Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1967, p. 9

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* ~ SPORToplc.sf * nAnoee wMI!l interested in playing intermediate base- baul! ln Bowmanville, la requested ta contact either Clint Ferguaon or Fred "ýBuck"1 Cowle. Equipment Isa alo a rnuch tieeded conrnodlty, so i you happen ta have anythlng which could help out, they would be glad ta hear from you aiso. TUSOME BEATS "MOE» I kld you not - there wasn't any cheating by the golfers Who managed to beat Moe Nornan's 71, during, National Golf Week at the Bowmanville Golf Club. , 1Admnittedly it doesn't look too good, when the players Who turned the trick happened ta be in the same threesome, and when, the old scribe happened to be keeplng score, it l looks even worse. However, that's just what happened Saturday morning as Jack "Eud" Jarvis shot an 82 for a net score of 70, Bob Leyden also had a 70, and yours truly carded a 68. These three outstanding golfers will receive "I Beat the Chan)ýp" Centennial medals, and we znlght say it couldn't happen to three nicer fellows. Buddy Morrow Coming To Port Hope on Friday Mitchell's Corners Bail Team Wins Darlington Titie Port Hope Kinsmen Club is Blue Lady", "O Sole Mio". sponsoring what promises to "Laura" and "What Kind of be an cxciting evening in Fool Arn I?'" A representative Peter Campbell Arena on Fri- and widely varied repertory, " day, June 3th, when famousito say the least. Buddy Morrow and his mnusic Mr. Mitchell has struck a will be featured. FolIowing popular note with his presen- Is a reprint from the NY. tation of big bands with the ~~ Journal American, dcscribing big sound for dancing or lis-W the graup. tenjng. Buddy Morrow and There's nothing supersti- his colleagues are worthy tious about Buddy Morrow successors to the Elgarts and Rie has 13 sidemen in his or- other Riverboat stars. chestra and the unlucky nu- ber, 13, was lucky last night. Buddy and bis boys are the Fl newest of the big bands to Elis S oe P la at the Mark Twain Mverboat in the Empire State iîA Building and their premiere MYt h es was an unqualified success. The Morrow band featuresByS o e a mellow and resonant soundB 9- Sc r -with very little stridency and with muted brass. They by ih Clarke specialize In show tunes and Ellis' SosRyWlae Teeyuglde rm Mthl' onr rn olf orgt h swing-at times you wouldSosRa Waac Ths yon lais roiMthlsConr frtrw;ettorht h swear you wcrc hearing waved a big stick last Thurs- School in Zion are the proud possessors of the Glen Capt. Pat Clark, Sandra1 Glenn Miller and bis boys day night, as lie and bis mates Rae Trophy which they won in a six-school softball back row, Coach Mrs. M. #gain and that the year was rolled to a 9-3 win, over league this year. The Darlington Girls Sehool champ- Head, Debbie Pisent, Mai 1943 and not, alas, 1965. Whyte's Upholstery. The Shoe- ions won bath schedules for the second time in the and Cindy Chamberlin. Budy anle fursao-men's shortstop rapped a phones, threc trombones(i triple, double and single, con-fiey ahstrofherpy.M m rsfteta , addition to bis own), three tinuing bis solid bitting. Errors T trumpets, a bass, piano and plagued the Upholstery squadE~ pleasantly enough. "Charlie drums. Together, they blend as the loss droppcd them iK eris cke Lea b says that's bad." ino one of the more pleasing inta a tic for last place in the Hienry dribbled bis second ,rUst haeplayedJa Jr. Men's League. Four ofB ati g u l - shot a sat 50fet ioth Mitchell's nostalgic replica of teir six errors carne in the e t n u l 5 rough therg otefa- Iffe upon the Mississippi. second and third lnnings, as way. i~diionllytwo voc lis e ins added a iro Ken's Men's Wear defeated A pair of walks and singles "You're net bringing the atford a pleasing cantrast for runs in the fourtb and two Stephen Fuels, 5-1 at Vincent by Bob Foster, Black and club-head in-to-out," Emily those who corne to listen ra- in the fifth, ta bold a coin- Massey diamond, last Tuesday Crossey made it 4-1, with the said. "You've got ta keep that ther than ta dance. manding 9-1 margin. night, ta break the existing tic final tally corning an Clint left arm straight on the back Carle niht s yang Whte' mnagd o pshbetween the two clubs for first Ferguson's single and a triple swing." Carite an blonde adYougwhotrus aoss ite p lace in the Men's Town Soft- by Foster in the sixth. Henry bad a 12 on the hale, gette ndblodelad wo to rnsacrssin hesixth, balLeague. Foster earned the victory on or eight over par. It was this as a pleasant way with a but neyer really got within Ken's jumped into a 4-1 a seven-hitter, wbile fanning way ail around. On the third, tune. She excclled last night range. Ted Lcveck tossed lead, scoring twice in each of anc and issuing a lone base where h c hookcd into a scbool wlth "DIay In, Day Out" and sevenhit bahl over the first the Ifirst two innings, against on bails. George Stephen w~ playground, Ernily showcd hlm 'Apirl in Paris". six innings for the win. Gord the lone Fuels' marker in the tagged with the loss, allow1ný what was wrong with ris, Marc Allen, wbo sbared Wallace gave up two singles in opening frarne. eight safeties, four walks and grip. On the east par-three singing honors with Miss the sevcnth but preserved Le- Singles by Terry Black and four free passes. Bob Willarns fifth wbcrc he shanked a nine- Knight, is a dark and hand- veck's shutout. AÀrchie" Crosscy, along wîth tossed the final frame, giving iran Into the pretty littie sorne youth froin the West Dennis Sullivan, who went backi-to-back sacrifice flys off up two bits and ane walk. stream, Emily dernonstrated Coast with a tenor voice that the racky route for Whyte's, the bats of Don Bagnell and BIack led the winners with the correct relationsbip o! the the ladies, particularly, secin- was tagged for fine bits, in- "Mac" Richards, produced the thrcc singles, wltb Foster ball ta the feet. iedto ig.cluding John Kiipatrick's lcad- two first inning runs. Stepli- cracking a triple and single ta "You're flot keeping your To these cars bis best nurn- off borner in the -bottorn of the cn's countcd on Don McMurt- aid bis awn cause. Wright head down," she tald hlm on ber was the hardy perenniai, sixth. Dennis McFctcrs crack- er's double and a single by paccd the Fuels witb e two- the sevcnth, at whicb point "My Funny Valentine." Judg- cd out three o! the losers' nine Grant Wright. bagger and single. hie was 23 blows over par. Ing from tbe applause, bis bits, but bad a tough nigbt in "Charlie says you just can't bit version of "Dixie Mlody" bis centrefieid p o s i t 1 o n.__ a bell if yau lift your head." was a close second. Previcus beavy ramn let sarne- .Buddy, himself, gave an n of the outfieid resernbling a b eShes ofu e te o pitcbed ta wltbln tcesig ami o tobone swamp. McFeeters, pursuing Ir e o f e s technique with a bcautifully a fiy, went skidding into the ber putt for a bird. phrased rendition of "I Couid soggy turf and was soaked. by Jim O'Neill, about this", be said, 1«always He'd bave killed ber, 1 W rit a ook , t e ev rgr en lon wit Ri har M c eanguess, if som e of the m em bers trame alBooey." (ben Aoren d sth ingae) McFet- Smlths Falls Record-News golng off with the fellows and hadn't been sitting out on the As a whilc, the band gave ers was the pick o! thc lasers. One o! the mast intercsting aIl that. Tberc's no reason in porch that averiooks the ninth a fine account of itsclf with "Woody" Lee also picked up cases ta be beard aItbe Wintcr the world wby we can't play green where it happened. As its theme, "Red Roses for a a pair of hits for Whyte's. Assizes will be the attcmpted the grand aId game together." soof as thcy saw him swing- murder charge ageinst Henry "Oh Heny" said Ernily n at bier with bis driver, Schwartz. Since I arn in a "Y.,u are a husband in a mâ! - ey were running. He cauld Qposition ta know the back- lion". not bave bit bier more than ground a! the story, rvc no five or six times before they -lepdoubt tbe jury wilî acquit As It turned out, there bad lin pinned down. hlm. Unicss, o! course, there were several reasons why Te a ewspet y bapn0ab onna h they couldn't play the game wspet y peî>eref together, the rnost obvious be- sterical. "hri as hr Ipa Eriy ' ap a'gta riywscrpeey lic says," le kept babbling. saybasalnostcorpîeeîyhopeîess on the links.Hc Henrsii ntein lwc recvcrd. he as orgvenwas patient with ber. Hie didteycm tatkhmawy A hcove. Puttlng il on in y is best ta teach ber the ittle Sa that's bow il ail hap- as a malter o! ternporary in-be knew about the funda- pened and I guess il wlll be zsZm sanity. She bas given up golf mentais o! the swing. Even ail heard et the Assizes wbere, w1w view the wboie case tram the pleteiy and burst out giggîing, and jury can look witb sym- begining as he fequetlydid, Henry pathy upon a badiy shaken Emiiy Schwartzz camplain. was sornebow able ta kecp golf widower. cd sa mucb about being a hirnself under contrai. C e t n i lgolf widow that lest Cbristrnas Fortunatciy, it took no more c? nt nn alHenry presentcd ber witb a th:n hlai a dozen garnes ta H oId Tabl'vî set o! clubs. thoraughly discourage Emiiy. "I realize -I've been seifisb The clubs werc put away in- th alcloset. Henry went beck piaying with bis regular Fed D y a Dominion Day Bail Local Netters pals. And there, it seemed~Kna ya FEAURNGTH FMOU Bw o shwaamicably. KndlPark FEATRIN THEFAM US ow t Os awa Miglit bave, in fact, if it Close ta 500 Public School hantbeen for my wife. This cbildren carnpeted in a Tab- Oshawa swept ail - tive i how I happen ta know about laid Field Day lest Thursdey matches in the first Kawartha the wbole tbing. My wite, at the Harvey Jackson Me- League contest et the Bow- you sec, decided ta takè sanie marial Park in Kendal. The manvlle Tennis Club on golf lessans tram a professional students werc frorn variaus B U D D M O R O W he owmnvile ntr Ofinvited Ernlly ta go along witb slip o! Clarke. AN I aecoet ann ier. The field day this year took ADRStory, whn they tok the first This ws eary in the sum- a new trin wereby aU stu- N GH RA N I~E~set froin Stan Wigg and Clayt mer. Tbey were taking e dents were able ta opee Kib 6-4 and lied a pair o! lesson evcry Tuesday and The total enroinient o! thc NIG T RA N 14SPÀJ match points in thc second, ecd Tuesday niglit I was given upper grades in the schools ArDOOR before dropping a bard- a biow-by-biow description o! wes divided int 30 teams fouglit 7-5 encaunter. Oshawa EmiWirs progress. She was with 16 Young athîctes an ecd ORCHESTRAtook the dcciding set 6-3. obviousîy a marvellaus stu- tcam. The members o! ecd $1.000 In another close ethadet o! ber ab u teaebttanrne rmgaefu Direct From pet Coli-Pe doubles match Osbawe's Brien ta fhrhsband. students to grade ciglit stu- Barker and Jim Sutherland "Emily gaI bier first birdie dents. Also, every school was New York City droppcd the first set 6-4 ta today," my wife wouid report represented i cad teani. Lars Carlson and Lew Rundlc, ta me, or, "Emily broke 100 In the campetitions, each before capturing thc next two todey," or "Emily bad six par suetwsgvnteopr I n m i e d d o b ls9l a,1i r h A l i e b m s c li c m a d e Ir t w a s b a s d o n t hg e s t n d ar d Ail Stars W'111 Meet Champs at -Solina, JuIy 3rd The Darllntton Senior boccer leatue'. Ail - Star game wll take place on Monday, July Srd at 6:30 Pa..in Solna's Park when last yearu champions, Salins, will take on the heu of the rest of the Marne. Ail-Star players wI in.l elude G. Jeffery, F. Sobil, A. Courtice, A. Glaspeil, B. Baker, R. Clemen., B. Brad!- ley, B. McLean, J. Coombes, G. Flintoif, W. Jorden, G. Dallas, R. Preston, W. Hall, R. Hall, B. Courtney, P. Luthtenburt. B. Nemis wiJl be the coach. Weather Forces Pork Barbecue A representative graup frorn througliout the County o! Dur- hani were in attendance et thc Park Bar-B-Q lield in the Orono Arena Saturday a! 1cr- noon, June 17th. A total o! 178 passed aîong tbe buffet counter ta devour pounds o! Bar-B-Q'd park, buns and a ..large iran pot of beans. Te menu inciuded fat aniy -/ the abovc but also many types o! relish and plenty o! cof!e, douglinuts and saft drinks. A friendly almosphere cx- is Nemnis, Joyce McGregor. sted trougliut tbc evening Rircck nd yndaPinle;which lied not ail tbc emphas- Iircck nd yndaPinle;is placed upon food. Enter- Parry, Denise Scott, Nancy tainment was provîded along rnon Monahan, Nancy Dart with dancing. Entertainnient took the form o! a square dance dernonstration, tep.danc- ing and a snappy Charleston number. A vocal sala by Miss cd creats whiîe the two top Wilma McCauley accompanied ahletes o! the day received by Mr. Faye Adams on the trophies. Thc top students guitar. Mr. Llew Wood's orch- yestra took tbe stand later in were Paul Parry o! Kirby the- cvening for dancing. Mr. schooi and Brenda Henderson and Mrs. James Lawery play- of Newtonville sdbocl. Paul cd for the square dance dem- gaied 6 pins wileBredaonstration with Mr. Harold gaicd 6 pins wuleBredaRansberry being the master gained 38 in the same events. a! ceremonies. Square danccrs The trophies and crests wcre wcrc Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ruth- presented on bebal! o! the erford, Mr. and Mrs. F. Quan- Public School Board by the bri, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd cliairman, Mr. La wrecn ce Wood, Mr. and Mru. Jack Greenwood.-Orono Times. MottaI. TheCaadanStt.ma Ewmnvfl, imS.US jDurham Ladies Lge SLAGHT & MXOKBM&. ELLE RECORDS IN DUJEHA LADIES LESAGI - As of lune M W Name9 Karen White ______ Gail Linton Rhorida Kavanaugh Eleanor Clowell Delores Davey Lee Skinner ______ Lenore Smnith ______ Nancy Goadwin Virginia Fairey Sharon Burgess Debbie Sellers _______ PITCHING Name G Nancy Goodwin _____3 Sharlene Cain --_______ Diane Ormiston _____ HJOME RUNS Rhonda Kavanaugh, Lee Skinner, Eleanor Col- well, Debbie Sellers, Alice Chittick, Sharon Burgess, Laura Taisma- one apiece. TIIREE BASE HIT Delores Davey - 2. TWO BASE HIT Delares Davey, Karen Cain, Sharon Eurgess White, Gail Linton, 4 each. SEE THIS EXCITING EVENT! OP ABU13 Ave~ e 12 9 .750 8 20 14 .700 8 17 12 ffl9 4 8 5 M65 7 13 8 .615 7 15 8 M3 6 8 4 .500 8 18 8 Au4 3 9 4 .444 6 16 7 .431 5 7 3 AU3 G? B.F. 80 B/R 92 26 18 S43 8 7 Nancy Goodwin, Sharon Burges .2 e«& WALKS Gail Linton, ]Rhonda Kavanaugh - 4 each; Nancy Goodwtn - 3. STRIKE OUTS Diane Ormiston, Nancy Goodwin - 5 each; Debbie Seller%~ Sharlene D.A.R.A. RACING DIVISION NVORTR4VEST 0F MOSPORT TRtACK W S. JULY 2nd e %o STARTS 1L00P.M. RAC INO LY RC - PARKING FEE ONLY - SPONSORE» BY D.A.R.A, RACJNG DIVISION Take five of them with you when- ever you go for a drive and you'il feel a whole lot botter. And your family wIll be a whole lot saler. It's the new Goodyear polyester tire, one of the safesi tires ever mode. Even the price will have a calming effect: yau con buy a Goodyear polyester tire for about $30. This is a new kiftd of tire. It's con- sidered the most significant im- provemerit in 2Oyears.The difference Is in the cord; new polyester cord. This is on tncredibly strong syn- thetic cord that has all the odv an- toges of nylon and rayon combined. And with fane of the disadvantages. it's onother first from Goodyear. The major cor manufacturers have selected Goodyear polyesters as original equipment on their new cars. And safeîy isn't the anly reasan. These polyesters are also longer wearing. Theyve practically elim inated the problem of culs and impact breaks. *They're smoother riding, and thsy're quitter runan toc) They won'î 'Dlot &pot' o.miht. Sa, no mornlng thump. They'll oven improve your Ces inileage. Like ail Goodyear tires, the new polyesters gre fulIy covered by Goodyear's lifetime quality end road hard guaranfe. Tolk ta your Goodyear mon moon about polyester tires Iy Goodysar. And because Yeu fil s sure of them, they might aven Improv your Thenew Pol ester tIre by Goo year. more tha mney.b v PI#o rqahd mw~d by CGooç.ar end is avoUable la Goedy.ro êbiw~ ~ Trnquilizer. 1~' * * t g * * o g' o 4 g' g' i wMufflOumicýUff ir ir 90 Goodyear .. Youli go furi

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