Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1967, p. 10

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The Canadian Statesman, o Russ Honey -F Càn-adian Wh .à Ottawa - The Can adiandci. -Wbeat Board is probably the i «I ha ,not stccesful and outstand- Îand a I e jtggagency of the federal gav- *ratter *enetand nothing should1 spent in done ta prejudice the repu-; the fi I tation which the Board has:iSaskatel g slirrniy established, in CanadaiM.P. sai jý àd in ithe 100 forgeign count-, Mr. ýt!fies with which the Boardichaotic 4élRussell C. Haney (L- ation in i 'Durham) stated in the House 4fore th df Comnions lest week. Mr Board m 1}oney was speaking during a He stalt -ilebate on a motion sponsored changes ~by, Reynold Rapp (PC-Hum..1Rapt)p boldt-Melfort-Tisdale) which fson ij îftged the gavernrnent to lBoard's I h'ange the name of the Board îers, and »t the Canadien Grain Board. in thet land ta place rye, fiax and rape Board 0 tCed under h ors juris- producen il..KENDÀA !, ,4Intended for last week) Lake Kw Mr. and Mrs. Jack àwar-1 Mr. an t bick of fluffala spent ast[iisited w Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 1W. Merc( > .Garbutt. Mr. and Mrs. JacklFred Mcl earbutt ând family were alsoý A fine there. Last Sunday Mr. and[was held Jrs. Les Reid and Mr. and son Mcci' ~rs. Krantz and Norman oUat2.30 p. of Bowmanville were there. 'for the Sorry Kathy! I got m.ylA Ioudspf Kathys mixed ]est weeki. Il wasývlce casil3 Kathy Mercer (Mrs. David.,whO staVy 'êercer) who won the Powderaway frar euf race et the stock car racesiband mil lest Sunday. 'the Salval -Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKav'the Oronc i «>lSaskatoon, Sask., a sieal Puion Wednesday to spend a fwslein *ýeks ini the caqt, with her, Excelimr àister, Mrs. W. Mercer. on Frt-,enjnyed. 4#ay they and Mrs. Merceriof 0Oronoz viýsited their brother, Mr. aare th kirs. Arthur Grant et Ux- ~Crm *bridge. -Next week Mr. and th e sevi Irs. McKay are going on the ev o ee the Expa 67. Camp We o *Kendai B3antams diefeated Rev. Basil IVelcome by a 5-0 score at D. R. D( ~edIpark. Mike McGregor RCv. R. didthe pitching and had '8;Allan Mar strikeoufs in eight innings. time was 'efln Smth'caught. The Cet 1, The chidren of Clarke is to be e tichools came ta Kendal park flue signs ft&fld schoi grcunds last Thurs-,through Cl "y for their Field Day, those nowv know n Grades four and Up ta andý Mr. anc Weluding Grade eight. The ýCourtice v âWark was well filled with them. ter and he lie. rain quit abotit 10 ar.. Mrs. Bob 1nd 'they were able ta start.tne h 0_*heir program. Some received. Miss Sh Munhurcis'as the sun came OutrBrian Fosi Zery hot. 'Mrs. flicha 'Thursday some members of,Hope, Sund lie U.C.W. look articles faný The threi heir bazaar ta the Mal at the Newton ville hopping centre et Oshawa,ýing a Bake nd made o.ut farly well con- on Friday, idering there were 34 groupstonville, ta Il havirmg bazaars. to0help fix1 Mr.. and Mrs. Eddie Cour- Visiting ux and daughters spent Sun- and Mrs. H; lay back at their cottage t their famil TAKE A DRIý V E VAN BELLE GARDENS For The DO-IT-YOURSELF *FERTILIZER *SPREADERîSý" TOOLS *TOPSOILS *SEEDS, ETC. *Advlee on your Garden Problenis Von Belle Gari "Your Friendly Garden Centr 5 Minutes East of Oshawa On Highway No. 2 -ý .6234 wmaniHeJune28,i967f 28, Delegates 3eraises ieaf Bd. ýave a personal interestj littie knowledge n this because of some yeais in close association with frming industry inj hewan", the Durham id. Honey recalled the wheat marketing siu n Western Canada be- he Canadian Wheat Aas established in 1935. ed that ta make the ssuggested by Mr. wauld lead ta con- n the mind of the! international custom- 1 that it would flot be best interests of the othe Western grain mshog. C aesarea, M r. R ussell O r is M.. tan, Enniskillen; Masters Das- ashog ,e1 vidand Ricky Blackburn, Bay n d M r . V a c e A l e n' P S w a l l o w . ,vith hier mather, Mr .an us rns eor and Mr. andi IVrs.1 nFoe ,Kay Sunday evening.1 r Waders. Ernest Irwi eCertennial servicei Harld C, ownel, Mr. viie 1in the Harvey Jack-1MHrol oed and Mrs. Pailtr anal Pa k a e d l and daug hiter Brenda, M issý .e k m a u d ey th erooi Virginia Smith, Oshawa, withý T o w ns ip afM . an d M s. T ed F o ley , M r.! ]y ear made the sery Don Foley and Mrs. Lu Hoc-i 'cd ici their cars ta be: )m the hot sun. Fine, ]sic was provided bylM.ad rsClo y- iti n A mv and andderm an and daughter Susie,1 )o Junior band. Ken-' BGue ki, M u.s a r nd us Ga t li School sang two BokiM.ad rsGan xvell. Mr. McCov's' BR.nFott,MisB ats y BiellMr. wiH, choir was greatlv1 manly MssPts alndth The (ombiiied choins 'Mr an Milyowr rye- and Newtonville aiso - Mr. and Mrs. Chiarlie Johns ongathe iatreMs. 'Mrs. Harry Wright, Townj, cu as he istess.. . . ~ . .,M n. and Mrs. W allace M un-j onies. Taking part iný day, Miss Janice Munday.' ce we e Rov Foster,'-wt Mr an Mn. W H. Clatke, Mcmrii Van' arden of the counties, Mn. ......... Brown and David. il L o n g , O r o n o ; R e '. , ,a n d M s H n od1a x ewdniey, Newcastle;, -*fnd armiony, Mr. and Mus.ý C. White; and Mr. -M, John Huband, Oshawa, withý irtin. Quite a gocial Mu.L , nwe adM. held at the close. ,, .M BbSnoL.Cdenow n r mtennial Committee:I congratulated on theMr and Mrs. Wes. Down- they have erected , u.GaPti and daugh-y lanke. Strangers will PickadrdAnya iwhcre they are at.. tr.-Mr adauhtrWan M u s. B i a c k f r o m ' M a p le G r o v e , M . B l e i visîted thein dlaugh- andra.iBillownwiM: Yr husband and t. and Ms. et Snowdenl and Youtnmnanda- ,____________ fam ily. hiley Mercer and* Miss Diana Roser, Oshawa,! er visîtcd Mr. and'Jack Fonk, Mu. and Mus. Bobl r naas e Ewrs ard Foster at Port Carruthers, M. and Ms. J. and farmly, Oshawa. Mr. alidl day. Byens and their families, and M Mus. Art Burgess and familv' ce U.C.W.'s on the Mn. and IVrs. Wayne Fosten.P.EEhenczcnR OMus. Ross Hal0-' ýCircuit anc hav-; Mus. Helen Henderson has (Inteîided for last weel.) i land Cncek, wcue last Thurs- Mus. Arthur 11lnn.Tw,1 Israel, Kitchener, n n :e Sale and Bazaan:been in the Mý,emnoral Hos'in.Tojjýrs edW-t Jun 23 a Ne-'al utis \putlg t gt Te .C.. et &l Jue1day afternoan callers and Misses Pearl Leacli and iJean u.Te ht and fami]v l5t wih 1 laiespueentluncheon guests with Mn. and Flett, Sauina, with Mn. and! Maple Grave, with Mn. ant l'iesm ae oeti ckr Mus. Fred R. Stevens. Mn. Mus. Leslie oaci.MsLCWAtanMrEl the pausonage. I1 _________ President Mrs. W. H. BrCownt u. .C hiead n l Sunday with Mn opcned, the meeting wiitm 5'Rheimîsh was a former tea- Rev. Stanlev S n o wdc îiý\Wj White. [atherFosen eue OB T ARYncaing~Gas Wv" iecher at No. 3 school, Base Shawville, Quehec', Mus. N. J. ýMu. and Mus. A. Smith and ly. Mn. and- Mu.s.1 BTU Rworship service was g 'Lievarun 1 yar ao. Meteaif, Oshawa, Mu.r oy a ertcs, Wh1tY, wene Sat-' I Unit 1. l-Iym 399 was sung. eekend visitons with Miss Van Camp, Base LUne, M' udyvstn ihM.at I CHARLES RUIELL Mus. C. Jeffery read the scrjo- Carole Greenhani weue Miss Teruy Baker, Town, with M1%1.!I Mus. Ran Rogers and family.1 I turc, Acts. chapter 11, versés Julie Goltiston, Oakville, Miss and Mus. Lloyd Snowdon anti' î4Fyslthe iathasccuuJnesso 1,9ta 26, and Acts, chapten 13 Dodi Henderson, Toronto, Miss MissBtyLu nw .Mus.« Allan Snowden, ac-1 verses 1 ta 3. Mrs. S. Mouton Maria Drygala, Oshawa, M. e.at u.W .Sf cmaidb e itrat 21,197,atth Ohaa en *gave a neading *'The Wanld John McCullough, Mu. John wa, Mu.Mrantid Mus. Ehe. orai Hospital, of Chaules Ruti- '.iana M".lu, shnawer Sau dl,316 Fucnchi Street, Osha arNihoho"fllw KihSduy Snowdoen, Courtice, with Mn.ý day visitons with their par-ý w . He w s ini his 75th e r cd by prayer. The theme 0 1 M s. Ray Sn wdon, sling-1 an ti M s. H-. G. Frecnan. je t, M . a d M s . H ~ - Wa. was ~the pnoguam vas "etn oM.adMus. Doug Me- 1Mr. and Mus. W. .Ashton,[ i oPrt Hope. A son of the lato Mu. ai ' nial." Mus. S. Mouton ed'on Highland Crcck, were Icesedwasbor i Onari ! enennal iym %as s . oswiththe formcn's mo- and lias heen a resident afiA panel on Canada was given 'ther, Mus. R. R. Stevens, at Oshawa for a nurcber of years.! bv Mrs. F. Stevens, Mus. C. Maunwood Nurnsing H a nie, Amemben of the Presbytenian1 Jeffeuy, Mus. S. Doyle anct andi with hieu sisten, Mr. anti jChunch, hie conducted a watchiMrs.S. Mouton. Mus. C. Jef- Mus. H. J. Brooks. t .. anti radiaton nepain business fery gave a rcading "Cana- j Miss Esther Crydenman se-J at his home. During the First dian Centennial of Con feden- cmaidMn. andi Mus. C. - ~~~~i W o ld W ar hie serve ti w ith the 'ati n". M eeting c osed ail.1 Bell m an i M s P y Be l t CEanda nit Fre repcating the mnizpali bene-i Expo this week. diction ,after which a social! Mu. Rutiteli is survived - hy itme xas enjoyeti by al'1 Annivensauy Visitons: ~. ' his xifc, the former Margaret' IMn. and Mus. Morley Bur- - Thompson, whom hie mauied, Don't forget Maple Grove4 gess, Oshawa, Miss Susan 'ici Oshawa ici 19.56.Asour Guides Strawberny Tes this. Luxton, Town, with Mu. anti viving are a sisten, Mus. Rus-:mntiFu uterp tî1Mus. Stephen Jeffery antid sel ight(Clra iti aJars look for Coming Events. i oGaryI brot her, William, bath of Bow- Ms Beth James, Pem- Mu. and Mus. Dorn Doyle,I manville. îbuokeshiuc, Wales who [s a' Bav Ritiges, with lus brnther The funcuai service xvas lti Jr. Faumen oui exchiange, spenti andi wife, Mu. and Mus. Steve dens' at the Gerrow Funcral Chape', Tursdavevening ast week 1 Doyle- and tifanil3'. follwed y itermnt i" Cyderianandhis arens'iProvidence, Mu. anti Mus. Earl...... Mount Lawn Cemctery. Rev.; Mu. and Mus. Howard Cuydcr- r Osbarne, Town, Mn. and Mus. 5757 ~G_ W. C. Brétt, minister af nman. They - visited the new[ lydAhtnM.yinwt iKnox PrEsbyterian- Chut-eh, ptodtecice ouse of Mr. and Mus. S. S. Mouton.I conductei the service. ____Mr. Alvin Metealf. Mu.TdHn, isDaa,- j MuIi. anti Mms. Robent flhei- i LecAnne Hoar, Newcastle, 1 imish anti two sans, Higl. Mn. anti Mus.- Bob Johnson Park, New York. bis mnotheri anti family, Courtice, Mu. IMis. Walter Rcimish, iiî-i Greg Conden, Town, M. ani rviceIAssmbà'y Strese ln eserviesss e s Prepare -for Lunch at Recent Knox School Con ference Setting Exam'pies While world attention was parpnts ta take the ]cad ici being focuseti on the NîidE sirtual matters by setting SEast thîs -eeckend, the atten- Christian examples themselvcs. ti.niaf Jchovah's Witncsses i He also emphaszedti t the asse mbly at the Sir Wilfneti parents that chiltiren are daily SLaurier Collegiate at Guilt-i-faceti with the decision as ta wooti Village was being focus. wvhethen they shoulti camprom- ed on the "Holy Landi" anti its ise on Christian pinciples. environs fuoni the stantipaint ýNon-Christian influences sur- of the raie it bas playet iniciround themn in their daiiy se- Biblical history. . tivîties. "Parental obligation", In the beautiful sehool audi- lie pointcd out, "is ta dcvelop torium 972 pensons assembled ýa close nlationshhip with to sec the film "Goti Cannot ýyauu chiltiren and acquaint Lie". This calaureti maving 1 yourselves thoroughly with pictu ne took its viewers on a 'the issues chltiren are requin- tour af Palestine anti suîraunti. 'cd ta face, then provide them ing aucas providing msny ! with the necessary encourage- 4 xith their fiust view of places 'ment andi Christian caunsel". mentianedinic the Bible andi The entine audience was also ihat taok place there. The reminded that "disciple mak- film wvas praduceti by the ijng" district assemblies of Watch Towen Bible andi Tract Jehovah's Witnesses would he Society of Penitsylvania, the ýheiti thnoughout the world this dinecting corporation of Je-1summer. The Oshawa Civie hovah's Witnesses thraughoutljAuditorium will be used for the earth. a ne of these faur day as- ,The three day assembiy also semblies froni August lOth tn featured a baptismn ceremony August 13th. which was preceded by a dis- course on the subJeet af "Dedi- cioanBatm. Monta- Memorial Hospital gài e Mais, District Supervisar ere the al. Wteas ei.Weekly, Report l'amUiies of Jehovah's Wit.. Week of June 19-25 Inclusive nqgsueandiuiother înterested .s io were present ~at alns- .70 eig.The 4104 Wth-4' maieo 41enal 7 of talks a, .98 S35 et limbs? Best test of medical insurance plans. COMPARE THE BENEFITS 'an-dyo'll .want this*one! Through 20 yearg of service, it has been a rij;îd poicy of Ontario Medical Co- operÏtives to kcep alxead of other niedical plans with an extra margin of protection benefits . . . to offer something more for your money in a personalized, Ioalized medical car program. i1To: DEACUT OIONO, OT 0"- ~ #'v j P a74IOIeff.du ....ow.o... .............. Today over 200,000 people in Ontario are already enjoying freedom from worry about doctor's bfs... and tcday you to cmn share the. expanded benelits ofa poven plan that includes rnany sucli 'mgreial' coverage items as chiropractic treatments, anunal 'check-upa' (even if you have'no illncss symptoms)l and up to 80% coverage of drap, homnuraigambubmS cs.rlij<p your izves4mot in sccurityand p"eace of mui. a4Ç~¶off or compkiec infoinù- at~~4toes «your Couaty j'.' j off tea a Nwfingiflt * utart. It was Most gratitying and eijoyable te havet the Museum a Iively centre or attraction that evening and attending thoroughly enjoyed June 23, 1967 themselves. About 265 tour. Dear ohn- d teMuseumn that evening I D~Joh: ofthe oard not a numberaOf others did Of Bowmanville Museumn large crowd.k would like ta express their We hope bath thase h thanks and appreciation tae îd ndtos hoddWt YOu for the publicity given wI on bc ugte in the Statesman prier ta Summer and Fait - the aur opening night, June 1, Msu sae vr a and the splendid pictures except Mondays 2 te 5 and and report of the event in Mondays if a holiday, and the fallowing issue. wilI be open te Thanksguv. Our special aPening night ing - and brIng their friends attractions of the arrivai aof and guests. Mayor and Mrs. Hobbs and We feel the Museum lias othen guests in aid time cars much ta offer as an attrac. kîrmdly provided and driven tion, with its fine exterior hy Mr. Earl McMilland and appearance set In lovely Mr. W. B. Miller; the îiveiy grounds, this year beautified music and dancing hy mcm- by the Bawmanvilîe and bers of the Swingin' Bolus District Horticultural Sa- and Fine Ridge Promenad- ciety, and many displays ers with Glen Dowsoil as withi n depicting the past of caller, who danced the whoie this district. evening for the entertain- Agaîn aur thanks for The ment of the large crowd, Statesman's part in puhliciz. and al free of charge; and iiig the Museumi and its the rnany pcople who re- events. sponded b aour invitation ta Yours sincereiy, corne in costume, ail com- Elsie Lunney, bined ta make the evening (Mrs. ROY Lunney), A ttentflan Farmers! SAVE!1 Why pay more on premium qvality - GASOLINE-DIESEL & MOTOR QILS FARMALI TAKSAN LPML VALAL WIIIIBY 668-3341 MASTER MARINE,& MOWER FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES and SERVICE DEALER FOR LAWN BOY and BRIGGS & STRATTON A cornplete line of mowers, motors and parts Lawn Mowers and Tiller Rentais TAUNTON ROAD E. AT ZION (at the Little Old Red School House) Jack Hoar - 725-1901 I womu uSE VIN inlsecticide is on your SEVIN Carbaryl Insecticide gives a combination of advantages unmatched by other insecticides. Its economical, safe, effective and dependable. It controis insect pests with a minimum number of applications. In fact for many hard to kili insects .. . SEVIN is the stopper! When it cornes ta safety, SE VIN really takes your side. You can enter a field soori after a SEVIN spraying. In normal crop application f ivestock won't be contaminated by direct spray or drift. There is no soul contamination either - SEVIN breaks down quickly and does flot leave persistent residues in thç soit. SE VIN Carbaryl Insecticide is registered for the control of over 160 different Insects on 90 différent crops. Ses your local agricultural chemnical supplier a s E3 I ibrl Isciie jUNION CARabDE CANADA LIMItED: Chemicali a Ria#af»jhe.GPhW&e m L Garbo&& MiPou*i oaahuL I Jack Noar OMM 725 « 1901 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS

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