Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1967, p. 4

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ROKtYPlag work avallable ln Nowav1e and ares. Full turne . Part turne. Det*ils, Write Torharn C.., Postal station "",Hamnilton, Ont. 17-1w Dear Sir, I look forward each Tbursday te receiving tbe News, Advertiser, particu- larly for its advocations o! humanitari- anism and integrity. It is the latter o! these qualities I feel bas been breached by the enclosed ciassified advertisement from your Feb- ruary 23 edition. This same ad appeared a few )f montbs ago and, at that time, I repiied to it. It Torham Ca. sent me a letter in ýewbicb I was te tick off eitber full or part-time typing. This 'ticking off' was totally irre- nlevant to the letter's real purpose - ta eask me- for $1 for wbicb I'd receive the edetails of rny typing jobs. t At this point in my relationship swith Torham Ca., suspicions cropped iup in my mind, but sa did curiosity. 1Off went My $1. My 'typing jobs' turned out ta be apoorly preduced littie pamphlet tell- ing me ta cail everyone in town for 'the purpose of offering my typing services! Fraudulent? Not legally, according ta Toronto Daily Star columnist Ron I-aggart, wbo wrote a lengthy expose of Torham and similar misieading advertisers. But wbat about moral fraudulence? 1 feel. se strongiy about this sort e! underhandedness that 1, bere and naw, offer ta pay the News Advertiser the ameunt of maney that paper woulct forge by refusing Torham Ca. adds in the future. 37 Garside Avet Brooklin, Ontar ~ear i.. ~ April 29, 1967. Whfie reading the latest issu, lhe .,%tatesmsn -(April 26), 1 was et t 1t startled tc> ee an adlertiser tii.classified ad section by t tna&M' Company wanting home uat. An article irnmediately ci SMmnd that I had recently rea( tne of our local papers here,1 tWhltby News Advertiser.' (This si »dappeared in the latter paper 0wo mnths ago.) I would like ta ¶IPS article alorig to the Canac ftatesrnan and 'its readers written b jwomnan who replied to the saine ad, is , After answering the ad, this won *eeived a letter frorn the 'Torhi #ompany asking her ta send therr or -détails about hier typing jobs. ~tisfy hier curiosity, she sent them 1 ol1lar. In return she received a poo >rritten pamphlet, telling ber ta phc tveryone in town telling them that1 Jtyping services were available. ;e 1 arn sure that any of you w âvýuld ý(or maybe even did) answer t] pd, would be disappointed if flot ang .Rt an answer such as this, and for E.We ail have enough intelliger, we know any openings that are ava 4âble, to phone or get in touch wi .them. We don't need a crook ta char :uùs for thjs kind of a service. 1 I hope this letter wiIl be benefici ~nhe1ping te prevent people from beii *isled y this or any like company. wewill. al, work, together ta WRI Onthers of sucb misleadings, niaybem 1 Can discourage them from being in ot .%rea. :Tbank yeu for taking the time1 wread and publish this letter and tý wenclosed article. Yours -truly, (Mis* John Page). ?he article follo.ws: tThe Crur :Notbing can demonstrate what ail qnmahkinct more forcefully than recen 4rTV films ofro waste in the Unitec etates and starvation'in India. Ini man3 eareas of the United States, dairy farm. le~rs have been watering fields with milk -4hat is being dumped. or I contrast, millions of Indians in '41the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh * ére living at subsistence levels because an extended drought that bas with- fred the -c'tops. Wbile in 25 U.S. states, eatiers are ei ther spilling or withhold- etng millions of gallons of milk, villag- 4èrs are dying, in some regions cf Bibai Stâte because of the shortage of drink. ng water. ~The 'ere-may be sonne justification in hederngnds of American farmers for hïght !ireases in the priée cf milk ipoducts. But in an age when it is rela- tively simple ta preserve and then pack- ý,a;ge milk for expert to deprived coun- 14,tres, it borders on the criminal to dump 1,ood. In the state cf Bibar alone, about z'40,000,000 persans are going bungry, .and by mid-summer tbousands will ,,have died from starvation, according ta ,trellef workers in the ýcapital cf Patna. Cash Shoppin( S Those who think of taday's credit ,bnd banking facilities as the ultimate ;4n customer convenience are in for a Cbig surprise one of these days, suggests 'Arthur Ellwood, editor of Canadian +Hotel & Restaurant. Z By the early 1980's, as things now :nstand, cash will be a whole lot more ,4redundant than it is even today. The etypical shopper, whether at the depart- .»mTenit store, upermarket, gas station, »restaurant or cigar stand, will "pay" 'for bis purchase with a kind of univer- ual charge plate. It will be processed Mtbrough an automatic recording device P.S. I negiected ta mention that1 returned the pamphlet ta Terham Ca Ifaiong with a letter tequesting the refunc n' o! my $1. I'm stili waiting! e (Editor's Note:, We r rtflt Mrs. Howith for ber letter and 0 brigingthis matter te aur atten- S tien. The advertisement she refers ta bas been cancelled at ne cest ta her from aur paper. Any ather reader confronted with a similar experience is advised ta contact us immediateiy.) le Is Our-s Is it the material greed.o! North America and the relative uncencern with which people o! this continent are beginning te view bath their immedi- att and their global neighbors that bave led ta food-dumping at a time when others are starving? According ta Very R everend Dr. E. M. Howse, tbe former Moderator a! the United Cburch o! Canada, there are mare bungry people in the world than ever before. He says that wbile tht West bas been getting fatter, tht rest cf tht worid bas been getting hungrier. It is futile for the average Ameni- can - or for that matter for Canadian - ta place tht blame on others, such as the angry, milk-dumping farmers. The crime of alwing tht present social and ecanomic imbalance in the worid ta continue belongs ta everyane wbo is cancerned solely with bis ewn mat- enial advancement - and wbo ignores pleas and cries of tht bungry worid. We must demonstrate aur cancern. And this is not dane in standing by silently as a valuable food sucb as milk is paured g9 Out of Style recoM~ing device used by tht sales cher will almost simultantausly cause tih shopper's bank account te be reduce at tht bank by tht amnount cf tht pu, chase. Montbly bank statements vi, show every transaction as well as credit for net pay paid directly by th shopper's employer. Standard item such as mortgage payments xviii b automnaticaliy deducted and transferret te the payet. MAYTIME May-time sbould be play time, A lovely, bright, and gay time, With soft sweet xvinds a-biowing, Warm earth, and green things growing, And summer everyxvhere. Romance is in the Spningtirne, Its iaughter, love, and ring time; And winter bas no meaning, Whtn young beants sit a-dreaming, Building castîts in tht air. -Marjorie Cunningham ýt Hampton, On Apnil 27th, 19ý Dean Editon: In th e April lPth jss the Canadian States Mrs. Kathrine Hamilton a Jetter printed, suppoe the much maligned fer A previous article had si that eniy subnormal i ligence was requirced i rarmer. To this idea Hfamilton took exceptiai 1 do. Tht present, farmer has te be - a cari er, a herduman, a vete îry, an tiectnician, a 'hanir, a soi] anelyst, a 'iegist, a fence hul a bookkeeppr ta an edvar degret, and much more rifinituni. Whiie on tht war-pati ave several ethen beefâ ir. In the Oshawa Tii ýpril 26th, there appeau 'ont page article on at Iven te 300 Whitby H ;chool students on Tues< he speaker being Globej Eau Columniat Rich eedham. Ht told' th tudents, who are et a m 'apressionable age, that ws on dninking, sex à ambiing art stupie! persei mn and he breaks th, 'ery chance he gets. '7 tusent Canadian flag sy olizes tht moral punity oneHees; se says 1% eedham. I wonder isi iouidn't send Mn. Nee mr a Bible, with theT ' ommandments and t ýrmen on tht Mount pla, marked. rhese have always beý efoundation stones of ti Ws o! thié'Christian Worl It amn efraid they are b~ 9 set aside even by sen ci a ir h; ai A fi gi th- sti in lai tic eV, prq b6 Ne sh( hai Col Se. 'y the but ing 25 YEARS AGO Mrs. W. H. Densem, On- tarie Training Schooî for Boys, attended tht Annuel Spring Exhibition and! Phys- ical Dispiay heid Saturday, kat the Northern Vecational e Coilegiate, Toronto. ýd Have Yeu fergotten te get yeur Radio Licence for 1942-43? You know your oie! licence expired Manch a 3ist. It oniy costs $2.50 ta le get e nenewel from W. C. is Cavery who is exclusive radio licenser for Bewman- e ville. d Byron Crawford, Donald Ventan and! Ernest Ward have returned frorn S.P.S., University of Tenante. Miss Diana Wheeien and Mis3 Kay O'Neill have ne- turned fromn Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, where bath are registerce! in Arts. > Miss Audrey Kemp, formn- eet ofBawrnanviiîe, was an-ong tht graduates whc received their diniornas frorn tht Toronto Bible Coilege et tht graduation exencises held in the Varsity Amena, Thursday evening. Ronald Hall and! Donald Mcîlveen h av e neturnedi from O.A.C. et Guelph. Mr.j Hall is et home, helping his father on the farm near Tyrone. Mr. Mcllveen heu icinted the Air Force ane!in tationte! at. Manning Pool, Tronto.% Mns. Hugh Blair ae! fam- ily, Trenton, join Mn. Blairr Manager of Dominion Stores, in taking up residence in V Bowmanviiîe. Mn. William Blair, Trenton Air Port,h visite! his brether Hugh. S Mr. Hayden Mecdonalde! hes been elected President P ef Oshawa Rotary Club and! assumes his new duties on d Juiy lt.L Master Billie L y ne r, I Oshawa, was gueut ef his cousin, Tecldy Colweil. MisEdna Allen, Toreontol wau guest cf her ister, Ms.. Harvey Joint. Miss Gilberte Vaiiçe, Whlt- hy, spent the weekend with M Marion Mutton. Alderman W. J. (Casey) R Martyn has reccvered hîs fÉ stolen car, located in am- M ot n .t o Blackstock: Gnm. S t a n fai Rhbin ha. been moved trom Camp Borden to Nova y: Scotia.to Onono: Misa; Jean Legeer, Toronto, vaited lier par. On patait&.bu ntarit,, of the clcrgy, and by many 67 of aur uc-caliced Christians Their names are on the gu nt Church Rall, but they do flot !man, know Jesus. The Rev. Bi]ly nhad Graham gays, and 1 quote: orting "Church services remain a tmer. hollow formality. until the stated worshipper knows Jesus". ntel- Those Who go to wrestling by a matches on Sunday or hoc- Mn. key, or Who take children n as to hockey practice, or Who I-day play golf; or neglect church re-for summer cottages_. trin- In Deuteronomy, chap. 29 me- and 3(), Moses gave final ahi- wsrning - Serve God the ider, way of Life; serve idolm raced (worldly pleasures) certain ,ad death nt the final judgment from which noanc are excus- h,I 1 cd. fs to Social drinking is condon- [mes, cd now by people Who 10 xs a yeans aga ,felf absolute dis- talk gust on the idea. Have [igh people forgotten that the lay, body lu the Temple of the and Soul. Teen-age marriages hare! on impulse, early divorce, hose common-law affiliations, il- îaost legitimate, unwanted child- the ren are just commonplace and events. Often, Parliamen- cu- tary leaders are absent from hem their desk after a late binge. The Well-known business men ym- have mistresses? Was Sod- a! of m and Gomnorrah any Mr. worse? we Re the increase ln taxes, !d- especially school taxes. Our ren rural schoo]s are closed. the They had dedicated teachers in- Who knew the home con- ditions of each child, Who en spent the day iln his own he communxty, iristead of weari- Idsoe houri and miles be- school' bus. I Would like ta ne ace an itemized account cf iIn the Dim and Distant Past i Frein the Statesman Files 49 YEARS AGO (May 9. lois Mn. Fred Densem hE purchasted from the Mool craft Estate tht fine bric cottage with splendid garde on Church St., next tesst û Mn. Wiiiard Celwell's. Mrs. C. A. Bonisteti cern up from Belleville for thi concert Tuesday evenini and. lu visiting her mnother Mn.. Jas. Knight, Lako Shore Farms. Mnu. H. H. Todgharn Walkenville, and Miss- Rets Ciernenu. Oshawa, speni Sunday With the former',c brother, Mn. Chas. Richards. Miss Vilda Syrnons ieft Menday to attend Remning- ton Business Coilege. All wish her succeus. Mr. and Mns. A. V. Reid ae! sons of Clarke, spent Sunday et her father's, Mn. J. C. Eliett. Mn. Gardon Wriglit's resi- dence , west o! Orono, form- eriy Geo. Poiiard's farrn, was destroyed by fine Saturday, Apnil 27, beicved te have cnîgînated froni the incu- biter iamp. Mn. Wight was ln Orono andi Mn. Wright aioe in tht house. The group o! barns were in con- siderable danger £romn fiy- ing emnbers and! fine broke cut in tht rofoafe!onceto the hens twa or three tirnes. Neighbcns did excellent work, saving much of the furniture. Mn. Wright had recentiy fitteci up the resi- dence, putting in waten- works, etc.: Mm.. Honey, Toronto,' ae! hem son, Mr. A. J.' Honey, Sedgeik ievisitecl the onmrm's sster, Mmi. W. B. Pinch, last week. Mrn.de!Mns. L. E. Morden, daughter MLuriel and! son L~ou. Simece, visitted hem mother, Mn. R. Cherry. Miss Mary Long, Onono, sà ettending O.A.C., Guelph, qualifylng for a fammerette. Mn.. Jean Bennett, Pont Dalhousije, waî guest of 1 Miss G. Young this week. Messrs. Lou ae! Harod!1 Rowe, ef Toronto, visited f Erlends here on Sundîy. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mger- à mn, Toronto, vluited her t %ther, Mr. D. Fice.1 PLU Mildred Selleny ia t lidtinig ler dater in, lingu- à on. c BOUa Ethel McQueen, shawa, fflnt Sunday with Li un .Kerulib.. tht dîffenence in cst he- tween the aid system and the ncw. How can God give his biessing te an educa- tional systemi, whene religion educatian is to be remcoved but sex subtituted? In uni- versities, supponted by we taxpayerw, contraweptiveu. can be secunted as easiiy as a battite 01POP. Stop and! think cf the fate of Jezebel. Yours for a return te truc 13 Elgin Street, East, Oshawa, Ont. April 28th, 1967 titan John: Something of such an un- usual ceincidence occunred te me on Sirncot Street that 1 wish te pass it an ta youn readers. A man came up te nme and sald, "I guess you will net remember me?" I nepiied that I centainiy knew his face but coule! net recaîl his name on whene I had knewn hlm. Ht laughed and asked mue ifI remembered coming hack te New York on an Amenican tneop ship, tht Argentins? 1 assuned him, that I sure- ly did. Well, he then tale! me thene was whene he met me and hundreds of retunning Canadien soldiers invaiided te Canada through illness brought on by English cli- miate! ! I knew he weu eerteinly net biuffing because he re- e at£I -4 nnY dl!f9rent., 1folks -1 recalled, a échool teachar, a lady with a whole bunch o! childnen with evenyane heling her aIl thet tue. This seidier wes present during tht worst homhing raid on the City of London, on tht same night I car ied dead and hornibiy wounded all night on Ebury Street neer Victoria S ou t he rn Reilway Station, just ane block fnom Ebuny whene I roomned. . This soidier necalied the rearful fines burning with funy everywhere you look- ed. Causte! by incendiary uomhs. 1 could look rigjut up et he Sun with oyt any ho therî as a steady paîT cof herrible ;melling smoke rase aver Oid London day after day. Iwrete this up in mny t book. Onte ther Canadien 1 vho knew aIl about this f now lives in Scarborough, f Walter H. Gatehouse Jun- or, whe wes Metropolitan Police Officer right on this r )art of London. Ht got a a temtndous laugh even me ecause my great Italien U riend, Giovanni Ferrari, nt ITerminus Place rught op- ti )site Southern Railway p vhene I att every' day, c .eught 1 was dead becaus had neyer been nean after 01 e raid for deys, because ta ie place was rapte! of 1f on t count ef delayeci action la omb right by the Southern aiiway Station, ta Giovanni Ferrari went ta ta 'rgeant Walter H. Gate- :use crying and asked him e he kntw anything about e anada". the name every- ta ie ca]ied me? sa Gatehouse iaughed and ad id, "Canada" is alive, no )mb wii ever 1<111 hlm, o ray. o Ades, bembs suneiy kilîce! td 'idrtds cf ethers. My in ne Jhad net coerne Kindest regards John, te U, your famlly, and staff. Considerate Cottage Intruder Bowrnanviîîe OPP are in- vestigating thtae .e! ftht Censiderete Thief". Kthý en Norm n Friser, .1 ,7 Knlworth Ave., Toront ,a- rived at hi. Cotta ge at Cedar- crest Beach on the weekend, he diîcevered it had been broken into. OPP investigatcrs made the oîowing observations at tht cent of the crime. four cana Df cînned goodla hic! been talon but diahes had flot been uae!; tht bcd h4d been slept In. but not disarràYed and the thie! Iaft two quarta of, mUk itting in a ditch fiIled wltb aild water, to keep. Il cold. EnIny wîî gained b' break- rug in a âmmli Wndw..,. N=4& w lw -'-'-e--- Th 6aAu taasan owmnnville May a, 196 EDITORIAL COMMENT I ~' 'e Mrs. Shirley Howitb, .Ut0rntbr £Althoe»d a»Second9 IOHN M. JAMES aDoempvaimu Durharm County»g Great FamIly Journal %i 5pstab)jsh@d 113' y.arS ago in 1854 Aise Inccrporatinq The. Bowmnanviile News < Tii. Newcastle Independont The. Oreno News ULb % CCEtt XMail bY th PutlOffir. Dept., Ottawa, end fez pa3yau.aî e1 posage lancash Produced *very. Wedneaday by THE JAMES PUBISRING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box ý go 6"-6 Kng St. W., Bownicnville. Ontario GEO. W. GRAHAM 'GEO. P. MORRIS c euih .4% m seer lifgts muhat ta 5u. U=90e appenqof i m.pwf o » PM miqsa ~b't ata. u .XY ifor Whata.r. particuimtY b b htokqphic or offtet ~ ~ nmuet be obid trhom tUse PublWwyurad the, Priam isy unwuthoris.d . *muoCh erecotame in aw." 810 ~p 6S mon"ha$2.75 36.50 ca Year in th0 United States *Vffl .Pler seuaM . b*WtIlhqtaka voli errMr Tbh.Canadian Statumn ==ccPtaadv.rttu mteuadenrstadjag'Ibf If W sot b. fiabl,9 tur au advertimom.u ~~od ub4,atu.aatlai.qmuot.d nrwaTîbyy theadvertia.r bum 4mowy ly uIa.by tü».adv.,tln, aud wfth $uch wMod la ";%ýlak linS6cornead inl oe myerrer so uote nest .oee»d ach a Pomtl *0 lIentir. on 8 000* Q errd r ba.mte fMe w" l sace o=ffl There's nothing like -a good, old- !asbioned family figbt on Saturday night, ta relieve the built-up tensions of the week, clear the air, and get every- uuboY squared around for a quiet Sun- Sday. For centuries, this was a -tradition in many 'families. But,. like so many of our other fine aid customs, tbis one bas been virtuaily destroyed byý television. Don't get me wrong. I don't mean the kind of thing in wbich the brutal, drunken husband lurches homne, beats' IUp bis wife and kids, rabs the sugar bowl and piggy banks a! their pennies, and staggers back te the pub and Pearl. This bappened, o! course. And stili does. But I mean the ordinary famiiy -figbt. The father, a decent warking man, bas gene up-town Saturday afternoon' HIels bougbt a pack o! fags and bac tbree or four beers. He's miidly merry. Ris wife bas done tbe week's shop- ping. 5h. bas lugged four buiging bags o! grub a block to the car. She bas slaved ta rpr a goad supper. The baby is crying, just for the bell o! it. The teenage daugbter is whining about going to a dance with a known haod- lum. The 12-year-oid son is stili out fishing, it's almost dark and be's prob- ably drowned. And ber feet burt. And the dinner is ruined. Because the aid man is late. Twenty minutes late, ai- ready. Well, there's a dust-up. Pa cames 1 in with a happy smiie and tbe aid lady 1 peels the bide right off bim. The boye cornes in grinning, with two speckled trout. and gets a cuf! an the ear. Thev daugbter whines on and is sent te ber s pi LES? reo. Te bbyno louh a th g me,' yellssllovr like a bnhe agtsmee -torm. Pa is ashamed for euffing the kid. Ma is asharned for blasting Pa. The r boy gets doubles on dessert. Ma and ai Pa plead with tht girl te go out with ni the hood, who really isn't a hood after ail.,Tht baby gets a bottie right in the Ili irnouth and shuts Up. Pl The kid citans bis !isb. Ma does a the dishes dreamiiy. Pa gees eut and di Reprtfrom Ç The !reedon'io! wbich ;we boast is not lest in ftbattertd Dunkirks d bl.azing Pearl Harbors .. . Sucb events caul forth the utmnost resistance. Fret- doma is lest littît by littît in naiseltss theft, a fragment o! concession te ex- pediency bere, a mersel of "what dots' it matter?" there. Then, shockingiy, we find that freedom bas' disappeared in tht regîmentatian o!flnot only aur daily doings but our eternal ambitions. It would be sad indeed if Canadjans were to be seduced by speciaus pleas Enta casting away what bas been pain- fuhly buiit up by aur ancestars and bur- .elves. Refusing ta accept at ieast a faim proportion of respensibulity in main- taining aur institutions can but central- ize au thority in the hands o! a pelitical force which may grant temporary relie! rom worries and gain tht illusion o! future security. But in doing se it will rb us o! democratic liberty and restrict ur ettainment e! those things aur nat- rai abilities bave fitted us for. Ont o! these mest cherished insti- ,tions is the education o! aur yaung taopit. Tht transfer o! tht cost o! edu- stian, whether ta tht extent o! 80'/ S 1005%, ta a centrai gavernment whose axing resources are being strained ta ht limit, can only resuit in tht ioss o! Tht provincial government in an ffort on the ont band ta rehieve the àx burden on municipalities and at tht ime turne preserve tht pewers of local Imînistratian bas taken certain steps. (1) Assumtd approximately 50% the cost o! ehementary and secondary lucatian xvith grants ranging f!rom 30%l itUre bormad o tuis POPIJLARITY :,Do you have te be popular, Mcm?"l "Oh, o! course flot - of course not, son!" "Must I like just everybedy And tht main when I wish ut was sunny?" "Weil, I know how you feel At times I've bated very real - Tbings like ignorance and greed And pain and evemy kind o! need. Sometirnes folks like me Sometimes folks don't. And that iiking's populamity Tmuth wiil, !alsebood won't; But ail I know for sure is this If you are true te yourself and true to God, (On his cbu.rch I planted a tender kiss) Then you'1I be popular - Caddy or hot-rod!' -Marion Ford ariea.-tôver 90% in tht lawem assessed (2) Tht ap pointment o! the. Smnith Committet on taxation as it- relates to the Province and tht municipalitieg. This committeis expected to report in tht near future and wihl ne doubt rec.q om'mend -certain significant cagsi 'tht tax structure.'* hagsi Under tht Foundation Tax'Pa there bas been a consistent pattern o! increasing assistance by tht province tô scbool boards. In 1943 tht total legisiative grants for elementary and secandary education in Ontario were $8 million; in 1962 $220 million; in 1966 $335 million, and the 1967 estimates cali fer $443 million. This represents an increase in grants o! 100%Y since 1962, and it is in- teresting te note t bat tht amount, o! cash pravided te boards in Ontaria is just about equal te tht total for school boards in ail tht ather p'rovinces cern- bined. Costs, hawever, have kept pace with the increased assistance. Cost of elementary and secendary education in the province rase frem $545 million in 1962 ta $780 million in 1965 and is con- tinuing ta rise. Tht probiem is net only a local ont; it is comman to every jurisdiction in tht North Amenican continent. An article in the Christian Science Monitor o! April i8tb, states that in Las Angeles, tht second largest city in tht U.S., consideration is being given ta cutting funds for kindergartens, remedial ýreading programmes, school sports, building maintenance, and se on. The Supeintendent o! ont large publie 'chool system states that without more 'unds from some source, "the question Turn the se! t wings o! e!t-remembmed thinga unwillingly Within tb. consciousness, Quick siivered !iight o! mercury 'iseil 1 1could net se0s.wi!tly span That treasured space eacb thougbt, each' to.uch, eacb answering glance that still Compressed Unspoke», things as this brie! moment, cen îim> The heart (transports itseif, though i mad sp-ace unyi.id ne strangled breath a! ail beloved and le! t. And !inds each. loveiy fragment e! th&- whole in its own place in that !arilir scene unchanged, Unchanged tht fend beart cries te s«4 djsljelling th. chili that sude by sid.l had crept. Sweet brokeri aweetness still compressied by the. blind touch of what has been. --Baba aro Attention Al Home -Typists @*Wb - - UPUROMM" m m ýtftllt ft detters to the é;di - tor sugar. and REMEMLM TIRIK BATTL roots around tbe rosebusb. Sis flues out at, the hoot of a hem. Baby burpsanu smiles in his sleep.d Tha't's the way it was, flot too long ago. But televisian bas wrecked it. Nowadays, instead o! taking out oui' aggressions on each other, we huddle before the Great Soporifie on Saturday nights, dinner baianoedi on aur knees.. We pour ail aur aggressions into a stl!ff body-check, Or a, saloon brawl in a West- ern. As' a result, the fine aid famlly fight on a Saturday nigbt bas degener- ated into a querulous quibble about:' who's going ta get up and !etch a 'beer during the commercial. HOwever, 1 amn glad to gay, altloughi the family fight is dying, it is flot quit.- extinct. The other day 1 read, wlthý growing fascination, of s Christmnas Eve squabble that has. to rank wlfh one of thie great ones. It took place lait Dec., 24th, and the legal aftermath la now in. progress. As the newspaper reported it, this young fellow admitted he drank be- tween 30 and 40 botties of heer during the day. That, is some beer drinker. You try putting down about four gallons of.. beer the dayr before Christmas, or any ather day, and I guarantee yau'l bave a beiiy *the shape, and a nase the hue of S. Claus himself. Not ta mention the beers coming out your ears. It gets better. Tbe Champ, as we shall caîl himn, bad an argument with his brother, who threw humf out o! the 'bouse. Imagine, the giug. and undaunt- ed, -The Champ climbed a tree. Maybe he thougbt it was a pear tree and b. vas a partridge. Who knows., Anyway, brather stepped outside. vitb a shot-gun. H1e claimed b. fired a' bhot in the air, flot knowifig The Champ, was up a tree. But several pellets enter-, d the latter's anatomny. The champ testified that he couidn't remember swinging bis mother-.inîlaw iround by ber bair, although h. did idad- nit baving a fight with ber. It seunds like a swinging party.' 7m just as glad I wasn't ther 'e, but, it )rves that the famiiy fight stiliibas ilittie steam in it,- even tbou h it i. sappearing from our way o!fiffe. )ueen'Ps Park

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