li.cndetatesmen, Eownmvmel Mur. M2In 1961 A . __________fin-respctada Celebrate 50 Wed-' nniversathe events wM lb. 'eUf-fin. and was heldin h lhs eb ae 5 tfl Iig A n ie a y a aSoenticipa l fian.aesean d affwctinb im Clarke School Board CuIng mmorn d- an.'ouow r ica acl amU Vence of $50Int c highly revered In t e n ui gN w fl0' 00,'0 was move J.aâ cars by lher cirl ffml Haàiton and seconded by and frlends. f% C E L U I ~ ~ ~ P la n ~Jas. White for oveqamet of Masatos and En ono hemei:Hp ~~JiJ1u OI u U lîu ln g ~~~~~taxes and Jae& Lawrencels Port Crédit aretis eendbseoMrJi Rbno. O n S h o B lld n l nfina~l remuneration as Bldg. te bld au revoir ahrmt.Tetyatne n e Inspetor, motion by Ernest er memer.sneaupan On March l3th at Kendal, cd Mr. Grcenwood. into a blanket caverage andSan and John Hamilton. for ber home a oln nteofcr eeeetd8 3fr. l Greenwee td ta The chairnian stated that said he was of the opinion that By-Law 1141 having been Saturday p.m. MriadIflos rsdnMs an 'I;Qtke Townshilp uE'Scool further Information was tre- improvements would resuu gi-Lnawo11rAinsoaing h and rea iehldy!Vc rsdnt i u »b i r d o n t h e. b u ld i g p r o _ q u e t d b y t h e O M B a n d t h a t w i t h t h e lo s in g o f t h e o nle - d e i t n e t s a a y o s i g o gramnfor the Clarke Area. this information had now been roorn achools. He said he had uby-Law I 141..a ppestabling r. and s. a rihsScrtr resrr M.Wt 111 0"e his remark, hent out by the Township. The contacted Mr. Lycett in this wubje t )h.O. rapprgonalcaoerthis eeka aloi'Mr otnKrl n r Stated thati t was originally Reeve, lie uaid, as anxious to matter. mot in o ato nrad G on ntheliretuns nRthe the Intention of the Boerd to get thé~ programi for thc new Secretary H. Best infornxed tisisditing ased maintain the present twoqoom sdbool underway. the Board that this school areatisaddcrdP8ed On Sunday, M.adMs OaoTw alo ad 8 idicols and te add on to theni It lias corne to me that we was affected most favourably The 1967 Roada Budget as Victor Malcolm, r enna :0pm yLcl6,pr Mnd te close out the onc-room are taklng grades out of the on the new capital cast grantS ugsebyDHOwadi-Mlomndi OM under a three-year Orono Slgool ta Kirby," said available for new schools. He sgeed b .e.. was0fo dnis aoslend isLnaWl-ps fstigu e o ;vag Ne nild Erown's Mr. Grèenwood. "This was pointed. out.that under the old scs d e.$37,000 for mcin- mai etetnae, n e'frCareTwshpacon- neasflt inlud.d for neyer thoughttof""lhe said, "net system in use lnx 1966 the tuenan.Tspdesnt a in-telphMlom fDosesadmremmesw truinan d 3ThisOoo foremain-:teMalch ani eeget utn euarbsns.Mm O*as Unic h program. even Grades 7 and 8. It wiil Board would have received a4ld n upemnayS.Mls He si that thc 8-roomn relieve sorne of the pressure sum Of $160,000 from the propriation and the sum aof achool at Kirby, expected te be off the Orono School such as province for the construction $8,000 more was suggested for cmnpleted thi year, and the tudents who naw attend from af the new Klrby School. attl0 6,0 rardc tW'p-roomn addition plut gym uouth of Kirby and east te Under the new rates the tion of gros, raads expendi- at- Kendal, aise te bc coin-.Iendal. provincial grant is expected uefrm16fo197f Pleted ti year, would coni- Sanie have stated, he said, ta caver 90 %. of the cost which f500.Mt o r yCunil it1ete thceprogramf. The' two- that we should build a 16-roorn in the Kirby case wauld be cilam anedGeisthaetedCpo- imm n addton at Kendal, he school in Orano but the Plan- $260,000, an increase of $îbo,- cri. p roceed t ugetdpo add, would ailow space for nlng Board couldn't sec this 000 lover the grant based ongri.Cred atudents of thc Crooked Creck because it would create a the 1966 systemn. A motion by J. R. Hamilton "Cbol great traffic prablem and It was pointed out that the and seconded by Gordan Get- In hi. report he tated that would not have adequate play- two-raom addition and gymitn htdlgtst nai thc Board was walting for ap- grounds. In connection with at Kendal would be under the Good lRoads Convention be proval of the Kirby Scheoel a Senior Public Schaal, hie alid system ai grants as it paid at rate af $10 per day fre »tic Municipal Board. "It sald that there were not came, under work oi 1966 for pu eesr u fpce has bee approved by ail oth- enough pupils aIt tc present its appraval. expenses, was carried. on," le stated. The Kendal time, less than 200. The Board set a palicy for Further discussion was held a~ito la rcivdfia I hreot i carmnpayment ai broken windows on tic subject ai the Wardcn's adiito a an lvd final J In it ha t t hirychaal athti schools wiereby a stu- Banquet and alsa a reminder *Pale a b n ittldPascold ba e uiray Sfo usedent will pay a 25% portion given ta ah boards and depart- thé Board vcry shortly it was by September or a monthai e std . ST ave n was m eni t erethr 1budget stated. .later. He said bath the pprereethe ad by Mr. J. Suten o t aien ure 19i7 anth "I have been' asked what is cnt and tic 1966 Councils ofa te oarcdueCara naskedfr arhv e etnin byth holding up thc KIrby School," Clarke appraved ai thc schoapol indu e n mbro er i utated Mr. Grcenwood. HeC building program. wiowcsting brknwI Marcha7th2meeting clalnued that the Clerk f the M rs. Barlow stated that sie lc e.heme o îin Up ta 2 flO ahM r an .S u t Yo g Township had taken exception still fel that the building pro-sre a eTi desionai ticeMr. and Mn. Stuart Youn tse the prese n Ree e ram urp s e t nwrn decisian af tic principals who Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Young John Rundle, (Evelyn) Mrs. tic family. For tic occasion and services, in aainbsnse aecx was holding up the app oval . "Yau in heDaentmen- are able ta decide ticircum- ai 67 Duke St., Bowmanville, Ernie Frln, (ahle)tic table a beautiulîy dcc- lagdoru- ,,,ur d ro icsca tn e n e h c p o e t e e t y e e r tFtei 0 h M eer n (K ath e n) r te . G o dwa s he d (Inr thedlfo nlast dweek thoe. r. e aend sid nil fore agtiwe, sh arcdid damaged. wedding anniversary at tic (Bernicce) Mrs. David Hale- also received irom Oshawa, Annie McQuade visited with Jeans. If youarthkngbotodningre- nw. Mr.uGgee tod dic eeve w t upra ding aur The Board ausa approved a home ai their daughîer and waod. Bowmanville and Caliiornia tic Archer familles ai Part panding your uies rs.rin e nepie won at etic s teo theboardapproac are sysnet m," saic stat-Centennial tre p 1 a n t i n g son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Tic family cnjoycd a lovcly where Mrs. Young's sister re- Hope and Cobourg.annedfacil * p s thth M upl board e ducational saued wîsh at a schcme on sciool properties Fernlund, 40 Duke St., Bow- dinner which was preparcd by sides. Glad ta hear tiat Mrs. andi nee nha an1fina they Mudi "Tipa l crk ook eid oncr. Stutconec tionwiîîwhich had been prescnted by manville. Mr. and Mrs. ___________________________ George Wilson is pragrcssing Snf help you. theyd goe "Tver i ls adk tat- sui as auxirclases? "Na threpresentatives ai tic Depart- Stuart Young werc prescnted fvual nii xetdt tcpi n t h s a i g w h .ui lasse s've " Nsai ment f Lands and Fo rsts. A with a living-ro m rug, a gald returix home fromn Port Perry M.. BalowtensatdthIanle Kirby Sciooi property floral arrangement iram their rtw riaht Hositantoay tic two present building pro- in whicî ail types af Irces iamiîy. NoSympnal ,cltendedla M. ND ST IA grama could be and should be will be plantcd and namned. It Best wisies were received Aseilmein fI -vsi eti ont nte1trNrme Mcalmeran dagn put lagetier. "We know Kirby was feitthlat suci a planting fr secalmetig i ar- ist erailpins n icte Nrmaver-MrrhiVaDE itcwrnplcishudwould have educational value. w5EcclnyGv r tCuelwshl ntwnhpadt iihu tCamp) ai Blackstock and son Thor's he wr le pula t so isGrades 7 and 8 in all schools nor-General and Madame Febr u ncil was ie1d6 on thi s ii n afiihu tGlenn oi Edmonton in tic TEVEO M NTB N T h e re be w ere Honorabletioruary areti, 1967.artTiitticn Caesarea tRegatta.Ho orable matiiggwasfa rîcird wuîe-ande step-eaTERMttINANCINGpasFORg oNADIAN wBUSanNESSES t s h e s ai d . M r . T awy c r y e t ni o n N r e be fo rti c t s te r B .iPC a sn a ; r i m u e M i n a n t ta d ir e c tio n fr o m t ic la s t th e w is i a n d t ic d e s ir e oi m o th e r , li e fo r m e r M in n ie D aatte egI upr ftee-ticed ai tic seryooltr. teieroCadandr Muse. regular caunicil meeting. caunicil that tic whole town- Gibbons. Aunt "Gibby" was TODRONTO, OT20 UnvsyAeue-lphe:3814 Mht grmr.. didn"I w ndAomtieson was passCd oney ..,ad Mrs TeSalary Sciedule and re- shi il aticipate in tiese a dcvoted malier and grand- statef uteration heyfeeliNo.H1141.celebralians, and iaI most of mother talier adoptcd family, ticachos rowl a n place bt Wm. Turansky and James Present la share in tic was given two readings on mo- ~ Oron. Sc sid us as oLwery autionîzing thc bor- happy occasion with their lion ai Councîllors Swain and somi Oonbt.Ssaic h was rntalrowing for current expendi- malien and fatier wcre ticir Gettins and ordce cand tic Board was not offeing lures in an amount net ta cx- four daugiters (Doratiy) Mn,. in a couple of small detals. AND RDE""IISCERATED bonxthing more ln educalion. ceed $60,00. Tic secrclany Several deputations were Ma- Ge~wod taed " oun ciairma etmlI bis Business rcoy present: Jas. K. Lawrence ai Mr.amountwwould beeamplern_______________Nestîcton witi Cecil WilsonYON A talk of auxlllary classes -tcya.~AEaa we haven't got any prablems." .the e c and Dick Davison nepresent- "W.areawa beindWesern Enrolment In thc township C Counfancy ing respectivcîy tic Historical Ontario in thc type ai educa- sciools amounlcd ta 795. Tic -Society and tic Prcsbyterien R K E Y Thsoe uafl rN =«bas a tion wc are offering," statcd secretary", Mn. H. BesI, notcd i RAY J. DILLING Chunci Board, explained liaI i» \ rgli t awflbischt wenMa-s. Banlow. Tiere are aux- decrease in 5-ycar-alds in lie Chartered Accountant lic Presbytenian Churci iad ~FOE ROA le toseefnlCrpbgha ay Wsssfo icsowrtownship -this ycar with 96 93 Churci Street given approval ta deed la tic maE CYOA ~ uMar optuiy clases for es oemparcd ta 105 in 1966. 623-3861 Township a parcel ai land. attend prtMr. . a lo w wasceii Ptar M .H OGN ii i ctnyprina .0LS V.H Y ar ~LuL~çora~ythc glfted, wc could surely be Mn.H alo a a- M- -- ' reSsoin 0=n? -rf id e&s p, M ,a ow. *ar. ~itt stated eBo ard upon Chthe -ÂasinIn ma-en a;, inNe, can nd U tocted bis iivatodc, bilinstaI. tliey were behlnd Western TcBaduanhitah15le S.S~ Bwavlew Mu e um has a Mr.catindo and equzprent aguinat boss. Ontînia and siould be upgrad Woiydcso aet rcc IonLI63-362.lHAMusem wich M. an widtiiedéciingai a pweodILAMC AL Mn,. J. K. Lawrence had don- .* IAtm.'ITE CANADA G RADE '" EviscERAIio We takopride, t0oon.provjd. lng ur t Kn neua:wt h riny ciofallo thinklngon educe atcd ta tic Township and ID~~,., w H L rNL kgic new site on . Bag.Cien-m. + wiici will bc maintained byueni I n g f a rr n a n s u r a n c e c o v e r a g e ti a n . ao w n . T i c w or k is n ot C ia r le ne d A c c o u ni ta n tli s a d H s o c a S c i t a is u C N A BR E A I C A T o to protect your incare, prop- Mr. Grcenwood mid tiat t b*îc lue nteenrcî6rigS.E, saa tesi itrclSceyof FEHCND RD A VSEA& ert ad ~znn. al u fréducation was as gaod as ticah e inludcd i lc cntTélé6pho K nS.e.,25-6a3 a Cartwright. Council apprv elb r#yandfüte. R ls fr, tudents and. parents. rmade it. iQn tic scio - s. . Tlpine2563 d ai tic anc condition, i.e., YUGTRES1,4 Tic problem gaca right back BURROWS, SELBY & CO. thal at suci lime as tic His- .......... ......... ta Uic home, said Mr. Green- CA hETUCartcned Accaunlants tonical Society or ils suc- wood, "«Tic clouer tic scicol LJL'UI) 323 King Stret West cessons siould bçcomc inactive ta Uc lme ic ettr".Oshawa, Ontario or extincl liaItich said prap- Tohere isme t a il han (Intcnded for lasI week) 725-6451 - 728-7554 crly would lien neyent la tic S"U ET ~ li" uaid M.S r t i erehe Cadmus U.C.W. nmmbes William A. D. Sclby, C.A. Presbytcnian Chunci. A mo-a Trefrresd Mr. childa-e stariegmet aI lic homeof-Ms G. Edmond Buraws, C '.. tion by Gondon Gelhins and refii oe r cas . Al e tarou g G~rabame Fisi, W cdnesday ev- r o r a E nst wan as p r v d JAN S chool at tire years oai-age EringstManci 8th, wlth 12 al»n ot uggcsting thu movenpesnî.Mri th ih1 liaItichedecision nesî until lic armne sggstngths ov Te reidntMr. oransubjecl ai said park and0 il daes show tic thinking we i reietMs.Nra uscumn grounds could be ap- 'hould :be undertaking," l~~ie rer opened thé meeting G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. poe yteCCR or with a r adi g o n E as er .fo r m a in ten a n ce . GBd EA Khag s&Cl. sald, . M.Genod.î iIlcHymn "Whcn I Aurvey tic Office : M Kin nt. . nowmvm taxpayewerc are han heWandrous Cross" was sung, 15 Elgin St., con, ai Honsey St. Mn. Lawrence, as retiring Offchipayewi ri tic resmoe nld followcd witi prayer by Mns. Phone 623-53509 Building Inspector, reported0 633-5681 m ngpywt h pr esgram. d orer. Office Hours: By appointment an lie number ai building in- 683-493ne rogam.Devolionul was given by .Jpecf ions incamplete and stut- Mn. James Laweny rcported Mrs. Keili Stinson enlillcd dtarth hngoie an thc grauping oi insunance "Tie Tide ai Batle Tunns" De ia Imcduteat ratier han ge oul 1mba "o" from tlaie bok esusaccpt a il4remncrtio poiu"Who wili rail away Bawmanvilie,- discussing lic Clint Walker, Jay North tic Stone" ta open lie Aftcn- InsuranC8 sgela icaigMr ______________________________________ noon Unit ai lie Ebenezer _____sur___a__i__c__esugestion pat. coding Mho U.C5lie.Wwchwsalnc DONALD A. MDcGREGOR Mr. Stnike an onden by thieTn Sunday Mid-Night Show, March 26th Ebyo lad isdi. Lufe, Auto, Home Judge could stnike liaI part Evcyon wa inencledhiInsurance af Mary Street tiaI iad neyer two quilts tiat iad been pre- 52 Kig St. W., Bowmanville been apencd, irom the Reg- 91 TIM Glotsf ~~~~paned by lie late Mrs. R. R. Poe6356 see ln sud quîlting. Gncî Councîl approved by Resa TheU.CW. eneal eet Lad urveying lutian Na. 3 an motion ai iMg tas i. ti ng was annaunced for Thurs - U uncillons Swain and Gtîa Poueo .SA a.N.1Gae PROu 0 F U.S.A. CAN. No.i 1 A vnFraiPk.o gohm e in te S nday, Marci 30 at 8 p.m. MERRILL D. BROWN tic closing ai Mary Street Hot EBuns Al Clr dut n«timetMrs. K. C. Hopkins present- P.ENG., O.L.S. nortierly from tic nartierly AIl ele Adut E tontlum nt d our study rai» "Tic 121 Quecix St. - Bwmanville limita ai Alexander Street. C a u mif lvw e r e a . c h U~Davd poa al a -. ks Church Graws in Canada". Bus. and Res. Telcpione Scout Master Harold Hum- * E E ~ V ~ BS UT O The toplc was "Chuncles and 623-7251 Ilton was present seeking per- Co.nlng Thuraday- Saturdoy, Mer. 30.- Ar. 1 Governmcnl", and dealt wlth mission for the erection ai Produce of U.S.A. Ca. No. 1 Grade M01.e 0 Canada's relationsiip betwce en Mo t 8Soecî. HEmbemsarf- Io ,Ç IL ea7 c ~ 4 A Pd70 Churci a n dCetnil csa Governzmezit, .g8 S Scot rCELLEReNT rS:er-LECTION 0V ea29 wiicb was describcd as co- SAIE HAMILTON --ORONO ned ta tic C.C.R. Board, by À - operation ai Churci and State. Phono 983-5115 motion ai J. R. Hamilton and Is Religion and education wene FrtMrgg ud G. Gettins. discussed, sbawing the great laiacs-Frn Messrs. Dalton Dorrell, Stan- %Yi fflWTNIo4TTOLWMIIIU A aalaleutai GAMuke vanel aan li povncs. Buie Prperties fard Van Camp and Harold Mrs. Carl Down gave the ____________ Hamilton, rcprcaentang Uic Kaster Meditation. Xveryon Cartwright Centennial Coin- ag0enjoycd a recording byth 0 o m e 1ry mittec, appraacied cauncil ne- Mormon Tabernacle Choiof_- garding Plans for a two-day Heavenly Fatier (Ava Maria) KEMT A. DILLEIT, O.. CentennAaî pragrarn and lils9 followed by lhc Hallelujah Optometrist finuncing. A tentative pro- Amen. 143 King St. E. - Bowmanville lject Ji a'Sponîs Day on June Dui oeylunch aerv- Office Hours: B y appointmP-ni 29tb with an open air dinner,g edinUW. DIckie and Telephone 623-3252 barbelque, etc., and an the Drs S. ovely teOODLINERnad Mas S ovny lelaisMon. - Tues. Thurs. - FP- followino evening P Canad anawcred a-ol oeil wlth details 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. 1birthdp'r paty-dancr 'uxd mld- DON lmLLGNPR RETI ai "The bous. where you werej Thursday evenings inlght show. plans alsom-ti: born'. Wed. and Sat. - 9 - 12 Iclude a tour or cavalcade to 1