Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1967, p. 2

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CaainStatesmn, Bowmanvlflc, Ar. 26, 1W? PI.rnoeNightingaule dg. Ladies' Night »lororiceNghtingale Lodge Bro. Reid Wood and Mns. ,%,%netenent Onder of Wood . D.G.M. Bro. an c"4 aiiw nnual Ladies Wade an.! Mms.Wade,JP. M,~t Wau held.lnte i lg t ro.Hamry arrowamd MUn. *ngale CntennwalTemplen FBarrow. N.G. Bro. Barten was Satrda, Aril5tjat 6:30 thie M.C. p4g4 whoma oUous turkcy fThagg dhmno W18 of O o mi Wu the the gin O&d»and! Entera ttheig icToast tb the Qucen, foilowed honors. by singing "The Quecri" and This «Vont Wus vry well Gracs. Fllowlng dinner thie aen.!..by Uic local lodgcea.! dtable guestawere Intro- mênesand.! Ui wlves, an.! duce.!. Bro. C. 0. Morris, =a = pell guettalcdgPG, praposed the toast ta the fi wdomof deceas.!mam-adesan!gueta. Ms.m mc bers D.D.G.W. Ena. Gruber Adroreple.! to thie toast M0 Mms Gruber of Durham on be aifc ladies Pisrsent. DistNlo. 42, wcre proment The. remainder of tAis even- en this occasian. eag table lng wali .nJayed b;y playlng <lssincluded: N.G. Rcnq carcîs an.! dancing. Prize wln. Botrand Mn.. at V..m were: Cards, Un. Elce, ___ LMm. Flott, Mr. Sweet, Mr. Boughen; dacing, Mir. and! TOaX RatsedoMn. GardonLaMan. andira. Grdon LMone, . <PROM PAGE ONE) Brother Luher Nichais, a Thc Recidential snd Faim 50-year member an.! ceveral rate for tMM year la 108 25-year membens were pres- Mille, and! the Commercial ent *bd BusInessrate la 109.295 Mm-Vem Gy an behali Millt. Tis tgm auIneras01@0f atheiGay ianiily presonte.! a Mix Milletu thc R«UOeitlsl laveiy electrlc clock ta Flor- aMd Fans rate, and! cf 6.25 ence Nightingale Lodge No. mii lulatie Commercial and 6, IO. ..,In memony oflate buSuOe rate. Bra. Russell Gay who had at-1 Tie lucrease iu tic mli talned the 50-year mark ln1 rate was oaused by a rais. the lodge. P.G. Ena. Hanny for 11gh Ichoole of *7,164, Wade recelve.! this very use- en incresse of approxlmately fui glft an behaîf af the $2,00 for County Purposes iodge and expressed the lodge's and a deliit from 1986 of appreclatIon ai the thoughtfni- $7,500. nets af the. Gay family. TIc sumo te b. rat...! hi taxationtis ear are: Pub- Bic 8011oo1 $2,623, 111gh Beoo.!.$48,547, <leneral Purpues$40,631, County ;=rOss$21,073, and! Li- rr 1, 852, a total of IN KBUSH E3owmanvMel firemnen hcaded west Puat befare two a"clock tAla aftcrnoon ta hake care af a bush fie north af Courtice. EAMGENCy DIRS LIsir a1 Oghawa, Dlvlng Club1 unombersare ote epoie stuons, hoopihal andoctars i offides lin Bawmanwife for usel rIn paaêof émergenclei auch as1 Uic drownlng livaI occured an Stteday atternaan. Prealdent1 1ML MtcheIL.oaiBowmanvîîle1 Boe~a dvans Uatmner &yu alasready an.! cagerto Covnz Poppin' (PNOM PAGZ ON£) able MastersaiofCenemonies. Jeanme Siemon was chanming te a becomlng hoop akirte.! gown. Merrili Brown was awarded speclal applanse fon hi. splendid direction ai Canadian Tribut., tiheLien', Chorus, and! Uic Mixe.! Chorus. Thc lhre# strrng sangs ln Can- adian Tnibuhe were "Canada" by Bobby dimby, "This Land If: Yaur Lan.!" and "'Yon Cli Ih Canada But r CallIt hHome". Dr. Alan B. Sylvester mn.! hua wie, Martha, wene cxc...!- lm ly funmy ln a short akit w th 1h. Slemnoma, wich de-t lîghted thc audiences. 1 Elvvone .wmutennrnil TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE The lst Instlment 1967 TA&XES .1 DUE MAY lst. I1967 PLEASE NOTE:t Discounts applied only on ýPropsayrent of -Taxes pald during Jan- uary emd ebruary . . . thére s no discount allow.d on'subséquent taxés paid byinstailmenti, whether A are paid at first-instalirnent or'paid in four instaillrents. according to your fax bill. IL L BYRtON, Admlnhstrator. a ments id-Rai ,s of il Centri dravi e stag Ilatts rtain- bec - R pre- g ai Jack ýeorge borges vlcln- Galt ohm Oke, tad- au- Will Flsk, Mun- Iey- anc. &tecs and Cliza- gilie I ne- May- ffect- i aid adies ýpeai- 1100 bave Lyn Jean lery larlc 'ork- obb, :eily, 1wry, Ar- Followlng two e' ville's Centennial Fun a few hundred dollarE the stag at the Lions saine evening a 50-50 The two winners aI th Goheen and Reg. Wil: lnipressed with the ente ing ",:Episode in Quel 1864",a re-enactment ai a Coniederation gathering notable men, wrltten by Munday. The cast: Gt Brown-Bud Moses, Ge Etienne Cartier-Ralph. ] tyre, Alexander Tilloch -Ceith Shackelton, J Hamilton Gray-Rus John Alexander Macdoni EHarry Cooke (with an thentic Scottlsh accent!) liam Mcflougall-Fred Dr. Etienne Tache-Jack1 day, Samuel Leonard Tiil Dr. Keith Billett, an.! Chi rupper-Don Morris. Bowmanvil.le C ele bnri Confederation, wrltten directed by Anna Stnike, E beth Anderson, and M Sesbltt, was a wonderfi preîentatlon ai 1h. 1867 1 or's garden party in an ci ve setting wlth Its cast lh time costumes, and the lî ooked lavciy In the api Ingly feminine styles ai years aga. Taklng part te the al i'ere: Mayor Cublît - Lowr, Mns. Cublît -. lumensford, Children-T Black, Charie Tnlm, M~ Moses, Marilyn Trini, Wi men-Bob Williams, AI L AI Sylvester, Ken Ki chool Teacher-Karen Lai Womn-Aileen Gatcheil, ýne Ayre. One ai thc highlights ai Ïow graty enjayed by athe euhsadigperlc ice of lhe ldes' Sii nia, Gwen 1lack, Dom4 lan Dniel and Lynne Oke, The second half ai tie al td a dashing opcnlng v 'oup sing&g, and! the pe] lncing aithedeiigitiul ttcs. The Men's Chorus In nart cabaret scene si vonderfully. Their finît chion was "You Madc W1l Alive Agate",ý an.! t] thon much enjoycd sangi M!aine". Karen Lowryi he beauty wearing a hot v id black costume In ttusi Taking part in th. Me !orus were Ken Kelly,I >wry, Ken Hockln, Ha >aoke, AI Lobb, Jack Mumc àrry Locke, AI Stnike, Di ,n Bradley, AI Sylvester,.0 rank, Keith Bilîcît, JE lins, Kelth Sienion3J esb tTcrry Black,' E [ses an.! Tom Rehder. Keiti Jackson an.! the t lemans evoked gaies igbhter te an original cor. it, whlch iad surpris! Corne f0 MacDonald Ford for a reconditloned Us.d Car that will give You guarint.ed trouble-fr.. summer driving 1 1966 FORD F200 STYLESIDE PICKUP Lic. 30198B 1965 CHEV. %-TON PICKUP Lic. 15547B 1963 FAIRLANE STATION WAGON Lic. X15216 1962 FORD FALCON STATION WAGON Lic.X119" Visit Our tot Todoy ONE ONLY BREAND NEW! 1966 ECONOLINE VAN Reduce.! ta Clear. Serial B14MHS89155 1964 FORD STATION WAGON DeaUtifuil Lic. X15327 1963 FORD STATION WAGON Lic. 7X15281 1962 CHEV. STATION WAGON Lie. X15212 ..Se. Our Many Bargains I MacD-ONALD FORD S-ALES 520 King St. W., Oshawa Phone 7234241 ai T hi ci di nt fi I la ai 1k Slait weekend, Bowman- [sing Comznittee is wlthin its objective. On Saturday, re raised $645 and later the v brought in another $525. , are shown at leit, Garnet each won $150, the latter Ail Types of splitting with Stew McTavish on a private arrange- ment. Comniittee Chairman Stan Duna presented the Mrizes and Secretary-Treasurer Ken Nicks assisted. Winer of the 50-50 draw was Bob Sheriff s, 399 Pine St., Oshawa. The winning ticket was sold by Perey Dewell, Hampton, who won $100. Haydon Ladies cat- ered foir the delicious roast beef dinner at the stag. dsheart-warming ta us in aur B oard noie as Manvers Twp. Cen- tennial Chairman (an honour we enjoy but hardly warrant) '~to sec such enthnsiasm, inter- Sest and active participation dplayed by Its citizens in ~s ~ .~this the. fîrst big birthday Scelebration in Manvers Twp. ~. ~ Tnnly no nation In the wonld can boast a mare diverse bakground, a reai conglomer- .ation ai cthnic groups which are being monidcd by the process of time, acceptance and rejection into a culture '~~that will through the years be- coe recognized as truly Can- adia. N oter country can likewise match the possible potentiai ai aur country if Spraperly directed, with its junllmlted resources, natural and human. Little wonder * that il takes little prodding frus to recover from the ~. abject modesty with which .........we have been smothering aur- ~* ~selves and cippling ont initi- ae through the years and proudly proclaim wlth elation, not shame - "I Amn a Can- adian"! It was also very heartening ta, sec such an active partici- pation in the celebratioli and wide attendance and support from ather local, conimunities. We fcel certain thus neigh- bauniy support wIil b. recipro- cate.! in future gathenings. 1 theporting adjacent centres in ail Bearded Correspondent Harvey Malcolmn their propose.! endeavours has Mmu- -Pliao b e Wlnben long avcrd&a in this gillg FFtN!E ce jN townsiip. 'ine w. broadene.! ?.h sport..! by the local store- cnt. 1h reallywtt a lot 61fun only aur localcammunity, but Skeeper an.! Chairnian of Uic for mil . ai us even includlng aur welî intention..! neigh- ppy finît place was adjudged, ta Tom, Dick and Harny one met, ai B n Cntnia Cm Jib- th utter astonisiment ai tie Wouldn't have missed it fanorn etena oi reciien, toa crios caica- th woId!milIe was Inîmaduce.! an.!lie a neipintta acuronscarcal-tii wald!invite.! ail present bo partici- ia unre oai "Hneat. Abe" Lincoln Foilowlmg ti contest, Gmrny pale in theg many events gagwhose facial adorninent o anDm an.! iii "Himed planne.!urn the four-day e doser scrntiny resemibie. a Rands" provide.! niat accept- wcekend af May 20-22 in Medejccted porcupine. Ris nmne? able music for tie dancing Bethany which incinde.! street wasr Oh, yesl, The sane las hhat htfailowed wihi tei nar- aance, an open air chnrch was maw confines the cnawd per- service, fiel.! day amd variety wak aspects. A higily amusing milte.!. Spot dances were eveming prograni. Mn. George mclk: short comedy ini Tic Valley of iieicîwth prizes provided by Van Dam, rcpnesemting Ponty- at. ce Green Glants wlt#i Balph gracions merchants (nldn pool Chamber ai Commence, ,e'sMIcntyre as 1h. maratar and a local insnnance agent). was intnoduce.! and lie invite.! LnBb Williams as a runnen.. Pnizes wene awarded t0 everyone ta attend their Cen- L1i7bah m lay, Tic Present Tenue was bthMis. Verena Sanderson's tennial Street Fairan Dance ýun- amÙsing. and fascinating. It dangiten Barbara and hemr th. latter part of July in i wad witten and directe.! by hubby (aur apologies for mot Pantypool. Bob. Ken Hockin, Ken Kelly and havimg Uieir marrîed name); A venenabie gentleman, ack Jim Frank. Il dcpicted mu- ta Miss Pal Buxton and her Mr. Thomas Staples, did tie Bnd ditians being held by Ken papa Ted Buxton. Tic "Old honour ai picking the tire. Hockin fan entertainers ta take Smoothy" awmrd for 1he best winnimg tickets for Janelvilie wa part In Expo 67. Ken Kelly waltzens in costume was emmn- Centemnial Draw. First prize ai was In change ai tie applanse ed by Luis. Neil Finmey and ticket holder for a cash awand mnic meter. In tic raies ai appli- Mr-. George Van Dam Sr. ai ai $50.00 was Lins. Bac Mai- im, cants wene Elva Hockin,. Keith Pontypool. com; 2nd prize, $20.00, J. Slemon, Jini Fran~k, Gwen The hall wms tastefnily Wray, West Hill; 3rd pnize, Black, Shirley Frank and AI adonne.! for the occasion with 10.0,MnM. Ted Kukiman, Lobb. Centennial murais made by Lindsay, (North Janetville AI Stnike evoiked langis In the children ai 1he six (or was school temcier's h n b b Y). uis fisherman mcl. Tic 51cm- it five) local schools in that Slighîiy lesa than $300.00 was ans mmd Ken Kelly were mIsa district. A lot af lime, effort isa realize.! by tie sale ai lots ai fun in a akit about tak- and ability went mbt these admission tickets allihe door. îng invcntomy ai lie contenta wonks ai art mn.! 1h. children A mcmi large cvcnimg, enjoyed, af a hanse.Ai and teachers are la be iighly we hope by lli. 2067 an.!Al That was a commemded fon thein efforts. marvelous presentation demi- Lins. Guy McGill, on behaîf ing wîth iuturistic dainga 100 ai tie commîtîce, presented OPENING SOON fnom naw. Il was written mn.! representatives ai ecci chool I h r ete otne directe.! by June Brown mn.! with a Centenniai book on tihe h dywaim otne Joan Mann. Ini tiecasmt were variaus provinces, la be mdded mn.! Il warms up a 11111., lier. Dooi an Driel, Dorathy to themr local libranies fan the sou"begefngaIbth Morris, Shirley Frank, Le. lime (laten to ionm a seltenBa w ia n vil i. coursesbl weekcmd. Eninli has been open Mcltyre, Dorathy Kelly; June tiic new Cenlemmimi School) fo cule ai weeks but Brown mn.! Mary Kinkton. in appreciation ai them artistic c auile ol & Curling Tic Beanxmem, Dr. Keiti endeavour. stilqtedm inpo. Slemon, Keiti Jackson, Ken Tie annay af CentennialisslIqt.dnpi po. Hockin mn.! Doug Rckiam, a grb Worm on the occasion star quartet, wene again tapsa was neliy mnd trnly mag- ATTEND OPENING in papularity wilh lic audi- nificent; weli prcscrved onîg- ences. Among thein fine sangs mnals ai a former century, Russell C. Honcy, M.P., an.! were "W. Tire," mnd the neplicas ai oiginals mmde Gannet B. Rickard af Shaws' original "LSD". specially ion the occasion mnd wio is on tie Agnicuitunal Tic Mixe.! Chorus' sangs costumes garnene.! here and Commibîce for Expo will beý "Second Tume Around" an.! tiere in bits and pieces ta guests at lie officiai apeming. IlTaking a Chance on Lave", pravide a complete wmndrobe ai Expo 67 te Montreal o-' wcre mail enjoyable. The fqor hem werers. Il was morow.> harmanizing voicca in lhii pesentatlan were thase ai wEARy - MosI of the folks we ran int this Gwen Black, Lairnaine Dewell, morning were quit. droopy afler staying up unlil Manie Mases, Jean Sumersiord, ingtTedyngt acigta hiln Jeanne Sieman, Donothy Vadnh Tedyngtwlhn ha hihn Dniel, Doroliy Kelly, Anna hockey game between 1h. Toronto Maple Leafs Sînike, Shirley Frank, Betty and Monîreal Canadiens. Bob Pulford pobted the Labb, Dorothy Morris, Betty winning go ai aller eight minutes of 1h. second Locke. Enid Austin. Kan - - - 1 - .-_ Lowry, Lyn 0km, Ailcen Gatcheli, Margaret Munday, LYn Lowry, Ken Kelly, Ken Hackin, Jack Munday, AI Lobb, Han-y Locke, AI Strike,- Bob William, Duncan Brad-à ley, Jack Nesblît, Gent.! Rainey,, Keith BilleIt, Terry Black an.! KeltA Sleman. Jean Billett, plansI; Alan 'lan baaan.! Jerome Nil- let«,à drm played lie mc- companiment for lie MIxe.! Chorus. Jeanne and Keith Sleman, Ken Hockin, Don Marris andi £Ob Williams took part la an amusing akit about a man who ha.! neyer misse. a day froni hic job ln 67 yeara. cul ete cast was on stage for thc radltlonal Cornz-A- Poppin finale wili san, an.! thc dancing of the attractive Mulettes. overtirne pýeriad ta make the score 3-2. Leafs naw lead two games ta anc. Anather game lik. Ihat and we'll ail have to lake a week's holiday to Deloitte, Plender, Hasklns & SeII. wu iwiem are now m"ege Montelth, RiehI, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants meutreal Windsor Uinumten Osawa Winnipeg oeil..W. eIbI. C.A., iL.Beairt &Waters.C.A. Oubawa 0,1mw. SAIeppiCmtr. 728-7827 Torontoi Regfina George amille. Raise Over $1,10 for,. BQwmanville's Coeinnial Fund Peter Revoy, age four who waa injure.! in an accident last Wednesday evenlng near Pari Hope on 401 Highwmy, was taken by the Bowmanville Arcs Ambulance tb Memoniai Hospi- tal where h. neccived treatmeni for scalp lacenations te the Ont-Patient Department. The chiid ha.! been niding ini his fathen's car whcn a tire ble'w and his father bast contrai of the vehicie, whichwcnt off the noad. Lira. Ethel Gassien, Victoria Park Road, Toronto, who was ijured in a twa car collision on Na. 35 Highway, about six miles north ai Onono was taken ho Memonimi Hospital by thc Bowmanvillc Area Ambui- lance. She nemaine.! in hospi. taI here over the weeken recciving treatment for a slgh STARK VILLE Mr. and Mns. Keith Caswell andfn ,Port Hope, were M guesta at Mr. Mins C. W. Stewart, Sixth LUne , wu a dinner guest eai Mns. A.Dobson s. Mm .UL.Todd has rcturned home after apendlng the wln- ter with her alater, Mn. Mc- Knight, Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yule, Mr. and Mrs. George Yule and familY, Oshawa, Mr. and MM. Larry Liuand family, Peter- borough were Sunday guesta et Mr. kar Roblnson's. Misa Norma Hallowell and Mina Beuiah Hallowell, Tor-t onto, were Sunday à&nner guests at Mr. Llew Hallo- wels. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie TrIm, Bowmanville, at Mr. orme Fau%. a. Misn Elva Ann Robinson, a P May brlde-elect, was feted aI a ahower arranged by Miss t Donna Souch and Mas. Ross A Todd, Fniday evening lait2 week et Shiloh. Miss ~Robin-' son, adorned with her hat of bowa fromn the gits, gracious- iy thanked everyone for the many and beautiful glfts that she receved. A dellous and bountiful lunch waa aerved by Miss Souch, Mns. Ross Todd, Mns. Bob Robinson and Mrs. J. Bothweil. Accident Ivan M. Hobbs, Mayor, Town cf Bowmanvilie. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN JURY & LOVELL LTD. FREE DELIVERY 623-3361 These and Many Other PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECIALS ISTAMATIC 104 CAMERA KITS Reg. 24.50 SPECIAI -j INSTAMATIC MO VIE LIGHT LSPECIAL2 *s QUALITY AGFA FI-LM BLACK & WHT OLOUR ½/2PRICE REXALL FI LM khau ,BLACK & WHITE dd INSTAMATIC M-50 MO VIE PROJECTOR Reg. 79.50 SPECIAL 7~.55 SPECIAL 79.95 i POLAROID 103 INSTANT PICTURE COLOUR or BLACK sud WITE Ecm. W.95 SPECIAL849 INSTAMATIC M-.4 MO VIE CAMERA !BUILT-IN LGHT METR net. 89.50 INSTAMATIC 500 FULLY DJUSTALE ONE CAMA ONLY Ecg. 99.5 SPECIAL 85.800 fi eoncusslon, but ah. ha.! recv- Ber husband, Leonard, thePB M P GE9 5 rieofone 0f the'cars l'Btri.lePCog9NE h v l e ! w QS flot In ju re d& T h e E w a v f e C a t r h driver'ai the otier car, William imenu wm l con a u k Ulch, 120 Short Avenue, Lin.- prePared plate of assorted ta»Y, was transferred t<> Lind. meats, salad, dessert mnd cof- say General Hospital from tee. There wlU b. door pic lMemorial Hoptia. I s son, and! several ureialpres James, age il, wua iven Out. preserted dring the -venur Patient treatment for minor Attendants will b on han.! t1 inJuries. greet guesta an.! look afteil 1theparking of cars. JONOR LONG SERVICEI In order to ensure tht as many people ai possible may On Thursday evening, thc R. have the opportunity of be- M. Hollingshead Corporation of li# present at the event an.! Canada wiU honar langaervice enjoig one af the finest emploYees durlng a dinner at èvenlngs of entertalinment, it the Flying Dutchman Motor ha& been decide.! to offer a Hotel. special reduced rate to stu. dents. High School studentU may obtain tickets for $8.00 GUEST SPEAKER per couple. Well.known horticulturallst, Since aillthe proceeda from, radio pcnaonauity and lay the Bail will be danate! to preacher John Bradshaw wiU the Centennial Committee by visit Entield United Church on the Kînsmen Club, it la hoped May 14th. The occasion la that the citizens af Bowman- their Centennial Sunday School ville will take this opportunlty Anniversary. He wifl speak at ta support this endeavour 12 n.m. uhohearte Iv. Town of Bowmanville PROCLAMATION DayI i*ght Saving Time STARTS Sunday, April 3Oth 1967, at 12:01 a.m. Whereas the Council of the Town of Bowman- ville bas passcd a resolution setting the date for Daylight Saving Thue, 1 theref oie request ail citizens to observe the same. To carry out the request of the Town Council it wilI be necessary te advance ail docks and watches one hour at 12:01 a.m., Sunday, April 3Oth, 1967. -i 1 PRESCRIPTIONS 1

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