Thileboro Churchn'»wmmm Young Recreason Thespians Present Two Interesting- Plays at Town Hall NwOtroDsg 75th, Anniversary Will beDspye :n a ri l°.On Puic ulig 'oyOnthe estabishment .Of terians nd Baptists e Public Works minise a naifakdb 75 e01worship in Bie- numerous enough to form con- *•a .donelltoay aennoued hto h etni )h, th.e JO'gg., . gregations of their own. A ea diesgn as benscte o remutd ngl ofboCanadas church was erected on the 4th nal umquely tProvica etn ndzdauiu ihv knows, line Cavan which served the na ipa htwl yb-umfre lsi oec urns our shoes needs of the Episcopalians for lize Ontario's participtoninhefradclrofh to warmmig our a number of years. Travell- Canada's "Second Cenuyogrllu lwr urblniet i- g missionaries coming upbProgrs he25 o mreloaton lorare ýhmn, and from Newcastle and Hamil- TeWrsMnse adtewl nld aybidnsi Od©ur noses are blue: ton would preach here or in tdind is nowbingmnua-Mer orno Ogoe al nodawat shall we do? the home of a Mr. Hughes on trdadwlwti h etadsc ulig ln h (Emigrant's ditty) the same line. It was alsoth three or four weeks,apertMcdnd-rirFeeway Tcrossthe Atlantic Ocean only place of worship for the manw Ouldna rolGvrmn cuidb ae sucs tyears 1800-60, was not church people of Millbrook, bru gsandthep r o pr tiesCnrlHalhLbiaoy h nexcursion. It was three miles to the west, and truhu the iproic. eatmnyf ihay ru >neperience which only the as it had now grown to con-.r onl adteato ulig n h eat thl f eurity and freedom siderable size and importance, forof mthesly, hcsmeto1rnpotsdie th iavantages of hv- the need of a place of wor- a p p r ox m ly 1mp fe eti xmnto ete g m urop at hat ime hip as flt t be eede Las wee a fir cowd readh byniñefeetin hight! Th desgn wll aso b *9iEuroe faiies atto me rihin ths elvillage This was b B • fir co was present for the annual presentations The entire cast of both play sh is colorfully composed of the shown on otheroprovincial th hazadus rney omk i in the e ag. Ti a y Bowmanville Recreation Department's youthful drama groups. Bernard R. Kitney, at leftay ir na boerit.ieto r.the TrilhiutheOntarip rs ulig n n rf..Bt nhemles in o bo-The good people of Bailie- ocf low eenand The sy b tho huuhe rvnu 7t an n pecetouh aus Ch oÔn th to Lne Byams Store at Tyrone Holds its Own Centennial Project Ho", lovsN eak3 hild';N.rb theeteniaTse Iueua d t ae tGreafortnes a piece f land was purchased - esile u o0, a 9 teP oi f p r R om Ist in T ui nge h ad n o c e e soC a -fr s Fan y e s, u e s t he..1..; H a le, u p drs aucer1, as tun ty im O ur Second C n u y a d I f r a i n r c p i n c n be derved fr E* . illageof Baiieboroon topJewellry o . 220h,r ls - 9.6res-ndtrives'reamintio his fâavoured nsdet t tin o hnill.n eda ndrick b in a rie okejrofco Fa e bv hsasm lycnrso h eateto héri oes rils d asig e as eed, on thestote ihke;N .13 orieMc-aetefaso aaaadTasot y by.kid, gnerus rienssrvedtheconregaionforln, old-faind dolucr ake; - e and~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jwley negbus u ohn oe2 er.I a hno 2,SNdroes,s oap, Ase said aboust tenut ing old and removed rom thelMaGRieg; or D3 rgs;no. 22 O T ce hsceneso runkenn. aess and de- r mterty.ta dra Jones,1girl'sndr oess , l louchuertat ofedn accom-lehe rese cngturchrwas s; No. 9, nra J; ones2, P sg0 su soby ia eets. and hoe 2 a nroaditwaeas s.opo.Àe -r n r a e a e vaomen wbu hoieedutis er19 yA uhrodo sa TcmnFoitIcesddmsicadi-mnGetBian rn and wehre~tesilyutdetrre o ad. eebro, uiders, athaeTulip PlNt. CnrouhonPnerntoasotgertsadNthradSi1 endurd an discuragmentsbe pid mnthly Thelead ift ouche, Jon's eau0t; hae beenannuncedasef,- ad Teritores, 4c. Prcel tbe mheryttey went baveygazgocinosws xr hoMsPeylw:Th'eveymCnaaOL m sor a it nte work ofn nd the ren s cunr took ^ Gift h . ggPikye or, in r ailRa e L test 0 Werig uhscadlivtigt upytenee ubeMs Crl otheSoe emdMxc, eta n diinldtiso h ak Otaioha benp r et e re onor hip alon e, t af r or at C atle ote taIn,.r thsern Ieladsetdutequr tyor Ps cal .see tedasofte oum n theheevtio adn2dMrs. C M.o ar sehtnPnk25 pentof l padg e rmu a Ofc hesret w o plac e e re m Hi ere-m8thispAceRater r t 2. .... uPatt C a n tinmer ica andfect e stJIndis 5 i otg ae n eswl id nor nt , asl r ts an d . on- boandhmusilou rsd auner3rdpr, Mrs. Helen Nchsol- heah o ne .beom ffctveon1t ct- lnitnsof len. the guidace o f 0.0ate700talented s t on, c$2.00 och e Niki' s Rgsrto es (n a- e 97 ad te flo i ut as eaey n t ravel aing wfe of heRecor.Nos uc eatyaine frextLtus emdatoneto otage-n ad lse fm ilwl eafc iis Ûme was no icme, neith- woder then, as on talks te niedStte, tsPo- d:DOESIC1rna eor*a was threy y o0achdmeme r f the m rstab. ÀMr s rol anra onestessin n.ertre,5cdesdpitrmte n hýcean coruohtpand when mg, o uitythtmmois rng o mn ees vstosatBamsSor n ae en ongter rhai PoS'peaepont23352t cam 5.0;7c o idmnt ntdese'smle,3.Iddid os. n Graasaven ton he taae gn. O rde oerin heol tmepitue$fllngth0wndw th ipinsomnesaprsan mnyote iem e ACunris50c frlndm-- oh tadad rae n b rg ahad ashild it o ilboo o asory ihts s yreor uc o tehitoyofth ae ad t pope.myeotecedig 883 rt (inmu umero PrHoeontesoeoa uchnonl m arnee et a eatia PO n e a a r70-hre enn Nrewcs as le w e S dur tai,25 acs s Iequail s 250i er a xon d b rk" rs ed ntes omef e sis ona t aenye 96ndTeonra ie g Pan nd oel ats a als ree k a t M sR.M s rup rs . a itoMr. e l idPe f c inteld s o t h eaymonuet o nhe e sin.nce 1c saspaa aoa oynr ou adMar r e eycpb an 25 eo ernral CagCoooh ral S gec gomxedupith, adsettlne-assuidthefa Pryvish ofArouuadotertrvllngComssonr fth Boweserondth ntane oth ta e twefale'srN. 1AP L ch Id hefieorsaisladn hePosssontadTeriore møes w ofacs the setl ereo n thisaer msten ur W liaalenDr..t85-sh a w t te cmbn d$iey2eortd-0ih0el Itwo doll outfitte in compete o s.snd ichestarts an north, al sorts and con.and muscBrowmeshuniformss andchhighlyi'sMrs kitchenostwere polished~~egstato blcFhes.ElenNbe(Ws w awith three largetwhiteichefe Thehhandcraft counter.with baked pies andacakes.gMrs. iems caught theteye oftevery Lillia Hoope, Mrs.Gloriaone.hCntredtnethiscounte Cooke, rs. May Ootjrs andwasianand-qudted geen an ý " s ti m e a s n o p i ni e , n ei h - w o nM r s.h eJ o y ceo nH o g gs t hehB r o w n leofwh it et sba b y 'sd c r ibi nbla n k e t w ithx ier wîfs the Bakersbyw ereckeptmbbusy'fillingorsquares-of0em broidered iani- ,pvr witg n. R ads ere usualy l shed fa m lies of t e co n- or m ny w ek s, v steor ds T he delici o rom an m a vs. Th e n m o r i t m g on c a i g P o o o o g ag , h r r ff i e c r d- - y e n w A m nT Y , t a - - S e e t e h a e b e n s e d n g a m s t a u c i e i w c i pS hf o p p e " i n t h e r at ,1 h e -d ri e r lw o ul p oi n t o O u r s n ll ethen R e v.sA r th ure C h e v isr on19 4 3 -y oco r n e re swa stca p a b ly h a n d le d8 . ï&Y s. G ra am s ave n n he ha a e g ne O ri es ov r i g h e old ti e ict Ée fLocum the ns, thesRv. C . M . o d and hronfN obe . A s yo f O n ae a in da s pe r le s c n w e g m n ,till shead ft was halM cLean, t1945-1949; nthe Rev. helpm g wasN ceMissCGail Hovey.o AýpJ1ef b th e w o m e and to ring M rs. AllenA rthur dC hotead1950-1953;e theFiThe glass, decanterrgeMverfnow ing B uying ay, used15carais sabmeh ichildren upon whon the nRev.-L. R.tcPocock, 1953-1955;anwith homemeadelfudgeewasisajor purciase.a zturns to;its.originairleevelnrightewawayeYoure awarenesslismyourngprotection .oithe'Rev. W. R.uCravena1955-rcertainly tempting.gIfvyou wonderiwhatnkindeto getaask the shocksabsorbers areyall right.DIfi When know 196eh Rv .C.Q inregnrucasrm nto l oud rsw 's o stim otat-4he2, ouwhttolokfo, o igreat hardships. He e1956-1958;'theehRev.lJ.nEdgarioccaseton cardsow asnueookedbafter uarercontinuestto bounceorthey ravcanNobuyewithoconldence.l This series jollers would, é end somePalfreyse1958-1962;uthe Rev.sebyfLeeCAnne iHockin anderMrs. D powerN erformancecomforteconomy.of an cnpoor icondition.trhas been-deve William W. Hapur, 1963-, Fi crh encesMnt e, Mrs. Lor e But don' be too rigidaYoulmayeneve Trunk--Openthe trunk youself. The condence in t p buildlyou is n ost c m m o n m e a se r v ed a s ed , hi s is h e w a y t at a H e v e nly K n g dS ta lk er2n de x p ertlyw ih a n d ledwia lla findife x a c tlyH ythe- cariy oue;w a n t.10O n cet ylo c k sh o u lds . w o rk ea sily .T h e lid sh o u ldA . O fnil co e ffltters and Pôrk"(Intended forsolast week) irranged.and toysfrwas neateys estions oedemberoatBazagoodausednheavytuse.leOldsmobilerOKcUsed, CarhDealer. He ,d ,o n w t h h e a w h s k e t h a s o m u c o f o u r a c t v i t i s R c t o , ( 9 6O n a t h u. r ws e e i n h e o n t h e v c e n tP r o f t e s roo m t h1 2 , o l e e C o k, Deo f o r s - - t hea r p a s eoisp o e i o n s a.h c o csJs e.a s a a i a l . . tit1ll d ocll . od y oe nt nlu e he Wili m alac H r rKea drn U.C . at red for -sto od lo gutble of ot e Si n , ar esmernide o . nhat o oo v fr y ou'rabe nw rady to Rg i side r c n ito e a ds le tdt theoMotherdandsDaughterlgifts assa pennyddraw.theispforswhencyou'refbuyingtaCusedhcarsmeMtrth ou w d the largest seection of BOXaPLANTSa the20thoGuidestand Man excelent sec- 2, Look forsreoo ah . But, beefoan ire ou do, oead losrghet use-atadrsYucnb P E T U N I A S "I n"th ene ady ° at h u ed p r o p o s edllth e aowh eri nseD ase vsc eor y ocas e w top -o fh eth isas e r ie s.u cgd v ic e inr ot hewr e stS e a chad o ori nto m a k e Ms u re t h eyu go p eno .s u reh it h atcth eyv ew illn s t a ndd uu pstont h isl dr e e - -cetu coti uintég a, dozer en i fferent coloursin le and oble (o at ito t the uen. r.thoping toswin their ho nice s 8, easily and closen sor . e relyo k ga i m nnddispcin Yuaherlt "as the mails w re constantly hrist CBruceAnnandroPresident uofeThe winnersl fromithenePen- Exeeriorie-- Checkd ttheewholeccar tfortfortrustwearoundkthesdoors.17Rol. each, O ldsmobile CDealer's reputationk rides .i ttngmieg u wtha etRe bG O upLD i n dffe rent o ro urad te rve iee eye Sontnegdte aurg a as roD awTwe e s owe s: ort d rentisanddamg e.Exspectindsomcaewnwa up ad d ow ten gt etes f wt.o.Ta' hwe o u ,=ent explainëd that theequiltaon YvonnemMurdochotraysfronanew. A lotpofcscratchessandnbumpstimperwctionsnindtheeglass.syou'retgettsgcinto. j>rbiýedisplay at thefront ofcthe CanadianiTire;nNo.d227,wBonnieaindicate) that-the carshas had hardousewinterior--You canatelhiaelotnaboutthow andeaetfesgal pantshali as thhCenennia pro-Morrion, ylonsfrom ary and ot jet ofthe dstric mothrs;.hoppesNo. 38, raceyOot-huc cre. Ceck crefuly a ar ha beencare for rom te in 4fi%, mit willbe sent tottherGuidenershpainteset, McNulty'slSportAforn rust spots53-thefrockerfpaneleareas, terioraappearance.eChecktforoworn ",ted to çEV ERG R EENSa-eSH R U B S r'crlm. t19d5; aNonnaNie àroundifenderaopeningsrandoalong thethspotsdonitheeseatsgandotheHmatting. Use 16f -the î;;ba tonDorothyoWalker, Jo-AnnedwMantlengirlsIpantie chrome tedges-especiallydaroundtthegLookvfor missing knobs on thelinstru- Eliz-beh Lmbet àd fom Sedmns'Né 21' Mry- headlight rims. Bo-dy rustcan indicate ment painel. Check for general clean- Rshtte, Teflon trttins ry lns.Ceksatcsin n ak ETC - ETC ~~~~Brown Owl Mrs.; Donald MacGregor Hardware; No. 4, nedfrrprwokIftecomishs.Ceksatuhosadbcs ET(e ETCOClark C pored that - the Brow- Sharon Hammond, bath salts a little pock-marked, don't worry. This for bounice and spring niha sold 373 boxes of from MacGregor Drugs; No. • nra.Steigw e'lpa sa motn We Also Car Good L' ~~~gir gude cookies, and that 25, Carol Trougton, cleaning i oml teigwelpa sa motn WeAlo ary God mie of ne Mountjoy's six had won voucher, Boq nville Clean- TrsTrsadwel a ieaa check, too. Some plisoml u most points for the year. ers; No. 35, endy Hogg, bath Ia S-Ties ad whels an gveraay ,p ayies mabtyR N * SOFT ICE CREAM * FRESH FRUlf Guide Captain Mrs. G. W. Powder from Jury & Lovell; alot about the car. For example, badlymr hntoo he nhsmyTUK " SOFT ICE CREAM FRESH FRUIT Fisher presented a prize to No. 202. Leslie McDonald, tile dne isnictha ue. 'hec mean repairs are needed on theser * GROCERIES AND VEGETABLES Angela Ostner for selling thekit, McNulty's Sports; No. 78, detdrmincaehdus.Ccknete- " GRCERES ND EGETBLE AnlmOst okerrs, an tharar Kelvin Jones, Baby dress, John the depth of the tread in several places ing mechanism. Then check the brake CIA ETTS HNEish ke and ntogleBrbr & Judy; No. 78, Kelvin Jones', t pedal. It should move only an inch or at winni ndmstpnts oapfoacrgrs rg; witha dime. This simple test will give.a yorCHgVO g. * CANDIES * APPLE CIDE R Premgsetints.r'ae oNO. 163, Arlene Potter, mat- you an idea of the life left in the tires sobfr0ttkshod1ftecrhs LSO¡$Dae' " CADIES* APLEZDERMrsStatin e retiringt erial from MUl Ends; No. 205, power brakes, remember to start the * SFTDRNK *BR ADTani Oan Ogúnda Hop-m Deborah Rashotte, bath salts, and evenness of wear. If wear is even, engine first. kai, idLitenant,h MacGregor Drugs; No. 199, the wheel aigniment and balance are' * IK* ETC. ETC. plas to train for a nurse next Gregr's Dr, m e- 4, ud probably good. Wgt-ialyceka- h ihs Th grlstrandwt Brown, bath ci from Jackson's headlights-high-beam and Iow- r ahe brse orta of d g MNe. 11, Fran Bruce, S"0C Absorbais:-- Check the, springs beam; taillights; brakeights; back-up ab pag Th ilm on n 1r p; om1 OC esine ra and shock absorbers front and back. lights;- turn signals; instrument and OS 9 a pageaR A rTheR Si-m af n g °:: o. 5, CaG er nD ii- im ply rock the car. If the front re- dom e lights. b s ffýî iq p t " GrdKedr on Exploes, nthem-scarves, Breilin a No. 227 AT ORMR F AUTO AO SVOG RAed ron E d M B, herume- onin rhn haz, Your CKEVROL E T- OLDSM601L E Franchised Used CaradTukDae AT MNtJeestOnFor ALI enon o enND Ug dRIe ailnos rtwnera n edm theeE e edtray, CanadnAUTHORIZE OK USED CAIR DEALER IN EOWMANVf. OlliFupd Nt bufetAI - ir.m.pOtill 10t ulp.y: oU RO.-- ON#HO LS M OTORS I I E 'M M 6 '"13£ie briefly. '1be girls ýof powder. Jury A Ven BWMAVILE-P-OEW-8.5"