s ea Unted Church (ongregation Bids Farewell to Miuste ........... tru rlm.n, Editur Marris Oiiered sincere con. > ~ gratulatians -from himsalf and the District Scout Committea. The final speaker was Pat Rev. and Mr.. E. C. Woadland, daughters Janice, left, anid Carolyn Blaker, who cammended the '-Necasle OnWedes.Mrs.Woolan wih abea- th UntedClirch'Waen.leaders for the training that - Necasle OnWedes-Mrs Wadiad wih ahoa- te Uite Chrch'Woan.they had provided and the day evening. June Zust, a fane- tiful silver tes service and a The committee for the aven- boyq involved for keeping ealm Weil panty was held fan the gift ai manay. Carolyn and ing, were Mn.. William Rud- ln the emergency and putting 3tev. and Mn.. E. C. Woodland Janice Woodland wane pre- ell, Mrs. David Gray, Mn.. their training to gaod use. and daughters Carolyn and sentad with jewelleny and George Kimbail, Mrs. Murray Scoutmaster Collier brought .lanice who leava Newcastle lovaly jawai boxas. Eaniier, on Paterson, Mr.. Cliff Flintoif, the Packs and Troops toalaent and Newcastle United Chunch behaif ai the Committea, M Mrs. Norman Rudmnan, Mrs.1 while the ilag was lowered by et the end ai this month and Wm. Rudaîl pnesented Mrs. Ras. ieison, Mrn. Francis Larry Perrin, and this ended wiil ha maving ta Toronto.' Woodland with a beautiful Jase, Mn,. Albert Pearce. the bri, but long remembered FPriands, among thern Rev. and corsage ai pink carnations. Sunday morning service, the evaning. Congratulations were Mn.. R. C. White ai Newton- Garnet Rickard, Francis îast ana Rev. Woodland would then ext nded ta the boys and villa and Rev. and Mns .. Js n r.Rdl i pec smnsero hspcue ae ysvrlmm Long ai Orono, and mambers Jase attn M nRueal ~oke pnaach, as inl irathispictuersftake bysevealle - qi Newcastle United Church ost fittinyand haehaf t he i i schur hwas ihe ie o- be ers ters'ailsa conregtin, illd he unay Woodiands for their leader- ta thoue who were absent an Scolhall ta capacity. The shp udne ad hil Wednesday evening, and those A telegrani was received by Whalas most beautifuiiy dec- shîp, guide ac evan ers who woshipped with hlm Pat Blakar, secntary ai the oranebiossom iirs.andwshng thani the very hast eveny Sunday. Following the Newcastle Cub-Scout Commit- *avig ray var capab in theïr new charge. Communion Service, the final tee from Russell Honey, M.P., 'Davd Gay ery apaly ev nd Ms. oodandhymn was sung, ana ai Rev. explaining his absence due ta acted as chairman af the aven- Rv n n.Woln Woodland's favorites, "Blast Panlîamentary duties. In part, InAnlie May and Jannifer each thanked their friands, Be the Tie That Binds." the telegnam read: "Prime munLro, Mary Grace and Ruth ioliowed by short speeches Asec mmbr hok intnPesnha akd Paterson and Lori Darling made by Rev. White and Rev. hands in fareweil ta bath Rev. me ta extend his persanal corn- favorad with piano salas, and Long who both spoke highly and Mn.. Woodiand as Chey mndation ta David and en accondion solo was enjoyed Oi their association wlth RMev. lat the church, tears fell un- Geordia and 1 send my own oy Dale Bannatt. Mn.. David Woadiand. asiamed for the couple that congratulations. Ah aif New- Gray gave a coupla oi nead- Mn.Nanman William, play- United Church members had castle and Durham County Ings. On behaif ai the congre- cd the piano for a sing sang coma ta love, just as the tears are praud oi David and gatian and friands, Aibentiand a deliciaus assortment ai fell no les. ashamed iran the Geordie and their presenta- Peanca presented Rev. and i eineshments were served byrniîster himseli. tion ira, the Governan-Ge'n- anal i. a fitting tribute ta their heroic act". The boys alsa neceived pensonal latter. HoId Impressive Ceremony af congratulations tram Mn. Honey as wcll as a lovely Spnena in.nbhlia h To Hon or Two Boy Scouts Cat.iaCPin rur aiiar Kecue ttrort centennial Newcastle-A most impres- the ealman quick help given1 their leder were next with6 sive service, ana which wili hy the othan two boys. Guide. and l1eaders at the near. M eing long ha remembened by two Directiy behind the guests They fommcd the noted honse- ee boys, who last winter saved af honon, repnesanting the ohoe used in Scouts, wjth the the lie ai a friand and fellaw Village af Newcastle, were the centra of the horseshoe filled Newcastle:- T h e J u n e Scout, was hald on the west Reeve 'and Mn.. Eari Wltan, in by Sea Rangers and District meeting ai the Button Club ]awn ai the Newcastle Ca,- gnandparents ai G e o r d i e; Guide Commissioner, M- r s. was held at the home ai Mrs. rnunity Hall Grounds on Councillor and Mn.. Alfred William Storks. Scoutmasten V. Sandarson, J a n e t v i 11 a. Thursday evening, June 22nd. Gray, Cauncillor Jack Adamis, Win Collier called the Packs Members were present ira, In full uniiorm, Cubs, Scouts, Councillor and siso Cubmnaster and Tros ta Aient, the flag U x b r i dge, Campbelcroît, Brawnies, Guides and Sea Mn,. Dorien Neablît, and the was nisedp by Scout Lanny Baltimora, Codnington, Part Rangers, as weil as many in- Clerk-Treauren and hi, wiie,, Perrin and the salute taken. Hope, Newcastle, Bowman- terested and justiy pnoud nesi- Mn. and Mrz. Gienholma Mr. Biaker then caliad on ville, Oshawa, Port Penny and dent, ai the village, attendad Hughes. evenyone ta join in singing 0 Pickering. tbis service ta honor Scouts Other guests included Pst Canada. The Pot Luck Dinner at David Shearan and Geordie Biaken andilli Caii aitua Folaowing this, the order 11:00 might well have been Walton.Necse Group Cammlttee. was given by Scoutmaîer Win called a Smorgasbord for Seated on the natunai iawn IMn. Baiaker 10 misa chaînman ai Collier ta have the Packs and thene was a real variaty ai piatiorm dinectly behind the 1 District cCouncil and actad as Tnoops stand easy, Commis- foods, scalloped potatoes, po- Canadian Flag, were the guests Matra Ceremanies; Bruce sionen MacDonald then stapped tata salad, corn casserole, hemn af honor, the parents af the MacDonald, District S c o u t forth, Scoutmastcm Collier cabbage salad, home-made three boys involved, Scout- Cornissoner; Lau Griffith, escortad Scout Walton ta Con,- rails, pickles. many varieties mnaster and Mrs. Robant Shear-1 Assistant Provincial Commis-> missioner MacDonald w h o' ai cakes, pies, tarts and coak- ar, Mr. and Mn.. Douglas Wal- sioner; Don Morris, Murray congratuiated Scout Walton les, with a beautiuliy decon- tan and Mn. and Mns. Bruce Tighe and Hsnry Cooke, al of for hi. banale act and cal,- ated Centennial B i r t h d a y Tilîson, the parents ai Mark, West Durham District Scout nass at a time ai emergency, Cake, bakced in the shape ai the boy who nearly drowned Council; T om Massengen, Ha read the latter sent ta a mnaple leai. but for is wn camnes. and Charles Megit and Richard Scout Walton ira, James B. Lovekin, representing th e Harvey, Deputy Chiai Scout After this deliciaus dinnen 1 Çoniin-g Events sponsoring graup, the Lions who lied wnltten on behali ai was senvad, the president con- ï_S _-- Club. A mae t ram Wini- the Gavernor-Generai. The utdtebsns ata Necsl upemvised Play- peg, vlsiting the Shearers, Miàs latter rend as iallows, "Dean the meeting. The spacial ground commences on Tues- Faye Homner, at with mam.- Scout Waiton: îî gives me cards for display were ai the day, July 4th, 9 a.m. - 12 noan, hans af cauncil. g«Teat pleasura on behali ai Centennial anigin, some cards Monday thnough Friday, at the Tht Assistant Scoutmnaiters Hi. Excelieney tht Right Hon- wera. peani buttons with the Bail Park. Fun, games, art, afislt Newcastle A and B. arable Roland Michanen Q.C . provincial flowens hand-paint. etc., ail ta be enjoyed for Treopu lad in the colonful M.A., B.C.L., Governor-Gen- cd on then,. Others had pic- cilidren five yenre and up. parade. FUra there were the irai and Chiai Scout ai Cana- turcs ai the wank oi aach Spansored by the Recmetion Scouts, follournd hy Cubs and da, ta Inforni yau that fan province with a button ta Committet. 28.1 luadrs. The Erownles and your gallantny, with tht an.correspond, such as min in grain fields in Sask., the but- ton sbowing whist; coal mers in Nova Scatia, but- tons were made froni s place ai, coal. Newicundlmnd's pietume was et fising biatasand buttons A nnouncwere haped 1ke flsh; Britsh Columbia showed railread going through mowatains, cor- By reqiaisî froua SaY .etw u utoumgs in Newcastle, nesponding button was rail- we are DOw Pleaad te aaaouffl Mau oum et.1OurDry Cleaîlus jrand angine; Ontario sbowid anid ShirtLauuudenung U.rvice wftj Alexander Grahuam Bla h e b telihmeand lthe button had ýbell on IL OCher cards had FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY FOR NEWCASTLE i mnlftM utnsw Cnd mand the beaven or lut maple PHONE 623-5520 mi .Ail thée van ous cards te I194. And se dld the cau- Pls&up Imds p.u * Dslvn~ .duday .u.turnsesto the ladieç Whio camne gsly resondInbudtmtquaint ?"-a» WieàdUi yPJu. - D#Uirny Fa'ld :m pa.t long age. Thona wMn Pk~pTilde7 p.u.. -* o ery a5fupay Pjau b onnets, plwgmi hala, amail boee tyles tied n "MA NV awI; o aE s LET'S ALL HAVNENAL 1Wr (00K-OUI This weekend we celebrate the lOOth Birthday of oui wonderful country. Like you, we're proud of beng Canadians. *We think a great way to celebrate the occasion would be a centennial cook-out for friends and relatives. In anticipation, we've stocked our stores with everything to make any cook-out perfect. Thick, juicy Super-Right steaks and-chops, salad fixings, breads, rolls, beverages . .. you name it, we have it. And at prices that are worthy of celebration, too. Here'g the beat part: We guarantee everything.. . except the weather. We're sorry about that .. . but we'1I do this: With you, we'11 wish for a perfect day. Lots of us wiIl be having a centennial cook-out, too 1 i 14 TO 10 POUNDS NO FURTHER PROCESS IN THIS LOW PRICEXPEASE FULL CUT HALF H-AMS - SHANK OR BUTT HAIF NO CENTRE SUICES REMOVED), AVAILABLE AT IOEAL FOR BARBECUINO VAC PAC W IENERS 1.6 &c53c2-bs.99 FRESNLY MlNCw539 FRESH TURKEY çÇUTS WIIOLE LEGS rà49# -m WTS5 9ý NADDbCK inSatter le-oz. PKG. 53< At.L PRI*S W - 711010 AS ?MRUM PRISA V au., 1957 JANE PARKER SIMANISH BAR CAK'E 3489' a"g. Pr$" 8 sft «"BAI#£ 2" PEACHES 1 Bakery MetAres7 DLUEBIRRY Fu 8W"PIE 24dz u 9, CAtFO*fiA, LRESIZE, SWm! PLUMS AND '25/Y N Pr.d Mi4Ihg K PORTION B IT lPORTIOW ,68c ENRE 4 S is9l A&P COFFEE SALI A&c 10A SOCL SAVE 24e SAW 30. ffl SAC 79e -SAVE 4c 14Sma .SAVoc MapvuI mrmiid(A»w dFlayeUM) M 4~Y 1MIU ,ceCICRIAM, Yukon Club (ô Va,'4ti.) SEVERAGIS C# i2 wJ £810 fl. m tisa Os(94 neUimei owffl f« ULw 0.0 AP PZAS O il 1w C@ ol ItemyCp 07 . f p ts S.P4Aw1 -A&P CORN 3 ^on m4m(.rad h N ew ,tIon Sl, ghtM&In P]W«Ce., nd neha nadjan Etatuman. Eewamvlflh, Jume2t1nu anag« ~bution systemnie iii Edmonton. New H4kJro Manager wdend overm.tî. a. n s. aIn Iggrthweit C o mm u nicationsTen at S o. F.I sYtmon lune maintenance T P r c IL a Da1y _____ workaln the Alaka Rigb- wYay. In 1957, Tom MeuengerNeca1.OnF '4 sistance af David Shearor, ln CohabiEtri Copanth fis lUsfot Nly col O too aPiitan it n hstudY ini Clarke Townshlp la 'lune - e ewaul efcigthe rescue of Mark and did lino work for that stated'i a latter from the. wth the ffDowlng resulto ,, _ Tilso whn e fU hrogbfirn until 1069. M(iistr but aima a latter from Boys - Agi 14 'Zlm 4 thin ice on Newcastle Marsh, That year ha. came nul ta Mr. Alex Cruhr,M...tn2, 33 AhI on December 24th, 1966, ne Ontario, retuiiung tea s Itno Carsth tMPPth13 on 24 F rd, leb iLe bas bien pieased ta award you hometown, Campbelliord. At Minister la ta base his g. Dubeau 16; Aga 2i a 1 the GiIt Cross. -I would 1ke tirst ho was engaged Iln Un e tontarptt ud,12 ta add my own congratulations wrto ahdamre fmitt on therpantte broad-a Gon 22, JuohnAgi lKuI«J~ and best wishes. Hlm Excel- .prmotion, boedco ien o f t- ed t nyea nternsG. Dba ;Ae1 « lency hopes ta préuent this dec- es study. 4.o1ilemRoil r tao t you ini person, att Manager and later hoing Inth purchase of aanew 17; Age 10, Ralph Pruli ed heragir md taterwarks Supeh - T. Cowan was succemaful for Robi Walton 18, A 1lb.art worn ontyoudent. an aniaunt of $3,937.50. A Hamilton 1à; Ae Day fom". oth Son ourceie In August 1965, Tom Mess- new snow plow wlng is am Sheildi 13, Danny ba1ink Il; the same letters. Aiter read- eno cetdtepsto ita ho purchased tram Amenî- Ago 7, Rodney Danciy 14.ý ing the ietter, Mark Tillson, Assistant Manager oi New- can Colemian af Canada for Marty Lowry 12; Ai 0TMs- the coutthe oys ad rscu-castie Hydro. With the retire- an amount of $3,214.92. van Hamilton 13, ilon ïfri. ed, 4was escorted te Commis- mn itevtrnmngr It was aiso decided at Coun- 12. sioerMaconld hoh4nedHarvey S. Bnitton, in May cil ta set aside a surniaf Girls - Agi 14, K aron Mark the embleni, and ha n$,100 frte rpsd Prkr25, Kathy u iee tur pine itto cot Wl- ..appointed manager ta succeed purchase oi a grava i p on and Sharon Cuita 19; Aa 8 tons nifrm lterghinm.i Lt t16, Concession2ofteSznePrathl tons uiiom, ate giinghimMr. Messenger in marrid Township of Clarke. Rivera 18; Age 12 hfly the Scout handshake. Corn- adhaa1h2,ttatvewie i h act ace 20PtP-- mis:Yioner MacDonald again Lorraine, hava two childnen y y-w onngan , y anderedehindcongrattlationsetaiirmyb-a teacut MaLa 0 atyPre a 'e fl onrtlai tocfr of Pope and Gabelle are Age 11, Karen LaComb I1- Scout Walton and shook hands.a son, Arthur, 7 years aid, and tecntinue as Township Audi- Lily Woo and Ursula Stoni. a daughtei, Liza, two yoars tors for the yaar at an annumi mal 16; Age 10, Jenni' erMun With Scouts Waiton and old. Tbey neside in a new amount ai $1,000.00. ro 23, Denise Tufford 14;Ag Tilîson escorted back ta their home on Baldwin Avenue in Apoa a inrcie ,Jaot aa 7 placs, ssitan SculmaterNewaste. ram the Departmant ai Hlgh- White 13; Age 8, Judy Port. Ron Lowry escortad Scout Tom Messenger ha. a sfrte rpsd 18-sitm yPakr- Shearer ta tha Commissioner, waysberorfthntenasta inc1uding * wa 17, MaryPre e ber o~f trssîn adigcoifl 700.00 road project for the Age 7, Marysia Majio' 13,-.f and once again congratulations coiiacting, fh n n sailing. Village of Orono. This ap- Mary Garvin 10; Age 6, SusmiaÎ' were bastowed ta Scout Shear- He- i a iaso active in commun- provalin~ their final approval. Wagar and Bath Goddard le er as they were to Scout Wal- îty affairs and ln a member A latter froni the Ontario Maria Gilbank 9. tan, the latter was again read oftheexcutvecommittea iMncpa or n oncin The winner af the to 4h and Scout Tillsan again was the Boys Scouts' Association with the proposed restricted for the boy with thIdei given the honor of prasenting of ~ a Newcastle and district, alsa area hy-law was again tabied. number af points whuTItà. the emhiem and pinning it ta a memben ai the Newcastle This correspondance has been Walton, and for the, gkIwIth Scout Shearer's uniforni. Tomn Messenger Lions Club. caîd i oni ihf h ihs ois Cru Assistant Provincial Com- A wîdely experienced muni- Waterworks Superintendent. lr e CAlatter frani Mr. E. R. missionar Lau Griffith was cipal Hydro officiai has taken A native ai Campbellford t Lavekin, Tonshp Slictor cald ntaseaan iover the position ai manager Tom Messenger was educated stated Ththeowship atn-, Cet. u TOdq praised the boys for the way ai Newcastle Hydro Elactnie at public and high schois At a recent meeting of the nar of financing the prapasad in which they managed ta Commission. He is Thomas there, aiso at Peterborough Township ai Clarke Council it Oroa rad pogrpaaslug kf a magdncooliing trase Messenger, 36, who has been Collegiate. was learned in the correspond- gested by Mr. E. R. Waodyard F thane ledes who hg ad aug tiv engaged i lina wark After graduating iran, high enca that the Minister oi could net ha carried out, ac- tothe Headfers w oifed bis sinca 1948, when ha commenc- school, ha joined Ontario Highways la nesenving bis de- condîng to his opinion. The 9 them.He frtheroffe ed hi fis career with Ontario Hydro and workad for the cision for designating the latter also stated that it was 0 L A 8 81S 1i Vl 1)Sa own congratulations and inas- Hydro, and more recentiy with Commission as a linaman from Fifth Line Road ai Clarke as understood that the Police much as a Eie had been saved, the Campbel]ford P.U.C. as 1948 ta 1950. Then hae took a a Deveiopnent Raad until Trustais had made othen suit- Ph Me 8388 boyws werbeio ng eognizad Assistant Hydro Manager and job as lineman with Edmon-,such tume as the raad needs able arrangements-.Times.1 for thair gallantry. Dist'..t 4uniIfn _ , Il 41imi M- 1 1 j 1 33C