Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1967, p. 13

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I lherd" to the une Crimondfljpè Darlin ton C uncil Bragg of Bowmanville accomin ow r panied both choira and for Il -the Iast hymn Mr. McCoy Bbc 7 Dlin*n Counil's f SimpinAvenue, Hampton, played the piano.a n mieeti n rsday, May on theondition that the On the platorni we werEJkperimént in Teachin 4th, Counilior Richard Gibbs, Sehool Board will asume re- pleased to have Mr. Russell Bron, moved that road ac- volved. This was seconded Honher,_M.P., M.adexr.Cr Stunts for Aprfilaznounting ta by Counillor Brown and car.rutHolers, M.PubliendMr.C.oo $9,179-92 be passed for pay- ried. A. Hoeour Pbis CatherieAooe e b o oglSh ment. This was carried. On a motion by Councilior Stewart brought greetings on Ccun ilnstructed Clerk- Dow, sccondcd by Deputybhafo the congrégation The succeas of an exp1i Admuusfatow. . Rndi Reee Dwncoucildecdedand Mr. Roy Poster, Reeve ment lni the ncw approac i t0 prépare a By-Law for that the annual charge paid to c lrk onstmIo eahgscec bugc n-. COUncli'a June lst meeting Bownianvile for Fire Pro- du Cled Towunshia n c ach ed by civnW cy rincipa......c .- Btthorizing the appointment of tection be incrcascd ta $5,000, ueotef Ws n ec estm va ot Piciphol P. D . Ritchie, Treasurer of the and that the tewnship's agree.:soe ref. Pebruh ndrteas TOWnship. ment with the town be altered Re.Gih9s' emn a ie f the Ontario Institute DeputY Reeve Carl Down accordingly. veotmi n i hm f Studies ini Education, will ...i rnaved that a revised account Dcputy Reeve Down, sec- was "Advance with God". have uncalcuable intellectuai l for the Centennial project in onded by Counillor Gibbs, Two new flags, the Cana- benefits for many studenta in the amount of $775.90 be paid. moved that the solicitor for dian Flag and the Christian the future. Mr. Woolley is a .x:. This was seconded by Coun- thie property owners on De- Flag were dedicated in mem- son cf Mr. an~d. Mrs. Walter ..>.. cillor Russell Dow, and car- velopment Road No. 706 be ory cf members and adhcr- Woollcy, Bowmanville. ried. informed that council's position ents cf he Church. Those re- The purpase cf these triai On- a motion by Councillor regarding land valuations in membered were Mrs. C. Glass, classes is ta provide a situal Gibbs, seconded by Councillor that project has net been Mrs. B. Thompson, Mrs. E. tion where pupils wlll learn . . . . . . . .. Brown, council agreed to con-, changed. This was carried. Winn, Mrs. Win. Little, Mr. te thunk for themselves. «You , .... *. . .* suit W. J. McAdams, Planning 1 A By-Law authorizing sup- Herbert Mercer, Mr. Herbert don't walk into ane cf these >. Director of the Central n- lemcntary expenditure of Hoiland, Mr. Wesley Tebble experimental classroonis and tarie Joint Planning Board, te $267,300 in 1967 was given and Mr. Milton Robinson. see chidren working lentiy Y-.," set a satisfactory date for nis three readings, passed and A few people were dressged ini rows," said Principal Wooi- preposed visit. This motion ýnumbered 2356. in old-fashioned costumes and ley, who ta in charge of cee was carried. On a motion by Councillor intendcd riding to church menta&'y school science, Councillor Gibbs moved that1 Dow, scconded by Councillor with the horse and buggy but "Children are icattered and the Public School Board f Brown, the tender submittcd, weather did flot permit. talking, even having frendiyt the Dariington School Area bel by Cowan Equipment for the Following the service the arguments about their scienti- informed that council will ce- supply cf a 1967 pick-up truck Parent and Teachers' Asso- fic experiments. They mk operate tn the closing cf part at $,260 was accepted. cdation served refreshments busy learning sound, and are in the Sunday School Room co-operative. - and a social time was enjoyed K N DLby everyone. Bath study units and meth-1 Our thanks are extended te ods wcrc new in September, .Mrs. Burwash is visiting who passed the last four Mr. McCoy and Mrs. Camp- and the pupils were quick in Mvrs. Thompson and Arhur. years. These are to be pre- e ieteprnts and grasepin the ae. r. Gucsts with Mr. and Mrs. sented at a graduation party pupis, who planned this Woolley pns oteGhaestri4 Vernon Peacock on Sunday in the Orange Hall June 23rc1. memorable event.sampleu ni6 ytshcf Grdesf t werc Mr. and Mrs. W. Honey The P.T.A. made plans for Kendai Penny Sale schooi year. and Miss Mary Honey. Both catering ta the teachers on Tote bag, Helen Couroux; The usual science course is familles were eut te the dedi-MPId Day, June 151h. They plamts, Grace Manders;'divided int such sections as cafon erice in Kendalwtshedt ha'M. etcalake, rs Bates, Margaret physics, biology, chemistry. church.1 who supplied the small flagsi Graam M a r i o n Wodder- BasicallY natural science, ani- Ivan Wooley 'Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dinner.for aur Centennial Sunday. witcharon P oster; tea bis- nmais and plants, is taught i n cncp ihadsce- «ecno otejbao and baby Sherri Lee, Mr. and 1M.r. and Mrs. Geach andct, Jo Brown, Mabel El-ithe classroom. sfully andioe in probema ordwe poeds the al Ms. Kenneth Dinner and son amif y were dinner guests iott, Roy Sleep; men's socks, 1nth xperiment subject iubhvo.Btweruth nswr.Cooea iis Robert and Steven, and Mr:1 with Sruan Mr. ave ae cairt; large chocolate topics i n the physical sciences them lest their problems de- necessary between the home' ain rs.isWayne BalyweeSth nSna. bartNormanu Davis, Deug aelne with mathematics. veiop int a chronic state. and school if wc are te pre- dinrguests with Mr. and Misun Gac wsth Henderso0n; buI b s, MarionIThis inter-related process isi"e ordfiutprbeseve hemna hathc Mrs. Roy -Little, Sna. recipient cf many fine gifts Knox, Dora Youngman, Mrs. a"da nqîyme The e mr ifcl rbessretemna elho Spending the weekend with at a iiersonal shower held at Bates, Mrs. Lew Halloweil whole of science and net just le be reaedtsoes-chirnTehme ndte Mr ,and Ms. Truman Garbutt the home cf ber aunt, Mrs. Marion Poster, Pearl Winn; into particular areas. Concepts uation other than the problemn community have specifie chu-' weÉe Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gar- Chantie Gay, in Bowmanville glove and bail, Dora MacDon- and princîples rather than factsitîself wouid indicate. They are galions te fulfil, but il is be- hutt and their family, Lisa. Pniday evening. Games were aid, Linda Lan.gstaff; tarts, are the goal of this inqulry. rqucntly the cnes that show coming more difficuit for thesel Mike, Garry, and Kelly and played and lunch served. Doreen Neal, Madelon Madili; Mr. Woolley pointed out tht up at sho.iob elzd h school fned Dbialso Keith1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Poster glass dish, Dot Mercer; glas- under the expérimental system '"Some cf the more commnon threore has te do its parte Swarbrick and Miss Mariene went te Niagara te attend, a ses, Mary Carscadden, Dora a teacher dees net become a behavior problemns at school flbceietgp, r Pelletier. Mayor and Reeves Convch- Youngman, Diane Little. teller, but rather a leader in are day-drcaming, secretive-lWooiley declared. ' The P.T.A. meeting was tion. Doilies, June Geach, 'Shir- the inquiry prcess. "I think ness (the loner), and timidity. held in the schooi May 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carruth- le Mercer, Mrs. Orley Mer- we underestimate children's Teachers must ascertain in nnth , wwst uesdasr in theis r.families.spJ. Fonk and cer; chiid' top, Joanne Car- ability. Understanding is there deaiing with a daydreaming WESLEY VILLE resth iding euchrennpa er ay with apn Ms. Pos-ruthers; popsicle maker, Helen se thcer think rather than lis- chiid whethen things at school pésiig.Te uhr pr DywihMr adMr.Fo-Wood, Mrs. Harry Mecr ten and learn. They base their are toc difficult or tee easy. (neddfrls ek tis recacele liifai.bebat and bail, Russel Carruth- thinking on sound evidence," "Perhaps if situation s are A meeting cf members cf Proceeds from the îast party Sunday was Mother's Day ers; booties, 2 Cathy Brennon, he declared. arranged s0 Ihat the child gets the social committee cf the and sale cf candy amaunted or more recently called Fam- Muriel Burgess; pillow cases, Note takîng is compleîely some real satisfaction froin. his U.C.W. was held at the home te $46.55. The P.T.A. is secur- IY Day. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dave Scairt, Dorothy Kath- changed in the experimental schoolwork, the child wiIl se of the cenvenor, Mrs. A. Aus- kng a shield te be kept in bhe Dinner had their daughter, leen Hooey, Pearl Clarke, classrooms. Notes may consist that dreams do flot have tee lin, on Wednesday afterneon schol and te have engraved Sherrie Lee, baptized. Rev. Car Hoy ereMre'of diagrams, conclusions fol- much to effer," Mr. Weolley le rnake plans for thue festival crio il the name of the top R.» C. White spoke cf the sym- Betty Colman; cup and sau-iowing an experimnheanddpoonted eut student in Grade 8 each ycar.' bols tbc Canada and Chris- cer, Reg Eiliott, Diane Ru-. graphing. "The loner has ta be care- tebe cldoa the UCnd f'Jue.- Bock awards, te go te the litan flags stand for. They benga; books, Peggy Pester, Experimental units include fully guided into accepting Mctiemetcf bb .C.W.Bax- iirayan aCetenil o] eedeiadlat una.Lna on;cnserD matter, work and energy; ef- othens and te experience theectemtatMsE.Br liba arcdt a go tenbc îl sbî- Mn.eWit cthen edcatcudthatenonD. nd n'aners, Bety fect cf heat on malter; cam- fun cf play with others. Coni- rowclougi's on Wednesday dent in Grades 1 ta 7. The 1ncw ocommunion set in mcm- Dusuza, Bob Hogg;. mustard pnsnc nmi;an ir-ptto oudpoal aeeeningforthe ae ane- L.I~ . I. re giing pns tethe ry cMisýs Linda Hoy andsevMaon mihcrm scopy. In microscopy pupils te be played down with amns fr te cnena i~students that pass from GradelMrs.A. Jackson. He aise rend and sugan, Judy Preston; tea dbl nGae1 ek hycidlikeIis twol eglatiMgybmeetdgon a te 8 this. year and aIse for Ibose a letter f appreciatien on the towel and dish cloth,- Miss study celîs in minar détail and the primary source of hisreuaMametnonWd service last Sunday from Mn. Irene Mencer JyBnw are awakened te bbc micro- probleni. nesday, May lOth. Alex Carruthers. Rcv. R. Cf Leona Wilson; nylons Winnie s'opic world. Mr. Woolicy stated emphab- Ametnofheesonc White had as his text, 'Forn e a J iîisn lec Teachers set up test 'situa- ically that patience is the kcy b Loc ess, lion c ions for the students whereby le heIping a timid child. Once itste e littesLo and t spinke evolu-i cîîh, AAs rs oo,' bbcy are nuarked on their such a pupiî's fear and nse- fltlf~ lions'f anuiiy Day. Mrs. lu- a.bilen ac, e ucdgeest, evcryday work. Conclusionstor curity are banished lhe wili startie powe tionof Fr playd bbc r.A and mae.observations are nobed by bbc discover Ibat learniung can be Pt~cr pang 2MtheohetandTbread holder, Lorna Den- teachei-s in the.order tJ.ey arc &-pleasure. mower vou car~~wn bnohadcnig made and kepl ini diary fonni. Mn. Woolicy aise warnnd Mower-, caff. Ceà ,tennial Service Hrooey,'andbfry g Kathleen Evaluation cf progrcss is deter- that anothen type cf child than a tocl, Khleen Dundas; tea mincd by the inquiny process those previously rnentionedi b y! day long le be remembered Don.Rin.g; bran muuffins, Shir- exomewcrk fluctuates as do aIse have a seicus probleci. inKendal. Il was bbc day of ley Martieil, Jey Brown' rt-eiments. Reading research "Sucb a cbild is neat, con- LA N BO our Centennial Service in the ficial fruit, Wallace Bougbcn; isasige as a tanget bo unit scienticus, courleous, and hon- L W B Y Kendal United Cburch. In spoon bolden dish, Dot Mer- suyFidtipasereu- est,, but if these raits are cx- op- spibe cf the inclement wca- cen; pot hoiders, Judy Pres- cluded. cessive thc child bas a bebav- then people gathered from fan bon; bain cut, shampoe and Mn. Woolley recently addres- ion pneblem. Chiidren in that and near to partake in this set, Eleaner Poster; stocking sed a meeting held at Trafal- case may be guarding what is R. C. White, B.A., conducted Brown; puzzle, Marion Winn, the sub etcnPoimB-cas hyfa n o nt the service and thc guest Len Adegeest; wall ornament, baviar in Children and ifow trust bbc unknown. .7.. minstr ws ev J.S.Gl- Nanman Davis; stabîeneny, thée School Can Help."ý christ, B.A., of St. Andrew's Dale Manders; eanrings,. Marie He firmly stated that befone ~~.4, Presbyterian Church cf Bow- Courcux, Bob Hogg, 2 Jean a starI is made on îreating a ELIZABETHVILLE vî. mnil.Jillison, Mrs. Hallowell; me 1- parbicular prcblem its exlent ' Thene wcre two chairs, bbc del plane, Joy Brown; disb, must be establishcd, and ibj Chunchb services werc beld Excelsior Choir of Bewman- Joyce Ycndrick; stuffed loy, must be determined if Ibis here on Sunday. An average OVville and the Kendal Scboel Jean Jillisen; band lotion, problem 1s- remaining on one cnowd attcndcd. Next Sunday . ~ al e0 » Chor.Bob wre onuced eoa Wlsn.level, or is increasing, on dec- services arc at Garden Hill. iý -*by Mn. E. M. MoCoy, bbc Dollan bis, Olive Litle, ncasing. Our Sundny scboci anniversaryr Principal cf Kendal Scbeol. Allen Marbineil, Wiima Tun- "We know that Most cid. is .Tuly'91b. The Excelsion Choir sangl ansky, Mns. Baten; bail, Or- On. Wednesday Mrs. H. tbree numbers, "Then Sings1ville Thenteli; lemon juicer tenson, David Scaint, Betty Quantrili, Mrs. H. Tbickson, BROC 'S P ~ei~a~1", "Lange" by Han-land pitcher, Dorotby Stark; Bothwell, Marion Winn, Mrs. Mns. Wbeelcr, Mrs. L. Muid- 13 CK SB 1 'yluaMomnHymn, coaster, Bob Nichoi; la-nts ecnJyBon;csnc, n.J ebnoMs -. vrmer am.aum ro!cle. Sweater, Mrs. Northcutt; The fiishing touches are baby suit, Marion Zealand; the ig donceon bGnank "I ~t l ~ ffF~ braelet.Neisha Neil, Mrspcdy 'M reanati2Mfo I ? egg rFser; dci o suit, Mn. and Mrs. Howard Saats, W Hary Mencer; dbcaie hr botin raor; raond My 231h. sponge, D. Turansky* cbild's WsBsranîfordMn.an l;Mrs.o IX linsMarinZealand; apron, aWes . eus oman V*iieyMn mrs. Milltgan, Shirley Mar- candm . J.uDeKokend Wtyd in " LAMbell, Carol Hooey, Sylvia came Suday wand sr-ayed Kirkpatrick, Muriel Burgess,Mun.ti sun ih n n MANUFACTURER$ OA Mrs. Hale, Mary Smith, Joyce Mr. J Bth welksMr.cn.lo ord Roach, Mrs. M. E. Foster, Mr$. A. Smithothrwcrli de Mns MEVmaiBatten, Caroine Silvester. Smidyth et forsta ic r rie SINE 176.Wiseman- red blouse, Mr. Mri. and m. D. Whitbred h re's 'w, """' di SINCE1876.Nichais; 'cushion (black), C on- and girls, xnt Sunday wlbb nie Hoo.y; bathroom mat8, EL Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew. Kiliganon; child's dreas, Syl- -several abbendcd the penny tt via Killpatrick, Betty Mercen, gale on Saturday evenhng ut - I Debbie Langtaf!; a-ed cushion, yKandal. AVAILABLE '1N4 ImiIMRIOR LATEX FLATI David Brown; glls drese, Mns. J. Fajt, Pontypool. I Veima Cann; giri's blouse, called et Mr. and Mrs. 0. SEMI - GLQSS - HIGH GLOSS - EXTERIOR TheaaUnsa ;bl1ocusae, Mercer'8 on SundaY. 1 baby blanket, Kathleen Hooey; Thickson vlsitod Mm. C. Mer- - »simurn>BY -mat, Dorothy Stark; crib coret lNewcastle on Tuesday, DISTRMUED Bquilî,- Betty Brooks; bei g c N[T. W. Longyear la havlng ABI NET YS RAD EY' banket Mme Babten, quI ýthie U.C.W. mueeting oned- ABERNETHY'S BRADLEY'S Marlon MeMaektn; p la et icnesday.ohLW'ep aymdor PAINT a WALLPAP!R * GèENERAL STORE bowl, Mrs. Planke. 1 can'b gel any mare nwuom S pspyotrdco' Door Prizes - ladies', Mns. thio mornung as ail linos boem King St. W., Bownanvifll. Pontypool - Ontario John Cathcart; nuen's, Rallie ho b. buey due to the rainy _______________________________________________________ Bablen; giri's. Boninie Geach; day 1, pu. The mail la due boy's.,Roy MacDonald. 1 5gobui Somn tisi church was helM et tbeThe. Canadian Staton, EowaM%=yjs Mer j1, 1lgff Fchurch on Tucsday eventng with Rev. lan Muni-ce- in charge. The cvcry fanully vi! corne on Saturdayr afternoon. Sunday. talion donc by inembexs o! Mrs. E. Barrowclough ac-' Mr, and Mm. Ailan the board is still in pragress coenpanied ber brother Ger- uccompanled Mr. and aithaugh sanie menibers have ald o! Marvelville for a'daya Forbes Fisher and PaJB their group finished. vsit in Sebright on Thura- attended the Silver Id ÇW The trek tobbc east as day, and M. and Mrs. John anniversary of their dauto begu an amag tose ho 1cbbcf sgooe ad Mn an (Ves) n. ad M,, a~v vistedExo lst ee wee:Mrs. E. Karvonen, Melcdy Webste, Manila, on.S~ Msdae aedEinc eek weme: and Daniel wero weekend day evenung aI Manila. E. Webster, S. Tlsnovsky, M. vstr ee h e cuslu Payne and Lewis Thonndyke, M r. and Mrs. Wmn. Barrow- anathor campig t*tp on,,,t James Nichais, Timn I Nchols, ciough o! Peterborcugh, Mn. weekend and oenjoyed ft,,ffl Rodney Payne, J e n n i foeirBnian Greenway and Miss but tic nain on Sunday tg- Payne, Rosemary Tisnvsky, Joan Linton o! Kington spent ternoon. Penny Webster, Suzanne Ey- bbc wcekcnd with Hurcid Mrs. Grant Jack, Scarë, den and James Eydcn. Barrowciougb's. Bnian is sup- ough, spent a few dMat Rv. J. A. Ramiit f Canton ply teaching aI Courtice Mn- Ms. Alex McMaster's. .. bntdCuc a ncarge dyc bsweek. Mrs. Alex MeMaster wua onftdsCrvc wa1inyc Mn.CIanke Dickinson ta in hastess for a gatherhng 01411. cfsrieat Welcome On Peterborough Hospital where MeMuster family. caI Sunday mcrning and theme h e had surgery perfenmcd Mm. and Mn,. R&y W&alM were 38 at Wesieyville Sun- lasI Week. and falmily, lalington, vislto d a y s c h o o l f o lo w in g . T h e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a R . C S t n t ' o S & u - supeintendent was in charge, ay .C.Sano'onàt. Rodney Payne and Philip N M. an1M,. lln Ish* Nichols received tbc collec.-ZIO M.Fred MRsAln Tre*I4 tion. M.Pe aeTe» Mra. Elsie O'Neil, Oehwa, Relatives fmom bbc comn- (Intended for lasI week) Mm.' and Mme. Morley FUi*e!! munity weme present at tbc The Mitcbell's C or n ers Maple Grove, wero Suaday ROY Austin and Elva Robin- schoôl childten and teachers visitons aI Wes Camenon't. son wcdding at Shilah on are te lue congratuiated on Uic Mrs. Ray Camenon viilted Saturday, including Mra. Wm. fine Centenniai concert bhcy ber daughter, Mias. Timl Tufford, Roy's grandmnoîhen put on aI the Mervin Hobbs Brooks, Bowmanville. who is recuperating from a achool on Priday night. Mrs. Alex MeMaster vlit.d severe ilinesa; oChers attendcd Mn. Pred Laney, Trenton, ber cousin, Mme. Wl tbc David Trotter and Elaine Mns. Elsie O'Neil. Oshawa, Bathunst, at Toronto Gorûsral Anderson wedding aI Wel-1 visicd aI. Alan Pisber's on Hospital on Mnday I I lai. m eé a LC*wb i7I 4»WN &M »0&nd4m. UlehkW mouaNm 6.b pgor . . - yourw. 7. Youl'Nfind >ournumbe, hot on the controct"4.l, butoneyo«rOMSD biow the yeoe of fb. 8. Se sure fa identify She tex cfthie patient. (pot, for instance, covid b. *Mter a glrrs n4oa >es not submý yourQOMSIPciim direc, I 1: yvo.c sbscibe tOMSIP, tdu Ow#aiio Self, pise mok"0svre th. 9 0«sces1i worna. licd medicof attention Iateiy, MostI&WOIyyour &M he k.4 re yc o sed h a w moe doctor hmput'hm ".ciaim hmslf.Bu iho Au Corr.spondonc. Io 0MW uhogldb.& sonda the Nil $0 >oe, here's what ta do ta oddrond tô-OMSIP, 35 .* Av. W, hlp gel your claim settl.d fost. First, coll your Toronto 7, Ontario. I dioctr's office.nd remind him yo4J have r OMSIP, and osk if ho gèeralhy bis OMSIP W, sugg yo tsar out this papg m i l dlrsed. lf sot, oSd you must wbM this big your. and J040W gWpotru Iwukd sbifsoser...when you help byl 4 gMrig &~ 1tQS~P1Sisrocc&1ftj h~ormoI~0m. ~ r, ..4.~rr.r. .r.- ïj

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