Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1967, p. 15

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.. -r- 't~~-~ - i heI.fct Cobourg Mon, fi'ad of Childrens Aid PORtT HOPE - Thomasj died during the 1966 yemr of Jones aifCbourg was re-elect- office. Mr. Canipheli,,who h&df =dprsdentocf the board of corne front Bailieboro, died 1a 1 etosfr the Northurnber- aionth. lanid - Durban chapter of the Other 1967 officers pprovedi ,4, Children'.9Aid Society at the 'included; Bey. Canon W.'Nai- mm, oumi meeting held Wcfnaa. by, viee-presfdent; Mrs. Thom-j 77f t etlbIaIDr. Power 8 as Greshami, uecretary; D. Hi Behol n Port Hope. 1'Bullock, treasurer; and Arthur, 1%13 la Mr. Joncs' second'B. Finnie, local director. Yr as ednt. He servedi The 1967 board of diecetors heUicb=a of directors for includes: Lloyd Johnsten and nine yemrs. Mns. George Webster, Bow- Eiected vice-president...as , manville; Hugh Calverly, Rev. G. Honey ai Cramahey Town- A. Vandenberg, Rev. J. J. Hoy- ship. He succeeds the laIe Nel- 'tena. Alex Rae and Mrs. son Usher, who died during bis MrCs nnai aPCbW.g terniofaiffice lait ycm. s> . R. Prouse, Read Budge, Miss Pearl Hutchings, Hlgh tribut. was p*id ta Mn. William Heberie and Mayor Usher and la Harry C. Camp- ichaei Wladyka, ail ai Port ben, anhoraym br andi Hope; Douglas Kemp, Darling- the late Mayor Benson Spicer ton 'Township; Victor Wilson, ai Part Hope. Al'- three men Hope Township; J. E. Solomon, had srved with CAS and hadBrigbton; Mns. James Harding. Baltimore; George Dean, Saut h Award Contract ro Cobourg are: Mns. Rob- ert Bradford and J. J. Fuller- ton and Mns. A. B. Sylvester Resurface 115 rmBwavle Alex Caruthns, M.PP., County nepresentatives ta Alex Caruthrs, .P.., the board ai drectors Include. Durhami, announced this week 'J. F. George, Brighton; W. E. thet the Brennan Paving Com- Fice, B0 il;Ia r,--- ----IThackery, Hamnilton Tonrhiw' EJIy L4flhtCelof iHamilton has and Wilson Heaslip, Manvers ge'awarded the cantract for Township. reswitacing Highway 115 from Hlghway 28 westerly, a dist- The honorary directors in- ance of 7.07 miles including lude: Merrill Van Camip, Rev. the intersection of Caunty Leo Cîeary, Donald Maybee, Road Io. Rev. E. C. Kelloway, Mr. S. The total amount bid for Little and Mrs. H. S. Winfield, this contract was $112,705.70. The work là scheduled te coin-, mneMay lth, 1967. Pension ai 67 Jr. Caif club Start Jan. ist On Mnday Aprl l7h et An extra 40,000 persans in On Mnda, Aril17t atOntario will become eligible Sp.m. the Preident of the for Old Age Security pension South Durham Junior Dairy in January, 1968, and no should Calf Club called the meeting be making application nt this te order. He asked the secre- time. These are the people tary fer is minutes and the who will reach 67 by the end roll cal]. There were 18 mem- of this calendar year. Can- bers present. The minutes adian citizenship is not requir- were read and approved. The ed for eligibility. meeting was turned over te vur Club Leader Frances Mr. J. G. Parsons, Regional Jose Who showed the neW Director ai Old Age Securitv nembers liaw te fili out a for Ontario, stated that appli- record book and outlined aur cations fram persons born in Centennial Projects. Care of the year 1900 have been very the caîf frorn birth was out- slow coming in ta the Ontario lined. Books were then given Regianal Office. Less than te members who were not able 3,000 or 7.7 per cent were re- ta he at the organîzation meet- ceived by the end ai March. Jng. The meeting was turned Old Age Security applica- back ta the President and tions, along with an explana- was adjourned on a motion by tory 'booklet, may be obtained John Larmer and uecanded froni any Post Office, and by Herb Trink. shauld be sent ta the Regional ,Our executive for this vear Director of Old Age Security, In: President, Larry Hoy: -, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, President, Bannie Malcolm-, Toronto. Since an. applicant Secretary, Grant Millson; Press must prove age, birth or bap- ]Reporter, John Larmer. tismal certificates should be _____________________sent in with the application. If such documents cannot be ,,bmitted, the, application Cet Cash Today should be completed and sent ta the flegional Office with a For OId ApplieaIC8S, note expainingwhy the e tbrougb obtained. The Regional Office 8 TA TE~SUMA N will then assist the applicant C L B"d F -Ï'*"iÏ find oti"eldence ai age. pLhAne 62FI83D3 The age at which Old Agei Phoo I3..3~3 Security pension becomes pay-6 a.ble is being reduced eachr Report from Queen's Park by Alex Carruthers, M. P P. TAX ILLUSION 1 sometimes wonder what a vener- able ancestor of 100 years ago would thiiik of our present day world finance. Would hie be able to comprehiend or believe for example t.hat the total assets of our largest chartered bank exceeds the total net worth of ail the business enterprises in the country in 1867; or could his mid encompass the enormous transition from goose quili pens, and fat ledgers of that day, to the uncanny computers and automated ser- vices and communication of today. Of a certaînty he would be over- whelmed by the multiplicity and cam-1 piexity of present day taxes and the tax structure. In his day ane af the main planks in any political platform was "the reduction of taxes". Now the name of the game appears ta be "the transfero af the tax burden" in a sort of sheli game ta some other level of gavernment.j A game which miglit be termed passingi the buck.1 One af the cliches used sa ofiten is1 called, "Sharing af Tax Revenues", and1 as citizens we are deluded into think-1 ing that aur municipality is getting ag real bargain when we are tald, for1 example, that only 20% of the cost of a fine new school building is paid out1 of municipal taxes. The rest, it is said,1 cornes from provincial grants, and we are able ta kid ourselves that a mysteri- ous, "Somebody Else" is footing a big1 part af the bill. Municipal councils wheedle fundsc froi, the provinces; the provinces grabr ail the available revenue they can fromt the federal treasury, and the federali government derives its tax money froma so many sources, and in so many dii-e ferent ways that we lose track of whereE our money is, going.r The Carter committee on taxationp has now submnitted its report ta the i Federal Government, and the reportofai the provincially established Smith com- i mittee on provincial and municipal taxation is ta submit its repart wîthina a very short period of time.h "The shar.ing af tax revenues" wilf be the central theme in the discussions i that will lead ta new legisiation in the fi tax field, following the submission ai o these two reparti.d Regardiess ai what recommenda- tions are made by these two commit- i tees on the sharing of tax revenues, and ji we ahi reahize that only- through tax ti sharing can the national revenue af thep nation be f airly distributed and equality e, of standards niaintained, the basic iact t remains, that there is no knawn way afilt getting more out of aur econamy than zr is put into iL.r year until by January, 197( persons who are as young a 65 as long as they fulfil th residence requirements. Are YOU getting the best deal' ror for YOUR money ? 1 ACCOUNT, is your money earning ... COT. PAYS 41/20/o ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS (they always have) If you have a CHEQUING ACCOUNT Do you get your cancelled cheques'back plus a monthhy statenient and earn interest as welh at the rate ai . . . C. 0. T. pays 4 0/o on CHEQUING ACCOUNTS (they always have) 4 1/2/lo? 40/o? 3 1/2 0/o? 3 0/o? 40Io?) 3 1/2; o? 30/lo? 0o When you want ta save money or cash a cheque, at what hours can you do business? 9 ta 5:30? 10 tç) 3 daily? 9:30 ta 5 daily? Fridays till 8 p.ni.? Fridays 4 ta 6 p.m.? Fridays tili 6 p.m.? 9 ta 4 Saturdays? Clased Saturdays? 10 ta 2 Saturdays? C. 0. T. is Open 9 to 5:30 Daily Fridays tili 8 p.m. - Saturdays 9 to 4 p.m. (They Always Have Been) BOWMANVILLE OFFICE CLOSED WEDNESDAYS- Can you discuss OTHER FINANCIAL SERVICES alsa like WiIls, Jnvestrnents . . . G.I.C.'s. . Mortgages ... Buying and sehhing Real Estate? You con ut C. O. T. and always have been able toI If ymn demI wîth Central Ontario Trust you get the best ai every service llsted and you always dîd, plus friendiy, helpiui service froni a Commun- ity Ca;in-aY. Ceéntrlly-ocated, ton, in bath Oshawa and Bowrnanville. Ceaie la today and get the best demi for your money! SWITCH UP! to CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS, CORPORATION s' ev umagu 19 Sinsco St. N, Oshawa, Ont. ToeIehone 723-5221 23 King St. Bownianville, Telephone 62 W. 'Ont 3-252 As Dr. Rasminsky, the Governor of the Bank of Canadit, put It, "Yeu cannet g et a quart of wine out of a pint. juf'. It was clear ta him, lie said, that lor much of the last two years we have overloaded the evonomy by trying te doý ton much ton fast. As Canadians we have created a rich free society based on principles of reward for personal and group accom- plishment. I n recent days there han, however, been a growing empliasis upon the idea ai taking from one man's effort ta case another man's. burden. Society must be -willing te accept this responsibiiity in order ta assure a better life for the less favored memberg of aur saciety - the aged, the very young, the handicapped and the unem- ployables. Accepting this respansibility also cails for preventive action ta reduce the grawing dependence ai certain groups in society. Programmes for increased educational opportunities and program- mes ai social services established by the provincial government are ail designed ta meet these needs. They are casthy but they are a necessity, and in many cases are but an investment in the future. Taxation according ta ability ta pay is recommended by the Carter Re- port. This is valid in theory but is dangerous in practice if individual or group incentive is destrayed in the pracess. The hast annual report ai the Bank of Canada shows that "Costs increased more and productivity less ini Canada than in the United States in 1966." The increase in output per wnrker in Can- ada in 1966 was approximately 1.1%7 except in the field af agriculture where effîciency on the part of aur farmers resulted in a material increase in the production of farm praducts. This 1.1% is anly half of the 1965 rate oi increase and less than half the 2.5%I increase in United States. As citizens of the mast productive and wealthiest province in Canada per- haps we should pause, and consider the future potential af Ontario, and where the present trend is leading us. It is a fundamental truth that a rîsing standard of living can onhy corne irom rising pro- duction. Today in this province we have the highest standard af living of any jurisdiction in the world. Let us main- tain and strengthen, it through careful planning, a better understanding af the economic principhes invohved in taxa- tion, and through a positive image ai the future organIze the present in ,a nanner ta keep costs and taxes at a ninimum. i i i E For yaar, Domiiofful n hahm une ..stJa hau*adsy Mte Md 0.a naniwal u DoIin'. ndoep$tti ValIou'vm e b ouM r' 1k znse cf welnd eelaswhch =Ii eoO ýo<ntiwIlIcotiu,-0mt oe lm e ths cecluemDmin iofaa mo bm wv . cokand %CMparm you t4 g rea.tt a varo f Ittuat k Z e 10w 'Do W nfrke Stwor Yur OMMU Setqpr Your CFIÏiï Canada's Finest Red. Brand Steer Beef BONELESS ROUND STrEAK OR-ROAST EASY TO CARVE - SQUARE ENDl RUMP ROA ST PRESSWOOD'S COMPASS BRAND SWEET PICKLED VAC PACK PORK -SHOULDERS Dominion's Own Famous- Maple..Leaf Brand Sliced CORNED BlbFl161OL OGNA Presswood Compass Bd. Rindless Breakfast BACON Pkg. lb 1-1b- 69c- THURSDAY NIGHT FEATURE 6 P.M. 'TILL 9 P.M. ONLY Carnation Evaporated 0'Clarke Public Scbool Bd. à - , -_I Pln2Dy xoTp EIA FRESH PRODU Plan2 -Day xpoTri - AMEXCANGROWN For Newton ville Pupils --TMT A e c o u n t s amaunting ta! phone in Lockharts Schoai OA $4,256.74 as presented by Mr. Best -was misa înstructed Secretary-Treasurer Horace R. ta request an explanatian Best were passed for pay- fromn the Orono Eiectric as tao FLORIDA. GROWN ment et the meeting ai the why the TV and assembiy' Clarke Township Area Pub- bell ordered in December, » lic Schaol Board held recent-ý 1966, had not been supplied, ly in Brown's Public School.,and if a satisfactory explana- presided. Other board mem- order. VALEN(IA -ORI bers present were Mrs. J. Mr. Lowery, seconded by -L Barlow, William Turansky,I Mr. Turansky, moved that the and James Stutt. board apply ta Ontario Hydro A deegaton foni the for single-phase Rural Elec- Broirns hlAr:a with trical Service for the osed DH Q M E N EED MrsHaolHugesasspokes- ne chool at Lot - - fl- an Roil-On - 1%4 oz. Size SAVE 24. man asked for permission ta cession Six. This was carried. M k hoid Boy Scout meetings in' The board asked Mr. Best D O D~O RA NT 93cI, the schoai one night each ta notify Mr. M. McCoy, week froni 6:30 p.m. ta nine! Principal oi Kendai School, MKï Crest - Glatit Tube SAVE 12e> a'clock. This permission WaSi ai the board's request that he, L O ~ - granted subject ta the usuel1 rovide e x t r a supervision ~ termis and conditions. i roni the time ai the iirst busi TW M MU u 51 c Mns. R. Simpson informed! arrivai in the marning until! Score - The Cîcar - l1V,-oz. Tubs SAVE 12o the board ai the deteriorating i the at bus departs in theý condition ai the wire fence; aiternoon. .HI R A 1 an the west aide ai this'ý The Secretary was misa ask- -H AR'R E A SR, schoai's yard. She also spoke' ed ta increase Mr. McCoy's ;f Assorted Insulated Plastic - Ausorted Voleurs and Sues ofakthaut anm e fithe slab e trt6,in ao Dace IIDb sak themt nd uie aithe!slab e ract 6-ive acoDcel q M UGS' & TULADiE R chirnney ai the incinerator.1 with the ternis ai the special The Praperty and Financei meeting he]d onsRegulr Vale 49 Cammittee will inspect the! 1966. an Mach 22dValueVE420 fence and chimney at Brown's, Mr. Turansky reported that! 2i9os rce7 C School, and present recain-, Mr. McCay is wiiling ta Pro-: __________________________D__ mendations at the next mee'- ieti xr uervision~ igothbor.and that he has actually been .. ru The board was notified by daing sa since Decemnber ist. G O V L E FO H Mrs. M. Adams that Clarke' Mr. Stutt reported that an! \VISE SHOPPE Union pupils, who are trans-, inspection had been made of W IE S OP E ported by Carscadden's bus,' the fence separating the T.1 Aylmer Pure - 18-oz. Bottle SAVE Se were leit et Barrabail's Gar-1 Lewis property and part aof A TI~ V T "U I O age for 20 minutes earh~ the Orono Public Schaol ,, TO, A TO E TCHU P~. 29C marning whiie awaiting trans- grounds, and recammendedI fer ta another bus. the remoal af the aid fence m"12o Off. Mother Parkerus Orange Pekoe - PliE. ef 60'o The Transport and Manage- and shrubbery and the erec- THIS WEEK ONLY Regular Price 87e Lq D ment Committee was instruct- tian ai a new fence. A letter m m D P C C ed ta inquire into the circurn- from Buriey Bus bines stated TE B G Dominion'. Price 76e c stances related ta the transfer, the f irm's lieblity insurance -u ai pupils et Barrabail's Gar-I coverage with a supporting Yor-k - In Tonibto Sauce - 19-ou. Tins RAVE 90 xj age and ta arrange for an certificate was receivedi. The 2ý- OR B A S frl9 Improvernent. c h a n gos gIn transportation IMr@. Barlow moved that uchedules and routes of buses PllbuyP laoR & BEANS 4f.OrS9cgo Chairrnan Greenwaod and operated by J. A. Carscadden M U T C K M X S 39 ta suan the agreement _pravid-I John Cumiberland, a mem- cd by Dr. Charlotte H orner, ber ai the teaehing staff afi' Carleton Choice lialves - 19-ou. Tins Compare Medical Officer ai Health for Manvers School, informed the! E S R P A S 4 $ 'Northumberland and Durham board that he hen accepted aj DE SET- -S for $10 iCountica, regarding health Principal's poaition elsewhere. ________________________ services in the Public Schools. Peter Davos requeut' for! Mr. Stutt seconded the mo- board action ta iniprove 'tion, and it wua carried. housekeeping inp Rooxa Il ati Ali! Merchandise The board appraved the two 1 eýksii cool wes réfer-i Value. Effective, Until day trip ta Expo by the senior lred te. Mn.. Barliu-.IW RE R ipupils ai Newtonville Schaol,' The board agreed ta, meet W EE V and deoided ta have a suppîy with ' raneii Reed et bis con-! fteacher tlaced in the schoal veniencee ta review the plans Open Thurts durin esetwo days. Thisl and spécifications for tepo jwes movcd by Mrs. Barlow,I pased new school and for the seconded by James Stutt. addition ta the Kendal School.1 u On consideration of an in- j A policy ta be effective'r quiry about books lost by; Septemben lst was establish- s pupils, the board re-atfirmed'cd negarding film strips, ita policy that aIl text, refer- slides, and prajectors. The, cace, and library bookis Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. Best' bought by the board and dis- wili be in charge and these' tributed by a teacher ta stu- articles are to b. kept at his dents becorne the responsi- office. He will provide ai~ . m~ bility of the students. catalogue ta each Principall King St. andO SifD @ l ve The board asked Mr. Best, ai film strips and olides. The,'»I the - Becretary-Treasurer, ,te choices ai film ..trips purcb4aq-. AAA obtain an catimAate an the in-'cd ta be the comliined re-£ ËU * * stallatiozz of a private te- sponsbWityof the Prmncipuli. @W Domino. )CE FEATURES IESVINE 19 c L-NGES BG49 SEE OSHAWA TIMES MONDAY PAPER FOR EARLY WEEK SAVE ON DOMINION'S OWN BRANDS' gUchmelio Unslied or SUced - 24-oz. Leaves SAVE 7ô WHITE BREAD 3for65c Rlehnielio - 40-oz. Jar B AVE 140 Damino Cliaice - 19-az. Titi. Iainty - Ini Parchaient - 1-1b. Pkg. SAVE 13ô MARGARINE 2 for 49c Country Girl - 20-os. Sise BAVE 80 APPLE PIE 39C Domsino Soda Water or - 30-os. Bottles Compare GINGER ALE lus e gi 8for 99é Bilitop - 2-lb. Pkg. Compare AMPLE FIEE -PARKING la Guaranteed To Give 100% S&tiofaction il Closing, Saturday, May 6, '67, in Bowmanville THE, RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. i. nd Fr1. Nighti MtI 9 p.m. lINIe2 1f~TI~r 4.5 lef-oz. Only At Dominion DOMINO WIENERSi llb: 5 SNOP WfIT CONIDENCEI wkm k84 m çsdkldh I FRIDAY NIGHT FEATURI7, RAVE 70 'q 1-1 ilh, 1

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