Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1967, p. 13

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H A MP T O N r Bay Ridges Speakers Clean. Up Legion Zone Finals 1 "'f wmnIlMa2N? 1 ¶1e BrOwnes ccopaned ed his brthday yesterdayý of 1-0 at a game held In thei by lftr othrsand 'ithe Sea with a party for many of Is1Bowmanville Arena, Philip 14nmaeplanning a bus young reda the homeBom scoring the winnfin rvdd5 ayjyth uligadvst thgomn 0 h.grandmother, Mrs. Ted goal. Pete Michelago scored ertainngevent nvlig r.E.prrolug IN d Y h Y will visit the Chant. the winning goal for the Or- ntai people t ai t v s dff 'M . . Re e wea m C - tr aie t Buildings in the Mnr. Ted Chant and Ericiange team in their gam .. ut t ra g i e fr se- b ug o rd y atr o n t Imnt olwdby a isit travelled to Toronto last weeklagainst.the Red team on the cuDinnea rraneofteoostPrti br.wel Ig OldFotYr in the after- to attend Miss Candy Carters Mdme ngt.e The Yelow team t u ail1oHope Thenbu will leave fifth birthday party. Ca d efeated h e Purpie team also .. .. a e m sc e a h ok a odr iu hL d e V a mpýton from the church celebrated er brthday annby a score of 1-0, Dave John- atscheol icrt He on riaMss ol Hod w y Urounds at 8*30 a.m., return- March lOth.1 son getting the goal on a pen- aco nd S Prda gt sadR-TootHa hm o h I there around 4:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H alroyd alty sbat. a ~.T snd wetr e oal pror - Gora Nchinsiigng w W l - and Mrs. on Clemens and Mr. Frank Holroyd of Due t o M. J. Hobbs Choir b rs iSl ad Dyta rniy o e of T m th pon U i a d B a iie o m n il iie ih M . No. 'a superb perform ance at T C on e r h o tes me hu h c oi s a d er d ie W r i t o f a d M n . E g a n d M . F o l r o y d o n S u n . t h e P e t e r b o r o u g h K w a n i s n g t . M . a d M . C r o l t e e w l r v n e o n n W n g t f E nniskillen l stt day . M r. and M rs. H c e e t v l h y w l e u nc haige s, J on, rl i S day. Mr. and Mrs. Wright and' family of Bownianville there for the semi-finals ton oefrweknstl fe celebrated their thitieth wed- were guests of M nr and M n .be hed o a y 12-2.fN ei hts F a miy em ding anniversary last week. Holnoyd last Monday. They will compete against o lo r n n.H anw Mr. and Mrs Jo Gu st r. Litte F iends Messen ge s the Kingsway Choir of Osh-on an ta e j y nd nc u- ar wc ug s n P te o- visited w ith M r. and M rs. e d a gte a t n e aw a in this com petition. b g , a ei a ters frfn o gh o Su day Dellisney of Oshawa last C. E. Wing of the church last Parents of students attend-cmuit.Te ine mn, rce laun Monday afternoon . h l ing M. J. Hobbs school w iHO rd y e ea ! h1 K n an r c r. a d H r Mn Ted Chant is currentlY dren enjoyed gaines and il-g pick up their children's report O rdys In Bowmanville M'emorial as weli as working on Ea~ste cards -on March 2lst and 22nd riatnkladge-toEthrado iei h og lds Hospital recovering from sur- cards for their mothers. at the school. While there acrs e tnsedaqil ttrc ndtg gr efre atwe.they may make arrangements sayrsee are eer lis fîend and eek.Mr. and Mrs. D. Adcock for an interview with the thyMsCaaterbumchtrend Hi;finsadrelatives in and famiywregbt o r reak. arenjye d the ares will be pleased ta and MilyE w dere gest afMr.chiid's home mnmteacher. brake's speialy, hmok j- hear that he is coming alonglLisa Of Pontypool last Sun- TE tests on M. J. Hohbs faen ad ecoratedwt a n nymrî very Weilland ail wish hmnal day. Mn and Mrs. Gaodfel- achool pPpisweeachekednecet speedy return ta good health. lownw ieintefomrlatF iday. kingcke Master Erereahashamrock leanvese.f rMrs, E.t Bestaand- Alainn Wilsoe ast er nc hnt spent, homeof columnist, the lt h elwtaswr e elsarc Istwekend visiting wtldmYoungman. clared House League Basket- PyeadMs bis mother, Mns. Paul Farth-, 'riends and relatives in the ' hall Champions of M. J. Hobbs odminrtt HopMhsn payr Topos Ing o! Oshawa. district will be pieased tai SChool. Captain of the girls' , instan ocnrylowt pliptedb Ms Ladies Service Club met1 hear that Steven Renton, wha' teamn is Malene Lamant; car)- 6t 7h d8h hhwe eaa asat week at the home ofiracndl .adGnoeneveld th filth ad B Mrs. Art Blanchard. Futherrentyhdisapnxn- tain far the boys is Jerryan the Director o usnofnn tcuc evc moved, is now home fnom the Dettinger. Withoutth hepd plnswremdefr h d-hospital and recavering nice- and leadership of these twa hr Mr.W.orsoadten-wih aselhreOna ilign of their Centennial Quilt l1rmhi prtinTealoyug epe th elwe out offour winners in the Legion' Zone ground and from left to right, Joanne Gainor af Dun- "An extremeiyhepupr-Weom an Gad nia en April 5th at the home o n fteothaeth faeiî b Br anie wiil be leased opinion. J a Mrns. Eileen Smale. re1ee i l SOle winner was from nearby Dunbarton. Th~e event urew man of Bay .midlges, accepting the award for Allison hv mrvdsedl vntsn att hc ilb Hap itdyt ieyalrcvrdfrom the 'flu bug ta hear that their Brown Oi afi codfasecaos nldigmatpret.he cBi f a ide wows h nl onetnttelatfieyar.A w repeene er n atr u. Ha p ît d y t i e 3e rw hich has had the m along i M rs. H ynm an, is hom e againn sira close tatto s i Taronto, ar nts R n itcaïneemays day evenîng.oly con es an oid Eric Chant wha celeb.rat- with several others in the and well after her necent stay Murchie of Ajax, Zone Public Speaking Chairman, was in her class and did not have ta attend.Tewnesahiglo sbe ta llo w u ae citop shm neighborhood laid low for the in hospita. The Brownies in charge of the event at the Legion Hall on Queen will now go on ta compete in the District finals. Dinner hosptal staff tataeavnfo Eser h G u ides Hold past few daya. sl held their regular meeting Street and the awards were presented by Zone Com- was served ta contestants and visitors by the members tage a! vanious coussMutCr(a hed at the l Hampton Toymakers' badge. Two o! mander Jim Woodward af Bowmanville. Photo shows, of the Ladies Auxiliary.teepai kn H psr. Successfu jschool ouse on Sugog Road the girls were wrking on Commander Woodward and Mr. Murchie in the back- the]a empl:o:: y el ievteGlCs o miniscing. by oid gais and Recent callers at the home inladrsevcpoi- pital in n gain bte guswho attended the sale o! Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pres- g aMr-ny flimnaed.Thre er 2 B ake, Toy Sale and had be oreIupl.cotwr M.Ulfe owHsttne taHCa r i gWifa a ls Mngeroft.ientadmson,a Many of these turned out, we man and Mr. Eric Bawman t e H ue e pn e a t 3 c r nc n Guides o! Bowmsnville held Pose as ta buy the aid schoai Mrs. Edgar Prescott of En- hm fe eetoer-6.mjr1eai a veny succesaful bake and tay desks, bella, etc., which were field. Saturday visitars were (' tion, and is making goad pro- minor aperatian ATES sale. Each Guide mother auctianed off at the sale. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pres- N2 o rEm e g n y pertiemts kindly contributed t Il r e e M. J. Hobbs School house cott, Rager, Erin and Anita,îgestwr cmler-dui he on cavery, the Hospital Adminis- tnestments weregieintePo 6330 items-p ak ng an pri ch ed. teams willoplandhoke of at e rer. SDoray Rabl- Accounts amaunting ta $22,-, taria Haspital I nl s u r a n c e.' Laboratory Department for: trators repart staed mergency Depatet Thene was s large selection Bowmanville Arena tamor- ertson and Mr. John Vanl77.9 were passed for psy- Dressings a n d medication baoth in-patients and out- "The need ta conduct edu- o! items and everytbing look- now for the school champion- Koweneerg o! Long Branch. iment at the meeting o! the charges will be cantinued et1 patients has increased. catianal programs o! a tech- cd imp y d jicaus T e t ys hip . A tr phy don ted by r. Morey astngs o!ial Hospital he d in the Board - The Finance Com m ittee's' that recently several patients ture is recognized w ithin theJCN< coo lste d of stfed ns ies, Glnt a t ai r i be i t v tn o ono pth r.a wnd R aam o ! M emorial Hospital rep rt advised that the hospi-1 and their relatives have vol- nursing service. James H o p-C ETE iI I A LMI po e s, m a d itteG is w ic a th eaWig t emi n hiiig wih M. ad M' last Wednesday evening. tai accept a lump sum ps- unteeed praise for the dietary er, the Day Supervsor ..A T E K'pW NN R weemaeb ttGidsatbue tge hsyear and Gilbert Adcock. Mr. and Mrs.' ,re- WE tht home o! the Guide Lieu- will remain in their passes- Wm. Harrison and Kim oÈ Board Chairman Keith Jack- ment in settlement o! e mort-I service af the hospitai," Mn. cently attended a five day tenant, Mns. Brown. sion for one year. Port Perry Were Sundayi son presided and other mem- gage previously bequeathed Hoiden stated, and he further seminar on Inservice Educa- The sale opened ets1 p.m. The editonial staff o! M. J guestsaet the home o! Mr. and ' bers a! the board present were ta tht bospital from an estate. expiained that in bis opinion tion in Toronto. Meetings a! M iss 4o y V nd r a s and aIl baking goada wene Habbs newspaper, the 'Senew' Mns. Adcock. !Dr. H. C. Anfossi, H. A. Bar- Finance Chairmen Cowan, the introduction o! selective variaus categanies of staff ae RR omnil sold by 3oclock. wGudar aka okpeaic Th Msin Band of theiron, Tam Cowan, Hugli E.' seconded by Mr. Hughes, menus for patients has ne- being anranged within tre RR inoters rs. eaniandMrs.thei nee edtionmineghGlUntedohurcemetuastTu,- FlmingdGlehole Huhesmoveothtethdrecmmena- ult ininthe aprecatin o!Nursng DparmNntrOncnWIL REEIVEA $1.01tGhF liovey helped the Captain and break for Easter exams. This day afternoon in the C. E. William K il Pst ni ck, Mrs. tians of the Finance Commit-J the general publiecocncenning each month s supervisory con- CRIIAEFO the Lieutenant nt tht sale, issue wili be pnlntcd on the Wing. ýLloyd Ayre, Dr. Keith Siemon, tee be accepted. This was' the hospital's regulan meais. fenence is being held eit wbich Donna Mantyn and Bannie schaol duplicating machine. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Biliettj Mrs. S. G. MéMurter, James carricd. J Mn. Hoiden ssid that in' the Nursing Office, Camp- Morrison wretw Guides M. . Habbs achol teacher of Scanborougli and ivrs. il Stutt, W. Rex Waiters, and Mr. Kilpatrick and Hospital February the Laundry pro- troller, Evening, Night, and .PUIj! !T1 ! Who aîo epd M.Wbtr sgvnWOeilS.PieofTrnoweeSn Hospital Administrator Ber- Admninistrator Hoiden were cessed 35,496 paunds o! linen. Weekend Supervisons, and tti': j" heGude wul lketanon-aurclsss n ificltda cllrsat the home of nard Holden, Board Secnttary. given authonity ta attend the He sdded that the Laundry cusadministrativeet ta dis- qlncerely thank Mn. Lamne gymnastica ta ail students in Mns. A. E. Billett.i Details o! s meeting o! the anc day Seminar an Hospital Department is aisa responsîbiecssamntriv pobm. McQarne tn ht se ! tt chol Iterstd I thse.Thre illbe carg wiý'Finance Committet held on Law ta be held et the Ontario for tht pick up o! soiled linen The Hospital Administraton Clifferest Cleaners o f fi1 c e At the samc time be is busy joint Goad Friday service iMrhit wrncotd I optl Asoito ed and the deiivery o! dlean also reported thet Mns. L. King St. E. 6339 where this sale was held. We choosing playens for a school Eldad United Church tomai'-'i was decided that starting Ap- quantens, Toronto. linen. Tht Laundry Consul- Watts, R.N., and Miss Teresa wvould also Ilke ta thank ail baseball team. rowaw t 7:30 p.rn. Easter Suni-!ru lst there will be a mini- Tht Public Relations Coin- tant o! the Ontario Haspital Crag'o, Nurse Aid, had joined PRIME MIN]SER lhe mothens and friends wbo Lest Thunsday, M. J. Hobbs, day service in Hamptonimum charge o! $2 for each mittee Chairman, Mr. Walters, Services Commission recently the staff in February. Ht Jielped make aur sale sucb a Yellow hockey team beat chunch will be at 9 a.m. Th,1patient using the Emergency told tht board that he and theJ visited the hospital and was told the board o! a Conference SIR pA KNIE B W L great success. their Blue teamn by a score Sunday following E a s t er,1 Department o! tht hospital Hospital Administrator had well satisfied wîth tht effi- for Directors o! Nursing and except those covered by Work- visited tht Canadin tts mel" Cdmpensation or On:-'Man ofieanti héd receivedM guidance from tht editor, Communion and Confirmation John . James, on types of FULLY GUARANTEED sevie wil take place atl matenial cncenning tht bas- HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW CANADA'S IEMNSS Haptn niedChurch etlitai hih would prove use- the 9 a.m. service, fui ta tht public. C T__ There will be a neceptian Mr. Walters presented e held in tht C. E. Wing a! motion picture entitled "A *Hampton church for ail new- Position o! Trust", which gave P A' h e t% noi cm l lcnirmed young people o! insight iato tht esponsibili- churches on tht evening of bers. Apnil 2nd. Fricnds and rela- The Chairmnan o! the Pro- WE A TFrteBsCL RNE tives will be wclcome also at perty and Grounds Commit- W N o h etCERNE0 theope Iep w en tedwith tee, Mn. Hughes, rcparted on, TO BE VOUR In Dining and WORK SHIE H T U SED C A R Seprsete wt the cammittee's pnoposed bud- their certificates a! confirma- get for 1967 amounting ta EGG MAN Entertainment eg. $9.50 - $9.95 -105 Tht quartenly officiai meet- be for cooling and air-candi- TOO 1 N THE E NOW$6ODR S ing or Hampton charge was tioning in tht Morgue-Autop- IVk( ONLY__------- 1966 AMBASSADOR DPL* 1965 PLYMOUTH <O.i'i. held last night et ZMon. At sy ares. (VSIII4% this meeting it wss deccded Tht Equipment and Fur- 2if a U C M N 'sU H L T R H R TPV-8, automatic transmission, ta begin tht church's summer nishings Committet Chairman'ID TC M N O H RT PLic. 27014E. schedule the last Sunday in Mr. Barnon, rcportcd thet DAIR'Y MOTOR HOTEL 5110E REPIR 5KN T . Completely eqlupped. Apnil. Services then in Hamp- $29,000 wîli be nequired for 1AD RSARN Lic. 27009E. ton will be beld ait 10:30 a.m. new equipmcnt, and $24,000 We Guarantee Our AD RSARN AND PET SHOH N 6355 1964 PONTIAC SEDAN Tht Tyno boys took tht af- for tht purchase o! replace-, Products For Life Hwy. 401 623-3373 80 Kin St.W V-8, automatie transmission, radio. !ering at last Sunday's Palm ment equipment. Ht pointedg 1966 AMBASSADOR 990 Lic. 29709..jSunday vice 1-Md - ou- tht4$. 41.o-th4toal-__________.______ B hp CrumP and Chi mer -dactan, and tht heavy - Liccnsed Mechanic- cienerai Sioe D, B d Je o te re Ntinwork load during July -and U hiterina n ie ato Contact on. of the courteous salesmen listed below: Indians. Tht churches are August in the past two sum- Muton& G ud p sTown Lino on Righwy2KelO working tagether with tht mers. -I evceSaio d pnweka is t a e place ninety miles man Stutt announced that 151cgo t~~ U U' ____________________________________________________________ north a! Prince Albert in tht there- will be a meeting o! WE DESPERATELy NEED OLDER MODEL USED CARS way back home Rev. Catto Tuesday, April 4th. Compliments W, ik _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _s t o p p e d o f f i n W i n n i p e g t a D r . S l e m o n r e p o t i n g f o r T E E M I ~.2 ~ O RN - R S attend an Indian Metis con- the Medical Staff advlsed ... DINSAT .- c onstructive ciîîts ERIEAO ference being held there, ta that is new cammittees are SOF DRNKSt0 ... htip us ta cone nc.ft which he was a delegate. ' working wcil. Ht also toldP , topetouz *10lbFeer II Friends and neighbors iný tht board that the Medical PerEastwav opeueyu flL liijtht neighborhood will bel Staff has been investigatîng 35c CartonuForOut Sheli A UT S LE pleased ta hear that Mns.ý severai pieces o! equipmcnt, Larnes John Baison is up and aron partîculariy in regard ta those - Plus Depouit - 2 OUR PUCE.2 Phone Ne again ater a lengthy illness.1 for resuscitation and defibnil- Hgwywt Twovey o M rs.d dr l ta makHe ar an thatt's Open Bowling so vsied he o S tu da , or a u me d ct r nd un1 M O E H O E ce tW ednesday BEAUTY SALOEC W A Enquire65KnStE.Z wt r.Blo a elWmnsHospital Auxiliary,12348 16 Lansdowne St. King St. E. gi'anddaughter, Miss Maryl neminded tht other boardJ Peterborough Bowmanville Tht Statesman is sorry to. vitation ta the auxi]iany'sj VISIT OUR USED CARLTD INA 745.4695 623-3305 tosh wha bas been writing Tes ta be bcld on Wednesday EASTER HOLIDAYWEKN NOBODY UNDERSELLS TRENTpatsvrlnot% LisCer. decidcd ta give u tht post. I i report for asat month i OE*HN4 CR Anyorie intenestcd in takingJ Hospital Administrator Hol-!MR'iA 0CRST HOSPO it on should contact tht den told the board that the'- -"' Statesman at 623-3303. amouat. el work dont -be - the.

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