ct Cuy w ora lp a P n R otes G ur ah s oa m nan d m rsy . Eî1ic C o . L d , $ 22,624.00 ; U L F L M! i u t .rr e s n h¶ I i ,w r . . M_ _ o r b m s d a ly Westinghouse Elect i e Ltd. j Il - Falas Accus a n d Mrs. Roy Mr- $20,345.00. 1I 6' -u Tr i O NGaise tbe. Sua. at 9 e Laughlin and Debbie, Black-. ovdy tees enta Cream Giant si»,Shmo REOOH stock, Mrs. Murphy, Tyrane, r 2Io.Jys l&t 5 RE O O Hýseco ded by t atM anufacturer Speeal 2c or65lor 1 .DLS g.li et., 9 Chita eomdENO Fruit Salt SCHICKSurSaie.Ste ChiiînRsomd M.sdMr.Rs sbo u estr2ngbouse at a total coati bladSdg C amily. o!f5203450 -AGdAvRy ggîaî~1 '.n r nOshawa, M n. sd M ,. B b w e a from sdate o! or9eer..,3,bl * Auh eeýCTULI> For e o uge@t,got MACLEANS la 5 ii14 M iatis er:gu esa o ! M n. sud M n,. C h ar- app lication ao idf t 1bcU OfSt e t e th s d s iR OYcr or n n e . Yre i f fou hew r u n a apnrT n d rdfr th up l s d4 L S y u o 2T-" u ac u er , S p c al 1 7 1 e v . A . V a n d e n f l e r g . l i e G a r r a r d . C o n m i s i o n ' s o u s e t M . S . 2 4 T a b l e t s S u ng . l i e i 1 . 9 51 6 9t n S u . , * c' BC K S AP Of r . 41 0 a # -lABD.MT. Mn. Wm. Gallagher sud No. 1 were received as îoîîow,: 1,69Âiat L.qX«feUà pen 1ý o Danny, Hartford, Coni,., Mpent Perey W. Allun, Contractor, NIA 381.c. Fe bbc weekend with Mrn. ecsl,$,670;Bae MUE P,. SuY W& liai% 1.93 Worship Services Mrs. Roy Patterson. LmeCmpnowa-j121/2 0,. Suu. liai 99e c 1 . .tWilson and !amuly, Houlton, It was moved by R. Stevens, H S O A N i t n n r n r. L uec il,$,5 .0 fw Y Ur C lonC% 7:30 p.m. MPUie . &f nd, M n. James seonded by . Hobbs that thbbcs d1to ,U u Meriden, Coun., wenq contract be let ta P. W. Allia. Fer huacet bitea, poison ivy, aunhua mPqUD 1,050.., it. Sunday caltena at Mrand Mrs.ri HISTCAIN t jý)«3eugkFabh [aender 20 11:15 as..Sunday School Fte Itwa moedbynLdtevns Mre hs M. ertrim. B di cne by I. Hobbs, that the Back To God flou,1 md John», *'f.Wesley Ber- regular meetings, tor bbce tnîm, Irf Jhb Dît~1n~eh tq£ene montiua o! July and August CKLB and Zenle, Attended bbc l U hot be held. Should any SOt weddîng. anztiverr fbsines arise requlring a Xvery Swmday, 9:15 P.II.MrM. ace' Mn .Wra. Lnq, apecll meeting the Chairman .,,.. Toronto, on Saturday. .wIIl arso«mg. uerd. J fctRE Gamour Mr. aoi Mns. Roy Pateraaïnjbl4n o1her bus- KIGS ETwuPRCRTON DA atn e th t W d l n=g mmoe bb teCm'l K NG RE15 N - L A E E IE ............auc1v«try et Ma am .r-=ulue» m " Um. a aj. - ' e -.--- , - . r-st