Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1967, p. 15

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Durham M P Asks Colleaguel To Leave Liberal Caucus Liberal rnaverick Rph Toonto riding of York-Humn-ýcies of Prime Minister Pearson, Cowan was Iftlcilly invi'ted'ber, ,ay, he'll stay is to resign from the caucus,' ItWednesday to quit the MrHnysoDuhm' Mr. Honey said bluntly. ~drty for accusing the cabinet M. said eanot unr-' At the regular Wednesday' 'WkUck1Ing under the French- iMP adh antudrcaucus meeting, svrlMs ,~-~1anminrit. t deaststand how Mr. Cawan -cai~ o eea The suggeinon owingodcoscececo sharply criticized Mr. Cowan1 'lm u sseil ue ta associate himself" withl i ubrt.TeHny Hbefof RselFoney i the pry statement followed.i eWairman of the Liberal cau-, prt.Say@ He's Astounded mas, which comprises thei The normal course for aý Mr. Cowan. 64, who has, perty's faderaI MPs and sena-;Liberal MP who disagrees with'crossed the party hiearchvf tors. Mr. Cowan, MP for thelthe unity-strengthening poli-Jbefore, said lie was astoundedi by Mr. Honey's statemant. Wt St Ie ý ie was an attempt ta increaseý mi l ea personal power. Moreover the caucus had made no decisioni SUflS7,Apri 9t, 197 Anaet <33);Men' Hili'on the matter. Igenay, pri Oth 196 Anaert(363; Mn 5 igh The iery MP started theIn Triple, Maurice Annaert (749).* tra-party dispute last Fridayl Imps defeated Underdogs, Pointe with a talk ta the Canadian! Headpins beat Misfits, Strik- Strikers, No. 5 ------ 55,Bulldog Party, an English-! ers won over Go-Getters. Imps, No. 1I --- .53 :speaking group which objects.' Ladies' Migh Single, Denise Headpins, No. 2 52,to the prînciple of bilinguallsmi Annaert (228); Ladies' High Misfits, No. 3 -,----- 42 in Canada. Triple, Denise Annaert (581); GO-Getters, No. 4 - - 39 Mr. Cowan. a Ioud-voiced, Men'1 H1gh SngleMauriceUnderdogs, No. 6 ----- Il former Sunday school teacher, Attention a a 0 Homeowners! FOR YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS BEAVER WILL SUPPLY: 0 YOU DEAL ONLY WITH BEAVER NOTHING DOWN .- ÇJOTHTNG TO PAY FOR 6 MONTHS OUR OWN FINANCE PLAN I.L.A.C.O. QUALITry MATrERIALS MODERN IDEAS tt% Qj j,% NO têp BEAVER LUMBER BOWMAN VILLE PHONE 623-3388 Top Lady Curlers Win Trophies r OWMANVILLE CANCER BLITZ Aprifl 17 to April 24 OBJECTIVE - $670000O IN RURAL AREAS DURING MONTH 0F APRIL Give <jenerously wheu the canvasser clii, or send your donation to any of the Bowmanville banks. MRS. H. G. SAUNDERS, Campaign Chairman' 144 Llberty St. N., Bowmanville Phono 623.2712 i j Four major trophies were presented ta schedule winners as part of th c]asing day pragram recently for ladies at Bowmianville Golf & Curling Clui Winners were, top photo, fromn left ta right, the Kan Nicks Trophy, won by Mar Carswell, Marion James, Helen Glaspeli and, absent, Bobbie MacNelll. Secamý picture, the Bank of Mantreal trophy, Ellen Ormiston, Marion James, absei Jean Lockwood and Beth VanBridger. Mrs. Jim Bell is shown presenting thi award. Third picture shows the winners of the Milda Morris trophy, Mauci Roenigk, Norma Gay and Ellen Ormiston, absent Jean Lockwood. Bottom pie ture shows the Roy W. Nichols> trophy won by, Ede Gearing, Jo Authors, HiIdi Rundle and absent, Bobbie MacNeill. Last year's winner, Queenie Fletcher, ii rnaking the presantation. told the Bulidogs the cabinet guages is as false as a $3 bill,"Idenled a report h. mad lal doas the biddîng of the Franch'Mm. Cowan said. ielled Mr. 'Pearson a weak leac minarity. Ha objectad ta, the; Backis Party Ponecy cm at the Bulldog affair. I policy of two official languag- Amplifying, Mm. Cowan said had flot mentioned the leader as, adhemad ta by Mr. Pearson. the party had neyer discusscd namne. Mm. Cowan addcd ha wasithe two-language question. Ha Nonthaless, others interre given a false answer in theýsupports policies enunciated by ed it all as a slap at Mr. Peau Cammcns on the subject by;the party at open convention, son, who told reporters phil John Matheson, Mm. Pearson's but flot necassarily those af sophically: pamliamentary sccratary. ,,.individuals or the cabinet. "'ve bacome accustomedt "1This talk about two ian1 At the smre time, Mr. CowaniMr. Cowan'a outburstâ.' SALEM The Canadian ttemman, Eowmanville, Apr. 12, 1087 Svrlladies in the com- A f M muiyhave been busy help- ADN ing with thie current TB and Diabetes su vy The U.C.W . Aprl meeting Pragram in charge f ýM & whlhab held Tuesday evening, Lloyd Slemon's group. Mrs Ke Shckltonandthe l9th, at 8 o dock, at the Tyrone Home asud S-." Miss Margaret Shackleton home of Mrs W. Blackburn Club will hold thefr MeX2e wera recent hautesses for a and Mrs. K. Cawlïg. Rail in Haydon Sehool on' miscellaneous shower for Miss call will be answered by ex-1 day evening, APri 20. Gug Norma Griffiths, a bride-to- change of plants or seeds.1 speaker, A. 0. Dai ple. . b. cf us Satrday.The card party# at -the cp Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Rey- vary interesting sermon on wa well attended' on Sat$ noldsanmd farnlly were week- temperance at Sunday. Rev.Iday evenidng wlth seven tabIe end visitors' with Mr. and J. P. Romeril's subjeci next n rogress. Wintieruw Mrs. Bob, Davies and famzily, Sunday will. ha "The Chris- highplady, Mrs. 'Cowing;1oûI Hagersville. tian's Political Responslbility." lady, Mrs. Thompson~ l 3( Mr. and.Mrs. Bruce Lehmnan. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Morton man, W. Blackburn; low miiÎ4 and family, Miss Mildred recently returncd from a ver Tom Jones; door prize, Douf supper guAshburnfMr. and Mra ÇJre()lton wth elntai Mr. and Mrs. o ~ W. Craig ta celebrate Mrs Southerfl Califorrýia, Hawaii,! and family, PrtToLamp Lehman's birthday.- also visited Phoenix,~ Arizona Mr. and Mrs. James Pate Mr. Glen Blackburn, Kernpt_ and othar places of interest. 1NB., spent the weekend W1 vile, MissJenWltTo- The ýmany friands of M.1M.adMs Roy Pmtersoe on t, were weekend visitors Lloyd nwden ara pleased to!and family. with Mr. and Mrs. F. Black- know ha has eturned home! Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gu umn. from Memorial Hospital where rard, Barry and Lori Mr. Glen Blackburn, isha underwent surgery n his were Sunday supper guest Misnase. iMm and Mrs. Charlie Garr1rc1r Jean Wîllett, Mr. and Mrs. F Mr. and Mrs. Morris po>i Blackburn and Brian, Mr. Bob! Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman,' lard and family visited y. Blackburn, Miss Joan West-IMrs Char1e Greenham were a r.Atlt lake were Saturday supper amog the InIvited guests who Pollrd, guests of Mr. and Mrs, John lattended-tha receptin for Mrs mont, on Sunday. Kinghorn, Zion. . Aelien Trenouth, Cooksvillet Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashtà&, ID.G.M., for that district îs'Rnl n aM.adMi Ross Ashton and famnily- wgr Mrs. eng Sthackhoe shel Idy vnn.Sunday dinner guasts 1of Mr. quislgaster om svealMr. and Mrs. Albert Good-; and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, jaij.t dayr.at andMs ek. %7el murphjy, Thessalon, Ont., ara, and Lynda, Enniskillen. Mm n r.Lsi esenjoying avstwt hi oýMs .CwigvstdM. Messrs. Don and Larry Welsh, and wife, Mandt it tr so n: r.K Cwigvsair. Mr.andMrs Mas-iand Mrs. F. Colbary, Bo*.-" Misses Jean Baker and Norma ford Goodmurphy and family, i manville, on ýFrîday. Griffiths wre Sunday ,;tipperalso their two sons, in Osh-j Mr.r),Caroan guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis!awa.Garardatenad tMer.. Rundle, Bowmanviîîe. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. iSwallow Dinnar at the egln Hal o We ar srr t har ot were Sunday supper guests Saturday even ing., thefir tat astoyd te with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer, Sympathy is extended.t homne of Mr. and Mrs. E.!I-Hawes, Whitby. 'the family of the late LesI.,ý IDeeley last weak. Mr. and Mms. Bill Colville,lThompson. son John, Mr. Alex Lyle, Town M1mj . Band Mrs. Earl Thomp-ý were Sunday supper guest S sn owmanville, Mr. -ný MARLE GROVE with Mr. and Mrs. Nel Brown- Mrs.- Roland- Thompson ýf Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeColl,i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright; Thompson. Bowmanville, were reenty were Sunday dinner guests Mr. Donald Thompson, Bow-." hosts ta a surprise party for with hr parnts, Mr. and Mrs. manville, visited is motherj,. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- Arthur Martin, Martin Road, Mrs. A. Thompson, on Siinà.: neth Lewis, Forest Viaw Lodge Bowmanvile West, also visited day. Highland Grve in honor oj with their aunt, Mrs. Wilfred! M. and Mrs. Allan Malcolm, ther 35th wedding anniver- Dewell, Toronto, who wasland daughter, Sutton, visite4.. sary. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice spending the weekend with! Mrs. D. Malcolm on Saturday. Lewis, Milliken, were ca-hastsl hem sister-in-law, Mrs. Arthuri Mrs. Leslie Taylor and Mîý9 for the occasion, the latter ha- Martin and husband Mr. Ath-ijAlica Taylor, Bumkèto±i, cailed ing a son of the honoredi ur Martin. on Mrs. A. Read. guests. During the. playing of1 the wedding. march,. "Haee Camas the Brida", guests were seated at the tables. A deli-! ciaus dinner was. sarvad ta' guests from Cayuga, St. Mjarys,j London, Warkwarth, Espanola, N 0 O E Bellevilla, Bancroft, Milliken NWOE iand Oshawa. Mr. Clarence Switzer, brother of the bride,! was Master of Ceramonies and; Mm. Maumice Lewis son of the honoredrcouple ab]y pemformm. j d the duties af toastmatem.îC * w em I Mrs. George McKniglit, sister ' e 1 11s D rive In of the bride, pmaposed toasts as waIl as Mrý. Elizabeth In- KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLEC wood, friand af the family. Mr.. and Mrs. Kcnncth Lewis thank- cd Joyce and Ray for their WEST 0F WAVERLEY ROAD thoughtfulncss and eprsd appreciation toalal for theirý gifts and kindncss. Twenty six Girl Guide* c companied by their leaders,' his W eekend Special!o spent last Wednesélay evening with the Hampton Glirl Guidas and leaders for an evening of I A joyesd fu ai.H ampton girlsM BURGERS m 35c g a m a s b y a d u n H i h sam n i j .served a delicius lunch ta al. LastTuda evcning Mrs. WATCH FOR OUR GRAND C. Holley, Mrs." E. Cox, Mrs K. Whitney w nt ta Pickring O E I G . M Y 2 for a cours in Girl Guida1O E IN -r M Y2t advanced training. - a _____ Attention ., ALL PERSONS EMERGENCY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOWMANVILLI A MINIMUM CHARGE 0F $2.00 WILL BE MADE FOR ANY PERSON VISITING THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT, UNLESS THE VISIT I5 COVERED BY W.C.B., OR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INS1JRANCE. WHEN DRUGS AND/OR SURGICAL DRESSINGS ARE USED ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL BE MADE. PATIENTS UISING THE FACILITIES 0F THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT WILL BE EXPECTED TO PAY FOR, THE SERVICES BEFORE..LEAVING THE HOSPITAL. VARIOUS FORMS 0F MEDICAL INSURANCE SUCH AS P.S.I. O.M.S.I.P., DO N.OT COVER THESE HOSPITAL CHARGES. Ontario Hospital Insurance covers the following services provided to an out-patient by a ho9pital when used for emergency diagnosis and treatment within twenty!.four houri after an accident: 1. Use of facilities ineluding drugs, surgical supplies and nursing service. 2. Use of laboratory, X-ray and other diagnostic procedures for the purpose of assisting inemergency diagnosis and treatment. 3. Use of the services mentioned in 1 and 2 above on follow-up visita necessary to coinclude the emergency tieatment of a fracture where the treatment was staited within 24 houri after au accident. 4. Use of the services mentioned in 1 or 2 above necessary to, conclude the treatment of a fracture- where the treétment was started by admission of the patibut as an in-pq*Ieut, l I i * *1 -ai. \C' 7. . . - . - ý -llllliffl le -, 04. + ýQ o+ -1ý ý-- 1 Phone 623-2712 USING* EFFECTIVE APRIL lst, 1967

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