- -3 ..............................................~-. Newcastle United Churchf The Orono News tenEoavmayiN l a a . Dof Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ini the Memorial Hospital, C etebrareso andsoenStanle: ofBownanville.pain C ele rat s C e .te niaHampton called on Mr. and' Mr. and Mr. Evan Quan- The beginnmngs of Methodiam. ninq, blocks and planka werel MeCullough received a two Mr". W. S. Moffat on Sunday. trill, Mr. Win. Robinson, Mr.Im ithe Newcastle neighborhood usedt for seats. It was desig- Iyear appolntment. It was dur-I Mr. and Mrs. Burns Kitt- and Mrs. Chas. Cooper at- a "eseya Mthdislig te asorae f M. c-mer of Lakeside, near St.tne Kendal United Church 1te 84, undertentda elynMtoitigtepseaeo M.M_ Ms pn usa aho udyatron eV nGreen. However, Church". The Rev. S. S. Nelles, ICullough that the present~Mr',setTedywt'o udyatron I attempt waa made to con. Dean of Victoria College andchurch was built. The corner Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Adams. Mrs. James E. Richards wasý s< truet a church building until Rev. Lachlan Taylor preached tonie was laid by Senator John Mr. Tom Rehder o! Bow-, a supper guest o! Mr. andî drgthe pastorates of at the dedication services. IMacDonald, merchant, Toronto,, manville and Mr. E m i l! Mrs. Ted Stevenson at Ux- th Rv.Aap Adams and 0. During the intervening years onl May 24th, 1867. Addresses1 Schmid left the International 1 bridge on Monday evening. Barbe.I that year it wasithe church was served b he were delivered at that time by 1 Airport, Toronto, on Tusay Mr. Cecil Jones returned decdedto uid afraeîev.Joh Enlih, he evRev. A. B. Chambers and Rev.1 on a business trip toWinnli-lhome lest week fram the Osh- church on the corner of Church 1William S. Blackstock, the Mr osno itraCl1pg aioe awa Hospital and Mr. Clarnce and Emily Streets. When itlRev. William Philp, the Rev. legs and by Mr. MacDonald.1 Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Caver-1 from the Memorial Hospital. Was dedlcated on March 16th,fFrancis Coleman, Dr. I. B:. Joseph's Olford's choir sang. ley of Boulter spent three, Mr. and Mrs. John M.le 1851, it became the first churchlAylesworth, the Rev. Alexan-11and the Newcastle Brass Band idays o! last week visiting her Thompson cf Omnemee, Mr. to be constructed in Newcastle.!der Campbell. iplayed the National Anthern. sister, Mrs. Marshà1l Chetter- Jim Berham, Mr. and Mrs. the following evening In the, Mrs. Graham Campbell of, Catherine Seal. IMasonic HIall. It is interesting Toronto was an overnightl Mrs. Alex Ritchie visited Ito noplte thandtheqcurch as ges on Friday cf Mr. and1 her mother Mrs. Robt.M- comletd ad euiped t aMrs. Horace Best and Satur-1 Holm at Port Hope onWe-'" '. V aost of something over $600 day night with Mrs. Arthurjnesday. A large deep-toned bell wasi Tennant.1 Among the guests frein eut ioeuc,~ < '~rviIinstalled (which is still in Congratulations te Mr. andi of town Who ttended the te, r . ~ bu use). A pipe organ was placedi Mrs. Albert John Munneke, trousseau tee given by Mrs. Z,'U*eua~0 in the gallery against the Wall, the former Miss Barbara Ruth Harvey C. Atkin o! Millbrook bee.~ Iv ~ ~cfth tweratth est n nontheir marriage i for her daughter, Miss Bar- d b.,0 . t o! the church. The lete Mr. Seturday afternocn, May 6th. eeR tibieeet t0' . iit ,~5~e b Charles Messey, son o! Mr. in St. Andrew's U ni t ed 1bera.home oknSatrdayee, ArlRC I~ at TAKE A DRIVE Hart Massey, a brother o! Mr. Cburch, Millbrook. Up1n29hwreMis gnsStic- Y INI'LY B.ECAUSE:~,:0<hTde?: TOserD Massey, was the their return they will reside land and Miss P Glass of THÂAAm Oau<~,tda oflirst organist. Speakers on the in the Cornish apartment, Oshawa, Mrs. John Kileen cf .vj, Ei*rto. #'t.tnl occasion cf the opening were Main Street, Orono. OFenM" THE Pr. 0 MiE>AT 1 BwmavileMrs. Loa r n eOu R VA 1EL EteRev. William Jeffers,-.D., Mrs. James E. RihrsýBwn rs. A. Newman, Mrs. ý "'%-?~ GARDENSeditor of theChita Guar- visited Mrs. Evelyn Batemnan!Harry Weirsme Mns Ronald FEH NAIOPRr~.~~ College, Rev. S. Rose, Rev. home lest week from conval- vlMs oe ros TENDERLOIN END Menagdo. Ttefdz For The Egerton Ryerson, Rev. R. Wbit- escing for six weeks et beri ed Mrs . ev erne Bo Ms, 3 T0 3% LB. AVERAGE Oi ~,' .. 1ing end he R v. A son reen Floida apartment after being W alter Nanning, Mrs. Dickà*,eý. DO-IT-YOURSELF ~The old frame church contin- a patient for several months Woodstra, Mrs. Donald Cha- f ~ ~ I 4"n~ nt~ * FERTILIZER *SPREADERS .. .udt eue o Sunday in the Oshawa Hospital. lieMs.KitKreuneLO INe 'o U INDg~e~teb Sch ol s ci l a d th r ur M rs. Joh n C h atterton an d M rs. O rv ille C hcic ndow * , ~ ~ , > t 1 . U v . BOOLS * OPETC. oss.Mr. Harold Chatterton cf dauhers Dele, Dorette end 0of eJieIe to ~, d ~ftai * SED, EC.The Rev. Jecob Howell wa'Hvlc spent Mondey witb oneMss JAne un Advlce on your Garden Problemg appointed pastor In 1877 and Mrs sasbll hateron.J Jun-e. by this time the regular con- Mneke, aVs o D n Mors.ondrewM- gregation had outgrown the Mrs ,HemeanarV lst e ee h ohro V cn B le a d n apct fthe chuch. Dur-e Thursday ta spendedthree gmt oeMr lbr J. PORK LOIN CENTRE CUT ae..P0 ,ve*.wJ3,,44.w in r oelspastorate teweswt Munneke, alfo rn dis- Mr. Hondy Gadn Ce te"b ilig w el's d by eheks wt er sister nd trict. Irenvll orgn ws ove frrnthe Andrew A. Munnekof4h and Bride-to-be Honoured f O ihaNo2...62577gleyadpaeinthe al i- e n tede h u- A group o! boys wbo have tSLi cv ulintewsenex- neke-Atkin wedding in St.'played bail and hockey ta e- "51I--bJUruuppor. ow' Comni tninA etywsfurnîsh- nrwsUie Chr, gether for the pest yeers ec- %. Centennia.l Poet u Millroo, o Satrda. Ms.1cmpaiedby prens, ladyi«HP Vos bas neyer been in Canada friends, a !ew stauncb sup- before but bas a wonderful porters gethered in the base' FRESH JUBILEE BRANDI SWFSPRM.J knowledge of the Englishj ment o! tbe Orono United f Orono Editor is taught in thel o uc upe r Selng ,*N rou nd BEEF S AUSA GEWIENERS really cnjcyed our brief visit Is John Moffet set up the.5 9IcP on Friday evening. tabl*es and got things reedylbpg Sam Farwell attended a mis- spokesman for the evcning, COC MOTDYUGLM cellaneous sbcwer for Missý bringing to mind some o! the ~ Gwen Rate, bride-elect etj happenings thet hb uLAL.. Ennîskillen en Saturday' ev- 1ti group o! boys, now young L ening.__________ men, together and the mn AB C O S l. 9 good times that thcy had bad 10 kil ed and e choir loft built behind as tbey played bail and hoc- . 9 \ The i3lding of a new brick khey together, as they tr- ipsIN~ LA M B CHO PS lb.6 Sunday Schoel et the west eidf lowed their sporting endea-1TUSAYNGTrE T REpIAY-gT E T R cf the church was commencedyovuns oven meny parts of On-_________________________________ in 1892. It was opened intarie. 1893. Severel months leter the Rev. Long, e guest o! the6 . T L 9P M O Y6 3 aid trame churcb wes destroy- evening, was asked for a fewRcheo IN SOEed by line. commentsan asked the boys Bayside Fancy Rciel Ipandrepeins tae church. teyhad with oneSoc f orLTi sîhster .Mrs e ad t he o csrthe a tewbp D o i WE HAVE PURCHASED A FULL TRUCK LOAD Mr.Çhster, . Masse y-Td rebsethe knocthey had anta CI okeyeJaimon 55J J WuenR ~iAm-Imade proposais which surpas-']oe but net to give up, and rI- -- OFT P QU#ALIITY uCA FE PAI TSy JND sed the highest expectations of the need for discipline wbich FFR TBG SA I GSthe Newcastle Congregation. was so.ncsayi ann OFE TTQ YOU AT BIG ____ JSirerVro!thGS,ýcbwa respect for themacîlves and~F R ES H PODCEFET put in, e new porch added te for others. Rev. Long ad the main entrence, the old tribute ta the yung people FLORIDA GROWN - 18 LB. AVERAGE YOU pews neplaced, an altar, pul- of the erea and hoped they, Look atThese V lues! !'You '3pit and choir loft furnished ta would beceme involved in A .'ER M EI.O ~ %s mtch. A new pipe organ ea ding things for other people I Look at T ese V lutinstalled. The Sunday School as their leaders and coaches TU lt was extended 25 feet to the~ had donc for them in the pest. vW EML "UN'WHITES ONL west and suitably equipped. Rev. Long rcceived e hearty /*fThe congregation subscribed appla 'use for bis well spoken SUNKIST SIZE13 z.$1,660, and the balance we 8Oid. EX ERORpaid by Mn. Chester D. Mas- Mn. J. Moffet again com- 5 B GALLON ElTEUO sey and Mn:. MasseyTreble. rnented on the p::t and asked vAE I RNE 1 REG. SALE PRICE /" In addition, the Massey tam- those present te assist him U QAR 1.6 699$3.61 in rnemory cf their parents, and congratulations te their GALN1.069 .adMs atMassey. i basebail coach o! several ___________________________ 33u22 1.01 The church structure re- easDr Peter Maertense.SE OHA AT ESG OD V LU S S VE Q U A R T .3 0 2 . 9 m a i n d u n a l e r e d e c e p t f r J o h n M a th e r , c a p t a in o f!E S A W I E HIH L SSE A M Lsmall jobs and "In Memoniam" the juvenile hockey team cf G O ___________________________additions, until June 1964. It the past season, assisted by ftRe4Cour- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O Uw s o n t h is d a t e t h t t h e c o n - C a mr e r o n P e r r a u l t , c o m p le t e - MDYS f i e 4 C l u s - 2 R i k s A E U RGSAEPI SAVE Igregation authorized major ly surprised Andy Murphy,oR EAR P P R BATHROO MTS U 3f 79 SALE PRICE repairs and renovtion of the thein coach, by sking Andy FOR E LI W E EK mix 'c or Match 'en 6os asSAE9 49 huncb. This wonk consisted of; to come forwend and neceive FRoATsUR BrPandK Se. GALLON 11-95 6.99 brick pointing, and painting' e gift, a set o! TV tables, in R E TU QUART 3.65e2.29 1.36eenlanging the-h th.3exteion, h on o!ofAndy and bis bride- ____P___g___PICKLES_______ QUART 365 2.29tibule, new ceiling, new light-I to-be, Miss Sandra Paterson. T c Em I L O S S ^ C jin fte eres a ei n ! t as, n elieva ed te hbe eb le st < a e O o i i n s O n B a d ht r R i b - P g f 2 0l V REG.SAL PRCE AVEi s uu o . -303 Ilfor the Ilowers whîch weire ' otates Assorted FlorAl ieuli GALLOLE 'ESAE iso kindly donated. PoFrnch ried39c CHAISE LOUG ea$S5 V A L N 9.95 6.99 2.96 f Dominlbin Sweetened Frozen - 124-oir. Tins AVrE lsAumnum - AsortedClor QUART 3.10 2.29 .81 H ANSS«ORANGE JUICE 3fo89c ALumCin kr se.75 ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___Points"___ GOOD VARIETY 0FI W. WILL rINT TO VOUR CHOICE OF PASTEL COLOURS KA C IN Gi P TTEDPA T F 1 A K M FOR A SMALL FEE - 50c per gai. - 15c pr qt. PRPRRFARRUNSATTAtTIVELY PRICED F[ POT EAiFARGRUNSM eichaudIlse li Guarantsed Te i*1%Sstmto MONDAY, MAY 22 nn 2:00 p.m. Values Effective Until Clonng, Saturday, My1,'7 u~wmniI 110 DAYS OLY,- MAY 4th to MAY 3th Thurs. rnitl THE LêGH'411 ____________________________________________FRIDAY. JUNE 2 - - - - - 6:15 p.m. W EEV H IH T II U NIIS FRIDAY, JUNE 16 . . . . . 6:15 p.m. Open Thùe. ad Fi. A E N T Y Paint and FRIDAY, JUNE 30 . . . . .. 6:15 p.m. FRIDAY, JULY 14 . . . . . 6:15 p.m. AERE HWallpaper MON DAY,.AUGUST 7 - - - 2:00 pm 'BOWMAN VILLE S -COLOUR EXPERTS" MONDAY, SEPTEMBRER 4 - - 2:00 p.m. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOr PHONE: 623-5431 î (ANNUAL FAIR DAY) -SEE US TODAY-- PARA MUTUAL WAGERING '-__ Sponuored b>': King St and msn &*te FOR AU. YOUR PAINT NUADS 1 ~po ..qu -u1q.wyV~2 U ___________________________ OSHAWA HARNESS DRIVING CLUB kO IJ KI&& 4 ' r