Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1967, p. 5

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St. ioseph's Pupils Dress Up for Centennial Day GOIDON - POLNY pieces were highllghted . d a ~ rt e urn~ aqua veiling and their George'.te- la fSt oe and daisy 'muxns. Newcastle, and arrangements Mr. John Gordon of! o! pink gladioli, white 'murns cou ver, B.C, brother o! and Shasta daisies !ormed an groom, was best man attractive setting for the mr ushering were Mr. Grel ',T'ge n Saurdy afertar-Gordon o! Penticton, B.C., Jue17, 1967, at 3 o'clock of ohrbohro h r Miss Patricia MarilynPln and Mr. Thomas Byers only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Toronto. Peter Polny, R.R. 3, Port The reception was helc Hope, and Mr. Robert Peter the Lions Community Cen Gordon, eldest son o! Mr. and1 Bowmanville, and the bri Mrs. Robert C. Gordon, Pen- mother received in a stri ticton, B.C. length jacket dresa o! E Bey. D. R. Dewdney offi- blue shantung. She was ciated and Mrs. H. Kelsey sisted in receiving by Newcastle, played the wed. groom's mother who chasq ding usic.Pastel rose fiowered strt ding brideuslc. . ive éngth dress of silk shanti The brraie, who wa gienWith matching plain Il wore a floor-length gown, ! n roses . Th oe crsa inade by her mother, of white o e nd odesaThe ric. crgnza enhanced by sm. uncle n ofteM.' nel shaped sîceves o! laceiiam Stechyshyn of St. T and; lace train. Drop crystals mas, Ont., was mnaster o! ce monies. Later in the eveni centred her crystal crown the get acdt h lheaddress which held the sic get acdt h a1houlder-length bridai veilo! Ted Koss' orches and she carried a cascade w e dicious buffet lur bouquet of red roses, white was also enjoyed. carnations and stephanotis. As the couple left on Miss Sandra Rogers o! Tor. wedding trip 10 Vancouv onto was maid cf honor and B.C., the bride was wear. the bridesmaids were Miss a street-length jacket dress Helen McDonald o! Bowman- Plue and white !eathered si 'Ville and Miss Sue Dobson, jersey knit, also made by h Prdronto, cousin o! the groom: mother, matching hat, whý Their formaI length gowns ci accessories and corsage o! r' aqua organza were !ashioned roses. They will live in Va with sem i-bell sleeves and couver for the s u m n were of the same design as months and in the Fal w the brides with the exception take up residence in Toroni o! the lace accents. Their when the groom will bea pearj and crysta crown head- tending Ryerson Polytechi, cal Institute in thie Enginee ing Technology course.1 I attended Penticton Public ar S PEIAL.Canadian School o! Infanti and the UJniversity of Briti: S gr a 1Columbia. He ih presently en T U R G EON "S Ployed as achaffer Ase retary, the bride attended D FIRST QUALITY Powers Public School, Pci Hope High School and Os] awa Business College. Guests attended fromn Vic toria, Penticton and Vancou ver, B.C., Montreal, Que PAtiNrdT. rounding area. - r ua Save $2.00 per ga. Offer Good Until June 30 [PRIMER COAT Reg. $9.95 tiow ... ga FINISH Reg. $10.30 NOW ... ga ABERNI Paints &1 "Decorating since Phono 6 55 Ring st. W., ORONO NEWS nu -- Mns. Emil Schmid and dau- a ghter Elaine spent several al. 7.9,5 day. witi their cousins, Dr. and rs.JohnLavryLou- ise and Robert, at Montreal COA Tand visitcd Expo. Confratulations to Mr.. anc 1 M AT Mn.. Ernest Bowen who were married 25 ycars on Monday, 11.8-30 June 26th. On Saturday ev- il. ening Mn. and Mn.. Vance Cooper o! Oshawa entertain. S d Mr. and Mns. Bowen to dinner in thé Rib Boom ai IE nIS the Genosia Motel, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jini Johnson, Wallpaper Greg, Dcbbie and Donnie of Peterborough visited Mrs. D. bSpecialîsts N. Myles and were supper 19211" guests o! Mn. and Mrs. James L. Johnson, Hillcrest Lane. 23-5431 Congratulations to Mr. and Bowmaville Mrs. Charlie Clemence o! Ot- owmanvetawa who celebrated their 25th Wcdding Anve a 17 BOND ST. EAST 2nd FLOOR OSNAWA, ONT. HOURS: 9 &Mn.t. 5 P.m. Dhlly Cloued Ail Dey W.d. Phone: 728-1261 1b3 cas- pini Van- the and ýgorî ,an- orm d ai ntre, ct- ight ges ýde's ~ ~ . *. re- Only a few of the unusual centennial costumes sion. Those above include. from left to right, Damn ing at St. Joseph's School last week could be included Leddy, Irwin Tielemans, Debbie Thompson, Kii nu- for reproduction in this week's edition, but there were Hannah, Cathy Poste, Gloria Chisholm and Diann stch many more youngsters who dressed up for the occa-1 Galea. the home o! his ister and a brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S tig W s S.G o g e c sl er, Ray Goode, Church Street "i South. on Sunday. ilk Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Millson her and daughters, Ellen andC a- ite thy, are visiting Expo 67 this ed week. an-. Mrs. Jack Reid and Mrs. e r Kcnncth Hill at tcnded the vn60th Wedding Anniversary o!f~ Stheir former neighbors, Mr. at. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders of r- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robin- Hson spent Sunday in Peter- nd borough. rai Mr. and Mrs. Paul Groene - ýry veld Sr. o! Courtice, Mr. and sh M rs. Julien DePaepe, M r. Saim . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . M-Bruton, Mr. Geo. DPaepe, ..~ c- Mr. John Clapdorp, Danny, r. Peggy and Paul Jr. Groene- ,rt veld, al o! Orono, wcre Sun- h- day guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Rene Clapdorp and faniuly o!f* cBowmanvullc. The occasion U.was to celebrate the three birthdays o! Danny Groene- 4*~. . ~veld, Ronnie and Gary Clap- ~:dorp. SMrs. M. H. Staples is a patient n the Oshawa Gen-........... eral Hospital, Room No. 5069. Mr. and Mrs. Wxn. Reid, Main Street, were recent Sun- day guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Lew Halloweli at Starkviile. Mr. and Mrs. George Neals o! Bethany held a family ga- thering on Sunday in honor o! Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bow- i en's 251h Weddmng Anniver- sary. Congratulations ta Mr. and L_ Mrs. Ray Hilla, the former ~ ~i "~ il Joan Adrianne Martin, 11 ~.W~ rtheir recent- maTriage at St. *Pauls United Church, Bow- I nianville, on May 201h - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harness d o! Caivale, Sask., spent sev- eeral days with bis cousins, Mrs. Ivan Farrow and Mr. Jin Harness. E Mr. and Mrs. Orvulle Chal- and Mrs. Everette Couvier tattended 1 h e Horticulturaî Mrs. James E. Richards visited in Brighton on Wed- nesday cvening o! lait week and cailed on Mr. and Mrs. C. ~ Myles and Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peter Gordon are shown In the above photo as thcy Congratulations ta Mr. and cul the wedding cake at the reception f ollowing their rnarriage in St. George's Mrs. P. R. (Perc> Cooper o! Anglican Church, Newcastle, on Saturday afternoon, June 17, 1967, at 3 o'clock. Oshawa who celebrated their Formerly Miss Patricia Marilyn Polny, the bride is the only daughter of Mr. and 50th Wedding Anniversary 'On Mrs. Peter Polny, R.R. 3, Port Hope, and the groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Tucsday, June 27th. Amang etç od n e tco ,B C h t yIea dS u i the relatives who attended Mrs. RobetCGodn etcnB .PhobyIla Sui from Orono were Mr. anddineger ahdth Mrs. Ch. . Cooper, Mrs. ddMnenUAe o e h Mrs. Ch. O. Cooper, Ms. d* Volta River power authority ClfodCoe n agtr project. This request was Mrs. Wm. N. Armstrong Jr. I FM n geI.se n oth rmiro ClfoD opr and daugiith Terayroov na er asidond t ta riero! an aughMrs . Tiaylod.dro's chamn, h se Nancy o! Brampton, Mn. . Mr. Dobson ta accept thc Marshall Chatterton sp en t challenge o!!ered by this re- S u n d y w i h M r a n d M r ss p o n s ib le jo b . H e d id , a n d in David. hatron aoladgreat perserverance oecm Dav ---d - numerous obstacles and set- backs, finishing the project REC EATONahead of schedule. Playgound wil stat onsity o! Toron to, with a Bache- Pl a Y ro u d s ili t ar o nlo r o ! A p p lied S cien ce d e g re e ruesday, July 4th, hours 9:00 in civil engineering, Frank a.m. ta 12:00 noon, and 1:30 Dobson joined Ontario Hy- o 4:30 pam., for Franklin dro's engineering staff in Park, Memorial Park, West 1i94 iiy2a.so rcg Beach, Ontario Street, Vin- niedand he was rapdly ro- cent Massey, and Lions Cen- noed.adh a rpdypo tre. toe.M.Dbo a i Travelling Playground will vCew alîs yder alithere e conducted at the following prectFnls iagra egoer places: East Beach, Tuesday pdunting hi ag ars ith, ad Thursday morning, 9:00- dro. hse hy ebeamewtc 2:00; Waverly Road '(Jack Resden.ThEgn e e a C theu Weachjn's property), Monday, Rhydoelt ni projecthonauxe Vednesday and Friday after- hdotawa Rie r in 1948. h ocns 1:30-4:30 p.m., Tucsday OuwaRiyears, ater19 ra8. norning 9:00.12:00 n oon; Dosonwas postd rNagra rhird Street, Monday, Wed- aos dvon al osegiNce ig iesday, Friday mornings 9:00-.1 cos drucion o! e Sm damin 12:00 noon, Thursday after-1Bc o oe OOl 13-:3n. .m n. n t e lttr y as o y c I Il tz b ai L nE nc Fi J' tc thq on Ge pi mi st: wl Mr dei Cai ma mi Ini Wei der liN 1 Im aecfHydro's Central Re- The Canadian Statesman, Eowmajwme, June 2&, off gion, the Most highly indus- trilied ecorof the pro- reids it iswieSalJanetv ris nhrilca e and their four sons. at 627 Bob-O-Link Road,inCa- son.ci'-25 th Anniversary On Sunday, June 18th, served by Mrs. Rabt. Camer- Swi ne Club rnany friends and relatives on, Mrs. Eari ewre caled n r. ndMrs. Mor- Mrs. Win. Penwarden, Mrà M ees tley Kellett at their home at Hermnan Webb, and Mia M eets atJanetville on the occasion of Maria Carchidi. their 25th Wedding Annuver- The honored couple reeei Larmer Farm s a y, Id many gifts and carde lut The second regular meeting their sons, Bruce and Geald, Russell Honey, M.P. Guest of the Durham 4-H Swine'Club with their daughter Doinh were Present from ToraStd' was held on June 21 at 7:00 charge of the guest book. Peterborough, Newcastle, Ori ~ .m onthe ara ofMr. len Theono, Tyrone, Pontypool, B.tth P.m.on he ari of r. len Thetea table was decorat- any and Janetville. Lrmer, situated one mile ed with silver and centred On Saturday evenlng, JunIX west o! Blackstock. Two class- with a lovely wedding cake l7th, friends and relatvel es o! swine and one class O!fifanked by silver candlesticks took the Kelletts by suzérWIE dairy cows were judged and with silver and white candles. witix a party at thefr hom reasons and official placings Presiding at the tea-pouring whenthy er peene given by the club leaders, Jim in the afternoon were Miss witlia o 15iro Byers~the and enLarer. he t a mines and Ge r aî erTe Stela Penwarden (the bride's other' gifts. A deliclous salai mthes tandrTllqu estinsonaunt) and Mrs. Win. Miller, trie takn. he qestons n .supper was prepared In the1i the fist orsbet in the evening Miss Penwar-1 honor by Mrs. Earl Penwar. anse frd and thee wo r e dn was assisted by Mrm. H. den; Mrs. Robt. Cameron, Mru were handed in for marking. Jhnston. Chas. Penwarden, and Mt A!ter this a demonstration Guests were receivcd and Clayton Brown. team including Terry Malcolm, Ted Skinner and Walter Rick- ard was formed to copipete at the judging competition inMany in Costume afý IM tnankecl by Gerry__Cornish. au E y# d 9 -e% MA *0 .juL p er -, iny The members of the Bow- cussed. It was decided taï àmBHS Students manville Auxiliary to the Treasurer Audrey Bate, Coxn:. rie Royal Canadian Legion en- rade Georgina Carter an« To T k rt joyed an informai supper in Comrade Kitty Newman woulcj To Ta e Pa the Legion Hall on Monday go to Toronto to buy utoclI evening, June 19th. Many Of for the Variety and Nove!.t In t cha ge mebrs wre Centen- and the graceful old-fashion. President Westover an cl Eight Bowmanville High ed full skirted frocks were Treasurer Bate were appoint« School students will take part much admired. ed convenors for the July this summer in the Annual President Mary Westover bingos. Comrade Mel Mci Student Exchange Programn welcomed the members. Sec- Nulty, seconded by Comrade between Secondary Schools of retary Florence Knight, a past Susie Graham, moved that al] Ontario and Quebec. This pro- president, catered for the proceeds from the August grain is sponsored by the delicious supper of ham and bingos go to the Legion Ladieù Canadian Council of Christians Boston baked beans with a Bowling League, and this was and Jews. d seto c raia d a pe crid The local High School stu- duesto.c ra adapecrid dents, who are going to, Que-sure.Ail plans were completeil bec on this plan had a meet- After supper President West- for the Zone Euchre to bo ing with Noble Hatton, Toron- 9ver presided at a short bus- held by the auxiliary on Sat. to, Regiofial Director of the iness meeting. Plans for the urday afternoon, June 24th, in Program who was at Bow-man- auxiliary's undertakings at the Legion Hall from one ville High Sehool on Tuesday the Legion Carnival were dis- o'clock until four. morning.___________________________ The local students to take part in the exchange are: Susan Elliott, Grade 12, daugh- I ter o! Mr. and Mrs. GordonJ. O d ra St io R Elliott, 1 Ontario Street; POE7309 âargaret Werry, Grade 11, 121 PO E7309 Queen Street, a daughter of 1055 DENISE DR. OSHAWA the late Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Werry; Janet Austin, Grade il, THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS daughter of Dr. and Mrs. iCharles J. Austin, 46 Division Used ORCOA Concert Symphony, Street; Diane Darch, Grade il, iumali chord organ $ 150.00 daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tlsed HAMWOND, Dar h , 40 Liberty Street Mode! Si chord organ soo North ; Rozanne Stackaruk,$3.0 Grade 11, daughter o! Mr. and iJsed MASON and RISC!! Mrs. Art Stackaruk, 194 Upright Grand Piano -390.00 Church Street; Joanne Colla- New LOWREY cutt, Grade 11, daughter of Apartment sze upright Piano $795.09 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collacutt,1 116 King Street East; Louise IJsed LOWREY Holliday Mann, Grade il, daughter of DeLuxe Organ, like new -- 1350.00 Dr. and Mrs. G. Edwin Mann, New LOWREY Holliday 15 Elgin Street, and Martha DeLuxe Organ - _- ---*190900N Boyd, Grade 11, daughter of _______ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Boyd, 87 FREE Home Trial King Street West. L-M PH~ATMC 67h Flush-A-Byes LAVORIS CURAD MOUTHWASH FIRSI AID 48's - Reg. 2.49 2 For 1 Sale BANDAGES ony$.91.70 Value Economy Size Ose monly $2195- oniy 2 69c FOR A FRESH START EVERY MORNING... DRINK REFRESHING REDOXON I Sparkling Pure Vitamin C Pkg. o! 10 Reg. 75e SPECIAL 2 for $109 NOXZEMA DEODORANT le SALE SPECIAL ROLL-ON 89e 2 for 90c SPRAY 1.25 2 for $1.26 TEK TOOTH BRUSHES SPECIAL 2 for 79c NOXZEMA» TROPIC TAN LOTION Reg. 1.60-.nly$ 1.44 NEW 1 PLAYTEX LIVING SWIM CAPS - ALL AT SPECIAL CENTENNIAL SAVINGS PRICESE G19BAT TRADE-IN SPECIAL REMEEEaF"LMFOIS 4 IKODAK INSTAMATIC YOMR HOLIDAY FUN CAMERA KIT FRis FILM LIUST PuICE Mo.5 STRADE ALLWANCE 10.00 W5IL ~v.y YOU PAY ONLY 014.50 Dak4wuo9AOO Plus proviacll mi«s ta OmoRlf~ ln 3 to T0ANS C " ' QLOION by COPERANNI Protects against Sunbumn, too. 114-os. tube 1.29 - Only 1.14 2-os, tube ~ (~ 4-oz. Plu 0c I~ squeeze botaIle DESERT FLOWER DEODORANT CREAM or BOLL-ON 3.00 Value Special 129 DON'T LET INSECT BITES SPOIL YOIJR FUN RHULIHIST LOTION Reg. 1.9M Specia 94cJ e f k QUICK TANNING 1 N 1 1

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