Çuid4s- and BrowniesI *cie harA arsjAttractive Centennial Pro ject Newaste:. On Tuesday ard and Mns. William MXc-' r ' Onnl une 20th, th. New- Crecken as a token, of ap ue gei rowniea and Guide, ciation fei- the wonk ie . ont metng ta pre- have donc for Guiding ove irlwaWi-athebcpast nine year. byUCe evén* g was opened District Comuissioner Mnr. by Captaiin Mns. H &rd William Stonka and Bowman- Ql:ýnneY Calling bhc Guidez ville District commissioner together intoe Horseshoe jMi-,. Manjorne Stout, acting Formation for the singing aof on behaf of'the Province, ac............M- the Guide Liws. Tih. Brow- cepted Guides Lois Barchard -4 ]nies'forzmed a Tai-y Ring un- land Brenda Henning as Ce- clb.theedership af Brown1jdets. The. Cadet progrin Islaà OwIS, Mns. William Caland.- twa year leadership t-aining Inrs. Ruigeil Powell. pi-agi-ai for girls le yeera of Lieutenants Mns. Charnles age. 7ifyd and Mrs, George Chadf Brownies Brenda Nesbitt, --j PSesented t Denise Tufiord, Aime. Brene- Guides with badges: Karen toncorh Drlng, April ]Parker, Cook; Brenda Hen- Coc, Patti Powell and Kim z Tuing, pioncer, cme;Li Perrin wene presented with ** Barcherd, globetrotter, world 1h.!- "Wings", Tih. girls don ___________ knowledge;, Susan LaCamb, ned theix- space suit,, cllmbedi Wrîber, athiete; Joan Cal, "boat. their racket shipa and j Wrlber; Susan Simpson, eth- Batd Of edd fr lete. and Heathen Hoan with Gu mead whene lbey wCierf Recently Glen Rae Da r' rmsso igS.Ws oko enna Second clas athlete. met by Janice Richard. hen Vaneisso in t Ws ok naCetna Bnownies Melanie Jessup, look whe a Belle Gardens remnoved the large tree that had been a land- A Pi-ogres, Awerd, to 1h.1 Cathy Werd, Margaret Wind, mark for many years and replaced it with this attractive bed in Canada's Cen- Guide who made th. most ad- Doreen Alldneed, Sheila Mar.- tennial crest. fan, Many favorable comiments have been heard about this v ncem ent and pi-ogres, in Donald and Debbie Kidd put trem end o s i p ve n t B w a il ' W t e d e tr c . b9thbtcstwank, chai-acter and on their "ýMagie Feel" and u npoeetbB w avlesws n nrne initiative, wes preacnted by followed 1he footatepa la MrS. Sam Brereton to Susan Guideland. LaCeomb. The highlight of the even-, îN ew R t r President Takes O ver LietenntsMiss J o y c e ing was the presentation et' Cimpiieli and Mns. George thi-ce Gold Corda. The GoIdý Cband presented two girls Card la the bighest proficien- wlth cheques, which the cy eward In Guiding. In a niuides hape would be used as 1 Candlelight Service", Cap- apendlng money when the tain Mrs. Sam Bnci-don toak gi-la, Guides Jenice Rickard us% on a trip througb Guide- and Lais Benchard, represent land with Janice Rickcx-d, tfis ai-c aet the NationalHei- Lais Barchard and Brenda tage Camp to b. heid an Henning. These girls are htprnison Island in the St. "One in e Tbousend". Mns. Lawrence River in July. Win. Stonks, D.C., Cept. Mrs. Tawney Owls M1rs. Audrey Howard Quinney, e r nie r Gogerty and Miss Isobel Guide CommIsajoner Mrs. Len Peerce presented tbe iollow- Lucas, Bowmanviîîe, lied the ing Brownie Badges: Golden Gold 'Corda in place cnound Rend, Patti Powell and Kim the ahoulders of the girls. A Perrin; Golden Ladder, Deb- gift o! congratulations was bie Kidd, Sheila MacDonald ps'esented fnom thein Coin- and Melanie Jessup; Toymak- panies by Dale Powell, Dar-- er, Loi-i Darling and Patti lene Flinteff and Kanen Pan-r. ~ - Powell, Hauaeorderîy, Debbiel ker. Each Gold Cord Guide '4 Xidd, Kim Perrin and Aime. wax prcaented with ber own Brereton; Collectons Badges, decorated cake by the Moth- JunSleep, MDeieKid, ers' Comimittee. Guide Mary Jeanebte Wagar, Kim Perrin, Paterson recited a poem, Lori Darling and Kathy Tuf- "What Guiding Meana ta Me".. fard. The evening cîos.d with a '# Mrs. Murray Paterson, pr.- social haun canvened by Mns. aident ai the Mthers' Cam- Tracy Embley, Mrs. Robent mnittee, presented T h ank s Simpson, Mna. William Couch Badges ta Mr&. Brenton Rick- and Mns. Malcolm Kidd.- Ilewcastite s oclea/ and1 fPersona/ Newcastle - Mrs E. Haig, the members of the Newton- retUrn ed to the village recent- lille Wamen's Institute on ly after à* l0-month visit with!Tuesday afternoon. Gues hier family in Winnipeg. Mrs. 'speaker, Mrs, Helen Lovekin, Rog euritaSuth Haven , Newcastle, gave an interest- Ruai Home where she hopesling talk on Pioneer Days. n~ay i erfrend wllcai r. andMs . aby O hrdy at The Flying Dutchman, the installation of Rotary CIL on her. Flying from Winnipeg o! Cambray were weekend officers took plaoe. Outgoing President Bob Stevens presented his year end repo with her mother-in-iaw was gueats at the home o i and handed over the gavel,ta incoming President E. G. "AI" Witherspooni Mrp. Walter Haig who visited brother and bis wife, Mr. anid m i é ot n x e Gaar adfm ily oeîore re Mnrs. Perey Tamblyn. right, who wil assumh snep stn tw e . terd n dng h m giynfr r Mrs. R. Dennis attended the Cornngrauho arin. ode funeral of ber cousin, Mrs. A mie Sculpture at QES' Garden Party Conratlaion ar i orerCharles Dudman, Minden, on Ad ir ta' Guides Janice Rickard andiThursday. Lois BArchard who wiii be, Mrs. R. Dennis, Mns. F. Fer- rebresenfing Newcastle Guidesiguson, Mrs. W. Kay, Mrs. M. ana ,be a part of a graup rep-' Gartshore and Mr. and Mrs. rebienting Central Area at the!David Gray and Carol were i Na±ianal. Heritage Camp of'present at the ofll opening' 1967. This camp la the majorlof the Crippled Children's . 4 Centenniai project af the Girl' School and Treatment Centre _ ÇIldes of Canada. The campin Oshawa on Wednesday la bIèlng beld an Morrison andatternoon of last week. Nitr'ine Islands in the St. I Miss Olive Thorne. and Missi' Lawrence River, near the 'Coae Butler are enjoyn towns af Morrîsburg and Corn- train trip ta the West Coast. wall. Tedtaitec m Miss Mary Bouien spent the is-JuIy l5th ta, July 25th when weekend wit)î iniends in the. about 2,000 campers will bl Niagara District. under canvas. About ,400 Mn. Howard Pollard, e Canadien Guides will hostess memben of the Cenedian Air ~ Guides from Il other caun-:Farce statianed at St. Jean's trias as weli as Canadien! Suebec, visited recently with Guides from Arme orces sgrandmohr r.R bases around the world. 'Dennis. mîeMs R i. On Manday evening, Cubsý The Newcastle Lions Carni ' . ... from-lst Newcastle A and B' val, held on Seturday evening Packs left tileir fellow Cubs1was a huge success, with the and Leaders and went up intalcredit going ta the Lions them- *". Scouts. With the Cuba form- selves in what proved ta b. ing a Parade Circle in front one of the biggest and most of the Scouts that b.d formed!exciting events ever introduc-i . a Horseshae, the Ake las, Mrs. 'ed into their 'carnival. Thisi Daneen Neshitt and Mrs. Fia-,was af course, "Dunk-e L rence Tilison bid tbem Gaaditee turing miembers oi the Luck and Gaod Hunting, send-ILbafl5 Club, wbo brevely qat ing thern off with three water-,on a plank bigh above a large . melon cheers. Introducing water filled tank, awaiting the"~ Terry Bernard, Steoben Dry-. lucky bail throw which wouli den, John Rude]], Bob Narth- -hit the target ta undo thei i-up. Kenny Nesbitt, Rannieihitch and land the Lion intoý Lawry, Tracey Embley andithe tank, clothea and al l t Dale Barrett ta Scoutmnastens 'wasn't the dunking thet wasi *Rabert Shearer and Win Col-ia shock, but the surprise of; lier, the boys wene then minra- neyer knowing when il might ~ duced ta Patrol Leaders, Tîm:camne. No achoal student cotîld' Walton, Greg Gray, Gary 'eer pass up the oppartunitvf' ".~ *Major and Darreli Banrett o! tossing an on tanget bali and laken ino the Horseshoe. 'after seeing that the Lion on -They then received threelthe plank was their very awW cheers of welcome from the achoal principal, Mr. Ronaldi Scouts whiie the Cubs and Munro. Paor Mr. Munro, their leaders departed. 'seemingly the star simong Mr. and Mna. Ken Stovin, other favorites, took sevenai Regina, Sask., having just ne-1 turns an the plank and was e turned fromn Expa, visited dunked often. But it was aIl wlth Mr. and Mrs. Charles in good fun and ne one ever Cowan 4n Wednesdey af last *sat on the plank without reel-1 week. On Thursday afternoan j? ing what fate had in -store, Mr. and Mna. Ray Harness of for them. Severel wene lucky1 Mrs, Edna Anderson's beautiful garden on Wellington Street was the scene Carrivale, Sask., and Ms.iwinners at the ring toss win-i of the Order of the Eastern Star's Garden Party last week held ta raise money1 V ra H arness of Tyran . viit- ning biankets or m oney et the for t e B n v l n u d h s p o o s o s s m f t o e p e e t a m r n ed with Mr. and Mrs. CharlesiBingo. Begnning the carnival teBnvln udTi ht hwssneo hs rsn dnrn col -wes the A-GO-GO contest in Italian bronze figures set in a small pool. They are, froni lef t ta night, Mrs. .Miss ae.Horner, Winnî- 'which the winner for th. pre-j Peggy Murphy, Toronto. member of the Grand Benevolent Fund, Mrs. Ander- peg, visited witb ber aunt, teens wau Miss Jennifer Munroai son, the hostess, and Past Grand Matro n of the Grand Chapter of Ontario, Mrs. and uncle, Mn. and Mn,. Rah-1end for the teenagers, Miss f Leoa Thi-asher, Past Matron and General Convenar of the party, Mrs. Dorothy cit Shetaer lest week. Mr.'iRosemary Gibsan. Closing off M Brian Horner and Misa MaryIîhe cii-nival the draws were, Mecer, Association Matron of Durhamn Chapter and Mrs. Annabelle Rickard, Carney of Sudb,'ury, weref made for the 50-50 drew, with Worthy Matron of Durham Chapter No. 181, Oder of Eastern Star. weekend guests of Mr. Ho6r- .the winner being Mike Ham-i siersa aunt and uncle Mn. andýilon, Weston. The winner f d in which the winnen the leamn were Cathy Rivera Jo et themn niinds stnay dur-1 Sun'day. Paye returned 'o!Port Hope.'lb. cii-nival key achool was drawn bv I evid Share, RbbvCi.stting thmein fr1yhaeed n tah u her brother and his 'aven for enother yean, now, Reeve Eari Wallon, with thelPatY Pnkr By hisiemr.T ey have beetaugts d to viait wlth ber tamn-Iwaae-the cîeaning up and thelwinner being William TesalerlRobin Rickard, George Vise ll ut thehadoyfoi-gel.Le t or-e leaving for Winni-lplanning for somethlng flCwi359 Marion St., Oshawa. ;and Rlckey Lake, The Viser giv the l took hanyarl to.mmeth Frgnk Lecoe, extflXIyear.rnnr-telokowadt.Tth i-s. FakLynAa, The Artificiai Ice Centennial The baU teama are unden- :up were Captain Deug Rickand staff et the school who un- - -whlh tlcig br ethr, l'.Dane wa isehei on8atJ~~eY mdIbi wek w h anal Hobbs, Susan LaComb, doubtedly have alse, been' Nenry Tubine eut foatrive rDay ens lg wlha o oiy1 t andgemes eport. haveJennifer Gray, Ronnie Lowry, counting the days and the Hnr S'nay eble ouanfMr.àdcrowdenoyig1 W gl. aun e boys eport1. TkePenny Meadows, John Graham, hours, we hope they will iully l- 1fr.oug Wallon for a short:beat dances held. Don W icîî3e iKna nWde id a-d ad Usl na hi uhdsne yfiaIî -?4. Tebbie who 18 94j orchestra was a big hit, and day evening but were raineStongratl. aation. r xedý u red n egbr years young la quit. a remark-Ithe main attraction was out. They met Welcome tetCo nibtlton are exten- i- fwmnia e ptlxhi- able nerson ta talk with. Hav,'Gla&y5 Brown, who out4Id Welcome on Monday eveningd trern Wlon anpd theaed,in eoaiWllingonpitaslh Mg ive inetof he entn-hereltan hepounded out and Newcastle led ina vle'~day held at the Newcast1elMns. Gwen Barchard, Georgel mata ye ns w ar no 'so e m m ol lu e, n îh 1bo -Y o 31 16.P ub lic Sc ool w th the h igh -IC o lin , Joh n D avis, S ierd D e l eg*ebrSting, h. can recel! liony Tonk piano. TherIMore basebaîl news comesiest points te earn thernsel%'eziJang, Clarence Hale, Mrs.i lem, vm y ateresting stories was a winner for a lange box trom thc Public Sehool. On1atrophy. Whlle an 1h. aubjectWd Johnson, John Lianes, Of rnr <s by. and al ol gr= ies, the deor prize, Monday, June 20th, the final of school, 1h!, la tbe lest" Mj k'M Donna- Nicholson, Mrs. --.~I!nigbl.canes Whe that wen t Bob BansSo o Jintermur;î an h all iae was the aludents wlll b. ini ttnd- Marie Rowe, Henry Tebblei ýgut;od foi-cots, there aM Toronto. iplayed at the school and thi n e sle edfrteadMs.DotyWtny - ~ussand~patmet uil- ' IliliBod rriobs hatscoe as -3 n lvera!thepoan d b A il p ak, oretead c Wal to ba Wht.ney. bWm ad patday uid- "rRflýBod eo t nhsoe waj6-8 n fvby J e l anhdivers tr b. ee erlal smc hs tnrlera- iq 'Mmdq UrUidjthe raw omrd b 1.Min captained b aiiihdieat eee ic i ouloea j. . u " lo t e u m ao4 yi 4o . he ot erplayera ounifoeth mom u o mer whbo O dU n __ I, - - The Canadien Stateam nowrmanvile,. une 28, 190 ' w- tonnai .Wh big ii i e gçs migipthrugheut lte store. '<oui find aspeciCl linO-Up Of ail t'euT fvotitlt mr n foods ai subeftql' savinge . . . cenned pod . .. cotteg- time favOurte . .. a wonderfui assOrftff on t h ie amaiS brande you know and trus. And don't foget Doaiiofs &M <1uity brande flrB " Mviflé 10. ~CrisP ald- mulngs WIImll Çj» tafltof'end ominion hb" f .h ocIgrawfl produCe comiflO Mneveit' dayl Fnni.Y, MMMieff hot miel mokiath. mccl.For guiç8r'iidnaturel tendernul, naturel flervour. niturÏl goadnce switch ta, Dofluiflf.. . mainly becoUgSefthe .moMIi %7KADE A KVAS TING OR FRYIN CHICKENS your friendlyl To AlIow Our Employeea A Full Holiday Weekend ALL DOMINION STORES will be OPNFOLOSE A. U LY lsO DoNIoNCE-M NJ L Ail Morchandis. Is )Guaranteed To Give 1Ot>,/% S&tî6f*cction Values Effective Until Çlosing, Friday, June 30, '87, In BowmeanvilIi .WE RESERVE THE RIGHTr TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. " Open Thurs. end Fri. Nights, 'tii 9 pn. King St. and Simpson Avenue, -Nlghwak*y N.2,I I 'j j- -.3 IT'S MAINLY BECAUSE 0F THE MEAT WCH E N CUTaUpKE 2½ to 3 lb. Average Skinless- Defatted - Soked Regular or JmoBee Cooked Haims 69lisT1.1yh.59 35 xrvsswood's Campass Bd. Rindless I Breakfast Bac ol n OP flf CIDENCEI 79' I oo, &u orhmoS fo Swift's Premium WIENERS i-1b. DEEP CUT FEATURESI Hunts Tomato - 18-oz. Boities SAVE 10o HUNT'S KETCHUP 2 for67c H11- C 5 Flavours - 48-oz Tins SAVE Se CANNED DRI NKS 2 for 67c! Aymr- 14-oz. Tins SAVE 2501 PORK & BEANS 4for67c Humpty Dumpty - 12-o. Pkg, AE2 POTA O CIPS 67C CHUM 2o Off 15%2 ex 12 oz. Dog Food or Cat Food 6tini67C Alian 18" - 25-Ft. Rol SAVE ec FOIL WRAP - 67C St. Lawrence - 25-oz. Tin SAVE 20 CORN OIL - 67c Snow Flake - 1-lb. Pkg.BAE82 SHORTENING 2fors 6 7ce Normally .. .2.95 Less Coupon .50 You PAY $2.45 Instant - Save 22c RICHMELLO Cý '3Cal. No. 1 Grade Lge. Sweet Eating 0! Iac C erriesi 04 California Sunkist - LargeF 'LEMONs 5R rt Yor oz7f1ty> Cen tennial Project IBw HOME NEEDS ýi Normal or Eg - 12-oz. Bottie SUAVE SHAMPOC ,Noxzema Skin Creai ICREST Tooth Poste I40-oz. Size iGIass Juice Decainter. IBARBEQUE 8Se SMaple Leal Canned - 1V2-1b. Tin COOKED HAM Kam - 12-oz. Tin LUNCHEON MUAT Pantry 8h.!! - 7-ox. TMm TUNA FLAKES 4for -.4., -4 b -~ b I. ~r I '-j., I ,' .44 4- * -e '-J. 4, -.4 31 z' w.' SAVE 50t ON THIS iii"' TEFLON FRYPAN S.A.. Fancy Grade Large Size C Granny Smlith 1f 49cAPPLES 5 59 3 C Georgia Grown - 18-lb, Aver e lWatergnel gn9999±o ImmSave On Dominion's BAVE 2Ne Own Brands > 79c Richmello 16-ex, 32-ex. SAV 27c SALAD DRESSING 29c 49ci SAVE 240, Domino Dry Soda Weter or - 30-os. Botties GINGR ALE PlUS Depouit 8 for 99C s, 3 9C Ftozen - White or Pink ON4-oz. Tins $5 881 Domino Lemonade lOfor$1.OO g" Mw AVE 30e Country Girl - 20-oz. SqizeBAE c $1.59IAPPLEPIES 39Cw SAVE 10o r49C AMPLE SAVE 10o r$1.00oFR11 PARKINGj -i--F - -- - -- - - - - - Il P911l 1 Ma 9:0cckj e b ý %# à» 8 vi UU i i FRESH PRODUCE FEATURES m 7A