Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1967, p. 15

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Thec Canadian StatesmanBowmanvMelc, Jne 21,lU Court Bowmanville COF Donates $500 for Cancer Researc - - - - . - ,'..Qd8 QofTfranks Card8 of Thanks 1 Cards of Thanirs 1 Cards of Thmùi1m I I wIsh to thank relatives, 1 wlsh to express my' grate- A special thanks to Dr. A. Sincere thanks ta relatives, Pret Family Picnic will be frieUdS and neîghbors for fui thanka to mY xnany IF. McKenzie and surgery floor neighboura. and young friends beld at.The Acres, June 25th. ViW8ta carda, and fruit sent te Christian frienda for the num- staff, Memnorial Hospital, and for visita, cardsa nd gifla Races at 3 and supper at 5. mne while I waa in Peter- erous cards, letters, flowers, ta kind friends for visita, flo*_ given while ini Slck Chiidren's 24-2 bytýCveHospital. fruit and favars during my ers and beautiful carda and Hospital. Special thanka toe iyl oe ab e i ~ Ken Keene. 25-1 stay in Memorlal Hospital fram United Church Women, her teacher Miss Mar Ruth Newcastle on Saturday, July ' WoBowmanville. Minister and Session of Orono Osborne, inembers f St. John's 8 at the bail park, 10 a.m. All I Wud like te express my Mldred Mountjoy. United Church and Rebekah Sunday Sehool. boys and -girls welcome. 25-1 sincere àamb o uresan 25-4 Lodge. Cynthia (Cindy) Vivian. alGrvGudsSaw Staff of Memorlal Hospital and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn. erTaiun28etM. 25- i Wsh ta thank neighbours, bryTa ~n 8 tMs 8Pecial thafiks ta Drs. Austin The family of the late Frank friendsanmd relatives far theirJmeGdesMplGrv And Hubbard for cire during Miller would Hike te express many acta of kindnesa, carda, Road North et 6:30 p.m. Aduits MY recent stay in the hospital. hr icr hkst redadtoeWo0,cilenue 1,3. Laura Jean Wolters. 25-1 th1 icr hnk afina would like te thank rela- gifts, visitsandtaewoSc hlrnudr1,3c carda foer and re natisfo tives, neighbours and friends telephoned whlle a patient in 25-_____________ I wlsh ta thank rny friends, with special thandntioDrns; for cards, visits and any kind- Taronto Orthopmedic Haspital. Zion United Church, (Darl- fleigbaraand rlaties fo 8F. c alnzie F e Drmnt nss. hwcmodrig -y Speciai thanka ta those who lngton, Mitchell's Corners), th.r mny ct aikinnes, n Cie, Pre DeCrssmfnemnnhoptsi îihelped with transportation Strawberry Buffet Supper, Red rossandalso like ta thank Drs. Mc- and with the chlldren et homne. Wednesday, June 28 from 4:30. for cards, flowers, gifts, tele- Cancer Societies and Morris Kenî adUra,*d iaCliff. Reid. 28-i Adulta $1.50, children 12 and Phone calla, visits anÏ d Funeral Chapel for kindnesses. -,eadUra,4das under, 75c. seit atbroen hler. a dnthe staff and nurses af Me- In 25-1ar set a bmoen whle asHazel Miller and Family. marial, Bowmanville, a n d _ In________________ Mra. Lorme Phare. 25-I 1 Oshawa General Hospitals. GOYNE-In laving memaryM NS R BNG Lanson Millson. of aur dear mother Effie who THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'cIock We wish ta express aur Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cun- 25-1 * passed away June 23, 1966. Sponuored by the Junior mnt sincere appreciation and ningham, Newcastle, wish tae_____In aur hearta yaur memory Chamber of Commerce thanka ta relatives, friends, sincerely thank their friends, lingera, JUBILEE PAVION fleighbors and arganizations neighbaurs and relatives for We wish ta express our Sweetly tender, fond andOS H A WA 8-tf for acta af kindness, syrnpathy, the beautiful tea service and appreciatian tea al ur rela- true, floral tributes and carda in the gifts which they received on tives, friends and neighbours There is nat a day, dear Enniskillen Chairs' Centen- Passing af aur brother Ronald; the occasion ai their 25th for acta of kindness, sympathy, mather, niai Project, Canadian Sun- sPecial thanka ta Dr. Rundle, Weddlng Annîvcrsary. Special floral tributes and cards in That we do not think af day Service, June 25, 9:45 a.m.,' lhunes and staff af Memorial thanka ta the committee in the passing af a beloved moth- Yeu.hnoin CaainH i- Ilospital for kindness; Rev. charge and tealal who cailed, er and grandmother. To Dr. -Ever remembered by her writers. Canadian Flag giit Ward for his consoling words maklng this evening such a Ferguson, Memorial Hospital, family. 25-111 will be dedicated. Refresh- and Morris Funeral Chapel for pleasant and memorable oc- the Morris Funeral Chapel and _____ments. Special guests. 24-2* efficient services. casion. ta Rev. Ward a special thanks. HANCOCK-In ioving nme- Came ta Pontypoal and For the second tirme this year, Court Bowrnan- ville The Maynard Famuly. Gratefully, Irene and Douglas. Jack, Elsie, Carol and mary af aur dear mother, Drum Schoal Reunian at ville,' Canadian Order of Foresters No. 904, has raised $500 25-1* 25-1* Brian Elstan. 25-1. Dorothy G. Hancock who pasa- Pantypool School an Saturday,$100truhad w.O o ayte psne a tte -.ed away June 219t, 1966. June 24 at 2 p.m. Programme ' ,0 hag rw nMnate rsne tt Thaugh her smile bas gond at Pontypoal Church at 3:30 cheque for $500 to the winner and $500 for Cancer total forever, p.m. Luncheon served by Research. Earlier in the year in a similar draw, they Easte D K T A SAnd her hand we cannot U.C.W., $1.00 - Bazaar. Every- donated $500 ta the Retarded Children's Fund. This gtanà D K S R & touch,' ane welcome. 25-i photo was taken following Monday's draw and shows tive. aStili w have se manY For ail boys and girls' ages fromn left to right, O. E. Cook, National Director of Oshaý memories lvd 5 - 12! There wiil again be a Public Relations for the Canadian Order of Faresters as a Oi the ane we lvdn Vacation Bible Schaol at the -Awas reemeed b Christian Reformed Church receiving the cheque from Chief Ranger Wmn. Taylor. heade %-W laa r, BrinGry and on Scugog Street. The School At right, winner Robert Jones farmerly af Bowman- the tr families. 25.1* will begin n July 10 through ~OKE-In lving memory of a noe.Sedyou there!_25-3 New Conadian Books Bringint you the BEST FOOD BUYS ai the week Like falling leaves the years Parade on Sunday, June 25th. Picture Histary af Canada and Kelvin Spence, New Lufe -every week - la thme policy on which our pass by, Please assemble at the etn by Nelson, The Story of Can- in Old Houses by Mary Jukes, business la built. We know It - and wewr u eore fyuwl niai Temple on QenSre da od yE .Gilt ninLgnso aaab bN ard at it. When we can buy for less, we are neyer die. at 10:15 a.m., ta proceed to aadian Pro il byes El E. C.luleId a kegend iCanadairit quick ta oei for lesa. W. do It again tht, week In aur hearts you are there the Salvation Army Citadel CanadrianghProvinialSters, EarE. Clakyh le a Spirt S witli new, LOWER PRICES on many aoflthe fine ta stay, for Divine Worship. 25-1 i eNothesTr by Mary Quayle Innis. fosou alylksn uhChc'-ahp Loved and rememberedrtrybMcoad Widie______________ .. cmpre nevîîtwlîcovîc yu yuevryda.Woodview Communlty Centre in Canada by R. D. Lawrne'R S L C U T alaygmpareOr yaur ma cnne u-y aihis Sad y mssd andnee.t ON T R IGO nadanSilversmnithsr1700'.REU T C U T ýIwaY get ore fr yor mony at his fne fod -Sdly mssed nd nverJohnONE.R BanOgd00nyJCons.uitndanMembert aaimb thof th str.be forgotten by daughter al Canadian Glass by Hilda F' Marie and iamily. 25-1w Next Monday Ery CHU K S EAK SHOLDE ST AK a dear husband and fatiier, RED BARN toato nlythe refrieator AN K TEER O LEN P1 altr-. Parkng Whory ai 745 .M Stresai thelyrpene away une 20hS965 A WA recommend food specialiats at Remembrne is a golden 6-tf Macdonald Institute, Univer- MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Reebchai SUNYgoldPARK sity ai Guelph. If immature; 7 5 c De:tp~~~~ ain; MONSERING epeaOshhytedt b-Raw sa&itricta lb i et tries ta break, but ail tomatoes are stored at a cooeha a& itrc 7 5 5T aveta love, and tn t husdyoigt nae watery and flavorless. ___Real__________Board_ L Noi RE APE LAFIs the greatest sorrow ai 7:45- No.1(KEN BALEACON 4.w FRES Tiea wlp RuE6-tfARN B C NBut hste wipe out OSH WA'Z nEST e er- fths Cartwright Tawnship cele- LEGS AOW~/à GR OU IdD WeThe edy a tos appy brates Canada's Centennial, I ~ I Mà When we were li together. June 28, Blackstock Fair -ewLovingly remembered by Grounds. Activities c o m.- 55c 89e CHUCK " 1wleyielen nand Eda gh1tenr ce, $150,intii 5 5 ý 9 ,sparts, chicken barbeque, SCOTT-In laving memary ai dancing indoors and out, fire- MMTa dear father and step-mother worka. Advance sale ai tick- AT OUR C MNI Edgar and Florence Scott, who eta. Contact Dalton Dorrell. U(L M b ssed away June 219t, 1957. 24-2 Assoted lavers Ioking baclc wlth memorlea Haydon Sunday Schoal An- ICE CRE M 6 9 Upo thepath you trod, nlveraary Services wili ha "otdFaor 9 i1 We bleus the hours we had held, Sunday, June 25 at 2:30 Il£ wlth you p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Special udo ' ~ And leave the rest with God. music will be provided. Speak- - WHITE SLICE Always remembered by er, Rev. Chris Dugan, 'B.A., B R EA DJessie, Bruce and familles. BD.Sered4:30p.m.uly 1-ar 25-i Annual Tea and Concert, tea L W P I K E RIMAR scrved iollowed by Variety ad5'Hs E 24-oz. Concert. Admission: adults, ren, 75c. Adult, concert nîiufîee .nnd îstiatîve only, 50c; chlldren, 25c. Al Monrunents -Fiat Mrkers friends pmst and present In- FEHI etufor sur n..d vited. 24-2Pan ONT. GROWN 153 Simeo. St. B., Oshawa 1"Ual uclnaMlont P- tGal.$3.59 -I-- -l D clnr" STRAWBERRIES1 ARRIVING DAILY 49c a Qi. FANCY No* CAhNTELOUPI 29e AVON BRAND CUT SCOTIAN GOLD I ROYAL CHARGERI GREEN BEANS A PLE JUICF GINGER ALE C Fresh New Crop CABSAGE 2I '29 CL ARK'S 'Pork & Boans SAVE 12e YKSTRA9,S (HOME 0F QUALITY) :)MA Fresh New Crop Caul iflower 25dc 723-1002 - 728-6627 at the Offie.Evenings o m nil ROOM and board available. B d itnCu Phone 623-5512. 25-i - on - Personal Thursday, lune 29 HYGENIC Supplles-CRubber Dancing at 9 goada) mailed postpaid in - plain sealed envelope with Admission - $1.75 per persan p rice list. Six samples 25c, 25-1e 24 sannple, $1.00. Mail Order È Dept. T-28. Nav.-Rubber Co.. M rt E 1ox 9 1. Hamilton. Ont. 1-52 M rtme Tour jJUIY 29 ta Aug. 12 Includes Wanted ta Buy New Brunswick, P.E.I. and BOYS iccle sitblefo o Nova Scotia, for only $240.00 c year-old. Phone 623-2097. AiCodtn trCac 25-1 with Washroom TWO good uscd bicycles (boy'. No Nigh't Travel and girl's), aged 7 and 8 yeara Includes everythlng but your old. Newcastle 987-4507. 25-i meals. La a LIE pouitry, aid icather FULLY ESCORTED ticks. M. Piatt, R.&. 1, Beth. mny. Phono 7 r 13 28-etf XP cobol. POTOURS DON'T throw it out! We buy AVAILABLE * just about nything that's aid, Write or Phone an armful or a houseful. TheCO ER RA LSRVE Talisman, Newcmstle, even- OMRTAE EVC ing 987-4624. 21-tf 14 Orehardview DIvd. USED amie In gaod condition BOWMANVILLE Rated ane hour or better: 623-3265 or 623-393 Maximum size - width 25", 25-2 height 38", depth 21". Durham County District Hi gh Scimool L Board, 181 Church Street, L arn Bowmanville. 23-3. QTTTfliTTt7 à T FINE QUALMT MONUMENTS AND MAEKERS 4 =atm or STAFFORD Mon.LTD). SialddIrothers Luum Box 133 318 D«u Bs t. E. - Wfflby Ph... Whltby 8884»5 bJ fI V L i. SWIMMING Red Cross society's New Modern Course ef Remous and SeIf-Survivai For 9ualified ]Red Cross Instruction Contact PAUL WELSH, Phone 623-5050 Aduits Welcome a-10 I I I Banner Shingles 2S"td $6..59 Jiffy Concrete Ready Mix 80 L $1.60 - 50 lb. $1.08 Plastic Covered 50 ft. Rail1 ----$1 99 5 with posts, wire and clips Factory Grade Plywood 90% of the sheets meet GiS quality %il5 x 4" x 8' .... $3.99 W'fi x 4" x 8' - $6.75 114"x 4' x 8' .... $9.25 I I Less 5% discount on 50 sheet GARAGE DOORS a' x 0' XT7'Sm x 0' x 7' $146,9 and now with Goodyear in Collingwood, accepta' from Secretary-Treasurer Milt Dakin. Mr. CO-OIE, cd that Court Bowmanville's donation brought the, 1received for Cancer Research from Courts in ýrn Ontario ta $10,800. The national fund noîw4 Is at $56,600, considerably above the $50,000 objec-' .Also attending the meeting was Keith Clarke bt awa, Fraternal Supt. for Eastern Ontario, as welI. idelegation frorn Court Conneymede, Toronto,- led by Chief Ranger Jack Roberts. They presented travelling gavel to Bowmanville Court. 4 ttention Farmers! SAVE!1 Why pay more on premium quality iASOLINE-DIESEL & MOTOR CILS ARM TANKS AND PUMPS AVAILABLIE CALL COLLECT WHITBY 668u3341 DX OIL Patio0 Self Storing iUUMINUM DOOI ! $24*4Eacli 1/4"Popiar Pyéw cas" $1e20 Carry 'i ' PATIO SLABI Red and Green $1 9#5 7ea, 24" EAVESTROUGI 10 f t. Lengths $1 .19Ec WHEEL BARRO Heavy Duty$ .71 with Air Tire$72 UJTILITY SPRUCE 4 2Yx 4" x B'____ ASSORTED NAILS $5 .50 im Osha ORI C iwa Wood UMITED ,f- .t - .'. Produci SHOPPING CENTIE 728-1417 'ALLONTuTNE NAME TO DUIWD ON" rood Sheet x 2f" w I 95I '099 7- comina F:Vdblnta -1 1 mmmmmm

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