~Ma rks 40Years Mig" Violet MeFeeters, Rich-1 Easter guesta with Mr. and, Id Hill, was home over i Mrs. 0. R. Bragg and Ken ç~ str wekend were Mr. and Mns. Roberti Oappreciation and thanks Stewart, Southamptn; Mrs. ta ail those who 'phoned or IR. K. Bragg and Misses Leta Oetriii items for this column. l and Ruby Bragg, tawn. r and rs. D. R. Alldread1_ Mr. and Mrs. Charlcs Nes- visited wfth Mr. and Mrs. L. bitt returned last wcek irom G. Justice, Richmond Hill, on a two-wcek holiday at St. Easter Sunday. !Petersburg, Florida, where Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Orr, they were'guests af Mr. and ]Rosseau, Ont., were viitors atiMs George Donnerai. the home af the H E. Purdys, Miss Yvonne Anonichuk left Temnperance Street. on Monday ta rejoin the cast of the Ice Falles in Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Byron N.Y., aiter spending last week and family, Silver St., were with her parents, Mr. and Easter weekend guests of Mr. Mrs. Alex Anonichuk, Horsey and Mns. L. Mills, West Hill. Street. Mpnis Larneoyntheis Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Saund- upeningpar o!theEastcr ers and son Bob, Toronto, and holidays with her aunt, Mrs.Mrad rsAlnSues L. . usice RchondHii.and daughter Kimberley Ann RAYMOND RUTCH]NSON Miss Jo-Anne Bragan, af were Easter visitons with Mr. uevsrcoey bld. Thornhill, was a weekend and Mrs. Arthur Saunders , prisr oneo1bl e gues wih Mr an Mr. S.R. averey d. partment at Bowmanvllle, Jaues andhDMr. ad M nrs.SeR a1eyR.marked bis 40th ycar with JS adDuls etreet Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter Goardycar recentiy. He started Stee.and Mauneen, Preston, Ont., with the Company curin g Rum- Miss Jili Ames, Queen's Uni- and Mrs. Isabel Carter and ho matting and in 1929, trans- versity, Kingston, was with Jack, Toronto, were Easter ferred ta conveyor beit inspec- ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. visitons with Mrs. J. Carter tion where he nemained until Raiph Ames, Carlisle Ave., for tand famiîy. Mrs. J, Carter 1940, when he was pnamoted Easter weekend. recentiy spent a few days in 'ta supervisor, conveyor beit Mr. Douglas Nichais, Mo- Preston. building and curing. He il past hawk.College, Hamiliton, spent Miss Sharon Leach, Kitch- chairman of the Bowmanvillç the weekend with his par- ener, Ontario, visited ber par- Supervision Club. ents, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Nichais, Duke Street. Leach, Flett St., an Easten for Irene and Nancy Rietmul- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dodds weekend, leaving Sunday 1er for doing weil in twiriing and son John spent Easten afternoon ta spend the rest competitions at Brampton an weekend in Stratford with af the halidays at Williams- Saturday. Irene, 10 years aid, Mr. Dodds' brother, Mn. and burg, Vinginia. piaced second in the Sweet- Mrs. Frank Dodds.. Sunday guests with Mr. and heant cbampionsbip and third .Mrs. Harold VanDusen and Mns. R. Gi, King St. West, in the Advanced T strutt. Six- Mr. Glen Vanflusen of Lea- wene their daughter and son- year-old Nancy won first in gide wene Sunday dinner in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Barry the stnutt. guests wîtb Miss Helen Van- Steven, Willowdale, and their Mn. and Mrs. Rosswell R. Dusen, Horsey Street. son and daughter-in-iaw, Mr. (jim) Cailan and sons James Mn. and Mrs. Gerry Wright and Mns. Irving Gi and Car- and Tom were Easter guests and baby Diane, Cannington, rie Leigh, town. of the fonmer's brother and spent Sunday with their Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Tate sister-în-law, Mr. and Mrs. grandmother, Mns. A nn ie have returned ta their home Fred Cailan of Prescott. Other Wright, Church Street. in Portage La Prairie, Man., guests included Miss Beverley Mr. Bill Depew, Queen's after a 10-day visit with their Cailan and Mr. Donald Swan- University, Kingston, spent son, daughten - in - law and ton af Kingston, and Miss Easter weekend wlth bis matb- grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. June Spencer and Mr. Alen er, Mns. Tom Depew, and Barrie Tate, Jeffrey and Brock af Toronto. brother Bud, Liberty Place. Janie, Lamb's Lane. Mn. 1Bob James returned on Miss Virginia Siemon, of Mr. and Mrs. Norman James Monday to the University ai Queen's University,. Kingston, and Ronnie, London, Ont., South Carolina, Columbia, was witb ber parents, Dr. ad were wcekend visitons with SC atr pein Estr Mrs. Keitb Siemon, Centre Mrs. Jams aetM.adhoiidays with bis parents, Mr. Street, for Easten weekend. Mrs. Win. Allun, cg _S. 1-1...... ......_ ..Scugog - and Mrs. John M .ThJamesnand Mr. Bill Crombie, St Law- par rence University, Canton, N.Y., Jan Was borne for the hoiidays with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Crombie, Simpson Ave: Job Rui Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamer, WvE Debbie and Paul of Brookviie, Mr, Pa., were Easter 'weekend Mr, guests of Mrs. Hamer's motb- Oni er, Mrs. T. Butteny, Second Dr. Street.IV Mrs. Gordon Murphy and Di' sons Jimmy and Sandy, Wind.- Ne son,. are spending Easter week Gar with Mns. Murphy's parents, Her Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. Graham, atte Jane Street. . Rel Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Edger, St. Debbie and Randy, Peter- M borough, were Good Friday anc visitons with Mn. Edger's math- ta tr Mrs. W. A. Eclger, Weflng- past ton treet. parE At the Easten Sunday serv- Will ice in Tinity United Church, Shir Mns. Lloyd Ayre delighted the also fapacity ,cangregation with horn ler soprano solo, "An- Easter Pr Sang" (Humpbreys). ter Mrs. Marion Hayes, Miss and G;inny Osmond and Mrs. Joan er Munday attended the Haîr- Carr dressera' Convention, "Beauty Adie %'67, held recently.at the Royal and York Hotel, Toronto. Mrs. Easter weekend guests with Hans Mn. and Mns. Laurence God- Mi dard, George St., were their ton claughter and son-in-jaw, Mr. fran and Mrs. N. A. McKay, in ch Niageona Fals, Ont. Scoli enjoc Sout and Elaste Church ents, 7__Iý 0_ýLiber 75 Liberty St. S. al Phone 623-5100 sec Pastor: Rcv. A. Kudra, B.Th. Hall' 9:55 a.m. A GR OWING BIBLE SCHOOL! Il a.m. "WHERE THE HOLY SPIRIT LIVES" 7 p.ni. "IS THERE A LITERAL RESURRECTION 0F THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE'DAMNED?" COMING! BY POPULAR REQUEST! EVANGELIST end MRS. E. KRAFT MUSICIANS end VOCALISTS APRIL 4th tte .th *Where the word or God la net bouaad" ad alsa visited Mr. -J-amesW rents, Mn. and Mns. S. R. âmes, Centre Street.w Miss Pat Riiey, Wbitby; Mn. hi ýhn Rundie and Mn. Howard Je undle Jr., Toronto, were Ri eekend visitons with Dr. and îs H. B. Rundle, Queen St. rs. G. C. Squire, London, ai nt., is a guest this week with w' rand Mrs. Rundie.M Hj Mrn. Hanny Wade, D.D.G.M., in strict 42, and Mrs. Wade, da wtonville; Mn. and Mns. M: aret Goheen, Mn. and Mrs. at crb Powell, Bowmanviile, tic tended the Odd Feiiows andm ýbekahs Centennial Raily at .Thomas on the weekend. a tIns. Robent Oliver, Catby d Kimberiy have neturned Trenton after spending the P'l st week'-with *Mrs. Oliver'es 'ents, Mn. and'Mrs. Francis Ru iiamis, Prince Street. Miss Lii iey Williams ai Toronto nol ;o spent the weekend at fmc me. A. J. 'rf. and Mrs. J. A. Carpen- toc 1and children, Janet, John lai JDavid, Guelph, wene East- îcM weekend guests ai Mns. not rpenter's mothen, Mrs. E. ma en, and also o! ber sister ser 1brother-in-iaw, Mn. and sE. Bethune and family, sey Street. A. En. and Mns. Sydney Ven- We b ave just netunned home we: rn Weston wbene tbey wene Mr bharge af their son's famiy, and tt and Mary Venton, wbiie and zabetb and Donald bad an and oyable holiday cruising of *ng the Islands af the dir Lbh for two weeks. Mrx and r. and Mrs. Ronald Hall and 1Nancy, Chatham,. spent Mn. er weekend wtb his par- par sMn. and Mns. James Hall, erty St. North. On Friday IV journeyed ta Kingston ta don Mr. and Mns. Ronald f ra: 's son Jimmy wbo ilataI in1 fing Queen's Univenuit:r enjc ongratulations are in ander wea Fli the3 REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Scugog Street MWnster: Rev. A. VandenBerg, B.A., B.»., M.Tb. Worship Services 10 a.rn. 7:30 p.rn. 11:15 arn. Sunday School Back To God fleur CKLB Every Sunday, 9:15 p.rn "Everyone Welcome' TRINITY UNITED CHUR(H Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. SUNDAY, APRIL ind, 1967 OTHE WAY 0F THE BURNING HEART" SUNDAY SCHOOL 0:30 a.n. - Junior, Intermedjate and Senior UN:96amr. - Boglnners 11:20 a.rn. - Priumry and Kindergarten John E. James, MontreaI, Que., vere weekend visitons witb is parents and aiso Mrs. Faines' mother, Mns. Irene Îobents, Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. Kelvin Symons rid son Ian ai Port Credit 'ere weekend visitons witb Enr. Symons' mother, Mrs. farding and Rev. A. W. Hard- ng, Liberty Place. On Mon- ly they visited the fanm of nr. and Mns. Harry McCamus t Ida and watcbed the opera- in of sap gathering and apie synup making in their [gar bush. Mns. McCamnus is daughter of Rev. Harding. In the "Retinements" write- pappearing in the Marcb 3sie « thieýGoc1year Tire & ubben Company af Canada mited "Wingfoot, Clan," we ote the foilowing retirees om the Bowmanviile plant: Falls, 37 years service; F. Lane, 32 years; F. S. Lux- 1, 30 years, and S. R. West- ce, 24 yeans. Aiso in the lilestones" o! the Clan we )te that S. Froats ai tbe Bow- anville plant bas 20 yeana rvice. Guests with Mn. and Mrs. H. Ciemens, Concession St. est, during the weekend ne Mrs. Sidney Hugbson, rand Mns. Gien Hughson id David, al ai Toronto; Mn. id Mrs. Lavenne Ciemens kd Mrs. Antbur Blanchard, ail Hampton. Easten Sunday nner guests were Mn. and rs Laverne Ciemens, Mr. id Mns. Norman Ciemens Id Keith, Scarborougb, and rand Mrs. Ken Maguire af irny Sound.E MIr. and Mrs. Wiiined Main- nald have just retunned : )m a three-week's vacation the United States. They joyed a week ai ioveiy ather in St. Petersburg, rida. On the way norin s ?y spent neanly a week with s. Maindonaid's niece, Aima, b er husband Major R. K. iston, who bas just retunn- fnom a year's service in tnam. Major Winston is w stationed at Langley d Air Base, Hampton, .ginia, and bie and bis fam- are living in that city. s.Maindonaid also visiter! iriends in Hampton and iby Wiliiamsburg. Years before comîng ta Bow- :? nville, Mrs. Maindonair! nt thnee yeans as a teacher Hampton Institute. M OBITUARY CHARLES DAVIS Mrs and Win ed Viet n9w Fieli Virg iiy Mns, aid near ago, 'man spcn 'at E Cha 72, bar( 21st Fun augi --Buri Men cduc the War the a ME inE her ,ougi ket Geor thef benta foaur Saun jwortl Jose IV. tial efunenai service ion :Ye les Herbent Davis, aged!: ea, wbo died in Peter- igh Hospital an March (X w held fnamn the Kaye 1~ 'ai Home in Peterbon- on Thunsday wîth the J. E. Adam oiiiciating...... J was in Rosemount 1e niai Gandens. Davis was born and L tcd in Bethany, the son ýlate John Davis and I« )rmer Many Jane Wîddis . ing the First Wonld he senved overseas witb 'anadian army. He was , nher af St. Paui's cbuncb . Lhany. Some yeai'u aga oved ta R.R.3, Peterbor- . and bad his awn man- irden. He attendcd St.~,. ~" Chuncb in that cîty . is survivcd hy bis wife.[ nimer Ada Saundera; two Bruce a! Peterbonough, r!, Toronto; anc bra- Wiifred Davis o! AI- six gnandchildnen and great-grandchildren. bcarers were Willamn ers, Theadoire Davis, Saundens, George Euls- .Hilliard Davis andI5 KING i Petrie. ALEX McGREGWF STREET WEST PRESCRIPTIONS - I.D.A MII cSocaI & f(Persornal Phone 623-33031 88 "l *LIP~hIfl VWLIEU - BUMMUBLI Pli p rný m IW