Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1967, p. 10

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1* I~ Cnaja Saeswan, Eowmmnvil May 24, I7C Advîe L ga Contrat Ceeing- Students Encourage Their j:or Farm Partnerships '1t's foolish foi- two r"le labor should also be canslder- lawyer. tq~.peat abuinsstat 's!edasbuying power- The Ontario tpaun n f o;ea te l teyh ig enough fr ne h Failure to have a statement Agriculture and Foadfibas resuit in usually two low fus: In writng as tthcoequen-printed four publications on tratlg inarne , utons On ces should the p0 tnrsip be family farmn p a r t n e r s h ips. taro Ariultra College ec- dissolved van disrupt the farin1 These are- Publication 12, Fam- coomiat Dr. P.A. Wright. busimess, Dr. Wright warns.1ily Farni Business A "eMent If the enterprise is largeiFarm sharing a g re e cm e n t slForm- Public tîon 59, Planning eIough and the father and son ýshould calI for periodie re- Fther Son Agreements; Pub-ý cmn consider a farm partner- newal. Regardlesa of the type lcation 58. Farm Incarne Shar- shlp, they 3hould plan every o! agreement however, 'moral' îng Arrangements; and Publi- phase of the agreement - whoiis neot alwayr- 'legal' right; cation 533, Incorporation of i «)ns what part o! the farni,ievery contract should be in Family Farm Businesses in the work heurs, what percent-1writing and checked by an Ontario. These are avaîlablei age of the profit should go inio;a g r i c u 1 tural representative,lfree of charge at county agri-1 E2ansion, ac ne's personal1 farm management specîalist, orlcultural representatives' offices. ad prof euoa ol.Te onsouldfoth a hired man for his father; both shoudMlgle..Drainage Pays shaie in the decisions. To minimize paying inber-jIq larmer can give bis son part; O e l et F e d of,..the farm as the once-in-a-1 -If you can take a handful of for 10 years. For each $100 lifetime $10,000 gift and the!soil and squeeze water from'borrowed, the farmer will pay remainder in installments Olit, then there's too much water $12.33 per year, s0 the newly up to $4,000 per year. The 0f'l and you're drowning your drained land need only pro- crap," states agricultural eng- duce 5à/Z extra bushels of M 4-H BeefJonndClariutural Shool. coreachor 8exra buhibi of There was plenty of enthusiasm during the Ti-agement by their supporte Ditches offer some solution, Tile-drained land can be Zho rc eta lrkFia a 2hadfr a during one of the relays lat Da y C u s but ditches become filled with expected te produce higher while, the. Vwo leading schools were running neck and students adtahr e Da r lbsilt, buhadwes n ils h il srayt ekwt-h athIetes being given plenty of encour- certain of victory. cows often knock the banks in. cultivate 10 days te two weeks----------------------- Even when a ditch is new earlier in the spring se that old g ~~draining inta it. The ow spots er fora longer growing se:ao, OVV f .C . i t r s A combined meeting of the wrtake s itslogerte bedreytheroClabeplanSnthed o- a l 5.e1C - I's ro g rirr o f Durham 4-H Beef Cal! Club and the field cannot be work- soil is free o! excess water, ed evenly. If ditches are run plant roots go deeper intote5 Jairy Cale!ubiorasdhendionteail the low spots, the cure sali. If the summer is dry, Wednesday, May lth, 1967, at is worse than the disease: the deep-raoted plants will standH yrlENVRs a r ho field becomes cut up into the dry speil much better than tIff Department o! Agriculture smaîl sections. Underdrainage, shalaow-rooted plants sown in Ofatced a film antv le. «Th then, is the answer te these soil that was foo wet duringle Aa f Business of Farming," which problems-and tiling i. the the growing season. HeavyC r e s i omn v l e Ae dWeiled on the feeding of Beef best method. ram.s will be drained off quick- r e s i B omnl and Dairy Cattle and Swine. Underdrainage appears to er with very little damage toe spr !teItrainlsetrhv be ntle banbt nitrrtto After the conclusion o! the be expensive. A system o! the crop. A well desîgned A ato h nentoa hles aebe ntle banbt nitrrtto film we split up into our sep- tules laid in rows about 65 feet drainage system willireff Hydrologie Decade program, on many o! the streams. Simi- of the geologic bistory in the krate clubs. The Presîdent, apart wilî cost $100 per acre. tbree-eights incb af water the River Basin Research larly, automatic water-level area and an assessment o! thel Gery Crnsbopnedth Ye, ocefils rc nsalldper acre m or about 9,000 gai- Branch o! the Ontario Water recorders, boused in green bydrologie praperties of the dBeef Cîf Club Meegd the yet ncwil ast 20 ta 0 ear os-eer 4bu Resources Commission is car- shetlers, bave been installed varjous formations. es aur secretar.y was absent or mare. Keeping the drain Under normal circumnstances yngth byowalgic rser ain pellstrce b sgolgc scin n i-ead the rail call. Mr. Dalrymi-loutlet dlean is the only up- a drainage system will pay for on th wanieSprsvton el. streamfîows often are net w pie the handed out wok-k eT pay for file drain- itself in about six to seven and Wilmot creeks drainage Many o! the wells are situ- visible fromn public roads, P an eefs a nd reference bookiets age istallation, a farmer may years time !rom the extra ated i conservation areas OWRC personnel conducting ti ad then adjournied the meet-,borraw the money from bis yields occurring because of This basin is being studied and on road allowances. Rain these studies on occasion must 0 Ing. municipality at 4% interest the earlîer planting, more uni- because its fopograpby, gea- gauges also bave been instal- work on private property, anti _________________________________________ frm grawth, and better utiliz- logy and climatic conditions led and complete meteorolog- the co-operation o! local re-C ation o! fertilizer. Since the are similar taý thase o! other cal stations will be in opera- sidents in this regard is bath th money can be borrowed for a large natural regions in sou- tion near Newcastle and Mo- solicited and appreciateti, ac- P] 0period o! 10 years, a farmer tbern Ontario. sport. carding ta the Commission. i ca ake a 25 % profit on bis It is boe htb ban spr !tesuis e- Tbrough the International fO investment. In very wet areas, n etrudrtnîgo oi pn, geophysical Hydrologic Decade programn, g the return 15 even more spec- the hydrologic conditions in surveys and saili misture in- studies of the water cycle are *tacular. On land generaîîy fao it, if will be possible te apply stallafions aima are being car- beîng stepped up ta increase ed wet for pring planting, or what is learned dîrectly te a rled out. the world-wide understanding El possibly too wet for fali barv- large portion o! the province. The geological mapping in- o! water, wbîcb is bigb on L esting. the system will pay for Automafic streamflow re- cludes an examination o! the the list af important natural L Townshiof arlingtoli isl in two te fhree years. corders, boused in small white mils ln the basin in order ta resaurces. w * You say you cannot afford dedanyu ad e uto drain your land? ou mustor bFr t .ln ta m n fte land will drain away your in! ;';" ' Fistintim ntof uraineypurt.ndprpePyorblic iltis M inutes f ApA regular meeting o!f thc wax moved by R. Stevens, solicitors. Carrieti. r TXSMORRISH Commission was held ln the seconded by I. Hobbs, that the It was moved by R. Ste- 54( Commi&sîon's office te Manager write L Vernon vens, seconded by I Hobbs, cal I __ W . . shrtbuines essono!evening o! May 9, 1967, wifh Waiker Insurance Adjustingfla the Manager write the mi the U.C.W. was held on Tues- ail members present, W. Car Ltd., requesting them ta ad- D u J n e truthers chairman. R. Stevens vise Murs W. . Fran, Muton da vnn nteSna 1967 . Penalty of 1% par montis charged on ail unpaid a à first instalment taxes. eNOTE: 3% Discount on 2nd instaînient if paid on or before June lst, 1967. «ATTENTION: Ail current taxes must b. *paid at The Bank of Montreal, Bowmanville or Oshawa branches. W. G. DALLAS, Treasurer. uny eesigi -cn uIIUEy Scbool prior ta the open meet- ing in churcb at 8:15 p.m. The minutes o! the April meeting were read by the Secretary Mrs. Milton Bromacambe and was adopted as read. Final arrangements were completed for tbe Centennial cold meat supper ta be beld in tbe Sunday School. This is instead o! the usual straw- I berry supper. There will be a sow ! ntiques andi otheri feafhure-s. 'Tbe June meeting' willl be held in the Sundayi Scoo on June 2th at 2 p.m. The starting o! the meet- ing Incburcb was delayed by a mixup o! aur guests' sched- ule, bowever everytbing work- ed out satisfactorily andi upon the arrivaI o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bickle the meeting openetiE witb hymn 277, "Lord, Tbyt Mercy Now Entreating", Mrs. Helen McHolm at the piano, and scripture reading by Mrs. Milton Brimacombe a f t e r wbich the President Mrs. Mor- ton Heni4erson introduA,,,.mi PAINT Up NOW FOR CANADA'S (ENTENNIAL With "MyFavourite Paint"là SCARFE'S FAMAOUS "TrHIX '11 MANUFACTURERS 0F HIGH, QUALITY PAINTS SINCE 1876.. and ayor1. Hobb.- Un motion o! R. Stevens, seconded by I. Hobbs, the minutes o! the last regular meeting April il, 1967, were approved as presented. Car- ried. Accounts o! the Electrlc Department for the month o! Marcb 1967 amounting ta $56,936.73 were presented for Commission approval. It was moved by I. Hobbs, seconded by R. Stevens, that the ac- caunts be approved as pr. sented. Carried. Accounts a! the Water and Sewerage Departments for the montb of March 1967 amounit- ing ta $7,191.77 were piresent- ýed for Commission approval. It was moved by I. Hlobbs. seconded by R. Stevens, thaf the accounts be approved as presented. Carried. A letter !rom Mrs. V. Frank dlated May 5, 1967, concerning diamage caused by a back-up of the sewer an Scugog Street aras read. Affer one discussion it 1 guest speakers, wbo are weil known ln this community. M .Bickle thanketi the preident for the opportunity given to carne and speak about the wark o! missionaries in this part o! Germany. Music is anc o! the main interests in God's Work, especlally amiong children. A bymn "«Open Your Hearts" was sung in Englishan GermaMs Bickle playiangthe accani- ment on Piano, foilowed by a piano solo. A vocal action sang, "Only JesUS" was enjayed, aimoaa dcîet, Mrs. Bickle playing a Piano accordion, Taking as a taxt, 2 Timotby, verse 2, "Thou therefare - ny son be st rang la the grace that Is ln Christ Jasus", Mr.1 Bickle gave an interesting talk of work being done £or Christ amnong the people o! Saar, Germany, especiallyà among children. -Tii. meeting cloaed with hymn "My aniy hope must be in Jesuse ac- eomp aniad by Mrs. BiekIe oni the accordion, and prayer. 1 1A number o! filmns were1 shown illustrating the surn-a mer vacation work o! a ztu- dent, a silver collection was takan ater whicb a maya wax made ta the Sundayt School for a social hal! hourr with a ligbt lunch. U.C.W. membars fram they four points of Welcomne Charge t Were present ta enjoy tuis very pleasant evenlng. Sunday Scbool was held atn 10 arn. on uSnday, May l4th.C There was a verY g9c0d attend-d anc.. Mrs. D. Haines, Super. C intendent, conducted the pro- u grami for Mothar'. Day Wth, the help of teacher and Junior Choir. Hymo 524 "When Sun RaYs Crown Thy Pine-elad e Uis" was sung. This iiymn tc for ?;ewfoundland was used for Canada by cazigthe nasse cfprovin . Tlie Mrthi- c day oxgaîned .il cents, lm reeted by Mrs. Milile me_-w em Whose- blrthday It was. S The usai tretinitwere uung v -0. rrS., .LlauLI.I& IGould'and Wm.*Klptrfrk of tbe decision reacheti by theni lu this niatter. The Manager rwas also instructedti t senti a coPY a! the letter ta each o! the above named. Carried. Letters froni the Commer- cial Union Insurance Graup. and L. Vernon Walker Insur- ance Adjusting Lt d. coriceru- ing the above were reati and fileti., A. latter from Ian Butler P. Eng., Proctor and Redfern Consulting Engineers con- cerning filtration o! the- Lake Ontario water supply was reati and filed. A letter fromn Mr. R. A. Lawrence, Manager a! the Napanee Waterworks Dept., in reply fa aur inquiry as ta the operation c! pressure f il- fers used lu their operation was read and fîled. A list o! 23 accaunts amaunting ta $496.89 covering final. bills ta persans who bave left Bowmanvilîe witb- ouf, paying their final bills since November 1965 was pre- senteti o the Commission re- questing that these accountm be Written-o!f. The Manager advised that these accaunts will not aIl be lost ince we coilect many accaunts tbrougb the co-op- eraf ion o! the Utilities serv- ing the areas ta wbicb these persons bave moved and fail- ing collection tbrougb the Utilities the accounts are ;urned over ta the Coilecting Agency. It was moveti by R. Ste- vens, mecondeti by I. Hobbs, bhat the attacheti accounts be Aritteil-off and that every effort ha madie ta collect same. Carriedi. A lettai, frorn Central On- tario Trust & Savinga« Cor- icration re: short-terniin- vestments wais reati anti.fileti. A set of! Plane covering the construction* o!,watermains and truk sewers, Joseph lett subdivision Parkway Ave. was submitted by W. T. Dempsey P. Eng. for Coin- mission approval. The mana- ger was instructedti t check th Plans and autharized. ta Rpprave saMin f ln order. A latter !rom Ontario Hy- fro with details o! the Elac- ical Modernization Plan was md and studied. It was movad by R. Ste- ins, sacanded by 1. Hobbm, bat In accordance wlth the itiOn guide. outlined at the neeting of« May 9, 1967, this %OmnlasiOn Participate inthe )ntarico Hydro Electrical Mo- lrnization Plan lncluding ansumner- Flnancing on thii. îderutas*%lg O thte Corn- Ission reserves the right to ithdra* from the plan hould chandu. became -nec- Mary whicb are unsultable tii. Commuisson. Carrlod. On motion o! I. Hobbs, sà«- ided by R. 8teveîs, tha tanager 'was inatrutadt rite Mms H. Webb. &own treat, concarrdng their pru- ate sewer upon receipt o! ritten 100u1 advice from our Athietes Dl hcim Now Has Ifs Own Sen ate Member Many citizens of Durhami degree, Mr. Thompson served do.not realize that this county as a probation exrrtad now bas its own Senator in helped forni an adutpoa the persan o! tbe Honorable tion and parole depar!ei Andrew Thampson o! Kendal. for the Goverammt OF-Br.. The former Ontario Liberal tish Columbia. In 1951 Mr~ leader was elevated ta thé Thompson joined the Citizen- Senate early in April.shM branch o! the. féderal Mr. Thorapson, 43, was borncil service, and was assign. in Belfast, Northern Irelanti, cd ta the duty of openlng of- and came fa Canada in 1940. fices in Ontario for the cif i. He studied at the University zenship branch. In 1957 Mr. o! Toronto and at Queen's Thompson joined the- CBC as UJniversity, from wbicb he a national program organizer abtained bis B.A. degree in witb the public affairs de_ 1947. Mr. Tbompson received partrnent. bis Master o! Social Work de- Mr. Tbompsan bas served gree from the University o! a the member o! the Ontario B rit sh C o lu m b ia in 19 4 9 . I L g sl t r o D v r o r served in the R.C.N.V1t. rom ince 19ture fornDoereubrt 14 o1946, and attained t1959, e w S e ptembeaer rank a! Lieutenant. o1964, be waePartediLeader A fte a b ain n g i s S . ---L ii l cP a ry in m a ofie>ilovemer, 1966, be- cause o! ili-bealth. Mrs. Tbampson Is the for- mer Amy Riisna o! Toronto. WELDING tSUPPLIES$ Eveythngyou need Ifor weldinq and cut- Iting Liquid Air in- * g dtral gseeup-g nient apd ui *safety goggles etc. For fatservice canlus. FOX Welding g m Supplies Ltd. 1: * 25 GRENFELL ST. PHONE 723-7743 I UHRZE ta, is estimnated at $528 million. Other major awards an- nounced were: Chase Brass and Copper Company- nearly $2.5 million for coolant tubes for the first two units at Pick- ering. These tubes pierce the metal tank that is the reactor; fuel is piaced in the tubes and ters. This Photo was taken the coalant flowm througb te î th day whn Clrkethem araund the fuel ta carry rte ginge al ouf to markelaGe the heat. ýre oingallout o Mae Gneral Gear Limited, To- ronto - abaut $1.9 million for end fitting assemblies for the Chamber o! Commerce asking first two unîts. These are the if tbey intendti t continue ports thraugh which the cool- with the decorative lights this ant flows, andi through wbîch coming Christmas seasan or fuel is inserteti into the re- if they wish us ta remave the actor. equipment from the Commis- Bingbam Pump Company, sian's pales and standards. Burnaby, B.C. - nearly $900,000 Carried. for 16 stand-by coolant pumps and motôr assembiies for four I Crane Canada Limited, Rex- Hydro AwardS dale - about $500,000 for 16 "headers" for the first two units. The beaders collect Contract for coolant from or distribute iftat the reactors. I I Pickering nuclear power sta- N ud ar ue tion is being built by Hydro, and was designed b' Atomie A nuclear fuel contract [Energy o! Canada Limilted and 1-rt ma e a 9,poe r Hydro io as annaunceed today by Ontario Hydro. Canadian General Electric Company will manufacture the estimateti 420 tons o! nat- ural uranium fuel for the initial ioading of Pickering's aur reactars. Deliveries be- gin in May, 1968. Under previously-announc- d long-term cantracts with Eldorado Minîng and Refining Ltd., and Rio Algom Mines Ltd., Hydro will pravide CGE' witb ceramic-grade uraniumI ioxide powder (U02) with- )ut charge. The black powder will be' ade into pellets by CGE at oronto and fabricate inaio bel bundles at Peterborough Pickering'm four units will I 10 ino service, one a year,1 rom 1970 ta 1973 inclusive, at 1 10,000 kilowatts each. Total ,pitai cost of the station, 20 iles east o! downtown Toron-. A ttentlion Farmers SAVE!1 Why pay more on premium quality GASOLINE-DIESEL & MOTOR 0115 FARM TANKS AND PUMPS AVAILABLE CALL COLLECT WHITBY 668«3341 DX OIL e yotJ .~aOur town's got one place to find tha do wîth heating and awater heater or a ing contractor to inntd neeci, your YelIow complete ventilatingj 24-OZ SiZi Fiuest Naturolly Aged Red B rand Steer Deef AST A. ONP iHfTE, NO. LAROJ HRAD, SIZE UN. ILFLOWER "LDE BONE REM,VED lb OMShort or cross. gxo.Ihvtt .Fo UBraisng BLADE STEAK I 1 hU. 'c- IrENULATEX I~~ ~ ~~~UE AVLII1teNEIO AIULAT SEW-,GLOSS- HIGH GLOSS - EXTERIOR. -DJSTUMM EDBY- PWMLIAPER a"~ % S.W, sowmuil Pouty WLIYS. IMAL, STOREU pw.1 -ontmwl. J ~ -.-.--~-~...---~-............... .............................................................................................~.-.

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