IL. -'Eh. Canadisu Stateun&n, Bowmanme, 3Mr.22, lUI lý>r,.Rôtaf"lRem.anisces à,- Rl-otarians Extend Wefcome ,To.Three Incom-irg Membersý Three ncw members, Robert Rotar-y Club a few years ag »ykotra,, anc af Uic partners juat before thc Rotai-y Intez -Uf Dykatr' Variety Fooda, national Convention waa bl ýgen McKenzie, manager ai Uic in Toronto. "During 90 day '»ew B. Marys Cement Com- I spoke ta 85 Rotary Club piany plant, and Neale McLean, about thc tIen upcaming con ,manager ai Jury & Lovell's vention," ie said.* Prg Store, were tnductcd at One of the greatcst event oaluncheon meeting ai thc af thse Rotai-y calendar is it .lommnvüllc Rotary Club, faunding anniversary an Feru .Id at thc Flying Dutchman ary 23rd, tic speaker declar 40. Tlursday. ed. He also paid trtbute iq M~elent Bob Stevens of- the inte PauliHai-ris, tic orig ~y welcamcd the: new natai- ai Ratai-y. *icrbere. lHe was assisted by. He discussed - the ngedo An Induction Team composcd warld knowledge and undcr 8f nive past presidents, Dr. standing, and apake o I I<lt lemon, Dr. G. Edwin proclamation by Rotai-y Intcr ~(nGai-net B. Rickard, national President Ridhar rSet" Vice, and Dr. W. M. Evans published in ti dc.month's Rotary Magazine The birthdays ai Art Ribey, which refera ta the gi-cnt worl President-Elect AI Wither- tint can be done by Ratai-y b3 époan, and R. P. Rickaby, a fostering international underz .past president, werc celebrat- standing. qd by their fellow Rotarians. "In this nge wc must a11 Rosa Strike, Q.C., thc Chair- look beyond thc borders oi .Man oi thcPi-agi-arn Commit- oui- own countries and we j.e, introduced tic gucat must try ta do something foi peaker Joseph Caulder, a sameane cvei-y day," Mi-. Caul- TVoranto Rotaiin, who has dei- said, nnd he pointcd out been a member ai thc Toronto that ech individual Rotaim Ratai-y Club for 50 ycars. Mr. has tic oppartunity ai assist- 0%trike told thc club that Mi-. ing in thc attainment cl ,-Caulder is known as Ontario's Ratai-y Intei-national's goal '"Mi-., Rotar-y", and le said a lasting pence. this dat-y company executive Mi-. Caulder toid .tic cl haà madc a tremendous can- tint at a recent meeting ai the Ïributian to the organizatton, Toronto Rotai-y Club tic guest and las lield high office m' spcaker, Mauriçe Strong, Presi- Rotai-y International, ldent ai tic Pawer Campany] ,Mr. Caulder recallcd that le j ncai-poi-ated of Canada, lac had Iast vtaited Uic -local emphasized tic achievements I WHEN S HOPPING.. GOING TO A DANCE e , OR IN EMERGENCY - CALL .- (ah 500 mKing Taxi 3 LINES TO SERVE YOU 623-5500 - 623 -5561 623 -5822 *DEPENDABLE SERVICE *COURTEOUS DRIVERS *RADIO EQUIPPED CABS *ALL PASSENGERS INSURED LORNE HAYNES, Prop. Attention 1~ go of Rotary International. !r- "Mr. Strong jolned the na, id in lits teens, and afier leavi ys this service wlien he was bs years aid, he.went prospectir n- He made bis first $1,000,0 before he was 25 years of ai tas Speaking of Rotary'sa it complishments during the la u- hlu century, Mr. Caulder sa S- that they have been innum. ta able. He spoke of à comn, g- sion composed of the h9 President of Rotary Intern of tianal Thomas Bailey and tv -of his executives, which hi ,i been called on ta go to SOLi ýr- America to study the barc rd dispute between Peru ar ja Ecuador, whidh had been coi e, tentious for more than iI .k years. President Rooseve )y called a canfetýence and tt rq uarrel between- Peru ar Ecuadar was settled exact] Il as the Rotary officiais ha f recammended," the g u es re speaker stated. r "I will tell yau of ti lachievements of another Ro t ary executive, Jim Davis, wh n was born in Minnesota ai tproximateiy 75 years ago. F( f some years he was a repi - sentative of the New Yor Times in the Far East, and h. b books an Formnosa are stil th ýe standard texts on thnt countr: ýt '"He maved ta Calgary whei L- lie made a fortune in rez y estate. Hie joined the Calgar d Ratary Club in 1914, and bE came an ardent Rotai-ian.1 1924 he and, J. L. Raistan, Ha]i fax, wlio was îater ta bei member af the Canadian go' erniment, werc called on tog ta New Zealand and AustralÉ ta arganize Rotary. This the, did mast successfuliy. The guest speaker told thý local club thnt in 1928 Mr Davis arganized the fir: Rotai-y Club in Afghanistan During that same year he sue, cessfuliy founded a Rotari Club in Athens, and anc ir Jerusalem, Mr. Caulder said He added that the Jerusalen- Rotary Club had 26 chartei members belonging ta 18 dii- ferent nationalities. "'If a machine were ta cal- culate ail the good done b: Rotary in 62 years it would register an cxceedingly higi record. I visitcd Rotary Clubs tliroughout South America, and found that they are ail doing fine work". Thc guest speaker told the club that shortiy nfter World War I tic Rotary International Convention was ield in St. Louis, Missouri, and the question af the formation of Rotai-y Clubs in Germany was brought up. "Thc Rotai-yri- presentatives framn France said that ail Frenchi Rotarians ý-would --eave the organization if such clubs were formed ir Gcrrnany. Yet twa years later these very anme Frenchmcr who had objectcd 50 strongly werc the anes ta officinte ai thc founding of Rotary Clubs in Germany," he said. Mr. Caulder also paid trih. 0 a a ALL PERSONS USING EME RGENCY DEPA&RTMENT EFFECTIVE APRIL lst, 1967 A MINIMUM CHARGE. 0F $2.00 WILL BE MADE FOR ANY PERSON VISITING THE EMERGENCY D E P A R T M E N T, UNLESS THE VISIT 15S COVERED BY W.C.B., OR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE. Ontarijo Hospital Insurance covers the following services pnovidcd te an out-patient by a hospital when used for cmengency diagnosis ansd treatment within twenty-four hours after an accident: 1. Use of facilities including drugs, surgical supplies and nursing service. ?. Use of laboratory, X-ray and other diagnostic procedures for the purpos. of assisting ini emergency diagnosis and tneatment. 3. Use of the services mentioncd in 1 and 2 above on follow-up visits necessary te, conclude the emergency trcatment of a fracture whcre the treatment was started within 24 houri after an accident. 4. Use of the services mcntioncd in 1 or 2 above necessary ta conclude the. treatmcent of a fratture where the treatment was startcd by admission of the patient as an in-patient.- WHEN DRUGS AND/OR SURGICAL DRESSINGS ARE USED ADDITIONAL'CHARGES WILL SE MADE. PATIENTS USING THE FACILMES 0F THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT WILL SE EXPECTED TO PAY; FOR THE SERVICES BIEFORE LEAVING THE HOSPITAL. V&rlous forms of Medical Insurance, such at P.S.I., .M.S.IP. de not cover thes. hospital charges. Ivy ,ing 21 ing. 300U tge. ac- last aid ier- lis- 942 na- .ad ath der ind 50 relt the ind t1y lad ýst the rho ýor )rk his he ry. ýre ai iry )e- [n li- a lia y n. Ir. r. ry The loving, tender, helping hand of an Easter Seal service club volunteer is always at the ready and judging by this child's expression, the situation seems ta be one where the hand ti-ansmits soathing effects. Thousands of service club members are taking part in this ycar's provincial appeal which has an objective of $1,400,000. In total, 230 Easter Seal clubs wtll be streaming out nearly two and one-haîf million envelopes containing Seals with each searching out helpers of crippled chîldren. The Ontario Society for Crippled Childi-en is very proud of its associated service clubs and the community can be also for at a minimum of cost and time ta the residents, great work ts being carricd on throughout the year. Sub- scribe to the 1967 Easter Seal Campaign with a generous gif t today. NEWTON VILLE 1-Mr. and Mrs. George Staple- Mrs. George Stapleton visit- Taronto. ýY ton and Keiti were dinner cd 1er brother, Mr. Alian Mrs. H. Trim returned h< ci guests with Mi-. and Mrs. Martyn and Mrs. Martyn, at fi-rn several wceks' stny ýh Laurie Stapleton and Beveriy, Port Credit, Wednesdny. Castieton during tic weeke )s of Ajax, a week aga Sunday, Visitai-s at tic manse lnst Mi-. and Mrs. George Stal t, tic occasion being Beverly's week included Rev. G. Minieily ton accampanied Mi-. and Iý I thîrd birtiday. and Rcv. J. Smith, bath ai Laurie Stapleton and BevE Mi-. and Mi-s. Mac Irwin Oshawa; Mrs. Normais Watson ta Kingston, Sunday, wh .wcrc visitai-s witi Mr. and ai Port Pci-ry; Mrs. Keith ticy visited Mi-. and b dMrs. Frank Gilmer on Wcd- Wood ai Kendal. Han-y Stewart. dnesday. Mrs. Wilbert Ogden returned A T.B. and Diabetes Clini e Mî-s. Ken Warc ai Toronto borne from MemoaniHospital Survcy, sponsai-ed by ticeD ý spent n couple ai days ici-e tic latter part ai last week. ham a nd Naithumberl, Swith bier mother, Mrs. Lena In Community Hall, Friday Henti Unit, will be icld -Ovens, last week. night's card party saw 10 tic Community Hall, here, d Fourteen local ladies attend- tables in play, witi the foi- April 4, fi-rn tic hours ai ýs cd tic Easter Tinnkoiiering lowing wtnnci-s: Higi lady, p.m. and 6:30-9:30 p.m. Re; n Service, hýgd in Newcastle Joyce Stncey; higi gent, E. ings ai tic above, in ticsa ri United Churci, Wedncsday Cawell; 'drnws, Bob Stapletoni pec on April 7, sarne -liai r niternoon, namely: Mrs. R. Accy Farrow, Leta Samis. Canvassers will be cnlling t ri Best, Mrs. A. Wndc, Mrs. J. Mir. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins week at tic various homes. yAdams, Mrs. M. Joncs, Mrs. R. with Mri. and Mrs. Raymond Tic fiiti meeting ai Cla: t Farrow, Mrs. T. Henderson, Trirn attended tic Spaitsmcn's Cotton Pickcrs 4-H Club v sMrs. S. Brown, Mrs. W. Bougi: Show in Toronta, Saturday. ield at the home ai tic LeE en, Mrs. J. Elliott, Mii C. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lan- cm, Mrs. J. Beattie, and open -Brown, Mrs. C. Farrow, Mrs: caster wcre in Toranto, Friday, witi tic 4-H Plcdgc. Minuý ÎF. Henderson, Mrs. J. Martel, for thc annual meeting and ai last meeting wcre rend Mrs. R. Wood. banquet held at thc Rayal Janet, followed by Roll CE York Hotel, ai tic Ontario There was a discussion utc ta tic education work car- Retail Fnrm Equipmcnt Deal- what ta do far AciievemE ried an by tic Rotai-y Founda- ci-s' Association, ai whiiciMi-. Day, 'viether ta bave a c] tion. He pointcd out tint Lancaster is now Pi-esident. exhibît, or a dernonsti-ati( $13,000,000 las been rniscd for Congratulations, Sidney. Barbai-a was appointed ta ta tic work ai tic foundation Mi-. Frank Stapleton ai charge, next meeting. F. and that $6,000,000 has been Toronto was lame aver tic ings and. fixing sîceves WE spent to finance the post gi-ad-the wcekcnd. tic tapics ai tic talk tint fi uate education ai Rotai-y Fel- Mr. and Mrs. T. Henderson iawcd, and ticei-est af t lows abroad. He also i-cicr- wei-e supper. gucsts, Sundny, time was spent working red ta tic opcning at Novem- wti Mi-. and Mrs. Doni Vinikle. aur materinîs. Prayer clos ber ai Roary's International Among tiose attendîng tic tic meeting. Centre in Toronto. Masonic Banquet at Newcastle, Hce President Bob S t c v e n s Snturday cvening, were ticHoke tianked Mr. Caulder for lis following local people: Mi-. Ncwtanville Hockey Cli excellent address, and assui-- and Mrs. Roy Hall and Char- wns eliminnted froni fui-tI cd tic gucat speaker tiat lis lene, Mrs. W. Milligan, Miss action an Sunday as tic example aif dedication ta tic Bernice Milligan, Mi-. and Mrs. suit ai a 7-2 lass ta Niciols( ideals of Ratai-y is an inpia-M. Joncs, Mi-. and Mrs. Jini File. Far tic winncrs, Mar tion ta local Rotarians. nâms, Mi-. and Mrs. F. Hend- Brereton and Ted Watts note' Ouests present at ticeci-son, Mi-. and Mrs. C. Far-- cd two goals caci witi singi luncicon meeting were John row, Mi-. and Mrs. R. Trini, Mr-. gaing ta Rois and Lai-iy Ba Kloomps, Lindsay, William and Mrs. Glen Stapîcton, Mr. tersby and George Fentoi Rankine, John Kessler, Jack and Mra. S. Lancaster, Mi-. Ken Gi-ny and Phil Gilm, Snyder and J. W. Lynn, all of and Mrs. A. Ton. scored for Newtonvillc. Oshawa. Palm Sunday morning serv- Witi less tian 10 minuti _______ ice was well attcnded wicn ta play, defenceman Stz tic iollowing young people Cobblcdick rcceived a cie( wcre rcceivcd into cini-ci on the boards, and fell ta t] OBITUARYmembership: Winnifred Ircic tccwith a b-oken lg.1- Kimbai], Denise Elliott, Cath- AIRS. 3. A. KIMBLE armne Elien Eiliott, Brenda Lynn Henderson, Lois Jean Foilowîng an iliness ai ýtwo Stapleton, Lynda Peck, Wil- weelcs, the deati ai Mrs. J. liam Allan MacDonald, Lynda l A. Kimble, agcd 81 ycars, ac- MacDonald. Fiftcen atiers currcd at Memorial Hospital, wci-c reccivcd by transfer and 7 Bowmanville on Friday, Mai-ch rencwnl: Mi-. and Mrs. James l 1 10, 1967. tilte ug Adams, Mi-. Roy Beat, Mi-. D. e Daugiter aitelaeHg Dennult, Mi-. and Mrs. Jack Niciails and Elizabeth Oliver, Eliiott, Mi-. DeWnync Elliott, tic former Lottie Adeline Mi-. Wiliis Farraw, Mi-. Truc- <(Ada) Nieholls was bai-n at man Henderson. Miss Olive> Bobeaygeon where she receiv- Joinston, Mr. Tupper Joins- AlA cd her education. In 1903 sic ton, Mr. Roy Smith, Mr~. and marricd James Andrcw Kimble Mrs. Hugi Stapîctan, Mi-. Don- who predeceased ici- in 1960. nld Vinkie. Tic rites ai Holy Mrs. Kimble rcsided at 92 Communion wcxre administer- King St. East and had ivcd in cd, and tic choir's oiicning Blowmanvillc for 40 yeni-s, tic was Landon's spiritual, "Werc famiy moving ici-e fi-rn You There?" Biobcaygcon. A housewiic, bier Remember tic Good Friday chef intcrcsts ccntrcd around worship service at 2:30 p.rn., heîr home and farnily. Sic sponsored by tic U.C.W., with ýwas a member ai Trinity Unit- guest speaker Rcv. J. A. Ram- cd Churci. jut, of Canton. Special music. Survix'ing arc two daugiters Oui- Eater Service at tic and onc son, Zetta (Mrs. Han-y regular haur of 10 n.m. Rcv. Leonard Dolan) and Lavcx'nc, Grave and tic - on - going ail ai Bowmanvilie. Aiso Christ". Special Enster anti- aurviving ai-e two brotliers ems. and anc sister, Mi-. Wesley Mi-. and Mrs. Ted Watts ai Nicholls ai Lindsay, Mi-. Will Port Hope were Sunday sup- Nicholîs ai Bobcnygean and per- guests wittiMi-. and Mri. Mii. Grace Simpson ai Wood- Arnold Wade. ville. Mi-. and Un-. George Hicks Tic funeral service was lield and lier aster, Nancy Merrili, [irn tise Moi-ris Funeffl Cliap- werc lunclicon guests with el on Monday, MaichI&3 and Mrs. Bea Joncs and Mrs. G. was caisductcd by Rey. G. K. W. Joncs, Saturday. P Ward of Trinity Uni.ted Mrs. W. Prouse and Chai-lie, Churcli. Interment was in Port HOMeand Mrs.. . Edger- Bowmanville Cemetery. ton were dinner gucats, Sun- Amang the many lavely flor- day, witt bfr. and Mri. M. L al tokens, evidence ai the Samis. L0 4 esteeni in whlcli Uic deoe4sed Mr. and MUn. Carl Farrow, was held, were tiose fric Downaview, wfth Mns. R. Fan- Btanch 178, Royal Canadian row. X#toon;, Cab- 500-Xing Taxi, Mr-. BI- Burley and Miss and! Paddy Welsh C<mtruc- Donna MeeD o fa Cobonrg Pa»lbaars werc Meurs. WIhM M. and Mn.. Jin =hsWe~it, Brute Dickens, Adairs were M- dMr.s nDo n uwsm Ar '0 aeMooare, Maurice Adonis aud famally alas WU~ U~ 4AY4I Wff - .-. "_isio n;o Average. AI Osborne - . 33 Morley Etcher --33 Dick Perfect -- 33 Elbois Brock 3 Hazel Donaghue 33 Howard Bromeil 33 Vince Pi-ont . 30 Gord Wilcox 33 Jini Bedford 33 Mntt Harrison --33 Joe Nowlan- 30 Alan Lobb -- 33 Hilda Bmock 33 Onie Etcher 33 Audrey Osmnond 33 Lau Welsi ---- 33 Joan Brunt 33 Hnp Palmer 33 Bob Glanville --33 Hlad Bennett 33 Murray Gi-ant- 33 Alex Wiseman- 33 AI Blanchai-d 30 Shii-ley Davis- 33 Mai-y Wîlcox 33 Fcrn Bi-adley- 33 Ei-nic Dickens 33 Bob Leaman- 27 Ken NichaIs- 30 Don Bradley --- 33 Connie Wiseman --27 flcrniceRudl.aowand E SEE i was earied off on a stréeer and btken te boawxwa tôr ýx- ray, and Sg. AL béenft gem for hiih wMf be hêld'in Nfew- castle 'on Fidày, Nm-h 31, as Newcastle Tawn -,Leaque Ai-ar play the Newtonviilc Youth Bowling Flfth Month Bowling at Wbitby Girls Ajax 8 - Whitby 0; Oshawa 8 - Bowynanviie 0. Boys Oshawa 6 - Bowmanvjlie 2; Ajax 6 - Whitby 2. Witl oniy ane mare manth lift in tlie acledule, the -first place is almost sure but sec- ond place ta stili vcry mudli in doubt. Tic first and sec- ond place teams will be in a 6-game piayaff at Bowman- ville and Ajax. Team Standings Girls Oshawa - -32 Ajax,. ____ 22 Bowmanville _---- ___18 Whitby - _-_-----_-8 Boys Bowmanvilie : .. 30 Oshawa ____ 22 Whitby. 16 Ajax ~12 Higi Single Susan Mcflwin, Ajax 418: Hlgh Triple Susan Mclwain, Ajax 882 Hlgh Single Bob Curtis, Whitby 328 Hlgh Triple Bob Curtis, Whitby 793 Mixed League Bowling Anatier 900 score wcnt into the records on Friday night in the Mixed Bowling League when AI Osborne put togetîci- games ai 311-324-293 for the higli triple of the seasan, 928. Osborne's 324 was higi for tic men. Audrey Osmond Jumped the 700 ba--ii- ta lead the gais. Audrey hnd games of 231-153 and 334 for a nice 718 triple. Osmond's 334 toppcd evcryone for high single. Jirn Bedford had 677 (322), Hazel Donoghue 676 (260), Elton Brock 657 (279), Shirley Davis 635 (305), Onie Etcher 614 (229), Joan Brunt 611 (236). Bob Mitchelîl had a 259 single game. Joe Tobias and Howard Bronieli 258, Don Myles 255 and Ruth Mitchell 249. Etcher's team has had their lcad cut ta 7 points for the team championship. Etcher bas 57 points, Glanville 52 and Osborne 49 for third place. Osborne jumped his average up ta 242 whilc second place Morley Etcher dropped to 221. Hazel Donoghue icads the ladies with 222 for 33 games. Thc Mixed League wiales a speedy recovcry ta two of aur bwilers. At' Blanerdia' fs r-- covering from a broken riglit i-m. whiie Vince Prout is i-e- cuperating from surgery at MIemorial Hospital, Bawmnn- flawch 11, lU? The Combines whitewashed the Office 7-0,' the Pôwerj House crushed the Cmackers 4-3. and the liose iiuslied thse Recl*aonr by a 5 to 2 count. The' Fan Belts turned aside the Millwrtghts 5.2, thse Beîta stretched a 5-2 victary over the Brat4ers, and tlie Ban- bury blackened the Machin- tt 5 ta 2. Rusa Hately came winging riglit back thia week ta take the high singile 383, aiter tak- ing the liigls triple bot week. ýFrahk Wright lied a 361, Jake Jail wouid like ta thank AI Osborne and Liberty Bo wl for bowling shirts donated for the ýB.P.O.A.- Tournamentini Mixed League -members wish them good bowling in Canada's finest COLOR TV at NEW, ýLDW PRICES an E OTROHOME 6Oth Anniversary Special If you've been waiting for the right price to corne along on a top quality, brand-name Color TV Console, wait no longer! Right now, Canada 's own Electrohome is celebrating its 6Oth Birth- day with a money-saving Anniversary Sale! It presents a rare opportunity to get Electrohome quality and dependability at savings of $100.00 or more. Check the line .. . check the prices ... you'll agree it's Canada's biggest value in Color TV! HARRY LOCKE TV 20 KING ST. W. S 1ER rDELAY SEND LS BOWMANVILLII o e- l ýi,Ï fRi,ý e e e YOUR NK ENVELOPEI TODAY CAL OBJECTIVE TO DATE - s7,50000OO $ 4,031.45, A PUBLIC SERVICE 0F VOUR ROTARY CLUB Team Standing Teani W L 1 Etcher 24 9 Glanville - 23 10 Osborne - 20 13 Perfct, 16 17 E. Brock 17 16 Prout-- 15 18 H. Brock- 15 18 Bromeli 15 18 Wilcox - 12 lh 20% w w v Brunt 10 23 23 G. Brewster 81 206 p lgr- ý and - lin. Idak XAký" ci 1 mmw -ma Auvm R. 8.0 wi 1. i(c IBrown 323, Art Farrw 331 and Jini Coombes a 310 te round out the over 300 bowl- ers. Jake Brown took thc higli triple, an astounding 861; ne iess than seven other bowlers reached over. the 750 ukVr, Lloyd Heard 780, John ton 779,, Aleck Perfect Art Farrow 765,, Jlm Ca 750, Wayne Bycra 752, Frank Wright 754 Teaim Standlng, Hase 115______ i Braiders . 115 Banbury - _____108 Machine Shop 109 Reclaimators 98 Crackers _____ 47 Office - _____ 96 Combines BC8 Millwrights 80 Fan Belts- - . 76 Power Hanse ------- 3 Top Twelve Games Ave. B. Martyn ------ 84 228 D. Oke.---- 81 226 D. Perfect 81, 217 F. Wright 84 217 J. Bond. 78 216 H. Bromeil 84 2!4 R. liateiy . 81 214 D. Bagnei - 18 213 A. Lobb .:-- - 84 210 R. Maynard 27 210 A. Rowe -. - 45 206 Pts. 57 52 49 41 40 39 37 35 34j ao1 30j