Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1967, p. 6

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i. tremendously enjoyablie-MUs, Fred Cole were respon- uilpew Ni.ght Diazie and sible for all the beautiful de- tl"oe hÙld jrEr7 c 178 of conations. The double doors P*YI ltçM aadian Leglon fron thie antenoomn were cov- me OrMtly OnJoyed by tii. ened with orignal'water-color bW(eaumber -of people at- Ilue size portraits painted by nuwag h lin the Leglon Hall Mrs. Peter Lake. Thone fine ri 0atundaY evening, April 15. pictures, anecofi a prlncely Mdent Maurice Conway arlstocrat ln the ermonious Ù Md$&L Speclal vents robes of aid apan, thc otiier ba irmanU Bob rnldltch was a graceful lady weanlng a tra- ï harge 0f rrangemeate.. ditional kinnona and obi, were ~4ho marveloujl dgconations superlrnosed on silver foil tlted OQut -lnipastel Pink, Panela iflaW, and light green in a Pink, yellow, and green kpanesc theme transfornmad streamers were -looped from 10 spaclous' 'all intô a the -ce illg ong the enire ftlve sprang-Iike s c ene. length andi from aide ta side Weamrs inthe thns. lov'ely af Uic huge room. Pretty dors 'ext«edd ouit ram thé parasols and attractive ian- rOffenni anch, and at terni adorned the streamers ther side ai the front ai Uic at antervals. Exquisite pic- 14M Pink urfts held tall sI. tures ai Japaniese scenles lftd tises covered wlihaà alnted ln vater-calor by Mis. oiuasion of epple blossonuis. Bl Wade onhanced thc wafls. 'The streamers dnaped aide- Two appropriate sized re-; &Ys on thc proscenium arch plicas af Japanese rickshaws en centred with a large and with miniature passengers, a Japanese lantern adorn. and "a coolie betweén the 1wlth a big silver tasselé oha t, aiof ach rlckshaw, were td twa suspended Japanese uscd as effective centrepiecest tasols 'on eltier ade werc on Uiceiiead table. These rick-c circled with apple blossonus. chaw reproductions w e r ýý RoertHildtchandmadc by Fred Cale. Tail pink, Yellow, and blue* tapers la crystal candle. holders whlch had' circular crystal contaa ens'around their bases fiiled' wlth sinail sping flowers, filailighted -l the.tables. IItW Ormce waa uaIld by JackE .21 ,the former Padre ai I M UCHBranc 178, Prealdent Maurice ' Conway proposed tue Toast ta d thc 'Quemn' President Conway extended c I D Y Oniex Who had catered for the 1 doudcous dinner. a ILL A S la! EIvents Chairnuan T IOSPITAL STAY Wer@ asta ked b pei. 08ST YOD? towards ensurlng the SucceSu ai lie evenlng. Theo Branchi1 yoiw present hmoondoa lreoident expressed a eclal tc unanco dois not proild. ap reclation ta Mrs. Hi!ditch ûl ~~quate~~~ hat a clr n s. Cole for the won- e( equae Hms tomeetthe derful decarations. I st of hospital care, your out.~ Those at the homd table B -pocket expenses for a hou.. wene Preuident and Lins. Con- fu Wi stay can quickly snowball way thc Mayor and Mns. Ivan Pl o a sizable amount. To closa Hobbis, President Mary West- tt Oeps W.OaUn arrangea ver of Uic Bowunanville La- i 'i'lemental plan of prote>. dieu Auxil'iry ta the Royal m n for you at ow outCali Canadian Legion, and her ýr for a& huuband Conade Tam West- i aven, Brandi 178 Immediate se PasI President Stan Dunn and Y' Mm. Dunn, former Padre'La"V- M '~maniand Mrs. Hil rsditch,PChair- w TUAIT il dent Bob Stevens, Bowman- 17 ville Rotr Club, Ma. -Ste. venu, Preuldnt iaph Whyte, th, ANES Bowmanvfllle Kinarnen ClublrIi Lins. Whyte, President Georgý UNESAL INSURANCE Cub rs hfe Pé lfn t. Rmileme a U ar.s. ~6S1 44n'The Toastlaflc ad orla _________PrOposed wlth eoquece and wJ it by lfft Vic e Pildent, Ab h le ci d in et le es Id );r Moa.à H. paJdtbuttea u f a ilin g s u p p o rt. , lut Vice -Président M stated liai. he believes ladies today have a tquq lite tien dld' the ploneer smon of luis country. "Ul plonees wonuen had to do prepare the food for tue la do - he house- work, cl wmih, Iron, sew, look à lhe 'chuldren, hoe',,m shoot naome game. Today men have televion -li t living roanu. They gel ul Uic motniige *dasi 4o, lie tien1 .prepare -'instant. bre faste wlth anec hand, Mke instant caifee wiii otier. fua si e Wad t mi ter h1 tié childnen off to..schogl modern waman must gel houe cleaned quickly la don la hean hon favorite nid ing TV pragnams, have ai ai caficee an attend a kofl klalch. "Sic must be a that Ihene le nat a smudge dm1t la hon house on a Wl Kalgiht wll came charglng tlaliving côor," ViceF ident Mmviii aaid. "At noon. she has hon us Ba3. routine, and afionwa wvatches TV and cries as i roilows hon favorite prognai 'Guidlng Ligit"l and fdSec Storm". The paon girl m get auppen ready and ail wards gel saine help witi 1 ihea. Vice President Mavini clared Itlel no wonder 1 naderni woman Io tlred t ad daes nat have lime la : mx. Re rsmlnded ie lsti nr how wamen loday In i [Ilion bô everything else à alto badgered by counîli 'V ada. «mBles them ail" HIe said .e asksd tue nmen ta rise a Jrlak la hem ladies. Lira. Conway, wlfe af t Brmci Proaldent, respand to the toast an behai aof te ladies present. Sic than ýd laI Vice President May tr his graphie addness, a Bnanch 178 fon lie deligl ruIlY arrangecl Ladies Nig Sr rreferred to -he saci cea miade by lic Legi nembenu who had Jolned t imed fonces and servod du ng lie war. "Thc Legion irving stililaInwelfarc am Iauth work. Each anc aiofi Pmo ud la obo tue wlfe ai tenau, mad al l n me isilag aIl successa ta Érarn 78,"P in. Conway staled. .In pnoposlng - tlisToast ce Royal CanadienLogio mmiediate Pasl P r e 3ldeum inn uaid that Ib fi an asui man ai ex-service pensai el 'upited lu slng cainrad Mp. >"lb luleaur . solenn'dul afeud tic mnInrests man e. oe --au'; .'a-é,-ai rh ame not, and-espeoiil ise Who aretslk or 'J eed,»"# ho sald. The Légion ina a' némbe, lp af 300,000, anid has muc ifluence* for good, he o iu a ut. Ho spake ai lieLeAM c'u mnany achievemenia, an articularly mentlaned th riofa il has pnosenled ta th )vernment which have me led ini iavung bonefili ages miade li pensions ani ir volerans allowances. Hie statod liai Branci 17! ta 450 memberu, and ho dis tued tue wortuwhile pro las carried an, lIa ca-opoma )u wiih atier anganizamans id its substanlial financla niabution ta lie Ceniennia )mlttèehome. He also coin unded lie Bowmanville La. as Auxillary ta lie Baya tuadian Legion fer !tu out. Mding Wark. The winnens ai lie excel. it door prizos wero Lins 'tHooper, Lina. Maurice inacrt, Lira. Lildred Wrigit, e. Marie Brooks, Mns. Ivan )bbs, Lins. Keiti Ferguson, ýs. Liailyn Wallon, and s. AI Fletcher, who won 1upecial pnize donated by ýper's Jewoileny. Apapulan quartel knawa tho Beauxinen. campnae a IATMOAL lAtInn 11SI'AU NEINZ BADY FOODS -&-95c 4 a69c BOWMANVI LLÉ IGA FOODLINIR SsN ÀMILIGNmorumO - Il&.1 lo lise Canadien Statesma~ Eowmaam~ May 3,191? gion Holds Ladie-s -Nighf- ith Fine Dînne r and Danéel t û ât a.t aui ki ta] le ho or eu oni hil ýrI lui iri Ce lui tr de th ou ad an lus i Inc al mi nh. gi rI the ar- la h 10- te- in Ir ;adi os- AU ruc~ E DUCTION 1u OPrIA *,OANW1 HISt.*? 'c I compilaT wiVIlIAFUES AMD BIFOCAL LENSES KYTKULTXXA-r $19.so $19:uo )D rL -I[UP ALL CLASSES ONE LOW PRICE COUPLETE WITM 9 LENSES $1050 D?è 01L 9SU TH OTOUTSTANSIN$ SF118 IN OPTICAL HISTORT Tsmeft" v.ym uea uke %bMd& wvomms ufaaalem" .uhosleam* "Miahuil eIer of &Hai loes. Fer THIS WIIICONU'Y i eu n 1h. Meum NOWI ltàraddfut quality Stl lI augt umplam. VI* Ibo iate.yf gIIca of 1h.ONE LOW FRICS $19M5 163 STYLES, SHAPES AND ORS IS O OISf yRld cS..,h. bilkesels the# j vie#f -d -#ylyovpe" adfé o V op qétilfrn. matDs. Select from à vide assertm.ut of frémés.*0s aims. d mi d pulalyfer "w oM.aie p.lauulfW id facll saifftr. Mal efts * Lawst prîm&R iesadI Nilghsf OUaly i ne .leaic@e. W.O't py« sampam ,. . . aa4. P& wPro«e, SALE POSITVELY ENDS SA?., MAY 6, 1967 FUM ITN SINILE ISION LEISES .. . . SILL OILY $13-95 09 P iwn APPIN? mNTNC Ay . U- g, ~w 1. S, j I f c ~WA,0tf r. I i vir hi 'cý the iu &i 't lni jt: ik nd n. ru 'ir 'a. AI li 'e r- le a le cg tt ~ynei ahi lu: cd ion pai gol nu. chi han jeci anÉ con Col mei diei star leni An: Mrm Hot Mn: Mrs the Hoc A as t] Drý. son, Bac: prec proi ing D ever ta leck ai ti lot Ab Albq 't Brai tenn Satu WESLEY VILLE f Buay sPrang dayo are hene incannest with land drying aucl ince the last raina. Farmers arec warking evcry- where on lic high land, and barn swallOws are back, ; sure slgn that spring is rcally hone. Sîdenoade tual have been clos- cd ta trafil bec&use af break- up are repalred, in thÎs area, and open ta trafiic. Chureh serVice was ln:W@g- leyville on Sunday mnornlng and a SPeCIMl responsive leaf. lIt Wmî ugOd. Tic choir's an- thema was thec tant prosenta- lion heeoaitue centennfal hyn.n and the floral offe * the u dey Ware a love thtlu P@4 ad a « we4 a una n'Uic0let Suday i UOth the superntendeni ýI8ffrd ln chur..Thé *,OeOn te hW unday «t 1 Mn. and Mns. Jînu Hanris and famlly, South Manoghan; Mn. and Lira. Murray Preucoti; and family, St. Catharines, were dinner gucata at the tPrescott home on the occasiaon ai Mn. and Lins. Harris' 201h wedding anniversany. Mrs. Wallace Paacoe and Mn. Godfroy Bawman attend. ed a dessert luncheon and shower fon Miss Bessie'Paicoe ai Oshawa, et the homne of Mn. and Lira. Harvey Paecoe, Kedron. Mrn. and Mns. Bill Cann and lamily, NeWtonvllle, visited et Mn. Elmer Lee's. Mns. R. Giffin spent the weekend with Mn. and Lins Rae Cowling, Whitby, and cele- brated hen birthday there. Mrn. and Mr@. Edgar Pnescatt attended the funeral ai Mns. Scatt Gm Bat Mount Forest lait week, and vislted Mn.. L. Rahm at the Pninceas Mar- garet Hospital, Toronta. Mn. and Lins. Prescott were ac- companied by Mr. and Mns. Wilbert Smith at Oshawm. Membens af aur cangrega. tion met li tie churci base- ment Sunday nigit ta discus plans for Centennial activitie. A tant wau made by plantina a red maple li the churci yard and remodellng the front stops 1Huies: Dfroclory Âccounianc) RAT J. DILING Chartered Accauntant 03 Chunch Street 15 Liberty St. S., f owaavl lit WILLIAMc. HL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 306 K9igSt. B., Oshawa TelePhone 725-6539 nBVRROWli, SELET &à00 Chartered Accauntantu 323 ]King Street West Oshawa, Ontario 725-6451 - 728-7854 William A. D. Selby, C.A. G. Edmond Bunrows, C.A. C h i r opr a c 1c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Office: C hirpractr 15.Elgin St., cor. of Harsey St. Phone 623-5509 Office louri:By pplaîment Shades of Long Ago tii shower 1 aRd la Mouléh Sunday School zoom forEMaine Anderson lait SaUuxday nlgt. Wllma Nioholss utfered a paiaful accidant la Port Roe on ffldayatjernoon Whou aie feu a< _b93je»hr wrbttî Ehe la' Arï lâýport Ilote Inda Ë iIno*bours bhan M.Gainet Shied whosé auxiien deah foccurred ,lftPent MODO, It 1 eek, when -the alecietti Rose ruaral hapel or at* tonded the funeral sèrvie on tFriday afternoan, and express- ed y»th tomembera of hlm &Èorrowlng famtly, iMr. and Mma. Hector Danke were in Eowmnvillle lest Tueiaynlght- to Niait1Mr.' Nor Brooklng who had undurgone s urgery there. Mia. C.- ,elg#htonaccom. r edMn.Reg. 3e. af P«tt oe for à drive an Saturday afternoon and called on Mrs. xv MecHolm and Mrs. W. Herne at Welcome. Mr. and Mns. K. Barrow- ci g a dlnrwlth Mr. Art McKymdM. Ida IPlu tSar:le an Sun- dey. Karen and Jeffrey Wakely of Port Hope spent thé week- end wlth their grandiparents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Darke. Pearl Austin af Toronto vas home for the weekend. Mr&. Mary Luxori spent home Sunday mter attendlng Most af lmat week in Port her granddaughter's wedding Hlope wlth hon daughter, Lins. Saturday. Part oi her trip1 L. Martinell. was by plane whlch she1 1, Misa C. W. Stewart spent thinka lu a wondenful wmy ta Monday nlght wlth hon aisten, travel. Lins. G. L. Loithouse, Oshawa. On Sunday, May 7th,1 the 1 i There are a numben aïisl a special Centennia S er-e changes an the tobacco îanms vice at Kendal church at 2:301 wheérs Donýald _Walsi was ;laiîl lahaving is choir frorn wha enjay 1he bus trip oaci year. Roy Vernon lu on one Bowmanvllle came down and Friday. eao Adamus fariaaven on lie give us spécial muuic. Be- Mn. Humphrey Hewltt af Seveti, and Jack Whyte lu memben tic lime is 2:30 pan. Toronto, Mr. Balpi Eccîstone on the ather. Jo. Feddema lo Dayligil savlng lime is ai Sudbury were necent visi- up on P. G. Nawell'a fanin. hene again and as lhe saylng tors at lhc home ai Mn. and LnAdegéect lu on lie Peret goes-Spring iorward - aîl Mra. John Archer. and De coautre fanin (used ta back. I wlî seeo i tange Glad to a ve aur mailman ýe the Quantrill place>, for a wîîîe. back on tic job again aflen Mn. and Mns. lrank Bylema Lins. E. Counoux heïd a isnelura tram hoapital. have maved int Turansky's Stanley domonstrallon at her house apartinent wich wms home Tuesday aflennoon wlthMU vacated by Len Adegeeut and 15 ladies li attendance. The CADMU famlly. We would 1k. la w.!- gits whlch uaually go la lhe came all these folks ta IKen- hautess are being p ut ia for Cadmuns U.C.W. Xews dal. the Penny Sale. Plomue note Cadmus U.C.W. met nt the Saturdmy waa a very busy la tie 'camlng events caluma' homeofai Lis. George Joinaton ane for Kendal folks. The about aur Penny Sale. on Wednesday evenlng, April Posters, Mn. and Lins. Low, The W. I. meeting waa held 12th. Lir. and Lins. Bill Hay and Wednesday evenlng ai the Bey. ]Romnenil showed a film Mise Shirley Mencen attendod home aifLins. Reg. Elliott strip entitlod "Ey The King, the weddlng af isls Manie wIti Mns. Helen Couroux pre- A Proclamation". the raie Poster at St. Catharines. alding. Tii. ' rail cl waz the chunch has played in Marie la tie daugiter ai Mn. answened by tlling where Canada, wiich was veny la- ad Mrs. Marina Fouler. yau would 1k. la retire if tenostlng Satunday evenlng the Ken- you iad the wherewlthal taLins . NOrman Rohrer open- dal U.C.W. catened ta Uic go whemeven You likêd. A ed lie meeting wlti hymux Masoulo Ladies Nigit ban- numben would liko ta travel "Whene He Leeds Me" , fol- quel, and la ws falks wio fan a whlle but strange ta aay lowed witi prayer by 1ev. were gueula It taated fine, and ail wauld 1k. ta came home Ramenil. lota ai help wau on hand. la Kendal la retire. 'Sa il Tic devotional waa given by Miss Stewart wlies la tlumnk must be a good -place miter Lira. Jin Palle, "The Freedam a&U who helped. al, The motta was "Look ta ai tie Christian", with scnp- Mnr. M. E. Poster ha. been lie Future." Tic reports wene tura being read by Mrs. Johns- down south vlaiting hem aon rend and adopted. The Dia- tan. and relatives and daughitecIA.nnual wMl be et Ma- Bail cail was answercd. aI Niagana. Bis relurned le Grave on huraday, May Minutes ai tic laut meeting Ifte D entfal DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 78 King St. E. Bowmanvile Office Hours : 9 a.in. ta ô p.m. dally Closed Saturday and Sundmy Office Phone - 623-5790 Be. Phone Newcastle 97-4261 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.DAS 75 KiCng St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: 0 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Satunday and Sunday Telephane: Office 823-5459 DR. E. W. SISSON L..., D.D.S. Office ln ishome 100 Liberty St. N., Bawmanvllle Phono 623-604 Office Hounu: 9 a.m. ta ô p.m. daily Claued Wednesday - Saturdaty DR. STANLEY GERTZ 67 King St. E., Bowmmnville Office HMurs. 0 a.nu. o 6P.M. Monday thnougi Thunsday 9 arn. ta 4 pan. Fnadey Closed Saturdmy -and Sunday Phone 623-7862 Insurançe DONALD A. MaOGOR Lite, Auto# àHome JaIsurano. U3 Kinget. W.. Sowmaavull --Land Surveying IURXILL -D. BEOWlN P-ENO., O.L . 121 Qusen St;- - Bowmnanvllle fui. and . les. Telephone Mgr8-72a1 ADRE ahum TON - - -14 phone 983-5115 too FiaetUliotag FPundi Business PropeztIes Op er y M 4~4mt,ê$ ,, Og SMOKED PICNIC S HO Q LERS 10SRE4 3 IA sws oi SLICED RINDUESS SIDE BA CONd #K5 ICA YAILIRîTEj PURE! POI SKINI!SS f SAUSAGES N.4 9c ,WIENERS . w m u . ~ r i m i a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P J A X E T E R G E N i 7 9 c >ICA MUSTARD 1 NOW AVAILABLE-EXCLUSIVELYAT ài0"xl r«WrUTIDLtTY BAIS P,3:139 c ICA !EUSH '29 ufflBAGeTTS ~ 3 lOfOtI..M %mmSO - CO dwl3M1,k mJLAM xo31mLji490 .CIES 2â491JI~:~ ISCUGIS 6497c 1 O 4 T5 57 1 iwC53c P BUTER R 49C A£ i u 1 cs GOLDEN RIPE BANANASý.. 2 lbs.25c Produce ai U.S.A. Pne t F loridam « Green Beans 25C i Produce of U.S.A. Oan.No. 1 CrIup Florda Sise24 r CELERY 25C' Produce ai U.S.A Can. No. 1 Ollfornia Green Sise4u CABBAGE 25c 4.01 BAKER? FUMUES IsAI'IEé»A55 %fflm- lu cm MAnE 97 r'. J Thies ei Tm Prom Plonida FLORIDA OLD SOUTH PROZEN Orange Juice 7~1 ~ 3~85c M w NIAIU &WAWà»ilFITRES MM~IE LIUR AVE Lw 49s PUS.~ ZnI PAIMA Mr w aumwu NrI aAaiPU DIIBs w mm«W" 1111h, Mrt. Lmy aw u uguest s a nad cave us a fine alonwhat w. oaa lookS o r psH d S1 cu. Toos oI caât u luthný « P e-CamporeeO u; tobidahoua. en.' (là the reO tn excest moyen or Megt acres Last weekend the annuel should aIl b. able to helb gng to grow up ln wt*d.) Boy Scout pre-Camporee wua mother in time of noed. Co. TieHd"o and soma cOm- hsld at the fr moi Mr. W raultins t theWiiilà p esha beeni given the Hasiuk nadr the direction ai rsa d tionseaer 9 PWrta exprOprlate hOUses Camp Chiai George Yule of l dterlaes~ and lad wh Ir the owners the l2th Oshawa, with four ioilaws: lot Cartwright ?ip wish to »Ili or flot. The Patrols. took the annuel award, ala* mone1 rectlved for tome of The.lit Cartwright were 1 s prize to Patrol Leader the ioveIy homes WI flot Ouest Troop with four Patrols Glen Malcolm; 2nd pj purchaie othera equally oil. under the leadership of Han- went ta George Gouldlngp mp ir. Low .180 had, a couple af aid Hamilton, S.M., Don Bar- Oshawa, 3rd prize, a tue, g o- large aerial mapso f Clarke rabail, A.S.M., Brion Rabb, ing to Blair Martyn and Ro. tuht ofwor qulelakeglg.a S..,and Douglas Met- ert Swan, lot Cartwright. Mupch of no erthera lnai ele u, 'A.SM. The. th Osh. Prizea donated by Chippin eP ecteoud to Abe turned lutchaawa w th fuv. Patrols under Charlie were a mnia-tue pla gr un . A taty lun h ue gudance Of S.M . Derrick tote mn and thre miniature wsk an provde bCM urand Hewtt, oA.S.M. Jack Pen- aeadlog sets. camping orsk mui Mn. Curoux a tnd on, and Kevin Philips and First Ad belngthe. Main ourt oteuM.£ltt A A.S.M. lth Oshawa wtý tpie. A wondberful tune was erty vdote ai thaksW" twO Patrols. leaders were S.M. hied by ai. Mrt.ded a . Efllott ad John Decoe, A.S.M. Tom Mn. Low.Gladman, A.S.M. Ted Sider, Mr. and Mns. Couroux and A.S.M. Lloyd Irvin, and Dan - famllY spent Sunday et their Car-penter, A.S.M./ cottage at Lake icushog. Elghty-iive bays n ail had k Mr. and Mns. Harry Mercer a wonderfui weekend, "plus :nd Mn8. W. Mercer called in 13 Big Baya"P. Meals Plr at Howard QuÉntrill's Sunday very good which proves they aiternoon and b.d the pleas- urvel aitsen al Glor anIaswere read and spproved. 61 a' Iovly lit. Gori labelng Treasuner's report was given. in Earne Sthvleurda catrna It was decided to do the quit in Eizaethyîlechurh. ng, Tueuday, April l8th at At0T4Ch' the. home oi Mns. Aaron Czap. It wmî aloo declded ta have B.URKETON Our garden Party ln ue Sympathy of the commun. ing ta a wedding ln May. ity is extended ta Mrs. W. Meeting clased with hymn Bryan and Mrs. Chas. Cooper "Rock of Ages"l followed by DRIGO af Orono in the pashing ai the Mizpah Benedîction. D M G O their sister Mns. Virtue of M.KihSisntakd U H L T R Toronto. Ms et tno hnei U H LT R Mrs. Raymoand Deveya Mrs. Johnston for having the' Fridy ateroon~ L n t meeting. Lunch was served 102 King St. W. Dowmanvllle ý ffmp-ùn-ýýf - - - -"- - -.- 1. «"qw uko-40,34 rrre obuumalee Il Mill i ENFIELD àm 9--lli. -- - - '2 ý: - - - ý - t--n t--e ýý. - -ý- - 1 IL- a Leslie Evans, nine..yeal'-ôld daughter of Mr. and Mra. Harold B. Evansaofaitt Road (rlght), Maple Grave, poses with the 1889 gramophone being cranked b y Mrs. Phillip Moores. The antique instrument which laya 1perforated tin duscs, in owned by Mru. R. J. utherland of Oshawa- (centre), aid 'was played at thie alumni-faculty-executive board banquet held at 1ingsway College. Leslie, In her centennial costume, ace x Kapa Eltng De n187 =t, 12= cc 1 -1 =1 zl .1 -.e-_ 1 1-

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