lI%. Cazim" swaenman, Emmm o u n, a. U M - E Birihu Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Cars for Sale Wantedto Rent ~ Wanted le saefrSl Real Estate for SaleReal Estate o Sl 1WOWN-eerald and Shirley WATER for sale and delivered, WATER for sale and delivered, 11953 FORD car, 1955 motor; -H0USE, preferably with barn, PASTURE for 15 or more KEIrl are happy te announce the ÇaII Cliff Pethick 263-2131 24 hour' service. Cail 623-5756.1 good running condition, $60. in Newtonville ariea. Phone head of cattie. Phone 263-2508. . E. birth of a son David Russel nt RAWLEIGH Productu Dealer. INSULATION, blowing meth_ 725-4995. _12-'l Wel-come 753-2543. __ 12-21__12__10___PE__T2-1 Méial nHouspia, BcMardi Phone 983-5570. 6___od, with rock wool. Work- '56 CHEV., 4-door, VB, stand- THREE or four bedroom bouse CGsRAVheELLE + EALTY LTD.1 2-329ELO 'VleonTe aMrn 4 an, hin guaanhed.nF theerdSpotf1 1967,a rtefo Janet and LARGE quantity choice baled esiatguarry Le. FWade, transmission, body Al required by teacher and fam- Ral EsJ.taLe 103 KING STRETES hoo6350 121 a.brother44. 2 formae, aryL.Wae shape, new brakes, niotor anid ily for end of June, Bowrnan- for Dead or Crlppled Farm ORW Bruce. 121lhP.Phoen96-445w121oPoneNewone 7878-226.56u.b.Phoe 23-47812-Pvoneeshwa6r3a-8478ak.Stok.-1ceiStock. ly 8 iviionSt*RELTO moey nspctthî 6-earol COLLISS-Ernest and M r- jand used parts. Graham's ahr at, oÈ60 V L SW AGEN deluxe, oc no y69 un925lt 6. 1p on eep o e Collect 263-2 2 w l ujt anAe t hee b d ______________ars,______15; 58Poticno2- Margwill Fur Faim 623-3341 Sprint Fever ? toret Colin, are happy to on-. Garage, 416-263-2233. f lts ~~Onc t~ lrt o tei cu atoatcaly.whleBeatty, Thor and Crosley $85; '55 Chevrolet sedan de- TYRONE Heesterey-inpcrombckVeebuao, ________of-______________ with extraà 0 PLicnce o.r01--67in re KEYS ~ ~ -appliances, nationally adver- livery, $65. Phone 623-2401. Hlooi and Board LcneN.11C6 Do you want It SL radprhs hsoeonrQnrwligt arfc o daughter, Nancy Louise, On you wait, nt McMullen Hard- tised line of furniture. Paddy's 12 1* RO and bor vial.W oo n ou admtLSE pcs -edrotbikho BatUrday, March 18, 1967, ut ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- 'Market, Hampton, 263-2241. n bad vi- - ________Bns ad ut ITE paius3bero MOUle Al spital for ma.SileAL. u wntr -t - t1 64 RAMBLER GT240901, toIPhone ý623-7355. 12-1 ___________8-tf with separate di:igroi ahmoe.Akn rc -Ville optl Bwa-vil.3t -' îdfr____---Pick up the 'Phone ani bathrooms, ou heaig aag 1 0 12weath utwiý er i ,ALUMINUM and steel sheds, 27, 1967, at 10 a.uct1oAcker- Deadstock SeIvice give us a try. and treed lot. ntaylotdfure- _______- with Supreme Windows and 'varlous sizes, with or without man Auto Wreckers, north of'______Hlgbest Cash Prices for Deairode'idtce doors. Lorne Allun, telephone rafters. Half price. Corne and 'Bowmanville. Phone 623-5756.1WEKa nd Crippici Farm Stock JAES. 9dombik Dwwhcrcntyasenrn- :PUT-Donniie and Randy 623-3871. 12-2 'see thern. Margwill Fur 1URT U AM uglw'S nished recrea- Oshawa, East Ct ot 'are happy 10 have a baby--- - ----- 13 TXT'FUR rU "ftTR" LungavtldoLw.heti sistr, Km, 6lbs.12 os.,-orn Farm. Tyrane. Telephone '- IIVST KSAE Phone Long Distance tion room+ id bar. Priced bnao ih2rosi Lwtx sigpie$190 February 28, 1967, at Memorial or apphiances, cal Elmer, 263-'2721. - l-tf fLivestock For Sale lat Durham County Sales Arenu ept Ag550c(nLicareNo. 63-C$67,0lot. $l1en,90garagpe. et3bdoml2so H!ospital, Bowmanville. Proud Hampton: business 263-2294 -1T YPE W R I T E RS, 49,nos -___ -t'Oono- er TursLi7e0..mNo. POSPCT-T.S-6i7s l0oAreLotfra1ehom0onlagellt prnsare Don and Jâneeni resîdence 263-2695. -- 6-tf maney down, $2 wkly. Add- SIX Herefords, one milk cow, Selîing Horses, Cattie, Swlne, POPC T ~t 21FILING Cabinets, ue,$29 rip. ers, CshirsFile Cab., new, d ngs nepuebedre- alves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Rei'Reairs scaed t.home nelargecorated. tSprinIacrs nd105,80o1e as Enaeet carry prices. Bill Hanilton, Bill Hamilton, Raglan (North itrdbull, 1 $11.500.K Givenin epir epis;skn $59,0us anot Hron Engagement. Ac-oSv ; fOhw) 1-fDdr n iee fNw toa alllawnmowers, chain saws,' 1,5 ems oHriyRd . ihofr kagian. Ac now, Sav $ $ --- tonville. Phone 786-2210 atrAtiction sa a seo eefordtillcrs, etc. Also tuneups and SOUTHW ' .Nir os: l Tr a cst$600ge redpuidig ot Mr. and 1frs..Martin Foster 12-4 c- bld shd F *k at hosiý aple rv CI, 'enda a2u1et " n- TELEVISION, chester- Hl at ahnr,300bales h ae areunglo ggement of their only daugh- - ________4HED-yaodHefrduntreecthhay,ýup .and delivery. Telephone'unao of fer. erMarie Elaine, ta Mr. faied achi, studiofcauch EXPERIENCED waitess.rint steer,75 head Hereford and Mr. Edward -Samuel, Lot5,--î$590Mrlyurs -7304'vypoftbeLNSA IJosephi John Stukel, son o! Mr ~igmcie dscfe appearance. Apply Nha Dturh and year - old stocker Concession 5, Clarke Town- MoORIE.PoalyteErlle BuBUINSSgessun o an Ms.Jon tke o S tblafghan, furs. Telephone Restaurant, Highway 115 adser n heifers; 10 Hereford Wvork Iatd CUTC.Poal Ctharine623h-3e701.t 2-__ Iship, anc mile north af Shilahi ___ thee - -72-78eqipen.Allsenalal CaandiMs. Joh Stukel o 11210 _1-35. Phone 983-5317. 10-tf and Durham cows due ta fresh- Church, selling withaut reserve YOýUNG man esires ny typefinest apple archard presently BhRîlfe -65457frbn iebyr t~k pac Studa, prl 9, IV pirlieddrpe, 1$12,000 FOR Right Man over en. Sale, Tuesday, April 4th. on Saturday, April 1. Sale ta of work. Phone 623-7355. avamable. Stately 2-storey 9-ia,1- 1967, ut 3 p.rn. in St. Denisln; ses dra-'er" track40i theBw vle area. G" A.1 Phone1at2- __1 lon; 0 sts , ~ 40 Bwmavîîe eorge A. McGowan, Poecommence pramptîy p.m. home, 11/2 bathis, fire-;' Cburch, St. Catharines121cmpeewtpulors. short auto trips tapul con- Havelock 778-2213 collect. ýTernis cash. Farm sol al 21 place, 2-crgrg.Apesr'rfe o r i..TT1~r -.Apply Bowmanville Public ~a~ utmr.WiePei______1- ed utoer 22 'HAVE new back hoe and front ta show at $65.000 - Ternis.RELR tact___send loader.e Will do12ailek , / NEWTONVILL2-.*a91 GEEALTiNUAE * Fozthcorùiing Library. 12-1 dent, Dept. BG, P.O. Box 70,5end aadein. WPhande 786-2223: 'ACdRoE - year VI 3 E.d- GNFA Marae SHELLED dre on 60 Station R, Toronto 17, Ontaria.SL Auctio sale of modern fanmý adon -ya ld3bd 5 igS.W ___________________gr ton F.O.B. Browview i - ANNUAL maAon 12-tfronahectibikbn-5Kngt..Bomnle 12N mchiiiery, including a nearly iCLE M ENTP' I 623-245k3bun Mr. .MachtoHaitô rms, Newcastle. Telephone.VAREORIu - DRA oultry, Custom galow with full basement.î Mr.S acM ,HmloA Eyu tired o! farming, VCORA- U H M new Case tractor, modern andiLEi Nortb End. ]Bermnuda, announces the forth: 987-4474 ta arrange pick-upmnn o h've o o SHORTHORN CLUB ýantique furniture, the property 'Ph kng, ready for freezer.: Asking$1.0 Lwdon uidgLt.Ctrl5' comng arra~c o! er r dîivry.6-tf ,Thousands enjov and prosper t COMMIJNITY SALE BARN'Of Mr. Lewis J. Wood, selling 1neNwate97-33 amn.110'. Priccd ta se t3B'rom bikbnao daughter Norma KahenPWRtk f yln sRweg elr od T-,-1haut reserve on Saturday ____ 38-ti , OSH-A WA, MARQUETTE New Homes!!wihtahd iGrifflths, 10 Donald A. Wclsh, Seeder S-3, Cyclone Lawniopportunity in Bowmanville.1 Lidsay, Onlt. !pi at Lots 3 and 4, Con 'MANURE loader, ploughing,'ST. 4 Rooni home with .3- i W-hae only 4 oe~nein$2.0adgrgpvd son o! Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Spreader, Lawn Seeds.Bîshap's Write Rawleigh, Dept. C-140-1oApesin81hin,. divaarere.]ooi Ak in Ton ownship, 1cultivating, cansawing, eus- pe bath, gas heated. Weil bick bua los\e, Te Welsh. Bowmanville. Wed- New Improved Hay and'913, 40 ihle t, S. miayvll.le ataofcommnceýo amwr 8-74 brc uglw Richelieu St.fT~~~ 10-_$1.50 - $1.500 down.ap inm ts Cnrav la Otro tee S1987, at St. Joseph's Church, Pride and Seneca 155 Corn. TJ _ 1967, at 1:30 promptly aI 1 P.m. FurthPrA P T RWrkbidn ULIG LT, Nw ated ithin wlin isace 2BeroC ~o~mani11e.12-1 * Your Bishop's Seeds Man. J. J1lA N I iTU0iR Catalogues Malci on Request particulars, sec buis. Ternis'adreoaioBUeIetm-sLDIamN, LOSa, Npric of il eice. .A eni. nexelet rckugao r an r . ar l vr- A . R osevear , 263 -2 -09 5. 12.1 * PE R M A N E N T PO SIT IO N - 1 2 M a le s -ca . Fa m s l . J k Re d ates. D . M eeks. P hone 623-7496. d f r a ui k s l .B y n w t 19 6 p c s. W A k ng n y $ 1 50 . T r s andMrs Kael aves- -37 !/j fours Per Weck ~~auctioneer. e105o12a2 .predict. a incwreaseof9bou »y eo-annoumne care pleased f FIRTH BROS. Apply tn 17 " les- Acinsl1 ne okWL okafe n hl nNO SALE - NO FEE $1.000 in oe o h 97 100Dw eld, owin vIlthe frhomn 7KagE i fiveooktrela Wido-e.ConcesionnS. LargFbric matriag7 KaughE.rPhone 623-5081 RbB.Prkn Hlloldenctonsleofn F ord ý100 nhoe *-lntiae of!,their Bu.te Rbt Prkn, funMhod, sut rato o 85:home, preferably 3-5 year5 i season. 4 endrikà -(Rlcky), '10 Mr. DRING YOUR BEEF Oakwood mme tractoreguo. 185ractord ew fvedays a week. Resdontel1Aea Aarîmnt 'uple On pac98s7lt,83nte *aryJhVisrsoo!M. OR PORK TO US ADMINISTRATOR POm. ee Phtrcor eruontatonel2,21ra1-1 nk'dnta Ae -Hry onVisr snofM.WeSeiaie nIocsut obie o.55-FakHackett - Manilla 11R221for 165 mnthly. Askin and Mrs. H. J. Visser, Oshawa. W pcalu a...MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Pre-.Sec Y CockHutt combinc, INo. s525 1 A23TI221n7e , thnp ronys.slfConand(ni 1,(0 121*nefMfalrtrck ntNsecIPITIG ndDcorating- COBOURG - BOWMANVILLE wt acn. opeol. :Marriage ta tolke place April CUSTOM CUTTING' BWANIL drill, nearly new; full lineo.ofQuality vorkmanship and ma- 372-7407 623-3341 Reoabemnfr gtNrhEi - 22 197, o'coek utZion WRA~TN A I CONSUIMER RESEARCH Notices up ta date machinery, DeLaval teriaIs, guaranteed. For free - - - pamty. Dpe n2ar ornc t Cbristian Reformed Church, WRAPPING AND One of Canada's foremost.buktnfriuepmetyetaeseepoeLnr Jhn eWh fr$15aon.Asn" ,Oshawa. i12.1;1 QUICK FROZEN Market Research companies jDr. E. L. Ewert's office wîltlktFnkdLee nd so, pLopryetestel29, Hardware, 623-5774. 3tf È Country Living!ny$1.0fulrce ~~per lb. has openings for women t be closed until Monday, April, o 7B hibyAown REAL ESTATE LTD. ~Ar o îh3bdon C ond c t ihnerviews (p hero a r.1- csin 7. W ibi T w - £. '14 Frank Street, Bowmanville!bungalow, r e a r Ha po . 300 D n D eaths n telepho e) and g ther .iBrooklin, Saturday, April 8 . ea i g'hne 6 3 9 0Modern oil furnacE. uI b s- Fv lx o u e t *CARRUTHERS, william -Hec- TV TOW~ERS lopinions in connection withi For fl.t Terms cash. Farm sold. Sale Plmbng & I. my ancarPhonn$, 62en-3950 bet-t é oil H s ita.lonumratrey ad ubic1an1met.only t s ~owmanville, -on Tuesday, $50 up pconmer snesadpbi SMALL aparîrnent, heated. at 1 o'clock. Ted Jackson, 135 esnS.Bwmnll 1 ARSwt 000 offer. akn NerlsAn Mt.oral Hospital, ipolis.CREey -i $35.000 pllln U~1V ~'~CI 63-57.îi-~Ted Spenceley, auctioneers.0 ~ a r* c 0 , . 9 7: i l a m H S A A Ase llin g n v o lv e d . B o th d a y - 12 -2 1- - - a lly p ru n e d . R e a d v fo r m a -kc raruthrse inhi 90hnyurhTVsTDgTVthT NylmeandevnintwokeUseST RE ormen inBo man tworTrkITrUse STOREran ne 4fedooirbn-Antr HurnPIBo Cama * e~éd hsand o! -the lae "- ! cr dsmbe bt a il, Poe6321. 12-1 Atîctioîî - I et. Caîl: George VanDb'kl gandwnerw hoî eaue4'-o Jrebe 874( 'G ce E. Riggs, dear faîber of. Tauinton Rd. E, Oshawa esetal ply Cnain n ioned Sale, Pcthick's Auc- PU BN ETN 623-7437. gao ersh l 180 ACRE FARM.naia ---- -- - -ExcelUBIG H-TNGelectric heating andi aiu 2 aIh New York, N.Y.;,. Wil- JOit East of Ritson Roud. Facts Ca. Limited, 49 Wein-'n tw- dr m apmm t.da eeinM ch2,lgeP ne6354rois Atced aae.T- idlp, ' favle oja, ia 2-11tný.ýrToronto 1, Ont, No chldren under 12. Phonp Phtiyofnuniuread6et2orgrinad5e40 aremendous value at $90. » uid. Bow an vile ( D uls , DI1 aY o 23 - 8131 tkP op q tiyon Stniure andP.O . Box 1599 stream , good buildings. Priced Ter ns. unh vi, B an E l e r. R . ' Da rii g t- D I e sk r p 623-5044. - - 12-2 articles, 4-burner Viking edc- 78 O ntario St., B ow m anv lle t $30,000. Term s. iJ c ~~a~tun~Snth ne unOrUn on THREE rooms, two-piece bath- trie stove, like, new; 2 beds, 2 1-f 12AR AM. 7 R E EE POPRTE 1 Belne a_______f112ACE FRICARDDPR ice 2: .8eokThuray uftér- iAnnual Seil We aeSEPTIC TANlaieK HE PRN l'n a om.FucalSrv peil r n-îoknjfr aIscshool. Child welcome, $65.00. new; mefigerator, end tables, ETC AN $3,000 down. Sîen.OlyFRTER'I NO AKT elo ~oon. ntcraént Bwman- 5c Bef Hin s iiiYour area 10 show nation- jTelephone 263-2126. 12-1' step-up tables, sewing mu T~R TTI vil èetery. 12-11 Cund Faut Frozen ulyavrisiheo PARTMENT n ground floor, bb Two bamns, small stream. Ask-' ~: Bw anileDîahen)Steer Beef. Pricci to avS~e oExperience Neeessary . roonis and bathroom. Apply, 1ooACR tableone6. good digo oha!Priced grain-fei STEAKS aIll Use of car neessary ment. Possession immediately.Itioneer. 12-1 - i4 F ret, Bowmanville, beloved sumer. Make your freezer Frproa nevc alChîldren welcome. $90 FRANKrnkRe ther f. Dinne,-Dougas gld 1 ý246l.Hiiýcluss modern and ITE --MNIL r.Critf re iu furniture, Br id a1 ýari. Rstd-atth Ni+-AVAILABLE immediately,2-11rah china, paintings, elec- SETCAN cleaner. Modemn brick home. .outt.ahd S pith.Funeral Home. FII LOCKER Ajaxroom sclf-contuined apatI clapinebdig i- ISALTO -Rqieas___ l a olet 1 2ment, heut and hydro supplied apine1bdinln riL ATO al ereVuDk6373.62-33Pic t jeecthe property of Mrs. 248 ACRE FARM, 8 roomed Member Oshawa udDsritHsiaiae 3bdor '11oclckMonay oring SYTE -PO6S-ITION -VACANCY -;slave and !rîdge if desîred. ile anHamAsoing6v-2et0anobeindsbarnsc I u d e d. PL U M BINGSt.623-3365. 12ery, B ow m anvill o, selling w ithout _ _ _ _ __ _ 24-tf f rm ponds. A k n $25,000. _____________QUalified jounneymun oriTHREE-moom furnished, lient- evSuudy acb/5FarmsN-fhJPH S 0 ces edl Hlî efFr *Weterborough. 1mate plumber ta assist ihe apurtment, central. Write !Sale ta commence promptîya OSHAWA, GUELPHS.i30Ars e 4 A ANC CK - A M nora Law n M ow ers inspection in County pro-lAdvertisr 799,. c/o The Ca -il p.i. This sale will include Almost new, 5 romed brick ýare. House and hu ;sran. 17 Ace cm eh n OC tMmra gramme. Minimum sulary - adian Statesman, P.0, Box 190.'such items us a 3-picce walnut Painters bungalow with Hollywood iExcellent value at onr 4'0'Go aodiesebi cretausenvle. n .,200 per annuni. noua aBwmunviîîe. 12-1 dining-room suite, approxii- a d D c rt r kitchen. Located close toi 150 Acres Lîndsay;go -bos n aag. Cek týurd ty, March 18, 1967, Mary 'ilr lineas no0 t maximum. OMNILELvl ately 200 years old; wndalnutor evemywhere. Bus service to 'storey brick home.Paod'noi2soebrcbus a Courtice, in lhem 87th yeam,'ieae ulwacJnBRhredWMA prmnJwt in his nnedeonVILeLE2-LgnS.ovomelyedor Cî: ere aDkbars Tosls. Eclln ih ielue1.ce ah WJivfe of the late Horace J. Outboard Motors benrfits. 'ingiroa, mefnigeator andpartiu16377.sol$2,0- er Z:Iarrcock,, dcar moîher o! with Lauson iron Horse Applications ta be rcceived istave. refimeiteîyandlans regarding Ibis important' hje62-37 V,,kCoutice an Jams, lmvae; rii. &1967.on Phone 725-8576. 10-tt'PnoemtyC KBLJRGESS agelt. Ollorigo tra .., o ur ic . a d J m e , E m v a e:B rî gi S rut o nM ail ap p licatio n to : S e r - - - -.-- - -- - - i ro e so ld . J ack R eid , au c- h e ted w it b 4 -p ce. b a th . B al- -T e r ns.O n o! he b t r ai r ' .ý-ersse f R b Mr.engles tary, Plumbing Inspection De- THREE bedrom ouse and'tioneer, Lawrence HarsKlneo 6BURtGESAsS5 crsfer u stmy bic o e i or '41l'unemal Chapel, Bowmanville, # erieWhut We Sl, 337, CbugOnai.1- Advertisem 6,coCnain LAE NEWCASTLE. A i m o0S3' x 50' witb autoat p'ndinroiadlvi ou Mada a 330p..Inter-,_ - Statesman, P. O. Bx 90 at urday, Apnil 1. Clearing new, vemy well kopt. 5 Rooi-1f$17.900.eam CetBowianville Cemetemy. Grs Boxmanille 34auction o! modern Fanm Ma- PHONE HAMPTON ed brick bungalow. Holly- Terms.' 12-1eG irl-, H ostess, G_____ -nvll .~- --- -3. chinery and Equipment, in- 1-ood' SmahhWal Homel I 24VATD TWO-bedroom, beated, upstair cluding two tractors, (M-F ;-) 263-2151 1odkthn altawl 49 Acres with good7maiAtatveadcnfnal floor coverng. Clean a pin. 145 M S O -S d el tM - IXS.W o m n Il T T Eapartment on Main Street, ýand M-H 44), M-H S.P. Co m- Mail Addrss: ýLarge lot, low taxes. $3500 home. Large bar. B w a-i bs 2 bdon o e i xiiorial Hospital, Bowmanvillî ecsl.Cpors s 1bne, 0;MFHyBlr - P-. Box 543 - Bownianviîle1down. ville 3 miles on pavc od ot n f Bw avle ~6 PidyMacbl7b,197, Phono 623-31,34 ) ~ ' hO~4. dryer in basement. Vance 7' Hav Mower, M-F Seed Drill-B AN)N W. Bic uiOnly $28.000 - $5.000( on tn iepae apn n d rdy ac It,16,12-tf DTC O EN Allen, Phone 932-5431, Mill- o ubr a odtoe, CE~A ANw NiEW120. i. ' ceswtb7rounrcklre o.$890 gfelena Werry, in hem 701h -- - . WH Y1&IT? - -APPLY -NOW 1brook, cvenings. 1- o aos, New oîaind 3 Acresg1 pw.Sze120sq t M1. Arswih7 year, beloved wife o! Russell ATTENTION. FARMERS! 'nihile there are stihI - -- 17 bu.Wanumew pread XAVTN modern conveniences. Largeihome: barn. Near Ooo O0 r m i s t o n . E n n i s k i l l e n ; d e a r i J O B S A V A I L A B L E T e n d e r s W + Aaul o t.pPei c edu t:$ 1 5 . 0 0 0 . $ 1 4.o0 0 . , l u s l n or$1 5o !00 .w n$a nL ib. gissiter of Gardon Werry, Toron- 1S P RIN G S A LE Earn that EXTRA MONEY ion___aL~MyesWe pae,2' ODN RNHN OSHAWA, 5 roomed, almos GnrlSoe.Ps fie to end AIma <Mrs. Lloyd Ash- F- t1EpoTE N ER --bom 3tn rck wthHo', uiGrv!,Tp d ui cvbikiugaol,'ihga pms nlhiin v1ag.-on wae-.$3.0 n -poodward. Pointe au' Baril, 1 Ferguson 6I t., traîî tandem.' We bave ACREAGE wantcd, wiîh or north an Road 1. Unico 28 can Corner King uni Division Stu.George vanDyk 623-7437. achdgrg,2bîions uiigLt ith o u t b u ild in gs. S tate fu l B u k T an k , D eL av a l M ilk er P o o 6 3 52 21C M H M , w t a l a r o t . Tw h omis a e ul f , Vnaro ne aua . ru pointauc-Frguo f.,3-Geeou Slayparîlculars and pnice ta Ad- Iand Equipmont. 25 Mlking 1-Caoelcneiecs.Lre w.481 2.0-3 Tr39Ooo3$,0 -$,00 b eues, wlll hold .44.pen vedrtiser 797, c/a The Canadiaiî Cows (ail 5 years and under). lot .BE T i"* wit"t" .3sigS.,Bwavll,!o 3 ifouse" and willl b. "At Home" VIEIl DALERs: uStatesmuan, P.O. Box 190, Bow- Choice lot o! bmed and open FRED R. BEST $3.000 down. Ci 6339 $.0. 10'z10'ltn .riends and tidighboiwi, On antetaatieual'No. j.5 rro. PAID COMPREHRENSIV5 ip4anffle. ,'1-8 heifers, calves suitable for 4- and SONS STWEET. Le 8- HIGH aflr a. gtra. March M3M7 mm1$ , r MiMUmFegtumn Neo 10 BENEFIT rROGRAMS H. Froni Unit sires, D.H.I.A. mStET.hLare8Wroonici aI- o!rrnotihgaagefu te, la and'oir wo. ' Repcurs Tested, <many GoId Seul Pro- Pantngmlout ew oe. MWullta a PtKen o -e 2-27 ia,$100 ~d y M h ~~ en educers), lassified, vaccin te ,ra t ngfo r cv in. an exr . e Ho in s 2-0 S MlO d M Do u - 6 3 S1 . to *a t' sai < Refrigeration Area Brucellosis Froe, Pmeg- and Decorating Call: George VanDyk 623-47JoRankî .2358WltaweOozs8-27 .4 WiJr i n m A. àu .E F. W. W'haleEuni . nanc>' Tested. Daughtens of o tacosW. Lisi Photo MLS. ClareeMcCnlough .72783 ow iWlh 62-5 ~uary.Iqbsth. 44£Ise bu.,oeF.Ii.uuI -- 150 bn.,such noted sires as: Rosafe C nr ctr Roi Kruger - - 7370 ooh iin o 2823 18. - 25 u.,F TD Ea T~ NE AiDîanc 5~..jjC~Heplad (Ex.), Kayen Fan j ALSO GENERAL REPAIRS und ExclusiveBbJhso 2-78Gri iad*6378 Fa -t-jIRESTL EhJ %icme Sevi.eAnthony (Ex.), Roc k dai e 25 Years' Experlence Alter Houri Cal: Wob lhson- 72970HrhPek lu r qI T u r & ber qté kI w rà tQ s. -M lk C o l eu m e t (V G . , S eilin g R o ck m an 3 G en eration s e t T rad egm e n D oal d M o untl - 623- 1 49 ,to F o ster - O on 98 58 12 t !QU <EN o i. Ei TR (Ex.). This herd ha. good PHONE hyli eRbbe 23719 eîo Jnlirof 5535 C aaLd1 huaBR E production and test. FlResThs Dvdin -ethn HwrdPtir-4m 04. X, . nevmWiDA8ie P.O. Box 0 NIghis - 23-3177 Roertu cash. onredgre. le ROLPH HAIRDWARE 'Weuey Andersen - 349-2699 Brookhlu R FE O AL wr in.erHadwreut pm.Llyd5207 Orono G*org. Vauflyk - WI74Z7 GOrga Boston -4*1I On -dtr Md RB aidge,.LlydWilson, Ux- 9M a"__Y bige ae m e. 8-4 £84*utte * 134M Frt P0f78848168.90,' 55 13 'i Il t il Ul