Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1967, p. 9

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Recratin Rviews Many Tro.pFies Awardecl e Junior Town Leagueè Banquet Wlin1" T""Mm.. rai School on Saturdisy. AUl tcwn and $2.00 for baya living PatyandKty akzfcace ee i this l«.- outaide the town boundarles. theBowanill Reretio ge asat year are aaked ta b. Daaketbi DenrbcnBaton Clans,hae peet for thia practice. In the Recreation Depats 2=3trphles ta their col- At.., BaseIau ment Boys' Basketball the lection in the lait three coin- There Wil be anAtm Celtica captured thc Chain- 6' petitiona. Basebail racü tic e cMcm- pionship with a 29 to 18 Win *Temont recent waa the cria aW ~ Ai ver theTrotters. V 1 raste Ontario Ch pon 29th, at 9 a.m. This la for The Celtica were led by Lee siaat Ottawa. Tiacme boys 7Yomrsof age ad under Uemon with 11lipts, followed 11119n started ut8:0l c 10 years as cf Jauary st of by Henry Pokorski with 8 ituornlng and ra ilii 1030inathe curont year. Theregs Pta Brian Saunders 6 pts, the evening. tration fée s la$1.00 for resi- George Connors and Dan Led- At 10:15 p.m., 15-year-old dents and $2.00 for non-rosi- Inamon 2 pta se hert Patay competed ln Uic 15 to dents. Applications May be la a lsinyG cueorgc Trot- 20 year old clasa for Uic Cen- obtained from Uic Départ. tera eeldb Gog an tenniai Queen and placed ment cf lRecreation offce or dera il pts, while Paul Me- thIrd. at thc practice on Saturday. Arthur, Paul Parker and In te 1-16 earoldsAd-Ralph Charron 2 pts each, ad vneclaes1 Pyr aida - PéeeWec Basebali Barry Krawchuck 1 point. vanedclase Pasytco ~ There will bc a Pee Wee Girls' Gym Dlaplay 71rt in Visitons Solo adsec, Baseball pructice at Uic Vin- The Girls' Gymn Class held ond In Baton, second ln Open cn Massey School park On their Annual Gym Display on Sol.d Thidi ac Strut atrday, April 29th, at 9 a.a. Saturduy nuorning, April isth and Stut.This la for boys 10 yeuns Of at the Bowmanville Hlgh Nlne-year-old Kathy In Uic age and under 13 yeans as Of School Boys' Gym........... X'ovice 9 and 10 ycan aid clas- January ist oi the current Tue Gym Dîsplay featured Ées tock a first place In Fancy year. The registration fec la somersaults, backwards und Strut, second place in Visitors $1 oo0 for residents ad $2.0 îrontwards, fish flops, Eskimo Solo, Open Solo and Mllitary for nan-residents. Applica- rails, cant whecîs, shoulder Strut, and a third in the T tions May be obtained froin stands, pyramids and many Strut. the Departaient of Recroation Othif fundumentals of gym- Nchi Motors teani was presented with the sanie of the trophies and, in the centre, Russell C. Girls Softball office or at the practice on nastîc. N c o s- p r p y t There will be a girls' soit- Saturday. The Senior Girls consisthIg chmpionship trophy at the annual Junior Hockey EAney, M.P. presenbîng hig runners-p brhyt bail practice for girls 7 ycars Larosse of' Jane Cowle, Nola Raby- L uap o 16yeas aiageas o Noice a fr bos 8year Kaen Dvisuad eubanquet an Saturday eveninug at Memnorial Nelson Yeo of the Ken's Men's Wear teamn. Others in JJauaru lt, i hesurrntaodunethe yar;uPereente and u 1-miutedipla10ik luboue, ndman atertrahis ad aars te hotafcm lef t rihtGrnt aleySi year. T his la for girls wbo la for boys 10 ycars and undor ,f various gymnastic routines wezit*-.to individual members of teanis. Photo shows Worden, Don McMurter and Don Oke. wish to, play In the Recrea- 12 years; Bantamn, 12 ycars 1which was well reccived byl tio Sftal Lage.The and under 4yer;adM-thauen.Teunior Town League County; Jim C yle Jr* Bil tial fan a fine intermediate ed the laguels most sports- practico will ho bold at tbc get 14 years and undor l1 Bakeiball News hockey season camé ta an Cale ai Ken's Men's Wacu.mniepnomr rsdn Iowmanville Central School year, as f Januany lt ai thc Celtics and Trottera advanc- officiai close wibh tbc holding ad Frank Mohun, eepresent- Two new trophies werc put Baker ailowcd as te how Tom diamiond at 9:30 a.m. Satur- curront year. Boys interested cd labo bbc finals ai the De- cf their annual banquet, Sa.t. ing Canadian Statesman adUp for competition this year, day, Apl 29th. The registra- ln this actlvity may regiazer partient ai Recreation basket- urday night utthbc e morial C.K.L.B. sports. and both weno presented ' Worden couId have beea the tiený 1 Prs!' .0 for residents ab the Lions Commninty Cen- hall gaines played ut the 1igh Park Club House. Maay prosentations wero bhe danor. Dane Rogorson winner, had lb flot beca forf and $2.00 for non-residents. tro, 26 Beech Avenue, front School Gym, Saturday mena- Seated at head table were maude during thc eveaing wibh captudredb coveted Don Oke bbe fact that lb was for bisI Applications may beoabtained 8:30 a.m. ta 5:00 p.m. !ramn ing, Apnil 15. Jack Baker, league president; bbc . champion Nichais' Motors trophyi, awarded ta btcenMost father's trophy. froim the Department ai Be- Manday tbrough Friday. Fee la tbc apener Trottera edged Peter Stacey, secrotary and beamn walking, off wlth most valuable player. The tropby Aiter the excellent meal sl creation office or at the Cen- is $1.00 for boys living ia Pine Ridge Schaal 29 ta 22 satistician; Sid Worden, vice- ai the lbot. The Kea's Mens waa acceptod by teain-mate and a wa rd preseatations,n presidoat; AI Colo, troasurer; Wear Trophy, omblematic of Don MeMurter for Rogersan, films of bbe 1964 N.H.L. play- ]Ruas Honey, M.P. for Durham blague supremacy, was pro- who la in tbc baspital. eus and tips on puttlng wcee aented te Nichols' coach John Sid Worden presented his shown, with Bill Cale tbc with Paul McArthur scoing Osborne, by Bill Colo. bnophy ta John Mathers, judg- capable projectionist. 12 pointa for the winnors, Individuai trophies went te whllc teammatos Barry Kraw- thc falawing mombers aifbthe cbuck netted 7 pts. and Paul Matera club: Don McMurter, H A D! Parker 5 pts. Ted Brown, Enni Cobbedick, For bbc Pine Ridge Scbool, Larny Lee, John Adams, Ton- Haydon Sunday Schooi An- Humdrum oifUe"; Bible Robertson nctted 12 pts. and ry Cox, Dave Green, Dan nivensary Service wîll ho hold reading -by Mns. Blackburn. was tbe autstanding playen ia Hughes, Dune Regerson, Pat Sunday, June 25th, and the Carda wero road frcm aId bbc game. Murphy, John Mathora, Mur- supper la July. Mare partic- fionds by tbe secretary. lb Tho second gamo saw the ray Brown, Rick Lucas, John ulara la Caming Events at a was movod and socoadod that Celtica wallop thc Diplomats Osborne and manager Dcn later date. U.C.W. buy any litorature bhat 39 ta, 17 with Lee Lomon scar- Oke. Sunday school session an thc Tyro beys may nood. ing 10 pts., Bnian Saunders 11 The Durham M.P. preseated Suaday at 1:45 p.m. and Program was in charge cf pts. and Henry Pokarski 8 pts. bis award, the Russel H-oney church service ut 3 p.m. D.S.T. Mrs. L. Slemon. Roadings For the lasers, Don Yourth bnaphy ta Nelson Yoo, coach U.C.W. April meeting was were given by Mia. J. Patta notted 10 pts. and Don Taylor af runner-up Ken'a Men's beld on Tueaday ovening ut and Mrs. Olesen. Three Ty- c a %q an c a r y lts.Wear. Mr. Honey stated that bbc home ai Mrs. Cowling and rone boys sang, Blain and Baseball Couches hoe was pleased ta ho ut bhe Mrs. Blackburn. Meeting was Blair and Paul Vaneke; Rey. -~~ s~~v~~ If there are any aut b annual bnutain Tsopened by bbc president, Mis. Norbbey with guitar. Ms.. S VN G SERVICE . wouîcî wish ta caach in ither lague givos you boys bbc o Jons, with thc singing oi Siemn held a memory con- the Atom or thc Pee Wee chance to continue playing Thon-uc Hymn and Lords test. Basehaîl League piease contact hockey and if you are good Prayer. Mn.. Cowling gave Nurnien prosont 13, bwo the Dopanbment ut 623-3114 cnaugh, N.H.L. expansion lias bbc devoional based on bhc visitera and bwo cbildron. Y10REW-HN $ N DISTANCE 0F BEAVER! as sean as possible. We would created a wenderiul opper- First Commadment; "'The May meeting wil ho held at, YOUI RE WIHIN Mlike te have bwo coaches for tuniby,"1 said Mn. Honey, aise ecdi bam. painbing eut that coeaofbis -W, TRUCK LOT SAVINOI Puices la this cd appIy e« Port Hope neighbours, Jiro nmal mixel truck lots of 4000' or more for con. Robents,, as used hi. doter-- T U K Oie .job, exept au pày"o.d whih l a me .availabie B T A Ymination, ta make bhc bg SÀZLU. t @ ass V tm ubet Mr.IaPamran n. The leading accrer tropby, Purhcoo ree u-tock mail. A tm sbt Mlre nistowlm eredMa donated by bbc president, wus e t pror al*igsedBoafriseo r ay instawarded to Steve Burns, by wKi s tgwton oMn. rl and astJack Baker. DurIng bhc pro- Mns. Mville gryzekMr.and sentabion cf is tnophy, Mn. Mrs.Melill OgrzekandBaker mntloned how well FIBERGLASS APPROVED... WATERPROOF atbeading sessions ai thecthbbc lstars had pcirforcd MGand Mn. JmsF asor g a i a s t Peterborough Jr. have arnid ho Jmes aser B's". The lbague prcxy stat- havearrvedhomefro, Wn-cd, "There is no reason why ber bclidays la Flenida. B.owmanvî1e cman't -ice a top R 2" B T S V'Peterborough. Bakrgv it oPtrSa R7H.UINu r AT INIu The Ladies Gocd Luck Orae-ae îat PtrSa cey for bis fine wank as trne. 135 Sq.STD. SEECT SPEUC ange Lodge beld thein final keeper and statistîcian, and AI BA 4D81SEL*ECT sRsEe cores enty hsasnColeaîtheat leasrro h ~ . 61 6 12 2on Friday night. Pnizes for weJ. C.lgu I Town. 10 Y BA 16 dVX 2.9 13 gI sIci ý ug handJames bbc top goal-keepen was pro- 90 sq.Ftt..&Brown; second prizes to Fred sented ta Larry Nemri. by Jin Gray and Misa Wendy Pros- Coyle Jr., on lichaIt af ilbs x 4' Xton. Curman Brown won bbc father. Jlm Jr., a gruduate 3/"x'S'3 50 4 16~lueky door priz: eeting tedou 4 8 5 8R. John Payne af Pontypool pIaescudfritepen 1/2" x 4' x S' I . ~was elected presideoth b n e u df r iUcp en A C*7~~ 1 IManvera Township Progres- sieCanservative Association E IA E H IL 586 6.52 5.24 ~t their annual meeting last E IA E H IL 5/8" x 4E x 8 . weck. Other aificers are C u ch srie wec ed Clarence Page, vice-presideat; Chbo reic dy es weSun- George Neals, sccretary; Char- day bbe service wiIl be ut les Merton, broasurer. Poil Garden Hill. D NN CN KBCbafrmen appoinbed w ere On TucadayMsC.err FER 1000 ANA LJaMrs. Bruce Fiske fan bbc Po an y MrsH . C. enceritp RO K 00 iocl arpe a. ndMr. . hikqn r., for MnversStaton; Rbertwith the Cancer Cllnic ut Staion RoentCamnpbeîlcroft. Stinson and Floyd Stinson, Our Inonthly Instibute meet- Lotus; Lloyd Clarke, 1Bally- ing wîii îiad been Postpoaed dufi; Noral Marshal and due to the funenal af bbc labo Morley Kellett, Janebville; Mrs. O. Trew was beld an Laverne McKinley and' El- Wodnesday ut Mis. C. Beatty'. dridge Shea, Fleetwood; Char- home. A cribi quilt was put le s M on to n , B e tb a n y . i n telut b e o e a d s m ,Henry Jakeman chaired tbbcarnu tho n dgbbbf rte d so ectio and expr ssed the uîit. A t 2:30 bbc ladies beld thanks of bbc mombens t heir meotinq. The Presidont, Robnt issnbbcretrig Mrs. H. Whibe eonducted bbc president, fer bis offorts 1in meeting. Our District Presi- bbc pat years. dent Mn.. C. Elliatt, Gardon Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Hill, was wibb us and spoko was bhe guest speaker, eut- ta us. The roll caîl was givon lining hniefly several ai bbe by Mrs. K. Tnew. Reports important items ai bhc imnie- fnom bhe vanieus convenons diabepat; bbc failure ai Pru- were given. The Patterns for dential Finance Ce., The Vine- aur Centennial quilt wero land Cenierence, etc. Dassed araund.a We hope te Mn. Carruthers discussed have lb made and reudy te bbc very heavy tax burden quilt in labe aummer. - Lunch brougbt on by bbc demanda was servod. The ladies fin- af bbc public for hetter cdu- !shed bbc quit ln thc even- cation and social securlty. Ho ing. stated that tbc percoabage ai Mn. lad Mrn. E. Eliliott, taxation for education froin Oshawva, vislted wlbh Mr.ad bbc Province cf Onta *ro was Mrs. H. Quantrili en Wednes- a huge item. Ontario Pays day evening. fifty per cent af bhc expense Mn. Russel Savery, Stark- af Uic Dominion af Canada, ville, speat Sunday wlth Mns. More assistance frein Demin- Savcry and Mm, A. Smilth. ion Gaveraient should ho Mns. Savery spent part ai fonthccniing ta assist Ontario, the week ut borne and Mn.. C. due te bhc rapld grawbb Of Morcer and Mna. L. Muldrew this, the ichest province ai book buras sbaying wth Mrs. the Dominion. A. Smitb. Thc speaker discussed bbc Mrs. Robent Westheuser, problern ai zcning by-laws, Bowmanvilie, vIsltcd wlth Mn. crcated by urban people mov- and Mn.. H. ThIcksan an Sut. lng ta farm areus bai to ho urday. scruâtinizcd very careiully by Misa Nancy Fawlcr bas municipal councils, so bbat tonsilitis and is home fram service demanded by these scbaol or a few days. people doei not croate a bur- Misa Doris Beatty celcbrubed don on Uic baxpayer ai bbc ber birtbday on Sunday. township. The type afIindus- Miss Sharon Trcw ha. pur- try in a munlcipality Ia very cbased a car. She bouches la important la Uic type of cm- Peterborough. playment tbey offer. The tax Some la bbc community burdca bo the property ownen have been seot flsblng. couid ho eased by daubllng Mn. and Mrs. Norma WaI- sales tax or ralsing incarne don, Gore's Lundlng; Mn. and tax, but this la not desirable. Mrs. Don Whltbrcd and girls Other assistance mentioaed Oshawa, wcre wlth Mrn. was municipal grants for Mrs. L. Muldrew. noads, etc., and the cLMS.I.P. Visitons to seec Mn. A. Program. Smith an Sunday were Mr. Mn. Curuthens annouaced ad Mrs. J. Bothwell, Bow- new construction on 7A higlh- manville; Mr. and Mns. G. wuy, cast cf Bcthany aud a Ruthi, Mis. A. Ruth and child- Development road north from ion, Ida; Mr.ad Mn. H. the villge to Omemnee. Gardon and Miss E. Lander, Th. rernainden ai the even- Part Hope; Mrs. M. Tappit, mng was speat la playing pro.- Garden HM:; Mr. snd Mrs. Rt. gressyecucrute, atten wblch Utie, Kendal; 34r. and à&& the "ades served lunch, iv. peacck T'he Canadien Statumn, mmmw n .. a.8 the hSom M QC taknMr,. and i. jOshawa. meeting c and dOshawa, Wu~ lunch vas serve&. lng vWstots ofet j,ý Mr. and Mmr. James Grs. C Garrurd. ham, Garfield, Gregory and Mma C. W. Su. Gordon. Valleyfield, w e r eiFas,Mn.1' SundayËlite with bis par- Taonto, Mms W.- Graham. lettueamni , visftsg Mr. and Mms Gordon Dd. Mms.IL, aio u ley, ow nvlle, vere Sun- 5Ma1Ormiaton en day viionsaiMr.ad Mms Arthur Read and Lynne. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Morrison OIN and family, Oshawa, visited Mis. X Bertrlm and family The S" Sout al on Suiiday. etcmigo h Mi. and Mms.Ivan Shaphe ~Jixaxbit u idnda anid Janet, Mr. B e i Cre gin T»* Orrniaton, Enniakillen, Mr. accidents la the lI&M and MW. Roua Ashton andiweeks. faznlly were Sunday dinner Mr.ad M&s.Zhan guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyvd berger Sr. vlsited M Ashton, Bonald and Ray, the brother'a home, Mr. âmd% occasion Ronald'a birthday.' Edwin GelsaberM.z Mms.P. Osmond, Eowman. Cornera, receatlY. ville, callcd on her mother, Mr. PhiMlp, Gerry, Eaism M.A. Thompson, on Thuns- and Kevin. cabo5 uh day evening. recent vsti tUa l Congratulations tb Misa McMasten'h. Alice Joncs on havlng been Miss Laurie Staintoa un chosen as anc ln a group from a weekend wlth Debbl. 8é1té* the High Schools of Ontario, Oshawa. who will make a trip to Re- Mrs. Tim BrooJl udTÊ gina ln August mie, Bowmanie,.,I Mr. and M. Roy Patterson few day. at yCnàza, and family called on Mr. and Mis. Fred Cameronrtk a Mrs. Bruce Gallagher, Ajax, ed from her bus trip t i and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond da. Patterson, Oshawa, on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cam=z day. and tamlly, Angua, were St The senior and retlred clui- urday visitoi. at Wea Cern. zens of the Tyrone charge arc erojVs. belng entertalned at a ban- Mr. and Mrs. R. Dart, WS quet In the Tyrone Hall by Hill; Mr.ad Mn. S. Bl the United Church group cf Toronto; Mr.ad UM. . uit Tyrone on Saturday evenlng. and Lisa, Oshawa; Meum Ji, Mr. Austin Beacock, Black- Lennox ad C. LenncWu*' stockc, spent Wedncsday aftcr- NIl, were reccut :o"ma noon wlth Mr. C. Garrard. Henry Dart WE NOW DO WHEEL BALANCIN HAVING EECENTLY INSTALLED A TUKNLK BALANCING UNIT PRIOMPT SERVICE AT 14LibertySt.S evc Phono 023-5992 114 Liberty St. S. Bowmsnvlflo I -"~~'1 1807 1907 mm~- r OSHAWAcNENA rSpORTSMUEN'S& SHOW. APRIL 27th Es 28th - 2Gth Oshawa Civic Auditorium Featuring scuba démonstrations, dance bonds, sporting disploys. Exhibits of gunsr, fishing tochi.,,touts, cottages, motors, boots, troulers and many things to glodden- the heurts of ony sportsmen - Col@ f olfo,rnia Dot hlng -sponsored by- OshaWa O.nf.muIaI Spotmson';Show OsmmHtw 0 EXNIDITOR PRIZES 0 ATTrENDANCE DRAWS À perfect Contonnial Pa'oject for ail sports- - minded mon and wom.n of ail egos to eté - tond this grat show!1 ADMIUImW: - m.it 1.00; sIuÀmis .30 Childnm U.der 12 w»tf Aduit FRI BUS SERVICE t fied tm sperfime Show COmiE! OIN IN TUE zXCITEMENT A»D FUNI N 'Fi i --H I - i 4 t' ~ h Bowma"Me Don't Miss

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