'.r'V*..-4'...... SPORTOPICS Ptibqe i t w»s bom ho b.w4a aMU* bit tIUm uw tabbela the Mco gMeMMat Vu«W fflua, 1W AMI t, ChOi t, alehébckw banquet, apoits êlbrtIs dique Spil g U4 liet fflfansemverl stremueus budMIton Orabut whotever the renom, the. 4d aibe bei a bai U « aielled Oake Lumber a GéeaiLuaber. Quelly twk a o~At lthéatuam Md suiée eough we me WrMg Tbunwe hdaaftbU , oa ase6-1 inst wiet 8-, ud t.tu that the biotntaa ad won tbhe 8M provbbcW ial 1.for. Bey. uIaaviUe.wbat w. rasantte a auiu- te m bai uap. tured the.firt bauntm, rhopoaip. Wouldnl u't e ven a Meft bs badi If smose bai lae. phenei te teU us of oui miutakuas, but noosuch bock. Nov we're wmndorig If w. bave any readem ra, e f 11eylustit corry for us. To top If cg, nmade au aumpiclous début et seomd bae for Stephen Tuels by rniflag eemplet.ly a routine pop-up by Tom Pearso. At lont vo helped Toni'à battlag averagi. Sure wua sbad veel. + t t 1t t MOSPOBT RACE CALMNAR Racing eur fanawllbt able to bave botter vanttge points fer viewlug Ithe zooning autos at Moapuit Ibis mmaon. TIres - randstsnds ach seatlng 2,500 people are nesring compleblon lnU lme for tf. 5maIbig rae of lhe year. Two cf Ibe structures wilUl e opposite the control tewr at thie startfinuah lino, wltb the ocher on the top-upftd baol Gaveral sports car buoDs have luqulsod ai te the asedule of races Ibis eson, hon thie Oak Cup Races wers lield M.ey *131h vllb nisny people unaware of tbe tact until they saw -the cars hading tbrough towu. Foflowing lh the remainiug ?Mogport caisoidar cf major e venta for 1967, whicli we suggest you migit clip sud save for future refereuce. lUNEC 3 - Spring Tophy Races June 18, 17 - Tii. Telegrazn Trophy Race (200 mile, for Indy cmarssd drivers) Ji i - Grand Prix foi maotoucycles * JuIy 14, 18 - Cawartha 250 (USAC sud NASCAR late modoi stock car) ' Augusi18, 19 - Sundowu Grand Prix Anguet 35, 26, 27 - Playemas Grand Prix of Canada (IFormula 1 - Woild Champlonslilp Xvent) 30ptombr 9 - Indien Samner Trophy Racées September 33, 38 - Can-Am Seriez for Sports Cars Ocbeîr 7, 8, 9 - Wmn. Celand Mémoral Races SOLINA Unusual Entriks Partcipate in-hthý an 5~d Cuic a th frstural St G 90Y S1it was observed ln Rundie . Piley wmdgg Set. Sunday of Peutecost. Rev. C. Church ah Gnfiton anthe Cate used as is sermon reception following lu St. «Wlnd, Tangues sud Fic". John'. Church at Part Hope. >...... The. Choir sang as thelr an. Mus. Day. Laphaux sud girls, them "Bring Sunshine"$. A Hampton, visited recently wllb report cf the Bay of Quinte Mr. snd Mis. Geo. Knax. Conféence was given by oui Mu. sudMi.RsCrd. La y Delegate, Mi. JituMMts.- MmBl osud L ry voue ures cf Hampthou. There will Sund ay tea gues wït.î ke ne mouuing service cf sud Mis. Harry Knox aud c1ucinext Sunday, May 28th boys. t0observe Sunday School Au. n u is oetFoî,-:~~ ivensarY Services to be held Jane sud Isabelle, Colunmbus,~ r~ ..~ ln the oommunlhy hall. SeOvers Sunday dinner guests ' :~ r' Ceming Eveuts fer fuither de- wlth Mr. sud iMus. Mura y ' talla. ~~Vice aud failly. *. . * M r. s u d M is. Ro y L a ng . C o n g a tu la to n g 1 0 1 M r . L a n ry------ ---- znaid sud Sally attexided En. Broome who rectlved ig Au- These thîee entries in Bethany's Centerinial Parade on Monday drew con- likiillen Anniver.saiy Services sociale Diploma lu Agriculture siderable applause from a large cîewd of spectators. Top photo shows Ruth Rose sud voeetes guests vith Mr. at the Graduation -Exercisesuh ansd Mia. Roy McGIII. héld at hie Guei Uandesit c dog Sandy who stayed in the carniage, enjayiug his fiee ride. I h a Mr. sud Mis. Wesley uHil on Wednesday, May 17th. Mr. Patrol enlmy, froux lef t te right, three members of the Baker family, Walter, ansd familY athcuded Tyran. sud Mn., Lloyd Broome sud Richard aud Paul. The single column picture shows Mrs. Kelly Munro, dressed Annlvensary Service ou Sun. Ted atlendedlthe graduation. li clothin o al n13.we. leCvnBaeswr on tog day afteruooi-when 1ev..D,'Mlii.. -joan -Wetlaké sud ig onýakJ 82,hn-h-aa lzrwr on.so Arsoitai ouricevas1e Shirley Westlake and Mr. Bob speaker. Blackbhurn cf Salem vsîdA Mrs. ohn Kotendance witatn.Expmovt'67 Noucy vlalted on Sunday vithIMr. sud Min. N. Tc'Taun.A t e d n e a x o ' Uis. W. A. Knuox sud Mr. and ton. lira. Howard Malcolmi of Sunday visitors wlIlu Mr. Brougam. sud Mns. Trank Wéstlake asu Mi. sud Mn. WIU Tonkn, werm Mr. asunMi Osaavste eenl wt '"0 Xre M hl:eWiI Ne tvepàr be For gotten Mis. N. WOtten and famllY. Oshawa; Mr. sud Mms.Ron Mee.atandeds Ws Yeflov- Bicorne sud Kelly of Bow. leesattèded surrise manville; Mr. Lairy Welsh cf for Mi. sud uMrs xlf n S su adUnJean Bke.'ay .Speaker at Roitary Bawmauvllle, on the occasion Mr. Ches. Allin, Bowmsu. c f h e i r 2 5 th w e d d ln g s u n i. v ille v i s t e d r e e u h ly v i tI M r . Teis r a s d o p r u - w r .ý p nt a f t e o e - l h m vonssry, Satuuday eveulng. sud VI. Boy Lau maid. Tcusrasdopru.wu .Norton, Orillia; John aetaih.vn-l em Mr. sud Mn. Isaac Laimer Everynelrurminde cf the lty given by Expo '67 ho view Kiomps, Lidsay, Ted Orci- M n sd His Weild". The and Ken of Keeno; Mr. sud public meeting for tie tex.Ihe mauvels cf "Man sud His aid, sud H. Fiant, bath af futunistie style apailment com?- Mis. Ralpi Larmer cf Black- pYors to le bold in am Wald" was descnibed vividly Oshawa. munihy called 'Habitat '67', is stok er Stumayevnig all on Triday, May' b6A aronNarsta- Piesident Bob Stevens cal- exccediugly interesting. geiste wlth Mr. sud eMn. 8 n.m. ville, on Tiursday ah thie d ou Stewart McTavîsh to "Tiere are five baud-ohella, arve Yelowees nd am.Mr. nd n. . C priserBowmanville Roary Club's inîroduce thie kuest speaker. a 300 Yacht marina, thc groat Yefove. sd an Bb su d n »C TSunerylunchean meeting iu the Fly. Mr. MeTavisitld thie club amusemenh ares, La Rondo, Mr. an Mm Hsudd Bob wvh Mr.ad Mm.neScaInda iman Matou Hatel. tiat 1fr. Nairns stanted i the a huge sladium, lie art gal- row, Orono, vêre Sunday Csithy sud famllycf Barri.. Tic blthidays af Bob inaurauco business lu 1937 lemy with masterpieces ao guetta wlth Mr. and Min. Geo. Misa Lynne Brickei of Dykotra sud Dr. A. W. HarrXis aiter an outstandiug studeut painting sud sculpture, snd an RLnox sud famlly. Kitchener viilted ecenly wfti vero celebîated by their tel- careor duiing which he iad encyclopedic range ofiahier Mr. sud Mns. Ross Cryder. Mr. sud Mrs. R. ryasser sud low Ratarians. Guests î»rs- been a geld modaliat at Mc- entertainment and diversions". insu o i e u eslsa i l e fa m ly. nt eallie luncheon m eeing G i U ies i bath Arts Mr. Naimus said that ail of -X.6 -;J . , an.~ sd Law, sud had alse attain- tbis is massed on a 1,000 acre The .Act is in essence' the receux- Within a matter of a very --wê s ed. success lu poat-graduate site liat is landacaped, fesheon.. mendation of the Select Committee but years 50%7ocf the population of the studios lu Englaud sud Fiance. cd vith mini-raiflolaps, sud was medified te allow for a deferment Province will be hwenty-five years cf Mr. Nairu ha. icld a hep jewelled with spakig lakes, -)f axe on he roprty f èderl pe- ae orundr. O th oter hnd he Oxocutive positionvithi lie canais and lageons. "Tic plan. ~f a x e o n t h t p r a e rt c f e l d rl y p e . a e o u n e r. O n h e t h e h a d ' h t P ru d e u ia l in su is uc e C a mn p an y ue rs o f th s g re a t ce le b ra t io n sons over 65 years of age. The resultlnÈ lengthening of tht life span has resul- af Arnenica forn many years, af Canada'. Centounial af Con. Sloss cof fax revenue ho the municipality ed iu an increasing population cf people Mi. McTavsi 55id. fedenatien thought big lu ls pai4. fer by the Provincial Govein- sixhy-five years and over. Mu. Nalmus« was mail en- henms of scape sud sizo. TheyI ament and is interest free. Witli lhe grcwing demand for high. voudiata ben discusing tie alsa made dehaied arrange. wonerio e sa a Expo '67 monts fer visitais' cucature On thie deathicf tie property hold- ci educational standards, young people sud lie great centameut cmis aueiucesu en or sale cf tic properhy the deferred -are dependentfor an increascd number te be onjayed. Alteudance at pleasures," ho pouuîed oI taxes arc paid oul cf the estate. cf years ah great cash. Significant mcdi. ExPo '67 Io a "must"' for every- Mr. Naîins' accaunt ofthie On introducing the Bill, The Hon. cal developuxents and early retirement one, sud a unique experienco glanies af Expe '67 vas Ill.. tat will neveu be frgotten, stated by a beauthfu seue. ourable Wilfred Spooner emphasized have iucreased tht dependence cf the Mr. Nairus stated emphal. af colored slides liaI siavedI thaI the programme was an intenim senior segment cf oui sociehy. Ically. many ofthie dazzling attiac. one, and tiat further recommendahions, As a resul the middle productive "Thiaishle fit truc lions. li. aIse spoke cf thoe ý xpected in the Smith Report on Prov- group is bearing more and more cf the Wald's Pair ever held inuthie ouderful Rotary Rase GardenI incil-Mnicpaltaxaion wold ro-tax urdn. an e afordt lac an Aniericas. Th.eue ield lu on St. Heleue'a Island,thie con. i n c a l . u n i i p a t a a t i n , o u l p r . h x b r d e . C n w a f o r d l e l a c a n N e w Y o r k s ud l ie an e l u tr ib u t i o n o f R o t a r y . I n t e r u . :vide further assistance. added burden on theux by subsidizîng Seattle voue ual recoguized as thouaI ta Ibis great event. rn J was fel howeven thal in ilder thucugh tax rebahes bothitic clderly sud suci by thie Intenational Avoec tika aM.I 4 to assist eldenly people, wio are ïu the heirs le their prepeîhy. Board icentral ai tic se great Naufrhimpedi d grolsn hihoesomehhing Tht Governmcnî gives the follow- ehbton.Ep '7hs re d asd tic preseutation cf ~.pge of osiu hei homs, alved this recognition fromis fine suides vas niovod by I~*ud b. donc befone tht next session iug reasons for d.rafting the legislation tie vorîd authorities b" ful Glenn Macteod. Presideut ~o.tht Legisiatune. lu ils puesent form. filling ail tie exactlig r: Stevens aise expieased hhs The Bill neceîved second reading 1. Il gives timely relief la elderly quat onataifor tie ousitnd persoual appreciallon te tie Mouday, May 8th suad, although people ueduciug tie tax load onl stnas cf excelece but by giest speaker. cciving unanimous approval lu pnin- Iheux ho appreximately the 1961 surpasslug prior eues". ple, the deferucd fax clause lu tie figure. Thc importance of planningib p p c yp pc a, n g e'67 vu em p asI sd b y 1 . T arties. essary relief ah 11111e or ne cost to Nains. "Decide what YaU General public meeting of aker for the N.D.P. augued fiaI thelocal laxpayen. wlvauttlao ece sud vien haxpayers, Hampton Town e hol be re-allocal ion nf es.- Theaxpayeron l o ecle o arrive atthie Place d'Ac- Hall, Fidy, May 26, et 8 px.rn . nsibilitiese bclwccn the Province and upan ho subsidize the hein. cf home- c': thie main outrance sud Ail membeirs ai Councilisud uicpalthes ;velcome place for'via!. Sciaal Board have been i-. e Muiiaiis with the Provincial ovuers as well as fie pensiouens hors, go-o thle inforaion vited sud Borne aree ected overument assuming immediately the theniselves. centre thers viti your 1151.tetd. SeCmlg enI. t of tht administration cf justice, 4.' Il eliminales auy possibilihy cf abuse The attendantsv lo ae Mns. Luella Joues upent th. what remains of the administration by childien cf pensionens wio have a comprehenslve Pla noule holiday weekend 1fr. wefr css n diioteN...Ig liaI yau viii e eaur.wr. welfre osl. l aditin, ie .D.. fot assumed over fhe years any ici. to vlev vial you v sut insud Mis. Walter Moore, port- sed the faking oven cf fie bulk ponsibility for themr panent. veli are. your avalable te.ToseHp. - educatlenal coels by a phased prog- .5. Il -issan inlerim measure until rtc- everYlhin aIt Expo Il voufld 1V .Aaot oils me over a period of years. omxiendaticua cffie Smith Report for nree motho eerydayv.asnSda U< 1).nifertb. M'MacDonald, N.D.P. Leader shah- are available sud gîvon considera- "On your arrivai ahtPIxpo SuPper gy«eas ers 1Mr. ad I atan unforlunate aspect cf fthe fion. '67 you viii have a faicinatig Mmi.Tii Bsitt, i. ed ermenît clause vas Ihal many oIder Opinions will vary an fie subject. and fantastlc view befome yeu. MUs. John Hmmocà, Obava, 1; gitizens would nef seek the assistance It i. a matter of providirig assistance sgt lugfoxtce. M.PryWmGodnM .p nuïve pier on the north bank John sud Joyce, Orono, voie be<ause of the equily they have ini their aonltheue band san o fte ocher fixe, thle St. Lawrence River Sunday supper gueta etMr.M * Dms. holding cf the fax Une, sud fron thIe rnld.strean sd UMn.'A.. J. bisai nd U The Liberal Group based ils oppo- Wou cannoI have il bofh vavi and _ id, or am u t. axly. < mon n te fllowng oins. eriaps, as a Toronto Sar Helene, y nii se.thie lilg. Mr. *sud BMn. . C. Cook, <ion on f e foliwi g po nfrdaked o ver, d ames, sphères, t4. sud 'Io. L lyd H unm ie Tic Legiçlalicu would do nolhing put il - "Il la a gccd scheme, lziving pylons. bybbles, sud pm' cof gient the wea*end et the 1W «&Wa thoe .lderly peopk e rnI- tex relief where it la moat, Urgent" *ver 70 foreigu pavillons. Expo, Moutreal. 'la addition ame Ingenlous Mr. sud Mrs. Idcn, Pup oerrdjl Ylpso#t live agen tlb.e eod w L L i ALUMINDI 20- PMO 28. MOOT Self Storlng combinallon DOORS 1 le thlok- slanderd ue sesm b i"W boumAu m i MWh - h Wahkg a, i hum a a US.Ibem taaw 0 IAque Quuen OscllaUng [AWN SPRINKLER¶ I L1 'ALLONT-HulmNAM T1 JD0 N 24'/z.acPrh0 RAI FEI 2 RAI NTU~1 TIMES NCHf MCI t-ct$ de ý h 4 ly Pa ehildren, Mr. mnd Mmry.2&.les BYam, and Mr. snd Ma * Ztmlph ower su][an weMr- aud lir A. Knowlton on Monday wut th*i gupper gueul f t . sudM aMrsattnddaita spperatibe Ao aent r n Pii udochIsd hldeon Saturd«y evenjing, the ce. i1I. 13owmhvile ~easion caicuhOnO1rlg Mr. .-and Miss G~ Sru. C -n& O tMia.H raudah, wmianni onal n EyM. uandla nIL n 3 vllleIM eekfM Jonan e danMm wud Macd D.on s su r.ad MmLorr ton su f miy, Oak ife, wr s an ughers, Ham~pton, awa nd M Sa Nfle r gi, ay alea Mr. sud Alex McMaster sud J MU. AloeAbbott, Ohwa, sud.Macia. Atur amnd w.r au. B.guato ,Mmen t a b. we.kn d o iiT s uo e d fMmi Artes. d 0f . er su d Mi Z andufamlle&laspei o SPOnt the wee, w ith M d.lMr amAsthu Hailtp yoeUCN.hl MiosudndiMm & san ii .Ssw .sd Mia.srhome of M. n G nr -lO4 sudwa,.çjohn d MJn Sam e sudhienOh nMy11.Ms .K sud ~ aw, 1r,. . Byof MTrthe ton he l meeting. àf Mr.an Mn vD.atd . ArtudrMa. . . a CeMenay ad febdy rom n C. Sud M. andPoolmBuesrlmm.uHedry l and ý oivstd a eeen. awa, ormuBryatperonuetoft ImdtemtM.adU.JhRuj l SwancilrnO h erMalans fMr&ouA.Clez mauili, vultd br i is Glte ort andrM. W. MA. w a ce good aed othiU4 1f. . R , n r adM.Roapoey uie el >May forthe ,, bUrswek d sha, wrsopr figust uf bl ma bed I 4 of uer841 bfrli.now convalesclug at the borne M". A. HIs' or'Mrs. J. Run. Cogrtuaor lra f Pre cC> .dIe's. Five dollars mach WaU Gero rge zaIeM&y, Cal- Misa Gloria W o odw a rd, donated to oui ot rus. M a. andMi.i Downsvlew, laspending aTyro, EpoeMc ..T uandeM.sdMs .E few days with her grand- sud 4-H. Il was deoided te Gif n sd daughter aura, io, Mia. Perey McCoy. have a flsb pond aIt the cg>- Oawa, Mtr.Iand Mm. CleniM i Pearl Leachi, Solina, nival li June. Iemptifl. Rahr n sd chldien, Ajax, Mrs. N. Leach, Eomanville, Conféence was aflnoucd were Saturday eveniug diii: wer p guests of Mr. sud also su executlve meetigo uer guesha of M0 uz1SàOS upa Mr ad rs . rs A uugman. Presbytery May 29 ah Grosu. Rahm. On Sunday Mia. Alex Mi. sud Mns. Aldin HMis wood United Church. Tisas. Perger sud' Monica, Stoneoy ad Sharon, 1fr. sud 1fr,. urer'g report showed a bale Creek, Mi. Go~rdon Whlt. Douglas HUIs, Haunon, visited suce of $13508. taeHamilton, visited the Mr. sud Mr. C. Clark snd A dtru famnily spent the weekend O h w ii wlt 1f.asd Mrs. Wilfed Clark, Tweed, sud athended the Thibault sud James wed- ding at Flinton Anglican Churdi. Mr. sud Mis. lCenneth Black aud 1fr.. Perey PhiUlipa, 1sad daughters apent the weelc. Maidstone, Essox. end with Mr. sud 1fr. John Mr. nd Ms. GorgeAU lack, lfarlawe. Mns. Black Mî~,1r..ndM. Geokrgent suad girls also vislted at Mu. the weokend with Mr. and tn Mns. Walter Stewart, St. Lam.-HnMn sd r,. parns bert, Q uebe , and visited th e M H .an don, vs . d . prentMo. IIE R A N SOW l Ii i Expo. Mua. M. Gaîkin retuin- 1fr uis a. A Uso o ed after ?nthgse er ' Day. Mnsd Mrs. weekswither dughtr an Wesey1Mlesud fauilly, Sa. hubn.lins, were supper gueula ounD f. C busbaud.Suucîay of hus parents sud at. Mns. W. Macdoald, Bow- tended auulversary services R C S manvll[le, speut the weekend here. wlth 1fr,. R. B. Scott..Mn. suds.......duit2.50 Seven tables were ln use visited last wek with Mr.$20 last Friday night playlug snd Mi,. John Bis, Min- euchre. Mr. Jim Reyeuga, brook. Childrn .... $1.(» 'Mis. Arthur Reid, 1fr. J. C. Mns. S. Walkor, Bowmau. - Cook, Mrs. J. C. Cook, Mr. T. ville, spent the woekend,sd SU Do d rLe sleD A Y , M AYr a d ,Mr. aM2 8a prizes. 50-50 draw was won Hamilton, were Sunday viii.DA r à *f 2 byMs.Lslie Gable, tors cf Mr. sud Mis. H. Hall. Mr. O. Becett, Miss Arvilla Sorry little Tommy Me. 8:00 P.M Beckett, Bowmanvile, were Roberts had the misfortuue ta Lloyd Allldread snd Macine. at chool. A L S R S R S R E MisSusan Flatt, Tomonto, 1fr. sud Mia. Jou Moare, spent the weekend with Mu. Oshawa, were supper guesta and Mus. Don Badour snd Saturday eveulng of hMs saon childien. enta, Mr. sud 1fr. io Tickets _on Sale: Mr. David Brent, St. Cath- Moore. arnens, spent the weekend at Mis. Lecu Moore vlslted BOWMANVITLE: Jury & Loveil Travel Agency his home. lait Tliursday at h e home f OS A : vi Au to um B x fit M r. sud M i. W . Park and h r brother, 1fr. sud M i. H. OS A W :C v c A d t r u o 0f c Deug, Miss Jean Piggoth, 1fr. E. Millon, Orano. 24.1 «ch