**CLA SSIFIED AD S 1 ** Seed for Sale Wahledo Buy Thé canadantat.nnzwnnIlP,8uy 1 SM DCorn-Robson L tIVE noltr«& 1p Me oria In M mozicm C & of hani Qmin Eve1s mX ,be t buy in 185l-90 day ticks. 1 M 1 Bett L~i emoianiIn emoram ardaof hank ConingEvoitaNoticm train and sa.Cm. Paeay. Phone. 7 r 13 colleat. li4yî? ilovlng me- STOKES-Iln lovlng mmoyI wudlike tb thaik chepztTrn. Illi. ALLyourRawllghderner. u- nuy ivmoh nd a i m Annie Soefins Cltvsnlg useuyFlday ight. Admis- 98845570. 14-TF 6S ~APPROXIM&TELY 100 acres gn runtmahr, Elizabeth Bt-wopassed alayApril 24, #d XM. T. obbs Senor Public alan, lunch andprises. 434 . Aniosi' office wil >. PL NTPRDE wlth good house, Newcastle. Wall wha panelsti aMay 190. il3c12001 for the lovely gits sent C1» -nte hrcPLAN ro pil21 1 E T PME Wit detie 0, / h arew el a he fe U ayl ana Ynuh~ : T ato Bazah l d C t ni el M ay 28th inclusive . S E M C OCNndi StA e tes a0, Pc/ o x u t e l m Thet h . . ts t a rn t l . y a ___________________Dr Ta o è el o WdnsdyYou'llb. Proutiet Your Crop 190 16-e wIiea Ineret l vina memaries for us, ta aid way; floor alma the Red Cros.m ay1, I2:0p.98728TNDN ueCorKin ig. 9. Parker. aravle.piio aigaacuI . keep; Ta bear your voice and uee Valerle Avery. 17-1 Bowmanvlle Brownl. Moth- AT SMUt>Newcastle, là a PlIDE Grewer. Within our-liearts she wll your smille ers Bazaar and Teaii aa, egistereti Quarter Horse I,51 e ,233, nd re RtisC N ER BLTZsiAiI T always utay, uer awi d ht lh o wuld like ta thank 4:30 pan. St St. Andrew'u Staflion 127, 137 eturns to date front th@* day. -Lovingly remembered and fedanegbuu d i-Chch Daw d anatdb Black Huches AsFieS-hm6 Cancer Societra annua cl oni -...ovingly reniernbered by sely mssed,, daughter Irene tives for the lovely carda and local merchants. Corne adZ?_ r (Sudan Sorghum) Pilgu eldlnl Bowmauville 4%oSAIS David, Bernice and daughters.and family. 17-1 erboroughivlc opaietal lne-supprtyour Brownles. 17.3 .No. 89,177Alumine and ti loiltro A4i17h e31 17.1;_ sebruhClal Hspial aso rot mri BINGO4t 4 17.1 * ialthanks ta Dr. Wright IVM JNTRB INGO FeIcitaI ime of service - $79.00 NECASLE98-447WN neary $,18700.reThisls. ~ n1I 0 erGIC' RM and nurses and staff on the îetura lnhi etasn GRIOWV BOWNIM ea.M.arly9Omrey Sanutrs 671 1 e nuio 0ya BUJRNS-In lovlng meniory of IA second floor for their kindness THU SIDAY NIGIT, 8 o'lock Mare Care - $1.00 per day 17-tf lPAUSbea. MCaiarry Maners, t a dear husband and father, MF24OPTAL and wonderful cari. Spoasoiet by th. Junior 1ame7oatit -Tai three malgCaaerellnd Matl Burns, who dled April Ditfflet end Distinctive Mrm. May Webb, Bethany. Chaniber of coniimerc. ACCUMUL&TIN-G GI.C.ssientCWoe el o 201h, 1963. npmu FaKakr 17-1 JBLEPVLO W RE SEED GtINhe local branch ai tb, Longer CONEIN OI Fond memnorles linger every t~nfran OSHAWA 8 A C A L YCaainCne Sceyae*tA.,l :0PMMn eTus Eemernbr~~nc. 152 i coe St. B.. Ohawa Sinc re th k o ail TheNewcastle Artificial Ibe C . f( 9 LH R A a d C 4 < L lNl e S p <i A M l S . . 'l' A M t 4 j . Ieebac ep iina h givea by lb. general public, --Sndly mlssed by wife and 723-1002 - 728-627friends, Ladies' Auxiliary ta Association wiIl sponsor an- CnatBBLGET ET n HMLI They expressedti r gis- famlly. 17-1 Evî~~~~ga Canadian Legion 178, Rebekah other evenlng ai dancing oni NEWTONVILLnOATShnd oa eai hs h ________________Lodge, St. 3ansWA vn audaoJn 4h r h 786-2905 STOîMONT - IODNEY cmnvasset anti cantrîbute t l PP.ZSTON-In memory of ou -- ing Branch, Club 59, for cards, Community Hall. Watch this 15-3* the- USE ltuai il urtently neidetiSV mather Cella Preston who- Carcis of ThankS fruit and flowems while 1 was space for further details. AR -RUSL frcnersachndt pasdaa nArl2,18,-Sin hospital. Special thanks ta 17-1 TOP QUALITY sitIoeaflceiwt h aend r away ,obArtl 1. 965,Sincere thanksta ail the D. Anfossithn and ur fthe, RaertD. Pes- relatwho ntriledta a. ndnusesiand Dr. Hubbard TrinitY United Church Wo- .Opn f H.aouseTESTE» AND TIEATED diseame.TRS SAVNG tan who passed away June 13, teliteo mon peseted taadrseHspiad staff of Me- Men are holding their annual ek~AAyn alw h ih 1960 tegf fmnypeetdt oiHsia. Forsythia e an sleo This WeeedC RS O EAyn atw h ih Teaeandresale bai wiLes foJMr& Anie Wighthave bien misseti by theCOPRT N W. aften think of days ganemeexesigeswiesfr M.AneWiht home bakung ini the Church Rames off Taunton loati West FARMS canvass anti wha would like JohnMTwist.ur7. 17-1 Hall, Friday, May 5, 2:30-4:30 na ieiSre.NwN.11 ,BWAVLE 1 oaecut et hl When we were ail together,,JhTws.1- p.m. Come and bring your erScoSte.NwNH 1R.4,BWAVLE edns ou edthr Aahadow 'er aur lives has friends for a pleasant mter- A. 3-bedroom brick bungalows contribution ta the Campalga edOfc:19SnceS.N _____ ____62-750Chairman, Mis. Harry Saun- ou cast, We wish to sincerely thank May we expess Our very noon. 17-2 built by 6375 ders,14 Liet Sretoà Our loie ones gone forever. relatives, neighbors, friends sincere appreciation to the v il-tf -vrrmmee yteadognztosfrgfsladies ai Unit Three, St. Paul's SUNNYSmDE PARK 'B-o e North, or la any af the fail 17-1w flowers and cards received on United Church, Legion ladies, MONSTR BIGO !eaco Homs I . - ans l Bwmavil teoccasion of aur 40th relatives, friends and neigh- o a TL Your Guarantea oeracr altysCm SHEEll aem o-Wdin nicrtyhosfrteir!a g kid-ursaV N<Tigt-ThCacrScey am SHRDEmiy aneInlov Wddig nnierLry Lurs fo hermaykid QualltY Craftunansblp Lyntonhurst Manor, Nursi- palan la thse rural aicas willl Ing memory cf a dear mother Gladys and Ed. Willatts. nesi, expressions of sym- 7:45 for senior citizens. Phone be continuedntAl thse end Who passed away, April 27, 17-1 pathy, floral tributes and dona- RED BARN9,0 roo93-69 1-01 ftismnh loci.__ tions ta the Heart Fund, in RDB R $3,661 down - 6:4% Interest 1961. a~~~~~~~ur recent bereavement of a O S HA WA Frfrbrpîuascl Dear mother, yau are nat Sincere thmnks ta frîends, Iavung husband, father and 6-trfurterprIE WLaSN a fargatten, nelghbours and relatives for grandiather. Special thanks Cartwright High School ENEWLO Though an earth yau are visits, cards, flowers and gifts ta Rev. Harold Turner, North- Ninth Annual At Home Dance no mare, given ta me duing my stay in cutt and Smith Funeral Home, wiîî be held ti the Recreation W. FRANK Still ln mcmory you are with Memorial Hospital, and special Dr. Austin, nurses and staffCetBactck FidyRalEteLmtd us, thanks ta Dr. Rundle and staff af Memorial Hospital, CApr, la 9 p.m MuD by E A L E S T AT E .iite As you always were before. oi medical floor. The Thompson Family. The lu28,D9iamo. Musics,1KngS.Ws, omnil Sadly missed and ever e- Orial Edgerton. 17.1* 17-lf e 186lou167 DAIl onsresus2339 inembered by daughter Daisy 867_or_167._Ailormer__________93___E_ and oon-n- wLamne. 7-1 dents and frieiids invited. Ad- ___ 17-1 _______ Wc wlsh ta thank the Bow- wanited mission $350 per couple. BannvlePbiShos STEWRT- loungmc-quick reply ta our fire alarun PIANO, theomy pupils, Court-1- Reg-istrationv of mary of a dear husband and last Wednesdmy; isa, special ice area; 20 years experience Waadvlew Cammunlfy Centre ' ~ L E father, Albert Stewart, who tanks to our neighbours and wth R o y a 1 17- M O ST T>vr!C Pu sil passed away April 29th, 1966. fiends who helped ta fight 728-3571. 171M N BNGOoday . ie frre -' mmee end ilyl 17I'-te r.Hihs ahPuces for Dead N x odyKnegre X.N cd bly hswAiead TeCosn. 17-1* anti Crippleti Faim Stock 7:45 P.M. This registration wiii lake BUIRETT FUR FARM RED BARN Place the week or ]RESULTS COUNT! We would like ta express Phone Long Distance a n u c d b aosl ebro h ur sincere thanka ta friends, Zenith 66550 (na charge to you) 0 8 H A W A May 8 to 12a noceb> Cosut Mmbr i Sirelatives, neighbours, the Dept. Dept. Agric. Lic. No. 63-C-67,_____ A Birtis Certificate uhowing ofai Hghways and L.O.L. for hd' date ofi buth la requhreti cW athy help, messages ai sym- C shon teSo XOT U S frech Schild aI tatiaAme. IL pcathyanksoaltaRiv. Wm. for Deati or Crippled Faim W have a few seal available Burth Cortitlcates for children Pircy, Dr. Wright and the Stock. Plcked up Promptly o h olwn m or:bi aOtromyb b MUTILELSTNGSl IC om rithelansSmithfua ble Telephone Colleot 263-2721 May 6 - $28.00 - 2 Day. talit by forwardtag Informa- Oshawa & DIS iSRVICE Humebn nfthe r, H ofawarovd Margwill Fur Farmn May 16 - $4650 - 3 Day. lion (parents' place of bith) 99 King St. E. 623-25 03 B w a vle- E d saeBadJBrwTYRONE May 27 - $2.00 - 4 Day. ral oi Ontario, 70 Lombard__BO ifUI?'a Re l st te Bo rd MaîOr Brown and farily. Licence N. 101-C-67 M y2 2.0 -2 D y St., Toronto. BOBJ___TO Mary 1-1 1-t P ces neluIs Accommodation, If iParents do not now have fiv y ar w th R a E ta. I th Transportation anti Expa snch pioci of agi, lisoulti b. fieyer it l s el Passports acqlufret i thout delay. ~~city ofOr shawa, uecomes .-resîue - ALO -A. M. THOMPSON, of the firm. Accommodation - Canadiana Supervlslng Principal. Village, Juat a few minutes 16-2 Completed courses 1 and 2 a PhoEx338pPROTEC o sponsoredbhy the Ontario Association o Phoe 63-382 ROT CTI N Ral stae Bard an ispreuintl enrolled ini a three year extensio JURY AND LOVELL cus from the University of Torao. TRAVELAGNY Young Menq 19 Ring St. E. Bowmanville Ra hs 17-1 Ra hs Plan ta attend the Trinity Do you kaow you oaa purchase WARO! Cme lssoBIG UYSforU.C.W. Unit 7 Centerinial Coi- teetlParty, ThursdayailthJunet lits 42,460 oai hum Insurance for JACK RICARD fods "chow beys" anti girls needti e FayNa 10-12 a.m. at Mrs. A . Strike's, 77 grow ïsealusy 'n hetty. Wlsat's maie, acNé1 8 Beech Ave. The On taria 77 M nhy who founded the f irm becomesa motheis, DYKSTRA'S rides brt n onkecollection ai Histoical Dolîs Cooked am cletiiolan ing ria 'ls ~a lIapn Director. During the summer month prices, keeplngr ail ailemi as îow as lnîetr costume will be on display. 70u your boneficlary couldhowl eicarefro st possble.Sa cme hIs--aWantite1B READ Babysittirg provided. Cle-rcie$0,0mnhly o psil.g oets--yan iicSlced olc etie$0 mn o operations in the Muskoka, Braie Four cisnck wagon fulaiofinte footis 24-os. th e e for the work Of tise balance ai a 25-year palicy, big ra fer the whole oulfil - adgît a feedbag 991b 2-z h church. 1- or tisey col eleet a lump Bob Johnston bridgeRicard aofsavingutfoi your plggr baak. Slced or By tise Fiee, 5 Loavoss1 "WESTERN CIRCLE TOUR"Psm JULY 22 - AUG. 12 -- 22 Day. Us Boneless Places afiintercat: Yellowstone Deesa'I Ibis siual 1ke OIN Park, Sait Lake City, Nevada, REAL PROTECTION? O r E p n e a e t BADPORK LOIN San Francisco, Vancouver,Wehvoteplne. R OAST f Y lb ors h.JESSE VAN NEST TenderMEAN 118 King St. E., Bowmaavllle TenderNEWFOUNDLAND TOUR SEPT. 2-18 - 18 Day. Phone 623-3230 CHUCKFor information on above leurs IbPhone or Write Occidental Lite ai Caltoerla À«W &J3 À& "YJnly 29 le Augf. 12 -inoludes Prepare for Ontario Diploma SUuilulINew Brunswick, P.IK.I. sud or beer Job * ICE CREAM 79c Nova Seatia, for only $240.00 Alil'books ansd Instructions Amsrtit Flaveus alfoni08 month. Write 2p.DIayu, sept. 10 te Oct. 1- American School JUG MIK SeeLas Vegas, Los Angeles, DEPT. 60, 624 PRINCESE ST. JUGGARILE San Francisco, for nly $350.0o KINGSTON, ONTARIO HOMO 2% ALL- Ar wnition Washr e9 IJERSEY No ihro FIE QUALIT? 4j »0 IloNigh Travel MONUMENTS AND 63C I 58C ju «& 4d. PLUS DEMOIT Write or FbneSm(o».. COLMMa TRAVEL SEVICE naos. LT», SHOP UJR~>IKA ~ HOME '2-365 or 623-3093 For Farm, Residential, Commercial, Industriel Poet. AND FOOD MARKET OF ersonal- Siafford Brothers A K RC R LdRclp SAVE77 KJNG STREETW., QUALTYJA CKlem-RubbRDNomumemi plain nvilope vilSLMTE>O HA A r PHNs2334n3 &1pl 1 1.00-. Mail Ordur 818 DuMadma St, . - WbItby 2 -20 J-