migEverits Connng Events In Memoricim In Memoriam Cards of Thcmks ra Cur Anuafazaar and Daffdil SUNNSmE PAREK HOCKIN-In loving memory OVERY-In lovng memory 'DickIe-I wishta express Mg * Lrt s~ * M agistraeB srdsmae i!ea t emorial Park on Ap M NSrBNG of a dear mother and grand- of a dear father and- grand- my appreciation ta everyone]Wf n a îe nei.c lut from 2 to 4:30 pa..N TR IG mother, Rose Hockin, who father, JmsAfe vr frtersmah, thgt- JJD i htte olso a cii $ zclire party, Tyrone Hall. Thursday Night passed away one year ago. who passed away March 27, fulness and flawers during the! Held inluowmafvlle Friday nlght. Admis- 7:45 GdSaHedw ha Hgettough er was966 a ence Dickie. aof ed in theinformation lnh and prizes. 45-tf SGodd w a g e t g heary, 966. friend ta everyone, ece D c f atereCar March 21st, 1967 cused for is candour, saying failng te signal for ai g acst or een d ,fr b ID nchRE BARN best, His equal hard ta find, -h Kenrummerand 12 enr - it was refresbing after soine left turn on TauntonRascn hagm rne k Bse acTyrone Hall, He came and stad beside you, And no one ever spoke of hn e umry 21 LoadFaran, Rue Grand of the stories produced by heard the charge isiedacedoewktapy Saturday, March 25. Clara O SH AW A And whispered, corne and1 In other ways than kind. Cascapedia, Bonav e n t u r e, you thful witnes. caeitw n NWeubtt Band. Everyone wp&- 6-tf rest. 1jAnd now that he is here flo , would like ta thank nurs- Quebec, will spend the next ess eas twsipoel lrneRvrNwafe Ba- vrbar and rdchildren, moterrtawe es, dactors and staff at Me- seven days in County Jail, Magistrale Baxter gave Mr. worded. In making hstr iae ltgit fcrla conjihN 12-1fiToeing convictionSkfor drunaranandenrthechblnrfit of the therEatonats vanShewwas drev-nerit ifgtOctoberE251h'ianNew- Caine ta the dance witb Fjir Club presents its 21st AnnualBtyAnadCah. 1- nwmarial Hospital for the wond- *.vn efr aisrt doubt cammenting that in ing, olded withan as-aseThinstatg 73onadhsocetaatCarnival, ta be beid i Betty ABen andrCathy.th12-1 kortowerful care they gave Dor'diîgbfr iraleR. ure e might be a arebound clbv . offi- b Bro n nd is or hes ra atA rena on Friday, M arch 24th Baej e e b h o f r i as o m any friends and ne ih : B . B axter. A n order w il b e a«r ...driver..H eowland cer was CB aseabiehJ. W. Cart- Solina Hall, Saturday, March adStraMrc 5h tHGESI oigmmr That others ioved him sa. bars for visitscrsa d rgis. m ade p r in i rmcrf l iear tHe id ta ayr heivstgtngof- rgt 25 vryn ecoe 2- n atraMac 51,a HUHSI, oig eoy thought crsadgs waepoiiihi rn mst boys clea sonsabe , 25 vroewloe 218 p.m., featuring Robert Em- ai aur dear father, AlbertGldt aèheho. Canada habits from theirfahr OPP. and defensecune Edeewa thtMs Centennial Hospital Birtb- erson, Junior Men's Canadian Hughes, who passed away -Lovingiy remembered bGia k ta hav ew home. fdriixng n arnterdivn e wsCntbl .T bilJean anSDo glap-lesy w thcarce separiereohd anr day Party spansored by Wo. Champion. Admission: aduits March 24, 1949, and aur dear BieCrsand Duglas 2- -1 etnil. flo imntbsr. Fra g itht ingadcoensed ivrta in nGre r huchSteewchisqut inen's Hospital Auxiliary at $1.00, children under 12, 50c. mather, Lois Hughes, February Jen ndfailye1-1121on taMr .ran' ul- i an rcamendth edKingsle Tranprs ii-nrow a tkb r Lions Centre, Wednesday, 11-2 14, 1967, Burketon, Ont. I would like ta tharik rela- mers, OPP, told the court bie Council Chambers for pro- anta, were fincd $20 andcssaodacrcmn Mail 2t weico ee av . Within our hearts yau'Ii alwa*ys PEDWELL - In iaving me- tives, frienids and neigbbours Ma on- routine patrol Of spective drivers the first and for hauiing raw milk wtotpst ieto.Tecag Car prt a Stia Cm- NSERBIGOLaved and remembered every mary of a dear mother and for visits, cards and giftswil ighway 401 about 4:20 P.m. second Tuesday nights for len: a valid permit. wsdsisd day. ~~grandmother, Eva 'M. Pedweii, I was in bospitai. Special March l8tb when he was months of the year. Inspector J. F. MeraD- F iy Cor copee numiaty Ha, WeneaYn- kNTet G -day lvdadsa is who passed away March 27, thanks ta Dr. MelIntyre and stopped by a Toronto OPP Donald Barker, Orono, a1 parîment of Transporli tedy Mr H l, 5.Spnse t od by e by d a nr d aadlyms- 1962. nurses at Uxcbridge Cottage officer who tld him a mai' telephone lirieman. represef t- the court he stopped ti tn Soa Liray281. SLunsch ro- 745 ..edbydr e i a lbrandTewrdcags erb optl in a car on Bennett Road was ed by Terry Kelly, peddtuko aur 3a 0am Sollded. Everyo n cpoe:5. cideLisadAbrtad yaMrs.TensnSml. in an intoxicated condition, nat guiity of impaired driving on HighwTay 401. When se Aduits 0c, cbildren 25 e. - RED BARN faile.121Adayen from day ta 12.1 Constable Chaimers found the but guiity of illegal possession for sbipping bills the rvr rc Adls5c hlrn2c 21dy ccused behind the wheel of liquor. produced a bill indicainIe 0Vimy NightOVRw-li beinheid ___Bu___________th________I d witb the keys in thc ignition Constable K. Ruttan, OPP, load of 30,115 poundsofiud or orLve oc Oim SihHwilAbeWed A t oV eaRIn ovn mmoFBt neer wilth ne w iwsh ta thank My dear and the mater running. A stated lhe was off duty about miik being shipped fromOh 7tb at the Royal Can- -- and Grandfatber, James Ai- From memary pass away. the fiee cards and visils while Constable L. R. James, OPP, afrilLegiaf Hall, Bowman- BOWMANVILLE LIONS lfred, who passed away March -Lovingiy remembered by al I was a patient in Port Perry showed 2.2 parts per thousand onstoeda B weGaaeCmedath haponeyea -ville. An open invitation ta M M UN <27th, 1966. lher family. 12-1* Hsia.M pciltak col h qie t o his ay hernrdsGaen h te ompataae.H d Worid War I and Boer W Smedy e'lmae tplin____ f1ho Nwcsî .a-on 440 Veterans. For infomationrA iC TpIaiN. Hometa l.heykind nursesan Dr.f12 ounces ofeliqur.A are t Nwcste, to chck infarma- emporary permit.Te Phtean 2-0. r12oraio-2UC D0îýame amdallendnDresKand r. 12boueof iuor.Aipdrtntion on another charge. He spector added that an«ilri Poe6330.1- wil be held shm a se o! my daeiaL r hbn Bi woyDao adD.Kne. 1btl flao on ntenoticed a parked lelephone certificate had beengrne Som a h Ihsface T dA Rm bBlov Whmeo Russell C. Brown. car was confiscated. van in the parking lot shoot July 131h of last year bta.FN ULT MO ST R BIG St, ue',h oe day rom er hhpse away Marcha 23, 1964. 12-1 Steve Demencbuk, R.R. l- forward as if t matait a one- plication for a permnn NUET N Anoehvn rilsibe free, He had a smîle, apheasant Newtonviile, was fined $50 foot curb, which separated permit was deniedOtbr THTJESDAY NIGHT. 8 o'eloek Ayn alga tices Th en saine day I shahl way, I wudlk atk hsadcss or seven days, for the garage parking lot fram l2th.MAK S 8vosoed y he unor isoseof whehwLavi niyremm rdand A heiping hand ta ail hie opporîunity ta express My împaired drivinxg foilowing the lawn of the residence next The transport compaywa Chamber of Commerce sutltable for this sale, pleasge vnlymîsed,îe Roe and H knew; sincere tbanks ta Enniskillen his guilty plea. He was grant- door. It reversed, then shot represented by DouglasMc JUBILEE PAVILION telephone greatl iy sd j, ýs nH was so kind, and sa and Union communities for cd lwo weeks ta pay and forward again. The officer Leod, Toronto. sonFrakln. _ 2- generaus and truc; the ]ovely card table and there was an automatie lhrce went ta investigate and found Walter Patrician, CuriB S.LD OSAW 8tf62-314On earth hie nobly did bis chairs presenled ta me by my flonths' suspension of license. Mr. Barker in the driver's pleaded not guilty ofimar 5 Newcastle ArtificialI ec and arrangements wilI be PRITCHARD-In memory of best, many friends and neighbors. Constable G. W. Brunton's seat wîth the keys in the ig- cd driving and guilty o al Commilîce present on Satur- made for pickup. our ioving Mother and Grand- Grant bim, Jesus, heavcnhy Thanking you again. evidence was that he was on nition and the mater running. ing te produce evideneo day, April lst, at Newcastle 12-1 mother, Jessie, who died M4arch rest. Verna Ferguson. 12.1* routine patrol of Highway 2 He smehhect strongly of alco- insuran ce or Ihat thenes- *Da Communily Hall, a Spring- 23, 1965, and aur dear Father, -Lovingly remembered by ____ east of Bowmanviiie when he bol, his eyes werc bhoodshot, sary fcc had been paidl e Dance. Door prîzes and spot ATTENTION George Edward, wbo dicd sud- iwife Anne. 1- We wouid like ta extend our followed a car being drîven bis walk unsteady and bis fense counsel was Terry ely pie.Poed oad e el uy1,14.west in an erratie manner.1sec ichret auieGumnt areas o. P r ed s o a Sn E R V C C UdMM eR I n iy Juiy 13,d 1942. dsincere thanks and apprecia- H e observed the vehicle 5~ sw e ec n o e e t a ri e G l a a d H s i i o m u o n r are a mo u si f orma. E RVICOLBOW M EMBERSIn dlif ee be n ored , Tu ition in ta al ur friends, neigh- ving back and forth, at nc Corporal M. Nimigon, OPP, Worshp e was leavin te Danlce a uia Or vehe0Fra.WM12V2LLE iin dca re eeed nd bours and relatives for cards lime almost completely in the stated wben he came lu the parking lot of a store o h 'OUOh 8elck Orhesra. 12- -LhliaGrandhFlre , eln HG C OLandton ln.Tedivr ngr CENTNNIL Eb., ranchidrenJim Do HIG SC OOL and gifîs sent la us on the eaton ae h rvrigrge he observcd Mr. Bar- sauth side o! Highway2.cs Inter-Club and Pal 12-1 ~~occasion o! our 251h Ann-te ofies opn n, ws' - ker ieaning againsl the van o! Oshawa near bcthweL MI E Bowmanviile Canadian Ord- ntrClb Meeting, anPat.12__ AT H MEversary. tpafir by bbc on smo!. nintoxicated condition. Line. He pulhed ouI oth ar f Foresters No. 964 Dance,Ct "H M Doug and Doris FleIt. alcohol. Mr. Barker took the stand highway then backed no38Dnact .-Wib Saturday, April Ist, Nightin- LosC nr I p r ie12.1 JaeW.SodnRR., ibiandensan cxIh shudrtalo ws- PheWity6835 ae Temple, Qucen Street 1RINIAR JaesWIn Spare.. , n isowTime _ane-_he__ulertaabo eui yRylAbsaos od y ac 27Prepare for Ontaria Diploma pleaded nol guihty o! careîess plained that he had ridden boun~d traffîc ta pass.Whe 3sper bc oal mba sdrivgs; ody M rh2 MEMORIALS 1 or better job We would like la lhank ail driving January 61h. He was down from Orono wilh his waîting, he observed anas $3m pe oup ndle ar rivieges 6:30 PM. Dîgified end Distinctive Al books and Instructions frinds, relatives and n igh- represented by Terry Kelly. friend, Floyd Post, wba had bound car swerve towadth Ceame poIc anhian-a! Speaker: onnents - Fat Markera $8 month. Write bars for kindness sown in the Constable T. Davis stated gon c next door ta consider centre o! the highway br Rtea r jeehl drawhin ail Th o.AlnGosa, ndegsfayned loss of our mother. Special hat bie and Constable J. Bird the purchase o! a skidoo. It across and right towardh' etarded C hi d nwc. $50îî The Hon .. 1Go52n, la dsi n o r t.S. an waeed A m erican School thanks ta Dr. K. Semon, nurs- were parked in a laneway ob- was a cold day and Mr. Bar- vehice, srking il a ghacn t e madne at Ibistane. $500 C.L.U.,o RefoM .Instit1tio s tic. S. S. O b w DEPT 60, 624 PRINCESS ST. es and staff of Memorial Hos- serving traffie on King treet ker said lie climbed mb. the blow on the front. twinr$00tRtaddMntrcReoiInitosrChildren. For information cail Province cf Ontario 723-1002~ 728-6627ý KI«NGSTON, ONTARIO pitl; Rev. Ward and aiso about 9 p.m. They saw îwo van and started tbc mater tai ConstabeJ Chalmers, P 0123-1927. 11-21 12-1 Office Eveinu99 Morris Funeral Chapel. cars stop aI the entrance ta keep Warin. The vehicle was tbc investigating officersî Fanîihy o! the laIe the lane, anc facing cast and unfamihiar' ta bim and in that in bis opinion the acs OEPREC Mrs. Kimble. 12-1* one west and the drivers talk- jîggling the gear shift the cd was impaired andCoNEEAR ing. The eastbound car start- vebicle shat forward then in- stable L. R. James, OFP e W IL RI O The Fmihy ! IhelaIe e d off at a bigh rate o! specd tb reverse and forward again. scribed the sabriety tss Pr rFi ieBas Th aiy ftelaePryand lurned right onla Division He admittcd having consumed which. heebad the driverp - ExelnComso. thanks and appreciation tu tret, narrowly missing a six beers.OpngslBonaile ___ncighbours, fricnds and rl-pedestrian. The officers feit His fricnd corroharatcd Ibis ]EU T O tuEE ives for acts o! -km ness, whar thc manixer of ùriving story, adding that the vanua ME EIU ~~floral tributes, donations tarranlcd the carcless driv- bad since been fixed ait Mcr- ConsS I Member efti. PrHoeCoogAe. r' J ~ ~~~t CancerSoit and cards igcarecer's Garage. He said athb van ___ o ponmn !reccivcd during aur bereave- Mr. Snowden, a comnputer was inipounded by police and * alo rt menth Funcra ha ai Hom e.crad rr aned t cat uite talenga a r en o-'d H.Turner and Northcutl and and bis friend in the other drive them back ta Orono. L. E rael Elsie Dvdoan m iby te Hg Sho grounds and lowed betwecn the Crown E1Dviso1ad amily HîghaScha hthveaddefense counsci and Ma- MULTIPLE LISTING SEIIC P R IC stl2i*amîled of ighî bavhesgian 28 Division St.,sha a &Di spinning. malter until May 2nd. WryTefmlofteCrawn Attorncy G. F. Bon- John O'Boyle, 47 Mitchell ]Real Estate Bor rCbngOfie3270 _______________________late Wesley Werry wish, ta f.esl omnei b e teI raln hrc ih______________ thànk neigbbors', "«argannîza-h c-Sre., rolichredw Itions, relatives and friends for 'acts o! kindncss and expres- sions of sympatby durlng their MAPLELEAFrecent bercavement. Sincere lbanks arc duc tbe Sauina No. 1 BREAKFAST R E Women's Institule, -Dr. W.W. P R IM E iFRS Baldwin, the Rev. Fred Reed mww R BOME MADE and the Mrris Funral Cap- BCNROAST SAUSAGE 12-1 c ~Orono wisbes la express bier 7,715 7 lb deep appreciation ta sa ay many kind fricnds for their cards, letters and acîs o! kindness during the recent SPECIAL 1 DISCONTINUED LINE FEH-CIPLREV IEYloss o! bier cousin Mrs. J.~A Il L U R D P E A D M H G N ofEH FCRSLAr AITYWesley Roc (te former Alice SLAB N L U R D -E N of FO L orHAMSM. Natlress) a! Toronto; aiso FOR YOUR EASTER DINNERBR A for belping re deliverîng o! C ELER Y *Orono News, mail, and sa forth HAMS - TURKEYS re snaw removai. A Joyous, CAPENL E RCKy B 4RoE HApDy12 2er ta4a]r 1Alice E. V. Richards, Orono B m OD0 2 A2 9 B A G To ato Juie M RGA INmi ndfora Inute I RICES STA TIN AT- -.-PR SU MT ~Lewis Lighternss and- 90 SVMTthe Lemon Family. 1--! 20 ft. 28 ft '0 x 710"8'"x70 ICE CR E AM 7 C 4Gat . ivL Seed for Sale $18,85 $31,75 s30 JUG MILK 0W V,4,4sBARLEY HOIAHUR:$ 9 0 HU OL ERTA and CHAMPLAIN HOIA-HUS Courtice Showroom and Yard *.anShpigCtr Uje%" -À 0-I-t p r 0- E el* .4J coi> W. Res.rve the Right to Limit Quantities adDYKSTRA'S4y SAVE FOOD MARKET PHONE 623-3541 This wek open Thurd y 9 9 FrY CW turiy Offlfrom 9 -6. SATURDAY, MARCH 25th Courtice Showroom and Yard open 7:30 - 12 - Shopping Centre 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. * WlIIWa IVYU F Irl COURTICE SHOPPING CENTRE L 7281611LU IITED728-1617 'ALLONT«THE NAME To SWLD, ON I I I I Î j u 0 AT S STORMONT -RODNEY GARRY -RUSSEL TOP QUALITY TESTED AND TREATED CERESMORE FARMS IL-I. 4. DOWMANVILLE 623-7150 Lost ONE truck spare tire, 7.00x17, lait Mondy.between Tyran. and Burktn. Phone 263-2719. 12-1 CM1 gray flecked sulîcase. Saturday marning, Memorial HoWptal parking lot. Phonel 725-5339. 12.1l ul Showroom will be closed &H dey Good Fridey, March 24th. neL.%Iu% uuulis