- ----s ~,~-."~---.-- -'.~--,-~-- "W Caadim abutaeman, EowmanVle,ay 10% 110 Magistrate's HeId in Bowmanvill' X> 8a Mnd S, 190" Taunton Road, EL, Oshawa,3 1Mft-trate R. B. Battan pre- charged with illegal posses-1 ~1e In Traffic court on sion cf liquor April 10th, wasc ~pnday wlth Ken Stubington flned $50 and costs,, or seven1 ctngfor the Crown, Mdagis- days.a -Jae R. 13. Baxter with Constable D. Stuart, OPP,r ý'MnAttorney G. Y. Bonny- st.ated that while on duty att 40%astle lI Magistnate's Court the Department cf Transport1 on Tuesday. On both occa- on Highway 401 ha chackedt «Iliions Tom Jermyn acted as the accused's car« and found1 ««dutycOunsel under the Lagal beer in it. The driver showadt @-41 idla. sîina of drinking and wasy .Charles Bernard Ould , Ce- charged and released on bail. t bourg, charged Februan 24th Conviction for baving ne eV1th illegal Possession Of lh- parking brake brought 4 fine èiàuer, was fined $50 and costs, cf $10 and costs, on thre "ff seven days. Constable G. days, te the sama accusad. d ]Evans, OPP, testified that Garnit Vanbeak, Cbu r ch t ,,,,when he stopped the Oulds Street, Newcastle, pleaded nota qý;ehcle near the Clarke-Hope gulity cf carelesis driving i ,ZTOWnship lUne two pop bot. March Ist. Conviction brought c ,;;flas hurtled through a aide a fine of $50 and ceets, or window. Thay centained an sevan days. s alcehollc mixture and a full Constable J. W. Cartwright d >ttl cf gin was handad over stated that 'ha invastigatad a i ey a ldy passangar. The dri- oe-car accident at the inter- s 1ýer. an passangens had ail section of County Road 57 and ' teèn dl 9i, cencludad the Scugeg «Road àt 3 p.m. A 01 irricar. sothbound car lnstead cf el ;P' Speading on Highway 401 mauking the sharp iaft tunn tc ejarch 5th cost the accusad had centinuad straîght on Pl xieta$10 and cesti, or two and rolaed Into the ditch, suf- li adays. faning damage te the roof, in 1Montgomery Slgsworth, 95 windshlald and left frontfnf f r MAY SPECIAL at our Service Station When You Purchase 1.5 gais of Gais you will receive a CAÀR For 1,0 WASH Fo - or - Gas Purchase 14 gais .......... 13 gais .......... 12 gais ......... Il gais .......... 10 'gais......... 9 0,11&........ 8 gais ......... 7 gais ........... Car Wash $1.10 $1 .20 $1.30 $1.40 $1.50 $1 .60 $1.70 $1.80. der. The road was snow coi erad and tire marks indicatei the vehicle had bean on tih wrong sida cf the noad. Mn. Venbeek explained tha the road was quite slippern ha was proceedlng at 35 o 40 miles an heur and los control cf the car on the tun i ary T. Budai, R.R.e charged Febnuary llth wit] apprcaching a stop sign an( 'fai *g9te stop befona enterni an intersection, was repre santad by E. R. Lovekin. Shg pleaded net guilty. Constable D. Stuart, OPP itatad ha Was eastbound or Highway 2 about il p.ni when ha obsarved a vehicie nerthbound on Countice Rcad entter twe highway and tuni. j atwthout stopping. Tiie cificer said the stop sigx waE 34 feet frorn Highway 2. Be. cause thse road east cf theni was winding and thare waE westbound traffie ha bad nm ePPOrtumitY te stop the ca: safaly until it tiîrned laft on. te Maple Groe Road. Mrs Budai, the driver, was aloe lin the vehicle. Mn. Levekin quastionad the officar regarding the Courtice cerner and eiicitad the in. formation that Mrs. Budai had not entanad the highway with a lunch, non had she drivan over the centra lina. She took the stand and ex- plained that sie had bean visiting Mns. Roy Nichels fnomn nina until aimait 11 in the bouse juit south cf the garage, as had been han weakly custom for soem re. On laaving sha backad eut and, finding the stearing wiiaal cold,. stepped at the stop sign and put on han driv- ihg glovas and proeadad on towand home. She said she -dfinitely stopped and tie officar shouid net have charg- ed, har.' "Se far as the officer being an ogre for charging you."e observa Magistrate R. B. Baxcter, "from mày observa- ion while' diving, ths court èould "be filad aveny Tuasday with.people wio disobey stop sn&Twenty-five vears ago, Deloitte, Plendér', Hasldns & Seils wltb whom are now merted Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants Oshawa Winnipeg Primce Toronto Rogina George Halton Calgary Vancouver Waters. C.A. 128-7527 &- e at r st lh id g C. l ie ýe Courti le .1 Cruisader's Quartet ComirigHr you were requlred te stopi the stop sigix. Now dnivir conditions are diffarent. TI Highway Tnaffic Act saysc approaching a stop sign yo must stop, net necessarilyj the stop sign, but at the sta lina, or crosswalk on whei thera la neithar, immediatel befona antering ftha intense' tien. By your own admissio you stoppad at thse stop Sig wiich was 34 feet fnor th intersection." Crown Attorney G. F. Bor nycastla statad that Mrs. Bt dai had two previeus convic tiens-oea for failing te obe a stop sigx and oe for spead Lng. The fine was $10 an costs, on two days. She piaadad net guilty to second cianga.-falling te pro duce han driven's licensa whei required by an officar te d ;e. Constabla Stuart said tha when hae stopped Mre. Bude on Maple Groe Road ha ask ed hanr te coma te the cruise to give him the necassar: particulars. Ha asked for hie licansa. Sha search iad ha c in vain and raturned te ti criser saying she must havg aft it home. Ha added tha th accusad was Most unco. openative and abusive and Ir. formed him hae weuld ba bai. ter occupied going aftar othei drivers, espacially in th( vicinity et Courtice Higi School. "She aven implied that1 ad waited and stoppad haz )n Maple Groe Road foi rne othar reason than issu. ng a traffic ticket," conclud. Id the officar. 1 te d: hi in Again Mns. Budai took th( stand. She statad that she hac bean eut of the country foi sema tima and in han absene( anothen member of han fam. ily had takan ber licanse frenr its usual place in the car and Put it in a différent location tiat it was in the car aIl tii> tîma but she could net locatE e "In titis anea and elsawherE 3 police offîcans ana subjected 0 te a lot et abusa," commantec ,r Crown Attornay Bonnycastle "Thay have a most difficuli job te do. Thay must ask pan. Ssonal questions wiich people 2often rasent, such as birth datas. I think in thus case the officar is te ba cemmanded for having held his tampen." Magistrate Baxter pointed eut that witlx proof ef insur. anca a driver if stoppad has a certain length ef time ta bring ifte the office but that a licensa must ha carried at ail times. "Evarywhare now we seeaa rlack cf respect for the law," .ha want on. "Adults should t a an example for youngsters. Yat soe people vilify and dewngrada police officens at every opperttinity. Wa com- iplain bacausa it fi difficuit te persuade good men te run for council. and ethan responsible positions. -But At if h'under- standable when wa hear the criticîsm they must take. Police officers would rather ha jolly good falows but thay have te.- ay a change wien they sac the law being flaunt- Ha placed Uic fine at fiva dollars and costs, or two days. When Mns. Budal stated she would rather go te jail, the magistrate suggastad that sha first go home and talk it aven with han husband. Ross Wood, R.R. 3, Mill- brook, pleaded net guilty et careleis driving January 9th. Hae was represented by E. R. Lovakin. Constable D. Stuart, OPP, said ha was parked facing east at thé intersection of County Road 57 andi Taunton Road, obscrving the flôw of traffie. When ha saw a south- bound car pnoceed tinough the intersection without stop- ping ha followed it and laid the charge. The offîcer sad - w éI Come to MacDonald Ford for a reconditioned Used Car thatwili give you guaranteed troubie-free summer driving i ONE ONLY! RAND NEW! 1966 ECONOLINE VAN Serlal X14FUM8455 Bave $57 1.00 on tht, new van! 1966,f:ORD CUSTOM "500" SEDAN 0 071., automatie.. Wblte Sale. Lic. K18437. 1963 CHEV. IMPALA 4-DR i[IM bes*pa viuit Our Lot Today ma". Ma" momeBurg"t *1964 CORVAIR 2-DR. 6 cyl., radio. Lic. K16351, Specil $29 1963 FAIRLANE STATION WAGON Lie. 18216.$* 9 This Week'u Speclal -14 9A5 1963 FORD GALAXIE 4-DR. Li. 94?.. . $1395 1962 MERCURY 4-DR. me.~ U86504 - $1295 196 JAGUAR 4-DR. Mark Il Tt= faEurope» «cr muat b.ve Mta.azroseI Gkl" utgblack fIUIsLic=M&03. iýMacDONA LD RDSA Lswuw'wIU. ES at1 ingi on POU at ýop er ely [on In- lc- Sy d- ai do- ýat the road was covered with r adpacked snowan very C lect 22 7 Pints er slippery and that this was a ar particularly dangerous inter-F vie many accidents an w roni o d on r and tw 0. deaths. For this reason there A total of 227 pints of blood nasday, August 2nd. ~ware several warning signs were collected at the recent The efficient mobile team Sanda danger flasher for traf- Volunteer Blood Donor clinic from Toronto depot under the r fie on the north-south road. hald here Wednesday by the direction of Miss Stewart cutlocal Red Cross Brandi.. Mr. wera assisted in the rest bads i tha.heWasd tline corta H. Davey, Blood Donor Chair- In the aftarnoon by Mn., T. man, was very plaased with Rahdar, R.N., Mrs. D. Ail- fgarage and compietaly missad the turnout, aspeciaily the dread, R.N., Miss M. Crowe, I the aarly warning signs. going numbans of teenage R.N, Mns. L. Blackburn and *When he saw the stop 'p dono. These youngsters de- r.C owesarcn )r close to the intersectionn e serve a lot of cradit for thair Home Nursing graduates. In -had to decide whether to put support of this important the aven ing Mns. T. Buttery, -on his brakas and parhaps work. Branch officiais are RN., Mrs. R. VanOosten- slida into the intersection, rnost grateful te ahl those who brugge, R.N, Miss D. McCul- take to the ditch or drive assisted in making this such loch, C.N.A., and Mrs. P. Gro- te drie through. Ha hs to a sucsful cini. The .next eneveld and Mrs. N. Collacott r ragular be hl fth oeNursing cdas e Yo are lucky there was her nAgs - please mark were in attandanca. Dr. Fer- -no traffic on Taunton Road," your calendar now - Wed- guson was the doctor on call. commantad Magstrate Bax- A. lovaly arrangement of d ter. "Suppose thera had been rad carnations (compliments 1,someone struck and killed by ~o .J aka o lr yourcar oul youstil thnk st) brightened the tearoom. eYOU were not to blama? At efeshments were served by ail times you must realize W f the ladies of the Court Van- whara you are and observe tue LdgeNo 182, i ,traffic signs. $50 and costs, ueLd N.19,wt dor sevan days." (PROM PAGE ONE) Mrs. G. Prout, Mrs. E. Rob- d erts and Mrs. R. Westlaka ser- John F. Sirnard pleaded Musical Chairs, Patch Race, ving in the aftarnoon. Durn Sguilty to being intojctd in Pole Bending, Reining Horse the evaning, those on handto a public place May 3rd, and Class, Fiag Race, Parade provide coffee and cookies to eillegal possession of liquor. Horse Class, Sack Roping, the donors were Mrs. B. Al- -Constable K. C. Laton's evi- Ladies Barrai Race, English len, Mrs. R. Allen, Mrs. J. dence was that as the rasuit Pleasun-e Class, Apple Duck- Bond, and Mns. D. Porter. of a complaint hae pickad up xng, Picking Race, Junor During the aftannoon, Mns. the accused who was lying Barrel Race, Girls Pole aend- osyJ. Ms .Jms in the ditch near Morgan's ing Race and Girls Goat Ty- G.Mrs Jrivn, M. . JRun- Corner in an intoxicated con- îng Race. daM. . Rueil, . J. n *dition with a part bottle of Trephias and Ribbons will Scott, Mrs. R. Spny and Miss wine in his pocket. be up for tha taking in the C. Forsey registerad and dir- of Conviction brought a fine varlOus classes. acted the donons and carried t f$20 and costs, or six days Bob Leggette, foreman of out the clerical duties neces- to date fnom May 3rd. the Tyson Ranch, ls the pro- sary to keep the clinic op- Frederick John Armstrong, ducer of this Centennial anating efficiently. In the Whitby, was charged May 7th Event and Mrs. Alberta Leg- evening thosa assisting wara wîth impaired drivvmg and gette is the Secretary-Treas.. Mrs. G. Forsay, Mrs. J. Liv- criminal nagligence causn turer. lng, Mrs. D. Mansdan, Mns. A. bddily 4mrtrt--to Jerr3y lnwZ . Anoee înar n'par. Martin, Mrs. E. Rundie, Mrs. Ha was remancded fi custdy titipating In the Firader.and R. Spny, Mns. W. Wallis, Miss for one week with bail set atlHorsé Show shoul'd contact D. Wesselis and Mr. W. $2,000 cash or $5,000 property. the Leggettes, R.R. 1, New- Wallis. William H. Clar.ke, charged tonville, or telaphona 786-295. Transportation was previd- with a traffie infraction at Entry -fee in the various horseed for those donors who wish- Taunton Road and Highway classes mis 50c. ed it during both the afiter- 35, heard the case dismissed noon and avaning, and the becausa the officier had îeft Branch are most grateful te court for othar duties. Mn. those gentlemen who helped Ciarke accepted this dispos.i- s ao with this: Mn. C. Eiliott, Mr. tion of the mattar but told f D. Harvey, Mr. J. Living, the court that ha had attend- Mn. W. J. E. Ormiston, Mn. W. ed in order te point out that Fir Maindonald and Mn. T. R.1 this was a most confusing in- <PROM PAGE ONE) Wideman. tersection where the traffIc The othar memnbers of this island was composed of sand committee are Ed Johnston, bags and there wena irnproper Lonne Heard, Stan Rout, Herb Ta x s traffic markings o Tnon StewatadW .Jfey Road. He was toid that this watndWA.Jfey was something which should. Reeva Muir told the dalega-ý be deaît with by the County. tion ~that councîl will have te Low er P Vcsa, rffe ikesobtain more information ne- FOPAEN) P aes rfictcesgar ding the possible coits teoiOMPGEOE anedfamy cur er the municipality of the pro- fromn the local High Schooi, the day.posed plan for coveraga of Karen Kramp, Janice Moses, West Darlington by the Osh. Jim Cobhan and Randy Sal- awa Fire Dapartment. Then lows, who afterwards took part Icouncil could maka an intelli- in a panai discussion. Acciaent gn eiinatrcnieig MyrHbsatrtakn (FRM PGEONE al ge ngs i afeconsidning MarnHob ftmmrcnkon <PRO PAE ON> al ten fangl adcolar. t hmanof Commere for quita how the accident hap- think it advisable to adopt this the function and congratulat- penad. Ha was taken te Ma- plan for fine protection in West ing those who wena to naceive maorial Hospital by th, Bow- Danlington it could neointo Citations of Menit, in a short manvlleAre Amulace. oparation until 1968," Reeve addrass spoka of the advant- The driver of the car in- Muir said. agas Bowmanville offans its volvad was charged with cri- Mn. Heard rapliad that this people. minai negligance and impair- is undanstoed as the mill rate "Bowmanvilla's tax par ad dnîving. He appeared in for this yaar has airaady been capita is lower than in any Magistrate's Court hera on set. The delegation was advis- othar municipality in the Tuasday, and the case was ed that council will consider area. Our taxes have increas- Put ever te next weak. Con- the matter and will deal with ed by a lasser ameunt than stable Las Ricard is the in- it funther at a forthcoming have those of any other vestigating offican. meeting. municipaîty on a comparable' L Bowmanville's PentecostaI Church on Liberty South has an unusual treat scheduled for this Sunday evening, when the Crusader's Quartet fnom Whitby will be providing special music. They are a dadicated group who have built up quite a fine reputation with their varied entertaining talents. Ashton Elect.d (PROM PAGE ONE) husbandny (swina nutrition section) at Iowa stata Col- lage. Dr. Ashten's association with the Agicultural Instîtut goeai back moe than 20 yaars. Ha held severai offices un thé Macdonald Collage Bnanch and was its president in 194ô. He la a charter n'îmbér cf thé Ontario Institute of Agrolô- gias and served on the pro- vincial ceuncil, in mnany capaci- ties, includlng, vice-president, 1962-63; president elect, 1964. 65 and president, 1965-66. Ha was preuident cf the Guelph branch, OIA-A.IC li1961. Ne was a member cf the senate cf the U. of G., 1964-65 and from 1906 te the présent. lie la aiso a member of the Canadian SthcIety' cf Animal Production, the Canadien Sa- clety of Tec clAgricultur- la!., the.JAmerlcan Sttifftical Acsociation and the. Blometric Soltand lien served on ths SoientIfcaDlrectorles of the A4ncrican Society of Anmal Production, 1962,, The Amer!- eau StatiadtiaAssociation, in 1901; Amerlca*iMmn of sel- Mm.a lm10 a*id tii. ometrie ]IL1r Ashisa'If,! U auMO e Residentia I .0 Commercial COBOURG 372-6487 . fý included next week. M SauncISlNay qfth 1- 'basde ln the region. TIn the laat few years we have pro- vided facilities for lndustry the best we have ever ha here". Mayor Hobbs predicted that the population of Bownxanvîlle wil cidouble in the next 20 yearu and tniplin niue next 40. '7he town'a advantages and potential for business men bas neyer been brighter, and there are wonderful opportunlties," he stated. 'Recreational facilities here are at least equal to those of municlpalities of equal size and li many cases are better. Bowmanvîlle's advances in in- duatry and commerce have been far greater during the last few years than in the previaus 50 years. "We are growing i the right direction, planning con- structively, and grasping al opportunities for the town. Everyone has a contribution to make. Late lait week fort. unately another industry was added to Bowrnanville (Nassau Steel Cruisers Limited> througb Walter Frank. "I arn proud of Bowman- ville, and extremely proud to represent our town", Mayor Hobbs declared. Re~ recalled a statement made by the late President Kennedy: 'Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country'. "Every citizen of Bowman- ville can help in some way towards our town's advance- ment. Some people would like a more rapid advance, but this advance must be con- trolled or they would be ex- tremely unhappy wîth their taxes. I hope it will advance at a comfortable rate good for everyone in town," Mayor Hobbs said. Mr. Lucas, Principal of Bow- manville High School, was the moderator of the panel coin- posed of Jim Cobban, Karen Kramp, Janet Moses and Randy Sallows. Their topic was "Youth Takes a Hard Look at Bowmanville". De- lu tails of their proposais will be KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLR NOTICE RE FIREWORKS Please be advised that By-Law No. 67-12 is now in effectir -reguIating the s.tting off and sale of. fireworks. A summary of the provisions are set out as foliows:- 1. No sale of fireworks except three business days prior to Victoria Day and Dominion Day 2. No sale of fireworks to anyone under the- age of eighteen years. 3. No person shai f ire or set off or cause to be f ired or set off any fire' bail, squib, crackers or fireworks of any kind except on Victoria Dy or Dominion Dy and thn only on his or her property. Exceptions are permitted under certain circumstances with the approval of Council. 4. No person' shahl set off fireworks on any public street or roadway within- the Town of Bowmanville at any time. 5. Any person contravening the By-law shail, upon conviction, b. liable to a penalty not exceeding $50.00. R. L. BYRON, Town Clerk. B. E. rALORelEA now kno Same efficient and effective 28 Division Street Bowmanville Telephone 623-3341 p Farms 623-3341LL 623 - 3341 MacDonaldý S 1.IIServc 219 KING $T. ~ 130WMA VILLE m$otrpal wIl4sot tIçrdon W. Ruehl, C.A.. R.LA. Bart a. ~sbaw~Oshawa Shopping Centre r our new name 0 a a Industrial 1 -1 1 - «9 w C2ýc2&tdicandies make fresh and delicioua gifta for Mom on Mother'. Day JURY & LOVELL KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE service. TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE P. E. Gravelle Real Estate now known BOWMANVILLE