0ENEIALS FINIH EAILY TRI ?AR 1Foflowlng rlght -on the heels oi bctng à Menioril 9valist last year - you would have tg sey Uic Osh Qcucrals dldnt have e viry auccessiUj 1988-67 season. rmls hung up their skates over a wcek ago - Mrch to b. exact, mter gong down ta Uder 26th dci cet of 48 game junior "A" sehedule. Sa tic Generals flilsed up e littie erlier thus yis about two months ta b. exact! Tii. way Oshawa woufli bgs year., certainly no onc. would bet on theni golngr tbrough ta tà~ national final - but once they ceught there wau no atapping thezn - cxcept for thc knec lnjum Bobby Orr Whlch rulncd their chances ta capture Uic M, orie. Cup. .Bobby oi course ls a clnch ta win the Calder Tri, as; rookie oftUc year ln tic N.H.L., along wli a berti the second ail-star teani. Ris. presenci alan. in a Gener ifiMIrm wauld have been en ough ta lift the. club et leai couple ai positions. Also misslng thus ycar wcre Di O'Shea, currently wittii Canada's National teani, Wa: Cashinan,- rated a -sure-flre N..L.'er and Bill Heindl, b wlth Oklahioma City, league-leeders in Uic Central circuit. t j. j. NO-HUM 900 AGAIN Well tiiey're still knocklng off the. 900 triples at Liif Bowl, but inst wcek ht happened ta a guy wio hms tur. the trick before. Ernie Perfect ratiled off glames of 291, qnd 323 for a big 911 total. Once agairi - aur congratulati on an excellent bowling effort. Must ask Ernie one. ai il days how many 900's he hus ta lits credit. i. j. . j. j TOWN LEAGUE FINALS During the regular schedule, cveryone used ta «What's the matter wiuii Crystal Dalry, Uhey've gaI too g a teani ta be lri last place." But now tint tie chips are the lin., Crystl have emergcd as favorites ta capture Town Lengue Chanxpionship. In the opening gaine ai the best aif ive final tic Dai mcn edged regular sciiedule runncrs-up Olympia Restaun 4-3. The series continues every Thursday nlght, starting eight o'clock. t jtj j COMMERCIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Don't ask this reporter to pick the Commercial Leag champion. There sure isn't mauci ta chaos. between Utht clubs, but Mutton & Gould Sheil edged Walter Frank R Estate 4-3 Suridny momning t taktek.ei sertes lead. Fi gae.ln tic best of five final cnded in e 4-4 lie. Players and fans should note Uhal Uic Ufrd gaine ti sertes will be played ai e Iter Urne than usual. Thts Sunda: encounler gels uriderway at nine 'clock. t j. j. t. j JR. TOWN LEAGUE PLAYOFFS Ken's Men's Wear, regular schedule league-leaders, mov back ite contention for the Junior champlanshtp, defeati Nichalis Motors 2-1, Sunday nigit. NichaIs lead the besi live sertes 2-1, wlithUiceiourth gamc slated for 7:30 this Su day cventig. Siould b. a busy nîgit for Steve Burns w plays *for bath Ken's and Frank Real Estate of Uic Car mercial loop. j. j. t 0..L.PLAYOFFS- ~layoffseillby the waysde lnlast week'a action, while tl a nal fBwavlesrmlln enstite0MH The bantains, mter loang the first gaine of the came roaring back to ern 10-4 and 5-1 decisions on hom Ice. Pourth gaine was played ln Georgetown Tuesday nigh- alte repart appearing elscwhcre la the Stateaman. Shoui asudden-death fifth encounter b. necessary, It Winl go th] S8aturday, 5:30 p.m. et the Memorlal Arena. Mter teanis renialnlng ln the titi. hunt Include Thoral the London suburb of Oak Rlidges and ???____ Bowrnanvllle's nidgets appeareci to be favorites to rec< the Ontario fins, despite a 3-2 flrst ganie setback in Col lingwood. The locals battled frorn behind twlce ta buldid 4.2 lcad heading into the third perlad, here Saturday nighl The. bocals had kept tic pressure on for much af thi ,second and this reporter figured they had Coilingwood ci the. run. Howcver, ln thic final twenty minutes the boy, forgot about playing Uic puck and cancentrated an thumpirl the apposition, A few penalties dldn't help the cause as tht vistors quickly tled Uic count and netted thc wlnner sever milnutes framn the end. Samnebady has ta win, someone has to jose. Coilingwooý deserved a lot ai credit, but ts was one tinie, withoui trying to saund too partial, tint this corner thought Bow. Inanville had the bitter teani, as long as Uiey stuck tc hockey. t. j tj. t. t JUNIOR SOFTBALLERS Anyone wishlng ta participate in the Junior Town sout bail League this season is nsked ta get their naines ln b: the cnd of ttus month. If you are lnterested contact cither of Uic failowlng - Don Bishop, Jini Clarke, Frank Brittai or Gord Wallace. 1j.. WOUwD YOU BELlE VE? Don't look now but yet another 900 triple was registered this week. Frlday nlght, bowling ln Uic Mlxed League, Liberty Bowi's fine upstanding manager, AI "Goose" Osborne scatter- cd Uic pins for 311, 324 and 293 gainis, addlng up toa whopping 928 triple. j. j. . t. j MORE HELMETS At Uic O.B.A. convention làx Hamilton last Frlday and Saturday anc af Uic moat Important rule changes conccrnec the use of helmets. Now when Uic batter gets on base, he miust kcep Uic heinuet on as added protection. MEMORIAL ARENA W0WMAN VILL PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY* MAftCH 24th SUNDAtYD MACH 2M0, igfrs u = uI T6 . eb a cup hawa Gen- 11Ui r- t ir Maj"or Lgi ram- Ermite Pericet i th mark .for Uic secondUie OPhy season. Perfect had a 91k h on thc Mlxed Major and on M Irais' nesday aigu came thro' t a 291-297-323 for hlm total1 Rnny fall. àyne Twa bowlers muade the bath bracket. Jack Parker bai% 861 (3164266-279), Bud B Pro ning had 828 (192-298-338, Eight bowlers bettered 700 mark. Don 0k. 754 (20 Ron Mecan 744 (270-21 Harold Michelson 722 and erty high single game :) the ni ned 345, Russ "Dutch" Halln 297 715 (255), Brian Martyn' (272-273)' Frank "Sports1 ýins tor" Mohun did it age hese Mohun, md 704 (242).L week w. leit the Editor's na out ai the paper and natura w. gat n -big blast from1 king af sports. Larry Pi] gay, 701 (266), Russ Hately good (290). Jim Houck had a 316 sin. oni gaine, Harry Akey 311, the Osborne 285, Norm Henni 276, Murray Tighe 270, K Ir-Piper 268, Maurice Richai 266, Howard Brorneil 264a rant Bob Richards 262. tet The Jury & Loveil teanmw ail high honors, having a hi single gaine ai 1303 as wel] high triple 3439. Lowell MacDougal foundc gue the honeymoon was aver toWednesday night. MacDoui WOhad a single gaine ai 99.1 Leal certainly toak a lot ai kiddir rst Garfe Clarke had a low trir ai 436 while the Treasurf the Fred Cale, had 444. Pepsi Cola took anat] ay'B stranglehold on first pia when they gained anoti point over second place Ker Men's Wear. The Pepsi ki have 23 points, Ken's Mer ïcd Wear 20. Ing AI Osborne tops tic ave ai ages at 247, Howard Brant is hitting 243 wiile Bob La in- ton dropped ta 238. Perie rho with uis big 911 jumped m- 4th place, averaging 237. llth Week - 2nd Schedulg Teanu Standing Team W L IM Pepsi Cala 23 10 23 A.Ken's Men's Wear- 20 13 20 th Benver lai Luber.. ..17 16 17 e Gould 17 16 17 L G. A. 17 16 17 2,Dykstra's - 17 16 17] .ne Whyte Bras. - 16 17 16 hNels Osbornie Insuance- 15 %z 17%/ 15, Id Selby Grant lis Hcating - 15 18 15 Lander iHardware - 15 18 15 Jury & Loveli 14 19 14 Frank's Chi Variety 111/z211/'hi il- Averages aName Games Avq aAI Osborne _ 33 24 t. Howard Bromell - 33 24 he Bob Lawton 33 23 5n Ernie Perfect - 33 23 Dr. H. Rundle 33 23 YLarry Piper - 33 23 tg Murray Tighe 33 22 ie Ed. Leslie -___ 33 22 !n Maurice Annaert - 33 22 Don 0k. _ 33 22 Ted Bagnel 33 22 )d Jack Parker - 33 211 it Brian Martyn - 33 2:91 *New'ville- Starkville Bowling League Averages MagMcDonald 184 Dori Tompkins 179 Edri ia It___-___177 Marlîne Stacey- 168 Mary Skeiding 16g Marie Trinu_______164 Ina Brown _____162 Laura Miles ______160 Dot Stark ______159 Berniece Henderson 159 Bernicce Stark _____157 Marg Wade ______153 Joyce Stacey15 Olive Henderson14 Ifelen Henderson 142 Shirron Brown - 134 Joy Brown _____ 3 Betty BothW.Il 126 Lorna Demnis 120 Shirey mrten113 Netti.savm op8 ne « uOver B. 3enderm n317.22U, L. Pennis M, IL McDonald 2»9 J1TOMnpI 2»38, E. Elloit 330 M Trrn220, ML Skelding 212. 58 42 Last Friday evening, March l7th, the Courtice Secondary School Grade 9 Girls' basketbail team won the 1967 L.O.S.S.A. Bantam Basketball Championships which were piayed at McLaughlin C. and V.I. A good deal of the credit goes to the team's coach, Debbie Reynolds, and ta the manager Kelly Johnston. High scorer for the Courtice team was flianna Cowies. The final game7 went into overtime and' Donna Jahnson ,sank the winning basket for Courtice. The calibre of campetitions was extremely high. Ail the teams payed well and exhibited good sportsmanship. The officiating was excellent and the team wouid like ta thank ail the officiais. Members of the team, front row, left to right, Marg Hamilton, Lyla Osborne, Capt. Sheila Coburri, Diana Cowles, Kathy Forster; back row, Coach Debbie Reynolds, Brenda Morden, Gayle Bebee, Marion Ellis, Donna Johnson, Mary Ruskay; absent, Manager Kelly Johnston and Sharon Artymn. Courtice girls defeated McLaughlin 16-8, Centrai 7-6, Henry St. Colingwood Ousts Midgets From Provincial Selu-Fials Goodwin 43___1 Selleck _________37 Winnmng Cain -_____36 Wni Two StaihdGmes Colville___ 35 Collingwood avercame a 4-2 goal of the. opening 20 minutes The clincier went into tic Etcher _________28 second periad deficit ta fire with Bowmanvile tying it open net with goa lie Doug ghSnl four urianswered third period carly ti the second. Colling- Hayes out for a sixth attacker.HghSne goals and defeat Bawmanville wood forgcd in front seconds Michael Livingstone flred a R. Selleck 281-218-215, R. 6-4, Saturday rugit at thc later, but tic home teain ap- pair ta lead tic winners, Etcher 216-271-241; J. Tuckcr Memorial Arena. Tic win gave plieLI tic pressure ta go an singles going ta Alan Bell, 262-233, F. Burns 261-236, J. Collingwood thc best ai tire. top 4-2 aiter two periods ai Wayne McKay, Paul French Brome]l 220-252-237, M. Brad- Ontario Midget semi-fimal ser- play. and Doug McKecn. ley 225-233, C. Bradley 228. ies in two straigiit gaines, Collingwood counted twice B o w ina n ville goal.getters 220, B. Wereszczynski 223, D. aiter iaking tie opener 3-2 in in tic flrst four minutes ai were Greig Corden, Bruce Piper 223, S. Cain 230, M. Colhingwood. thc third and notcicd tic win- Simpson, Grave Bennet ad Marshall 203-245, B. Colville Ti visitors scored tc ion. er wii seven minutes let. Kim Rogers. 243-204, R. Bromeli 268, W. Lewis 251, K. Cobb 226-211. Town League Hockey R thrHlgh Triple 73 R. Selleck _______714 Crystal Edges Olympia 4 m3F.Brn 4 C. Bradley 627 5 ~ 'iIf fB. Colville _ _ _ -621 R. Bouwmeester____38 B. Ruiter ____364 SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Goodwin 5, Colville 2, Etci- er 5, Sealeck, 2; Bradley- à', C a in 2 . e m S a d n - - -- - -r--f - - - - ýwi u a basement tirougiaut the. reg- gle markers in tic first. Don Olympia held an ta, preserve ular schedule, Crystal Dairy Prout's goal at tic seven min- tic opening gaine decision. Atroesinc gain ttti eu e t ansfhe adlne in-od extsroattacker. But phve onc te agin iat play utc mark ai the efinal period eies Pot, o tie tCys off formula, Tiursday nugit. winner. "Hank" Lane, Gary Bagnell In the besi of-five Town Lea- Trailing 4-1, Olympia, sec- and Ted Fairey. gue ciampionsiip, opening ond place finishers in tic Joe Balson neited a pair gane, Crystal jumpcd inticth regular sciedule, dlicked ai for the lasers, with Dan Gir- sertes' lcad by edging Olym- 11:35 and again four minutes ardi picking up tic single. pia Restaurant 4-3. 'Inter ta nnrrow tic gap ta a The Little N.H.L. appreclal- The Dairymnen fired a pair single goal. cd tic excellent co-operation ai unnnswered second period Wien Crysinl's Gary Coop- by tic Town Lengue, I de- tallies ta ek. a 3-1 lad, a- cm was banlsiied for fnlling laytng tic start ai their gaine on tic puck at 19:20, Olympia for nearly an hour, sa tic applied tic pressure, wiii tic Bantams could play their On- goal-keeper ut ta give themIri semi-final contest. YouTrH1BOWLING BANNER PASSANT 623-3258 120 Duke St., Bowrnanvile *,[Me Insurance SIncorne Dlsabllty *Pension Plans *Group lusurane *Btsiness Insumanc * Estat. Planann Sun Lif. Asurance Vsmpmny .1 C»an ]BANTAM GIRLS Dadson 5, mountjoy Bromell 5, Tice 0; Bryson McMullen 2. Teani Standing Dadson i_______ Bromel________ McMullen_______ Bryson Mauntjoy Tice 11bSni D. Bromnell- _ I M. Ednuandson 1f B. Gibson 1 Higb Double D. Bromneli ___-___3C S. Dnvcy 25 Shred 4, Combes 1; Van- Preece 3, Ruiler 2; Preston Drici 3, Jncknxan 2; Donogiuc 3, Wilson 2; Bauwmeester 3, [e3, Jenson 2. Hlod2 TeamStaningTeam Standing She 8Preston ___36 Coombes 26Wilson ______- 29 Jenson ________ 3Precce _________25 Donoghue Hl21 d1 Jackman -__-------- __ 10 IRuiler 10 M1gb single Hlgh Single 1 N-Sre 7 B. Holroyd31 R. Donoghue 18B. Preston - -___249 R.mgh Do 287 R. Bouwmeester 219 . Sizh ______287G. Edmondsan ___201 K . S h r e d2 2 2 M O I S D o u b l e JUIOm GRL B. Halroydi 427 RUIIiIDg b, PI»~,S~ latieldB. P e t .n 5, Ayre 0; McMurter 3, Mack- 0li2.Team Standing 3:Mackln ________30 Patfield _________30 38 __________ 26 27 Ayre .25 24 McMurter ________10 24 19 11gb single 18 D. Bradley _ 273 S. Firth _______259 67 D. King 202 50 F. Hennlig '- 200 45 111gb Double D. Bradley 471 03 D. King 393 56 P. Henning 392 Cou rtice Girls Win LO.S.S.A. Titie --BINGOM-- PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE $9,500 IN PIZES including Brand New 1967 AMBASSADOR Sedan or $2,000 la Cash; $1,000 HI-La Game; $1,000 8mai! Snowbail (52 nos.); $1,900 Big SnewbaU (must be won et Ibis Binge); $600 regular rames; $450 special rames. PLUS - A upeclal game for a Brand New Coleurel TV Plus 4 Early Bird Games (Share the Wealth) at 7:30. Ben't forget to buy thee ccenmy pack for value ad Many Free and Valuabi. Door Prizeb FIRST ANNUAL MUIIPLHAOWON MARCH 22-23 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Daily SEE NEW I (II~U 1967 LIN! LcICILLVCI BOATS- GARDEN EQUIPMENT AND MARINE ACCESSORIES - TRAILERS Corne S.. . . - end Buy ai Special Low Prices FREE AMISSZO Chldenuner15yersmstbeacomanedhyrentEsRET Sponsor.d by MRINU WATrSON'S. Y le ORONO -. ONTARIO iSPORTO-RICS, Bowxnanville's Ontario titie-hoiders, Sharlene Cala mnd Connle Bradley wlill be bowling la the Senior Girls Double Canadian Charnpionshlps at Scarborougha Aprile Lanes, starting this Sunday at two o'clock. The girls also bowl on Monday and Tuesday at noan and four o'elock bath days and at 8 amn. Tuesday rmornlng. *1 * t j. t .t SPORTSMEN'S SHOW AND HOCKEY Up ta last week, this reporter just hadn't even got araund to attending the Sportsnien's Show. But flnally last>- Wednesday we made It, and you know what part w'. lked best? - The dog show. Neyer have we seen tincn place 80 many different doggies - big anes, mediumn size and even tlny canines. How sheep dogs see through ail that hair we'll neyer know. And St. Bernards dan't reaily eat so much - only onc pound of ment per day. That's flot sa bad - but their owner told me that they also devour ten gaod-slzed dishes af regular dog meal. Holy mackerel though - they sure are big animals. Most af the dags seemed quite friendl, ranging lni ail varieties of spaniels, poadies, cornles (by the way w.e saw several lassies), scatties, etc. Hawever, we sure are glad that one particular dalination was tin a cage. He looked frlendly enough - but sure didn't like me. Most entertalning feature was watching the retrievers lin action. Not being a hunter, and neyer having seen -onc of these dogs in action, we were simply amazed at how extreme- ly well-tralned they are. To the command af a whistle these dags appear alrnost human in their abllity ta pass the sternest test - that of retrieving a hidden bird. While the dogs captured aur fancy. there were pienty of other things ta see, particularly for you campers, cottage owners, boaters, hunters and fishermen. Wp' spent three hours at the Showr, which wasn't enough. But we just had ta get over ta the Gardens ta sec the Detroit- Toronto game. The Sportsmen's Show was much more eitertaining. t + BEACH NOVICE FINALS Bowmanville's busy novice aUl-stars reached the finals In a, Napanee Invitatianal Taurnament Saturday, iosing out ta ane af the district's top teams - Lindsay. In the flrst game goal-keeper Mark Siemnon posted the shutout as the locals defeated Brockville 5-0. Rory Gibbs, with four goals in the taurney, notched the winner ln over- time to enable Bowmanvlle ta edge Trenton 3-2 lni the semi-final affair. Don Spicher coilected three goals, with the others going ta Dennis Livingstone and Grant Luxton. It has been a busy year for the novice team, involving some 75 gaines to date. Not only have tihe boys been on the go, but the parents have been providing a lot of support as well. The next tournament is caming up this Saturday in Peterborough, and the novice along with pee wee and bantama clubs wiil ail represent this zone lni the Little N.H.L. finals the folawing week - Thursday, Friday and Saturday eat Cobourg. SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE PASS For Two te the SAT., MARCH 25J 1967 C pks t st the ý-ýýSHOW MOTORS FREE ADNUSSION ORONO -- ONTARIO