The marriage of Mu sEve- 1Setting 'Was S.John s Anogican hr h Vilf! gt td alsthe. h aain ttmaEomnfliim2,1 lynl May Harris. daughter cfl t ..irr elwscub eaha-f Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenee Har- piece of lace and crystals, and TartanliIDI~C ,'Dff ris, Orono, and Mr. Roy Wil- TberEEEVIIW ubouquet Ew aawof bert Fulford, son of Mr. and whe breia bouqe was o W e d n sqFMrs. Wilbert Fulford, Mea- wiegreis tpaoi fordOnt.,was slemnied inand pink sweetheart roses.'H m horse, The Yukon, on Satur-Th rd'ateanswe day evening, March 25, 1967, brsseMs yn ie at 7 o'clock. Rev. H. P. Mars- of Grafton, Miss Ann Seemnan From 1 ton officiated. of Ottawa and Mrs. Davidi Given in marriage by Mr. Presson of Oshawa. They were1 A group of local ywgpo d 5ysPtyBae2d Gordie Gee the groom's em- atrdi etnilfsin l ore p aloteredthe centenniaia fashi-pibareaspcabuon12,DaneShwl. plorothewbide poe auforeed gowns of lilne chiffon with Friday evening witsutaeMi ReFsivlCa- TIR>VES CAIN 1petalq edged with crystals,'mlgonuwhtpeud empire waist and A-lune skirt, and sleeping bagstoraetoinsi-Danehalt and ehwith scoopewhitnepkai-esand featured shoulder caplets. Welland. There te pn ic aned t Spdncln Matching lilac, wide-brimmed the night at the Sce er~s h u nddwt Bi o us q n um s f oh i e d a n er book , a w ed d in g gift fr in i m pd ly s lntyle d o ie pe d e hrvbtee e w o nbs. Ad r c oo ; a d r set o tin n mnsfre nher sister Sharlene, crestedlthe deeply pleated floor- ~teatnat n hi ~ al eb vra atae wrr. pe, epn attractive setting in St. John's'wt iitr rne i eghsitadadtcal eec ikcrain School and on the iseto In g i a C h r h B o m n r o s e s . F o r " s o m e t h i n g o l d " , j h p l I n t t r a i n w a s ~ n w i e S a t a s e n o r l a s u t a e n r n s Li or Fancy or p eu n d h m ls au d ville, for the marriage on Sat- the bride wore her maternal 1caght at the as by a cum- tnde wMitSst d s Ca e Lt :0a. hy eetkgt trdbthpy ob ee urday, May 27th, 1967, at 3 gadote' pn n a ug ebundther ivtiee-b, a__________ I GrafMistn r K t -ým n rn .m r un . H r fvete , e-t oM ss nsyasmpbel-gi l , 8 30partin the yN a Roe s-r n ndfi n . O ' c l c k o M i s L e n r e K t h - e n t i n g .b o w - l e n g t h v e i l w a s h e l d b y AU Mn.Murray Cain, Bowman- Miss K a t h y Ballantine, a petalled headpiece centredt ."" '" ' "tl-nt, a u v o e - nel a ival Baton Twirlin C nt t ville, and Mr. Lonance How-hnnavle a maid et'with a white flower, and she! roseniar tantsedshea-Trlndmpil.DuH ard Traves, Bow m anville , orjand the bridesm aids! ca nati ns a dawhwhitaetaBriple a d th "Ta tant en" oftelt r n r Iaýeetegomsniece, Misslwith red roses and white car- tbtuae Tralvee of r.anrdgMr.Eia Donna Jenkins et Bracebridge, nations. The bride made her d.-a."' , s. Seniors wo is pae Sii and the bride's sister, Miss bridal gown.MrHwrdWRudefTeTatnJioNPle Rev. K. J. Frampton ofUi-i Shanlene Cain, Bowmanville.1 Mrs.HoA.r Ashby et White- artan ce Ciate and the w ddin musi The were atti ed in stret- h rse w s th brid's atend-Toro to waobronmtn or h Te m plaean2 dfo"Sarlete" aami epaîtdasu mi , cltdadtewdigmscTe eeatrdi te brother anthdbrusherateng-wereI Senior Team lst; andSaret Was played by Mr. C. Evans.j length gewns et orange-ic ant and wore a pastel green, tegomsD. Sno wr eondrsarhh Given in marniage by her!peau de soie with empire street-length gown designed cui, Wr ac s nttt rhen qre e orousin, . arndiornF e ouda niu haln mbt father the bride wore a for-1 waist and short sleeves and similarly to the bride's gown Ih rd' rthr r o n c Stutn -Noce ihte ilttehrn hac., Inai length empire gown of! wone headdresses et orange- with scoop neckline, elbow- th ries rtonather re Tm'114 Nancy Y-uill a'r:rod anesy teive White lagoaIa silk fashionedi ice petals with matching Veil- length sleeves and deep pleat- - e f rfo. atrbd tAdva nced Fancy Sti t,151,- with an A-line skirt divided' ing. Their flowers were cas- ed skirt. Her headdress w , Rle, nphw h iteanddiscnfeBl'akeitoe n In front by a tulI-length pleat. cade bouquets of onange-icej iashioned of dress mateniall4h172,Dan The fitted bodice, with scoo carnations. Misses Sandra andptlan cee b mth- 1noi an itr f te1 ing pale green veiling. She, ws eThe " dvncd ilta Sekie ad ebw lntT Jh 'sCuc Po rt ope -10, Kathy Blake 2d 51,rleigpiata eute sleeves,wsehaedb a bride, were flower girls weai- carried a nosegay et whitead th bne' mthn e- hey MCue 3d Pts (brkgetckpc. wide band et sculptured lace ing full-length fnocks ot aqula daisies and yellow 'mums. The, '"" evdwaigabu rp lk t; 1-0 ine Mo motn talr.I. encircling the empire waist. peau de soie with lace bodice attendant's gown was alto' .st.prwere ao thorouagh thatep A full-length train, edged and sleeves, and white floral made by the bride. * -£ r~ ih mthn ce-Sa With matching lace, fell from j headbands. Thy carie Mn. AI. Ashby et White- soisohdDu th ro, a Th mna eeton wh tte20 ale greeen d shatungo ach o- Dt- an m b n Sd.nwhaigebtee(i-à 4 tesoles e ofat hie bushen hs r.E a ClunWieosemren s.Loac oadTavsaesoni teaoepoo aige.accessoies admauve. Fslaaon w ianing 5 bc t h ewlsle a înVe i lc l c k . T h e b r i e i t e f r m e M isaL n oeMK.h rnLCon , d a g h t r M . a d g o o Bnaceb idge. iece iege t h hhet e d aýss e ym oin e w Yean ork Ci t sy lkDi nne S ad , P t yan uto3f r by gren polk dots ofaclMre. anray ain, iwmanvlle, ad the room s the on ofthe laerMr.nnshFontraveling he brie wnneBPake3rYoungt ar The ne eption was hed 1t acessionie s an d c rage t e d r.E i sT a e , r cb2g02pnk jc e- rs, w it oo T iln Itr e i.~i thS ULIY ncedoowasig bess anand- Mran____ fl kc Hoa lae r hw nteaoepooa igacsoisadmue lgBtnT th_______ r.Ed Da-1 t.anh d c brag.20 in e S a In1heethAsies ohe htheoule Te Ykon. ivieyetth edig aear hereu ernas cemplementedarri i coloreipdo lacesAlasacorsagenglcan huMcSHANEanvl-eMonUNTJOY -Chutrch aton, a do7 ned67, t l 730 Do e rcr t iR. on -'h ý ]a e3d S P E C A L I, brid , an the groo 's ro- he b ide as w arin a wo- o'c ock .Th e rid e is t e f r m er M iss L eno e K a h ry n C ai , d a ghte et'r.entebrd 4.a dThe o mbrideor iswoaat'66wi ite raceb.n Roge, assiste ofte evcewa semiedt in lahek-ad hte' oontyoo an hsN eenor t 20ch-n ha i ceie.e grreapnk ndstc Unitep Chlca rdotbaky wMra aiB w an lanth gro shesonothe ttnlfthern oar trng in g hity extbFrid e r lae w he epsîk oit sedress a 1e reni , ueand, 1967,aenon Saturday aftern racerieon a w in e tachig t-es hth e Son-lig corR N S ag t e e pin k uihand whte' Miss Margare Ela din Mo t a 2,16,at23 ' lo tndr a t bholacf pteto tem-acyYuw.2n Asn thrthecouple's e tt fo iehr se in. The sYuo.RNL IE nited -. Wewishetn FIRST QUALIT hcymoo wrnat Prome's . nd! marniage ith Dr. Waynebe PA N T caratinsmble ofughampagnMn.ceand Mrs. et iss Peorie'sAnie angensmble.Thto.are hesii St atd hiete rides.wTh Tho ' itrM s .T y o mý1 A s e Sh, ane son e n. ofn. a d nsnttom 4.The ie s a oo Rilytrat tonea d D.Jhro hsy (97andn- t h a u i a y fin s n u tm r of BnteebMrs. ThomasteMcShane, pDougla Rui ndite n umr.seri tToronto W e ternh1 Save S $2.00vperSgai.oressatuquient, ndstonitd uc ria l-. forte theirorth lovai nWhtb. et al s w h i t e a c c e s s n i e s d crs a gd e e v . P . o me n l, 9 6 7-,.:'w.7 O f f e G o o U n t l J u e 3 0 e p fn k n h i e a n a t n s. el v e, K i n g st n oi i a t d T e o ti a t iîî g clf e rg nb i e w s u iot o on ,1y a s T h e y are esi in g t 6 K in to th e d o u le r n g ere m n y.w as ev. L. W re n d t e' etea h w n s. M rsh e R. a aind s. r, thjbidya- d auy M f rs. adys dh m snM s.a . , Sn6,oawde n' o as !e. M s . T e penkr.O r " ~ * ublie antergofShoo.s.nde cause drting thersigingetUn ives, r iy f worne* R eg 95':St. C abridges Publ ic d e H g e o a e it e n , b u at e , t e b i e w re a f i-sae t h o e e n. NOW . gi. Shoos, s eplyedas Ten omues cf ellne ow mm n d Mr.*leGth cetnndlDr.fa h oismpson 1967)andlp iss ~~ 1 Vei.uruis pi T he bidgve n a-ThiitenodcgassstoFnk.hldashwrinTn SevDruglparties weneonîvfn, nage by hen tathenontoeWasente Sav $200pergal ishit des, trquiithotandM scoopB. Rne]ie ad yurogsceitaeds Mr.A.M R atn A- eris akin i- whorh flred at th Reg-$103 ite RI enn s an res. .and aoram get li h rin i heeb an d wl e reg d wt o o t b r d u he t b r r n r. M . S e p NOW ga. en hstese fr m s oc and ceted by alog idvbn ofsamuepdllae. oe in bGr atton , d the' OfaneoGonshower. Mrs. 3N.Dlacetraingsctdng ofrom ted TWie bnds et at.cing lya ie om s pares nrtai h nr 2 ea BneknanMrs.Rut ac K-ngcafop e doula gcereyoke. Wa Me -enirL . hear ndskrthe bvripal hwrty at the R. iLE' OMNT TR sTwhea hl b is: we sor i te govsi a ndly edn ui wspae y od, rf ,gv hw Pa n s alp p Ah ain e . at bronse f a i t e shes. G M er fT our-tin, M s . S o d n w o as 4 . M s . T o p o ,O r b s teneHair F a i Salo n trsalb ufn t M s ho e rn vy e ang " esco p ne h oosM s' .V nt n, M .J m s R D crîgSec.i$9.s5 grooa , held a petton pBare- teu g ter.The cw hite satini arag y b rh sese o rsntto!N R H - idgcu u lieetand ie oh.cde o que wth enbu talismane om o Ms sin...gel 1 95 tywhen hetbrdebreeivedaorose, andshe ]rneed aMcas Phn.62o511n s, and nylo bth a t.e irosuets ondwhe uto'mums.dlnt etnil-fsindTo poB w av 55RigSt W Bwmn ll, ek staf theI.G.A. presen- Yvennend MiHudson, sisteerl lap. __ ehu]wt eronto, af witeitetimenza ville.- ried Tthe bride, e nr ThefMr.eand Mrs. Roy Wilbert Fulford, who are shown I Severl paries r attienants. br fthe wre attîr- in thcobove phoo, exchdngd marriagevows in th NIS 4 C AT n hno ofthebrieedi int ful dentical nfu-wngh Uite d Church at Whitehrse, The Yukhn, onSatur- I ________ be mriae.Ms.A Mr-stf ittedboic, lim skirt gath- day, Marc 25, 1967 at 7 aicock The ride fsrteafor-usWeRSHI P in 1 . 8 3 0 l er is n nd M r . . rah m ,pi g o s ig t ranenw neslbwendt yelg d lowa h onrsatind a gh erawithM . zl wreh Vtese fr is erbckd e ted w aist lsortmrMsnvgnM yHrns agtrc r n straight .ieves and ronddMrs. La renceeHarrce.Oronm, adntheagroor iandhe i saeu hwr r.Nlcepedineekcln Tey or e snc r n r.WletFlod efrOt whitbadsofaccessolae goiess paantdenesingle LE C LEkjig an rs:uttJc-!ral enyslacs e in e.hererldtead , oW s tte bar ry tthe ta th t ha shwe wqdre b M ssoe shotwhte shotves .'aend'a no n caught te yellew satin atow-tIllOItine. PatronsOIIf'IIiIepurchasedebusinessi£ra theye acarFsiednnaloegOsys ouffater1oudea vil wa -M crtn pcait i Chl rsnainpr eat t talsn reswhite but-in~~~ sine 92" y w enth i der ivd t os and'tums a d tai sa výcuur cleaer, ectri tr aers. ue f ais a Phoo 63--431 ibrshandnyln bth at.ýroesMn. J i eShnb et her m nvlle Thestaf a e t thegoom, uw sonbe st an Mn.3Ray c Whted. - rthe . nip gr oo k i finr ftter the b iod and M .oulsIt rdcoy Seil gfriéoo fwrthe brish ere h rads. RyWletFlorweaeso idntfy shrt dne up by us H'i awasa.teCnian TEuc eatie bid- inRteD A Y e ph towoe-angd mariauu w.u n th satifie . .. s wiI yo . .wh we o yur ecein edweaningal uelc-W HOUUSitMdnday thru SWtutdhorse7:30eaYukota 10:00 p.m Iaundr. ettew itsc alloped csan and whand white acces ason glTec ceiveand crshe c.heaitthed - - Befdree aving tsot ei tnpre!las d o nneg. ha L w. A.c u hd o rsa e . .w Ragin low -lb. 44c i nR eg. 50c te Nigaa alsth bid i r cSP t e Cbuines fomery k SHIRT ! i on eA FULL taLsmNESL0FS GLEN RAE DARY PO U T Mr. JIm MA . * LEMONADE - 9 DPusitI 24eec Loaves2 Sc M OVING 5 ilfor 89DPus 2cahKA tI___ TO OUR NEW LOCATION _ _ _ - ~We Have ntle i-Cond*tioning f<ryu o fr above hotowere arnie in StnGeore's AglAca M.APLE LEAF FULI, UNE OF FRESH WIEE n ABR 33 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Dr. and Mrs. John Douglas Rundie, shown in the W l E NE RS FRUITS *Church, Grafton, on Satunday afternoon, May 20, 1967, Reg. 67e lb. AND R M onday, june 2 6th at2:3 oclo k.Formel M6s8ParVEGETABLESthe ton, and the groom is the son cf Dr. and Mrs H __________B_ Rundie, Bowmanville. Uîe- W. invite you to drop in and se our nw ultra-modern ycel.lonsatnd:uesn-ith itXy grsad ue asa Dector e I<1-I1 II beauty salon. chid crae They will be Medicine in May and stants - ~ M* ccs"'residing in Kingsten atterlinternship at Motel Dieu Hous-1 ýW - ~ - - June 3th. 1pital, Kingston, June 15th. Th riespn two y cars Prier ta er ar ete aSH IST LN t QueerCs University and one bride was honeured at twe D GE Gya t Teacher's Cileg soeg r.Schultz E 1'te u' ya rieseit C ege sees.Ms ivtdPeterborough, and is now1 fermer frierds from Lang-1- - PHONE 623 -2932 0 a. hng at Coronaen 1e the r hsaf omianoono. 101 LIBERTY ST. N. PHONE 623-2344«W ANIL __________________________________________________________ etennial School in Kingstonl Oshapia, aiso - gave her 'a0 this tai]. The groom, ateri sbower.