Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1967, p. 8

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A Up et th bat à-cm this corner b tlm "'flcker" éneWho mmceagala wl!!b. a mmobe fet th.Ontario, . . wokey Auctatlaa emecutiva board. Jim lia dou. a fine job, partlcularly ina 1M66, when lie spent a great dealai f m #me ard effort revltalzlng the. Intermediate hockey picture m su la the. province, W. certainly wish you weDl, James oldL D WM WRAT ouwttttBOWLING " TCUDYOU EXPZÇT? Regular season action cami We're sorry about that - but you Montreal Canadiens' to a close Iat Monday ng D8iust resUze that once we plcked Les Habitants, they atLbrt Bowl, wlt tce r "mer almost a cincli not ta niake ft three Stanley Cups ln lig th second ociieduli iFro. Ad Jut tinkhow app wIningtheCup adethepennant, aithough 'loulng «2.'i Urow Aid $ut t lnk how app wln lng bbc Cup ade theto Bowers. PatilelI m ade Pmo Toronto Maple Leatf ans., close at the, end, a1pn One guy stopped us ln our tracks as we pald aur alotti-end Tenna ~ -e0 Ir th dll1y visit to Qencral Motors pur4maslng dpartm~ent Io. h uont but he ei week. On Wednesday, inimediately after Toronto's final vie- Itothre finalbehlndead tory Tuesday nlght, Bruse Selby luggcd ina thc mighty waund Up losing by a single Stanley Cup (a replica about V" hlgh) while decked out lna point. a ale! Leaf sweater, whlch he pracSedd ta wear through-' Baker upset third place Joll theTorntoChiago2-1, whil Preston edged mg th day.Brooks 2-1 to break tie tIE Certalnly teTrnoCiaoscmia-final series and the for tçurth betwecn the. twc blgoaabeteenTorntoandMantreal produved'sae fine clubs.* In other action, Mar- hockey, partlcularly tic overtime conteat as a widc apen 20 tyn defeated Blckefl 2.1 and mninutes plus just had evezy fan leaplng out af their seats Hazelden downed Buttanshaw wlth Uic urabelievable excitement. 2-1.lePtidld cwa Tint gaine and the iourth one which Mantreal won 6-2 in bath divisions, rolling up were prabably the big reasans why Terry Sawchuk djdn't a 730 triWp e and 270 single. .Wln Uic Coran Smytliç traphy as the most valuable perbormer Doris Jo i had a 666 total, An th playffs.followed by Dot Brooks 658, Ira Uc plaofs.Dot Bond 647, Marion Pear- Undoubtedly Sawchuck turned in anc af the greatest son 635 and J. Stephens 61(). Playrof performances ever by a goal-keeper - and if any Other high single gaines lndiNrdual could b. nomInated as the key man It was Saw- went ta Doris Joli 269, H. Reynolds 257, Linda Crossey chuk. Well you iight say how corne he didn't Win the 253, D. Kfirg 251 and Shirley award. Davis 242. This corner, despite hi& excellence, thought Terry blew Final Teana Sta"ning 198 chances, whcn lic turncd li a poar effort as Canadiens Ethe _______3 tled Uic series 2-2, and althaugh niagnificent in Uic final two, Patfield ______33 It Just wasn't enough. joli ________30 Wile Sawchuk had been easily thc beat player i the Preston ______27 'ami-fnals, It was aid Johnny Bower who had given the Martyn _______26 Torontas that two gaine deadlock on thc strength of a fabu- Brooks _______26 -Bawers 25'hf loua performance betwcen Uic pipes. Sawchuk, meanwhile Bieken _____5__ had let 11 pucks get by him i 100 minutes -of hockey. Hazelden 2 Dav. Keon was thc logical pick as far as we were con- Baker - 23 ccrnéd, becmuse lie played 12 gaines af tremendous hockey. ButtoDnshaw______ 20%~ Tennant 1 Now Uic wars are aver for another year, this fall embarks 220 dames and <>ve 5 on a totally new ea for Uic N.HL, and evcryonc is asking, P. Mutton 235, J. Baker 229, "who do you think they will protect ln the draft?" Earlier D. Heard 227, D. Joli 269, S. ln the. season this reporter took a try at choosng lame of Davis 242, D. Brpoks 229, K. Stephens 236, Hl. Reynolds 257, thie players whp won't b. protected. Remember StemkoWlki L. Martin 22,M1ew,25 end ]Pappin? They sure came alpng, rIght after we nomin- L. Crossey 253, D. KCing 251, C. éted theni as sureta lie drafted. Looks like this scribe just Bawers 231, D. Bond 235, M. eaIltJonesy223,cM. Pearson25-2M. Our N.HL. spy tellsusta e yrth semi-finals 0. Patfiicd 238-278, J. Tezinant WM! continue as they are now, withln Uic current league 223.1 Mud the. expansion centres, pittlng flrst agalnst third ln serles D O AU Averages 123 A wilth second playlng iourth i serles B. Thie winncrs ai D. PJold 1 mires A wi! play each ather, sucli as possibly M4ontreal vs. S. Bi<kell 209 1«s Angeles, wbile seies B could have Chicago agalnt St. D. Brooks _____202 Lwouis. That's. on. way ta keep the finals excltlng, whlle the 0. Etcher log___ WuidnoUtChesup. people mentioned as ta how tUiy J. Buaer aw194 S. Davis _____192 .ald us'foit bavingàapas taMaple Lest Gardens, upartieu-IJ.-, Tennant loi___ Url, -layof tmWOry robemM gpcil layfLw.Donaghue 188 I. pâmY f tias. O ly p a I - s e i l~K ing -188 pa-ù- . arf requlred for the. press box, and we don't even c Bawers ______187 try tweqmoêi,- because of Uic denland frointUi many dailes DC Bond ______187 Who »ýed rqmmàetation. We can gc,'up and stand behlnd,11 Reynolda _____186 lb.blus, blc Mill Isn'tba&, but inot tao attractive when D Collis____ 185 H. Depew 185 vou bav i- or't el c yn. lr.T - lke n t n L.Crosey 185 We1~~' dn' ea*l "iae~ clo V - 1k nt iD. Preston_____ 183 eur own boà1*e But It -u almhost as. If wc had rnoved i L. H-azeilden- _____183 WUth Bo Marjerlo on TuesdaysTh ursdays and SaurayK. Stephens 181 «tmom&Éo vetàg t... iyfavortes, and linnin. ta Dadion ______181 Ugtrnans.!<o vattn taP"à ~Lewis ______179 lie$P 'an -invitation, availlable et both places, w. managed ta m. Cale _____176 U&Oe-I a couple ,ao encounterd 'including Uic overtime one) J. Almond _____ 176 JI et >. Keilih Slernon's residénce. M. Perris ______174 As w. have pol4t.cd out before, color TV makcs Uic . HBrn 1732 #âmies mu ciihmare alive and casier to fallow. To say -thc J. Sellers 172____ Saint, tus, poor ucribller -certainly apprectated belng able ta W. Nesbitt ______171 mes thc Lames hi tii, mediumn. Sincere thanks ta EBob and M. -Pear~son _____171 Keith for their. wonderful hospitality. Now fellOws -~ about r. Aeder ______171 the. world sertes. L. Martyn _____169 j. j t1 t . tj-F. Bruce _ __ __168 SOFTBLL SAITSH. Nicholson ___ 168I 80 B U STRSD. Heard _______ 167 Honest idflaws. I wasn't really upset abouit fot belng M. A. Richards 165 pleked ta play ln. Uic Men'a Town, Softball League. Particu- B. Terry 164 Raly ater seeing the star-stuidded rasters, this would.bc J. Bragg 164 he IWSfuuld liné rJufS a hapy .a le1afa. HPiper lAd P'. Bail ________ 140 M.Green 138_____ DHaynes 137- PAVINPark _ 137 5. atteld137 D. Palmer ______ 129 '. ..... S. Gray12 ALL WORK DONE AN4D G. Luxton ____128 M. William.s ______126 G»UARANTEED 19Y SWMANVILLE Hf. Park ____121 G. Park _______ 121, CONRR. RILDicenson ____118 CONTRACTORC. ______ 11 Op TOU WM u ou. t. .seph'S Mixed »XVemAY r EL wling League Misttsdeteated tTnderdogs CONTACT ~~Go-Getters betHadiu10 StrÉer voi oer ap. ovee ~ii~pw f NLS ikem No. 710 ?top ,.t,.we Dow~ Donald Good of I game last week, for li draw was held by thi We were in error lasi was the second goal,1 Junior M Softbal (0 means subjcct ta Ma:postpanemcrat.) iS-Chartrans a vsWlytc, 16-Franks vs Ellis 18--Wiytes vs Frenki 22-Wiytes vs Eilis* 23--Chartrans vs Frenks 25--Ellis vs Ciartrens 29--Ells vs Pranks 30-Whytcs vs Ciartrans in: 1-Chartrans vs Ells 5--Franks va Wiytcs 6-Ellis vs Wiytei 8-Frenks vs Ciertrans 12-Ciertrans vs Whytes l3-Frenki va Ellis l5--Wbytes vs Franks 19-Ellis vs Chartrans 20-Ciartrans vs Franks 22-Whytes vs Ellis 26-Ellis vs Franks 27-Wiytes vs Ciartrans 29-Chartrans vs Eilis* gmli: 3--Frapks vs Whytes* 4-Franks vs Ciartrans men'ys mi Hold Fini Tic Men's Major Lcea 'Id their banquet an Satu ay, May 6th et tic Memori irk Club Hause. Tue ladies of tic Memori Lrk Association served t] 'viers a vonderful roa ef diraner. George Bel aked tic ladies on beia ti eleague. The ain. feature ai tic cvi 'as the presentation oi tl lin M. James ciampionsk ain tropiy ta tic Pepsi Ciý am. Tic champions are Cap Db Lewton, Si Trevin, Bc ,hards, Don Bagracil, Ste eMurter and George GlIs Ile. Thle George Eiliott Memorfi îpiy vas presented ta th mer-up team, Mutton, Duld. Ticera-icbers af th BANNES PASSANT Duke St...Bowuîa Lue trtsuane., Poil" i~w Pite" ionPaniam G.up turoeu ,uIm Isac bsat Vnmm Newcastle, left, received $500 after the final NHL playofi having the exact ti me the winning goal was scored. The ýe Legion Gîce Club, with Bill Orme, right, the chairnian. ;t week stating tha t he won on the insurance third goal; it » the winner that brought hlm the good luck. years ai age as of January lut er, e sof thc current year. and for Hi Ren' - eague e boys via do not play in ny of tic organized leagues P ina towr. Tic registration fée Stl is $1.00 for residents and $200 lin Ili Schedule for non-residents. Applica- He tiora may be obtained tram Gc tic Departinent ai RecreationM b 6-Ellis vs Whytcs office ait 26 Beeci Avenue J 1O-Chartrans vs Wiytes from 8:30 a.m. ta 5:00 p.m, 11-Franks vs Ellis Monday througi Frlday, or atGe 3 13-Wiytes vs Franks a gencral practice for this Sir l7--Chartrans vs Franks lcague on Manday night, May 1 18-Whytes vs Ellis 1Sth at 6:30 p.m. at Memarial Ve 20-Ellis vs Chartrans* Park. Tri 1 Four Clubs vrn l c iin the Lacrosse Playoffs. Scini-finals bctween Novice is for boys cigit tic last and 3rd, 2nd and 4th years and urader 10 years, Pe 9 place teains viiibe 3 Out ai 5 We 10 years and under 12 series. Finals vil!be best 4 year's; Bantain, 12 years and out ai 7 series. Ail gaines urader 14 years; Midgct, 14 vil! 'be played et-New Mcm- ycars and under 16 ycars ai aria! Park Diamand at 6:30 age as ai January'lst ai tue p.ii. current year. Tic registratian Postponcd gaines vill lie becs are $1.00 for residents and playcd Sunday aiternoons, $2.00 for non-residents. A- gaine turne 1:30 p.m. Reasarar plications for this may lic X:i for passible pastpanemcnts, tained at thc Departinent ai May 22, Rotary Fircwarks; Recreation office at 26 Beech June 29, Lions Club may le Avenue. There vil!libe a La- sctting Up bootis for Carrai- crosse practice, on Saturday val an July lst, and July 3rd maorning at Franklin Park at they inay bc takirag thcm 10 a.m. dovra on tuis date; July 2th, Atoin Basebal the Legion may b. îetting up Thc teain listi vil! appear I for ticir Carnival an Juiy next week's Stategnian. 218t. Pce Wee Basebafl League, 1967 Tain No. 1 - Yankees - rSCoach, Doug Ferris; Richard Hall, Kerry Milner, Ken, Fer- ajo B o ler ris, Daug Severna, Ricky ie, JohnVerbekPaul Sarginson, B n u t Rolly Smsn ogKap il B a quet Alfie Boven, Bob Byron. Teani No. 2 - Tigers-Coaci, Lloyd Forsey; Bob Preston, guef teain arc Capt. Bud Hennlag, Brian Stainton, Siane Byron, tur- I Osborne, Abi Saman, Joh Ronald Staintan, John Stain. rial Gould, Don Bisiop and Jini ton, Tim MacDonald, Randy j Callan Jr. Tiiele, John Trimble, Stepien ~al A QilorneDavey, Garry Thiele, Gar ial s1ngIero e won ~stic higu Ovenden, Bob Joncs, Larrry t ikge =yMu rph 383 gaie. Brunt, Paul Forsey. reccvedtheig Team No. 3 - Angels-Coacli, bce triple tropiy for is big96 John Nesbitt; Dave Tabi, Brad Lal triple. Milner, John Bond, Kenny 1Murray Tigie von tic rniat Livingstone, Mike O'Brien, ent mmpraved bowlcr tropiy and David Gilcirit, John Ncsbitt, the AI Osbornec von tic high av- Dan Sturrock, John Whiteman hiP erage avard with a 244 aver- Douglas Bragg, Scott Van 1la age for 96 games. Driel, David Oudshoorra, Dar- it. Harold Bennett vas given reli Marchand. ao menit pin for his cantribu- Teani No. 4 - Indians-Coacli tan tion ta Youth Bowling. Doug Brougi; Stephen Park- in» Tic electian af officers tolr er, Dirk Woudstra, Don Brad- ,jplace and tic executive for ley, Dennis Livingstone, Scott jal th 1967-8 season i as follavi: Wright, Peter Novlan, Gerry hePast President-Ernie Perfect; Mastensora, Raradali Coombes, SPresident-Clarence Oke; Vice- Rodracy Coombes, Robert Wil- cePesdnt-Bob Lavton; Sec- son, Derek Lobb, David Pas- * etary-Al Osborne; Treasurer sant, Stuart Wight. -Fred Cale; Directqns-...Bruce Pee Wee Baseball Sebedule Miln. and Elton Brock. Set., May 13-Yankees vs. - Tic balance ai tic cvening Tigers, 9 a.ni.. vas spent by tic boys in play- Set., May 13-Angeis va. ing carda, cribliege, hearti and Indiens, 10.-30 a.ni. cuchre. Mon., May 15-Tigers vs. Thc executive would like ta Angels, 6:30 p.m. thank Editor John M. James, Set., May 20-Indigna va. Sparts Editor Frank Mahun Yankees, 9 a.m. 'and ail tic staff af the Cen- Sat., May 27-Yankees vs. adian Statesman for tic Angels, 9 a.m. vanderful caverage the league Mon., May 29-TiÉérs vu. recelved on tic spart pages Indiens, 6:30 pa. of a tie Statesinan. Sait., June 3rd-Indianu vs. Sec yau at Libecrty BovI Angels, 9 a.m. Sthis MIL Mon., Jura. ti-Tigers vs. Yankees, 6:30 a.m. Sat., June 10-Yankees vs. I RECRATION Indiens, 9 am.vs Iies 6:30 p.m. TheMdgesenjsoîUic t.~r, June 17-Angels vs. T h e M dg t S rle of th e Y ankees, 10:30 a . DLptof Recreation.Gfrla' Soit- 1 Atona ba Sfldule bai League wili practice at Set., May 13-Dodgers vs, ih Ontario Street Schoo! an Pirates, 9 a.in., Northi Djaaond. Saturday mnrning, May 13th Sait., Mai' 13-Glants vs. *et 10 a.m. Girls' teamin hei Mets, 9 a.m., South Diamond. age sertes of 12 ta 16I the Bat., May' l3-Cards vs. surroun ig area a1 Bovnian. Braves, 10:30 a.m=, North ville are Invited ta join this Dlainond. lague. Please cal! the D.pt. Wcd., May' 17-Mets vs. aif Rcreation et 623-3114. Pirates, 6:30 pan., Southi Tue Pc. Wee Girls Series.- Diamond. elc 7 to 11 years, viii prectice Set., May 2-Cards vs. et Central School grounds thla Dodgers, 9 a., Wth Dfanond. corning Saturdlay marning, Sat., May 20-Braves vu, May' 13tiiet 10 a&=. latg, 9 a.ý.,Sth DiaMmod. Bore' SMfbsIlWe.Mai 24-Glants vs. Tii. Dept. ai Recreation la Cards, 6:30 :m~, South Disin. attan itng ta forin a Mldget ond. and uvenlie Boyç' Soltball Sat...Muy .27 av. ,JogLt hi wllbefor boys Brave,,Il a.m . oý Ilmod Mets, 9 a.m., South Dlamond. Mon., May 29-Braves vs. Dodgers, 6:30 p.m., North Dlaniond. Sat.. June 3rd-Mets vs. cards, 9 a.m., North Diamond. Sat., June 3rd--Glants vs. Pirates, 9 a.m., South Diamond. Sat., June 10-Mets vs. Braves, 9 a.m., North Diamand. Sat., June 10-Dç>dgers vs. Glants, 9 a.m., South Dlamond. Sat., June 10-Pirates vs. CardB, 10:30 a.m., North Diain- Junior Soccer Schedule 25-Courtice at Tyran. SaUlna at Mon lune- 1-Zion at Courtice Tyrone at Hampton 8-Exams. 15-Courtice at Hampton SaUina at Tyran. 22-Tyrone at Mon Hampton at Solina 29-Courticce t SaUina Zion at Hampton 6-Courtice at ZMon Hampton at Tyran. 13-Tyrone at Caurtice Zion at Salins 20-Hampton at Courtice Tyrone et Saline 27-Zion at Tyrone 3-Salina et Courtice H-anipton et ZMan. 9T. JOSEPH,$ iN=iE» 30WLING LEAGUE Sundai', Maiý 7th, 1967 Ga-Getters dcfeeted Strik- s, lIps beat Underdogi, leadiPins won over Misfiti. nikers, Na. 5 - ____72 mps, No. 1 _______71 lacpins, Na.-2 - 68 >-Getters, No. 4 58 isfits, No. 3 --- - __53 iderdogs, No. 6 14 Ladifes' Higli Single, Isobe] arvmn (238); Men's Higi rigle, Jmn Pair (304). Ladies' Higi Triple,- Rase enasse (596); Men's High riple, Jin Pair (790). 623 - 33 03- #uiIj iT. (OWAN EQUIPMENT LIE 134 King St. E. I3owmanvil "I I SPORTOPICS GO!.>'MNMMUESOUTH Althouh Uic weatlier here has been dreadiul fer goitintg ln anythlng but long underwear, anc of Bawmanville's top golfers, Bob James, has been gettin plenty of action and '~ reslt, iln thc deep south at Uic University of South Carolina. Bob made the freshinan team Uiat bas racked up liv. vina and no lasses vile Uic varslty teara has won 10 and. Ik«~I 5iv.. Tii. ahool nevspapcr, The Gaznccock, quotes golfcu b'J Jimmiy Pulliam as saying "Tic vay things look right nov \I we are hi better shape tien ever before at USC in respect ta aur golf prograin. Thc six freshmera have been playing real weil, and wc arc expccting thein ta help out on the* j varsity next year."1 t tj- .t *' j DURHIAM LADIES SOFTBALL .Slagit & Cook BA Belles open their Durhamn Ladies Saftball action Manday night ina Ncwtonville, tien play under Uic lights i Whitby Uic following nlght. mhe home opener la slated for Tiursday nigit at Central Public School with Courtice providing Uic opposition. Gaine time 6:45. Arayon. everybody's don' it NZ _ Commuting eVisiting * Shopping *Site-seei -ail for 3005 a week. 250 miles per gallon-Io low cost insurance-fuil warranty-easy teri You meet the nicest people on a HO1>TD.R Wods Biggest Se Honda Sprïng Sale el C105T C102 cil. 319. 29I9 Rgegular Sale Prie Pnlice $279.95 $199.95 279.95 229.95 319.95 239.95 cS65 CM90 cT200 Drop la àA4ee Al uÏhè Née* '67 Hoiîdas Over 25 Beautiful Modela to Choose From ReguwarSali Price Pri $319.95 $259. 349i95 289. 379.95 319. 399.95 339.1 7 ELECTRIC HAIR DRYER Luge Nood, Adjuqtable Heat HOOVER ELECTRIC PYREX FLOOR POLISHER CUSTARD CUPS Reg. 28.88 j eg. .79 net Eeg. .99 22wl .d43,wthlun 463o.Cis 78cz.I MZL.MAC ML-A ClIPS»dSAUCERa E.A nom Colouws: lRé, Yelow, te PiEacSETS o0F I>IS ]Plnk, Ta&. Settlng fer 4. Asserte colon. E0g. .59g 2 for 75c 4.78 RUSBERMAID I CAKE PAN MURNC TVENTABLE SET Xolp Nothu n.»W h r"u»u» emo Muhum» KitilienCmpbe.wis. I V'7Q»047. Eeg. lLee I 1 1 ri BAR-B-Q PLATTER' Large Ove! Shape, 14" x 1é" e ~ HARDWARE LTD. 95KIG T.PHONE62-51 UWIT W. BOWMM(NVILLE %ememm I SPICE RACKS WalBut Wood eck wlth 6 Bottles Of SPIces and TWO Draver.. SPONGE MOP Chrome Platel, top qualti', Replaceable Sponge. Win s Stanley- Cuip Pla yoff'Draw' ýing ns. fil Ue ý 134 Mng St. E. BowmanviE ,% 1 4ýýAur àî

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