Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1967, p. 5

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D Auppont Delegtwates t. Schoo Conventn jrord Chairman Farbes Hey- Admnsrto okhph 1ed anlgo Towui;June being hel by Ui n- emmett rl itnPntH te arioInstitut. for Studiosi Carlos T M.b 1 taiClarke Educetion, and Ui Onao Township; A.H tie. Bow- Sehool Trustees Council. ville, mdZ Adminitrator The following reuignationu tLeod i Secretery wene recelved and accepted Treasuren, wene appointed with regret: Bowmanvllle, delegates ta the Ausociatcd Gordon R& Ellott, Guidance; Secondar Shool Boards ai Clarke, Mu. Edith Butleri OnUrnloAnue Convention by English and Hitory; Courtice, the Durhami County District John A. Brownlee, BoCYS' PhYs- High School Board et its Te- icel Education and Englluh.- cent meeting. This canyon- On thc recommendation ai tion *111 b. held in EastviewteLclCmntesUcf- 2nar Otaala 9ht owing teacheru were granted 22nd.permanent contracta: Bow- Th sgnngofa new agree- manville, Misa S. Crawley; mentwithDr. Charlotte M. Clarke, Mn.. J. Ayenst, L. Horner, Medical Officer ai Carlson and Mn.. R. Carlson; HealtUi, ion thc continued pro- Courtice, D. Adair, D. Adams, vision ai health services for J. Finley, J. Gould, L. Heuns- Uic Secondary Schgols i the berger, J. McGrath, W. Me- Ares weu uthorized. Lean, Mns. C. McMullen, F. Word wau receivcd from the Parc and I. Parkinson. Ontario Depmrtment ai Educa- Leave ai absence wes grant- tion that eny comprehensive cd ta Lloyd Jahnston, Indus- plan fan calculating grants trial Arts teacher et Bowman- wlll conider the special needs ville High School, as ho has ai eech ares. It was misa an- been ecceptcd for overseas naunced that the department service in Nigeria fon the next will extend the vocational two school terms. grents policy, and ail projecta The resignation ai Mn.. appnaved before Manch 3lat, Grace Barrett, e member ai 1969, will be eligible. the Board Office staff, waî James Speers, Principal of eccepted with regret, and Miss Courtice Secndary Schoal, Gwen Cuddehee wes appoint- and Administretor MacLeod d as Mns. Barnett's replace- will attend the School Boad ment. Mns. Berett's nesigna- tian was effective Apnil 27th. OBIT ARYThe eeaver Food Services OBIT ARYAssociates wr authorized ta sunvcy the cafeterias without ARCHIE F. STORRY coat ta the board, and present The death ai Archie Fray necommendatians. Storry, aged 68 years, accurned The ioliowing eppalntments suddenly ini Newcastle an et Courtice Secondeny Schaol Woednesday, Apnil 26, 1967. will be effective Septemben Son ai thc late Ehi and lst: D. Bradley, Assistant Head1 Menthe Stonry, the deccascd ai Science; L. G. Voisin, As-1 wes born at Goodwood whcre sistant Head ai English; G.i he attcndcd achool. He had Wagner, Assistant Head ai been &~ resident ai Newcestle English, and D. Wundcnlich,i fan 25 ycars, and before mav- Major Head ai P.H.E. mgthere had livcd in Tùrantîo. Me wes a memben ai the United Church. Mr. Storry is sunvivcd by a brother Wilmont and his fam- ily ai Granby, Que. Also sur- viving anc ncphcws Fred and Harold Adefr of Newcastle and Barl Taylor ai Gaodwaod, and nieces Luella ai Oshawa, Mary ai Bancroft and Rowena ai flnnAwood The appointmcnt ai Vital, Emard as Assistant Canetaker et Countice, effective Merch 27th, was confiimed. Hia saIary la $3,800 per yean. OBITUARY T. GARNET SHIELD The funeral service was Funenal services, conducted held tram the Marris Funeral by Rev. P. F. Gardiner, as- Chapel, Bawmanville, an Fni- sistant ministen ai Part Hope day, Apnil 28th., and was con- United Church, wene beîd Fnl. ducted by Rev. E. C. Woad- day, April 29th et the Ros land ai Newcastle. Inlerment Funenal Home, Port Hope, for wes in Goodwaod Cemeteny. the lat. T. Gannet Shield. Palibearens wcne Messrs. Mn. Shield was anc ai Dur- Vred Adeir, Harold Adair, hem County's moît higbly ne- Charlie Aquiline, Eldon Tur- specîed and weîl knawn cili- non, CUiTf Flintoif mad George zens. He was born in Cavan Stoneburg. Township, the only son ai the lete W. R . Shicîd and Bertha Gannett. He neceivcd bis cdu- OBITUARY cation et Mt. Pleesantan Omemee and aîîended. O.A.C. GLADYS TREW et Guelph. Reîunning ta the iamily home near Mt. Pleas- Aften e lingening illness, ant ho iarmed fan sevenal the death occurned ai Gladys yeari. Ho was keenly inter- Boniette Tnew, belovcd wiie esîcd In sports, the commun- ai Orlie Tnew ai Oak Hill, on ity and the cbuncb. Ho was Apnil 4th, 1967, hi ber 66th supernnendent ai the Sun- yer. day School et Mt. Pleesant for She was bonn et Oak Hill, more Ibmn 2 yeens, a member thc daugbter ai the laIe ai the Board ai Stewards ai James Reid and Henrietta Mt. Pleasant United Church, Beatty. Before ber merriege and served his torm as eider i 1930 she wonked et Part ai Part Hope United Churcb. Hope ion a number ai yeans Entering municipal affaira and was a lifelong resîdent as cauncillor, be scrved as ai Uic place ai her birlh. deputy reeve and reeve ai Let ta mourn hcr pasrng Cavan Townsbip. Later ho are ber busband, anc brothr, accepîcd the Libenal nommna- Horbert Reid ai Starkiile, lion ion Durham County in and oice sister (Mae) Mrs. 1948. Fallawing lerma as, Bei-ny Trew oi Oak Hill, and assessor in Cevan Townshp a number ai nicces and and Otoabee Township-" bu nephews. was appoinîed caunty as;sasai The funeral service, con- ai the United Caunlies ai duct.d by Rev. J. A. Ramjît, Durbami and Northumberland Canton pastoral charge, was in May 1953. One ai the held et Uic Ross Funenal highlighîs ai bis life wes the Chepel, Part Hope, on Thurs- banquet given in bis bonor aY, April 6th. Interment was upon Uic occasion ai bue retire. hiPart Hope Union Cemctery. ment in July 19.64. Duringi Pelîbearers were nepbews Ibose yearn be became weili ai Uic deceesed, Robent Trew, known thnougbout Uiecocuntyi Allan Thompson, Allen Reid, and -will be romembered fion Lai-ny Thompson, Lea Falla bhis Integnlty, sound judgment and Trevor Fallas. and siceno cansiderelion ini 1 Amu cmatNatural( Wvater H-eater givGS hot water for less ni, than anY others Becaus6: 0 Naturel Gao le today'smoat boomical fuel for water heatingi Whle hothewater heaing fuMa moy offer fas-recoveiy featurea, only Naturel Gas con give you bath outstndng hotat performance und à tUWlyreoomW dpico. a For just à *2 Natural Guech con enjoy unlin greatest vaise cet a ~j Natural au Wor Huter wtd ftgst ym lm wmtw woer. S. our atng Contrtor. PIumbm, Appince Deuler.Soy The Recreation Department's Juvenile Corps of twirlers, the Sailor Blues, are flot only making a fine name for themselves but they are also acquiring attractive outfits. Through their efforts, they have been able to raise sufficient funds to purchase new blazers and the Recreation Dept. has presented them with crests to wear on them. At lef t, Recreation Director T. A. Fanning is shown with one of theI any matten whicb was present- cd ta hlm. Mn. Sbield bccame a mem- ber ai Omemec' Lame Lodge No. 375 in 1935 and senvcd as Master in 1951. He taok his demit and affiliatcd witb tbe Hope Lodge and later became e 32nd Degnee Meson. In 1916 he annried Misa Annie Grahami who predeceas- cd him. Their daugbtcr M. Carrall NichaIs lives et Part Hope. In 1952 he married Mrs. Gladys Trenouth who survives him. Also surviving are bis two sisters Mrs. Lamne Scott, Peterborough, and Mns. James Fee ai Ida. Two step- sons, Charles and Narman Trenouth. There are seven grandchldren: Gloria, Joan, Marnilyn and Donald Nichais and David, Tommy and Mary DEllen Trcnouth. Interment was in Shield's Cemetery et Mt. Plcasent. Palibearens were Messrs. Earl Garnett, Eric McLean, Harold Shield, Cameron- MeCallum, ECarl Fce and Hubert Loweî. Clarke Teachers Meet at Brown's The !%pril meeting ai the Township School Ae aio Clarke Teachers wes held et Brown's School on Mandey aitennoon, April l7th. The boustasses wcne Mrs. Boughen, Miss Scott and Mns. Wells. Mn.. K. Loweny the presi- dent,' opcned the meetingj wiUiwo Ui1ods rvr the re- - 3 much mo~re ta do to The Secretary, Mrs. J. Hoy, The sweet littie girl in the above photo is to preserve natural attractions read the minutes af the last year-old Stacey Elizabeth Tamblyn, daughter f ran d resources for the benefit meeting. and Mrs. Grant Tamblyn, Orillia, and granddaughter af the people af Ontario and Mr. D. Moffat reported on of Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn, Orono, and Mrs. for their children's children, the 5uccess5oa. the salary com- Ethel Marshall, Oshawa. She is the great-grand- it was stated emphatically. mittee. President Bob S t e v e na Mr.C.Honis, nsecoraidaughter of Mrs. Cephas Hoskin, Cobourg. thanked Mr. Strike for ob- Mr. . Homes Insecto oftaining this excellent film, and Public Schools, spoke to the ~DI he also thanked President-eleci teachers, briefly. C, ub ' d AI Witherspoon - for bringing Mr. D. Moffat explained the EII.fP.Uy C l b oi o his projector and acting as organization af the "Tabloid projectionist. Sports Day" tai be held i Kendal, June, 15. Teama af 1550 e rP og a contestants from Grades 4 ta50- e rP o r m t R N 8 will compete; the idea be- ing for the greatest partici- patian and fellowship. T1heReforest Farm Lands OR N remainder ai the meeting was u a devoted to selecting teami A vivid accaunit ai the wank Iventory l3 made by the Con- U N captains and contestants for of conservation authonîties i servation Authonities Enanch schools. The meeting was ing benefits ta the genenal Depantment. Mrs. Wm. Reid ai Kinbyý adjourned. public was given by a motion "This cataloguing is an ex- I eft the Toronto International pictune shown at the luncheon act science, and the work i Airpart last week for a three meeting ai the Bawmanvrnle donc by scientista, bialo)giqs, weeks visit with relatives and Rotary Club held in the Fly- other wildlife experts, engin- fniends in England. ing Dutchman Motor Inn an cers, gealogists, and carta- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hooey Thursday. graphens. The complete re- of Toronto and her'parents, The birthday af Walter part la fonwarded to the spe- Mr. and Mrs. Horace Best were DeGeer, a former -District cific Authority. guests at the Stukel - Foster Govennor, was ceiebnated by "-Water la the dominant ne- wcdding on Saturday at St. his fcllow Ratarians. Gueats source in terbtteDni .C hrh t et te lnchon eetng erequantity, quality, must be at Catharines, and the neception John Wuite, Bowmanvllle, the right place at the right at the Atlanta Hotel. Resources Manager ai the time. Water la cantinually in Mr. Jack Reid retunned Central Lake Ontario Con- motion. It cannot be manu- home last week froro the servation Autharity, and two factured, and wc do not ai- Oshawa Hospital. Oshawa Ratanians, Fay Brooks ways know how much will Mr. and Mns. O. M. J. Fagan and John Kesaler. be needed. and daughter Karen of Mark- Dr. Keith Slemon was thc "Danmage from floods la an ham were in IKinguton on Sun- leader of the singsong, and ever pending threat. Damns and day and their son Michael ne- tic piano accompaniment waa reservoirs are constructed ta tunned home with them from played by Hub Hooper. function as flood prevention. Queen's University and cail- Rosa Strike, Q.C., the Pro- Medium size nesenvairs are ed on Mr. and Mns. F. 0. gram Chairman, introduced used for the dilution ai pollut- Cooper. ~ sthe motion pictune, which had cd waters. Dr. and Mrs. C. Maartensc a been pnaduced by the Energy "The construction ai a dam and children ai Kingston visit- thd esOra Goverment He la complicated work. Support cd lher mother, Mrs. Chiarles infi e e th Onari Govrnmnt e tis a gien y te treeTyncîl and other relatives in nir ii tedld the: club that It deals with fo ts la giventy tede ,the M and M n arryisMrcr. Jthe.conservation ai natural re- prevnls igoenmntcal.FdlthMronoaKn d al distrcs. sucsand parks in thia pnav- porovaina vtlt onr r and lacarue ere fl~~~"lncebath gcnerally an p oeatigi ia a tar d wMr u s. Brute e er O 'c iialy H dedta eRain gauges and othen indice-.eeget t i hl el Latictions arc co-ordlnatlieb- ars Awards Dinner held at the hoped that it would provide flaod fre cster ae b anadiana Hotel, Agincourt, helpful ideas for Uic develop- lo oeatr nTusa fls ek r ment af Rotary Park* here. "The multiple use ai dams Hon Tu e ails eau. Mn Start ai the film poited out and reservoins la important Sheli deal.er for 42 yeers. / that though many urben people ta reforestation, wlldlifc pro- Conraatons ta Mn. and do flot neelize il there arc pegation, and pravides îccnic Mrs. Tom Hardy on their 2.5th many changes Ihe Ucocuntry. beauty and recreation. Wedding Annivenuary, May It mentioned that af course "They substitute for naturel 2nd. there la watcr ta une, solil for water 'stoage I swamps and Mrs. Keith Taylor and ilowers and trees, and wild- marshiands. AIl projecta a're daughten Bannie of Branipton 70 mnthy flt rte lfe. When these neources are cvaluaed. Stream improve- spent Monday with her math. .70monhl fit rt.viewed an a regional or pro- ment la cerried out, and ert Mn.. Marshall Chatterton. harge, you and vaur family vincial basis a différent aspectj remedial wonk la donc ta the Last week Mn. and Mrs. lmte htwtr..teyla presented. resulta ai erosion, and prne- Matt Snclders and deughtera wat..taoy" People are Uic mest fi. vent funther damage. Bridges maved ta Uic Pound apertment i hot water Iuxuryl partant of aur minets. They and barrions are neinioroed, above their store and barber are Uic acale opereantar banks are shoned up with shap. Mn. and Mn.. Dane Provide the balanced use of varlaus matenlels In sanie Pound moved to their hous aur naturel resources" the cases rack-filled wire baskets an Liberty Street South, Bow- nerretar stated. are uscd. Where thc damage manvil. Me then nild thet a Causer..and Ibreet la more severe Mn.and Mn. Mu-vin Lutn vation Authorlty la appointed concret. channels and diversi- are on'a 'plane trip for a hall- by the munlcipaliles concern- fication may be neceusary. day in Uic Barbados. cd ta meke wise use and man- "Land uc heu an important Mn.. Narman Irwîn, the age thc nesoureu oi th. land offert on waten management, former Miss Neda Symouof a within a system ai rivons in Conservation Authorities pro- Salem and ber son Mr. Jack anaturel watershed erea. moto Uic proper une af land, Irwin, bath ai Verden, Ment. The pîcture contlnued b ohpbi n rvt.TetbMn odyeei Uddn 'a uppsitina byonaatgo th public niveteThe lob r. ndMon.yeW. Phon. 728-7363 rainAtrtya com- planting aiternate rows ai Moffat. vorNatuel Gi Copany pouite ofail, ta depiet. Il ex- cropa onloping fields ta pro- Mr. and Mn.. red Grahanm, mur aturl Ga Comany aîned tiat au bmn as an venit erosion are explained. Mn. and Mnm.Mcmiii Grahami, Autortyes tablWudbsda u la lila" Improve sub-drain- Steven and Illen etai Crby ~crests, and Mrs. E. R. Lovekin ai Newcastle is at right with one af the blue blazers. Members ai the corps. who receive instruction from Miss Patsy Blake are, front naw, left ta night, Jill Stocker, Sharon Piper, Shelly Vanstone, Patti Bnock, Barbara Henning, Michelle Lamant; back row, Nancy Rietmuller, Caria Phillips, Starr Ferrill, Kathy Blake, Janet Lovekin and Sherry Cax. age and incneased praductiv- ity"p. The film deplorcd huge gui- leys whlcb have been cut into once useful land by crasian, .land neclaimation wes discuss- cd. Much Ontario land la not isuitable for ianming, but ia Ifine for tree planting, Con- ~jservation Authonities aten .tunn woods in their area aven to tahUi Department o aid fo paesloa h e revenue producing as- Specta aifarestration wéedis- Icuaaed, and il was Paintcd out that the end products such as lumber, puîp and peper, as wel as f1ne mnture are i ....... Sbrub plenting increases .the food supply for wiid ie Sand givea shelter, it wes sald. ...Among the multiple uses Sfor land are greenbelta iun- ." ban districts, parka, golf courses and pîeying fields. SPlanning and 'the establish- 4ment af recreation anees ane a legitimete goal ior Conserva- tion Authonities. Some havf acenic attractions, others pre- sent nostalgic views ai pioncer .~ ~ " ~camp sites, and sparts facili- .4r #'.~tics. Beautiful grounds, attractive walks and fescinating birds and animais ta be seen in parka ..'were depicted in thefilm wicb frtepresenvation ai wild- stiâffs wthgame' iish. ..~Therare 36 Conservation Authorities in Ontario. Much __ -... ~ as been accomplished and. 70 is it Id Sailor.Blues Twirlers Re ceive Crests and New, Blazers 1The Canadian Sateman, Bownmvfle, May t lU? ef Suney Rwkllh aMrMa md Hezel Robinson, Taranto. Mn. and Mm..Porc Cooper ai Oshawa vlslted Mr..and Mmn. F.0. Cooper and Mn.ý and Mnrs. Ciii Cooper on Sunday. Mn..F. E. Rhodesanmd daughter Mrs. Alan Beau- chiamp spent Wednesday ai lest week ln Toranto. Mr. and Mn.. Raymond Keat9 oi Toranto vislted bis aiter1 and brother-ln-law, Mr..and1 Mrm. James Mowmt, Division( Street. Congratulations ta Mr. Bent Whyte on his 86th birthday.i Mn. and Mn.. Donald Staple-s ton and daughter Lois ai New-1 tonvîlle wcrc dinnen gucatsofai Mn.. Cecil Robinson on Satur-1 day evcning.1 MÇrn .John Muiffam+ ,..* w.- held their meetingsluti alternoon -Unit 3-.at -tb home ai Mrs. Wm. Irwin; Uri 3-at thc home aiofr.. A. A,. iDrummàond; Unit 7-*t th* home ofi-Mn. James E. Mo*'. at, and in Uic evening Unit was held in the Main Na) e the C. E. Building. Unit. 4 and 5 held aJitm e~ the UpeC.E dloim and UntOwshlidatlb home oi Mn. John Shetior. On Sundey, May .7th te memben. ai Onono Lodge No 436, I.O.O.F., Winl atoa Onono United Church for blher annuel Divine Service. Mether Sterling Win b TO CELEBRATE MOVE TQ OUR NEW LOCATION 55 KING ST. W. m BOWMANVILLE (7 Stores West of Our Former Location) We Invite You to Join in Our TRUCK LOAD SALE SEE ADVT. BELOW FOR SAVINGS!1 ABERN.ETHY 55 King St. W. PAINT & WALLPAPER Bowmanvlle' nW 10 DAY UN STORE pr F WE HAVE PURCHASED A FULL TRUCK LOAD 0F TOP QUALITY "SCARFE PAINTS"? AND OFFER IT TO YOU AT 131G A IG Lo' at --se Look at These. B u y N Oý w &L "'IN WHITES ONLYOI EXTERIOR REG. SALE PIUCE GALLON 10.60 6.99- QUART ' 3.30 2.29 HUGH GLOSS ENAMEL REG. SALE PEICE GALLON, 11-95 6.99 QUART 3.65 2.29 SEMI-GLOSS 10.75 3.35 FLAT REG. 9.50 2.95 LATEX GALLON QUART GALLON QUART S GALLON 9.50 6.99 2.51 QUART 2.95 2.29 .66 A PORCH & FLOOR (GREY) YOU REG. SALE PRICE SAVE VGALLON 9.95 6.99 2.96 QUART 3.10 2.:29 .8'1 E REMEMBER: Thèe:ère aIl Top Quality Lînes of "'créFamous Points" $3.61 YOU SAVE 4.96 YOU kLE PRICE SAVE 6.99 3.76 2.20 1.06 SALE PiRICIE 6.99 2.29 .66 YOU SAVE 2.51 FOR A SMALL FEE - 50c par pi. 15c per qt. 110 DAYS ONLY- MAY 4dm t. MAY 13tk. ABERNET'IIY r -'BOWMNVILLE S COLOUJ-ý BOôWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PQ:4353 FOR AUL YOURpAINT1 Prise who wua a patient at the1 Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, is now at Sunset Lodge Bouft Home, Bowmanv'lle.-1 Mr. and Mn. Tom Hardy vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Skel. ton and family, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mrs. James E. Richards viait- cd Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jac- ular mnd son Brian, also miss W. Drayaon, Oshawa, on Mon- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Homr re- turncd home last week from vlsiting Mr. Neil Ralney and sons at Cannington for a week.j Mr. Rainy is convalccng alter bemng a patient ln the( Ross Memorial Hospital atj Lindsay.1 On Tuesday. seven flnits ofc Lovelv Little Miss Il..' eC si a s i M c p G s

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