$POTopgcs OPEN ON ZOTM àOwMvlUeLegionnaires wll open up a nIne game àaoheège àt the Memorial Park with Cobourg provld- keOlPoultoo, Saturday, May 20th, at 2:30. 4aBch 1Brt Perfect was telling us that he is quite pleased LaM jo 'i 'a.-t1n-out to practices, and feels qulte certai.n that La ies M ao #'kI*alreawill fild a strong contender. e- Uer clubsentre nl the nine team bantain league are April 24, 1967 ~*~Whktby, Oshawa, Port Hope, Peterborough, Belleville Reading into the final week ~'ranford.of the regular schedule, Etch- er has at least assured them- selves of a tie for the second t t ýt t thait pennant, by virtue of a 'OOMEcIL BANQUET 2-1 win last Monday night over Brooks. Runner-uip Pat- field, the only team with an couple of guys were given well-deserved standing iusde chance of catching the W= uaaith e Commercial League Hockey Banquet at Erinli leaers, were upset 2-1 by btClub, Saturday night. Something of this nature doesn't Hazelden, dropping t h r e e kual~'hapenin a league which has just completed its points off the pace. seasonJoli clinched third, edging sMartin 2-1, while stili having ilfowever this turne it was a little difterent, because these a shot at second, only a point ý,9 entlemen were wel-deserving of the praise whether back of Patfield. Tennant up- r b.thefrator enthvea of nerinnset Baker 2-1, but despite the Fi shermen iOpen. Trout Season Fred"Buk" Cwle........---~t1win have the'dubicus distinc- -Vrd "uck Colecertaily no stranger to hockey £ans tio f being assured of finish- uout the entire area, did a fine job in forming the ing in the celiar.- Preston downed Button- Ïeague. I4 was well-organlzed frein start to finish, a wel-. shaw 2-1 to tie Brooks for k ced four team loop and Fred deserved a lot of credit fourth, and when Bowers - * ' guing it through the important first year. fived ike-21,tatl ur aide ina mont cf the battie. This was the second the.W ncsive Stra ih htPt a honored for his Joce Tennant swept al -- tius. efforts on behalf of hockey league operations. honours with a triple o! 708 - ~and a 287 single. Onie Etch- ' Bath Fred and Peter will have the opportunity of carry- er totalled 701, followed by g ntheir fine work, because both were re-eiected to office Jackie Alexander 666, Helen -tresure resectiely.Depew 658, Cecile Bowers 655 presideat and secretarytrarerepcvey and 0111e Patfield 652. A new league Involves coasiderable first year expense Dot Brooks haed a 281 game, dcertaly without the sponsors - well the players justiJother top efforts going to Onie uldai't have been able to play hockey. The four whoEtcher 275, Bernice Terry 266, Doris Joli 253 and Laura Haz- - . --- trlbuted the'bucks were: Mutton Gould Sheli, Walter elden 252.q ancReal Estate, Erv Brooks' Supertest and Bryson's Team; Standings oe Shop. Pe Ke4f Veitch captured a pair of individuel awards, the Etcher _____33 Ix 008-keeper and most valuable player trophies, while Patfield _______30 oter youngster, Steve Burns, was the winner of the Jrolin _____25 rl gtitle, Brooks _________25 fob Marjerrison was chosen the mest sportsmanlike Bickel 24 1,ý IZ, whlle "Aichle" Crossey was j udged the most valuable Mart3ln 24 :inlathe playoffs. Bowers --23 '/ Hazelden ______21 1< j. j j. j.Buttonshaw ____191/2 tBakert t Baker18V2 REE G EL OPN ONAYTennant _ __15 GAEL OPN MODAY220 Gaines and Over OÉshawa Green Gaels will open up their 1967 schedule B. Terry 266 onday aight at the Civic Auditorium, once again as odds D. Joli _____ .253 . . .Rr S. Davis _221_ haeswon the Mite CupA" eveyer ine Th aels H. Piper 223 Many of the area's popular fishing, spots were crowded after midnight on .o, h ve w n the Mint Cup every year since they were 0. P244elF239d46yi due du teothe opofng theth troutt seseason hs.pThiss owsht ewso dthe la 1963, would like nothing better than t aei .King --2-43-------2484 a hr hr a inye ciiyan tl s eto hs itrdhr e #ta1ght to celebrate Centenniai Year. J. Alexander 24-4_a_______ a lny fatvtyadsil s otoftoepctrdhr The Gaeis' always seem to have several fine rookies L.. Hazeldea _____ 252 were from Oshawa, but earlier there were as many as 22 people of ail ages. from in g-upevry eaonjut wenyouthnk erapsth sF. Bruce .____ 222 this area, ail dangiing lines froin various pesitions. I4owever, to date, there have ing up evey eas n, jus w en ou thi k crh ps thY P. M utton _ _ _ _ _ _ 231 beén m eagre reports o f succ ess.P h t L l y e loang a great performer. Such was the case when John W. Nesbîtt ________-o2o by LodM Robbie avis- moved up to senior ranks only to have Ross Jones S. Brown ---- ____221 e over as an ail-star performer. Off the 1966 teain, Gaels H. Reynolds- 220 J. Tennant _ _ _-287 cal>' one performer - Neil Armstrong, and~ have recruit- s*. Bîcfcell ____246 c ile t Yeral Promising rookies, which means they might belC. Bowers _____226-231 atrobger than ever. The addition*o! Bill Langley ta*e o,..,Etcher _____-247-275 nce, a strong-player up frein Isat year's Ontario juvenile H. Bepeoks 2131 -o m e cî l',H c e a M os ilhl.LryLloyd, with the Geels la 1965, Top 12 Averages qom r i l H c e a 4 e &, rejoined the club after piaylag last year with Whitby D. Joli -------- - 233 ~'10patil _____ 1 The Commercial Hockey new Vice-Presîdent will be dlocks, generously donated by Aima up frein the Whitby teain and signed to play Jr. S. Bickell____ 209 League concluded their first Don Crossey. Walter Frank, would you be- là. Bb Gouding.OtherJr. "" plaers he ar expet_ DBrook1201easonnoo!paplbuy cebut nlcerta"Bnk"yCnot asoBuckiveCowle thaisonreceivedan O. Etcher----- 200 the lest, wîth a banquet at a standing ovation, whcn Ted leeta o,"rhe n to dén a' Green Gael uniforin are Mike Lewis, a guy who B. Buttcnshaw ____ 197 Erinli Golf Club, Saturday Fairey moved a vote o! thanks, Bill Crossey were wînners? laeçlOshewa for their Minto Cup western trip, Wayne J. Baker ~~___ 194 night. stating, "We owe a lot te Well, they did collect three o! vidson atd Peter Vipond. S. Davis --- 192 Seated at the head table 'Buck' fer his efforts in fana- the five dlocks, the other two One cf the keys to the Gaeis' success has been candi- J. Tenlnant ____ 191 were: Fred "Buck" Cowle,' xng the new league. geing ta Tom Pearson and Rn a bisrepet, oah iniBlho ba pt he eaH. Donoghue 189 president; executive members: In a draw for travelling Lloyd Stainton. ,.ng. I hsrset oc Bso a u h en . Bowers -______ 188 "Archie" Crossey, Lloyd Stain- -rugh over 20 practices so far, twice as many as last year. M. King - 188 ton and Peter Stacey, and Art I ou rnmight sayý, that 14 books like Oshawa is latent on winning Hooper o! Hooper's Jewellery. f $ 1967. *As president, Fred Cowle'I *ec rea-ilon Revlew s The main problem. Oshawa bas to date concerne injuries Go d ar ge welcomcd everyone ta the main performers Don Stinson and Gaylord Powless. Stin- that the sponsors were ta beGil'StahcetMsyScolpr on La -currerltly on the sidelines with a chipped ankie banc, The Goodyear Bowling Lea- commended for their excellent There wiil be a girls' soft- Saturday, May 6th, at 9 a.m. l staèned, during Uic hockey season, whiie Powless continues gue came to, a successfuI con- contribution te the league. baIl practice for girls 7 years Ti Sê P ,lagued .by, a acre back. The nature o! the damage clusion on Satui'day, April The gentlemen responsible for up ta 16 years of age aso age and under 13 years as o!f January lst of the currentli suhta alrwor-rt h aainscaring gether for the annuai banquet Frank (Walter Frank Real year. This is for girls who $1.00 for nesîdents and $2.00! cord-books last ycan, wÎ4, probably be !orced to play the and trophy presentatiens. The Estate); Tom Gould and Ran wish ta play la the Recrea- for non-residents. tire season with back mnisenies. He la currentiy uadergoing dinner was held at the Me- Mutton (Mutton and Gould tion Softball League. The Lacrosse aaIment la Torante. meniai Park Club House and Sheil); Jack Brysan (Bryson's practice will be held at the Capai Jun igg apeas e b st fr noter~ atered ta by thie women o! Sinoke Shop) and Erv Brooks Bowmanville Central School Novice is for boys 8 years1 on u h u okeyureeo s ol eJh that association. (Br, ooks' uetoet). ? diamond at 9:30 a.m. Satur- and under 10 years; Pee Wee!t Jason, ut the uy ta kcp. yor eye o juatheubdabeuohn, o n . ol etoe htday, May 6th. The registra- is for boys 10 years andun( aytai *he layr wo hs shwn he ostImpoveentApril 2th and 27th, the teams he thought the. league had tion' fee is $1.00 for residents der 12 years; Bantam, 12 1 us far in pre-season werk-outs. participated la a round robin operated very well, stating and $2.00 for non-residents. years and under 14 years andj The 1967 Gaeîs appear ta, be even strongen than îast Play-off and bowled the Dou- that hehadenjyed his tenure ne16yasasoJnut bles Championship rounds, as presidntduing the initial Atoni Basebali ary st o! the current year.r ar, 0 m ch a f ct, tha pl yers auc as Dan y S ndf rdo ! of peration. There w ill be an A toin The registration fee is $1.00 eddie Greeh nfc a D e S unchoasbaenet appearedsTeadin eta th loffsArt Houper made the even- Basebaîl practice at the Me- for residents and $2.00 for f l e renwod adcouldbeta:Brinhonhaveno p e he ound o binothe 2yofs . g'Pist pesentatYiofpht oil kon Sah a9~. thiiur~Ay, oneicatosfr r:c thi the teain as yet, just might net even make a spot on took on ail camers and won n is rsett1 !th ailPr o audy nnrsdns aes o u ad went on to efe te a iad ati fteby er faeadu-tivities may be obtained atc apromising player in Danny Russell ail set to play, if the 27th for the Playaffland Gould . Individual awards of the current year. Ten-ofice at 26 Beech Avenue 1 can «ur hisrelase rom TorntoTowship Chmpioshi. Meber ofwentoth following mern- gistration fee is $100 for e-1frein 8:30 a.m. ta 5:00 p.m.,,C cen am Township. C il ete iior o h h ain Bshp. Onlu bers a! the winning teain: Bon sidents and $2,00 for non- Monday through Friday. i *~ h a s n i e T o n s i p e a w ll e h e v is t o saor th e h a n e lS m it h e y i n d e B u r g e s s , D o n C o s s e y , K e n r e s id e n ts . M d g e t a n d J u v e n ile S f b l , fanon opener Monday night, when as we. said, Oshawa Green ApamsnArFred mit, Weyburn Veîtch, Alex Wiseman, Irv Pee Wce Basebali The Departinent of Recnea-lr speis will begla their qucat for a fifth cansecutive Minto AanAtFroWntnGil Dan Girardi, Dave Mc- to isaemin t fr al Vanstone, Norman Luxton, Cullough, R on Po Il a rd There will be a Pee Weetion is atempt i ta oysa __________ ~ ~Bob Smith and Jack Dunn. "Anchie" Crassey, ."Jiggs", BasebalPractice at the Vin- otailau.Ti ilb ________The champion Beits teain was Cowling, Bryan Hughes, Peter 4yer o g adt composed o! captain John Stacey, Bnian Rowe, Ron Mut- fnby 4yaso g n Luxtan, John Goode, Jack ton and Tom Gould. unde 18 years of age as o! w GedsSa ogoJin January lst o! the current a GedesStn Hdgsn, A pair o! former winaers year, and for the bays who A SI I TShfrk, KanI Piper and Elgin wene called on te handle the do not play in any o! the or- P Doues ham pl nxt two awards, with Harveygnedeauslto .Th The Duls hminship d"SlipiRwsnsetn h o! tuat Crso an ~ oalkepe tphy then registration fee is $1,00 for h Pwas won y thear o mbd intie n tp ndSee unsrresidents and $2.00 for non- B Vanstone roiling a 2640 for aeivitche dSteve Buchapine- resideats. Applications may 91 22-veaefer the twO ceîvîntrhe ring ampion sty - be obtairled froin the Depart-il nights. Second place went ta West.2 ehAvnefo 8:0P KaI ipr ndWaneHas- Veitch collected his third r . 2:Beec ane fren 8:30 mna. third to John Luxton n trophy, being voted as thepm.M dab V IGNormana Woods, founth o most valuable player in the thr.ugh-' thraugh 3 Morley Thompson and. Nor- league. This highly - pnzed Hkere are tih ' fw b DO Smen Luxton. aaddntd y M.E hr r tl e osi i ALL WORK D NEAND At thehanquet ro award danated bynMni Q U A R A N T E E D B Y B O W M A N VIL LA t wer e bes a ned t o h ie I "C a Fairey w as presented w e h v io e n u h n b aeeprsnd t h etbais son Ted.thi hockey sweaters frein ah Q U A R A T E E D S Y B W M A N V L L E F a n e l t s a n d o t h D o u l e s , T h e F r a n B r i t o n s e a s o n.la t P l e a s e l e a s i n g g O r CO A T RChamions. A tro hy, ta Vaniety) Trophy, awanded te hn.t h eceto Office in CONar, aI and pickvn 1rf aUp. SPO)RTOPýICS" SOCCEIATTRlACTION NVRT WE Toronto han fielded no less than two profesalonal Éocce tea=n thia Year, but probably no ganie win generate Mo niuch enthusiasm as the pre-season exhibition between Glasgow Rangers and Sparta Prague. The contest takea place Wed- nesday, May 104hat Varsmty Stadjuni. Rangersa are second in the Scottîsh first division and also currentlY'PartciPRting in the European Cup Wnners Cup. eparta Prague, as a resuit of a victory last week are now alone atop the Czechoslovakian National LeagutÉ The Seottjsh National team is slated to play the Rusalan' Nationals on the saine date' (May 1Oth> In Glasgow,' but E. Perfect _____ 236 have lallowed three Rangers Who are also members oft he Jo Hli 231 Nati'onals to play at Varsity Stadium. For the Rusalan, en- D. Jl 230 counter their places wiil be taken by three rookies, 80 the B A. Buday ____ 229 Rangers lineup can .remain intact for their Canadian gaine. P. Dobbins ____ 227 The Toronto Falcons wiil open their home schedule on M.Annaert ____ 222 Sunday, May l4th at 2:30 with Pittsburgh Phantoms the H.Ballantine. 217 visitors. The flrst cf six home games for Toronto City wîll J. Carter __ 215 be played Wednesday, May 3lst against Washington Whips. S. Bickell -_____ 214 The Falcons have gone ut and signed as znany top stars R.Halîman ______210 L. Connors 210 as they could for competition in the National Professional RWright 210( ocerLege which resulted in that league 'being classed * J. Murphy 207 as outlaw by the International Football Federation. But they *F. Thomson 206 did ail right for themselves by negotiating a contract; With IG. Bebee 204CB totevstei *R. Maynard 204 CSt eeietergms L. Annaert 202 In the other loop, known as the United Soccer Associa. M. Mrh 202 tion, the new entries imported entire teams. Toronto City *D. Wright '------- 200 is* actuaily Edinburgh Hibernians with Washington being retp- 1119h Single D. Jol. 294resented by Aberdeen. Both City and Falcons' home games High Triple will be played at Varsity Stadium. * D. Joli ------- ...... 806 D.Reynld23-- -LONG--SAUL.T23 Team StandingLO GAU Buttonshaw _- 35 46,820 Mr. Mo le, Brighton, Messrs. children, Orono, spent Mon- Buday 33 47,627 John Johnson and Haas, Oshi- day afternoon W'ith her par. Joli ----- 301/2 47,106 awa were Sunday callers of ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gib- Colwli 21/246,810 Mr.'and Mrs. Bert Johnson. son.' Haynes 26 46,054 Ï&' and Mrs. W. Vaneyk Patfield 25 46,218 visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Mill- Coole 24 45,671 son Sunday evening. Wright 23 46,564 Mrs. Gordon Baker and Annaert 23 46,189 Ruth Mrs. May. Johns wern Gre at Biekeli 18 44,171 Wedliesday lunchgesseO t* Dunil 43,988 Mrs L. Trull, Bowmanville. al Sutclffe . il 4 ,588 everal of the Senior Citi- A zens were guests cf the Hi-C's kiUventllre R acing Pigeons Zquemeanba Vacations c ~~At time of writing Louise ___________ O pen eason Kovacs is still a patient at servation. The Bowmanville Racing A rare sight of nature was Pigeon Club epened the 1967 to be seen early Wednesday season with a race from morning when about 150 wild Brantford, ont., April 29th, in geese landed on the pond'inl conjunction with clubs from Mr. Robert Sim's field. Sev- Oshawa, twe clubs from Tor- eral pictures were taken. The ld2%C LUne L ut.v ry unUUlU Saturciay and then successfu wfth good speed started fr ter sme and good returns. Foilowing home in the north. are the results in yards per Mr'. and Mrs. G. Bernard minutes: lst, Len Richards and boys with Mr. Everette 1215-15; 2nd, I. Piper 1153.55; and Mr. Hilliard Gallagher 3rd, Brown Bros. 1148.95; 4th, spent Sunday with their bro- Roy Forrester 1110.68; 5th, D. ther, Mr. Eric Gala gh er, and B. Stainton 1064.39; 6th, Woodville.j Earl Luke 1056.69; 7th, Ron Alan Vivian was a Sunday Luke 1052.50; 8th, John Tur- visitor o! Raymond Cameron. cotte 1008.94; 9th, Jack Brid- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Parkin- ger 969.97; Michael Carnian son anid family, Courtice,< no report. were Sunday afternoon visi- D] The next race will.be from tors of Mr. and Mrs. Rye Ingersoll on May 6th, 1967. Gibson. '1 Mrs. Norman Davis and Memorial Hospital SALEM ' WN-rI p "epo>i A number- frein this coin- fyl, refreshinent for the seul munity attended the Rural Frein Sault Ste. Marie, around Week o! Ap. 24-30 Inclusive bowling banquet at Enniskii-Lak Supeien and wstward pa< Admissions - - 74 len on Saturday night. Kea, 4 Births--8 maIe, 1feme 9 Mr. Farewell Blackburn at-esctuan- Discharges ------ 82 tended the Goodyear bowling niensity cf earth and sky holds, Major eperations 13 banquet at Memonial Park YOU entbralled. Minor eperatiens--- 33 Club House, Bowmanvilie, on P i - .frankly, auperb-Emergency treafnens ----. 43 Saturday night. " Visiting hours 3-8 p.m. daily MisMrae hcltncpecaliy unequalled at remote' and Mn. Bruce Stainton at- ffy-in lakes..Boaters and YELVERTON nded the Stainton-Wlsn apea enj ndfess choices of (Intended for hast week) coe St. United Church, Osh-lucoddoetaistsCte On Thunsday afternoon a! awa. Bruce was onc cf the arcroewded obt aniisiortsaCtic ushers aefw u ak pfrta cis o! Catwenigh nd Man- Miss Henny Dykstra, who ini friendliness and la wide range vers oasw ighas ndousat- has been visiting her sister, of accommodation and er interested rgtepayers, the Mrs. John Benschop, and shopping facilities. Highways arc maj rity e! whom were frin other relatives in Canada for plendid--straight, smooth ýManvers, met with Mn. Don the past six months, left by an cr w e -o rl xdas Taylor o! the Provincial- Plan- plane on Sunday night frbraduco edfor reaxdees ning Branch and bis inan Fri- home in Hohland. driving. day, Mr. Gomme. About 60 fniends called On A Wilderness Way Adventure 1Mn. Taylor, a talented and Mr. and Mrs. Don Welsh li x o igifted speaker, smoath-talked when they held "Open House" Vacation wllopen upfo Ihs way araund the Sub- on Saturday a!teraooa and your family a new view of thia division CotI Plnigeeng. province and continent. ýwished on aur townships by Glad ta repart Valenie To help yeu think about ut (maps, the Hon. Mr. Spoaner through A1r bet etr aaho I Order - in - Council. Ina Our ater being home several detac su p c t urs)jut ia h T'ownship of Manvens the mna- weeks as the result o! a bro- 1: ---oda>------. janit>' opinion expressed, was ken leg. 1 Pravince of Ontario. that there was no panticulan Sympathy is extended ta Dcpartment of Tourism & Information. Èxed, ta date, for such string- Mn. and Mrs. Lea McBain in Parliament Buildings, Room Na. 400 ent planning cantrol. It was the su-dden death o! his bro-] Toronto 2. felt that such measures wculd ther-in-law in Quebec. Please send me full information on oestrict growth and that un- Mn. and Mrs. John King- ja Wldcrncss Way AdventureVacation. .van'anted building ceuld be bora and famîhy, Mion, Miss jam controhled by the application Jaan Westlake, Selina, Miss ofa more up-to-date set o! Stella Backburn, Bowman-11 I rs Building By-Laws which oui' vile, Mn. Gary McBain were Adr1 Council is currenthy in the Sunda>' supper guests o!fn racess o! assembling fan the and Mns. F. Blackburn t1,1 City one Prov. protection nat oaly o! the celebrate Mrs. Kitighorn'sj nunicîpality, but the home- birthday. S -Otai builder hîmself. Miss Roberta Cnaig accoi Departmcnt of Tourism Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan panied a bus ioad o! students 5 & Information have bath been unden the dec- ta "Expo" last Fnida>' andL... ar's car e this past week, Art Saturday.________________________ with a virus or flu, Doris with IS N n ear infection.__ On Sunday , our sparring BRING Tins 'ardaer and oursel! visited with FIt.-Lieut. Belford and SPECIAL 1/z PRICE PASS Mrns. Panke and fam ily e!F r w t h Brighton and their family'IFrTot h guats, Mrs. Georgina Down- !g, Barbara Gates and Ray'- RD Y MA5 ond Panke. Fniends o! the 1967 'anke. families will no doubt )e as sorry as we are, ta learn bat Kathy, enly daughternic KINSMIN SUPER CAR 3eh! and Joyce, la presently n Kingston Hospital as she ias been since Apnil 3rd wbere xce was broughtfreiBright- 1 B N G O0 m Hospital at that time, still na coma frein a debilitatlng rua betten known au enceph-et the itis. Our deepesî aympathy »es eut ta thein in their P a . stmîI. EAiDA nrec weeks cf mental aniufsh PEEROOUHMEOIAL ~~CENTRE id as they face the future 11th their 12-year.ohd daugli- er hovering at deatha deor. IN PIZES Ineludlng I ýmid this tremendoxia mental train, tbey recelved werd that Wlf's ste p -!a th e r la M a p le h a d B a d N w 1 0 M S A O t S d n o 2 0 0 i ased away folie Wing surg- BuiIe 9?AIASDRSdno 200l ry hast weele (Mr. Jack Down.P Cash; 81,096 HI-Le Gaine; $1960 Siail Onowball ig ). O u r a in c e re h o p e fo r a ( a n s ) l »S e b l 5 « b n ) tice cf that silver îning ta 5oo,;8,9 i nwsl(5hu) > n show througb 4h. clouds $600 TegUls? ISinfli $490 specisi gainet. gleoi with which they bave pen encompaased during tb.eiPlu 4 ir Bird Gaomes (Share the Wealth> at 7:30 ïnth of April. Belated congratulations le ie o! Yelvertcn's stan ath- Don't tordte obuyy the eeoaomy pack for value tes, Mr. Vaughn McGUI who sud sève mener. au awarded 4he niost valu- de ployer award ta lb. )key teas= playung la their Many Fre. snd Valuabi. Door Prizes Stticuhar lesgue compnlulng ghan and PortPerz' are Thle Widerness Way of - the Voyageurs wlnter. -- f k 4: