Large Crowd Attends'.CetnnaSev he tteblrn_______ výô:ɱmE 113 16 Pages RflWMANVIY T P nNuq'a u wv wa s wvm. .-- -- V tA* ANJIRU.* VKAi"ljn2bKA~Ix. .JIN!.21. 1967 iaf eer luop 1UMBEDR 25. as Way of- Life at Knox Student Coi For two days last week, Knox Christian School had over 1001 Taking part in the programn were, from lef t to rigi guests from high schools over. a wide area. They came to hear J. Aldhuis, Russell C. Honey, M.P., Gerald Vandezan speciel speakers and discuss with them many of today's problemrs. A.. Joosse, Rev. J. Nutma and Rev.. .ý.. Vandenberg. Re~eatooWiI HoorOutstanding Speakers Ati Programs Wl Harv. BrittonLvey Su nt'C frn Start JuIy 4th'Iey td ns Co fr i Bocaugso me wil b._ _ _ _ _ eda«K o hita eloebrating ithe Dominion'H l t K o hita Day Holiday on Monday. T-1 Q. fl. t - . .iuly 3rd, 5the »UwIIIévill On June 16 and 17 more Rocroation, Depari mont'a than 100 students gathered at ]Playgrouaditud. Day Camp the Knox Christian School onI wJ»' sUt on Tuesday, .July' Scugog Street, Bowrhanville, 4U1...,ta attendý the second Christian Swiinming 'Classes' il the High School Students' Confer- Creain of Batley will also -- ence, sponsored by the Central oeî"~ene on Tueaday, July -Otro Dsrc Christian dli.Thoe tobe eidai to ~ - -~ ~ .~High School Association. PeBRigo School, former- .:: Young people from many > l. y knowla. as thé 'Boys' I . surraunding communities lined Traiuiî Scofolw*111 tari-M the registration desks: Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Lind- ThursdSay, Payeterborough, Cobourg, îPort Hope Trenton and even from BeVèeville, Athens and Ottawa. After registration tarvy StBrtto they were served wclcome re- RotN A diion wlos math, cwaste reshmcnts by a busy team ao - ,- a~â~flhmctg given .under the. gencral- Jams CCoye S., jo ecoriealniost legzendary, re- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Tm ea C. Coyle t tired. Harvey. S. Britton, TomSenlor f Rdi s a-popularly known as "Mr ti X .HUC., Cobourg, are Hydre" In the bustling Dur- D iy 'a m r =7kla for-. Country 'and' bam County town of New- Wcstern, talent for the De- castie, 'gave up bis active f partîment cf Recreation con-~ business life for a well-earned WAIi i R cév erts to bc held on tho var!- leisure. , e ou, parking lots lhrough Barn in Newtonville, five Bowrnanvllle during jiily miles cast of Newcastle, M ik R b t and August of ibis summer. Britton, now 76, started ha Auditions wilI take place carcer at the age o! 14 with Durham M.P. Russell C. ai the Town Hall audiior- the Port Hope Telephone Honey said today that1 the tmip on Sunday afternoon, Company in .1905 as a line- Canada Dcpartmcnt o! Agri- Jue 25th, ai 2:00 p.m>. min and trouble shooter.,(Lat- culture bas advised that dairy Conty nder hie becamne president o! that farmers will reccive a rebate The tirit onr n telephane company). o! 2.7 cents per hiundredweigbt Western concert wil take In 1911, Harv Britton jon from the 10 cents per bundred- e place ai tic Dominion store cd the field staff o! the Mid- weight export assistance'bold- parkiing lot on Wednesday, land construction company 0n back retained by the Stabili- Jub' 5ih, ai 8:00 power line building for the zation Board under last year's Mr. Seymour wilI ho tthe Seymour Light and 'Power federal dairy program.E master cf ceremonle., and Company. Two ycars later hie During the 1966-67 dairy Mr.' Coyie wtlI ho doing the worked for a short time for ycar '(ended March 3lst, 1967) ealiing. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Too Wild for Mower Promotiond -R rî ::,. .. .. .. B ConneU's Uwm.nW'i1e Zoo ýhas one anufna1, guest that won't beallow- auwg tW,#tOuupid of vistor who on: visiting thepark these liq eroçk>us #ùpnwmod5Ta ndy a«rive I eçmtly. as a #giftrm the Co'porta ¶i In=tly1-they had J ttale îprom* mw<>mr4 bit t e hro andle. Sunbeam's ,iv, ol ý t»2r4sbon abovp with )4s. Connei lmw sa few marks * ve' mm prv Bowmanvile oowlil oW be. Tandy's new horpe. frthe brdtet,4mon tin-old Tandy cÏieu'apprecidte havlng ÇBits ,and. -entenniaI Sln torCoe hneDgB-a Fran O as*Pre pare rstimates for, An advertsement on page1 .h two of ths Issue has beon s wFie P o ct n inserted by the Retail Mer- chants Comniittee of the tamies that a majorlty of Domio mmrcenta ln ,West Darlington Twp. close thefr:tores for bath Domiion ayJuly lot and 5t. Monday, JuIy 3rd. At the meeting of Darling- Accounts amounting to $93,- It la understood that most ton Township Council held ini 062.42 were passcd for py aY industries -ilu the area will the Township Hall, Hampton, ment on a motion by theLoa the e th lsotae te ondyJul i wa dcidd o hvethe Deputy Reeve, secondcd by a A 3rd hMondy, JuIystaf ea ee taae Loc hietesDow Teseinl Apparenty, those who are ire protection from the. City d Wefare $2,147.96, General iWOM rd elsing nticiate hat o Oshaa toset up a fire $51,680.05, Roads $16,000.18, 1co min ,le ownCouncil may proclafim protection area ta include Capital Account $ 13,785.B'Ne0,u sw c Le Monday a holiday so that Lots 28 to 35 inclusive in Con- Salaries $4,153.66, and Roads N w r~ ~ c n there wIl bo unlformiiy cessions 2, 3, 4 an'd 5, and the Pay List $5,294.77. rs throughout the eommunîty. north haif of those lots in By-Law No. 2359 to provide Three athietea fromn Bowd More Information cincera- Concession 1. This was movcd for the liccnsing and regis- manville HIEIgh opl mi n g the confused situation by Deputy Reeve Caz1Don tration of dogs and for regu- one froM Clwkoe::col«eve« 4 'ishould be, ovrMpJpz u4. sronded by' oicio Ra ~igthe running at -large of aome~~. ~mtuwe e. lI tt%5Ab ef d* TURN tOePAGE TWO>, 'tUhée aeboifvt particIjiate hn a: OonUtàUl Discuss Christms ighting.. track and fild meet at ithe ~ University of !New Bruma-" wick, Fredericton, on Zulyý ýnChamber Plans Dinner alers Grg Adams otae BueSimpson, triple andi long JumPor Lloyd Clittonq fromn B.H.S. and javellfr h ~throwor Miko White et. ý's tar ing n , ep te b erClarke. Ontaro coMnandý Ir The Bowmanville Chamber Don MacGregor moved that ei ad Bw mu, IS of Commercé wlfl hold quar- a reply be sent to the PUC Brandi are helping dnfray' i Accien terly. edinner meetings starting stating that the Bawmanvillc ta I iSetember. This was de- Chamber of Commerce does fre tacr I & e g iddat a meeting of the flot wish to have the Christ- Brunswick, now teacbtng hI' - I R ou n d-~ P Board of Directors of the mas Lighting rcmovcd from PitnHcoate Roun -Up CommuntC ntrel ast t e osthe pales or standards, and in te easîern provice Comuniy Cntr lat Tes-intends to do its utmost to and the projeet gradualle There was a two car col- day evening. President Wil- sec that the town bas Christ- went forward. Thore ~t lision on No. 2 Highway at fred McMeohan presided. mas Decorative Lighting on bc 80 athletet, 20 each front S Trull's Road at fine o'clock A letter from mie Bawman- thé front street this ycar. New Brunswick, No v an Tuesday morning. The ville Public UVtilities Com- Tffis^was seconded by James Scotia, Prince Edward i Iul4 t drivers of the cars invalved mission asked for information A. Bell. The motion was cai- and Central Ontario le were David Van Nest, 118 regarding the local Chamber ried. W. B. Syer then moved cmeiin hywo , > King Street East, who waof ommcrcc's plans in regaid that the C. of C. request a chosen on their performance, driving H a r r y Collacutt's to the special -Christmas light- donation of $500 from Town ln, district meets. pickup truck, and Ronald Du- ing for.King Street. The com- Council for the maintenance ________ quette, 23 Albert Street. Dam- munication rcquestcd infor- and expansion of the Christ- ages1 sustained by the t.o mation as ta whethcr the mas DecorativeLighting. Don VANCOUVER VISITOR vehilesamoutedto a 'oC. of C. intends to continue Miligan sccondcd the motion Mrs. Frank E. Walden, Van.- mael $00 Cnsabe oni with this Christmas lighting, and it was carried. couver, spent the weekei4# Stat, OPP00. nstateDon or if not, do the members President McMechan agreed with ber mother, Mrs. Charles SturtOPP inestgatd. wish to bave the PUC remove ta be spokesman when this H. Mason, and left Sundy The Bowmanville Area Am- this equipmcnt from the pales proposai is presentcd ta caun- night ta joizi Mr. Waldcn î (TURN TO PAGE TWO) and ligtng standards. TURN TO PAGE TWb) Montreal. Three Newcastle Guides Receive GoId Cords ýce bchoo DELIGHTFUL - Ken Sumersford, Liberty St N., reports a human interest incident on Sunda) night that is priceless. They were driving soul on Highway 115 shortly after eight when traffi was at its peak. As they approached Leskarî Road, they saw a duck followed by seven littlE ones toddling toward the highway. The paradE reached the edge of the road and waited. Ken stopped his car and across thêy ,Went. Two 'cars Justi et a human being try that and Èe wouldn' last five seconds. i.t t t t HATCHING - A few daysago 11-year-old Tommy Lowery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lowery, R.F. 2.Newcastle, found a Kildear egg that had been tossed out of the n.est. [He took it home and has been keeping it wàrm- ever since. Amazingi; enough, the chick inside;has now pecked through the sheli and on Wednesday made its way int. the big world. On Tuesday mnorning, the Editor received a bulletin on' how to care for young birds and passed the information along to Mrs. Lowery. We'll be quite interested to learn if the chic] survives. t t t t DOG TAG - Irwin Beauprie, Duke St., is inter- ested in locating a person who lost a dog tag. He found one in his garden recently, in the shape of a "B" and numbered 66. However, there is one catch, the date is given as 1914. Frankly,- it doesn'l seem possible that back that far they were selling dog tags here. ï. t t. t t FALSE - About 9. o'clock Tuesday morning, fire- mnen rushed to Bill Allin & Son's Cable Reel rxanufacturing plant on Scugog Street. Fortu- nately, there was no f ire. Installers were putting in a ýprinkler system and neglected to turn some- thing off while testing. The Allins had no blaze, just water all over the floor of their new building. t t RAINED OUT- Newcastle Lions Carnival was rained out last Saturday so there will be another attempt to beat the weather this Saturday even- ing. The second Centennial dance will also be held Saturday. It's been a busy week in the village, with major events scheduled for every day and night.t t BREAK- It wo uld appear that another water eak has develpoed under the road in front of the Town Hall. PUC staff memnbers were busy on Tuesday digging up the road to locate the break. WINNER - Jack Boers of Bowmanvile won the Kin Investment Draw last night for a cash reward of $50. His number was 217. t t t , t - t RETURN - Twenty-two of the top Indianapolis drivers have indicated they will return for Satur- day's rained out race at Mosport. now scheduled for Canada's birthday, July lst. t i. t t t COURSE - Bob Simpson's- new golf course east of tiewcastle is now open and ready for play, according to an advertisement in~ this issue. Things stÙli are not- settled at Bowmanvile Golf & Curl- ing, but should be shortly. In the meantizne, the staff has been top dressing greens to put thém'i top condition. NATUYAL - Iinmediatoly. followinTg the storm on> Saturday, several streetsin town be=aé fast. flowmng creeks. On Church St, _wo by bu 12 years olii enjoyed i# to ThIL ey wer walking home, m In stead of uaing the, ompara- tively dry7 siewalk, plodded tqbted"ePM pat fthe' witer. . . wl çb, c courselà a1pà, fectly natural thing, for boys toda, Wn4er = th" Wned thetr uokled co"dltuomi totb Norse Show CFristianity Stressed 9 Saturday erence Pairade S5tarts 1Oa.m.e.. Crowds of people from . Bowimanville and the suýr- rounding districts will enjoy..... te gala parade this Saturday omîg June 24th, and the Bomavlle Centennial Horse Show to be held in the grounds of Schwarz Brothers Farm, situated off Nelson Street, beyond the old Can- ning Factory; The Horse *~~' Showwith its fine prograxu 4' of 15 events will start at 12 ý: . . .. o'clock noon. The fine parade wil start ~at 10 o'cloc o aturday morning from Central Publice Scholgrunds down Silver Street to Church Street, then proceed along Church Street to Lberty, south on Liberty Street to Nelson Street, and Kendal's Harvey Jackson Memorial Park was the scene on Sunday after'. west' on Nelson Street ta the noon of a Clarke Township Centennial service featuring special music and an Schwarz Brothers Faim. address by former School Inspector Allan A. Martin, B.A. The. above photo it, A. Batelaan, The Recreation B aton sosCak etnilCara r.To.Fibohr lne ypafr ieW.Blm Twirlers will be fcatured in sosCak etnilCara r.To.Fibohr lne ypafrx ide W.Bylmathe parade and the Imperial guests, from lef t to right, Mr. Martin, United Counties Wardeni Merrill Van Camp (TURN TO PAGE TWO) and Clarke Reeve Roy A. Foster. Not shown in the picture, Sidney Lancaster, a member of the Centennial Committee, who introduced thé guest. speaker. tend Many Stors Chnge og B-Law .- . «J5ý4» lfié ppr fn",v wrn'AmviD ex. 9)ieces -