Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1967, p. 13

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Service Ended May 1 st Couch FamîIy Has Han dled Express Since Back in -1906 Newcastle - For over 60 inside the coach with the ex- ummer the horse and buggy years, residents of the village press piled bigh an top and wam knawn as the taxi anýIn of Newcastle have bcd ex- on the back. the winter it was a horse and pres parcels plcked Up and At this time, bananes camne cutter. .delivered by the Couch iamily, on their original stalks and Around 1912 the expresm wam and naw, as ai May Ist, 1967, torekeepcrs would bang them donc with a Model T Ford bus. that service has cndcd. Up and selI thcm by the doz- At the age of 16 Harold let Back in 1906, the express en. !ce cream came packed in achool, received hlm drlver'm * was first hanidled by Jerry chappcd Ice in large woodcn licence and began permcnently * Couch wben a two-horse drewn tubs; bread was transported in ta work witbhlmi dad. This tagecoach would meet the wooden bred baskets. Har- cantinued until the deatb af Grand Trunk Express train six old also met anc treight train lm father in 1950. Prom thon times a day. a day with a freight wagon an Harold taak aver the ex- bAt tht âge of aine, Harold and team of horses. press by himseif until <naw, began driving the stagecoach In the winter a sleigh bus Maylot, 1967, when the ex- ta help bis dad. After school would meet the train. The ress will no longer corne into and an Saturday he handled express was piled up In front e wcastle by train. Exprema the express by himself. Many and the passengers made willi now be transparte .by daym during classes, Harold tbemnsclvem camfortable In the trucks supplied by the C.N.R. would be called out ta give a rear af the bus. They were Glving uch falthful service, helping hand ta his very bumy ktpt wcrm by a coal ail heat- winters and ummers long father.. er and a coal ail lamp was ince gane by, Harold Couch There werc aiwaym many used for ligbt. wiil be mi sic by thase who people oging ta and tram the Taxi service was aiso avail- usci and knew of him ervice. train . The passengerm rode able by Mr. Couch. In the To hm, we may thanks". IZegister This. Saturday For Sofîbail and Hardbal Newcastle:- With Uic ai- thought af soitbali and hard- girls wiil take edvaatagc af f vent of nice weather, espec- bail uppermost in their minds. this registration because this lafly uch as was enioyed the To this end, the Récreation is the anly date whea régis- pult weekend, tht Newcastle Comnmittee suggest you circle tratian will be held aad whcn Rtc reatlon Cammittee le be- the date af Saturday, May th It cames toaesslgnlng pool- ginnlng ta blow tht dust off on your calendar and plan tions on the verlaus tomme sucb things as bats, bails, now to be an hani at the they will b. a tirit came flutter boards and such like, Community Hall bctween the basis. -and. graiually puttîng into bours ai 10 a.m. and noon Many new voluateers have math balle Uic goalie pais, hour ta register for Ibis par- efferti their services in the Ipucks and sticks for another' tieular activity. Bail registra- coachlng department thia year. The serious business of tien lis open toalal boys and year and we hope all chiliren ýsummer activity le in tht girls 6 ta 16 years ai age. We wlll turn out for bell and planning stage with the hope all eligible boys and meke their (the coaches) wil1- lingncst worthwhile. There shouli be a full camplement ai teema thîs year spannlng the large age group, so ion't agreat mummer o sports for >0.> yourself. I SwimmIng wiil be the next cS>o~a/ J>erona big item an the agenda and (Socal nd 3ersnal alroaiy tht récréation com- mlttee heu Initiatei planm In this department. Mr. and Mrm. Bert Stapiettan Ifegman, Mns. Olive Mertin, There may b. surprises for a>ni tamily, Mr. and Mro. Do- Frank Rlckerd, Mrs. Margaret the young tapît and the -,vy GreMs te Gllnlerd SmlUhi, Mrs. Daphne SI. Arn- adulte as wel? Ibis sumnmer as -BomavileviitdMn. an i n, and Henry Tebble. several ather progremms are 'Xrs. Chales Cowan, and cali- Tht Newcastle- Brawnies on the irewIng board. Au -ers tram Oshawa were Mr. and Guides have been quite soan as plan. are completd, an Mrs. Cal. Daniel. busy these peut iew wceks, the public wlll b. notiti. MisKani Lee For5.wen taking anrder for cookies and Don't forget now, registre-i was anc af the group ci stu- sclling- chocolat. bars. The tion for ball, b ehrd and dents who went by bus ta mniney- raisei by themn will be soit, for bath boys and girls1 Montreal an Fniay ta #pend put ta very good use. We 6 ta 16 years le Saturday, May a îew deym et ltxpa. trust you placei large orders Oth, at thec Cammunity a, Mrs. A. Flonk heu rcturncd with them. from 10 a.m. unti on home ater -a -tiwte,..wa4cW '~-ecase cafs i a n - vacation trip ta Holland. 1busy aven thec weekend cal- Congratulations ta Mn 5. lecting bottîts. As the entire Dora Smith wha ceiebrated village was flot campîcteci,in anothen bîrthday recentiy. ahother drive wl» be held Mondor Ladies Wc arc pleaeod te note that next month. This proves a May Poster 269, Minnit Tay- Mr$. Smith lseable ta be in greet oppotUnity ta get rru lon 253, Lillen Farrow 230, her home egain etter hevlng ai those battîca gathered in Penny Meadow& 237, Mary been in Bowmanvillc Haspi- Your basement and garage. It 1-enderson 233, Bernice Part- tal rnany wecks, the resuit ai also belps the boys raise ex- ner 219, Bevenly Lake 222, r a fall early in tbe year. tra tuais. Sancy William. 210. Teresa backta ecasW.again aS-outs arc planning now for Langstaf 205, Joanne Mut- bater a pcast l iitt of- an overnight camp-oaut Ibhis ton 205, Dorothy Turanmky tera leaan wite's c-Wtt d xe1tem s203, Joan Ad24 journ'in St. Petersburg, Flr- mounting amnong Ibose who Thurmday Mixci Issd ea.owa a vne neyer campei befare, June Pitt 253, Art Dubecu ; 'Mis Jen Plwma andandfor the many who have 250, George Glanville 247, c Mrs. Ethel Guy were Sunday cam si they art looking fan- Harold Hughes 239, Meureen1 MiitrsnithMs. Pecy ameb.wgta the wcekend witb Powell 233, Alice Kupery 226, c Mr.andMr. Pre Tab-jugt as niuch excîtemeal. Ken Whitney 222, Marilyn lyn attendeci thé Graham- Comlete detallu of their trip Cauch 221, Marge Ibbotsonr Shier wedding et Cambray Wilî b. pintei next week. 218, Mabie Lewis 206. t] United Churcb on Saturday Cube of "B"' Peck enjoyeci Men - 225 and Over ti Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor an excellent hike an Satur- George Glanvilie 270, Larry F of Lindsay werc wcekend. day wlth many taking aîong Pearce 261, Francis Tutiordili guests at thé home ai Mr. !ishlng pales ta sec how weîî 233, George Kimbail 232, Don ti Taylar's sister, Mns. H. C. they would do, an the firsî Gooci 231. i Dennis. , day of troul fiuhing. Hot dogs 300 Club Crest Wineerm 1« With the Bowling Ailey these roeted And cnjoyed- Maria Vagels 355, Ted Hoar E e losei for league gamet, therese were stipplici tbrauh 355, Marilyn Couch 342, Lorry V are maay banquets taking Cub funis.g Pearce 338, June icramer 335, v, place and ewaris prcsented. Congratulations are extenci- Gary Forget 335, flan Gooi b Remember Ihat et herà are ei bath la Fred Glanville 327, Don Good 324, Ken Whit- quite ialerestci in the out- and Edmuni Majer. Fred ney 324, George Kimbail 320, si came ai the season's games wovn thc lalest 50-50 draw rua Mermii Henry 318, Ruth Cauch p and wouii enjay sharing wilb by thé BoWmnvilîe Légion, 312, Teresa Lengsleii 310, Jack P you the final recuite. Rcmem- makîng bim msorne $600 richeri Chard 310, Lorry Peance 309, el ber la telephant 987-4213 Mhntedybfr.W oe arilyn Coucb 309, Rauemery vi wiîh your newS. han tht dajy tbeore W opeT Krl 1UVi li 0 Takng a drive lbrougbout setiileanda3ribe coilo ur-v d ghVick 1i-Blih a03 tevlaeand in and ouI of n i tmi u-Mary uhs31 ne chaseci with bis winnings. 301,yn 301 Wayne Denncy tý the local stores you can wcl Edmund, beiag Ihe seller afi , ancy «til iamm300. ec see that resiients are Iaking tht ticket, aîso won some aiowfnieLais ni Up the Centennial ie and thc maney. Velia Brown 242, Janie N advtrtlais n différent ways The final Hockey Math crs Whitney 207, May Smith 213, W. ta the many visilors expectci meeting was held on Mondav Jean Hal 18,anrisa1Holnn y in Canada Ibis birtbday year eveaiiig in the home of 9,M yrti Hs 86,ArnCoris 18An. that Canada is now 100 years June Aildrcad. Following thoe L 186, nn oer 180. old. An attractive andc weIl minutes of the meeting, reactLegu lenr ligbted way of decorating i b.' by h ertrM ari- Eàe1yn Meaiows, Penny t the one placci on the front lyn eMsrtretary, rs. Laie - Jeton gorch af the Stan Powell y Marntiesh r emMs.ad hnk-Meas, Nancy Williams, rneon Mill Street. WiIh syu notes amnrsGadsVicki Biight, Elenor Perrn. n h Sudayanifa miiy, and anc Men - Sabre. background painîci wbite, îrom the sccreîary ai the GogeKfilfanMn the many colorci bulbs Out- Bowmanvillc Hospital Aux- r rg e W bite, LRry Pea-rcbI iining the Maple Leaf and the iliary who wrotc with are- rKnWinyLryPacb dates 1867 and 1967 are clear- caintIe ke P rancis Tuffond, Ray Goode. Tl ]y seen and aimired by those M hi onto fath cru ren Pwel walking or driving by. frhtiGeatoora ay rua Ixd-D ge iMftothr wll lghtd oeset. The président, Mrs. Dol. Glanille Floenel, eorea A~oter dllligted lbores White announced that Mary McGregor, Harry Mc:-n ils the new way la wbich th the Arene Management Board Iroy, Audrey Gogerty. P C enotaph Com m it e hope ta o l u c a e a s r t h r N w o vl e L d e r w beat Uic prànkslers who de- n wol ucaskestretcher ng anvîcLais- r iigbt in being desîructful, leaiIw lnet agoaog Argela Hollen, Maria Mol- e, wiIh h l-a, irst aid kits t la Cen dnHlida iias,' the fact Ihat they have now bougbl by the Hockey Mc-.einJeanHlHWd lamsCc placd te sollgbt bib O Ibrs t i ime Mrs. Mari- Friday Mixed - Hi-.Jaek an8 a pale just in front ai thc lyn Wallon was asked for a Myrtie Pearce, Jim DeanMi Cenolapb, the lighting affects finance repart, and it was Ellen Dean, ADer eac,'bu bath lhe Memonjal and the learnei thal $588.0hdbe ayBfe Abr ere h Flegwbic flcs oerbei 830 bi ben Mry Bffet, flan Good. c Flegcomic es woeheave raisei whlle operating the Playoff i Wtnm l Te cmy shasi o have booth et Uic arena, and they Ladies - Royal* Th seemnal shred seretwouid write a cheque for the jean Allen Jean An, Maryal vow tuaI they "1wouid net Arena Management Bac tor Hendensan, Üiarion Maclienu Naw t's uphave evthtryoneoî. 00.0their haîf af thé ify.. Minnie Taylor, Bernîce p rt-,ti ta sec uta l haven wofrkn iity agreement maie b. ner. at i d sé o ttht hUrwrkcwe teAnena Management Men - Sabres tic and citants are net destroyda rd end the Hockey MO- George Kimbali, Ron MunnoI cd ,J» omn unklnd persan. thers. With no futher busi- 'Ken Whitney, Larry Peance' El] ,>Our friendsamnd neighbours nées caming a1 Ibis lime, the Francis Tuttand. Ro t4 iBowmanviil Hosiltal Ibis date fon their final meeting Thursdzy Mlxed . Brats Ra week re.li. dfa nIc h fail was set for Uic June Pitt, Russ Powell, B lins, JohDvi, CMasterCol- second Monday i September. Mange Ibbotson, Mabel Lwsd in e Br Di, M.Lu iCl'e meeting edjaurned, and Bectrice Morgan, H aaid1Chf vnD . riMsLoieàllgbt lunch wam ervtd by Hughes. Dr fhwv~eE'veige Dir. AlIdread. Friday Mlxed - bMisfits ed C= iq !Thase boys who ull b.a] th0C-6k ,Fren .s.Wi.bt NewManager Takes Over at Hydro Office Newcaatle-7Befnnlre hh duties se HlydroManaerfor Newcastle, Tom Messenger officially began on Monday, May lot, with the retirement, of Harve Britton. Mr. Britton, aflter mervlng Newcastle for mcny yearm, wlll b. nimaed ln the office, bath by those stopping by to paky bills and the staff am well. Hie clWays met everyane with a checry comment and a hap- py smile any tirne of the da you mnight met him. Tom will f111. his shoes ln that respect certalnly, as those knowlng 1hlm aima relate hlm ta a amile and pleesant way and mon- ner. We oiter again aur con- gratulations ta Mr. Messen- ger, and trust Mr. Brittan wll enjoy him retirernent ta the fulleat. 1 UC. Z eiO ng The Anne Reed Unit of Zian U.C.W. met et the home af Mrs. Marie Howes an April 25th with 17 members pre- sent. Our leader, Joanne Gelsiberger, apened the meet- ing with a poem callcd "Beau- tiful Recipe"l. f The worship service was donc by Pat Johnson and Shirley Sobil (substituting for Betty Haass). Warship ser- Svice wam clomcd with ever- ont Jolnlng in for the Lordea Prayer. The otierlng was taken, foi- lowed by prayer. Minutes were rend and appraved. Thé treasurer'm report wcs given. Buinems. Eleanar Glampel is the ont tram aur unit ta b. an the nomlnatIng com- mnittet for next yearis generel executIve. The plates wlth the picture ai the church on them wili b. bers by Junt. Trhe afternoon unit are melllng these. Hampton ladies are ta, have a table et the bazear ta mcli their cook bock. At the executive meotin1 ai the 'U.C.W. they deaide te have an *Id famionsi chlcken Pie mupptr, ta b. held In the fali, for aur centenniai pro- ject. A vote was taken and maJOrity ruled. Motion car- nici. Severel of the ladies nfarsi ta help out et the C.G.I.T. and Explorer banquet on May 27th. Next meeting ta b. held nt tht home of Helen Thampmon. Meeting wau adjournei by Shirley BabiL ::pat-y4oIhffiô1 put us i groupm of four thon gave sach ro a quit an "Canada."i Vou,,Bottreil, Irene Ayre, Shirley Babil and Maris, Hawes won the quit. Lunch was merved by Marie Hawem and Mue lHansi. KEDRON Tht Bnownem af the 251h Pack enjoyed à weekend caMP et Camp Aiemae Ibis past Wtekend. Mno. Bsn Mit- cns, Mra, Frank Newelliand M'r$. Bill Rosnek were the camp leaders. Fivé Kedron Qucen Scouts recelvci Iheir percbmentm et the Recognition Ceremony for the Lckeland Reglan, held et Park Street Collegiate, Oril- la on Fniiay nigbt. Besides the boys (Bruce Dlale, Bina Densham, Bill Elioîl, Daug- las Pascoe Larry Watson and Donald VWerry), Scoulmaster, Witlliam Werry, Venturer Ad- viser George PollitI and tht boys, parents were prescal. As part of Iheir current ltudy ai the history ai thé Protestant cbunch, the Young 'copIe's Suniay School clans Ittlei a service et tht Sel- valion Army Cburch an Sun- day mnorning. At the Cenlennae Rally oi te Baol Whiîby Religiaus aducalion pragnam on Monday ighî, the direclor, Rev. C. R. [elson recalled Ihât there werc aaly 75 presetal ethIe irsI raliy aI Zepher Iwelve cars ega. This year the audi- torium of Anderson St. Col- 'giate was fillc ta aven- owing wiîh utudenîs and ideir parents. In tb. Junior "Sword Drill" ,a competition for speci in anding bible verses), the aopby was won for Dr. Ro- unIt Thornton Scbooi by Rutb rrick. Tht senior trapby was aon for Raglan Public Schoal ýy liobel Plett. Bath winncns 'ceivei bibles for personal rizes. Special numbers la singing id verse speakiag were giv- ,by Mrs. Phiips' noom eat 'ronetion School, Grades à nd 6 Of Mitchell'. Corners, nrs. Perry's noom at Colum. us Public School, and aIl the hildren af grade 4 ta 6 under ce direction of Mrs. Rie. 'ho Crumadens' Maie Quart«t ho entertalned wIth two umbers. Using postera for Illustre- on, changes ln Transporta. on in Canada wene descrili- Jby Phiilip Densbam, Bryan liaIt, Patsy Bray, Sherry Ooke and Bnyan Leyng et àglan Public School. Ruth ishop ai Maxwell Heights 8 c uà ae d communication 'anges, and Jim Deieney ai i.Tharnto.n's decil wilh lucation. rhings Ihal do not change 'nre 'deait with under Uic ladinga ai Gai (Winda Vos !Dr. Tharnton's), the Bible ihtldon Richardson of 1Cç,d- n) and thc love af Gai delanie Kanaf Coronation :hooI). Mms Drue. TIIImoe, Editer 30 cents. The Metro ride is an experi- day evening cellers at Mr. her companion. STATESMAN and Mire. Ray Patersan'.. Ilion. flI-SIOS A PRED PORTERNOUSE, WING, OR TOP ROUND STEAK OR ROAST, SIRLOIN OR ROUND STEAK FULSLICE MAPE LEAF VAC PAC COOKED HAM M.ALE LEAF VAC PAC ' WIENERS COLD CUTS CANNED HAMStWS I$1,06 9 MAPIE LEMI MMR M11OULURI Canned .PICNI(S msTwm$1.49 1 1 1 STEAKS BONELEI SIRLOIN lb BOTTOM STEAK I 95 ~ROUND! 6-Oz PKG 5 3Y 1 53g tà791 Report from Ottawa. By Russell C. Honey, M.P. A&P C140M EQtkUIY mum PEACHES- 3eg Prie, I - bS 53 -LtT' 9 Rom, P.. , . ES* 3IFARCAKE Depen.able S9pe--BAVE 10. R.. eh .. 3. AWS 'I 'I SS RUMPt 1POINT OR (UT ROUND'l ROASTl STEAK MAIN(ED CUT l ro u (ý- P. E. I., go.i Grade PTATOES PrLORIDA, TENDER, STRIN0LESS, N. I GRAem GREEN IdES,45 The World's Pair for 1967 was originally awarded to Russia. ln 1963 the Russians declded they did flot want it. Montreal'. Mayor Jean Drapeau con. vinced the Commissioners of the Inter- national and Universal Worlds Pair that it should be held in Canada.' On openlng day the greatest applause arome over the Place de Nations -as Mr. Drapeau rwas introduced. It was a timely recog- rnition of the energy, ability and faith of this amazing Canadian. (Mr. Drapeau tis reputed to be a Progressive Conuer- rvative. . . if he were the National Leader of his-.Party, we Grits would have to keep our ocks pulled up!) Mayor Drapeau scid EXPO could be ready by 1967. No one believed hlm. The data was fed ta a computer. The anawer: "You can't do it". We did it! We showed the world Canada has the talent and energy ta conceive and, de- iliver a show that is the envy of &Il nations. The official opening was climaxed by unfurling flags of the 63 participat- ing nations. There were no dry Cana- dian tyts as tht flag of Canada (the lest) opened in tht sofit breeze. EXPO ranka as one of the outstanding achieve- ment& in Canade's history ... it shows what we Canadians can do if we try! EXPO is the best look you will ee have of the world we live in. It is the whole of life and the universe. F'rom downtown Montreel you canj get the new subway (Montrealers cali it Metro) at tht Bonaventure Station (a1 block from either tht CNR or tht CPR( Stations) which will take you (withi one change) to EXPO in 10 minutes for1 I4 DUItEirGEN PWDER "SAIL"V KmN SmR Ne&IO omOIO 0Jm-a-rORAku oYL A&P CORN KLEENEX LIQuiJ MEACH BISCUITS CE How good 1921961 -is the Doof ARP souls? ffl Yom know otatthere ane ee*ualy eloven differfflt goveearu* pudufer "«e? 0Oef teale aesloS. N e . 1 prd , C o e .d S . n e l Dut, that'. e m aIL nSc eau, hae quAlitY . -b«mau»me WCa"' aOut y*%, «On More eebe e l e d ped S.end bimi mood efr A&P .Ouee. We'r. that fvuy. Andi, deaut f ecet Y~ pe.ketbook. We not only buy the beet beef avalbe A&P prie«,mai aways m. 1w am w. fth make them. Il this a good rêeeoftfor shopping A&pl t'aoe of mà*y. Super-Right Qualit'y No'furaIIy'Aged Steer R.-f AU. PRICES OHOWN MH THIS AD QUARANTBUb TNRtOUes BATURDAY, MAV OU,, 1307. le Value-Priced! 1 i 1 i JAN! PARKER PEACH PIE FULL 8410 24-OZ SUIE 391 Midgets Donate- $3eI *To Artificial Ice Fun, Newcastle-The Newcastlepottn costs, etc. 'W Artiticial Ice Association have eMluù'b wrap UP, a rule that donations mai. ta aâctivitiles rebaceyty the Artificillle Fund are not ta the ArtiMicel c ta, b. discussed. However, As Individuals and a a 4 every rule was made to be these boys volunteeird broken at lenit once and they of their Urne durlng the lm are very pleased wlth à recent lation phase and It WU. donation. that this lateat gesture The Mldget Hockey Club, support should lm made )M orgnized by Mr. Gord Gar- ta the generai publi. W ro rand coached by Mr. Stan the amount Is flot large.ui Cobbledick held a erles af thelesa It wili pay for a: 10 weekly drawm during the square test of the cmu hockey season ta reie the floor ta b. installai mli« necessary funds ta look atter and the Association ëff ice rentai, referees tees, trans- their thanks for tUdosam A hint: - bring comfortable walk- ing shots. EXPO is for walking! Ljeaving EXPO, zny wife Anne and 1 joined tht weary, excited and happy crowds on the Metro Subwey. "C'est magnifique"! bubbled a teenager. "It hes got to be the greatest"! proclaimed 1ence ln ltself. The uubway stations are s paclous and bright. Thé cars are ammd- er than those ln the Toronto system but quitter and faster. When you enter tht EXPO groundis Yeu board the Metro Express (the over- head "subway train" that feeda you over and around tht thousand acre EXPO site without charge). This will »help you to orient to tht grounds and asmat in locating tht varlous building. and EXPO fMatures. You cen spend as much or as little as you wish. Admission ta the grounds la $2.50 for adulta. That la the, only admission charge you pay. Ail buildings and exhibits are fret. If you are in an expansive mood you cen pay fancy g rices for exatie dishes ln elaborete foreign re s tau ra ntsa complete with chandeliers and imported Chefs. If you are economizing yau cen get food at EXPO operated snack bars and restaur- entsa t prices comparable or slightly higher than you would pey in down- town Toronto or Montreai. Importtd German Lowendrau et tht Bavarian Beer Hall costs $3.25 a stein. If you wil ettle for Canadian draft, you cen get a itein et the Golden Garter Saloon (an authentic replica of tht gold rush era establishrment compiete with Mrs. David Narthey took charge of church service an Sundlay aiternoon, as Rcv. David Northey attended tht service at Centre Street Unit- cd Church, Oshawa. This was the last service that will be held la that church. On Mon- day the doors will be closed. Rev. Narthey attended thîs church when a boy. Centre St. United Church cangrega- tion have decided toaraga- mate with Westmaunt United Church. The Haydaa Sr. Citizens thank the Hi-C Group ai the Tyrone charge and Rev. and Mrs. Northey for the iavely supper and entertainment on Saturday evening et the Ty- rafle Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tcbb, Bowmanville, calcid on the Blackburn temiiy end Mrs. Cowling on Sundey evening. Mr. and Mrs. Miltan Peter- son, Meple Grave, were Sun- 1 ýl il» ,'Mr. and Mns. -Art PoUar 1Cleremonti viattiMW.,an Mrs. Marris Pollard ani fiai. lly oni Sunday. Bille visited relativesaet Col- iingwood an Sunday. Mrs. Cawling visited Misa. Esther Clyciesdaie, Bowrman ville, on Moniay. The pupils of the 'Tyrans Burketan and Betheada, schools put on a concert on Manday et the Ï4. 3. Habbla schoal. Fermer. are out-.workti their land getting- Itrad for sawlng their. sprlnt rp Mno. A. Thompmon attenB the Bungcss-Thmotn'p " ding et Bawmanvilie on Oat. urday. GET OASIS TODAT FOR I L» A? WLUM4S tbwough SLAssIgHNa +47 SX BRAND ASSORTED ZION

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