* .?Ii. CBaadian Staemn owmanvfle, Juiie 21, 1NY Recratin Dept. Dancers Present Spring Review The Eowmanville Recrea- tien Deartmont's Spring Re. view featr wus held at the. Town Hall Auditorium on Thuruday ev- qmà before a large and ap- tieaudience. T. A. Fannln& Director of Poecreation for the town, wel- Acd the audience.'He edthe Instructors, Mrs Shre Fowler and Miss Ireni Harey, for their out- standing work, during the pear, and aloexpressed ap- preciation to the Clais Assist- ants, Patu- Blake, Brenda ifureen Martin and Carol Greenham. The prograni was opened by Patay &Blake', spectacular Fire Baton TwirL. Thir, exciting diaplay was awarded mue] qVplause. The new Junior Corps Sail- orettes were pleaslng in their well balanced routine. Thevi solo twirla by Sharon Piper, Janet Lovekin, and Michelle Lamant were perfectly per- fornied. Diana Thertell demonstrat- ed excellent timing in her PONTYPOOL Headed by a few af Bow- manville Pipe Band members of the Orange Order paraded ta the United Church for worahip on Sunday aternoon, Members ai the L.O.B.A., L.O.L. and J.O.L. were pres- ent irom East and West Dur- ham and. heard a very fine sermon by Rev. Bro. W. Piercy. Sunday 'visitars with R. J. Payne included Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Ford and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Webb and Jimmy of Scarborough. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Kel- lett af Janetville who cele- brated their 25th Wedding Anniversary, Sunday. Morley was born here and lived here until hlm marriage. W. were able to sec only about twa innings ai Sunday's gaine ln Bethany, with Ponty- pool being deieated 9-5. Somne errors and wfid pitches con- tributed much ta the locals' loss. Our team had won two fu mes in a row froni Mill- braok previous ta this oasa. If you.are a former student of Pontypool or Drun Publie Schools be sure to attend the reunion here on Saturday ai- ternoon. The dance and draw on Saturday night in Orange Hall did flot draw a large crawd b~those attcnding heard music by the Legionaires restra. The $50 draw rnaney was shared by Mrs. Leroy Hyland and R. J. Payne. BEL] 1baton solo. The foflowlng solo land- succesaful solo twirls !twirls by Kathy Blake, and, Teresa Payne, Shelley V~ P, Linda Ferrlll werc aiso well.stone and Susan Ellis folk M aPPlauded. The Wee Strut- ed. il tera, Nancy Rictmuiler, JIli Everyone specially* enjc. FStocker, Pattl ±irocic, Starthe Irish Liut danced by1 -Fernill, Caria Phillips, and mona Wiidman and Virgi Sherry Cox gave a fine dis- Semple. Patsy Blake's1 )f play. baton act was aiso particul 1- The next portion ai the lY imPressive. [e pragrara was devoted ta a A group ai five tap dan s- ballet entitlcd *"A Flower wcrc particuîarly popu SGarden". It was opened by with the audience. Thef -twa talented young dancers, was thc A BC Wultz Clog de Michelle Morris und JanetChristine Milford, Mary G l- Brown, who lightly steppeca vin, Christine Cox, B; t- and swayed through their Smith, Diane Gales, and L à duet. du Wilks. d Next came the charming The attractive Doli Dui little Rosebuds, Louise PurdY,Iwas perfoned by St y Kathy Hickey, Tracy Badour, Stark, Margaret Bickelli 'e Cheryl Fisk, Louise Kayacs, Patsy Murphy. Patsy B]i 9 Christine Rowe, and Judy1. dunced the appealing1 h Kayacs, who danced an en- Rippies. tcntaining selection. The dancers in tap and s rThe Daisies, Jeani Wildman, were Susan Ellis, Leah W W r Joyce Hancock, Donna Han- ward, Sharon Hamniond, 1 cock, Susun Goudy, Enin rie Andrews und RuthA e Nicka, Edwina Seta, Leslie Cameron. Brenda Hemn Brumble, Amy Chow, and Di- was io'vely ln South Pac. ane Brown, danced a delight- Melody. -fui nuxnber. The Sailor-Cadettes Jui rThe enchanting finale afilie Corps perfonmed ani "A Flower Ganden" was beau- acting routine. Enjoyables tifuily danced by the Spring twiris by Barbara Bar: Flowers, Lisa Nicks, Wendy, Cathy Passant, and Da Trim, Jessica Nimigon, and Nicholson wene appiu *Kelly Hickey. and there wus a stnikinx The Irenaires' new team successful duet twirl by Irt twir was fascnatig toand Nancy Rietmuller. watch. Brenda Henning was eltmdsotwr i o utstanding in her sala twirîs, given by Kim Masters, Jt and the solo twirls ai Colleen Piper and Penny Alini Cook, Janet Bute and Barbara Cindy Kowal's stnuttE Hennng ere lsomuchenýtwinl was memorable. Hoennnd eealomc.n The Shuronettes Juver jayed.Teuni wus the opening ni A new team twirl by the ber ai Scene III. This wasf Sparklettes was greutiy en- lowed by an excellent str joyed. Patsy Blake's strut and and twirl by Irene Rietn twirl included many new put- ler The Novelettes dau terns, sud was awarded spe- twîrî was alsa entertuining cial applause. Janet Townsley, C i n Presentations ta the two Ward, Cindy Knowiera instructors, Miss Harvey and Laurie Ford went thnough1 Mrs. Fowler, were an expres- puces and the intricate bul sion ai the gratitude ai their mavements ai the marcha pupils. A white hand crochet- twinl with ease. Those w ed basket fillcd with white taok part in the attractive1 chnysanthemums and pink shop twirl were Donna Coi carnations was pnesented ta Lisa Fnank, Daphnc Lol Miss Harvey by Penny AI- Angelina Hollen, Bobbi A moud, and Donna Coak pre- Fairey, Ma rijon Williar sented a duplicate basket fil- Sharon Cook and Kathy 'W cd with the same kinda ai liams. lovely flowers ta Mrs. FowIer. The performers in w Gits were also presented done twirl in time were Pc, to the class assistants on be- Mahoney, Wendy Fergusi half ai thein pupils as fol- Gail Byron, Irene Vogel, Jc lows: ta Patsy Blake by Shar- Williams, Sylvia Hallen,1 ou Piper, Brendu Henning by ren Conneil, Sharon McGi Christine Milford, and Mau- Shelley Ferguson and Mori reen Martin by Judy Piper. Pîckard. As Carol Greenham was un- The Centennial ilag tw able ta be present ber gif t by the, Starlettes was spif wlll be given ta her later. did. The spirited preseri Afitecr the intermission, tion by Ramona Wildman a Scene II opened with the Virginia Semple oi the swc Starlettes teamn twirl giveIn dance was greutly enjoyi ini ubsolute unison. A delight- The Starlettes dance tw fuI sang-und dance by Cindy wus also pleasing. Kowal wus Uic next number, *Brexîdu Henning and Dia Therteli were amusing their twirling hill ibu -number. The group fiai twirl provided a. nemankal J climax ta the prograni. UNES by John W. Lowry your telephone manager As my aId Grundmother used ta say rnuny years ,ago, "neither braggin' non blowin' but ... ." and then continue on ta relate some fine piece ai news. Weil, y au muy have ta put up with a bit ai braggin' and bla in' tram auy telephone people you muy know across thc country. We're ail baskiug in reflected glary. these duys following the impact aur Telephone Association ai Canada Pavilion has hud on the cnowds visitiug Expa 67. Why, even uewspapen critics are ru'vîug aven the resulta ai several yeans af planning and work by the major telephone campanies iu Can- ada wha worked us a team on this project. The whirlwind tour ai Canada via Wuit Disney's Cîncle Vision 360" technique proved the mast popular at- traction ut Expo duning its openîng weeks. Same 36,000 visitons a day are cnowding into the cincular theutre lu the Telephone Pavilion ta view the won- dens that anc Canada. Canada 67 la ieaving Canadians wiIth a'çlcep sense ai pnide in tf-eir country and visitons fmcm other lands with a new respect and uwe ut the vastncas and vaniety ai aur land. I hope you will put the Telephone Paviiion high on vaur liat ai "must visit" buildings when you are ut Expo. It seemns ta be the popuiun and "in" thing ta do ut Uic greateat World's Fuir ever. * * * Moving, whether It's off toi the cottage for the ummer months, down the street, &cross town or ta a distant citY, presents qulte a challenge for most honiemakers. MLisaoaithinga ta bc donc can help smo.th the path, bowever. Could 1 ask you ta plesse Jot down "telephone" at the top of that Important Hat? And tien let us knaw Jmat as soon as the date and place ai rour move are set. By lettlng us know early of your movlng plans we can clear up. ail the "behlnd the seenes" work and ensune prompt service when you move into your new dwelllnt. Althongh It usually takes aur Installer@ only a short time ln mmll telephones la your home, mueh nlanninir and work must be donc ln aur swltchlnig units ta provide "bi taken-for-granted service. WMen you let us know early of your movinwr plana, we can plan ahead ta avold a' delai' la uervlng you. * * When you are vucutioning in tiniamiliar terrîtory - as many ai us muy weU be doiug this year - it's good ta kncv that you can count on the local tele- phone directory fon help. If you need a mechanie, a new flshlng rod, a good restaunant, a doctor or a dçntlet youll find listings qulckiv in the Yeilow Pages. And, If you are not sure ai dîaling procedures or juat bow tao lace a call in a strunge town, you cmii turn ta the front pages ai the telephaine book for helpful Information. e g e Sean. bard te baNs,., .eloally yul, monbe nunlmsuetfthe future endbup iR he l,.u- ~h.P.vhsli ne . but »"M 0elFwsm q~ 18> me ont. gub 1Ibl::us$ration et eudut tb npI mnents made for e lu get- still bas a skilful and lovely ' proved most entertainlng es Jýa. ting about the place and or- toc ntepao mIyhsoia vnswr ganization ofai ilservices. tuha h in.mnyhsoia vnawr Wiien ie was liited ta one 1 B 1 Mrs. Isobci Davis gave coin- recallcd. ' day, it was nat profitable ta I po su. iroITI ments o th Moto- ««he heladies adoun 'dtoth I atrulin alon lim, teropast cannot lie changed but'lower hall whcre a deliciou interesting things cverywhere.i. ~ ...~a 'Ti a ae rmfl h cake and ice creami was qerv- Therals~ai as wek 'V U~ftfS u uhLU Ssvd ontitis saine motto ed.t roused plants to grawth, and occasion. also showed the tremendousi SOLINA W. I. 1 Following a suggestion framF ws prprtettea by Trent Ujnlvelity, Peter. amount of weed sceds dor- o ur District Annual we plan MrE.RTalrtnho-A e dsbrgtatMsSile ibei mant ln the ground, waiting.TeJn etigfrSlna ared the ladies with an en-,, te dç Avery, daughter oi Mr'. and Van- for right conditions. Women's Institute taok the ta keep a file ai ail programns. t trtaining talk on his reniin- Mrs. Clarence. Avery, R 0W'~ Impovementforstkin iofa Historical Research Each new niember is ta bç iscenoes ai Sauina. Mr. Taylor ryIm g" Burketon, ha ea th- moe muutyforstbok i n d Current Events, and aguin presented with a Hand Book. described the village as* it was Forum on" the Enta ScholatS - . Ru urhse Rigoo en.honored aur many grandmath-1 Mrs. Joyce Taylor read a 60 ycars ugo, riaming thek * value of $550. <o% oyed when the Austin crter rs. report on, and letters from our familles and where cuch lived.i% a etniaAer18c ,lg >i ena 1" u eev pnarviec grand- sponsored child, La Ching. He also recounted comicalgthryer uon'nMah two champion bull fromiRingwood1 mother received a bright rose Photographs were sh o wn and quaint anecdotes of the adPyis h ae ilai- Farms, Stoufiville, about the' corsage. We are reaching the showing her growth since we pat. The mast important, Banner Passant, Sun Life and Physlcs. he uaa vule iust ai May. point wherc there are more have lbeen assisting hier. The orgunizations ut, that 'tie Assurance Company ai Can- ditradat e ouiiex ig. ces 1ev. A. W. Harding wasj grandiothers than not. report shows ur money has were the Sons ai Terperance ada representtive in Bow- Sehoo gradaineecss lar ntertined t the homes ai Mrs. Jean Ekins, president, been very well spent. ' and ur still lively Womn's manvle, as just returnec. first Mi. and Mrs. Geo. Tufford took the chair. Follawing the Mrs. Isobel Davis gave an Institute. The old Sons af ram a week long marketn g elCs oa g b and Mr. and Mrs . Austin singing ai the Ode and repeat- interesting uccount ai the Tempérance Hall was the forum ut Mont Gabriel inte Ctua oa Gar- on Sunday.' ing the Mary Stewart Collet District Annual which took centre ai most social activity Laurentian mountains near 3arb Sundy chool was hld t the business was transacted. place t Maple Grve in May. and with thé church and school Montréal.Fo OdApJame Lin- the hour ai eno'ciock nM uts er radadf- Mrs. Velma Spires, leader clsPy h ilage wuas a The forum, called to discuss1 stcad af the usual 11:15 a.m. ancial statement given by ai group, taok charge.. Mrs. îlely and good plae vj' the latest developments in through nce Mr. S. Hoidaway ai Culi- Sec'y Rita Fraser. E. Cryderman gave three with muny fine young people lufe insurance, was attended 9 T A T E 8 M A N fsan a s istr visiting with his Our July auting wus decided- beautiful -p i a n o selections, grawing into stalwart citizens by 130 selected representu- AS F E and itr Mrs. Venu Anderson, ta be in the form aif a dinner "Beautiful Dreamer , "This is a.tepeet tives, unit and branch marn- CbA881F13 .8 .ake and other relatives in the held ut the Acres Restaurant Canada" and "Perfect Day". The rail caîl was "It Hap- gens from ahl over North Phone 623-8308, Tap nieghbaunhood. an July 12th ut 7 p M. A granduiother aio an she pened in Saluna". This also Arnenica. skin i Ma- Pinu ning Cific ex- solo -rell, ýaria led, ngly ene verc fudy mnd. and nile .im- fol- ;rutt nul- ince dy and the ton and who toy ook, Dbb, ms, wil- well gg9y son, roun Ka- Liey, nica winl .en- nta- and tord yed. vinl ana in Ilies me ble Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week ai June 12-iE inclusive: Admissions ---- 84 Bintha, 4 female, 4 mnale- E Discharges--- ---- -----7f Major openations ----.-il Minon operutions ---- ----33 Emergency treatments --- SC Visiting houns 3-8 p.m. daily WESLEY VILLE, 18 4 13 ý3 )o Y. (Intended .for last week) There was a very happy party in the school room of, Wesleyville church last Satur- day night (June 10) when neighbours and other friends gathered ta bring congratula- tions and gaad wishes ta new- lyweds, Roy Austin and his bride, the former Elva Robin- son. For entertainment dur- ing the evening, sldes were shown of the wedding, some of other local weddings, and some taken by different peo- ple away on trips, and also many local pictures. Thh; provided something af inter- est for everyone present. A boutonniere and corsage were pinned on the happy couple's lapel and gown by Wanda Ford and Mrs. F. Hoskin. An address was read by Mrs. Ronnie Dinner and gifts of a pale lamp, Mirror, cardt table and chairs, by Ron Dinner,, Jack Fraser, Fred Ho-kin, Charlie Hendersan, and Mrs', J. Fraser, assisted by some of the younger boys. "For they are Jolly Good Fellows", was n Sunday, June Ilth, the' lO7th anniversary af the pre- sent church building was ob- served here. Rev. A. W, Har- ding, naw ai Bowmanville, minister here during the '508, was guest minister for morn- ing and evening services. Rev. I. E. Munro was present ta, share in the services, and the 'choir sang "Praise the Lord, O JerusalemI" and "On Wings Faf Praise"'. Soloist was Bar- baru Dinner singing "Green Pastures." SThe text oi the morning *sermon was "Key ta Life's :Mystery", and in the evening "Struggle for aur Faith"l. The choir's anthems were $%et me walk with MY SaViour" ana "Wit thelicVolce 1 Joy",. jThere was a fine crowd li the. narning but 1leu lu the cv-, 1 gr Austin and Gloria ~<of aiToronto were home Mr dMM HeCtor Darke ~ttwd ddngthe weekend 'f KAWARTHA Parade from Central. Public School to Memorial Park for KAVALI-ERS BAND DISPLAY LIBERTY ST. SU BINGO wiI be special feature of' BOWMNVILL-E MEMORIAL PARK P.Me eM BOWMANVI LU MANY- DIFFERENT AND NOVEL BOOTHS RIDES FOR THE KIDDIES REFRESHMENTS ST (IN S\TrH EB 1GD AW. CAUSE OF RAI N -MONDAY, JULY 3rd) 1967 CHEV. SEDAN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, WHITE WALL TIRES and WHEEI DISCS Tickets SPEL IIAWFOR -~~ - Oc each m 5 for $2.00 19". PORTABLE TELEVISION Z5ufor$1j - AI POCEDS FOR LIONS COMMUN ITY WORK M I 0 9 . for ý 6elo3O